Topic: Objective: Naboo RPG

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Topic #2807

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July 17, 2008 10:57 pm #

Jag jogged off with Fynn and thermal incinerator packs.  He went down several alleys before coming down to a unsuspecting guard.  Jag strolled towards him.

"Jag?  What are you doing get back here!"

Jag ignored Fynn and tapped the guard on his shoulder.  The guards eyes grew wide as he saw the T visor.  Jag's hand shot out grabbing the man by the neck and slamming him against the wall.  He extended the knuckle vibro blade.

"Tell me where the armory is and you might live."

"Gahk!  Down at the end ghhk of the main street."

Jag nodded and shoved the vibroblade in the man's chest.

"I never gave you any guarantees."

Jag released the man and he slumped down to the floor.

"We have our location.  Let's go."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
July 17, 2008 11:16 pm #

Tracyn, Regimas, and Dachande hopped back onto their Basilisks to head east.

"Hey Dachande, is that a new trophy on your belt?" Tracyn asked. Dachande clicked his mandibles, and Tracyn took that as a yes. They swooped into a courtyard, Tracyn's Basilisk pinning a guard to the ground with it's claws. They dismounted and Dachande and Regimas killed the remaining guards. Tracyn called Joslyn on his comlink.

"We have landed and taken out some security guards. We will move onto the Rotunda now." Tracyn said.

"We have taken control of the barracks. Trius made a big mess of things. Blood all over the place." Joslyn replied with a laugh. So far everything was going well.

Tracyn was about to call Fynn when all hell broke loose. Gian speeders.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
July 17, 2008 11:44 pm #
Adeptus_Astartes wrote:

((Hey dude, this is the Mandalorian wars, I dont think there were westars, unless were just throwing out the timeline, which is fine. If we are then nvm this))

*It's ok, there's more then that making this RPG non-canon, trust me

@ Sev - Sorry I didn't make it clear where the armory would be.  Makes more sense to me for it to be part of the haner then off in the middle of the city someplace*

Stepping over the guard as he tried to crawl away, Fynn and Jag continued down the ally-like corridors of the hanger’s underground network.  Turning a final corner, a pair of guards looked up from their desks with saucer eyes; behind them a massive blast door.  Both where shot before they could even stand.

“Let’s get this baby open, Cover me!” ordered Fynn as he raced for the door.

With jag watching the way they’d come, Fynn started turning the large wheel on the door’s front.  As the wheel turned, massive pins began to release from the walls and retracted into the door.  With a loud ‘Clank’ it came free and slid open.

Jag rushed in as Fynn took his turn covering the exit.  Pulling out two of the charges, he strapped each to a torpedo warhead near the center of the large weapon supply.

“Better set these babies now” Jag said almost to himself.  “The signal might not be able to reach them from above.”

“Don’t cut it too close; got too much to do to die now” Fynn reminded him.  “We can use that cargo turbo right there” he pointed to the opposite wall from the armory’s exit.  “Will save us some running.”

“Tired out already boss?” Jag prodded as he rushed past Fynn for the turbo lift, slapping the Commander on the shoulder as he passed.

“Nope” Fynn cut back as they jumped into the lift.  “Just in a hurry…” he said as the doors closed and Jag punched the remote starter for the bomb’s timers…

The lift seemed to take hours, despite the maximum speed setting that took them to the hanger bay in seconds.  As they neared the end, the turbo slowed greatly, allowing flip open do access panels to completely get clear.  As they re-entered the smoke filled chamber, they were welcomed with the muzzles of several blaster rifles.

Lifting their weapons as they realized who was coming, Starwind and the other Mandos welcomed their brothers back.  “Find it sir?” Starwind asked.

“Yeah, now lets move…FAST!” ordered Fynn as he and Jag rushed for the exit.

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
July 18, 2008 12:11 am #

There were no survivors at the barracks. Trius had gone into a berserker like state and anyone she missed he’d finished off. “Guess it’s time to move on,” Joslyn said. As usual Trius didn’t reply.

She walked up to him and touched his armour. “How do you know what’s blood and what’s paint?”

Joslyn nearly jumped out of her skin when Trius spoke, “Blood washes off, paint stays.”

Joslyn nodded, “I see. Guess we should regroup.”

Trius shrugged in answer.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 18, 2008 12:16 am #

The Gian speeder fired one shot with it's powerful cannon. The shot nailed Tracyn's Basilisk, blowing one of it's legs off.

"OSIK!" shouted Tracyn, even louder that earlier, " Dachande! Regimas! Get on your Basilisks! Lets go!"

They got on their Basilisks and took off as the guards blasted at them. The Gian speeder fired another shot, narrowly missing Regimas.

"What's your plan?" Regimas asked.

"Lets go meet up with Joslyn and Trius at the barracks, and then we can meet up with Blue Squadron again." Tracyn replied. THey flew to the barracks, and saw Joslyn standing outside, amongst a sea of dead Guards.

After dismounting, Tracyn sent Red squad's Basilisks back to the ship. Trius poked his spiky head out the door, looking around.

"We met a large group of Guards and speeders along the way. Lets regroup and meet up with Fynn." Tracyn said.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
July 18, 2008 12:23 am (Edited July 18, 2008 12:47 am) #

“Well our work is done here, may as well join the action.” Joslyn said as she ran.

Joslyn privately commed Tracyn, “Trius actually spoke, I nearly fell over from the shock.”

Tracyn laughed, “He does speak occasionally.

“Guess he had a moment of enlightenment,” Joslyn teased.

Tracyn didn’t answer, he returned to his normal frequency, “Let’s move like we’ve got a purpose.”

Joslyn watched as Regimas took the lead, shooting at anything that came near him.

“That guy is gonna get himself killed,” Joslyn muttered then realised it went through all the coms.

“Ah you’re just jealous that you’re not as skilled,” came Regima’s jibe.

“I like action but I’m not suicidal,” Joslyn muttered.

Red squad quickly came into view of Blue squad. “Guess it’s time for the reunion,” Joslyn grinned.

** There you go Appo, fixed **

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 18, 2008 12:36 am #

((Uhhhhh........ Mel, the basilisks were all sent back to the ship. ;) ))

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
July 18, 2008 12:42 am (Edited July 18, 2008 12:50 am) #

Solus sprinted after the scout down the marble staircase. "They sure don't have these on Mandalore."
He almost ran right into the back of Kelborn, his fist was clenched in the air; soldiers could be heard running up the opposing stairwell.

"We can take 'em out or let them pass. Your call." Solus put the Karpaki on his back and drew his pistol.

Without hesitation, Kelborn raised his gauntlet and fired a rocket at the men running up the stairs. It exploded a meter above them, littering the floor with marble fragments and blood.

"Well, that takes care of that." Solus chuckled, spinning his pistol. "Down two more levels."

"FREEZE!" A young voice shouted from behind them.

"Hold." Solus whispered into the private comm channel. "I got this." He spun around, grabbing the boy's arm, twisting it behind his back, and putting his own blaster against the back of his head. "You don't want to be doing that."

The boy quivered with fear; he looked to be about 14, already an adult by Mandalorian standards; but not the Naboo. He hadn't even taken the safety off.

"Solus, we need to move now. Decide."

He paused for a moment, then slammed the boy against the wall. "Others will follow, don't get in their way."

The two went down the stairs to ground level; reaching a long, dimly lit corridor leading to the lower streets of Theed.

"What is with the Naboo and marble...?"

"This IS my signature."
July 18, 2008 1:08 am #

Venla woke to the sounds of explosions. She was wearing her pale pink satin nightdress that came down to her ankles. As usual she had to adjust the shoestring straps from dropping down her shoulders. She picked up her torch and walked to her window. She saw the Communications Tower was a mess and somewhat shorter. She knew she had to alert the palace. The Queen might be in danger.

Venla slipped on her shoes and made her way out into the warm night air. She rushed through the night as her satin nightdress clung to her body and fanned out behind her. She ran to the palace and saw that the guards were somewhat lacking. She guessed they must have gone to see what was wrong. Venla got inside the palace but not very far before she found some guards, “Have you seen what’s happened outside?”

The guards looked at her, “No ma’am we’re assigned to inner palace duties.”

“The Communications Tower has been attacked. Someone might be coming to attack the Queen!” she said anxiously.

The guards looked at one another and then the one she’s been talking to turned serious. “I’ll take you to our Chief of Security. I’m sure things are under control.”

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
July 18, 2008 2:37 am (Edited July 18, 2008 02:38 am) #

Commander Drakus charged down the large, marble, spiral staircase; all of Blue Team close on his heels.  They passed many kills and signs of battle; in including a kid with an apparently broken nose.  He sat on the steps, leaned as close to the wall as he could while holding up his hands as the Mandalorian’s rushed passed.

“Happy landing” one of them snickered as they went by.

Finally reaching the main floor, the arrived just in time to run into Kelborn and Solus, who had just finished taking out the pair of night sentries and were preparing to make their way out into the courtyard. 

“You guys caught up fast; something wrong?” asked Solus.

“No time to explain, lets…”

“EVERYONE” bellowed Jag, who had just checked his crono.  “MOVE NOW!”


In the courtyard below the hill the hanger was built into, the night watch stayed at their posts, ready for anything.  They’d seen the strange craft that had blasted their way into the hanger, and heard the battle above.  Now they prepared for anyone to leave the main entrance in front of them.

Turning from his hastily built cover position, the senior sergeant heard the sound of marching troops from behind.  Over twenty Naboo Security personnel led by an officer came out of the darkness.

The sergeant ran from his post to the reinforcements and greeted the officer with a salute. 

The officer didn’t return it…  “What the hell are you and your men doing out here???  The fight’s in THERE!”

“Sir, we received no orders to move, and I didn’t think…”

“Shut up!” the officer snapped  “Come on men!  Let get…”

One of the sergeant’s men jumped into view and pointed to the hanger doors.  “LOOK!”

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
July 18, 2008 2:43 am #

Now that the bomb started to explode, it was of utter most importance that Jag, Fynn, Marcus and the other Mandos make way out of the hangar. Busting out through the doors, the entire roof of the hangar seemed to explode in epic proportions. With several cheap dives, Wilhelm screams, and general "Duck!" yells, they all made it out.

"All in a day's work, eh Fynn?"

"Yeah, you can say that again."

Straightening themselves out, Blue Team went around the corner of what was the hangar bay, and noticed several Naboo Security guards who were absolutely stunned and mortified by the destruction of their hangar. Blue Team set up in a firing position, as one of the guards happened to see them all in position. Fynn screamed at the top of his lungs "FIRE AT WILL!" and the immediate reaction is that of mass bullets flying towards the little group of guards who attempted to return fire, but all died :D . After 3 minutes of straight shooting, Fynn signaled to hold fire.

"Damn, where d'you think all that extra ammo went, Comm?"

July 18, 2008 2:50 am #

"Sir, our troops report severe losses on all fronts, with an armory down, main comms tower, hangar too sir!" A corporal said to Griffin

"And sir...We've lost a lot of men...they've lost none" He then gulped

"What!? Are all speeders mobilized with there infantry squads?" Griffin quietly said

"Yes sir. they havnt seen much combat of yet. most are patrolling the palace"  The corporal replied

"Hmmm makes sense!, Right then. equip all available men with what we have out of the palace armory...NOW!" Griffin ordered

Griffin paced through the palace corridors. the place had become hastily fortified. durasteel plates where stuck to the windows. the doors had been barred. it had become a fortress now.

Whistling like nothing was happening, he took a calm mood to things. if he died he died. what more could he do about it?

"Keep up the work soldier, your doing a grand job!" Griffin smirked patting a young soldier on the back who turned to face Griffin stood at attention and saluted

"y...yes sir!" the young soldier murmered.

"Dont be scared troop. and none of that fancy stuff too" he winked to him as Griffin walked into the main cafeteria area and poured him self some caf took out a cigar and put his feet up. placing one of his SL 5's on the table next to him.

"Lets see what these mando's have got planned for us" chuckling to himself as he inhaled his cigar

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
July 18, 2008 2:54 am #

Regimas jumped out and Joslyn dragged him back by the arm. “You want to get yourself killed?”

He looked at her with a tilt of his helmeted head, “In this suit, I’m bullet proof.”

“Yeah and Trius is the Queen of Naboo,” Joslyn said with dripping sarcasm.

“Really? Well that makes our job easy.” Regimas said clearly with a smirk.

Joslyn shook her head, “He’s too tall to be the Queen.”

Their banter was interrupted as they heard gunfire from Blue squad. “Lock and load, gentleman and lady,” Tracyn said but as they rounded the corner they saw that Blue squad had already dispatched the guards.

“Man you guys get all the fun,” Regimas pouted.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 18, 2008 3:31 am #

Fynn pulled the spent power pack from his carbine and replaced it with a new one as Red Team walked up from the darkness.

“Man you guys get all the fun,” said Regimas with what sounded like genuine sorrow. 

“Perk of seniority kid” Starjammer sneered as he put a wounded Naboo ‘out of his misery.’ 

“I think it’s time we visit the Queen vode.  Can’t wait all night; they’ve got troops on the way from their outlying forts by now.  Sooner we move, less resistance there will be; not that it’ll be easy as it is.  Every guard in the city is probably already there.”

“Then lets be about it” Trius growled with a grin.

Fynn cocked his head slightly.  “You know, I think if we could just have a nice talk with the Queen, we could work everything out peacefully.  I mean, there’s no reason we can’t be civil about this.”

“As you say commander,” responded Starwind, who put a blaster bolt between the eyes of the last begging trooper…

*too my Mandos; lets not show up on the doorstep just yet.  Have one more fight in mind before we get there. 

Viking, this is your go for that ambush.  If you want, you can say the officer I posted about escaped the hanger fight here and rallied some more men, and is waiting for us somewhere in the city where we’ll pass on our way to the Palace.  Post the ambush as soon as you’re able.

If any of my Mandos get here before the ambush is posted and have the itch to post, just have us on our way and maybe sweep some guards out of the way; or feel free to create some other situation for us to escape from*

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
July 18, 2008 4:31 am #

The two troops merged back into one group and Joslyn was slightly surprised when Solus came up to her. “So it all went well?” he said on the private com between then.

Joslyn gave a nod and grinned, “Yeah I got a bang out of it.”

Solus chuckled, “I heard.”

Joslyn frowned, “Damn I was trying to be as subtle as possible.”

“Since when is blowing something up quiet?” Solus asked.

Joslyn shrugged, “Never I guess. Tracyn wanted to be boring and slice. Suppose he should next time.”

Solus took a step closer, “We might be able to work together for the rest of the mission now.”

Under the helmet Joslyn’s brow furrowed, unsure as to why he sounded so pleased by the idea. “Yeah,” she said and looked around to the Commander. “Guess we’re getting ready to move on.” Then she realised she was still on the private com.

“Eager for more action?” Solus asked sounding excited by the prospect.

“Always am,” she said and looked away. She could tell that the others were updating each other so she turned back to Solus, “So was there much trouble at this end?”

“Nothing we couldn’t handle,” Solus said as he held his blaster. Before he could elaborate a grenade landed at their feet. Joslyn picked it up and threw it back, “We’ve got company!” A resounding boom sounded as the grenade exploded.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 18, 2008 6:37 am #

Trius withdrew his swords again and leapt towards the group of Nabbo guards that had appeared. Trius particularly liked these guards. Their pathetic soft leather uniforms were butter under the hot knife of his vibro swords.

His brethren opened fire while he began hacking away at the vanguard of the group. He caught another guard staring in disbelief at the intimidating set of 5inch long horns on his head and he did the favor of beheading him. He sheathed one of his swords and grabbed another guard with his free hand. With a spin he threw him into the group, knocking down several of them.

(sorry for the short post. Didnt want to kill them ALL)

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
July 18, 2008 7:59 am (Edited July 18, 2008 08:01 am) #

MYERS had spent his first official day as a new officer going through the process of improcessing, it made no difference he had been a NSF for the past 10 years, he had to fill out all the initial intake paperwork again. 

It was well into the night before he was done, he even had to work through his lunch date with his fiance, much to his and her disappointment in order to attend a mandatory lecture on personal finance that began one hour late and provided no new insight into maintaining wealth.  He decided to swing by and grab a bottle of 'firewine' to salvage something of the night when the MANDOs came.

He was no expert on all things military, but you didn't have to be to recognize the handiwork of MANDOs, large explosions were their trademark introduction. 

Ruefully he muttered "So much for tonight." and checked the charge of his blaster and decided it was time to upgrade, thankfully he still had his TRU equpiment issue in his speeder.  CHIEF RANDING had said he should keep it if he ever needed another job, he was on his way to turn it in today, but hadn't had time to.  He hastily donned his armored breast plate and his TAC hemlet and loaded his rifle, thumbing on the sights.

In no time fear and panic had siezed the city of THEED, another calling card of the force that had awaken the city into the nightmare of an invasion.  The COMM tower had been blown effectively cutting off the higher HQs from the rank and file patrolmen, leaving them to their own best intuition and training.

For MYER, he was on his way to link up with the other members of TRU, only to discover they had vacated, no doubt to reinforce the palace.  He was on his way when a bloodied SERGEANT intercepted him asking for orders. 

"Sir, we were cut off from our patrol..." he started to well up at the thought of what had befalled his squad in a few moments.  The large monster with the two swords had killed so many, so fast

"Easy SGT MALATINE" he said reading the bloody name tag, "Let's see if we can sort this out.  You with me?" he asked, trying to refocus the trooper.

"Sir, yer sir." he sounded off.  It still struck MYERS as strange to hear that title applied to him.

Soon MYERS had eleven men of different patrols cobbled together, they wouldn't have passed inspection and were a poor attempt at a fighting force.  Six rifles, seven blaster pistol and three charges and only he had any armor to speak of, still it was all he had to work with so it would have to be good enough.

He thought of the most likely avenue of approach and figured to lay in an ambush, he knew his odds were grave, but he had to make an attempt, at least to slow the beast he knew the MANDOs to be for the others to figure out a response. 

He laid his rag-a-muffin force into their positions, hidden form observation with clear fields of fire in to the major intersection, the intended kill zone.  Still lacking a heavy casualty producing ambush initiator, he improvised one and rigged a speeded to blow.  He didn't figure it would penetrate their armor unless they were right next to it, but it should be a good distractor and maybe get one.

He briefed his men to lay down heavy fire when he blew the speeder and to retreat after two energy clips were spent back to their fall back positions.  He didn't want to throw their lives away in a suicide misssion.

The sounds of death were moving closer to their positions, and he could feel the tension growing along the firing line, one young trooper threw up.  He had picked well, and the figures stalked forward cautiously, looking for signs of trouble, but their initial sucess and desire for more action caused them to step into the kill zone and into their first real resistance.


RD hope to have set the stage for you

I figure one big explosion, more flash than boom, and then the two energy clips of concentrated fire on you guys.  Three troopers plan to charge you, so have fun while four will break and run early so by all means enjoy. 

Kill MYERS but give him a good send off, no evisceration or beheading please, clean combat.

I'll write his last breaths and then move to another troopers perspective

"We do bad things to worse people"
July 18, 2008 8:16 am #
Viking1 wrote:

Kill MYERS but give him a good send off, no evisceration or beheading please, clean combat.


Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
July 18, 2008 8:25 am #
Valthonin wrote:
Viking1 wrote:

Kill MYERS but give him a good send off, no evisceration or beheading please, clean combat.


There are plenty of other NSF for you to kill, those charging or those fleeing, come on V!!!

"We do bad things to worse people"
July 18, 2008 8:30 am #

Jayali was starteled awake. She had heard some commotion, and not knowing what it was, she began to get out of bed. Two security officers rushed in.

"What's going on?" The queen demanded.

"It the Mandalorians milady. We have to get you to a secure location immediately."

"Update me!"

"I am afraid there is no time. Ocelot has mobilized what forces we have, but we don't know what we're up against."

Queen Kalipana paused for a moment gathering her thoughts, all of which were racing about. The worse case senario had begun to play out, she was fearful for herself, and her people. She had failed them.

"We suggest," The officer went on to say, "That Talia take her place as you. That way you won't be such a target. We are sure they will be after you."

Jayali nodded her head in concordance. "Yes."

"You need to come with us Your Majesty."

"No. I have something I feel i should do. Take Talia and protect her as if she were I. I must do something to protect our people."


Carth awoke to knocking on the door of his room inside the royal palace. He was annoyed his rest was being disturbed, as he had a tiring meeting not long before. Couldn't they cut him some slack.

He opened the door, shirtless, just out of bed to a young woman, nicely dressed, with long blonde hair slightly pulled back but still flowing down her back. He just stared at her.

"I know this is an akward situation Mr. Onasi. When I asked for someone to help as a military advisor, I wasn't thinking that the threat would be so close. "

"Queen Kalipana?" He questioned. He didn't recognize her with out the elaborate trappings of her royal status.

"Please, thats something I don't want anyone to know right now. I know this may be too much to ask of you. And I am sorry that it has come to this."

"What?" Carth asked, seeing and sensing the worry and panic in the Queen's eyes.

"Mandalorians have landed with their Basilisk War Droids, they have apparently cut all communications. That is why I had to come and see you my self. I know my men are strong and brave, but they don't know what they are fighting. You have more combat experience than anyone else on Naboo that I know. I beg you to help me."

"I was upset for leaving the front lines? Why? The battle comes to me." He thought.  "Ok." he told her. "I'll help."

"Thank you so much Mr. Onasi. I didn't know where to turn."

"Call me Carth." and he smiled. The Queen was much prettier looking with out all that finery, really.

"Ok, Carth. Lets find Captain Ocelot."

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
July 18, 2008 9:17 am #

The alien's spine made a good trophy, still warm from the creature it was being worm as a belt. Dachande moved, quickly and silently forward, firing his plasmacaster frequently at snipers and turrets.He wished he didn't have a job to do, then he could hunt at his own pace, raise hell on the planet, put them in a state of unrest. Panic them. He could do much better then a direct assault could ever do. There were frontlines in this case, civilians would run from it and they may feel safe still. In a hunt, there were no frontlines. Seemingly random kills, with no boundaries half across the city one day in your backyard the next. He would make due with his situation. He fired again, removing threats as he found them.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
July 18, 2008 1:39 pm #

As Joslyn grabbed the grenade that had come out of nowhere and slung it back into the darkness, Kelborn and the others leveled their blasters and fired into the night. 

Using his Ceremonial War Caster, which was designed for a much higher rate of fire then the standard Wookie weapons, Kelborn fired from the hip and put down an impressive field of fire into the ally.

All the Mandalorians began to move forward toward the enemy; the bolts from their blasters lighting up the night.

If you run, I can track you. If you hide, I will find you. If you fight, I will watch you fall......
July 18, 2008 2:24 pm #

“AMBUSH!” Fynn yelled out as the grenade Joslyn had returned exploded.  “Form a firing line!”

The Mandalorians quickly formed ranks, becoming a solid wall of defensive firepower.  Despite their small number, the amount of fire they were sending in return was amazing. 

A sniper’s blaster bolt shot from a distant building, knocking Jag to his knees for a moment, but the blast seemed to have been absorbed by his cheast armor.  Solus quicky drew a bead on the distant target, but before he could squeeze the firing stud and blue bolt of plasma shot from a nearby rooftop. 

Good to see Dachunda is still on the job Fynn thought with a grin.  “Good shot ner’vod” Fynn called into his private comm. with the hunter.  “Star heading for the Palace ASAP; I’ll send Regimas to meet you soon, and the rest of us will start making noise at the front door just as soon as we clear up this little matter.  Confirm?”

Commander Drakus thought he could hear a click of fangs before the comm. line went dead.  Animal…

“Squads…Advance!” ordered the commander, his teams marching forward down the ally, firing on anything that even moved in the kill zone.

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
July 18, 2008 3:21 pm #

"Sir we got incoming!" a palace guard sergeant shouted "Bout 700 metres, Front and centre!, They just got ambushed but there heading this way"

"Ahhh Excellent. is the Queen Secure?" Captain Griffin jumped from his chair, Cigar in mouth.

"We dont know, our comms are out sir!" He heard a reply

"It'll take them a while to break through. Prepare for our stand soldiers" Griffin called out, taking a last drag from his cigar before letting it drop to the floor. he stomped on it and rubbed it with his foot before picking up his Officer peak cap brushing it then placing it on his head.

"You there. throw me that rifle!" Griffin shouted to someone who was standing next to his Sniper rifle An extended and heavily modified SL-5 blaster pistol. with a longer barrel, extended clip and a stronger power cell.

With that the troop threw the rifle to Griffin, Griffin catching it in one hand, twirling it and walked to the front of the palace.

"Show down guys! Dont die on me too easily now! He shouted down the hall way

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
July 18, 2008 5:05 pm #

They were almost in the kill zone, a few more seconds and then he would detonate the speeder, signaling the inexperienced  crew to begin their concentrated fire, when someone got a little excited and did something stupid.  SGT MALATINE threw his grenade and began the ambush prematurely.

"Frapping imbicile" he thought at the young trooper's actions, he hadn't stuck to a plan that had a very slim chance of sucess to begin with and no there was seemingly no chance.  Grenades were social munitons, you throw one, throw some friends otherwise what could happen, did.

A MANDO picked up the grenade and chucked it down the alley, he suffered a little bit of permacrete spray for his trubles but nothing debilitating and far from lethal.  Then MALATINE and two others began bounding forward and shooting wildly form the hip with a war cry at their lips.  Sexy in the holos, but far from functional and poor soldiering.  MYERS knew those men were done for along with their chance for victory in this, now it was a matter of taking some of them out too.

He picked up his rate of fire, sighting in and squeezing his trigger over and over again.  More than not of his bolts hit their mark, but it seemed that only he was hitting as the rate of fire had dwindled to only him and another.  Soon he was through three energy cells and things were getting desperate as the MANDOs were beginnig to reorganize and advance.

"Just a little further, come on, come on, take the bait you mercenary sons-of-a-diseased-wamprat." he wanted them to come in line with his still unexploded speeder, "COME ON!!!" he yelled.  He still had one more charge, that was going to be his final act of defiance, "COME ON!!!"

"We do bad things to worse people"
July 18, 2008 7:05 pm #

Jag was quickly on his feet after the sniper shot.  His worn beskar had saved him more than once.  His vode were slowly making their way through the ranks of enemies.  Jag spied a speeder and for once decided to be clever.  A speeder would make a great weapon to ram into enemies.  Unmanned of course.  Jag broke off from the line and made his way to the speeder.  Before he could make it within three steps the speeder erupted in flame and exploded throwing Jag off his feet, Jag only had time to curse himself for being a di'kut before smashing him into a wall 25 feet away.  He crumbled to the ground out cold.

((Viking1, let me know if you wanted a different result and I will edit))

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
July 18, 2008 7:24 pm #

"COME ON!!!!"  MYERS was shouting as he sput a few more bolts on target when to his suprise a MANDO was making a sprint for a speeder, his speeder, the one rigged to blow.  When the unlucky MANDO was close enough to get in he thumbed the switch.


The explosion lit up the night sky and temporarily quited teh kill zone as all turned to admire the explosion.  MYERS took the opportunity to press his temporary advantage and was on his feet moving slowly and shooting at any targets available.  The MANDO was out and MYERS wasn't sure if he was dead or not, either way a few more bolts in him wouldn't hurt.

As he drew near some wreckage he stopped to change a spent energy cell and thumb the safety off the last charge. 


Someone, RD or whoever finish me off, but give me a good send off.

I'll be out of town for the weekend so good luck and I'll pick up as a member of TRU reinforcing the palace and have some characters ready for you guys to kill.


"We do bad things to worse people"
July 18, 2008 7:53 pm #

Dachande turned, the explosion made him flinch, he hadn't been expecting that. He saw a soldier reloading near some wreckage. He jumped down to the ground behind him, and uncloaked. The soldier turned around as Dachande lunged. The soldier brought up his weapon, blocking the downward killing strike. Dachande backhanded him, probably breaking his nose. While the soldier tried to regain his composure Dachande lifted him off the ground, holding him by the neck. He growled at the man, who spat in his face, snarling. Dachande threw him to the ground and stabbed him in the chest with his spear. A quick death. He prepared to take his trophy, when a series of shots flew past him. He cloaked and ran. His trophy would have to wait

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
July 18, 2008 8:17 pm #

Joslyn saw that Dachande had taken out the Naboo soldier that had been close to killing Jag. She could see Jag’s bios in her HUD and knew he wasn’t dead. She ran over to his unconscious form and grabbed him by the collar of his flight suit and attempted to drag him back towards the relative safety of the group. “You need to go on a diet,” she cursed as she tried to pull him along.

Dachande grabbed Jag by the head and tossed him towards the others. Joslyn hadn’t expected it and lost her balance as she let go of Jag. “Some warning would have been nice,” Joslyn said to Dachande, but the alien already has his back to her, on the prowl.

Joslyn decided to use what she called a spikey. They were small bombs that had vicious prongs that stuck into anything. Joslyn activated the thing to explode 5 seconds after impact. Then threw the first and watched as it embedded into a Naboo soldier. “Prepare for mess!”

The soldier blew apart and splattered the pristine marble. “Ew,” Joslyn commented, “I’d hate to be the janitor.”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 18, 2008 8:21 pm #

"IT", for better lack of words appeared seemingly out of no where, and was lunging at his chest.  He quickly brought his rifle up to deflect the vibrodagger swooping down, it caught the blade, but ruined the rifle in the process.  A quick backhand from "IT" shattered MYERS face and had him seeing a mixture of blood and stars, the vice like grip around his throat brought him back into reality, a painful one.

Staring his death in the reflection of the high sheen of "IT's" helmet he hardly recognized his own face, it made him think about waking up this morning for some odd reason, he should have been late for his meeting after all.  Trying to breathe, he spit out the blood and a few teeth on the helmet, seeing his own gore ruin the strange alien's armor made him smile through his boken face.

This seemed to infuriate the strange warrior beast as it threw him to the pavement and raise his spear high stabbing him in his chest, penetrating his armored chest plate, pushing past ribs and flesh to impale him to the hard duracrete.  MYERS was dying, with only a moment or two to live as he stared into his killer's helmet trying to imagine what he, he assumed it was a he, looked like.

The charge rolled out of his hand and onto the ground next to him and between the beast's legs


Sorry AA, you're going to take some shrapnel for the "clean kill" and trophy hunting

"We do bad things to worse people"
July 18, 2008 8:39 pm #

((No problem dude, Dachande can deal with it))

Dachande had just thrown the mandalorian, Jag he believed he was called, when he heard a metallic 'tink' He looked around and saw a small tube roll from the soldiers hand, right down to him. Dachande began to run, shoving the female away from the grenade and leaping into the air.

The grenade went off, the explosive force launching him a few extra feet. He felt something punch through his legs and lower back. He heard pings as shrapnel bounced off his gauntlets. He managed to catch hold of a ledge, hanging there, his shiftsuit engaged as he tried to clear his head, there was an awful ringing underlying everything, and he was dizzy. It passed quickly, and he hauled himself up onto the ledge, lying on the rooftop. He then pulled his medicomp from his belt, he needed to extract the shrapnel, stop the bleeding. He needed to do it quickly. There was a battle to be fought.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
July 18, 2008 10:15 pm (Edited July 18, 2008 10:35 pm) #

Solus rolled out into the smoke and blind blaster fire, he needed to get to one of the courtyard home's roof. The smoke and dust from the grenade fairly well covered him, he suspected he was unseen.

Solus launched his wrist grapple onto the roof; luckily it caught something strong enough to hold him. He rappelled up with the assistance of a large gutter riveted to the marble wall, and climbed up. He crawled across the metal roof to get a better vantage point over the courtyard, and take out potentially high value targets. He trained the crosshairs of his scope on what appeared to be an officer, but something wasn't right. He was holding a small trigger of some kind...a detonator. But to what?

Just then, it hit him. At the corner of his field of vision, he saw Jag sneaking up to a seemingly harmless speeder parked off to the side.


He pulled the trigger, but it was too late.

The speeder exploded in a fireball reaching 20 feet into the air, and Jag was blown out of view.

"JAG!" Solus yelled into his helmet comm, but got no answer. He jumped to his feet before realizing he was standing on glass, not transparisteel.

*crack...crack crack...tkk*



The glass broke out from under Solus as he fell 15 meters from the roof to the ground level foyer of the building. Luckily there was a rather large, expensive oval Kriin-wood table to break his fall, and for once, plush carpeting instead of marble.

Solus lay for about 20 seconds without moving, fearing he'd broken his back. He felt no pain; his heart was pumping madly. "Err...right." He stood up slowly, straightening up, then noticed his gauntlet cable had snagged on one of the window braces above, and had pulled his arm out of socket; but weakened his fall severely.
The pain finally hit him; it surged through his left arm and shoulder, then down his side and back.

From what he could tell, it was going to be a long, bloody night.

"This IS my signature."
July 18, 2008 11:10 pm #

"Ah, fierfek..." Tracyn grumbled. A speeder had blown up, sending flames and jagged sheets of metal flying. He felt the shrapnel ping on his armor, but none of it pierced his bodysuit. Dachande was picking shrapnel out of his legs, and Solus was no where to be seen. Tracyn fired his powerful blaster at a group of guards, but he had to take cover as a hail of blaster bolts sped back in retaliation.

The guard's fire blasted the head off the ornate marble statue that he was hiding behind of. Tracyn quickly ducked into a building to his right. He saw Solus getting off a crushed table. Suddenly, Solus clutched his shoulder.

"What happened, Solus?" Tracyn asked.

"I fell through the kriffing roof and dislocated my shoulder." Solus replied.

"Well, pop it back in, and lets rejoin the fight." Solus popped it back in, and flinched VERY slightly at the pain.

"Lets go kick some Naboo shebs." Solus said, drawing his weapon.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
July 18, 2008 11:28 pm #

Joslyn was jostled for a second time and Dachande shoved her away from the grenade. She attempted to run but her legs were out of sync with her balance and she went for a nose dive, the base of her helmet grazed across the ground as her chest plates hit the ground. She heard the grenade go off and something hit her in the back and she felt a burning sensation on the back of her left upper arm.

She didn’t dare roll as she suspected that she had shrapnel embed into her back armour plates. She was pulled to her feet by Fynn and she immediately turned her blaster on a Naboo soldier who was coming up behind him.

“Seems we’re getting our shebs kicked, boss.” She said as she pulled another spikey from her bag. She tossed it at a soldier who was in a large group and prepared for the mess.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 18, 2008 11:57 pm #

Venla had been left in one of the security rooms within the palace. The sound of fighting was fairly close and she was getting jumpy sitting alone in the room. She could sit no longer she got up and opened the door to peer outside.

She picked up a small blade as she made her way outside with shaking hands. She wished she was wearing more than her ankle length pink satin nightdress but under the circumstances there was little she could do about it. With wide eyes she moved away from the security room and hoped she was going in the right direction.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
July 19, 2008 12:07 am #

Joslyn watched as she took out 20 Naboo soldiers with her spikey. “I’ve made a dent in the ranks, shall we keep nailing these guys or go and play house?”

Joslyn turned to see that the guys were way to involved in shooting the enemy. She shook her head, “Guess we keep shooting the Naboo.” She lifted her blasters and continued to bring down more of the enemy.

Joslyn moved to Jag and gave him a kick in the side, “On your feet soldier, on your feet!” she shouted into his com and she helped him up. Amazingly Jag actually came to.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 19, 2008 12:14 am (Edited July 19, 2008 12:20 am) #

Solus jerked the grapple cable loose from the roof brace and retracted it back into his gauntlet. He clenched his shoulder; the pain was dull, but constant. He looked up to find another Mandalorian standing against the doorway, Traycn was what everyone called him.

"What happened, Solus?"

"I fell through the kriffing roof; dislocated my shoulder."

"Well pop it back in, we need to get back out there and rejoin the fight."

Solus cocked his head to the side as if he was slightly irritated at the statement, then slammed his shoulder up against the marble tiled wall. With a satisfying pop, it was back in the joint.

He unholstered his pistol and spun it a few times; forwards and backwards, then threw it over his shoulder catching it with his other hand, spinning forwards again, then stopping it by cocking the hammer.

"Let's go kick some Naboo shebs."

"Let's." Traycn agreed, then began to charge out the door.

"Wait." Solus reached into one of his belt pouches, pulling out a DetPack. He placed it on the wall about 3 meters to the right of the blown open door, then backed away. "Three...Two...One..."

The courtyard was sprayed with sharp marble fragments and duracrete from the explosion.
Solus gave a noticeable satisfactory nod as he was sprayed with dust and debris.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Tracyn shouted at Solus, genuinly confused.

"I didn't feel like walking out the door."

"This IS my signature."
July 19, 2008 12:24 am #

Tracyn was laying down heavy fire on the Naboo soldiers, when he heard a click signaling his blaster rifle was empty. He crouched and was going to reload, when he discovered his battle cannon's ammo was gone, and there was a hole in the pouch on his belt where he kept it.

"Osik!" he shouted. The pouch must have gotten split by the shrapnel, and he didn't realize it. Tracyn drew his WESTARs, firing at a Naboo soldier. The man's face was incinerated as he was hit by the bolt. Tracyn took cover again. Jag was back up, and everyone seemed to be fine.

Suddenly, Tracyn saw a Naboo soldier on a ledge, preparing to snipe Fenn. Tracyn shouted and leapt in front of the blast. It his him square in the stomach, and Tracyn fell.

"Captain!" Fenn shouted as he nelt down next to Tracyn's side.

"Uhh...I couldn't watch you get hit, Commander...agh.." Tracyn struggled to say. Fenn quickly removed Tracyn's torso plates, checking to see if he was injured.

"Well, Tracyn, the shot didn't pierce your bodysuit. You're lucky. Your diaphragm might be bruised, but you'll live. Later, administer some bacta and you'll be back to normal." Fenn replied.

Tracyn put his chest plates back on, and picled up his WESTARS again. He stood back up and fired at the sniper, who fell backwards off the ledge with a surprised look on his face.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
July 19, 2008 12:28 am (Edited July 19, 2008 12:29 am) #

Jag was dreaming of Mandalore.  Of his daughter.  Of his wife.  He stared into her eyes and all was bliss.  It was glorious.  If he was dead maybe Jag could get used to this.  But something felt wrong.  Suddenly it was all going away.

"On your feet soldier, on your feet!"  He blinked and saw Joslyn's T-visor looming over his face.

"And to think.  I give up dreaming of beautiful women for you."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
July 19, 2008 12:36 am (Edited July 19, 2008 12:41 am) #

Fynn stood in the street and looked at the chaos with disgust. He helped Tracyn to his feet, pulling the well built and heavily armored Mando up with one arm.

“Osik” he whispered to himself with a snort.  “Everybody fall back; we need to reorganize.”  The words came with a very bitter taste.  He wasn’t used to running…  “Dachande, we’re heading…” Fynn looked for a moment, looking for the best rout.  “East” he continued after spying a dark set of alleyways to his left.  “Make your way in that direction as best you can.”

Slapping Joslyn on the shoulder and pointing her in the direction of the alley entrance he’d seen, he started her and then the others one at a time down the street and into the darkness. 

As the last, Tracyn, passed, Fynn aimed and put a head-shot into the closest oncoming Naboo before chasing after his team.  There’s gonna be hell to pay for this he thought while gritting his teeth…

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
July 19, 2008 12:42 am (Edited July 19, 2008 08:50 am) #

Solus sprinted after the team, still being shot at by the sniper that shot Traycn. He jumped and tried dodging every which way, but he was a persistent little chackaar. Solus ducked into the next street and dropped to the ground. A green beam of energy streaked by where he was just standing. He very slowly crawled to the corner of the building, and lined up a shot on the Naboo sniper. He pulled the firing stud; the vapor trail of the bullet was faintly visible as it cut through the faint smoke.

It found it's mark.

The poor man's head exploded, showering bone fragments and brain matter in all directions from the 13mm projectile boring through his skull.

"Ke nu jurkad sha Mando'ade."

Solus' HUD scanned the area, it was clear. He stood back up and chased down his squad.

"This IS my signature."
July 19, 2008 3:33 am #

Just a quick note to you all:

I am immensely enjoying the RPGing with you guys, yes it is my first time on BFFC.  I was a bit taken back with how awesome the MANDOs were being played at the initial, but when trouble was dealt to you all, you rolled with it.  I am impressed to see that and look forward to RPGing more later.

Look forward to seeing the progress when I am back SUNDAY

"We do bad things to worse people"
July 19, 2008 11:04 pm #

**Decided to remove the humorous post as it didn't fit with the mood of the story, also deleted subsequent posts. Ralin had a plan afterall... **

"And to think.  I give up dreaming of beautiful women for you." Had been Jag’s ungrateful response to Joslyn waking him up.

“Fine then I’ll leave you to die in you stupid comatose state next time,” Joslyn growled.

“I wasn’t comatose, just remembering what I’m fighting for,” Jag spat back.

“Really? You fighting, looked like you were just getting thrown around like a child’s rag doll.” Joslyn said taking a step towards him.

Jag stepped forward also, “I was going to improvise but some people just can’t hack that sort of thing.”

“You nearly got yourself and the rest of us killed with your improvising,” Joslyn said as she shoved him.

“You don’t want to start a fight with me, little girl.” Jag said as moved slowly back towards Joslyn.

“Well this little girl would kick your useless behind if you tried it on,” Joslyn said as she holstered her blasters and got ready to brawl, ignoring the chaos around them.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 19, 2008 11:47 pm (Edited July 19, 2008 11:48 pm) #

Jag was pissed.  He needed to vent.  This was a good opportunity. 

"Of all the times you choose to get creative it had to be this one."

"I can be creative."  Jag unsheathed his knuckle plate vibroblade.  "I can think of 100 ways to kill you with this.  And it won't matter how big it is."  Jag's voice grew cold.  Without giving her time to react he sheathed the blade and bullrushed her.  But she used her momentum to flip him off.  He was quickly on his feet but as was she.  Joslyn threw a left hook which connected with his stomach.  If he didn't have his beskar on he would have been puking.

Jag batted off the next few blows that came in and went in for his own attack.  Jag was madly throwing punches as he gave into his rage.  He was pushing her into a wall.  She managed to stop a few but he was connecting more and more.  Realizing it she was getting backed into a wall Joslyn took her turn to launch herself at him.  Not expecting this he went down hard.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
July 19, 2008 11:53 pm #

"Hey! You two! Cut the osik!" Tracyn shouted when he saw Joslyn and Jag fighting. When there was no answer, Tracyn fired a shot right between them, but it still didn't stop them.

"Ahh, fierfek...." Tracyn grumbled. "Commander, can you do something about this?"

Fenn was too immersed in the battle, that he didn't answer.

"Why won't anyone answer me?!?" Tracyn growled. He would have to take things into his own hands. Tracyn went over to Joslyn and Jag, who were still fighting. Joslyn had him in a hammerlock. Tracyn tried to break up the fight, but his attempts were futile.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
July 19, 2008 11:59 pm #

Joslyn knew they should have been fighting the enemy but there was too much history between Jag and herself. It was time to lay down the law and Joslyn planted her knee into Jag’s gut before giving him a right uppercut. It hurt her hand as she connected with the base of his helmet but she was going to let it show.

She’d already taken a few hard blows and her side was aching. She heard Tracyn and turned to Jag, “We should stop or we’ll both be in the poodoo.”

“Don’t think you can beat me, huh?” Jag taunted.

Joslyn charged at him but Tracyn stepped between them.  “This is between me and him.” Joslyn growled.

“I’m your commanding officer stand down.” Tracyn said with cool authority.

Joslyn looked at him but Jag took the opportunity to lung at her again. The pair went down on the ground punching and kicking each other all the way.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 20, 2008 12:03 am #

"Ouch!" Tracyn shouted. One of Jag's mad punches had hit him square in the jaw, and he tumbled into the line of fire, nearly getting blasted. He got back behind cover and shouted at them some more.

"What is your problem! You di'kuts almost got me killed!" Tracyn yelled furiously. Jag kicked Joslyn away, and smashed Tracyn so hard, he blacked out.

"This is between me and her." he said with rage in his voice. They continued to fight.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
July 20, 2008 12:28 am (Edited July 20, 2008 01:17 am) #

Fynn had started to run after the rest of his squad, Regimas just ahead of him, but he stopped short when he noticed on his HUD’s area grid that there were three friendlys still at the crossroad.  Turning around, he was sickened to see Joslyn and Jag wrestling on the duracrete.  Tracyn was laying near them as well.  Fynn feared for a moment as he ran back that he’d been shot, but as he got back up holding his jaw he could see that he’d just failed miserably to stop the fight. 

Running to the corner of the nearest building, which was covering the fools on the ground from the enemy fire, he could see that the Naboo were advancing, but very cautiously.  Fynn fired a burst to get their heads back down again.  Then he turned to Joslyn and Jag…

Tracyn jumped up as soon as he noticed Fynn had returned and rushed over to explain something, but Fynn gave him a stiff shove and pointed him toward the alleys where the others had run.

Jag was on top of Joslyn, pinning her to the duracrete as he as he bashed the heel of his hand down on her helmet.  Joslyn continued to fight back, jabbing him hard in the ribs and sides, while trying to knee him, though Jag’s COD plate seemed to be taking most of the punishment. 

Fynn quickly slung his carbine over his shoulder.  Stepping over Jag, he locked his arms around the Mando's neck and litterally threw him off.  Joclyn tried to jump up and go after him, but Fynn drove the back of his elbow into her neck…hard.  Jag tried to jump up, only to meet the muzzle of Fynn’s blaster.

“This is OVER!” Fynn commanded.

“Sir, it’s my fault” Jag tried to explain.  “I let my…”

“Shut up!” Joclyn choked out from one knee, still holding her neck.  “All my fault.  We…”

“ENOUGH!” Fynn snarled.  “Get back with the others NOW, and I’ll CONSIDER not having you both sent back to Mandalore in disgrace.  Now go!”

As they hobbled off, Fynn shook his head in shame, fired another burst at the oncoming Naboo, and then chased after the rest…



Regimas charged for the alleyways.  Despite his night vision, it was very confusing.  There were several turns and exits.  Without his antenna, a large amout of his HUD screen was blank, including his map and location of his vode.

Trying to keep to the main rout, he ran faster and faster trying to catch up with the others.  Coming around a corner, however, he was blocked by a dead end.

Damn!  They turned off someplace back there.  He considered using his comm., but that could be tracked by the Naboo.  I’ll find them; they must be back here someplace. 

Backtracking down the alley some, he thought he heard the sound of boots.

Found you he thought with a grin.

Making his way down the narrow alley, he burst out into a very fancy street, with huge houses, and very cultured looking shops and buildings…and also an entire unit of Naboo security.

Regimas froze, hoping they hadn’t seen him, but it was too late.  One of them shouted, and they all turned on the Mando.


"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
July 20, 2008 12:31 am (Edited July 20, 2008 04:01 am) #

Ricky was a young boy. He was sitting in that severe room with his dad, on a wooden and uncomfortable chair. A lot of adults in this room. All turned towards a big fat grey-haired man holding weird objects and yelling things at the front. That big fat man had a huge mouth and his big cheeks and triple chin would shake as he'd keep yelling "Going... going... GONE!" Ricky didn't know exactly why, but it always seemed to make one of these strange people happy, while some seemed unhappy. Maybe because they didn't win?

They all looked the same to Ricky. All dressed in dark clothes, with dull colors. Uncomfortable things probably too. Big shiny shoes. Everyone was very busy. All just staring at that big fat man and his stuff. No one was paying attention to Ricky or talking to him. Not even his dad. When was his dad talking to him anyway? He was always either here, or hanging out at "The Club", gambling and drinking with the other people like him. Dad seemed to win often when he played. Ricky didnt know if he was cheating and the thought had come to him, but it wasn't wise to ask, and Ricky never did.

"When are we going back home, Daddy?" His dad turned to him with an annoyed look on his face, his eyebrows frowned. All he said was "Shhh!", but it was very clear. Ricky was better to be silent.

Ricky took a look at his dad. Grey hair, like most of the people here. A thin face, shaved in the morning but rough at this hour of day. Grey there too. His eyes had big pockets under them, and big shadows too. And on his forehead, strange things. It looked like little mushrooms, but it was on his dad's forehead. Ricky didn't know why. He didn't want to get old and get them on his forehead, because it was ugly. Dad never went to see a doctor about them, because he didn't trust doctors. Dad didn't trust anyone, not even his friends he was seeing at "The Club", and not even Ricky. Whenever something happened, Ricky was sure to be blamed. He was used to it now, that was how things were.

It was so long, so boring. That big fat man at the front, will he ever stop yelling? Ricky got here with his dad when the sun was still high in the sky, and now it was long gone and it was very dark outside. Way past bedtime for Ricky, and we're still here. It was always like that when Dad brought him here. Nanny didn't come to pick him up after school, and Dad seemed so annoyed to have to bring him along. And Ricky didn't want to go.

He never knew why his dad always wanted to be here. There was nothing here, just those people sitting at the edge of their seats, all tensed and busy and silent, and that big fat man that kept just yelling all the time. Rarely would his dad really win any of the weird objects. Sometimes maybe, a painting or two, but most of the time they would get back home with nothing, just a lost day.

"Dad, can we go home now? I need to go to freshers", Ricky said. He didn't really have to go this second, but he felt something coming. And he didn't want to be here for much longer. His dad turned to him and looked him in the eyes with a very angry look. Then silently hissed "Will you PLEASE shut up?" to Ricky. Ricky came close to tears, but he knew it would just make things worse. Ricky's dad could see that, and his face was taking some colors. "SHHHHH!", he said to Ricky, frowning even more, with hatred-filled eyes, mean eyes. Ricky had to retain his tears with all his little strenght. This was getting bad. He didn't want to get his arm broken again. Things like that happen, and they are accidents, his dad said. But Ricky knew it hadn't been an accident. He remembered it well.

"Going... going... GONE!", the big man said. The auction was going on. Ricky tried to calm down, he must not cry. He has to calm down, and not get his dad's attention. Else it will be bad. So Ricky tries to think of other things. He looks around, then looks by the windows. It had been so nice and sunny outside today. He was regretting he didn't go play.

At some point Ricky noticed some movement outside one of the windows. He wanted to get up and go see, but then dad noticed what he was trying to do. He grabbed him by an arm, and violently forced him to sit down again. "Are you going to make me miss my sale again? Are you?" Dad's voice was little more than a murmur. That's always dangerous. Ricky remembered that accident the other day and swallowed his saliva with difficulty, then said a very unloud and unclear "No, Dad, I won't."

No one was noticing what was happening, his dad was good at keeping these things silent and anyway they were all busy with their auction. At some point though, the sale stopped. Dad looked at Ricky because he was sure it was his fault again, but for once it wasn't. Something was happening outside, and the big fat man at the front was starting to look worried.

*** The little mushrooms on the dad's forehead are typical of very bad alcoholics. They are a sign that there is more alcohol than food in your system and your liver is going BAD.

Cast iron and treadmills? Oh yes. Still sculpting me to what I really want to be, and I love it. :)
July 20, 2008 12:40 am #

Joslyn rubbed her throat and knew that she wouldn’t be doing much talking from now, it was a miracle that Fynn hadn’t crushed her wind pipe. She ached all over and suspected she had broken a bone in her hand.

Jag jogged by her side, still not wanting her at his back. She said nothing as they caught up to the others. The feeling of disgrace hung over Joslyn’s head. She’d let her anger get the better of her and of all the bad times to pick.

She held a single blaster in her left hand and kept her right hand in a fist trying to ignore the pain. Tracyn’s visor seemed to glare at them. “Sorry boss,” she tried to say but her voice failed.

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It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...

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