Topic: RPG: The Naltoon Assault

Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.

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Topic #2713
July 8, 2008 8:24 pm #

Gemma almost laughed, the Dark Trooper was actually destroying Imperial property. The fact that it was a hospital made her mood sombre. “Looks like you’re pal there is turning rogue.”

The Imp next to her shook his head, “We’ll deal with him, we don’t need assistance from Rebel scum.”

“Yeah right, then why am I shooting with you rather than shooting at you?” Gemma retorted.

“Stupidity?” the Imp spat back.

Gemma laughed, “Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been accused of that. Shall I call my troops off?”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 8, 2008 9:15 pm #

“We better fix the table,” Carbine said and eased off Vince's lap. Vince also stood and lifted the table up, straightening it out. They took their seats and Vince finally took his helmet completely off. His luscious blonde hair fell out from the helmet. He put it on the table and cracked a smile that showed his pearly white, perfectly straight teeth. Vince was never one to slack off on hygene...

Carbine noticed the great blonde hair and the perfect smile and was about to comment when the wine came. She took it and used it as an excuse to pace herself. She took a large gulp quickly.

Vince, however, took the glass and observed it. He swirled it around, sniffed it and finally sipped it.

"Mmmm, 20 years...most likely Felucian." He said as he slowly put the glass down and watched Carbine reaction. His assessment was a lie of course.

"Oh, I didnt know you were such a connoisseur..." Carbine replied putting seductive emphasis on the word connoisseur.

"Well I have studied abroad...or two." Vince said and cracked his amazing smile. The perverted joke was lost on Carbine because of this.

Vince took another slow sip of the wine and cracked his smile once more. He stared Carbine down from the other end of the table, trying to remain as subtle as possible while letting her know what was coming.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
July 9, 2008 1:29 am #

Carbine was lost for words, Vince keep getting better looking. Who would have known that he had such gorgeous hair under that helmet, or that he had pearly whites that sparkled when he smiled? Carbine took another swing of her wine. She had to get a hold of herself. It was clear what Vince’s intentions were if he’d taken her to this bar on purpose. She decided to slow down on the wine consumption.

“I’m amazed that you’re allowed to keep such long hair being a military man and all that,” Carbine said in desperation to keep the small talk going. She really shouldn’t get on his lap again, although she was seriously tempted.

Vince shrugged, “I tend to do my own thing. I’m an untamed man who doesn’t abide by anyone’s rules but his own.”

Normally Carbine would have rolled her eyes but with the effect of the pheromones she practically swooned. She decided to fan herself instead, “So do you plan on staying with the Empire for your entire career or do you other goals?”

Vince swirled the wine in his glass again and looked over the rim, “I have a great many goals. But there’s a short term one I’m more interested in at the moment.”

It didn’t take a genius to figure out what the short term goal was. Carbine found herself blushing much to her chagrin. “I’m not that sort of girl.”

Vince smiled like a cat about to get the cream, “Oh but you will be for me.”

Carbine felt the burning ember of anger ignite deep within her belly. She was happy to know that some part of her body was functioning normally. “So you think me fair game? Strange that you had to take me to a Falleen bar, if your skills are so great.”

“This,” Vince said as he gestured to the room, “Is merely to set the mood.” He moved closer to her and Carbine felt the effect of the pheromones more fiercely.

She tried to calm herself, two could play at this game. Besides Vince wasn’t too bad on the eye, despite his personality. “If you plan on seduction you better buy me dinner first.”

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
July 9, 2008 6:44 am (Edited July 9, 2008 08:57 am) #

"Excellent. We'll need the energy boost." Vince smiled and did not bother looking at Carbine's reaction, he knew what it would be. He waved the waitress over.

"Yes we're ready to order now." Vince said

"Alright what'll it be?" The waitress asked, amused by Carbine's self restraint

"I shall have theeeeee....(pops open the menu quickly) The Kommerken steak with ootoowergs. And for the lady...I suggest Devaronian pasta."

"Coming right up." The waitress said and she walked off muttering something about damned Imperials. Vince paid her no heed.

Vince put the menu away at the side of the table and flashed his smile at Carbine hungrily once more. An explosion sounded in the distance due to the battle that shook Carbine ever so slightly and it accentuated the smile. She nearly swooned once more.

Vince took his gloves off and rested them next to his helmet at the edge of the table. He looked at Carbine again and captured her attention. While she was staring at him his hand crept up slowly and slid over hers. She blushed fiercely. Vince nearly let out an deep evil laugh of conquest. Carbine uses both hands to sip from the wine glass and begins another attempt at small talk.

"So...ummm....what are your goal in the Empire for right now?" She asked

"I wish to be a Shadow Scout.(Vince sits back and puffs up his chest. He puts his fists at his hip and looks off into the distance letting loose a devastating smile once more. Carbine could have sworn she saw a twinkle and a light 'ping' sounded) A Storm Commando. Covert OPS at its best! Going deep behind enemy lines and infiltrating the most secure targets..." Vince said

"Wow, sounds pretty exciting. You like that whole job?"

"Well...yes. And their armor looks cool. And in this crazy universe, isn't that what counts? Dont bother answering...I know it is. *sigh*(Vince relaxes once again and has a face of longing come over his face) But alas...Storm Commandoes and chosen by Lord Vader himself. And I dont see him coming down here for an inspection anytime soon. Its just you and me now...(Vince launches another smile attack that caught Carbine off guard.)"

*radio crackle* Oh my god! Its going insane! The Dark trooper is-is going insane! Its killing everybody! Theyre all dead! Theres so much blood! Vince reaches into his helmet and turns the comm off without breaking eye contact with Carbine and keeping her enthralled.

(yeah the food I mention in this post...Its real Star Wars food. thats right, I do my homework

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
July 9, 2008 4:57 pm #

Carbine eyed Vince curiously as he turned off his com, “Shouldn’t you go and assist?”

Vince shrugged, “There are many fine men in the Imperial forces, I’m sure they can handle it.”

Carbine raised a brow, then smiled seductively at Vince as she took another sip from her glass. “You know my step brother is an Imperial Trooper, I forget what rank as he seems to change all the time. His name is Jaith, do you know him?”

The look on Vince’s face was priceless and Carbine had to stop herself from laughing. Oh yeah Vince knew Jaith, or at least knew of him. He quickly composed himself. “I’ve heard the name.”

Carbine continued to grin, it was her turn to bask in someone else’s discomfort. Vince cleared his throat, “Are you two close?” he asked as he finally took a gulp of his wine.

“Yes and no, were we very close when we were kids since we were of similar age when are parents married. But since he’s been with the Empire I don’t hear from him that often. I moved to Naltoon when my mother died, Jaith put in for a transfer when he heard that I was on my own. He’s all the family I have left.” Carbine told.

“You must get awful lonely,” Vince said with another dazzling smile.

Carbine shrugged, “I enjoy my work.”

“I’m sure you do,” Vince replied and quickly changed the subject, “So do you prefer silk or satin sheets?”

Carbine almost spat out her wine she’d been drinking, “Actually I prefer cotton.”

Vince raised a brow, “Like a bit of added texture? You like the rougher stuff?”

Carbine’s eyes actually went wide. She was about to answer when the pasta turned up. She prayed to the Force that it didn’t contain any aphrodisiacs otherwise she would probably lose any control she had left.

Vince started eating his steak, “Not to worry, I’m sure I’ll fine out soon enough.”

Carbine hopped that Jaith was on patrol, she really could use his help. This situation was intolerable. They were sitting in direct view from the door. Carbine figured that Vince wanted to display her for all to see. She wanted to leave but the pheromones were driving her nuts. Part of her wanted to ravish Vince on the spot but the rational part of her brain that was still working refused to have one put over her.

An idea came to mind, “Vince do you have a girlfriend? I’m not the sort of girl to break up a relationship.”

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
July 9, 2008 7:19 pm #

Jaith had been trying to follow his prey, but had lost him. He might have been thinking he was in the clear, and Jaith thought that his prey would probably want some food after some wandering. Immediately his eyes were drawn to the Flamingo bar. His data base instantly jumped up, the bar was owned and operated by Falleen, as he approached the door he activated his environmental filters, he didnt want his judgment affected by the pheromones that would surely be in the air.

He opened the door, his hud brightening, allowing him to see in the darkness, then slowly dimming as his eyes adjusted to the gloom. He immediately saw the scout trooper, and the FOF in his helmet showed him it was the trooper who had spilled his caf all over his armor, though Jaith couldn't blame him. A moment later he recognized who he was with. His step-sister. He moved over to the table, "Get up." He said, looking at Carbine. Vince cut in "Captain, I was-" Jaith held up a hand. Carbine rose rather eagerly it seemed. "Go back to work or go home, Carbine." She nodded and began to head for the door. He turned back to Vince "You were what?"

Vince began again " I was just treating that very hot chi- er respectable woman, to dinn-"

"You were hitting on my step-sister at a Falleen owned bar, in the middle of what is rapidly degenerating into a warzone."

"And what were you doing?"

"I was searching for a rebel who had managed to infiltrate the base. Get up, get out there and make yourself useful"

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
July 9, 2008 9:05 pm #

**Thought I delete my last post, thought this one funnier**

After parting with Jaith, Carbine couldn’t shake the heightened state of arousal she felt. She was pretty certain that the pheromones should have been wearing off so it was likely that there had been aphrodisiacs in her meal.

Without much surprise Vince appeared. Carbine shook her head in confusion, “Wait a minute didn’t Jaith just usher you off to battle?”

Vince shrugged, flipped open his helmet and leaned against the wall in what she supposed was to be a sexy stance. “I’m a man who enjoys a challenge. Besides we have unfinished business,” Vince reached for her and crushed her to his chest.

Carbine opened her mouth to speak but Vince took it as an opportunity to kiss her. Carbine felt dizzy and then hungrily kissed him back. She pulled away to look him in the eye. “You put something in my food too, didn’t you?”

Vince smiled, “Perhaps you’re just drawn to my animal magnetism. Like a moth to a flame, like a wamprat to cheese.”

Carbine’s brow furrowed, “You better be the wamprat.”

“For you baby, I’ll be anything as long as it rocks your world.” Vince proclaimed.

Carbine had to stop herself from laughing. How could she possibly be attracted to a man with such corny lines? The pheromones, it has to be the pheromones, she refused to believe that she could actually be attracted to Vince naturally.

Strangely Carbine found herself reaching for the blonde strand of hair that had escaped Vince’s helmet. “So what do you plan to do with me?”

Vince actually looked surprised, his normal self-confidence quickly returned. “I think my new speeder needs a test ride. I want to make sure the accessories are to my satisfaction. I’ll need you beneath me to do that.”

Carbine couldn’t believe that she actually felt turned on by that statement. She moved closer to him, wrapping the strand of his hair around her finger to draw him nearer, “What if I’d prefer to take up that offer of a room?”

Vince’s eyes turned dark as if he was ready to consume her, “I’d accept the change of plan. What the woman wants, the woman gets.”

Carbine almost snarled as she came in fast to kiss him, she moved her left leg to lock around his, drawing him closer. Vince moved his right hand to grasp her thigh, pulling her tight against him. This time he broke away, “Let’s get that room now.”

Amazingly Carbine agreed with him. He grabbed her by the hand drawing her back into the Flamingo Bar. He quickly got a room key and practically ran to the room, dragging Carbine along behind him.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
July 9, 2008 10:43 pm #

Davik got bored of waiting around, so he went to check out how the battle was going. Wandering through the streets, Davik noticed the speeder shop he and Vince stopped by before was still open, but nobody was inside. Taking advantage, and getting a replacement for Bess, Davik motioned in a cowboy-like manner as he rode out of the shop on a new Areeba Twelve.

July 10, 2008 12:10 am #

Dodger sat tinkering with his bombs and almost laughed when he saw an Imp steal a speeder from an unattended shop. The woman there, Carbine, had tried to rip him off earlier in the week. He figured she deserved the dint to her credit line.

Dodger would have shot at the Imp but he seemed too focussed on his new Areeba Twelve to notice the old bomb technician doing his thing. He paused as he heard someone shout "Halt!" Dodger immediately raise his hands and slowly turned around but the voice had not been directed at him. Dodger watched as the Imp who'd stolen the speeder got dressed down by his superior officer.

"Davik, where's that stupid partner of yours?" the Trooper barked.

Davik was rigid in posture, "Ah sir, he's entertaining a lady friend."

"Rubbish I just sent him on his way back to you," the Trooper said as he started circling Davik.

Davik's posture changed ever so slightly, "Ah sir, Vince is a bit of a ladies man. Or he'd like to think so. I'm guessing as soon as he got out of your sight he went straight back to the piece of skirt he was chasing."

Dodger knew he should have continued working but the look on the superior trooper's face was priceless. Whoever this Vince guy was seemed like he was about to get some serious pain directed his way.

Davik followed on his newly acquired speeder saying something to the other trooper. Dodger was finally able to laugh out loud.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 10, 2008 1:08 am #

Jaith was sprinting back to that damn bar. He was not going to let that trooper do lay a hand on Carbine. He opened the door rather quickly and grabbed the nearest worker. "The Scout trooper that was here earlier. Where did he go?" The confused waiter took a moment to think he began to stutter out an 'I dont know' when Jaith pulled his pistol from its holster, holding it up. "Are you sure you dont remember?" The waiter looked at the pistol then at Jaith's helmet. "I, uh, think they, uh bought a room" Jaith shoved him into the nearest table. He walked to the bartender. "Scout trooper, with a girl, what room?"

"I cant tell you that"

Jaith shoved the blaster in the bartender's face

"Down the hall third door on the right." the bartender said hurriedly.

Jaith ran to the room, placing a breaching charge on the door, seeing as it was probably the only sure way to open it. He blew the door, and ran in, supprising an Ithorian, He paused, staring "Wrong room." he said after a moment

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
July 10, 2008 1:39 am #

As soon as they had gotten into the room Vince had ditched the helmet and gloves. Carbine had shucked her jacket and quickly returned to Vince’s arms. With the exposure to the pheromones Carbine could no longer resist Vince, hell she was certain he’d ordered her food with something added in it.

Vince held her face between his hands, “You’re so hot,” he told her before he kissed her.

Carbine thought it sounded like something a teenager would say. Yet she couldn’t draw herself away from him.

“Vince, tell me you’ll respect me after this.” Oh man she was sounding as bad as him.

“Oh this isn’t going to be a one off,” Vince grinned.

Carbine wasn’t sure if she should be pleased or disturbed. She didn’t have time to answer as he kissed her again. His hands ran over her body as he backed her towards the bed. They tumbled downward onto the bed and Carbine worked her hands into Vince’s hair. He rolled her onto her back when they heard a boom.

Vince’s eyes went wide, “Ah we better go.”

Carbine looked at him with dazed eyes, “Why?”

“I think you’re brother is in the next room,” Vince said as he scrambled for his helmet and gloves.

Carbine rolled onto her stomach, “So?”

“He’ll skin me alive if he knows I came back for you.” Vince said as he threw her jacket at her.

Carbine sat up and put her jacket on with no real rush. Vince grabbed her by the hand, “Come on woman, move your fabulous behind!”

Carbine almost fell over as Vince dragged her out the door. She rushed to keep up and then she heard Jaith bellow behind them.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
July 10, 2008 2:11 am #

Jaith had set another charge on the wall, coming through just as Vince was fleeing, with Carbine behind him, thank fully Vince was still in most of his armor. Jaith began firing, his blaster pistol set on stun, to avoid hurting Carbine if he accidentally hit her. Besides, he wanted Vince alive. At least for a while, then he might feel merciful and kill him, but that was only if he was lucky. He opened fire, screaming something about death and strangling Vince with his own entrails and Vince sped up. After quite a while he grazed Vince's leg, causing him to fall to the ground. Jaith did not stop running, he holstered his pistol, and upon reaching Vince, who was trying to get up, kicked him in the gut, sending him back to the ground. Vince coughed, and finally got up, only to be sent to the ground again when Jaith punched him in the face.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
July 10, 2008 2:26 am #

“Stop,” Carbine gasped, “You’ll ruin his beautiful face.” She paused and wondered if she’d actually said that aloud.

Jaith looked at her funny for a second then continued to lay into Vince. Vince shouted, “She’s right you’re going to damage my beautiful face!”

“Fine then,” Jaith shouted as he kicked Vince hard in the guts, “I’ll aim lower.”

“Stop it,” Carbine said with less conviction as she started to breathe clearer air.

Jaith laid another boot into Vince before grabbing Carbine by the shirt collar, “Are you mad? That guy is so below you he makes slugs look regal.”

“I do not,” Vince grumbled as he rolled in attempt to get to his feet.

Jaith glared at him and Vince stopped moving. Jaith turned back to his stepsister, “This time you’re coming with me.”

Carbine scrambled to go to Vince but Jaith dragged her off with his greater strength, “No! Jaith you jerk, I hate you, I hate you... wait.” Carbine shook her head as if to clear it, “On second thought keep dragging me.”

Vince was too busy fixing his hair to catch her last statement. “I’ll come for you Carbine, just you wait.”

Jaith turned around and shot a stun bolt into Vince’s crotch, “It won’t be anytime soon.”

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
July 10, 2008 4:06 am #

Gemma glared at the Imp just waiting for him to say the word. Instead he turned around and fired a few more bolts at the Dark Trooper. Gemma settled down and moved away to a better cover position. She was nearly mowed down by an Imperial on a shiny new speeder. “Idiotic Imperial!” she shouted and ducked as he shot at her in passing.

Gemma made it to the roof where she found Ol’ Vik, Elka and Griffin. Griffin appeared to be wiping his face of bread crumbs. “We better roll out in case Dodger is ready to go.”

Elka nodded, “Okay let’s move.”

“I suggest we get back to base, I’m going to look for Dodger first.” Gemma told.

Elka nodded, “Right then Griffin and Vik, looks like we’re going for a visit home.”

Gemma turned to Elka, “Just be careful of that Dark Trooper, if you think he’s following you make sure you divert him away from our base. And don't forget to grab Elna and Quarry on your way.”

Elka nodded, “Yes ma’am.”

The others moved off but Griffin paused, “Be careful Sarge.”

Gemma let a small smile creep onto her face, “You too.” Then she ran off in the direction she’d last seen Dodger. She was running around the quiet streets for a while. She smiled when she saw a new speeder sitting all on its lonesome, she figured no one was going to miss it. As she went to climb upon it she heard the distinctive click of a blaster safety being switched off.

“Get off the bike,” a male voice said.

Gemma raised her hands and stepped down to see a bedraggled looking Scout Trooper pointing a blaster at her. She also noticed that he was standing funny. He suddenly smiled but there was annoyance in his gaze, “Oh it’s you.”

Gemma’s brow furrowed until she realised who she was staring at, she began to laugh.  “Well look at that, I blew up your old crappy speeder and you got yourself a shiny new one.”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 10, 2008 4:43 am #

Jaith had walked Carbine back to her garage. She’d been coming back to her senses as she walked but she still felt the effects lingering. “I’m sorry I yelled at you,” she said to Jaith.

Jaith shrugged, “You were under the influence of Falleen pheromones. They’re hard things to resist.”

Carbine raised an eyebrow and wondered if Jaith was talking from experience. “Thanks for getting me out of there,” she said but she wasn’t quite sure if she meant it. She felt very confused about Vince. One minute she wanted to be near him, the next she wanted to run away. She’d see how she felt after the pheromones wore off.

Jaith stood at the doorway of her shop, “I’d stay and chat but we’ve got a rogue Dark Trooper loose, if you see him coming go down to the basement and hide.”

Carbine waved a hand carelessly in the air, “I’ll be fine.”

Jaith grabbed her by the shoulders, “I mean it sister. You run because he will rip you limb from limb.”

Carbine nodded understanding the seriousness, “Ok, I will. Just make sure you cover your own backside. I want to be an aunt one day.”

Jaith smiled, “Oh it might happen.”

Carbine returned his smile, “Don’t tell me you’ve met someone.”

Jaith cocked his head to the side, “Maybe.”

Carbine laughed, “Well what do you know, some girl got through all that plating straight to your heart.”

Jaith shook his head at her teasing and walked off, he paused and looked at her seriously, “Remember what I said, run and hide if you see that Dark Trooper.”

Carbine saluted Jaith half mockingly, “Yes sir.”

“I mean it,” Jaith told.

“So do I,” Carbine replied as she walked back into her shop. Her mouth fell agape as she realised one of the Areeba Twelves was missing, “Son of a...” She turned to look at Arista who sat at the counted twirling a loop of pink bubblegum around her finger. “Where’s the other Areeba Twelve?”

Arista shrugged, “How should I know. I was at lunch, I figured you’d sold it.”

Carbine ground her teeth as she glared at the stupid blonde bimbo. “Didn’t you check the logs?”

Arista curled her lip, “They’re boring, besides this spunky guy came in and I was flirting with him like heaps. I thought I was going to sell that old Neesh Three but he just wanted my digits.”

Carbine let out a frustrated sigh, “Why did I hire you?”

Arista smiled and puffed out her ample chest, “Because the lonely Imperial guys flock to this bodacious bod of mine and you make heaps of credits.”

Carbine rolled her eyes out of Arista’s view, “Yeah what can I say I’m shallow when it comes to credits.”

Arista giggled, “Yeah well money makes the world go round. Hey speaking of spunky Imps, there’s one down the block with a new Areeba Twelve pointing a gun at a Rebel.”

Carbine stuck her head around the corner to look out the window, “Vince,” she muttered. “So he’s already found another girl.”

Arista grinned, “Don’t tell me you actually went on a date?”

“I don’t know if you’d call it a date. I was going to take him out for a drink when he bought that speeder. He took me to the Flamingo Bar.” Carbine told then ground her teeth again when Arista laughed.

“Oh he’s hot for you then. That Flamingo Bar is only for couples who want to get it on.” Arista said with emphasis on the last threw words as she rubbed her scarf down her shoulders and across her back tauntingly.

“You could have warned me about that place,” Carbine hissed.

Arista placed a delicately manicured hand to her chest, “Me? I never figured you’d go to a bar with a guy. Guess I was wrong.”

“He took me there,” Carbine said punching out each word.

Arista grinned smugly, “I’ll bet he did. Was he any good?” Carbine slapped Arista on the arm, “I’ll take that as a no.”

Carbine crossed her arms, “We didn’t get that far.”

Arista leaned forward in amazement, “Really? That has to be a first for the Flamingo, I hope you got your money back.”

“Oh just shut up,” Carbine growled then looked out the window to see what was going on between Vince and the Rebel.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
July 10, 2008 9:08 am #

“Well look at that, I blew up your old crappy speeder and you got yourself a shiny new one.” The female rebel said. Vince wouldn't let her escape his grasp once more.

"And so we meet again, my sexy adversary...You look like a woman who appreciates the finer things in life. Come over here and feel my velour bedspread." Vince walks to the speeder and presses a button. The Rebel woman gets off and a small bed-like platform comes out of the side of the speeder. Vince reaches down with his free and and strokes the bed spread.

"Mmmmm...velour..." Vince says seductively

"Ugh..." The Rebel rolls her eyes

"Oh dont try to fool me. I can see the hunger in your eyes. You desire the rugged danger and thrill that comes with an Imperial soldier... Come with me quietly now and maybe I'll end your prisoner."

"I'd rather you just kill me now."

"Oh come now, I'm no necrophiliac. Hop on...I know a place we could go." Vince smiles

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
July 10, 2008 2:35 pm #

The thought of pistol whipping this creep entered Gemma's mind but she'd have to reach for her blaster and she had no idea whether this fool was a good shot or not. She decided to try and deter him, "I believe your fellow soldiers are trying to stop a rogue Dark Trooper. They could use all the help they can get."

The Imp scratched his chin.

Gemma continued on, "Besides two of my colleges are there and they're twin Twi'leks, of the female variety." She added for good measure.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 10, 2008 2:48 pm #

"Mmmmm, twin Twi'leks....haven't had a twi'lek in ohhh....forever." Vince said. He hops on the new speeder and puts away his blaster. He opened his helmet for a moment.

"Fare thee well my sexy female adversary....we'll meet again." Vince said and flashed his trademark smile. He closed his helmet and sped off into the battle.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
July 10, 2008 3:01 pm #

Riding through the streets, Davik almost crashed into Vince. This time, he stayed on his speeder. Vince flipped open his helmet.

"Davik, my good friend. Where have you been? You missed a lovely time, boy was that Carbine something.." said Vince as he gritted his teeth.

"I should ask you the same thing, Dr. Love. Now quit monkeying around, let's go get some scum."

July 10, 2008 3:56 pm #

Gemma couldn’t believe that the Imperial had let her go, he truly was ruled by his hormones. Gemma decided to run while she had the opportunity. She didn’t get far before a dark haired woman stood in her path. “What was that about?”

Gemma blinked, “Do I know you?”

The woman shook her head, “No but I know Vince.”

Gemma grinned, “Did you actually fall for that?”

“Vince’s isn’t a that well not exactly,” the woman replied.

“He’s gone looking for Twi’lek sisters. I wouldn’t waste your time,” Gemma told, “Now I’ve got a bomb technician to find.”

“What!” the woman said grabbing hold of Gemma’s arm.

Gemma looked at the woman’s hand scathingly and watched as she removed it. “There’s a Dark Trooper that needs to die.”

The woman went pail, “My stepbrother is there.”

Gemma moved forward, “Well you better warn him to get out before he becomes splatter.”

The woman ran into her shop and hopped upon a speeder and hurried off. Gemma shook her head and continued her search for Dodger.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 10, 2008 5:30 pm #

Carbine had to find Jaith, she didn’t care if she ran into the Dark Trooper, she couldn’t let her stepbrother die when she could save him. She sped through the streets on her red Areeba Fifteen and hoped that she wouldn’t be too late.

She jammed on the brakes as she saw smouldering piles of rubble that had been brickwork from the hospital. “Jaith!” she shouted praying that she wasn’t too late.

She froze as she saw what she suspected was the Dark Trooper. She raised her hands in surrender.

“Get out of there!” she heard a voice call.

Carbine hit the throttle and somehow managed to pass the Dark Trooper before he attacked. As she passed she heard the sound of blasters firing and the stench of ozone. She darted around a corner and nearly collided with two Areeba Twelves. She pulled up and saw that one had Vince sitting atop and the other his partner. “You stole that bike!” she shouted at his companion.

Davik looked at Vince, “Obviously you’re losing your touch.”

Vince shrugged, “A man’s work is never done.”

“Where’s my stepbrother?” Carbine growled.

Vince immediately shied away and protectively placed a hand over his groin. Davik didn’t miss the motion. “Ah so that’s why you came back early,” Davik laughed.

“Where is Jaith?” Carbine said darkly.

“Oh Jaith is your stepbrother?” Davik asked, “This is just getting better and better.”

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
July 10, 2008 5:33 pm (Edited July 10, 2008 06:26 pm) #

Gemma decided it was time to use the com, if Dodger was in peril at least she could back him up. She hailed him, “Dodger where the heck are you?”

“Behind you,” he answered.

Gemma turned around and saw that Dodger was running up to her.

“I’ve just finished off but annoyingly one of the boosters isn’t responding to my transmission,” Dodger told as he angrily tapped the controller in his hand.

“So you’ve tried to fire?” Gemma queried.

Dodger shook his head, “No, I wanted to check all boosters were working but there’s one that just won’t.”

“What can you do?” Gemma asked as she peered at the controller.

“I can go play with it and try to make it work or simply push the button and hope that the others set it off,” Dodger informed her.

Gemma frowned, “I say we go for option two.”

Dodger nodded, “Sounds fine by me, I like my armour grey but not charcoal.”

Gemma chuckled, “Agreed, now let’s see where that Dark Trooper went before you fire that stuff.”

“Party pooper,” Dodger joked.

“That’s me,” Gemma grinned, “No let’s check on our Imperial friends.

Gemma and Dodger made there way towards the battle. It wasn’t hard to find with all the shouting, screaming and shooting. Gemma was angry when she saw that Quarry and Elna were still in the thick of it, “They had orders to go to base,” Gemma snarled.

Dodger patted her on the back, “You should know Quarry never listens to orders, at least not where there’s something challenging to kill.”

Gemma glared at him over her shoulder, “I thought he would have used his brains when Elna was involved.”

“You don’t know men well if you think he uses his brain when around her,” Dodger joked.

Gemma shook her head, “Cut the crap, I’m being serious here.”

Dodger straightened up, “Yes Sarge.”

“That’s more like it,” she picked up the com, “Quarry you’re to leave now! Immediate evac!”

It was Elna who answered, “We’re pinned down.”

Gemma looked at Dodger, “Tell me you’ve got something near them.” It wasn’t a question.

“Building adjacent to them has a charge on the second floor, ready to go.” Dodger told.

Gemma returned to the com, “Get ready to duck.” She turned to Dodger, “Fire.”

Dodger grinned beneath his helmet and hit the appropriate button. A satisfying boom sounded and dust and debris rained down.


Elna and Quarry ran for cover. Quarry grabbed Elna and held her close as they stood in the cover of a small alcove. “I love you,” he whispered to Elna.

She looked up at him in surprised, “Of all the times to tell me, you do it now?”

Quarry grinned, “I’m an unconventional guy.”

“I can see that,” came a reply but it was not Elna.

Both Rebels turned to look at the Imperial holding a blaster at them. “Oh crap,” Quarry muttered as he recognised lover boy trooper.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 10, 2008 6:46 pm #

Jelera was confused. She was lost as to which way the battle was headed. The noise from outside the compound was growing louder. SHe was sure it was anarchy.

"How did it come to this?" She wondered to herself.  She would let the troopers handle these rebel scum. Command was deteriating, if there ever was any to start with.  So filled with anger she stormed to the turbo lifts, set on finding Raina. She better have a damn good explaination for her when she got there.

( I dunno i was bored and posted not sure if it fits but... eh... i can always edit)

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
July 10, 2008 7:05 pm #

Raina had waken up from the stun blast, walking through the corridors as her head pounded slightly.  She kept hoping that Jaith would be alright, as she had no idea where he was, or any of the others were for that matter. 

She kept walking, hurrying to try and get to her office and figure out what was going on when she suddenly ran into Commander Jelera.  She looked extremely upset and angry, even more so when Raina looked back, rather confused and out of it...

(hope this is okay, sorry haven't posted in a while)

jet pack & rocket launcher-800 credits, mandolorian armor-5,000 credits, being the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy-priceless. brought to you by JediMaster Card
July 10, 2008 8:24 pm #

Carbine instinctively ducked as she heard the explosion. “Jaith, no!” she shouted as she jumped off her speeder. She ran towards the sound of the explosion in a desperate attempt to find her brother.

She saw him pointing a blaster at a pair of Rebels. “Jaith you’re okay! What are you doing?”

**Bored, someone (coughvalcough) isn't posting :P **

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
July 10, 2008 9:04 pm #

Vince and Davik watched in wonder as Carbine ran off towards the explosion. Their Scout Trooper helmets slowly followed her and then turned to each other.

"...Lets get out of here while we can." Vince said

"Way ahead of you, what about Jaith and the Darktrooper?" Davik said turning on his speeder

"Jaith can fend for himself. And the Darktrooper..."

"We need heavy artillery. Back to HQ?"

"We could always launch an assualt via our new speeder bikes and their dual laser canons." Vince said and put his thumbs up.

"Not with the Darktroopers tough armor. Lets get some rocket launchers." Davik said and sped off towards HQ

"10-4!" Vince said excitedly and sped off as well

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
July 11, 2008 3:07 am (Edited July 11, 2008 03:08 am) #

Griffin, Elka and Ol' Vik where moving through the streets of Naltoon,

"You know, when i get back to base, i hope they got that pasta left! god that was realllyyyy niceee!!" Griffin said out of the blue

Elka glared at him

"Is that all you ever think about?" she moaned

"Pretty much, the only thing thats not trying to kill me really...then again..." Griffin paused to think

"Bah what am i thinking of!" he sighed "Food wouldnt kill me!" he cheerfully replied to himself

Griffin neared the corner of the wall

"Watch the corners!" He whispered as he placed himself on the corner of the street, it was a wide cross junction. easily could get mowed down...or ran over. It was too quiet, far to quiet.
Then in the distance he could see the heat waves coming off two black shadows......Speeder bikes.

"Guys, we got enemy light armor down there, say about 1200 metres...Wait for them to pass or engage?"

"Im in no mood to fight a pair of speedies, just leave them" Elka said

"Very well, Baseplate, this is Griffin copy?" He kneeled down and spoke into his comms

"This is baseplate. status Corporal?"

"I got an unknown, Elka and myself, were coming in now....Oh and baseplate?"

"What is it Corporal?"

"Got any of that pasta left?" Griffin happily spoke into his comms

"......." The comms line went dead

"Does that mean they do or they dont?" Griffin said confusedly to Elka

Elka gave Griffin a slap then grinned.

"Just go Griff....Just go!" she then ushered Griffin

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
July 11, 2008 5:25 pm #

"Jaith you're ok! What are you doing?"

Jaith lined up the shot ignoring his sister as the blaster pistol fired. The rebel's head snapped back, his face simply gone, turned to a blacked crater of burned meat. The Twi'lek screamed, “No!” as she watched her love fall. She grabbed hold of his body to stop him hitting the ground, giving him one last piece of dignity.

As soon as it was done she lunged at Jaith, who quickly adjusted the power level of his blaster to stun and fired a shot into her chest. She slumped to the ground and Jaith picked her up. Jaith finally answered his sister, "Pacifying agents of the Alliance to Restore the Republic in order to restore the sector to tranquillity." He said calmly, beginning to walk away. Carbine looked stunned, watching him go. "You murdered him!" Jaith looked back, over his shoulder, not stopping. "I did my duty, for the Empire."

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
July 11, 2008 8:00 pm #

Gemma and Dodger were watching the smoke clear when they saw the awful scene unfold before them. Gemma immediately lifted her rifle to take out the Imp but Dodger placed a hand on the barrel making her lower it, “If you kill him you’re no better than the murdering scum he is.”

Gemma nodded, “One thing’s clear. I know I’m on the right side. Who murders someone like that? Quarry didn’t even have time to defend himself.”

“That’s the Imperial way,” Dodger growled.

“You don’t happen to have another charge you could set off?” Gemma asked.

Dodger shook his head, “Not one that wouldn’t result in Elna getting killed.”

Gemma nodded feeling somewhat demoralised. “I’m going kill that Imp, if it’s the last thing I ever do.”

Dodger grinned beneath his helmet, “If I don’t beat you to it first.”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 11, 2008 8:25 pm #

To say Carbine was shocked was an understatement. Her brother had just killed someone in front of her and he didn’t seem perturbed about it. He was doing it for the Empire, or at least that’s what he claimed.

Carbine watched as he threw the unconscious Twi’lek over his shoulder. “What are you going to do with her?” Carbine asked with concern.

“I’m taking her in for questioning,” Jaith said coolly.

“But you just killed her friend in front of her, I doubt she’ll want to talk to you!” Carbine shouted as the shooting resumed against the Dark Trooper.

Jaith turned to look at Carbine, “We have ways to extract information.” Carbine looked at him in disgust. “Now go back to your shop, Carbine. I don’t want you getting hurt.”

Carbine took a step back, “Yeah I think I’ll do that.” She really wanted to get away from him. It seemed that her brother had a darker side and she didn’t like it.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
July 11, 2008 8:45 pm #

Jaith did not at all feel troubled by the recent turn of events. He had killed a member of the Rebellion. He had killed an insurgent. A terrorist. He was defending the citizens and soldiers of the empire. He was defending Raina, he was defending Carbine. What he did needed to be done. He had to fight, he had to kill, so people like his sister could continue their lives in peace. But sometimes things happened, and the war was brought to them. Unfortunately this had happened, and now, exposed to what he did to defend people like her, his sister seemed to be in a state of shock, appalled at what must be done to ensure safety. She may hate him, but what he did, he did for people like her.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
July 12, 2008 12:20 am #

Flying like retards into the Fortress, having dodged some Rebel gunfire (and taking out a few on the way), Davik and Vince made their way to the weapons stash. Lo and behold, it was freakin' huge.

"So... many... guns!"

The two couldn't hold themselves, as it was quite the load. Grabbing two PLX-1s for himself, Davik headed back to the speeder, then back to the stash to get extra ammo. Vince did the same, but for some reason brought a third PLX-1. The two made their way back to the ground level, and went to face the Dark Trooper.

July 12, 2008 12:49 am #

Gemma and Dodger returned to the Rebel compound to find the others standing around the mapping station. “What’s going on?” Gemma asked as she moved in.

“We’re tracking the battles, we’ve lost a lot of our people and we still don’t have the plans.” Captain Athos told.

Dodger reached into his pocket, “This might help.” It was the reader Quarry had used.

“The plans?” Captain Athos asked with astonishment.

Dodger nodded, “Consider it a last gift from Quarry.”

Athos’ face dropped, “Oh I see.” He took the reader and plugged it in, it didn’t take him long to find the plans. “They’re here.”

“Can you transmit them from here?” Gemma asked.

Athos frowned, “We could but it’s likely that it would be intercepted. We need to get off world.”

Gemma looked at Athos, “Let me guess you’ll need a distraction.”

“I think the chaos in the city centre is doing that.” Athos replied.

“The Dark Trooper?” Dodger asked.

Athos nodded, “I suggest you help with the chaos if anything.”

“Now that’s the kinda news I like to hear.” Dodger said with a grin.

“Okay Captain, we’ll go back out.” Gemma said as she restocked on clips and grenades.

“We’ll get ready to send the message, I’ll contact you when we’re ready.” Athos told.

“Let’s roll out,” Gemma called to the others. She’d tell Elka about her sister soon enough.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 12, 2008 1:59 am #

Havrim didn't know where he was.  Up was down, down was left, green was black.  He was confusing himself.  Images floated in his vision.  Before he could think another random thought a wave of intense pain shot through his body.  His back arched and even more spots floated across his vision.  But voices began coming to his ears.

"He's coming around."

"Not fast enough.  Give him another shot."

Immediately another blinding wave of pain lanced through him.  A horrific gurgling was heard.  It took Havrim a few moments to realize it was coming from his own throat.

"There.  He's awake."

"Aww come on Peeks.  One more shot?  Please?"

"Absolutely not.  This one is actually valuable.  He's a rebel.  We don't want to be killing him.  Only soften him up."

As their chuckles grew distant, Havrim managed to pull himself into a sitting position.  He sat for what seemed to be an eternity as his vision slowly returned.  He made out a barren cell.  A cloth on the floor for sleeping and the refresher was a hole in the ground.  Ah the Imperial courtesy. 

The cell door creaked open and another person was thrown in.  Havrim immediately recognized the green-skinned Twi'lek as Elna.  He had trained with her when they were younger.  Her eyes were blotched red as if she had been crying heavily.  She looked up at him fiercely. 

"I swear I'll kill that Imperial.  I swear."

"Elna?  Are you alright?"

She blinked and all the rage left her body as she collapsed on the floor.  "Havrim!  They killed Quarry Hav!  He was defenseless!"

Havrim slid his aching body over to her and did the best he could to console her. 

"It's a war Elna.  People die.  Loved ones too.  Don't worry.  We'll all get of this and the Empire will pay for all those they've killed."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
July 12, 2008 3:35 am #

“Let’s roll out!” ordered the Rebel sergeant to her team.

Hiding in the shadows just inside the Rebel sanctuary’s entrance, Ghost tensed.  Need to get out of here and report this location…

Slipping out the door silently just ahead of the oncoming team, he looked back to make sure he hadn’t been seen. 

Sure his presence had gone unnoticed, he darted out…only to literally collide with a sentry he’d avoided while entering the area. 

Without a second’s hesitation, and with a surge of adrenaline from the surprise and shock of the encounter, ’57 wrapped his left arm around the trooper’s neck and thrust his right glove blade into the young man’s exposed throat below his blast visor. 

Dropping his blaster in shock the trooper tried to scream, but only a sickening gurgle was heard.  Before the Rebel was totally limp, however, another pair of sentries walked from around a nearby corner.  DAMN!  Must be a change in the guard shift!

Leveling their blasters, both cut loose.  Shoving the increasingly heavy trooper into the line of fire, 57’ blocked the shots and looked for an escape.

From behind, he could hear the Rebel sergeant and her team running up.

“THIS IS SS 2557” Ghost shouted into all his communicator frequencies, hoping someone was listening.  “I HAVE DISCOVERED THE REBEL BASE!”  Letting the dead trooper fall, 57’ pulled his disrupter and scout blaster as he dropped to one knee.  “TRACK MY LOCATION!”  Just dodging a bolt, Ghost fired his scout blaster and hit the Rebel they’d been calling ‘Dodger’ squarely in the shoulder, sending him to the duracreat with a thud and a yell.  “I REPEAT!”  A shot from behind grazed his shoulder.  Turning on the two oncoming guards ’57 leveled one with his disrupter and knee-capped the other with his scout.’  “..THE REBEL OPERATION CENTER IS AT MY…”

The impact of the hit knocked ’57 from his firing position to his back.  Looking down, he could see the smoldering hole burned through his chest plate.  Tilting his head weakly back up, he could see the smoke trailing from the Rebel sergeant’s blaster.

“I’ll be damned….” He sputtered.  “….killed by a woman….” 

Weakly, he attempted to raise his blaster and fire again, but she was ready and squeezed off another bolt.  His head snapped back from the shot to the helmet, he never felt the bolts from her companions…

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
July 12, 2008 4:49 am #

Griffin was enjoying his meal in the cantina. The others had gone off to play map reading But oh no not Griffin, food was to be consumed!

"Sooooo nice!" He said to himself taking mouthful after mouthful.

Then his ears suddenly perked up.

"Blaster fire? here! Whats the meaning of this!!" He moaned as he picked up his A280 and went out into the corridor

The blaster fire had stopped.

"Ooooo Sarge whats all the noise about?" He said as he stepped over the Imperial soldiers body not realising it was even there.

Gemma just nodded to the ground.

"What the blood 'ell!" Griffin moaned kicking the imps head

"Aghhh bloody hell! That things hard!" Griffin moaned after hurting his foot

"Errmmm.....Wheres Quarry?" Griffin suddenly said

"Played his last dance" Dodger said instantly

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
July 12, 2008 5:00 am #

Gemma watched as the Imp went down and felt a slight wave of relief. She got him in the chest and then gone for the head, exactly where his com would be. She knew that he certainly would have been reporting their position. She turned to Griffin, who had just tripped over the body, “Tell Athos we’ve been compromised. We need to evacuate and get off world as soon as possible.”

Griffin nodded, “Yes ma’am.”

“Elna check on Dodger,” Gemma instructed as she stalked towards the still form of the Imperial soldier.

She saw that her first shot had penetrated his chest armour. She kicked his blaster away from his outstretched hand and moved towards his head. The protective face plates were shattered and one side of the helmet was torn asunder from the blaster shot. She was surprised to see that the Imps face wasn’t a charred mess. It seemed the helmet had taken the brunt.

She knelt down and removed the helmet, one side of his face was lined with thin scratches and the faintest burn damage from the head shot, but the rest of his face was unmarked by the destruction of the helmet. “They make half decent helmets it seems,” Gemma muttered to herself as she peered into the inner lining of the helmet. “Tracking device,” she said to herself as she noticed and small flashing icon on the remaining shards of the HUD display. She dropped the helmet to the ground and stamped on it a couple of times before smashing the butt of her rifle on the remains to crush the intricate electronics.

Gemma touched her headset, “I need a clean-up crew in sector three.”

She turned to Elna who was checking Dodger’s shoulder. “We need to move out. Dodger are you able to blow those charges?”

Dodger looked up, now without his helmet, “I’ve never heard sweeter words uttered.”

“Okay then, it’s time we finish this.” Gemma said as she readied her rifle. “Let’s move.”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 13, 2008 6:33 pm #

As Carbine made her way back to her shop she stopped for a moment to look into the sky, she raised a hand to shield her eyes from the sun and attempted to keep her mind off the image of Jaith shooting the Rebel. As hard as she tried her memory kept reminding her.

She attempted to justify what he had done, but the Rebel hadn’t even had a blaster in his hand. “Maybe he had a knife up his sleave,” she suggested out loud.

Carbine walked into her shop with a blank look on her face. Arista was filing her nails, “You’re gonna be proud of me. I should another Areeba Twelve while you were out.” Arista then noticed the look on Carbine’s face, “Are you alright?”

Carbine shook her head, “I just saw my brother kill someone.”

Arista shrugged, “There’s battles going on out there everywhere, it was bound to happen sooner or later.”

“No,” Carbine started, “This wasn’t in the heat of the moment, he just walked up to this guy and shot him.”

“Was he a Rebel?” Arista asked.

“Yeah, apparently so.” Carbine said as she sat down behind her desk.

“So what’s the problem?” Arista asked, “They would have killed him had they been in similar circumstances.”

“But he wasn’t armed,” Carbine said in response.

“Would you have rather it been your brother who had been killed?” Arista said pointedly.

“Of course not,” Carbine said with a look of horror on her face.

“Then be glad that he can handle himself. I lost my ex when he came face to face with a Rebel. If he hadn’t hesitated in firing he might still be here today.” Arista said as she pointed her nail file at Carbine.

Carbine nodded feeling numb, “I’m going to get some caf.”

“Sounds like a good idea, I’ll have one too if you’re going to Arlay’s.” Arista said with a cheeky grin.

“Okay, I’ll make it two cups of caf.” Carbine said as she walked out, forgetting that the Dark Trooper was still loose.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
July 13, 2008 7:53 pm #

Gemma was leading the remainder of her squad back out into the action. She stopped as she heard Athos’ voice though her headset, “Sergeant we’ve located Harvim’s position in the Imperial building. I’ll send the co-ordinates to you.”

Gemma quickly took note, “Okay we’ll see if we can get him out.” She told as she turned to the others. “We’re going to need to split up. We’ve got to get Harvim out and do a sweep for Elna.” Gemma said as she looked at Elka.

Next Gemma turned to their explosives expert, “Dodger, we need you to do your magic but you’ve got to leave the best until last.”

Dodger grinned, “Yes ma’am. Can I borrow Ol’ Vik? I’m going to need someone to lean on,” Dodger said as he held his injured shoulder.

Gemma looked at Ol’ Vik with a raise eyebrow, “Your choice?”

Ol’ Vik grinned, “As long as I get to knock around some Imps I’ll be happy.”

Gemma nodded, “Good, then Elka and Griffin will come with me. Best of luck everyone. May the Force be with you.”

Dodger shook his head, “You and the bloody Force, why can’t you believe in something of substance, like the Tooth Fairy.”

Gemma almost slapped him one then remembered his shoulder, “You’re insane Dodger, guess that’s why I like you.”

Dodger grinned, “That and for my stunning good looks and charm.”

“Don’t over do it,” Gemma said then turned serious. “Let’s roll.”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 14, 2008 6:45 am (Edited July 14, 2008 06:45 am) #

Griffin stood next to gemma, looking all macho, his rifle slung over his shoulder. Griffin had threw away his helmet. It was annoying him, Griffin liked to be flexible. So he replaced his helmet with a pair of sunglasses before walking upto a large shop window, Checking out his reflection.

"Oh dear" He whispered, then started checking the pouches on his webbing vigoursly

"Ahhh got it!" He said as he flipped a comb out of his utility pouch, combing his hair backwards.

"Much better" He smiled into the window and winked at him self

"Sarge where we off then?" He turned around, putting on his serious tone of voice

Gemma stared blankly at him, sighed and then began to speak

"Just waiting for the co ords for this imp building, then i think we'll do a bit of party bashing" She smirked

"Oh goody! as long as theres food. im starving" Griffin beamed

"Good ole Griff" Elna chuckled

Griffin just gave her a shrug back with a confused look

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
July 14, 2008 2:35 pm #

Soon enough Gemma had the co-ordinates. “Right, we’re going to use the tunnels again, we must be care that the Imps haven’t already located the various ways in.”

With that Gemma led them to the nearest entry to the secret underground tunnels. They travelled to the hidden basement on the elevator which they rode on. Gemma entered the pin code so they could reach the hidden level. From there they run through the sewer system and Gemma was glad she’d left her helmet on, as she pulled the portable breathing mask from the side. Griffin on the other hand was coughing a spluttering.

Elka laughed at him, “See you should have kept the helmet.”

They reached the apex they were looking for and Gemma led them on, they had to crawl through some ducking but soon enough they were inside the Imperial complex. Gemma quickly found a control panel and checked the security images, “Seems they’re busy higher up. I’m guessing it’s from Quarry’s early escapade.”

The trio moved on with little resistance. “Now the tricky part,” Gemma said, “We need to get to the detention block.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 14, 2008 4:13 pm #

**Yes this is a double post, but it is for different characters...**

Dodger tried to ignore the pain in his shoulder as he and Ol’ Vik made their way back towards the action. “I suggest we find a nice high building to watch the action from,” Dodger told.

Ol’ Vik shook his head, “I want to beat some Imperials to a pulp, can’t do that at the top of a building.”

Dodger nodded, “Good point, also it’s easy to run if need be.”

“Ol’ Vik don’t run,” the older man said.

Dodger chuckled, “I’m sure you don’t. You look like the stay and fight type.” With a grin Dodger pointed to a building at the east, “I’m going to start with that one, then I’m going to cascade the effect towards the west. Buildings are going to come down all over the place.”

“What about the people inside?” Ol’ Vik asked with curiosity.

Dodger smiled, “I chose the more derelict buildings and told the occupants they were going to be evicted today. They got out pretty quickly.”

Ol’ Vik rolled his eyes, “You’re a softie.”

Dodger raised a finger to his helmet, where his lips would be, “Shh don’t tell anyone.” Then Dodger took out his first trigger. “Now let the games begin,” with that Dodger fired and watched as first one building, then another and another shook and then tumbled. “Man I hope I squash some Imps, especially that Dark Trooper.”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 15, 2008 9:15 am #

Havrim just sat around as Elna sobbed.  She was going through a hard time and he could understand.  But as she sat against his chest his senses were slowly returning to him.  There was still a dull pain in his head that would not go away.  The imps looked busy.  They were running back and forth in front of his cell.  Something was up.  He caught mentions of infiltration.  Havrim allowed himself a small smile.  Leave it to Gemma and Griff. 

"Don't worry Elna.  They'll be here soon.  Gemma's got me out of quite a few sticky situations."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
July 16, 2008 1:16 am (Edited July 16, 2008 02:18 am) #

Old Vik was watching those immense buildings break apart and fall to ruins. It was a lot of destruction all at once. The whole area seemed like it had become hell itself. It was a city, but it quickly became a battlefield. The street's concrete was getting stained with blood, lots of blood. Friends, enemies and things, every party was losing, more and more with the hours.

Old Vik wasn't feeling sad one bit. He felt alive. He was in his element. He was where he wanted to be. Others were dying, and that was sad, but that's war. If he had to die, it would be here. The other one mentioned something about running. Nah, he wouldn't run. He had been waiting for this...

He got interrupted in his train of thoughts by a rocket passing by and exploding VERY close to them. That damn Dark Trooper crap! His face was crimson red with anger as he was about to reply with the muzzle of his cannons, but then felt a hand gripping hard on his arm. Turning to Dodger, he saw that his companion seemed to have it bad. The rocket missed, but Dodger's left side was taking a dark red tone that wasn't good news. He needed out of here. And he needed help.

Being as careful as he could under the circumstances, Old Vik lifted the explosives expert and slung him over his shoulder. He was heavier than he would have expected, probably because of all his equipment.

"Er... Ouch." Dodger had started to say something, but then passed out. Old Vik was taking him away from this mess, as quickly as his old legs could carry the both of them. He soon arrived in front of a well known wooden door. Light could be seen through the window, under the blind, he was pretty sure he was there. His huge fist knocked firmly, loudly, a few times.

A suspicious eye peeked out through the blind. The door opened wide as a smile appeared on the face of a big man, it was the bar's doorman. He was in his pjs, and judging by the look on his face, had probably been taking a nap just the moment before. "Vik, what the hell are you doing here? At this hour, I usually... What's going on?" The serious look on Vik's face made him worry. He was still feeling a bit disoriented by the sudden wakening.

"No time to chat," Vik said, "My friend here got it bad. I was wondering if you still had some of that stuff with you. Can you let us in?" he asked, not waiting for an answer, already walking towards the livingroom. The feeling of an emergency made the big bouncer wake up completely. He closed the door, then went to help his friend lay the injured man on a couch that had seen better days.


Cast iron and treadmills? Oh yes. Still sculpting me to what I really want to be, and I love it. :)
July 16, 2008 3:23 am #

"The dentention block eh?, Yeah been there a couple of times. Never seem to like it there so i kind of just walk out" Griffin said

"By the way Sarge...i dont suppose you got taught how to read at school then?" Griffin smirked pointing out a wall sign which had all the rooms and directions...well an arrow in a general direction.

Gemma just gave a smile as if to say i hate you, in a nice way though

"Oooooo mess hall! can i pop in to get some food on the way?" Griffin said, if he was a dog, he would be wagging his tail.

This time Gemma and Elka gave him a glance as if to say NO!

"Cant blame me for trying, i suppose" Griffin smiled

"Oh i can" Elka replied digging Griffin in the stomach

"Ow...No need" Griffin moaned rubbing his stomach

"Ok enough of the childs play! we need to get to this detention block" Gemma said, turning serious again

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
July 21, 2008 2:07 am #

Returning to the scene where the Dark Trooper roamed, Davik and Vince were preparing to fire. Davik took his two PLX-1's, one in each hand, and fired. The Dark Trooper was hit, it fell down. While reloading his rockets, the Dark Trooper got back up, and shot a rocket straight at Davik's feet. Unfortunately, it hit him in the stomach, Davik's rockets damaged the Dark Trooper's targeting system. So Vince was forced to watch as his friend blew to smithereens.

July 24, 2008 3:23 am #

It took time but Gemma, Griffin and Elka found their missing Rebels. With Harvim and the distressed Elna, they made their way back to base.

Athos was already on the flag ship, Glorious. It ascending into the sky, Athos was amazed that they’d managed to steal the plans to the second Death Star.

Dodger lay bleeding, his life slipping away. He opened his eyes one last time and smiled. “A job well done,” he said to Ol’ Vik before he passed on to the next realm.

**Getting ready to wrap up, if anyone wants to post now's the time to do it before I tie up the loose ends.**

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 27, 2008 8:54 pm #

((Can I let my trooper purge the area of hostiles, so he can finish his job, or is everyone feeling to attached to there dudes/dudets?))

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 2, 2008 12:01 pm (Edited August 2, 2008 12:05 pm) #

"-Raina, this is outrageous."

"Shalashaska, if you want to take on that Darktrooper yourself, be my guest. Until that is taken care of, I can't do anything." She replied solemnly.

"I'm out." The Colonel turned away from the Commander's desk, and calmly walked out the door. He needed to get Havrim out of this place before they overdosed him. Shalashaska left the Command offices en-route to the Prison Block. Troops were running every which way; it seems the Darktrooper was more of a threat than they thought.

He reached the prison holds and came upon Havrim's cell; the poor kid looked drunk.
"Havrim? Havrim, it's your uncle. You alright?"

"Why would to you? You betrayed"

"Stop this foolishness. Havrim, I'm getting you out of here."

"No Blaine, I don't trust you. Not after what you did."

"Hahahahaha..." Blaine shook his head.

"What's so funny?"

"Charades are usually humorous."


"No time to get into detail, I'm gettin' you outta here, I'll explain on the way."

"Explain what?"

"I can't here, not in front of the girl. She'll have to stay."

"Why do you always have to complicate things? It's always something."

"Let's not start this now."

"Start what?"

Blaster fire and shouting could be heard through the base's interior, getting closer. "I'll bet that's the Sergeant, she might not be very happy to see me...we'll talk later." Blaine handed him a keycard for the cell door. " know where to find me."

"That I do, uncle. I'll see you around."

Shalashaska nodded and walked out the rear base entrance to a scrap-disguised starship, an ancient Dynamic-class freighter. Explosions and blaster fire filled the air in the background as he walked up the service ramp, then into the cockpit, rumbling the engines to life. He looked at a nearby screen, a very large amount of credits had been transferred to his account, and it was only half. The Hutts payed well. Very well, actually; 500 million, just like that.

"Show me that horizon..." Blaine punched the controls, blasting out of the hemisphere.

((A fitting end, don't you think?))

"This IS my signature."

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