They are making a fifth one!
I can't wait!
Topic: Call Of Duty 5!!!
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
17 posts
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It's going to be set in WWII like 1-3, but I preferred Modern Warfare.
I dunno.. I'd have to play it to judge it. I don't like the idea of it being WWII, I think thats been done before.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
I dunno.. I'd have to play it to judge it. I don't like the idea of it being WWII, I think thats been done before.
Biggest understatement of the year. That's basically all that's been done. Only recently have they been using Modern games more often.
I wouldnt mind the setting, I care more about story and gameplay. If its sterotypical WWII shooter i wont like it
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

I love the fact of it being World War II. I think that they should stick with WW2, it is what they are good at. Anything that is after WW2 is not what they are good at.
A A, why don't you like WW2?
When I first heared about it I was on Wild Bill G. .com (The wild Bill in Band of Brothers) I jumped up huged my little brother and gave him 'five'. And sence I have heard it was WW2 I haven't been able t stop smiling!
It is still WW2, but it is a new area for the Call of Duty guys. It is going to be the pacific campaign against the Japanese. When I first saw the clips I actually thought it was going to be a Vietnam game. But with all the new features they are installing, I think it is definately going to be a hit. Climbing trees... flamethrowers... it's all good. However I am still looking forward to Gears 2 more than anything. (Even Unleashed)
Hail to the King Baby!!
I love the fact of it being World War II. I think that they should stick with WW2, it is what they are good at. Anything that is after WW2 is not what they are good at.
A A, why don't you like WW2?
When I first heared about it I was on Wild Bill G. .com (The wild Bill in Band of Brothers) I jumped up huged my little brother and gave him 'five'. And sence I have heard it was WW2 I haven't been able t stop smiling!
Um, i never said that, but if its a stereotypical WWII shooter with faceless Nazis who are all the stereotypical badguy types.
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Ya, i would agree. Even though its a new setting, the whole pacific campaign has been covered by Medal of Honor. And for more CoD news, the James Bond game Quantam of Solace is going to be built on the CoD 4 engine. Which is the same as CoD 2 and 3, isn't it?
Ya, i would agree. Even though its a new setting, the whole pacific campaign has been covered by Medal of Honor. And for more CoD news, the James Bond game Quantam of Solace is going to be built on the CoD 4 engine. Which is the same as CoD 2 and 3, isn't it?
Ya... except medal of honor sucks...
Hail to the King Baby!!

They are making a fifth one!
I can't wait!
You know this isn't new, right? It was announced about seven months now:
The game, Call of Duty: World at War, is scheduled for a November 2008 release:
The first trailer was out and about June 2008:
It's for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC, Wii, PlayStation 2 and Nintendo DS platforms:
Also, Karson, the game is rated M by the ESRB, which means "content that may be suitable for persons ages 17 and older. Titles in this category may contain intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content and/or strong language."
Merciless Mandalore wrote:Ya, i would agree. Even though its a new setting, the whole pacific campaign has been covered by Medal of Honor. And for more CoD news, the James Bond game Quantam of Solace is going to be built on the CoD 4 engine. Which is the same as CoD 2 and 3, isn't it?
Ya... except medal of honor sucks...
I disagree. Which, if any, have you played? I've played them all, and they're well made. Better than, say, Hour of Victory.
--Captain Dynamic--

I agree, mostly. Though I haven't played all of them I have played two of them. I think CoD is better, personly.
A fifth one?? WHOO HOO!!! I can't wait!!! My dad will be happy with it being WWII...he didn't like Modern Warfare (don't know why...i did ;))
I disagree. Which, if any, have you played? I've played them all, and they're well made. Better than, say, Hour of Victory.
Well if your going to compare it to hour of victory of course it looks good. If you compare anything to the bottom of the barrel you get a good looking game.
I played Rising Sun, Airborne, (I never judge games until I play them myself). Rising sun I played with my friend until I had to just stop and change games. It was not up to par with games of the time, and while I can't say I remember the game too well, I do remember a repetative and tedious fighting against brainless AI.
Airborne was a similar let down for me. While not a terrible game, it's on the Xbox 360 and yet it does not have the same fluid feel (or graphics) as most games on the system. The "choose your parachute path" idea is clever, but in the end quite pointless as you need to get to certain areas no matter where you land. Shots don't register correctly, enemies have uncanny aim from extreme distances, and the weapons you carry seem to fire with the acuracy of a chaingun. The multiplayer is OK though.
And since this is a Call of Duty topic that I just digressed from, I'll segway my way back by saying the Medal of Honor series doesn't hold a candle to the Call of Duty games. They are all good from start to finish.
Hail to the King Baby!!
I'll agree that the enemy accuracy, even at sniper distances, is absurd. But if you use weapons such as a BAR or STG-44, you've got a VERY powerful gun, and a very accurate one, especially with the scope attachment for the STG-44. The game (campaign) wasn't bad, but it's the multiplayer, in my opinion, that really was bad. It just didn't have a good feel to it. I did enjoy the weapons upgrade system, made for better replay value.
And Rising Sun was the second, and a VERY long time ago.
--Captain Dynamic--