he can be funny, with all his complaining and dumbness.
spam, much?
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
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he can be funny, with all his complaining and dumbness.
spam, much?
still would you want a droid like that?
I wouldn't, I'd probably take a hammer to the thing, but him and R2 are pretty funny together.
Jar-Jar was obvoiusly aimed at the younger audience, where R2/C3po were the comic relief for all ages.
Just another reason the old trilogy is by far superior....:)
I wouldn't, I'd probably take a hammer to the thing, but him and R2 are pretty funny together.
Jar-Jar was obvoiusly aimed at the younger audience, where R2/C3po were the comic relief for all ages.
Just another reason the old trilogy is by far superior....:)
Yup. The 3PO and Solo scenes were pretty good to. Shall post on Favorite Quotes to give you all an example :D
Where!? Zack Effron? ( hides and raises blaster rifle )
High School Musical is the most Shi****** thing ever! It really does suck B****
;) everyone agree?
Where!? Zack Effron? ( hides and raises blaster rifle )
High School Musical is the most Shi****** thing ever! It really does suck B****
;) everyone agree?
pretty much. Ironically, no one in High School likes it......
but still he looks like a guy who had a little too much tea lol
Where!? Zack Effron? ( hides and raises blaster rifle )
High School Musical is the most Shi****** thing ever! It really does suck B****
;) everyone agree?
Uh, what does that have to do with anything?
I don't really feel strongly towards any characters, but if I had to pick one, Jango.
The Ewoks....because they took on the 501st (At least thats what i get from Palpy saying 'an entire legion of my best troops') and pretty much won, which is absurd.
i would have to go with kreia from star wars kotor 2 for existing
or maybe that random sith trooper that killed me in kotor 1, but i got my revenge when i next played
actually maybe the ewoks because they ruined ROTJ
or maybe Jabba The Hutt
The Ewoks....because they took on the 501st (At least thats what i get from Palpy saying 'an entire legion of my best troops') and pretty much won, which is absurd.
He did say 'MY best troops' right? If so, then maybe 'My best troops' and 'Vader's best troops' are two different things :D
that sounds familiar, but when did he say that?
To Luke on the Death Star as just as Solo and crew gets ambushed, or roughly at that point
Mandal_ShadowWarrior wrote:The Ewoks....because they took on the 501st (At least thats what i get from Palpy saying 'an entire legion of my best troops') and pretty much won, which is absurd.
He did say 'MY best troops' right? If so, then maybe 'My best troops' and 'Vader's best troops' are two different things :D
Well, Vaders stuff is actually Palpys stuff so....its the same thing.
Ralin Drakus wrote:Mandal_ShadowWarrior wrote:The Ewoks....because they took on the 501st (At least thats what i get from Palpy saying 'an entire legion of my best troops') and pretty much won, which is absurd.
He did say 'MY best troops' right? If so, then maybe 'My best troops' and 'Vader's best troops' are two different things :D
Well, Vaders stuff is actually Palpys stuff so....its the same thing.
Technically yes, but he MIGHT be refering to a personal legion of troops that are reserved for his personal bidding. Or at least that's what I'm hoping
I try to find the bright side :D
I'm not quite sure, but the Ewoks are close to the very end.
They're like.. Love Bears! Even Happy Tree Friends are deadly. The Ewoks do not have a reason to exist..
To Luke on the Death Star as just as Solo and crew gets ambushed, or roughly at that point
huh, thanks. Haven't watch any of them in a LONG time. Too long, probably.
Wow I actually agree with GHF on the whole High School Musical thing. Lets never mention it again please.
I can understand the whole Luke buisness. He whines entirely too much for me to have him as a favorite. Whining is no good. Does anyone recall any Mando's whining? No.
Does anyone recall any Mando's whining? No.
Actually I do, but only seldom..
ARGH, High School Musical?
I was in the U.K. a month ago and a bunch of retards made me and my pal watch the whole thing!
I'm off topic, I know, but I HATE IT!
I would kill it, if it could just die..
Hey, maybe my least favorite character is Anakin Skywalker (not Vader, of course!). He's so immature, so reckless.. I despise him!
Or Jar-Jar. Or Luke, as a boy.
Can't really decide..
Why do you make me glad I've never seen High School Musical? Now back on topic, it looks like there are several characters to choose from when looking for a least favorite character in the Star Wars saga.
Jar Jar was funny a couple times, and I like the way he looks *I liked to as the play the Gungans sometimes on that old game that is based on Age Of Empires, but he more stupid then funny most of the time.
I hated the white skinned guy in the last of the old movies, with that nasty thing around his neck and the sharp nails! he was SCARY, in a WEIRD WAY!
yeah, that guys creepy. I like the Twi'lek males of KotOR better myself. Less slimmy lookin' :P
Jar Jar was funny a couple times, and I like the way he looks *I liked to as the play the Gungans sometimes on that old game that is based on Age Of Empires, but he more stupid then funny most of the time.
I hated the white skinned guy in the last of the old movies, with that nasty thing around his neck and the sharp nails! he was SCARY, in a WEIRD WAY!
Ah...Bib Fortuna....yeah he was strange...
Well Bib Fortuna was one of the scummist of all Twi'leks. And he was a plotting and planning evil things sort. I think hes the one that started the Ryll spice trade on Ryloth, if my memory serves right.
Jar Jar was funny a couple times, and I like the way he looks *I liked to as the play the Gungans sometimes on that old game that is based on Age Of Empires, but he more stupid then funny most of the time.
I hated the white skinned guy in the last of the old movies, with that nasty thing around his neck and the sharp nails! he was SCARY, in a WEIRD WAY!
From that description, I was thinking of Palpatine.....lol.
Kelborn wrote:Jar Jar was funny a couple times, and I like the way he looks *I liked to as the play the Gungans sometimes on that old game that is based on Age Of Empires, but he more stupid then funny most of the time.
I hated the white skinned guy in the last of the old movies, with that nasty thing around his neck and the sharp nails! he was SCARY, in a WEIRD WAY!
From that description, I was thinking of Palpatine.....lol.
Nice one!
Yeah, Bib Fortuna was a slimy bastard, I really dislike him and every other fat and white twilek.
Dunno, when they're lean they look sooo good.. When they're fat, they owght to be shot. Doesn't suit them!
i hate high school musical, i had to watch it at school last year. it was torture
now back to the topic as i said earlier i do not like Kreia
Kelborn wrote:Jar Jar was funny a couple times, and I like the way he looks *I liked to as the play the Gungans sometimes on that old game that is based on Age Of Empires, but he more stupid then funny most of the time.
I hated the white skinned guy in the last of the old movies, with that nasty thing around his neck and the sharp nails! he was SCARY, in a WEIRD WAY!
From that description, I was thinking of Palpatine.....lol.
LoL, I THINK he/*she?* was talking about Bib. But ya, thats fits Palps pretty well to :P
i will do a list of 15 worst
1. Kriea
2. All Battle/ Super battle/ Droideka Droids
3. Darth Traya/ a.k.a Kriea
4. Calo Nerd
5. Lord of Betrayal/ a.k.a Kriea
6. Jabba the Hutt
7. most rebels
8. those dark Jedi in KOTOR that say"lord malak was most displeased when he learned you escaped Taris alive"
9. Brejic ( the leader of the black vulkers in KOTOR)
10. evil manipulative dark witch/ a.k.a Kriea
11. All of Jabbas thugs (Boba Fett is not a thug)
12. Nute Gunray
13. Tavion
14. Alora
15. Desaan
Werda Verd wrote:Kelborn wrote:Jar Jar was funny a couple times, and I like the way he looks *I liked to as the play the Gungans sometimes on that old game that is based on Age Of Empires, but he more stupid then funny most of the time.
I hated the white skinned guy in the last of the old movies, with that nasty thing around his neck and the sharp nails! he was SCARY, in a WEIRD WAY!
From that description, I was thinking of Palpatine.....lol.
LoL, I THINK he/*she?* was talking about Bib. But ya, thats fits Palps pretty well to :P
HAHAHA!!!!!!! Yes, I was talking about Bib. Sorry, I forgot his name when I posted that. Now that you mention that, it almost DOES sound like I was talking about the Emperor!!!
(and yes, I am a he :D)
Of course Jar Jar was retched but I am glad to see that so many of you are tagging Luke and his dear old dad as the whinners they are.
I despise Anakin for his weakness. Sure I love my family, sure I'd sacrifice my wealth, health and my life for them, but lighting the galaxy on fire to do so...is the biggest display of selfishness in print. He willingly makes a deal with the devil to ensure Padame's life (in is defense it was Natalie P).
Luke, he redeems himself in the books, but his QUEST to redeem his father at the expense of the mission is selfish too. Simply removing a great evil with out attempting to redeem it is far more pragmatic and saves life and time, not doing so is selfish as the redeemed where special to Luke, mean while the galaxy burns. SWe see the same thing over again with Darth Cadeus in the last series.
The only characters that don't suck at times are HAN, Chewie and the collective Fett Genome.
Love those Mandos
I will do an updated list
2. Kreia
3. Kreia
4. Kreia
5. Darth Traya (a.k.a Kreia)
6. Kreia
7. Kreia
8. Most useless KotOR 2 party member(a.k.a Kreia)
9. Kreia
10. Evil manipulative old Witch (a.k.a Kreia)
11. Worst Jedi ever(a.k.a Kreia)
12. That mysterious old lady you fight at the Trayus core in KotOR 2 (a.k.a Kreia)
13. Kreia
14. the 324 year old lady who is really evil in KotOR(a.k.a Kreia)
15. The oldest witch ever(a.k.a Kreia)
I think we got the point Revan07. You don't like her.
I will do an updated list
2. Kreia
3. Kreia
4. Kreia
5. Darth Traya (a.k.a Kreia)
6. Kreia
7. Kreia
8. Most useless KotOR 2 party member(a.k.a Kreia)
9. Kreia
10. Evil manipulative old Witch (a.k.a Kreia)
11. Worst Jedi ever(a.k.a Kreia)
12. That mysterious old lady you fight at the Trayus core in KotOR 2 (a.k.a Kreia)
13. Kreia
14. the 324 year old lady who is really evil in KotOR(a.k.a Kreia)
15. The oldest witch ever(a.k.a Kreia)
Department of Redundancy Department?
Pre-Vader Anikin sucks pretty bad.
lol, you guys dont seem to like jabbas court very much.
me, im a big fan of the scum and villainy.
luke skywalker.i never liked him.
I agree, when I played the RPG, I had made to kill the SKYWALKER as my end goal. My GM rolled with it and let me work toward that, but I wasn't SITH, never liked the absolutes. Of course when we got down to the chopping it was over fast, you can't make out with LEIA, beat HAN in sabacc, get the drop of BOBA or kill LUKE, laws of the UNIVERSE.
i hate high school musical, i had to watch it at school last year. it was torture
now back to the topic as i said earlier i do not like Kreia
I agree. After watching it I genuinely felt sick. Just talking about it I am dead serious no joke feeling sick. Blech. Least favorite SW person? Jar Jar, or the battle droids when they got lame voices.
Least favorite character? I would have to say Count Dooku. He's supposted to be this powerful Sith apprentice, be so big and bad for basically starting the Clone Wars in all, but in the end he's just a pawn and puppet and thus deserves his demise.
My new least favourite is Poggle the Lesser.
definetly jar jar binks. he was a sucker. i wish mace windu chopped of his head instead of jango's head.
definetly jar jar binks. he was a sucker. i wish mace windu chopped of his head instead of jango's head.
lol exactly what I thought. :P One useless scum less.
Yup, Jar Jar Binks had a way of screwing things up in every prequel he was in.
I always wanted to see Qui-Gon get so annoyed by Jar Jar, That he would decapitate him.
(Jar Jar is my least favorite.)
LOL, that's a great image.....do it while he's holding onto his tounge :P
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Note: the last post in this topic was 15 years ago.
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