Was Boba's story worse after AOTC and why?
Topic: Was Boba Fett worse after Attack of the Clones
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
30 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestNo, because he was 10 in AotC. I'm pretty sure that and adult is usually better and shooting, and killing, and hunting than a i0 yar old.
No, I'd say Boba as a 10 year old could beat fully-armored adult Boba in the prime of his life. :P
telling bobas origin is a mistake, making him a clone- a debacle.
so yes.
I agree with the glowing person. Everbody else sees the glowing person, right? :P
(Red vs. Blue)
While revealing BOBA’s early beginnings was risqué as much of his appeal was in how mysterious he was, I think it was well done and called for. I liked the back story as it introduced the casual FETT fan to a much deeper character than just a jet back and stumbling into the Sarlacc.
It made him vulnerable (and no, I am not getting all OPRAH on the BFFC) but through his adversity he became a more interesting character. It also helped lay the foundation as to understand some of his motivation to being the BOBA we all have a soft spot for.
As for him being a clone, it was an perculiar way to explain his orgins, and even made JANGO a more complex character. I wouldn’t say it is a mistake, but much of the SW universe has many CLONES.
Luke did the DEATH STAR, ANAKIN the TRADE FEDERATION SHIP with one shot.
OBI dies in IV and QUI-GON in I before we get to know them.
Just a thought
I like how they made Boba. It gave a direct connection between him and the Mandalorians rather then him just being a random human using a set of their armor, and I just think that's great :D

Was Boba's story worse after AOTC?
revan07 wrote:Was Boba's story worse after AOTC?
Your meant to say why
Don't be bossin' around ze ADMIN!!!!!!!!!!! :P
Don't be bossin' around ze ADMIN!!!!!!!!!!! :P
I have 2 things to say to you
1. Thanks for the advice
and 2. don't be so bossy
Dude, did you see the sarcastic little smiley face? Seriously, take a chill pill. And I wasn't the one bossig around ZE ADMIN!!!!!!!!!!! :P
Dude, did you see the sarcastic little smiley face? Seriously, take a chill pill. And I wasn't the one bossig around ZE ADMIN!!!!!!!!!!! :P
It was a joke, didn't you get it:p
I agree that Boba's story could have been better in Ep. II, both backstory and acting *no offense to the little dude, nothing against him; my beef is with the writers who came up with his lines and whoever directed his reactions in the space fight in the asteroid belt; rest was fine*, but I gotta say that it could have been a LOT worse to.
The part about him being a clone bothered me for a while, but I got over it. I agree with Viking, it makes Jango a deeper, complex character; and Jango's sudden death leaving Boba alone in the universe was a very clever way of explaining all that coldness he displays in the EU as we know him and gives him some serious adversity that we know that he eventually overcomes on his way to becomeing the greatest bounty hunter out there.

BFFC Admin wrote:revan07 wrote:Was Boba's story worse after AOTC?
Your meant to say why
I read the subject line and your first post. If you meant to ask why, say it there.
i've changed it admin, now can you say why
I do not think Boba is worse at all. I have always wanted to know more about Boba Fett even if the lines and acting left something to be desired in AOTC. The whole thing gave more insight as to why Boba acts the way he does in the following sequels.
I think I misunderstood the question before. So yes, because it took away the mystery.
ahh, Draco. I didn't really know what you were talking about before.
revan07 wrote:Was Boba's story worse after AOTC?
I agree.
I actually haven't seen AotC in a while so I cant be sure, I like the fact that Boba wasn't as much of a faceless thing that may have been mechanical
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I actually haven't seen AotC in a while so I cant be sure, I like the fact that Boba wasn't as much of a faceless thing that may have been mechanical
Same here.
I have to say I think after AotC he physically improved, but emmotionally went down the pooper. I haven't gotten to read any of the young Boba books yet but I can probably guess that's when he began to get cold and emmotionless. I bet he was sad. :(
-Boba Fett-
I never known that this was the event happened to Boba Fett after AotC.
With the story plot, it was sure to put more twisted events in the line.
I personally think that adding in some history to the character just made him a deeper, more relate-able character as a whole. I loved AotC, so. xP
Yes, I think Boba Fett's character was worse after AOTC. Mainly because a mysterious history had already been created for him via the novels written.
I really didn't like the idea that he was a clone. I liked to think he was one of a kind. Plus I didn't want to know what he looked like under the helmet.
If anything, the idea of seeing him as a kid seemed to weaken the image I had of Boba Fett. I know he had to be a child at some time but that wasn't the kind of past I had thought he'd have.
But what can I say, the prequels really did wreck a lot of novel storylines that came between the two trilogies.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Attack of the Clones made Boba Fett worse because of the fact that he's just an imitation of someone else and not unique. But the height difference between Temuera Morrison and Jeremy Bulloch calls into question the whole silly clone thing from the prequel trilogy anyway. George Lucas shouldn't have made that kind of an error.
Boba was a wimp in AoTC, and one of the coolest characters in Empire/Return. Baby Boba sucked, Adult Boba was amazing. Enough Said.