put us on!
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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put us on!
or else......lol :D
dude, you aked once STOP ASKING!
ok, dont get stressed, lol ( the brain is a very delicate thing ) lol ;)
Honestly, online petitions don't do crap. From LucasArts point of view you can't take online petitions seriously.
I was making a joke. i do take them seriously, please......put me on and i'll take it seriously, or am i an ifferior to the " online petition........:|
add this user to your count
I have changed my email because of a LOT of spam. And to avoid spam, I'll not write it down here, but if you really think I should tell you it or you think I shouldn't be on the petition list unless I tell you it, I'll think about it.
Hey e mail change; Its now karsonfett@gmail.com
ok, dont get stressed, lol ( the brain is a very delicate thing ) lol ;)
do you mind not useing the word "lol" so much. Its very annoying
im in but it should be like a grand theft auto type of game there are main story line missions or they could be bounties and secondary bounties u find on diffrent planets just please we should have it gta and be able to customize armor.... wait im getting somthing make the game all i said exept u make yore own character and later in a main story mission u get to work with boba and become allies.okay now im just getting carried away but still have it like that nad well all have endless fu n because i noticed that after beat bounty hunter 1 it got a bit boreing playing the levels over agian................
That would suck.....If its a bounty hunter sequel. It better be boba or jango.
(youre=your and DUDE PLEASE USE PERIODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Forigve me for reviving a dead topic but I simply must try this idea.....even if I fail it's still worth a try
1.Gustavo_Perez KingGustavo666@hotmail.com
2.Draco Fett
3.fett3393 fett3393@msn.com
4. Fetterthanyou Beagleboy00@comcast.net
6.Sev Fett jagnumbuh1@hotmail.com
7.The Cloner cardboard@luukku.com
9.Jesse Fett jessefett@hotmail.com
10.Commander Appo noahitall26@yahoo.com
11.Commander Phil
12.Danielle Alvarez strangerumblings@yahoo.com
14. Boba Fett ( Fighting_irish_fan2000@yahoo.com)
15.Sol Gonsar Email:solgonsar2005@yahoo.com
19.Mandalorian Assassin taintedlight13@hotmail.com
20.Fett_II superpwn3d123@yahoo.com
21.BobaFett243 short_conscript@hotmail.com
22.Mandalorian agrilledcheese14@yahoo.com
23.ARC Fett bertfreeman@comcast.net
24.wizardofcars wizardofcars@yahoo.com, m_hunter51@hotail.com
25. bobathekid616@yahoo.com
26. Boba Dude
27. Sharra Fett
28. Ryan Knight
29. Spider-Fett
30. Kel Solaar - s0l1du5[at]hotmail[dot]com
31, Devil girl evnissyenobyrne[at]yahoo[dot]com
32. KARSON FETT karsonfett@gmail.com
33. Stranger H. sol_confine@yahoo.com
34. Valthonin pgoicouria@yahoo.com
35. Bullet Tooth
36. Boba Fan
37. Ninjax008
40. etyak_16
41. Mandal_ShadowWarrior CloneStalker@aol.com
42. Nick Borelli (Nick@Borelliconsulting.com)
43. Adeptus_Astartes adeptus_astartes@live.com
44. Jodo Kast
45. Green Helmeted Fett
46. MandalorianSoul colombian.rage@gmail.com
47. Lopero
48.Devin Jax
49. Revan07
49. Revan07
Could you change my email to adeptus_astartes@live.com?
I'm number 43
Could you change my email to adeptus_astartes@live.com?
I'm number 43
So if this is gonna work, we need people from other websites. Any ideas?
spread to other sites that we're active at?
like what sites?
Is this petition dead now?
Anyways count me in
Alo Fett albenjammin@yahoo.com
1.Gustavo_Perez KingGustavo666@hotmail.com
2.Draco Fett
3.fett3393 fett3393@msn.com
4. Fetterthanyou Beagleboy00@comcast.net
6.Sev Fett jagnumbuh1@hotmail.com
7.The Cloner cardboard@luukku.com
9.Jesse Fett jessefett@hotmail.com
10.Commander Appo noahitall26@yahoo.com
11.Commander Phil
12.Danielle Alvarez strangerumblings@yahoo.com
14. Boba Fett ( Fighting_irish_fan2000@yahoo.com)
15.Sol Gonsar Email:solgonsar2005@yahoo.com
19.Mandalorian Assassin taintedlight13@hotmail.com
20.Fett_II superpwn3d123@yahoo.com
21.BobaFett243 short_conscript@hotmail.com
22.Mandalorian agrilledcheese14@yahoo.com
23.ARC Fett bertfreeman@comcast.net
24.wizardofcars wizardofcars@yahoo.com, m_hunter51@hotail.com
25. bobathekid616@yahoo.com
26. Boba Dude
27. Sharra Fett
28. Ryan Knight
29. Spider-Fett
30. Kel Solaar - s0l1du5[at]hotmail[dot]com
31, Devil girl evnissyenobyrne[at]yahoo[dot]com
32. KARSON FETT karsonfett@gmail.com
33. Stranger H. sol_confine@yahoo.com
34. Valthonin pgoicouria@yahoo.com
35. Bullet Tooth
36. Boba Fan
37. Ninjax008
40. etyak_16
41. Mandal_ShadowWarrior CloneStalker@aol.com
42. Nick Borelli (Nick@Borelliconsulting.com)
43. Adeptus_Astartes adeptus_astartes@live.com
44. Jodo Kast
45. Green Helmeted Fett
46. MandalorianSoul colombian.rage@gmail.com
47. Lopero
48.Devin Jax
49. Revan07
50. Trewqp trewqp@yahoo.com
52.Alo Fett albenjammin@yahoo.com
alright so does anuone know of any other star wars forums or anything? Because I don't lol excuse my ignorance
If there were to be a new bounty hunter game, I agree with the sentiment to go a gta route. I'd love a hard-boiled, noir approach to a new game...I recall saying this before in another thread, but here I am again...the game is long overdue. I'd love to play as Boba...or perhaps Boba's paranoid partner that slowly loses his mind believing Fett is going to betray him, very Jim Thompson-esque or Mikey Spillane...something ripped from the classics and then reincorporated into a gritty, dark, drug and dame infested bounty hunter game.
I'd like it to be first person, I'm more akin to that, It's a lot more immersive that way. yeah, put me on the list if it means a bounty hunter game like that
they could do so much with an open-ended GTA type of game with Boba Fett getting bounty missions around a set number of planets and locations.
I would love to see a game like this.
OH MY GOSH!! YOU FRIK"N READ MY MIND!!!! i've been wanting a Star Wars Bounty Hunter 2 staring Boba Fett for months!!! and i don't care if this haven't been commented on in months!!! *spazum*
My email has changed to strswar10@hotmail.com, I'm number 41.
I'm all for a new Bounty Hunter Game, I love the original. Every couple of months I break it out and play it. In fact I made every member of my Delta Team play that or Republic Commando before the could try out for the team....
Alas I doubt we'll get it, it's been a number of years the original came out... we can live in hope ;)
It most likely won't happen. -_-
I think the game received mediocre reviews and didn't sell a whole lot. The gameplay wasn't anything special (actually more frustrating than anything else), but the visuals (especially CG cut scenes were gorgeous!).
If they created a BH2, it would need a major upheaval in the gameplay department.... many of you have some pretty good ideas.
Bounty Hunter 2 should be about Boba this time. There has not been a single game yet that focuses solely about Boba Fett yet. Boba has more depth than Jango and that would be a strength for the storyline. I would not even mind an ESB-related Bounty Hunter.
Anything to get Boba Fett back on the screen miss him so much
Anything to get Boba Fett back on the screen miss him so much
or video game
I'm in. I loved playing the original BH game and have been waiting for a sequel since
I'm in. I hope they would make it for the Xbox 360, I don't have a PS3.
Considering the first one was for Gamecube I'm certain the next one would be for Wii.
Considering the first one was for Gamecube I'm certain the next one would be for Wii.
It was also for PS2, thats how I played it.
I also played it on the PS2. I have a Wii, but I prefer to play on the 360.
Right, I keep forgetting that.
And why would you prefer the 360? The motion controls of the Wii make any game where you have to aim/shoot amazing. Unless you want a rest from that, I can see that after a bit your arm might get tired, I know mine did during Force Unleashed.
I only bought the Wii for Animal Crossing. I don't really care for the motion controls, I'm not very good at it. I had The Force Unleashed for the 360 and didn't care for it, but I played it with my nephew on the Wii and enjoyed it. I might get it for the Wii. I like to sit on my arse with a cup of coffee and play video games. It's what I do most of the time. :)
Even though this probably won't work, I'll still gather sigs just for the hell of it.
Even though this probably won't work, I'll still gather sigs just for the hell of it.
For the heck of it is correct, because you don't have a single signature yet. Internet petitions mean nothing at all. You can collect 5 billion email addresses and screen names (and even their "real names") and you still have not collected one signature usable on a petition. The reason real petitions carry weight is because if challenged, every person on that list can be contacted in a tangible, court provable manner. E-mail and chat rooms are not court-admissible evidence.
Remember those old "To Catch a Predator" bits Dateline used to do? It wasn't just that guy killing himself that ended it.. it was the fact that anyone who didn't roll over and take a pleabargain actually ended up having all charges dropped. Even mirroring and triple verifying contents doesn't make anything admissible in court because it is trivially easy to fake all online events.
I find myself wondering why people insist on these petitions, because they can't even nail kiddy diddlers with Internet records, and Child Molesters are such a hated class they don't even have rights against _entrapment_.
I realize I'm coming off pretty negative here on the surface... but the only way to combat ignorance is education, and I'm all about people not wasting effort doing something that literally cannot succeed. It's demoralizing to the person who tried it, makes them feel stupid... and it wastes the time of the person who has to send the polite rejection mail.
We know nothing will happen. But it feels better than sitting here going, "gee, I wish they would make one" cause this feels like we're doing something even though we know we're not, and that little bit of fake feels good.
We know nothing will happen. But it feels better than sitting here going, "gee, I wish they would make one" cause this feels like we're doing something even though we know we're not, and that little bit of fake feels good.
Exactly. That's a much better way of looking at it. Besides, maybe I'll gather sigs in real life, just for the "hell of it". ;)
They need to make BH2!!! I am SHOCKED that there has never been a Boba Fett video game yet....
... if they make a Bounty Hunter 2 game, it should happen in the Jedi Twilight universe. The tone of that series is just BEGGING to have a game based on it. The Jedi twilight storyline has a lot more room for real Bounty Hunting then many other settings, barring of course the Luke/OT era.
I'm probably alone on this, but I'm getting tired of seeing games with parts that "cleverly intersect" with bits from the movies. There's a huge universe out there, we don't have to see Luke/Anakin in every honkin' game.
... if they make a Bounty Hunter 2 game, it should happen in the Jedi Twilight universe. The tone of that series is just BEGGING to have a game based on it. the Jedi twilight storyline has a lot more room for real Bounty Hunting then many other settings, barring of course the Luke/OT era.
I'm probably alone on this, but I'm getting tired of seeing games with parts that "cleverly intersect" with bits from the movies. There's a huge universe out there, we don't have to see Luke/Anakin in every honkin' game.
i'm tired of main characters from the movies sneaking into everything too.
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