Topic: Objective: Naboo RPG

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Topic #2807

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July 20, 2008 12:41 am (Edited July 20, 2008 12:47 am) #

Tracyn's head was aching. Not only had he been punched twice in the head, he had been shoved by Fenn. Tracyn shrugged it off and followed Fenn.

"Lets bust into a house and regroup." Fenn commanded. Tracyn picked a house at random was about to open the door, when Joslyn shoved him out of the way and placed a breaching charge on the door. After it was set, she quickly rubbed her neck and got into a breaching position.

BAM!!! The door was blasted open, and the Mandos entered. No civilians were inside. TThe place look deserted.

"Want to find a different house, Commander?" Tracyn asked.

"No this one will work out fine." he replied. Tracyn looked around; everyone was here except......Regimas!

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
July 20, 2008 1:01 am #


Regimas drew his blaster and fired rapidly into the crowd of maybe twenty Naboo.  Several went down either dead or screaming before they managed to spread out for cover and return fire. 

As the first shots came his way, Regimas was already on the run evading fire.  Running up the steps of an especially elegant building, he took cover behind one of its white marble pillars.  He took one shot, then another, but it was getting harder to find an opening with the increasing amount of incoming fire. 

Darting from one pillar to the next, Regimas tried to find a better angle, but the street seemed filled with enemy. 

“Red Team, Blue Team, this is Regimas calling anybody out there.  My HUD map is down and I’m pinned down.  Anybody receiving me??”

Turning around, he looked through a large window; an old one that seemed to be made of glass.  The insulation must have been good, because most everyone inside didn’t seem to notice anything was wrong until the fattest human Regimas had ever seen caught sight of him and the light-show of blaster bolts at his back.       

Here goes nothing he thought as he charged the window and dove through, shattering the glass.  As he rolled to his feet, he was met with a wave of screams as people stampeded for cover…

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
July 20, 2008 1:10 am #

Now that everyone was stationed in this run-down house, it came to Marcus that he ate and drank before they left, so he now had to go.

"Ah crap. Anyone see a toilet around here?"

Everyone turned to look at Marcus. Even though they couldn't see it, sweat ran down his face. He turned to Fynn.

"... I ate and drank before we left, and didn't think to go on the ship.."

"Well, have fun finding the can."

Checking a hall, which was just closets and bedrooms, Marcus went down the spiral staircase, which lead to a marble floor.

Man, these guys must really have it living if they can afford this much marble, or it's really cheap here...

Turning down a hallway which was very dirty, Marcus opened the last door on the left. In it was a toilet... and a dianoga.

"That's not healthy." Pulling out his blaster, Marcus wondered how to dispose of the nasty creature sitting in the toilet.

"Hmm, cap it in the eye? Or.. can I really call it decapitation? Oh, what the Hell.."

Dropping the grenade, Marcus ran back out into the hall and closed the door. A BANG! went off along with the swell sound of death.

"Whew, score 1 for the Mandalorian."

Opening the door, which was barely still hanging on its hinges, Marcus took a pee right over what used to be the toilet.

July 20, 2008 1:24 am #

((Sorry going back a bit))

Jag was no longer aware of what was around him.  He only saw his fists and Joslyn's helmet.  But then someone was yanking him off and throwing him off.

Jag immediately got up but was greeted with a blaster to the face.  He fumbled to find words.


"Sir it's my fault.  I let my-"

“Shut up!” Joclyn choked out from one knee, still holding her neck.  “All my fault.  We…”

“ENOUGH!” Fynn snarled.  “Get back with the others NOW, and I’ll CONSIDER not having you both sent back to Mandalore in disgrace.  Now go!”

Jag walked off.  He shut his comm off not wanting to talk to anyone.  This was his worst moment.  He had just made the worst rookie mistake of his life and now this.  He was glad he had this visor because he couldn't bring himself to look Fynn or Joslyn in the face. 

He followed Tracyn into the house and hunkered down in a corner by himself.  He pulled off his visor and found a ration pack.  The rations tasted more stale than ever.  He would do something to make this up.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
July 20, 2008 1:38 am #

Joslyn took a seat in the empty house and took off her glove. Her right hand was darkening around her index knuckle and she was more certain that she’d done some serious damage. She was going to comment about why they didn’t have a medic in the crew but her throat hurt too much.

She opened the pocket on her left sleeve and pulled out a pressure bandage. She took off her helmet so she could use her teeth to help secure the thing.

“Do you need some help?” Jag asked.

Joslyn raised a brow and opened her mouth to speak but only a croak came out, “-kay.”

Jag took the bandage from her good hand and started wrapping it around her bad hand. “I lost it back there. That shouldn’t have happened.”

Joslyn managed to speak, “My fault too,” she croaked.

“Fynn hit you hard didn’t he?” Jag said pointing to her throat.

Joslyn nodded in response, then nodded at her hand for him to continue bandaging. She hoped it didn’t swell too badly.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 20, 2008 1:39 am (Edited July 20, 2008 01:41 am) #

Fynn checked his six, making sure they weren’t being followed.  Stomping in, he kicked over a nearby caf-table, which sent it and a flowerpot that had been to top of it crashing down. 

Unsealing his helmet, he pulled it off; he wanted the others to see the anger in his eyes. 

“What’s happened to my team?  Huh??  We are supposed to be the elite of the ELITE!  Yet we couldn’t handle those glorified policemen out there??  We can’t even keep our PETTY grudges in check on the mission??” 

Fynn paced back and forth a couple of times.  “This Op. is still a go.  I will NOT allow this mission to be a failure.  It’s time we all shape up, because if we go out there looking like we did before one of us will be getting killed, and it might not be a Naboo who squeezes the trigger.  Understood?”

“Ahh Oooo” most replyed rather softly.

“I asked UNDERSTOOD??”


Fynn resealed his helm and then looked around.  "Where the hell is Regimas??"

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
July 20, 2008 1:52 am #

Joslyn thumped her foot on the ground to get Fynn's attention, "Check HUD."

Fynn stormed towards her, "Already have, he's not registering."

Joslyn swallowed and tapped her wrist, indicating to their alternate tracking device.

"What's wrong with your soldier, you normally talk a mile a minute." Fynn said as he anger continued to burn.

Joslyn pointed to her throat and then his elbow, "Ouchie," she managed to say.

"Oh," Fynn replied, "Jag continue what you're doing." He said as he saw that the pair of foes seemed to be patching up one another.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 20, 2008 2:14 am #

Jag tenderly wrapped her hand.  He felt terrible.  This was his fault.  And watching the conversation only made the knot in his stomach grow worse.  He looked at Joslyn's eyes.  They burned with a fire that he had grown to know and love.  His mind flashed back to Mandalore...

She was a darling.  Curly brown hair hanging down.  And there was a fire in her eyes.  Jag looked to my wife.

"I say she's prettier then you."

"You said no one would look better than me."

"Wait until she gets her first set of besk'gam."

"My place as the love of your life is threatened by a four year old."

Just then a gurgled cry was heard from outside.  And a scream.  They both rushed outside and saw Ki'era sitting on the ground blood pouring out of a cut on her arm.  Snuggled in her arms was a baby strill.  A wild one at that.  She looked up at her mum and dad and said one word eyes blazing.


Jag laughed and picked up his daughter, strill still in her arms.  "HA!  Her first catch!  I told you she would give you a run for your money."  Jag took her in and bandaged up her arm still staring into those beautiful eyes...

He snapped back to the present.  Finishing up the knot Jag stood up.

"I wouldn't do too much damage to you anyway.  Solus would have murdered me if I had."

With a chuckle he made his way to the rest of the group.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
July 20, 2008 2:35 am #

Name: Lexington Chemlah

Age: 34

Species: Human

Affiliation: Naboo (also a covert member of the Dark Jedi)

Rank: Commander

Job: Naboo Airforce Commander

WOC: Blaster pistols in normal battle, lightsabre for special occasions

Other: Hidden vibroblades on his person and poison dart hidden within the ring on his right hand.

Armor: Typical Naboo uniform. He wears layers of armour and plating beneath so he looks bigger and more intimidating than he actually is.

Appearance: 6’4’’ Muscular yet agile. Think Darth Malak’s build. Has jet black hair cut short, blocky jaw and a permanent sneer on his face. The Queen is quite uncomfortable in his presence and sent him to an outer city post for the Airforce.

Personality: Very dark and consumed with the need for power. Serves his Queen faithfully but would change allegiances to the Dark Jedi order in a heartbeat.

Ship:  Naboo fighter, experimental class NX. I will go into detail if we have a sky battle.


Lexington Chemlah studied the reports strewn across his large marble table. The table was as impractical as it was fancy. He often wished that Naboo culture concentrated on the necessary things rather than the luxurious things in life. But some things would never change. Naboo was all about comfort and luxury, yet Lexington stayed for his own dark purposes.

His musings were interrupted as he realised that the evening report had not come through. He hailed his underling but the communications panel was dead. Lexington reached out with the Force, making his demands as the Force gave him sight. He sensed much fighting within the city. “Ah so the fighting finally comes to Naboo.” Lexington purred.

Lexington stormed out of his office and frightened his secretary as usual. “Our main communications are down. Enable the generator,” he instructed.

Horlé nodded with a quiver and activated the generator, “Done Sir.”

“Call the Queen, let her know I’m sending in some elite troops. Have Raven Squad standing by.” Lexington ordered.

“It shall be done,” Horlé said with more gumption.

“Excellent,” Lexington purred as he picked up his own com which now worked. “Status report,” he said as he connected with Ocelot.

There was a moment’s silence then Ocelot replied, “We’re under attack from Mandalorians.”

“Really?” Lexington said with a sinister grin, “Finally an enemy worth my time.”

“The last report said they’re near the palace,” Ocelot told.

“Hold them off as long as you can, I’m coming in.” Lexington said as he climbed aboard his speeder. “There shall be Mandalorian blood spilt tonight.”

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
July 20, 2008 5:33 am #

Joslyn stared at Jag’s back as he walked away. What had he meant by that comment,
"I wouldn't do too much damage to you anyway.  Solus would have murdered me if I had." What did Solus care? He wasn’t her squad leader or anything.

As far as Joslyn knew, Solus was still sniping on the roof, as the thought crossed her mind Solus was revealed to her as Kelborn stepped back. She looked at him for a moment and wondered what Jag could have meant.

She shook her head and replaced her glove over her injured hand and reached for her helmet. Before she placed it on her head Solus approached her. “You were fighting against Jag in a battle?”

Joslyn didn’t like his condescending tone. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing but a gargle came out.

“You alright?” Solus asked as he touched her shoulder.

Joslyn pointed to her throat then did an action with her elbow, “Jabbed in throat.” She said hoarsely.

Solus immediately turned to glare at Jag. Joslyn tugged on his arm to try and correct his assumption but was interrupted as Fynn and Tracyn decided the course of action.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 20, 2008 5:45 am #

Lexington reached the palace roof and set the speeder down. He immediately hailed his Elite Troopers. Six figures in black appeared on the rooftop, three were human there was one Twi’lek and two Rodians. “Good night to you all, we have a problem that needs to be quashed. Mandalorians are here.”

There was a quiet passing of comments between the six Elite before they turned back to Lexington. “When do you want them killed?” Chamis, one of the Rodians, asked.

“As soon as possible,” Lexington replied. “Go out in pairs, squash their forces and return to me with their leader’s head!”

All six bowed to Lexington as they parted. They left on speeders, separating into three pairs. Lexington watched them go. “Have fun my minions,” he said quietly but deep down he hoped they failed. He wanted to play with the Mandalorians himself. But for now he’d wait, he had a Queen to protect.

“Tell the Queen I’m coming,” Lexington commed Ocelot. He knew the Queen would be displeased to see him, he smirked at the thought.

**The first pair to find the Mandos will be a Rodian and a human. The others will take longer to find you, they all have some training in the dark arts of the Force.**

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
July 20, 2008 6:15 am (Edited July 20, 2008 06:18 am) #

Sorry for the late join, I was gone. Anyways, I talked with Ralin, and I'll be part of Blue Team when I join up with you. I'll say I was an advance scout or something.

Name: Kal Goran [blade, blacksmith]

Age: 27

Appearance: 6’2, well built and well-muscled. Blond hair, worn longish, small goatee . Bright blue eyes. Average scarring.

Armor: Black beskar’gam, gold highlights around the T-slit visor, and on his gauntlets. Red Mythosaur skull on his right shoulder piece. Gauntlet vibroblade in right gauntlet, as well as a dart launcher/wrist rocket. Grapnel cord in left, and a cutting laser. Flamethrower attachment available as a snap on replacement.

Weapons: Black-handled beskad, with gold tracings. Modified Verpine shatter gun, Assault model (turns into sniper with longer barrel and a scope added). Blastech Rifle, handguns, knives, etc. Various other weapons depend on situation.

Ship: Custom Mandal-Motors ship, effective size comparable to Slave I. Name, Tra’kad, Mando’a for “Star Saber”. Heavily armed, it was designed as a mercenary’s ship, not a bounty hunter’s, but does have two small cages for prisoners. Sleek

History: Born on Mandalore to Orar and Behot Goran. His father, Orar, was a blacksmith by trade, and taught his son the craft from early age. By the age of five, Kal had forged his first blade. By fourteen, he had forged his bes’kad, which he uses to this day. His parents and family were all instrumental in his training as a warrior, a true verd of the Mandalorian society. He was taught how to fight by his father and heal by his mother, whose name means “herb”. But Behot is dangerous, like many herbs—used wrong, they can be a poison. She too taught him how to fight. He was taught love, loyalty, discipline, and respect throughout his early life.  His father’s name, Orar, means “thunder”, and his deep voice and eyes that flash when angry prove this no misnomer. But his gruffness was rarely feared by his children, because he was kind and he loved them fiercely. Of all his sons, Kal showed the most interest and aptitude at his father’s trade, and father and son spent much time working in their forge. Kal loved 

His older brother, Kom’rk, was a frequent sparring partner in his early years, and they have a relationship stronger than a beskar chain—nothing can separate them. Together, they are nigh unstoppable in battle, and have fought together on numerous occasions.

Kal has two twin brothers, younger than him. They never showed much interest in forging weapons or learning how to heal, preferring to spar or play pranks.

When he was fifteen, Kal forged himself his own armor, an unusual practice for such a young warrior. Kal painted it black, symbolizing the justice the galaxy so often lacks. The gold highlights, though, promise swift vengeance to any who should harm those he loves. On his sixteenth birthday, his father presented him with a ge’kal, or a small knife that is concealed in a boot or under the armpit (lit. “almost blade”).

Kal was sent in as an advance agent, before the primary strike force. He scouted some, and is now linking up with the primary force.

Personality: Kal is very loyal—to his family, Mandalorians in general, and to anyone who earns his trust. He is friendly among those he trusts, but less so among strangers and arruetii. He’s a fun loving guy, able to joke even amidst the toughest battle.  Though more compassionate than most Mandalorians, Kal is still a fierce fighter, and merciless in combat.

Skills: The best swordsman of his family, indeed, among the best on Mandalore, Kal could fight many Jedi to a standstill. He’s a crack shot with any weapon, too. Decent explosives skills, and is a mediocre slicer. Kal is an excellent pilot, as well.

Likes: Forging weapons, flying Tra’kad, sparring, and fighting. Kal loves to spend time with his family and friends.

Dislikes: Republic, the Jedi.

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
July 20, 2008 1:24 pm #

Griffin was growing tired in the palace.

"Still no orders from any of the higher command sir"

"Very well....Alpha team on me!" Griffin answered

"Ten four sir" came the answer of several soldiers

Griffin gathered his team up in the cafeteria

"Listen up men and listen good, where going out there. where fighting mando's here. there tough bastards. very bloody tough" Griffin paced up and down the room. Cigar in mouth

"We'll be traversing by the arrow head formation. you know your drills. Your among the Naboo special air service regiment. i dont expect you to go down early. understood? and thats a bloody order!" Griffin shouted

All he got back was a nod and a thumbs up from his team before they placed on the MK II assault helmets. ( just think of a reallyyyy early model of a clone helmet ) and strapped on there durasteel plate armor. heaving assault blasters the team was ready to go

"Corporal? make sure the Queen is aware that i'm dispatching myself and alpha team" Griffin said then nodded before leaving the palace area

The alpha team of the NSAS where prowling down the road, bodies littered the floor.

Griffin immediatley stopped and raised his fist. followed by a full palmed hand pushing down. he then pointed to his helmet and then to a suspicous figure then followed by a thumbs down. the team immediatley saught out cover and switched on there night vision. as soon as there night vision was engaged. 12 beams of filtered light marked the target.

"Identify the target" Griffin whispered into his comms

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
July 20, 2008 3:30 pm #

Dachande was watching a group of humans as they walked through the city. Suddenly 12 beams shot and marked a target. Dachande began to fire at the hostiles, clearly hitting one and sending the rest scattering for cover and shooting into the sky. Dachande moved immediately, firing as he ran, so they could not mark his position. Ducking and weaving he drew his wristblades, and charged that the squad

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
July 20, 2008 9:02 pm (Edited July 20, 2008 11:27 pm) #

*Correction Werda Verd, you're with RED TEAM, so things will be even when I get CA on Blue team; sorry if I mixed it up in the PM.  You may pick your meathod of rejoining us as you wish, or PM/meet me in the chat and we can set something*

Ralin checked his HUD, as some of the others seemed to be doing, and saw nothing.  Damn…he broke his antenna off with that fool stunt when we landed.  That sent the tracking signal. 

Just then, a broken message began to crackle through his ear piece. *static* “Red Team, Blue” *static* “out there. My” *static* “is down and I’m pinned down.  Anybody receiving me??”

“Regimas, this is Fynn, give me your fix, over.”


“Regimas!  Come in over!”


Tracyn and Trius started out the door to look for their teammate with a nod from Fynn; Dachande was already out and hunting. 

Fynn turned to the rest of Red team which had gotten to their feet at the news of Regimas.  “Are we ready to become a team again?”

“YES SIR!” was the resounding response; even Joslyn tried to add her voice to the answer. 

“Red Team, you have a vod missing…go get him.”

“YES SIR!” they cried as they charged out the doorway after Trius and their Team Leader.

“Blue Team, we’re on their six; lets go…”

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
July 20, 2008 11:31 pm #

Returning from what was the bathroom, Marcus saw that everyone was leaving, and therefore he rushed to catch up.


Catching up to Fynn, he turned and asked, "So, Commander, what are we doing? More pwning?"

"Regimas has gone missing, we can't communicate with him, so there's no choice but to go look. Red Team is leading the search, and we're covering them."

"Oh. Yeah, that might be a good idea to go look for him..."

The teams continued their way into the city.

July 20, 2008 11:36 pm #

Tracyn and Trius bolted out the door, followed by the rest of Red Squad. Tracyn drew his WESTARS, but he had left his battle cannon in the house because it had no more ammo. Tracyn listened for blaster fire, but he couldn't hear anything. Regimas must be far away.

"I hope the di'kut doesn't die before we get to him..." Tracyn muttered to himself. Blue Squad were on his six, and for the first time tonight, Tracyn felt confident.

Suddenly, Tracyn picked up static in his radio.

"Hurry! I'm flanked and....*static*........" Regimas was in trouble.

"C'mon, Red Squad, double time!" Tracyn commanded as they jogged through a courtyard. They had to find Regimas before it was too late....

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
July 20, 2008 11:56 pm #

Posting For Regimas *I noticed you were online today ner’vod, but since I’m not sure if you’re really back or were just leaving, and also since you don’t know what I’ve gotten you into, I’m gonna make this post.  Let me know if you want to take over again and I’ll fill you in on what’s going on*

Turning to look outside, Regimas fired two quick head shots into a pair of Naboo security officers who had run up the steps after him.  With a careful aim, he sniped another soldier in the City Square below.   

With a gulp, he could see Naboo reinforcements arriving from a side street.  From a nearby rooftop, however, blue plasma bolts began to rain down on the formation, sending them into a panicked race for cover.  Good ol’ Dachande

Regimas added his blaster to the fire as well, taking out several as the Naboo ran.  Checking over his shoulder, nearly all the civies had run out the back; only a tall this man remained; his gaunt face seemed to be twisted with rage. 

Another rush of oncoming Naboo diverted his attention.  A few quick shots put three of them down quickly, while two others cut off their charge and dove for cover.  Both were quickly cut down by blue bolts from Dachande.

But then, Regimas heard a crunching sound behind him; he could see in his 360 degree vision that the tall civie was charging at him with a vibro blade.  Not smart…

In a flash of motion, Regimas drew his sword, ducked the stab from the civilian, and thrust his blade back into the man’s lower cheast. 

Stunned and mortally wounded, the civie dropped his blade and gripped the blade that had been thrust into him.  Regimas then ripped the blade out and let the man fall.  Looking down at him for a possible trophey, Regimas suddenly had the feeling he was being watched…

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
July 21, 2008 12:16 am #

Delton and Yeeto were the first pair of Elite Troopers to spot the Mandalorians. They hailed the others of the location and prepared to attack.

Delton, the human threw a smoke grenade while Yeeto opened fire. Neither cared how many civilians died. They just wanted to serve their master’s wishes.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
July 21, 2008 12:26 am #

Tracyn was the first to notice the Elite soldiers.

Take cover!" He shouted as blaster bolts flew over his head. The Mandos all took cover, firing at the two Naboo. One fell as Tracyn's blaster bolt hit him square in the chest, but the other ducked behind a fountain and continued to fire at them.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
July 21, 2008 12:27 am (Edited July 21, 2008 12:49 am) #

Jag saw the Rodian and the human throw the grenade smoke covered Red Team.  They were going to get torn apart if something wasn't done fast.  Jag switched his comm to Fynn's channel. 

"Alor.  We need to flank them fast before Red gets blasted."

"Good idea.  Blue Team let's go!"

Jag followed Fynn and the others around the building.  This was going to be like shooting wamp-rats in a barrel.  But the Mandalorians didn't count on the force training of the pair.  Fynn nearly had his head blasted as he rounded the corner.  This wasn't going to be as easy as it looked.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
July 21, 2008 12:30 am (Edited July 21, 2008 12:33 am) #

(Netty, Yeetos not dead.....yet. He's gonna get back up soon)

"Oww!" Tracyn yelled as a blaster bolt clipped his shoulder. The other Elite Naboo was surprisingly skilled, as he was holding several Mandos at bay by himself. Tracyn had a bad feeling that something bad was going to happen soon....

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
July 21, 2008 12:37 am #

Unexpectedly Joslyn had an aneurism and died.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 21, 2008 12:42 am #

Tracyn saw her collapse, and he noticed she was dead. He took one of her shoulder plates, and her Mandalorian rippers as memoirs of her, and continued on without her. Tears would be shed later.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
July 21, 2008 12:52 am (Edited July 21, 2008 02:55 pm) #

Ocelot walked down a hidden stone pathway from the palace; blasterfire and explosions could be heard close by. He left his lieutenant in charge of palace security, no one was to enter.
Adamska approached the Auction House, which was little more than an open marble rotunda with carved Greel-Wood chairs. His last report of a Mandalorian sighting came from this district, whether it was one or a whole squad, he didn't know.
Blasterfire was close, possibly less than 200 meters. Faint blue reflections could be seen on the glass windows on the opposing building to him; along with distant agonizing screams.

"They're being slaughtered."

Ocelot pressed against a large marble planter opposing the Auction House, looking between two shrub bushes with his optical binoculars. From what he could tell, there was and entire squad of Mandalorians scattered throughout the city block. Adamska altered his view back to the Auction House; he spotted was a Mando-esque outline moving through the dark rotunda; backlit from explosions, smoke and blasterfire.

"I'll bet he's not one of our boys."

"Oh, Shalashaska. I thought you were with the Colonel." [Ocelot kills him]
"The Colonel will be joining you soon...Comrade."
July 21, 2008 12:58 am #

Yeeto was down, but Delton had a trick he had learned from his master. He grabbed one of he dying Naboo and threw him to Yeeto. With the power of the Force Yeeto sucked the life force out of him and healed himself.

He stood and waved his finger at the Mandalorian who’d shot him, “You die.”

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
July 21, 2008 1:04 am #

"Osik..." Tracyn grumbled. The Rodian he had just shot was back up again, unexpectedly. Tracyn wondered how he could still be alive when a flurry of blaster bolts whizzed past his head. The Rodian looked pissed, which was difficult for them because they looked so comical with their big eyes.

The rodian fired another shot, this timehitting it's mark. Travyn fell over with his stomach plate scorching for the second time tonight.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
July 21, 2008 1:32 am (Edited July 21, 2008 03:12 am) #

Griffins teams' lasers had given them away. he was a Mando and he had saw the night vision sensitive beams

All though the NSAS team was split out, the mando was making short work of them with his CQC techniques.

"Alpha team, fall back to the palace FALL BLOODY BACK!"  Griffin shouted

The team rose and started prowling backwards, in a staggered formation. laying down suppresive fire

"Popping smoke!" One of the soldiers said as he launched two smoke grenades into the street, the smoke capsules popped and a stream of deep grey smoke streamed out.

Griffin and his men had had a minor loss, 4 men down,

"Our men just arnt ready or trained for this. thousands of Security forces are gonna die to a handful of mando's"

"I told the Queen to invest in better armour and military training butttt noooooo she said we'd never get attacked!" Griffin moaned to himself as he was retreating,

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
July 21, 2008 2:07 am #

Jag’s flanking attack idea was killing a lot of the Naboo troopers who had been surrounding Regimas, and they began to fall back.  But the two newcomers were holding their ground.  The white marble corner that shielded Blue Team from them was getting blasted apart by a heavy stream of fire.  Taking a peek, he even saw a Naboo be flung through the air to the downed attacker, who suddenly sprang back to life!  Damn, Force users!

Pulling back from taking a quick shot, he looked up to the main alley where Red Team was set up and firing from.  Joslyn had made a run for a stone flower basin for cover, but suddenly grabbed at her chest, stumbled, and fell. 

“JOSLYN!” yelled Solus at Fynn’s back.  The sniper tried to make a run toward her, but Drakus grabbed his arm before he could pass and slung him back. 

“You want to get hit to??” Fynn snapped.  Looking back to his downed Mando, he could see Tracyn get to her, but seemed to writer her off as dead immediately.  As group leader, Fynn had a bio read of every member of both teams except Regimas now; Joslyn was still alive… but perhaps not for much longer.

“Cover me; I’ll go.”

Blue Team all got to their feet and prepared to open fire.  With a nod from Fynn, they all turned the corner and opened fire with everything they had.  Kelborn launched a wrist rocket, which shattered part of the stone fountain the human Force user was hiding behind.

Fynn ran full out across the corner of the square, catching fire from a few Naboo troopers who hadn’t fled, and also from the Forces users when they could get a shot off. 

He almost made it before a bolt caught his left shoulder bell, turning him and knocking him off balance.  Hitting the duracrete with a crash, he slide a ways before he was able to roll onto his hands and knees and claw his way behind the stone flower bed.

Reaching Joslyn, he caught Tracyn pulling her Rippers and removing one of her shoulder bells.  “Just getting weaponry and something to re…” Fynn cut the man off with a shove.  Pulling off Joslyn’s helmet, he checked for any signs of breathing…none.

Checking for blaster wounds, he could see nothing.  Pulling a kolto inhaler from his med pack, Fynn squeezed several shots of the inhalant into her lungs.

Suddenly Solus dropped at his side.  “She ok??”

“I’m not getting a pulse.  There was a med clinic back that way, did you see it??”

“Yes sir!”

“Get here there; should be a kolto tank; it’s her only hope. GO!”

Solus nodded.  Throwing Joslyn over his shoulder, he made his way back into the alleys and started for the clinic…

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
July 21, 2008 2:16 am #

The gunfight turned out to be quite a fight for Marcus. But what he didn't see coming, was a piece of shrapnel that struck him straight in his lung and pierced his armor, while subsequently being shot in both legs.


Lying down, breathing slowing down, Marcus saw the Naboo guard leaning over him; this must've been the guy who did it. Taking off Marcus' helmet, the guard got a good look at him. Marcus spat up some blood and said, "Come a bit closer, I want to show you a magic trick."

The guard got down on his knees and put his face closer to Marcus. Unknown to the guard, Marcus pulled out his blaster, then shot the man in his lung.

"Taa-daa! Mother****er!"

The guard now lay dead alongside the dead Mandalorian.

July 21, 2008 6:22 am #

I'm actually in now. And my bad about the teams, Ralin.

Kal silently sprinted along the rooftops. He'd been on his way to meet the Mando'ade force, when he'd heard the distress calls and diverted to help. But by the time he got there, the battle had turned ugly. The first group of Naboo had fallen back, but had met with reinforcements, which had returned in an effort to kill the beleaguered Mandalorians. Several Mando's were already down, one of whom was being carried away by another.

Kal took position on the rooftop and unslung his Verpine, screwed on the sniper attachment and scope, and settled the crosshairs on on Naboo soldiers head. He dropped, and Kal transferred his aim to the next. Within seconds, half a dozen men had dropped for no apparent reason. Kal broke the Verpine down to it's assault form, and repelled down an alleyway to join the fight close in.

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
July 21, 2008 6:55 am #

(Ralin,my trip got delayed a few days ands i could only find time to get on the computer for short intervals. im leaving NOW.....literally. so i gotta go. thanks for making good posts for me,hopefully be back soon everybody) -----Regimas

Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.
July 21, 2008 12:35 pm #

The pair of ‘super Naboo’ as he was beginning to think of them had control of the entire square from the massive fountain.  Dachande was sending blue bolts down on them from time to time, but the Naboo didn’t seem confused by his cloaking devise as most others did.

“Everybody watch your shebs” Commander Drakus crackled over the unit’s comm.  “They’re force users.  Everyone focus your fire on Them!”

The Jedi??  Here?? Kelborn thought in amazement.  Didn’t expect that; this planet must be more important then our initial reports though!

Reloading his wrist rocket launcher, Kelborn turned the corner and fired again.

If you run, I can track you. If you hide, I will find you. If you fight, I will watch you fall......
July 21, 2008 1:34 pm #

Command Center- Theed Place

"I want all secuity teams called back in! I won't have our men die needlessly fighting something they don't know. We need to at least tell them what they are upagainst" The queen shouted to all the different NSF that were assembled in the center.

Carth stood off to the side, watching the young queen's fire. He'd underestimated her for certain. But was her passion and fury enough?

"Look, your majesty, there's no way of communicating to NSF out side of the palace. Not with the comm down."

"Well then we should see what we can do to restore some sort of communication to our men out there. What about a broad spectrum radio frequency?" The queen asked. "I've heard about those, is there any way that could work?"

The  NSF looked at each other. One spoke up. "Well it is feasible, but its old technology. Our men would need to have the right recivers. "

Carth spoke up. "I don't think it will work. If, IF we can get our hands on this antique equipment, Even if it does work like you think it can. The mando's will have the ability to pick up on the frequency and listen it too. No I think thats avoiding the real issue. You don't have much organization or men.  You need to puch back hard on these guys. Thats the only language they know. Battle. You're men need more fire power. "

" We are a peaceful people Carth."

" Yes, that's is true but you must adapt or be eliminated. Peace can return if you can be successful, that is, if they still have a queen to lead them?"

"What do you mean" The queen asked back.

"What I am saying is that, as long as you are in Theed, where it is apparent all the Mandalorians seemed to have landed, you are at risk. You are most certainly a main target for them. Take down you down, it will so easy to take control of Theed and then all of Naboo."

Jayali looked down, letting Carth's words sink in.

" I must lead my people. Carth. I will not abandon them to the fight that I failed to prepare them for. I need to stay for them."

" If I escort you off Naboo, we can get reinforcements. I know the Republic is streched thin, but I can pull at least a couple of fighters to assist."

"No Carth. I can not do that. My people need me here."

"You'll risk it all?!" Carth shouted.

"Yes. It is my JOB.My DUTY.I am not going to fail again." Jayali calmly, but forcefully responded back to Carth. He saw such an intense look in her beautiful green eyes and realized that he couldn't win an argument.  He sighed aloud.

"What?" Queen Kalipana asked him.

"I can't argue with you looking at me like that. You're too beautiful. You win." And with that Carth flashed a cocky smile.

Jayali was taken back by the comment. She hadn't expected that at all. " Then lets do something about these invaders." She said, changing the subject just as fast, but she couldn't help it that she was lightly blushing. "How many do we suspect there are? We may not be able to out gun them, but perhaps we can use our wits against them."

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
July 21, 2008 3:51 pm #

Solus carried Joslyn to the nearest clinic and demanded immediate attention, yelling “Emergency, emergency, emergency!”

Within seconds he was surrounded by medical staff, Joslyn was quickly placed on a stretcher and wheeled off. The nearest medic started asking Solus a bunch of questions he didn’t have answers to. “I don’t know what happened to her. One minute she was fine the next she was down. There’s no blaster wounds.”

The medic raised a brow, “Has she been exposed to any other injury?”

Solus thought for a moment, “She got into a scrap with one of our crew.”

“Scrap?” the medic asked.

“Yeah a fight. She held her own though.” Solus put in.

The medic nodded and headed off, with Solus on his heels. He entered the room where Joslyn was being scanned from head to toe.

“Put her on straight oxygen now, she’s got an aneurism.” One of the meds called.

“Aneurism?” Solus asked.

The medic he’d be talking to spoke, “She’s got a blood clot on the brain. It’ll stop blood flow around the cranium and there’s a chance she’s already got brain damage.”

“Prepping for surgery,” one of the medics called.

“You’re going to have to leave sir,” a droid informed Solus.

“I’m not going anywhere,” Solus growled.

“Only relatives can remain with the patient,” the droid informed him.

Solus blinked, “Um I’m her fiancée,” he lied.

“Very well then, sir. You may stay.” The droid informed him.

Solus watched as they prepared a laser scalpel, “What are they doing?” he asked the droid.

“They need to remove the clot, they’ll do so with the laser scalpel. After that she’ll be wrapped in kolto to heal.” The droid informed him.

“Okay,” Solus said, “What are her chances of survival?”

“Do you really wish to know, sir?” the droid asked.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 21, 2008 4:06 pm #

"Uhh....agh.....ugh.." Tracyn breathed with difficulty. His beskar had saved him again, but the shot had aggravated his bruised diaphragm. Tracyn picked up his blaster that had fallen, and aimed at the Rodian who had shot him.

"Lights out, motherf****er..." Tracyn said before firing. The shot hit the Rodian right in the face, killing him. Tracyn was relieved, but he knew that an equally strong Naboo soldier was still in the game.

Suddenly, Tracyn's lower chest felt like it was on fire. His injuries were worse then he thought. Tracyn gasped, and then tried to stand.

"Captain, are you alright?" Fynn asked.

"Ughhh....I need a med droid..." Tracyn said weakly.

"Solus brought Joslyn to a clinic. You should go, too." Fynn replied. Tracyn limped to the clinic, and collapsed. A med droid put him on a stretcher, and pulled him to the nearest room. His last thought before he fell unconscious was what the Mandalorians will do next.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
July 21, 2008 6:58 pm (Edited July 21, 2008 07:03 pm) #

I am back, vacation was fun, and I can’t wit to get back to RPGing.  I have been a soldier and now I’ll be the medic, both I am proficient at.

This is a bit close to reality, and I promise it should be good

He knew who they were when they came in; there was no mistaking the look of the two, they were dangerous, and were some how tied to the chaos and fear that had griped all of THEED. 

Despite the fear they radiated, he was compelled to them, he was an experienced medic and was commonly a triage coordinator, so it was not unusual to see him approach an incoming patient. 

He moved to their side and got the brief from the medical droid as to her state and recognized it for the dire situation it was.  He nearly drew back at the penetrating gaze of the big man fell on him, but he buried his eyes on the patient to break the stare.  She still looked strong despite her helpless state and on a subconscious level he feared she was going to wake up and throttle him.  He knew he would be broken in half if the fiancée ever discovered what he intended for her. MURDER

The droid had planted the statistical probability in his mind that her odds were poor, but he was going to ensure that there was no other outcome.  There was countless ways to kill under the guise of healing, he had to choose the best way, and make it happen.

Maybe an overdose of insulin, it would freeze the muscles at a cellular level, to include her heart.  Insulin was completely untraceable, as the body is flooded by it immediately after death, so it was untraceable, but it wouldn’t be an appropriate treatment and suspect as he administered a vial.

Another standby technique, just as lethal was to allow an air bubble to enter through her IV line and kill her, once again untraceable, but difficult to pull off with the droids running the lines, he had to be more creative and ruthless.

Suddenly it came to him; he could run a blood thinning agent into her line.  Sure, she had an aneurism, and while she would be having surgery some protocolls called very blood thinners, in this case it would be fatal as she would bleed from every micro abrasion.  It would be further complicated by the fact that they couldn’t reverse the agent once in her IV.

He considered his options and went to draw the anti-coagulants and lend a helping hand.

Somebody stop me……

"We do bad things to worse people"
July 21, 2008 8:58 pm #

((Great post Viking!  Those kind of twists make RPGs fun.))

Jag looked to Tracyn. 

"I'll take him there."

Fynn nodded.  "Rendevous back at our base."  ((Not sure where.  I can edit later))  Jag bent over and slung Tracyn over his shoulder.  He set off in the direction that Solus and soon came upon the clinic.  He greeted Solus and laid Tracyn down on the repulso-gurney ((yes I made that up :P)).  He turned and faced the doctor.

"He took two blaster shots in the gut.  He may have a few broken ribs.  What can you do?"

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
July 22, 2008 1:30 am #

Solus followed the medical assistant and the med-droid with Joslyn into surgery. It was a tactical mistake coming here, suspicions would definitely be high; not to mention the things they would most likely do to the 'patients'
Oh, he would make sure that wouldn't happen, despite his lack of knowledge regarding the more complicated medical treatments.
The 'doc' pushed the repulsor-bed into the operating room, medical droids and assistants rushed around them, and began hooking up an IV; along with removing her armor, equipment, and most of her clothing.
Solus looked down at her pale white skin; she was so well built, and not just in the chest.

...enjoying the view?...

His mind flashed back as Joslyn's eyes flickered; Solus immediately turned his attention to the medical droid on his left.
It was reflex, he knew that she was unconscious, but he couldn't help it. If ANYTHING happened to her, he would re-define pain for the one responsible.

Solus watched as they inserted the IV; he felt oddly uncomfortable.

"Sir, I believe this is not the correct-" One of the meddroids began to speak, but was swiftly dismissed by the 'doc' that brought them in.

Solus instantly brought his magnum revolver level with the 'doc's head. "Continue, droid."

"Well, you see, I believe the chief medical officer made a mistake with the I-V, Serum V-X one one zero five is not a suitable blood thinner type for this condition; and has a high probability for complications."

Solus returned his deathly stare to the 'doc'. "Do you know what you just did?"

"I-I...umm...must have grabbed the wrong bag..."

"No. I'm going to ask again. Do you know what you just did?"

The 'doc' twitched oddly, sweat began to bead on his forehead.

Solus stood there for a moment; he lowered his pistol and unloaded five out of the six shots. He grabbed the doctor by the neck and hauled him to the side of the room; the meddroid seemed to be replacing the IV bag with the a new one.

"How about a game of Corellian Roulette?"

((Viking, do whatever you want, view from his perspective or whatever, I was going to continue but don't have time, considering It's just after 4:30 AM (and wish to continue my evil plans to counter your evil plans, but have to wait until tomorrow); also, about the pistol thing, think Russian Roulette...but I'll take a guess and figure you already knew that's what I was referring to.))

"This IS my signature."
July 22, 2008 9:18 am #

She was in between patients and way into a second shift, and her eyes were tired, as were her back and mind as well as her soul, but non the less she continued to put on foot in front of the other, it was her way, it was her job, she was a healer of broken bodies and business had been good, to good lately.

She could sense when her domain had been upset and since the most recent arrivals, her clinic had become a hornet’s nest with activity and a tension that could be seen with the unaided eye.  AS she blew through the double doors her eyes took in the scene and seen three people whose outcome was in doubt, the female warrior nearly twice the size of her slight frame, a newly arrived man with difficulty breathing and one of her medics, a nice enough fellow, but a bit unpredictable who had a mammoth cannon in his face by an equally mammoth man who had a deadly, deadly look on his face.

The other two would have to wait, if the room erupted in blaster fire, no one would get treated and there would be more casualties than they could handle.  She was no stranger to violence and violent men as she had spent her earlier years off planet working in a military triage unit and then with a relief organization, this would be easier than some of her experiences in some of the Civil wars she had assisted, she just had to speak their language, and she didn’t need a protocol droid to help, it was the language of force and violence.

“Put you “FREIKING” blaster away” she ordered with all the force her 5 foot frame could project as she strode through the room placing herself between the medic and the MANDO, the blaster was leveled at her face.  “I won’t permit you to bring your war into MY clinic.” 

She turned to look at the medic who was caught holding the bag of anti-coagulants and sized the situation up.  “You were mistaken, this bag is to be used on bed number three, no go and get THAT patient the RIGHT drug and leave this to me.”

The large man began to follow and protest, but she stood her ground and pushed him into the operating suite and to the prone female’s side.  “If you value your friend’s life, you’ll let me do my job, which DESPITE who you two are, I will, but on two conditions.  One, no violence in here, more than her life is at stake.  Two, she is out of the battle.”

He glowered at her, but knew the authority in her tone and knew there would be no debating the points with her, vengeance would have to wait for a time.  He accepted her terms with a nod and watched as she went to work.

“Patient’s vitals are dropping”

“Get me a pressor, stat”

“Charging, clear the patient”

He was in awe of the skill she displayed and how she managed crisis after crisis that to the battle seasoned warrior was overwhelming.  They had lost the woman he had called his fiancé on a whim three separate times, only to see her come back by some heroic act at the surgeon’s petite hands. 

Finally, after 90 minutes the storm of activity had played itself out and she lay stable for now.  The surgeon was covered in blood and looked exhausted, but satisfied. “The first 24 hours are the most delicate and she’ll have to stay here.  The clot, I’ve never seen anything like that in a person her age, most unusual, but we located and removed it, there was minimal damage to her brain, but there is still so much we don’t know.  We’ll know more soon.”

As she pulled her smock off, she spoke softly, but still with a tone of authority to it, “I have other patients to attend to and your word, stay by her side and I, and only I will check on her.”

Not much for gratitude or “nice emotions” he grabbed her hand on his way out and offered a weak “Thank you.”

That’s all I got for this scenario, I’ll write more of the hospital scene if you guys want

"We do bad things to worse people"
July 22, 2008 3:05 pm #

*Looks Great ner'vod!  I'll add some action for the rest of us that happend during 90 minutes you had in the operating room and get everybody back on the same timeline when I can. 

Again, Another Great Post Viking, good to have you on board   ;) *

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
July 22, 2008 3:39 pm (Edited July 22, 2008 05:07 pm) #

Darkness and light, lighting through dark clouds, rain splattering on her visor. The sound of screams and the shouts of victory. It was a blur yet it was familiar. Joslyn tried to remember. "Get your heads down, incoming fire!"

Joslyn twitched, for some reason she couldn't move. She couldn't duck. She stood as she saw the bright burning missle heading their way. She watched in horror as it seemed to lock onto her position. She felt the second it hit her body. Her chest throbbed with the pain. She blinked open her eyes. Her hand grasped something, no someone else's hand.

Joslyn blinked and saw Solus beside her. But then the darkness returned and she was back in the battle. She didn't understand what was going on. She just knew she had to keep going.


The battleground disappeared to a different dark memory. Everything seemed large to Joslyn, her eyes looked around the room. She saw the huge grandfather clock that had been her mothers and knew what was about to unfold. She could already hear the shouting their words were unclear, but then Joslyn was a five year old playing with her toys, not paying attention.

She lifted her head as she heard the thud of something heavy hitting the wall. She picked up one of her blocks and stood up. "Mummy?" she called as she walked to the closed door. The button to activate it was too high for her to reach but Joslyn had recently learned that if she dragged over the foot-seat she could reach the button.

Dropping the block Joslyn found the foot-seat and dragged it across the floor to the door. Her small hands pressed upon the wall as she pushed the button. The shouting was louder. She saw that her father had a red mark on his cheek and that her mother was screaming something at him. Joslyn didn't like the screaming, "Mummy?" she said again.

Joslyn's dark haired mother turned to look at her. Her mother's eyes softened as she walked over to pick her up. She turned back to her father, "That's it. It's over. I'm not coming back this time."

Her father looked crestfallen. "Daddy?" Joslyn said as she looked at her father.

His eyes roamed over her face then turned dark and angry as he looked at Joslyn's mother. "This won't be the last of it, Wonda."

Joslyn watched as her father stormed out, she reached for him. "Daddy come back!"

Her mother held her tightly, "We don't need him baby. It'll be just us girls."

"No mother, it'll just be me." Joslyn said, as she was suddenly an adolescent. Her mother lay dead at her feet, killed by a random mugger. She felt detached from the memory. She wouldn't look at her mother's body. Not this time.

The sound of blaster fire came and the scene changed with it. She was back on Naboo this time she was fighting Jag again. Her anger thrown fully at him. For some reason he reminded her of her father and that made her furious. How dare he leave. How dare he think she was inadequate. But then she reminded herself that Jag was not her father.

Her temper cooled and they were sitting, him bandaging her hand when he said the off-handed remark about Solus.

Solus, he was sitting beside her. Holding her hand. She wasn't alone, but why did he stay? She was damaged; her emotions shredded so many times that the scars had become a thick wall. She hadn't let anyone get close to her in a long time. Humour was her weapon of defence. Everyone assumed that the clown was happy, that she had no inner demons. That's what Joslyn had projected to the others. Yet Fynn had seen through her, had Solus also seen the truth?

She let out a deep breath, her lips parting, her mouth a little dry. She felt battered and fragile. She hated weakness, especially in herself. She felt inadequate. She stretched and felt a gloved hand tighten around her own hand.

Then she heard him, Solus was talking to her. At first she couldn't understand what he was saying but his voice was soothing.

"-so then I wondered what to do next. But you came in blasters blazing and got me out of that mess. Man you made an impression on me. The fierce warrior woman who came to my rescue," he chuckled, "the others would think me a sap."

Joslyn wanted to answer but she was so drained. She squeezed his hand gently; it was all she could manage. She felt him cup her hand with both of his. "Can you hear me, Joslyn?"

She attempted to squeeze his hand again but it was too much effort.

Solus continued talking, "You know once you're back to your old self I'm going to take you out some place really nice. I've been meaning to do it for a long time but could never tell if you were well," he hesitated, "if you were interested, in me that is." There was a long silence afterward.

Joslyn wished she could answer him but her strength was fading. Sleep was calling her and she was unable to stop it from claiming her once again.


Joslyn's mind was searching, she was sifting through the memories of Solus. Things he'd said and things he'd done. The more she thought about it the more obvious it became that Solus had been looking out for her for a long time. Whenever she had been pinned down Solus had insisted that they get her out, be it with a team or on her own.

Whenever she was injured he'd always appear and see how she was doing. Whenever she wanted to sit alone he would often join her. She cringed at the times that she'd practically bitten his head off because she had wanted to be alone. Perhaps that's why he'd given her a wider berth when they were in a group. Or perhaps he didn't want to suffer the constant ribbing from the others when they found out that Solus had an eye on the only female in the group.

Joslyn smiled to herself. She went to squeeze Solus' hand but it was no longer in hers. She felt an instant panic and her eyes fluttered open. The machine beside her was making flurried bleeps in time with her erratic heartbeat. She looked around to see that she was in a hospital of sorts. Solus was sitting in a chair beside her bed, his helmeted head drooped forward, his hand dropped beside her.

"Asleep," Joslyn croaked as she calmed. The machine beside her quietening.

**Just thought I'd add a bit more :P **

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 22, 2008 7:45 pm #

Tracyn was being pushed on a Repulso-Gurney by Jag, slipping in and out of unconsciousness. He thought he saw Joslyn being operated on as Jag pushed him past and into the room next to hers.

"He took two blaster shots in the gut.  He may have a few broken ribs.  What can you do?" he heard Jag say to someone that he couldn't see. Tracyn fell unconscious again, and Jag removed Tracyn's chest plates.

When Tracyn woke up, the med droid was talking to Jag. Tracyn looked down at his chest and saw large bandages wrapped around it. He poked them and it hurt, but he was better now.

"I have fixed his ribs, but the patient needs to take it easy for the next week. I suggest he stays here until tomorrow to rest, and then-" the med droid was cut off as Tracyn fired his blaster into it's memory circuits.

"How long was I out?" Tracyn asked Jag.

"Only a short while. The med droid finished with you quickly. Ya know, we could have broguth it back to the ship to replace that old droid we have there..." Jag replied.

"Well, it's too late for that. Let's go find the others."

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
July 22, 2008 8:03 pm #

The quiet and severe auction house had become a nightmare to Ricky. People coming in through windows, guns firing, inside, outside. Ricky was small enough to duck and hide among the chairs that the people left. Everyone was in a panic, he could see their legs go in all directions. Ricky didn't try to run, he didn't know where to go, and he didn't want to go alone. His dad wasn't a very warm person to be with, but he was all he had. So he kept hiding there with chairs all around him. His dad was still sitting at the same place, silently saying all the words that were forbidden for Ricky to say, one after the other. He really didn't seem happy.

Soon everyone had left by the emergency exit, fleeing, and there was just Ricky, his dad and the big fat man who stayed there at the front. The big fat man's face had turned pale and he didn't seem well. He was holding his chest at the height of his heart and wasn't breathing the normal way. Ricky should probably feel bad for him, but with his big mouth and shaking face, that big fat man gave Ricky so many nightmares. He really seemed like he'd need help soon, but Ricky was too little to know what to do. He just prefered to stop looking.

His dad got up and was obviously furious. As furious as on that day with the accident. But this time he had taken his knife out and was about to strike the man that came through the window with it. Ricky thought his dad was really mad that his auction has been interrupted. He placed his hands on his eyes because he didn't want to see what would happen.

Cast iron and treadmills? Oh yes. Still sculpting me to what I really want to be, and I love it. :)
July 22, 2008 8:42 pm #

Lexington walked down the marble hallway with his heels clicking quietly against the hard floor. As usual the Naboo servants tried to discourage his need to see the Queen but he either ignored them or pushed them out of his way.

He found the petite Queen with a man he didn't recognise, "Your majesty, you're quite a hard woman to find these days." Lexington said with a short bow.

"Ah Commander, I had not expected to see you." She said as she shot her companion a warning look.

Lexington hid his amusement as he saw the man step forward protectively. "Well my Queen it seems we have a Mandalorian problem."

"You seem well informed," The Queen said icily.

"It's my duty, your majesty." Lexington replied. He continued on ignoring the glares from both of the Queen and her companion, "I've sent my Elite Troopers to deal with the Mandalorians, so do not fear."

The Queen stepped forward threateningly, "I know my people will protect me. Now get back out there and give them the support they need."

Lexington smirked, "Of course my Queen." He turned his back on the young Queen and went on his way. He picked up his com for and called for a status report from his Elite squad. Trinata, the Twi'lek, responded. "The Mandalorians have been found, sounds like Yeeto and Delton have got it sorted."

Lexington raised a dark eyebrow, "Really, doesn't sound like the Mandalorians are trying particularly hard."

"I think they are overwhelmed by our forces," Trinata told.

Lexington doubted it, somehow the Naboo had gotten the advantage but he doubted that it would be for long. "Do they have their basilicks?"

"No sir," Trinata replied.

"Well be prepared for a real fight when that happens," Lexington said darkly, "Until then protect the food silos, I'm sure that will be their next point of attack." He didn't mention that he suspected that they'd be after the Queen, she could let her fop save her, if his Elite Troopers didn't finish them off first.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
July 22, 2008 9:29 pm #

Tracyn and Jag rounded a corner and entered Joslyn's room. A small female was busy operating on her. Solus was glaring through his visor at a male doctor, so Tracyn guessed that he didn't trust him.

"Hey, there are already enough people in here. One of you has to leave." the short female ordered strictly. Tracyn nodded, and left the room. He leaned up against the wall, and called Fynn on his comlink.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
July 23, 2008 5:48 am #

Griffin and the left overs of his team arrived back at the palace entrance.

"Dam it! one bloody mando did this to us! A BLOODY SINGLE ONE!" Griffin cursed throwing his blaster at the wall

"Hows the comms going?" He then calmed down. lighting up another cigar

"comms are still down sir, we got short internal comms, nothing over 5 clicks though sir!" A section commander answered

"Well im gonna get me a cup of caf!, All Alpha, relax, have a bite to eat and a drink. we aint giving up so soon" Griffin smirked back to the group

"Yes sir!" Was the answer he got back

With that Griffin proceeded to the Cafeteria, he had made it sort of. Putting his feet up on the table and pouring himself a cup of caf he began on his new plans

"Time to Utilize the underground network i think" Griffin whispered to himself with a smirk

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
July 23, 2008 2:28 pm #

All the other Naboo troopers had fled, it was now between the Mandos and the entrenched Super Naboo who was still hiding behind what used to be an ornate stone fountain.  Now the chunks of rock were blasted to bits with water shooting in the air and running everywhere, but still the Naboo kept a steady rate of fire at the SuperCommandos. 

Engaging his personal cloaking device, Kelborn tried to sneak around the corner and work his way to where Regimas was.  They still had no idea of the condition of their brother, or if he was even still alive.

Kelborn was halfway there when the Naboo opened fire on him.

How can he possibly see me?? Kelborn’s mind screamed the question.  He’s a Force user, of course!  He could sense my presence!  Stupid! 

Ducking and running, Kelborn barely made it behind a ornate stone bench.  Putting his shoulder into it, he tipped it over so that nothing could shoot under.  Peering around the corner, he fired a few bolts back with his WarCaster before rolling away from a torrent of fire.

How much ammo does hit guy have?!?

If you run, I can track you. If you hide, I will find you. If you fight, I will watch you fall......
July 23, 2008 2:50 pm (Edited July 23, 2008 02:52 pm) #

not enough, I'm taking him down. Oh, and my guy's got black armor with Gold highlights around his visor.

Kal released the line three meters above the ground, tucked and rolled silently with the impact. He ran swiftly towards a low wall, and surveyed the situation. While most of the Naboo had fled, one was left firing down on the weary Mandalorian forces. He was an excellent shot, and always seemed to know when a shot was coming. The Mandalorians were tired, and their already small force was depleted by two WIA and another two or more that had carried them away.

As he watched, the Naboo shifted his fire seemingly at nothing. A near hit revealed a cloaked Mandalorian sprinting for cover.  How the fierfek?

The Naboo shifted his fire back at the Mandalorians, exposing his back to Kal. Kal unsheathed his bes'kad and slowly crept up on him. The Naboo was focusing all his attention on the Mandalorians, and didn't even notice Kal's approach. When Kal was a meter away, the Naboo started, and whirled around to face Kal. Kal lunged, impaling the Naboo through his spine. Kal brought his mask close to the dying soldier's face. Nuhoy pirusti, aruetii. He let the body slide off of his blade, cleaning it on the Naboo's uniform. Kal walked over to the Mandalorians.

"Commander Fynn Drakus?" A man with a black and grey helmet with red helmets stepped forward. "That's me."

"I'm Kal Goran. Advance scout. I've got orders to join your squads and fight until Theed burns, and the rest of the Galaxy with it."

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
July 23, 2008 8:05 pm #

Joslyn had dozed off for a while but a loud bang woke her up. She looked around to see that Solus was still beside her but he was on his feet, fully alert and looking to her right. She followed his gaze to see he was looking at the closed door.

"What is it?" Joslyn asked with a croaky voice.

Solus' helmeted head whipped around to her so fast that Joslyn blinked in surprise.

"You're awake," Solus said sounding pleased.

"Yeah," Joslyn replied, "Still a little groggy though. What happened?"

Solus walked to the door and peered out the small window. He seemed to relax somewhat as he backed away and returned to the chair beside her bed. "You had an aneurism."

Joslyn raised her brows in surprise, "Really? I thought I must have gotten shot and not noticed."

"How do you feel?" Solus asked as he leaned forward in his chair.

Joslyn shrugged and noticed that her body didn't ache anymore, "Surprisingly good."

"They used kolto on you for a while," Solus told, "They were worried you might have suffered brain damage."

Joslyn laughed, "So I might be even crazier than before."

Solus didn't join in her laughter. "I need to get you out of here."

"Why?" Joslyn asked in confusion.

"We're in a Naboo hospital, you're vulnerable here." Solus said as he stood once again.

"I guess you could put me in the bacta tank on the ship," Joslyn suggested, "I have no idea how much time I need for recovery."

"I'll let the lady doctor check you, then I'm taking you out of here." Solus said with firm resolve.

"Where are the others?" Joslyn asked.

"Jag and Tracyn are here, the others are still out fighting." Solus said then took a step towards the bed and picked up her hand. "I stayed with you the whole time."

Joslyn smiled, "I know. I could hear you."

Solus' body went rigid, "You heard everything?"

Joslyn attempted to shake her head but frowned at the discomfort. "No, it was mainly the tone of your voice. It was soothing to know you were there."

He squeezed her hand, "I'm glad to hear it."

Suddenly a thought occurred to Joslyn, "So what happened to Jag and Tracyn?"

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It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...

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