I personally don't listen to any bands...being half-deaf kind of makes it less enjoyable for me. :(
I just prefer to sit in front of my computer with the speakers cranked up and listen to the Pirates of the Carribbean and Return of the King soundtracks. Especially Pirates.
Topic: Favorite musician and music?
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
190 posts
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-Captian Murphy
YOU are someone after my own heart!! I LOVE those soundtracks!!!!
Ah, do you like the LOTR movies, too?
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
I say either we lock and delete this one or we lock and delete the other one. And since this one came first........
I love John Williams music! I have more of his cds than anyone elses!!! Something about his music is just great. I even buy soundtracks for movies I've never even seen just cause he made them.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
He's done the theme songs for SO MANY movies. Star Wars, Batman, Superman, Harry Potter, you name it!! :)
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
Basically everbody that the Yuajta named I listen to plus some others. No country for me. I get enough of the Southern drawl down here, thankyou.
GreenDay is annoying.
Gunslinger: I've heard of Demon Hunters, but not Lemon Demons.
SciFifreak90: Metallica is NOT for old people. I can't see 80-year-olds listening to Turn the Page or Enter Sandman, can you? (j/k)

I say either we lock and delete this one or we lock and delete the other one. And since this one came first........
Good point. Going to go do that right now. Thanks, I hadn't really noticed the double topic.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
It's NP, Sadriel. :)
JW did Batman?? I didn't think he did?
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Everyone I like . . . That would be a mighty long list.
I like heavy/hard rock and some metal.
My favorite bands in no order of importance are: (My favorite song(s) by said band in brackets next to the name)-Disturbed [Sacred Lie][Ten Thousand Fists]
-Seether [Remedy][Out Of My Way]
-Mudvayne [Mercy, Severity][Not Falling]
-Korn [Coming Undone][Right Now]
-Thrice [Image Of The Invisible]
-Asg [Killers For Hire]
-Thousand Foot Krutch [Move]
-Breaking Benjamin [Blow Me Away]So there ya go.
I have to agree, Blow me Away is a good song.
For once I actualy agree with you.
no harm is that last sentace.
Edit: I almost forgot!
I like Green Day, The Killers, and the Black Eyed Peas.
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
LOL! :D Boba Dude replied to someone who is banned!
I like Beck?
Eh, Green Day used to be good back in the day. Back in the early to mid 90s, they were fun. But now Billy Joe's just a fatty with too much eyeliner and a dumb hairstyle.
Danny Elfman did Batman. And Spiderman, and Planet of the Apes (the new one), and Nightmare Before Christmas, and Corpse Bride, and the new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and everything else Tim Burton has ever made.
BFFC Moderator
Ok, I thought JW didn't do Batman. It doesn't really sound like him, and it wasn't listed on his IMDB profile.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Who's Green Day?
Just kidding. :lol:
My vote goes for Van Halen. ;)
Van Halen rock!!!!!What about Iron Maiden?Anyone?:/
I was just wondering what type of music people on the boards are into and who there favorite musicians are.
I'm into trance/dance.
My fav Dj is Tiesto
Hell yah, I love trance and DJ tiesto! :D
I also like Sasha, he's pretty cool
Chop Suey by System of a down is good.
(BFFC Moderator)
Yah System is pretty good, has anyone ever got their new CD mesmerise, it's not as good as the old ones...
I just like the one song.
how's the rest of their music? any reccomendations?
(BFFC Moderator)
how's the rest of their music? any reccomendations?
To me, every song of theirs sounds the same.
I like them, I really do. All that jibberish and insanity has be laughing right out loud sometimes, which doesn't usually happen. The thing is, I couldn't stand listening to too much at the same time. With the possible exception of Toxicity, everything just sounds so similar...it gets boring after a while. Once in awhile, they're awesome, but I wouldn't classify them as one of my favorite bands because of that lack of variety.
Well, I'm now a big fan of the band Flogging Molly. It's a celtic rock band that has a lot of good music.
(BFFC Moderator)
I like rock, technoe and trance mostly. :D
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Ok so lets bring it up again, with new members and the what music Fett would like on most peoples minds what music does everyone listen to?
Metal fav. band Slipknot.
My music tastes are pretty ecletic with a leaning towards 80s pop hits. Enya and Pat Benetar are two of my favorite musicians.
As I posted in another topic, I listen to the king of shock rock, Alice Cooper. I also like Johnny Cash.
Unlike myriads of other bands and artists, Cooper's music can sound completely differnt.
-a growl type of voice in Elected
-a creepy whisper in Steven
-an also creepy child like voice in the Black Widow
-the "Welcome to my Nightmare voice" (I cannot describe it, but many of you have heard it)
-a ballad type of voice in Every Woman has a Name
-a yell in Brutal Planet
-a depressing type voice in Hello, Hurray
-a voice that sounds exactly like Elvis in DisGraceland
-a computer-esqe sounding voice in Woman Machine
-a slightly Western sounding voice in Desperado
-numerous others
I am also a fan of him because he is a Christian, and he is the original shock rocker.
Also, he actually cares for his fans: During one of his concerts, he fell of off a ten foot tall prop, which proceeded to fall on him. He broke six ribs, and cracked his skull slightly. His band put bandages around his head, and tried to get him to go to the hospital. He refused, and got back on stage to play five or six more songs. After this, he passed out because of the immense pain he was in. His band took him to the hospital, where he got fifteen stitches put in his head.
Just a small fact, he has over two hundred songs, and has sold roughly fifty million albums.
Thousand Foot Krutch
Skillet (one of my favourites)
Project 86
Demon Hunter
Hawk Nelson
Yah, I don't listen to much secular music, mostly Christian rock.
Oh, I like Skillet too!
I posted here a long time ago, but I'm going to post again... (it's not like you're going to go back and look up my post... Hey, where you going?)
Toby Mac
Relient K
Hyperstatic Union
Michael Card
Matt Redman
Chris Tomlin
David Crowder
Tommy Jerrel
Sanctus Real
Jeremy Camp
Matthew West
Steven Curtis Chapman
Michael W. Smith
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]

I specialize in the obscure. Fave band of the moment is Alphaville, a German 80's new wave band. I also have a few songs from Real Life.
I also like Guns N Roses, Aerosmith, Dead Or Alive, and a bunch of other stuff along those lines.
I have a really wide range in musical taste. I think that because I grew up with a wide range of music that it has rubbed off on me.
I like rock (most types of rock), jazz, blues, rhythm and blues, drum and bass, punk, ska, some pop, indie.
These are some of the bands that I have been listening to recently. I have been listening artists as well. These are the ones that I can think of at the moment.
The Strokes
The Killers
The Bees (the UK one)
Kaiser chiefs
The Cooper Temple Clause
It is really cute though as when I play music my twins will dance to it. They like lively songs. It is very cute seeing them dance to Led Zeppelin and my daughter really enjoys Wolfmother.
I have to go with Hammerfall,Blind Guardian and Guns N' Roses at the moment.
I have just downloaded an album by The Smiths and I had forgotten how much I loved them. They are just so, so funky. They never fail to cheer me up (as odd as that seems)
I'm kinda an 80s guy, also techno. Specifically Men at Work, The Police, Phil Collins. Also Le bouche, and Tiesto
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
I've been listening to Rob Zombie, Johnny Cash, and Ozzy Osbourne a lot lately, but Alice Cooper still remains at the top of my list.
I've been listening to Rob Zombie,
I am not sure about Rob Zombies stuff (though I think he is just so funky and rather scrummy) but I love the album La Sexorcisto by white Zombie.
I have not heard a White Zombie album, but from what I have read, they are pretty similar.
Right now I'm listening to the band Mercy Fall a lot; they're a newer band with just the right amount of soft and hard rock to balance it out. SOiL, Mudvayne, Static-X, and Breaking Benjamin are still at the top of my list, though.
I'm Old Gregggggggg!
i listen to an eclectic mix of music. far too much to remember at this hour.
i worked in a nightclub for the better part of a decade so i love listening to a good dj,
the best r truely artists. listening to "dj vice" right now.
but i like alot of alternative.
the killers
the used.
smashing pumpkins
blink 182/angels and airwaves...i surf with them!
and i dig breakin benji as well...last cd had a few killer songs.
i like chill beats like
groove armada
i also dig some rap.(gets dirty look). while i despise the hip hop culture,
some rappers deserve ur ear.
jay z for one.

Hey, I remeber the rest! its been over a year! but O well!
9 Inch nails
She wants revange
Linkin Park
Blink 182
The Used
The killers
I will edit when I think of more.
I have not heard a White Zombie album, but from what I have read, they are pretty similar.
It is defiantly worth listening to La sexorcisto: devil music volume one. I thin it is such a funky album.
I have been downloading albums on my I-Tunes and I have discovered some really funky stuff from the free song of the week that they do. So I have also really taken a liking to;
Shiny toy guns – we are pilots
Good shoes – think before you speak
Goldspot – tally of the yes men
Lacuna Coil
I think that's my "holy trinity" of bands, so to speak. And then I like some random 90's grunge stuff. Just a few songs here and there, not whole bands. I can't stomach too much grunge at once.
While I don't know what they are saying, I also like Rammstien.
Yeah i really like Rammstien too.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
While I don't know what they are saying, I also like Rammstien.
If you go there, you can find all of their songs translated to English. (And much more. :D)
i like Rammstein as well.
please tell me nobody listens to the crap known as "Simple Plan"?

I sometimes do, but not very often, only when its on the radio. and thats it.
Go Nirvana
draco fett wrote:While I don't know what they are saying, I also like Rammstien.
If you go there, you can find all of their songs translated to English. (And much more. :D)
Nice one thanks.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
As much as I hate him, there are two or three songs by the Alice-rip off Marilyn Manson that I do like. The songs in which e does not scream at the top of his lungs.
I recently heard "Fire" by Arthur Brown which I like. In addition, I like "Hungry Like the Wolf" by Duran Duran.
Thank you for the link.
Bats is a DIE_HARD David Bowie Fan,,
but I also like
Nick cave
Velet Revolder
Ryuichi Sakamoto
And really I guess I'm a bit of a hard Rock fan
But Bowie forever
Funeral For A Friend
Senses Fail
Robert Miles
Faith No More
Iron Maiden
John Williams
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