Topic: Objective: Naboo RPG

Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.

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Topic #2807
July 23, 2008 9:21 pm (Edited July 23, 2008 09:23 pm) #

Tracyn was eavesdropping on Joslyn and Solu's conversation.

"So what happened to Jag and Tracyn?" he heard Joslyn say.

"Somebody say our names?" Tracyn said walking into the cramped room with Jag. Suddenly, the female doctor came rushing back in.

"What did I say about you two? One of you has to leave now!" she ordered. Tracyn shrugged and lazily drew a WESTAR, levelling it at her chest.

"No, ma'am, you have to leave." She quickly scuttled out of the room, leaving the Mandalorian quartet inside to discuss their next step.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
July 23, 2008 10:24 pm (Edited July 23, 2008 10:26 pm) #

Queen Kalipana took a deep breath. This was the first good news that she had heard in sometime. And it was getting even better. The scans from outside the palace showed that there was significantly less fighting than there was before. At least the register of blaster fire from around the city were subsiding for the time.

"This seems all to easy, Carth."

"Its is unusual for the Mandalorians to quit. They just don't. This could all be part of whatever their plan is."

"Well what is this plan?"

"I must assume it is to over throw you and take control of Naboo. I fear for your safety."

"I won't let them, and I won't have that argument again."

"I know, I know." and Carth flashed a knowing smile. "I have the suspicion that we are not dealing with as organized or as many warriors as we think. How many basiliks were tracked into the atmosphere?"

"Less than 20." The NSF replied.

"None were ever reported inside of Theed either. I suggest we find where they landed those beasts and destroy them. Call up whatever tracking data you have on them. If we get to them first much is to be gained."

Jayali smiled. Yes this is exactly the kind of thinking she expected from Carth. Just the kind her people needed.

"With Lexington's forces distracting them here, the basiliks will be vunerable." The queen stated in full agreement, caching on to the plan. "Lets take them out.!"

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
July 23, 2008 10:35 pm #

Ricky heard a sound, it seemed to be his dad's voice but it was different. He had to look. His little fingers opened slightly, and he saw that his dad was falling, and he also seemed to be bleeding a lot. Ricky knew what that meant, he saw it happen on the Holo Vids. But he never thought it would happen to his dad. He always thought he would be the strongest. Did he feel sad? He wasn't even sure. All he knew was that from now on, he'd be all alone. Something died in his eyes at that moment.

The battle seemed like it was over at the window. And the man that just killed his dad was coming towards him now, maybe to kill him. Strangely enough, Ricky wasn't afraid at all. The person that was scaring him the most had just died. He had no word to put on his actual feeling, it was like there was none.

The man warily removed the chairs from around Ricky, and seemed relieved to find a little boy. "What are you doing here?" Ricky then wanted to get up. He refused the man's hand as help, he wanted to get up by himself. Ricky tried to look at the man's eyes through the visor. It was impossible, but Ricky's look kept steady.

"Why did you kill my dad?" he asked. No resent or pain in his voice at all. Ricky asked that seriously, like he really wanted to understand. "I didn't have a choice.", the man said. "He had a knife and was ready to strike. It was him or me. That's what happens when you hold a weapon." The little boy nodded, then looked away for a moment. Pointing his finger at the big fat man who was now laying at the front, he asked "Is he dead?" "Yes", the man said. Staring at Ricky, he seemed to be deep within his thoughts. That little kid really seemed to accept awful realities with a lot of courage. The man hadn't seen many boys like this one, except among Mandalorian children. He was so very serious, and very silent...

The man then thought it was about time he left this place and tried to find the rest of his team, but the little boy walked up to his side, then stared at him where his eyes were again, with his ever serious look. "You killed my dad. Now I have no where to go."

Cast iron and treadmills? Oh yes. Still sculpting me to what I really want to be, and I love it. :)
July 23, 2008 10:55 pm (Edited July 23, 2008 11:16 pm) #

"Somebody say our names?" Tracyn said walking into the cramped room with Jag. Suddenly, the female doctor came rushing back in.

"What did I say about you two? One of you has to leave now!" she ordered. Tracyn shrugged and lazily drew a WESTAR, levelling it at her chest.

"No, ma'am, you have to leave." She quickly scuttled out of the room, leaving the Mandalorian quartet inside to discuss their next step.

"Ha.  Nice move Tracyn.  That always works."

"So why are you here?  Out to help Solus bury me if I died?"

"Not quite yet.  I carted Tracyn here after he took a nice shot in the ribs.  Broke a few ribs.  But he's as good as new."

Jag added the no holds barred punch for effect.  Tracyn flinched but took it.

"We are good.  But can you fight?  You went down pretty hard there."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
July 23, 2008 11:40 pm #

"Commander Fynn Drakus?" asked the Mando as Fynn and his group got to their feet and walked forward.

"That's me" said Fynn as he extended his dirty gloved hand.

“I'm Kal Goran. Advance scout” said the warrior as he gripped Fynn’s hand.  “I've got orders to join your squads and fight until Theed burns, and the rest of the Galaxy with it."

“Good to have you….Sergeant” said Drakus after finding the rank markings on the warrior’s armor.  “Nice work there; that bastard there was giving us quite a time.”

“It’s what I do sir.”

“We’ll put that to the test more fully before the night is over” challenged Fynn as he slapped the warrior on the shoulder bell.

With a deep breath, Fynn walked over to Starwind’s body.  Pulling his left blaster out and with barely a glance, he blasted a hole through the dying Naboo trooper’s skull who was laying next to the dead Mandalorian. 

Kneeling down, Kelborn stood behind him covering the nearby windows and alleys.

“Ni Su’cuyi, Gar Kyr’adyc, Ni Portayli,’ Gar Darasuum” he whispered, his hand on the fallen warrior’s chest. 

Standing, Fynn unslung his blaster.  “Take his weapons and any gear we can use.  Then carry the body to the abandoned house we were in…we’ll try to come back for it.”

“Roger that” said Kelborn as he and Sergeant Kal got to work.

Looking around, Fynn noticed the auction house, and wondered if he’d lost another man already.

Posting For Regimas

"You killed my dad. Now I have no where to go."

“I’m a busy man, kid.  You better go home to your mom.”  Regimas wiped the blood from his blade on one of the soft seats and started for the exit.

“I don’t have a mom” the boy said.

Regimas stopped.  “They’ll send you to a relative or something.”

“All I had was my dad…and the servants.  None of them ever really liked me.”  The boy looked down at the floor, his chin against his chest.  He truly was alone.

I couldn’t….could I?  Regimas thought for a moment.  I’ll have to ask the commander

Regimas sheathed his sword and stepped toward the boy.  “Do you want a family?  One that will never look down on you and will always stand by your side?”

The boy looked up, unsure of what he was really being asked.  “There is a family like that?”

“Yes” Regimas nodded.  “I am part of it.”

“But I’m not part of your family…”

“Not yet, but perhaps someday you could be.”


“Family is more then blood boy.  Come with me,” Regimas held out his hand.  “Maybe you could join our family.”

The boy hesitated for a moment, then took Regimas’s outstreached hand, and together they walked out the door

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
July 23, 2008 11:53 pm #

Ha.  Nice move Tracyn.  That always works."

"So why are you here?  Out to help Solus bury me if I died?"

"Not quite yet.  I carted Tracyn here after he took a nice shot in the ribs.  Broke a few ribs.  But he's as good as new."

Jag added the no holds barred punch for effect.  Tracyn flinched but took it.

"We are good.  But can you fight?  You went down pretty hard there."

"I dunno, I'll have to try and walk around to see." Joslyn replied. Solus grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet. She took a few shaky steps, but she didn't fall over.

"Alright, I just need to shake this off. I'll be able to fight. "Joslyn said.

"Great," Tracyn withdrew his comlink and they walked out the door, "Let's move. I'll call Fynn and we can rendevous somewhere." The Mandalorians exited the hospital and slipped into the darkness yet again.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
July 24, 2008 12:21 am #

Joslyn looked up at Jag and Tracyn. She was still a bit woozy but she wasn’t about to let them down. She sincerely hoped that the back of her hospital gown was not open behind her.

Gingerly she stepped towards the pile of her armour, “This isn’t everything. Where are my shoulder plates and rippers?”

Tracyn sheepishly tossed them her way and Solus caught them on her behalf.

“Raid the body hey?” Joslyn commented as she slowly crouched to pick up her stuff. She noticed that Solus quickly stood behind her with his back to her. “My gown is open isn’t it?”

Solus nodded, “Just a bit.”

“Geez,” Joslyn muttered to herself. As she leant forwards she noticed that she was short a few braids. She touched the top of her head to feel that it had been shaved, “Ah man, it took me forever to get my hair that long.”

Solus looked over his shoulder, “They’ll grow back.”

Joslyn placed her helmet on her head, “There problem solved.” She turned to look at Jag and Tracyn who Solus had been blocking from view, “Do you mind, I need to get dressed.”

“We’re fine to stay and watch,” Tracyn teased.

Jag grabbed him by the arm, “Come on, we’ll meet them outside.”

“Hey why does Solus get to stay?” Tracyn grumbled.

Jag gave a slight nod in the direction they were headed, “Out!” he said simply.

“I can leave too, if you want.” Solus said as he continued to stand with his back to Joslyn.

“I’m going to need help getting this on, I’m not as strong as I made out.” Joslyn admitted.

Solus turned around and helped her pick up her things, he was suddenly quiet as he helped her dress.

Joslyn smiled beneath her helmet, “I’m not embarrassing you, am I?”

“Oh no,” Solus said quickly, his voice a little husky, “It’s fine.”

Joslyn checked her rippers and almost fell over. “Whoa, guess the guns are heavier than I thought.” She joked.

“Hold onto me,” Solus said as he wrapped his arm around her back and his hand under her armpit, “This battle isn’t over yet.”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 24, 2008 12:52 am #

As Kelborn and Kel picked up Starwind, Fynn looked up as he caught movement coming from the auction house.

What the…

“Regimas reporting in sir…seems I took a wrong turn.”

“We noticed.”  Switching to the private comm., Fynn addressed the young hunter privately.  “Mind explaining to me why you have a child by the hand?”

“I was forced to kill his father sir…  He’s got nobody else.”

“That’s tough, what do you expect to do about it?”

Regimas looked down at the boy.  “He’s got guts sir.  That, and he’s had a rough time in all this marble paradise.  I thought…if there was any way…”

“I don’t know if you’ve noticed trooper, but we lost a man, and maybe two others out here.  I can’t spare you to baby sit this kid.”

“I understand that sir.  But is there no way?”

Fynn looked down at the boy.  He’d just lost his father, yet he seemed totally calm, even interested at the weapons and gear on Regimas’s belt.

“There may be a way…”

Time Advance: My Team is now Up to Speed with the Operation and Posts of the Others at the Clinic 

Trius’s Basilisk descended into the ornate square.  It’s landing struts crushing the remains of the fountain, as well as several dead Naboo.  As the cockpit catch opened, Regimas lifted the boy and sat him in the seat.

Fynn leaned in.  “Touch NOTHING, just sit there until you reach the ship.  The crew there will take care of you.  Understand?”

The boy nodded.

“I’ll see you on the ship, ok?” Regimas asked.

“Ok” the boy said back.

As the Mandos stepped back, Ricky waved to Regimas.  Looking around almost embarrassed, he waved back.

As the blast shield sealed around the boy, the Basilisk powered up its thrusters and took off into the night sky.

“Alright…lets get ourselves organized again.  Lets meet up with the others, then figure where we’re headed next.”

“Roger that boss” Regimas sounded off as they returned to the alleys…

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
July 24, 2008 4:06 am #

Venla was lost. The palace was huge and easy to get turned about in. She found her way outside and made her way through unfamiliar alleys. She almost screamed as she saw the large dark figured shifting swiftly in their movements towards her.

She tried to duck into the shadows but it was too late. They had seen her.

"Come out of the shadows, woman." A commanding masculine voice demanded.

She complied with her hands raised. "Please don't hurt me," she whimpered.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
July 24, 2008 2:23 pm #

Kelborn held his blaster sighted at the girl's head.  This didn't feel right, she was unarmed and not a threat.  But she could report their position

"What do we do with her Commander?"

If you run, I can track you. If you hide, I will find you. If you fight, I will watch you fall......
July 24, 2008 2:39 pm #

Hey, I think she's in the palace, and thats more the NSF.

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
July 24, 2008 10:35 pm #

**Nope says she ran outside into the alleys**

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 25, 2008 3:26 am #

Using his night amplification viewer setting, Fynn’s visor-optics amplified both heat and the minimal lighting.  Usually it highlighted person’s body anyway, but you could usually make out what they were wearing and any gear they had on.  In this case…Is she wearing Anything??

After she spotted Fynn and the others and Kelborn had her at blaster point, Fynn took a moment to switch off this low-light setting, and was able to see that she was indeed clothed….but not much.

"Please don't hurt me" she nearly cried, shivering in the night air.

"What do we do with her Commander?" asked Kelborn.

“I don’t kill unarmed women,” said for all to hear, then switched to his personal comm.  “But cover the windows and such in case she’s a decoy.”

As the team broke up and scanned every chance of ambush, Fynn pulled the girl against a wall.  He considered checking her for tracking devices or such things, but he couldn’t think of anywhere she might have one…at least nowhere he was willing to reach into.

“What are you doing out here girl?” he asked after switching his external voice mic back on.

“I heard fighting in the streets, so I went to the palace to see what was…”

“You were in the Palace??  When???”

The girl cowered at the demands.  “I just left there…please don’t hurt me!”  Tears of fright were welling in her eyes.

“Just answer my questions.”  She leaned away from his grip around her wrist, but it didn’t help.  “Were there many soldiers in the Palace??  Men who aren’t usually assigned there?”

“Yes, there were security guards everywhere!  Some came back wounded just as I left…can I go home now?”

“We’re clear sir” said Kelborn who walked back to the commander with the others.

“Hmmm…..sure, you can go home girl.”  Fynn let go of her wrist; she nearly fell over she’d been leaning away from him so much.  “Let’s go men; we need to hit the palace before they get more reinforcements!”

As the girl ran down the alley, Regimas seemed ready to chase after her. “Sir!  You sure it’s a good idea to let her go??  She’ll tell the Naboo we’re headed for the Palace!”

“Don’t worry about it boy” said Fynn with a grin. 

Exiting the alley, they turned toward the clinic, but were met by the others who had already left…

*Netty, you might run into Revolver, he’s prowling around behind us somewhere...*

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
July 25, 2008 3:57 am #

When Joslyn saw the others she didn’t want them to know just how much Solus was propping her up. “Let me stand,” Joslyn whispered to Solus on the private com.

“You sure?” he asked with concern.

“Yeah I’ll be fine.” Joslyn assured him.

He gently released her but stayed close. Joslyn saw that he had his arm out behind her in case she lost balance.

“Back for duty, boss.” Joslyn said with as much gusto as she could manage.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 25, 2008 5:45 am #

Fynn sighed with relief at seeing Joslyn walking toward them, despite her wobbly state.  “Good to see you breathing vod, thought we lost you.  You gonna be ok?”

“Good to go boss,” her voice still chocked some from the elbow he’d shoved into her voice-box earlier. 

“Same here Commander” added Tracyn.  “We headed for the Palace now?”

“Hopefully they think we are.  We’ve lost our element of surprise and we’ve been stopped twice now.  So I think it’s time we fog up their sensor grid some.  They want us to go for the queen now, after the last couple fights they think they have a chance; so we’ll go after our secondary objectives.  Regimas!  On point!  Dachande, we’re heading north by north-east for secondary objective 3-5.  Let’s go.”

“Hope that Republic warehouse makes a pretty burn!” chuckled Regimas as he jogged ahead…

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
July 25, 2008 5:49 am #

Joslyn frowned, jogging was not going to be fun. Solus stayed back with her and wrapped his arm around her again. "I could carry you," he said in their private com.

"No, I want to be as little a burden as possible." Joslyn said firmly. "Mind you a jetpack would be handy."

"So would our basilicks," Solus commented.

"They're hardly made for stealth," Joslyn said as her voice faded slightly.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 25, 2008 3:32 pm #

He stalked back and forth, checking his comms, rifle and then his chest rig; he discovered there had been no change, the same status time and time again.  COMMs were down, his rifle charged, sights ready and his REPUBLIC ISSUED armor still in tact.  Just as he finished his routine he added another curse for his assignment to NABOO and then to this storage facility for of all things sexy and military; FOOD. 

Aside from the great view from the barracks and the occasional night out in THEEDS; this entire assignment had been an entire waste of time, not at all why he had joined the ARMY of the REPUBLIC.  He had dreamt of piloting a spacecraft, maybe being an elite commando, or a sniper, but instead he was assigned to the QUARTERMASTERS and then to THEEDS.  He didn’t plan on reenlisting, even if there was a war, if he didn’t do some real soldiering he was out. 

When the first explosions started his heart jumped at the thought of “gunning down” some MANDOs, the popular guess to who was causing the trouble, but quickly they were dashed and the trail of destruction lead away from him and his warehouse full of gorga roots and chunie fruits and toward the palace.

“I’d do anything to change places with those palaces guards, we’d get this MANDO thing sorted out in no time”. He said to one of his buddies from initial intake.

“Oya Vods”

"We do bad things to worse people"
July 27, 2008 12:22 pm #

Fynn peered around the corner…several Republic guards stood at the large, ornate, and in typical Naboo fashion white marble structure’ entrance behind a makeshift Power Fence that had probably been erected after the Republic purchased the rights to the building. 

Solus was already on the move, headed for one of the second story buildings that ringed the warehouse in the very crowded block for a better sniping position, while Fynn hoped Dachande was in the area as well. 

“This won’t go unreported…we’ll have company if we linger for too long” said Sergeant Kal from just behind the Commander.

Glancing at the tightly packed civilian housing and stores that encircled the Republic structure, Fynn had to agree.  “We’ll try to be gone before back-up arrives…hopefully most of it will be sent from the Palace…should making meeting the Queen a little less complicated.

”In position and ready to engage” came Tracyn’s voice over Fynn’s comm.

Gazing across the street, he could see the alley exit where Red Team would attack from.

“Ok Solus” Fynn whispered into his helmet comm.  “Time to start the show…”

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
July 27, 2008 5:30 pm #

Halex and Trenton spied the sniper Mando. "Halex, let's snipe the sniper," Trenton suggested quietly to his Rodian companion.

Halex's green snout lifted, "Sounds good," he replied as he lifted his own sniper rifle. "Let's see if I can get his helmet to fly off his head."

Trenton laughed, "Good call, I'll get the others to joins us. Let's ambush them before they get into the palace."

Halex nodded, "Sounds good, now let me line up my shot."

Trenton slid away into the shadows and called upon their Elite Trooper brethren. All went silently on foot, the five of them moved in. Trenton spotted the Zabrak and grinned, he'd always wanted a Zabrak horn as a trophy. He heard the sniper shot and then five Elite Troopers attacked.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
July 27, 2008 10:30 pm #

“We’ll try to be gone before back-up arrives…hopefully most of it will be sent from the Palace…should making meeting the Queen a little less complicated."

"Time to start the show....."

Kal grinned under his helmet. He slipped behind a pillar, not thirty yards from the Republic guards. Suddenly, a shot rang out, and one that was NOT from Solus's rifle. "Fierfek!! What was that!"

"Solus, come in, I repeat, come in. Status report! Solus!" Fynn was speaking rapidly over the comm. Kal's attention was drawn to more pressing matters when five Naboo began assaulting the Mandalorian position. Kal managed to snap off a few shots from his Verpine, one of which hit a Naboo in the arm, spinning him around and dropping him to the ferrocrete in a spray of blood. "Fall back, we need to re-group, Commander." Kal methodically fired, trying to keep their heads down, all the while backing away towards a building entrance.

"Sergeant, where are you going?"

"I'm trying to find Solus."

"Well do that, then haul your shebs back here, we need you."

"Understood." Kal kicked a door in and proceed to locate the stairs. Within moments he was on the roof and headed for Solus's last known position.

hope that works.

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
July 28, 2008 5:18 pm #

Joslyn had gone up to the roof with Solus, more because he'd dragged her there than her actually wanting to go. She'd laid on the rooftop beside him, but down near his waist. He'd been absorbed in his shot and hadn't noticed that he'd been zeroed in on.

Joslyn had grabbed him and rolled him out of the way before the other sniper could shoot him. "Sniper, adjacent roof," Joslyn said in their private com, forgetting to reset it so the others could hear.

Solus moved to the cover of a marble chimney, "Get behind me," he instructed her.

Joslyn did as she was asked and kept an eye out for any other attacks. Shooting broke out below. The others hailed Solus but he ignored them, caught up in the moment.

Kal appeared on the roof and Joslyn had to ease back her finger from the trigger of her ripper, "Kal, nice to see you. But get down, we have another sniper to deal with."

As if to confirm what she'd just said, a blaster bolt sailed through the air as Kal dropped, the bolt going directly where his head had been.

Solus returned fire and there was a satisfying thud as the bolt hit it's mark. "He won't be bothering us anymore," Solus confirmed.

Kal stood up, "Joslyn, we best get back to the others."

"No," Solus said sharply, "She stays with me."

Joslyn paused in getting up, she knew she was in no fit state to run but she didn't really have an excuse to stay with Solus, or did she? "I can throw bombs from here, I don't know if I can keep up with running at the moment."

Before Kal could comment a rodian in dark clothing appeared on the rooftop, blade in one hand and a blaster in the other. Joslyn raised her rippers, "Guess talk is over for now."

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 30, 2008 1:17 am #

All hell was breaking loose….again. 

Peering around the corner, Fynn could see the Republic troopers buzzing in all directions looking for cover. 

All the action was being directed at Blue Team it seemed.  Checking the map on his HUD, Red Team was still in position at their ally down the street.

“Tracyn, you there?”

”In position Commander, what happened??

“We got more of those Naboo commandos on us; they apparently tracked us.  They see you?”

”If they did, they’re not letting us know about it.”

Checking around the other corner, Fynn only had a moment to look before a blaster bolt zipped by, nearly taking off his head.

“There’s at least a couple on a rooftop right near you; see if you can work you way around back and surprise them.”

”On it commander, Tracyn Out!”

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
August 4, 2008 11:50 pm #

Joslyn fired at the rodian that had gotten the drop on them. Her rippers made fast work of the over confident rodian who had moved too slowly.

Solus was already had his sights on the Naboo below. He fired and another of the Elite went down.

Joslyn moved to his side, "Can I do anything?"

"Lay down a surpressing fire on the ordinary Naboo soldiers, I'm taking out the higher threats." Solus told as he lined up his next shot.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
August 5, 2008 6:52 pm #

Joslyn took out the Rodian. "Can I do anything?"

Solus dropped an Elite, then said, "Lay down a suppressing fire on the ordinary Naboo soldiers, I'm taking out the higher threats." Another went down with a smoking hole in his chest, punctuating his sentence.

Kal shouldered his Verpine. "Excellent advice. I think I'll follow suit." He noticed Tracyn entering a roof across the way, engaging the Naboo's there. Kal dropped a number of troops, but another several squads showed up, lighting up the whole area with blasterfire. "Hold up. I've got a something," Kal went prone, then popped up, now with a mini-rocket on his gauntlet. "Surprise!" The rocket jetted down, blowing a hole in the Naboo's formation, and sending several bodies flying.

"Haha!" Kal quickly snapped his flamethrower onto his left gauntlet, replacing the laser cutter. He fired a cable dart, quickly rappelling down onto the street level, and landed right next to a surprised Naboo. He plunged his gauntlet blade into his chest, but several Naboo turned around, and turned their aim to him. "Oh, no. That's not good" Two bolts smashed into his chest, sending him flying into a couple of trash cans. He coughed. "Osik. That hurt."  He kicked a trash can off of him. Look what they did! They got overripe muja fruit on my armor! Ok, now I'm pissed. Kal rose up, facing the shocked soldiers, and raised the flamethrower. "Got bes'kad?"

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--

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