which was so good for dogs................
Topic: Never Ending Boba Fett Story Game.
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
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Aside from the laxatives in it, which was the cause of the problem
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And it wasn't EPIC. So Scruffy banned it from the world out into space. But even the alien's didn't want it, so they chucked it into a black hole, where it...............
went right into Green's face because Scruffy is too EPIC for him to control in a posting role-playing game.
and Green was alright with that, because Scruffy was so EPIC.
Later on in Mexico........
...the population grew amazingly when all the illigel immegrents fled home as gas and food prices made US wellfare and PlayBoy Channel not worth it anymore
people reportedly saw UFOs and a "Flying Humanoid".
( LOL WTF is that object in the sky, Fett_II? :P :D )
And then the UFO turned out to be a flying umbrella that was chucked by the all-famous..............
(what the hell do you think it is? it's a flying humanoid. it's clearly unknown.)
( Okay, I didn't know, sheeesh. )
Anyway * Back on topic *
It turned out to be the all famous.............
flying humanoid who, in a strange turn of events, is not famous.
..........because it was not known.
Meanwhile, the army was sent to destroy the humanoid, causing Scruffy....................
to eat a hotdog while watching the football game.
The teams in the football game were the 00Green Bay Spammers versus the BFFC EPICS.
And, as expected, the unEPIC Spammers lost EPIClly to the EPIC EPICs who are EPIC.
But then there was an abuse use of the word EPIC. Meanwhile, the King of Fools passed singing a stupid song, and following him, there was all the...
Followers of Fools who were all
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but not as EPIC as Scruffy, so he destroyed them with his EPIC laservision
Then played a video game of his....that was EPIC.....................
But not EPIC enough, so he accidentally destroyed it. It was EPIC.
And he cursed EPICALLY, while someone in his mansion...........
To steal his rare collection of EPIC toenail clippings and urine jars
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
But one of the urine jars broke, sending EPIC urine spilling onto them, disintegrating the thief.
And the urine worked so well, Scruffy sold it known as " the EPIC urine disintegrator resolvent "
He sold it $100 a 1 litre jar.....................
And no one bought it. Because green knows nothing about pricing objects
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( No I don't. I don't know everything. :| )
Then Scruffy, sold it cheaper by $20 a 2 litre jar...............
But nobody bought it, because who in their right mind would buy a jar of piss? Even if it is EPIC. So Scruffy then decided to use his EPICness to kick Bill Gates in the nads and make him produce Xbox 3 already.
But Scruffy, the janitor who is EPIC,'s kink was so EPIC, Bill Gates stoped existiong.
and then Scruffy sold his corpse to the posh snooty corpse collector then had a glass of lemonade, which was actually............
Liquid Sulfur. So the customers didn't know and.....
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They all died. Scruffy looked at them, then looked at the corpse collector, then went home to have some Cheez-Its.
While at his mansion, Scruffy, the janitor who is EPIC, wondered how he could afford a mansion and still be a janitor. His wonderings were EPIC.
Then he realised because he was so EPIC. He didn't have to be a janitor anymore and told the world, who thoroughly obeyed and said he could.
Then he went to the sweet shop to celebrate his EPICness..............
but then realized he was out of Cheez-Its. Completely. He then had to...
Find more Cheez-Itz. But he had to do in a very EPIC way.
so he ran down the street EPICly to the candy store and said "Doc, where's the nearest junk food place?" while Doc said "Down on Main Street." Then Scruffy continued to run EPICly.
He ran EPIClly ntil he came to the store. There were two mountains of Cheez-Itz, and a large guard dog. it was EPIC.
And then it got eaten by a zombie ninja pirate robot...which was even more EPIC then everything else
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But that statement angered T and Chuck. This is not good.
Mr. T and Chuck Norris do not could as part of everything else, as that is putting them on a level with everything else
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Then Mr T also realsied he was out of cheeze-its and followed Scruffy but not in an EPIC way
After when they got their mountains of cheeze-its, something happened that was very EPIC indeed..........
they had so many, they could make walls with them. And so they made themselves a log house, but instead of being made with logs, it was all made with Cheez-Itz. Unfortunately...
Scruffy, T and Chuck decided to have a slumber party it it and tel ghost stories, but the cheez-Itz house could not contain their EPICness.
...and it all fell down. At least they could use the crumbs and make...
A tank once McGyver joined them. And Boba tagged along too.
And so they started to...
then the cheeze it tank couldn't hold their EPICness and was destroyed.
Then they ate the cheeze its and belched EPIcally, causing the moon...............
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