Topic: RPG: The Naltoon Assault

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Topic #2713

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July 4, 2008 12:11 am #

The Colonel began the data upload to the Alliance's SecureNet server...while also copying to a hidden datachip in one of his revolvers. He propped his spurred boots up on the desk, monitoring the the transfer.

"Any caf left in that thing?" Blaine pointed over his shoulder to the Mr. Caf sitting on the marble counter top.

"Ah, sure. I think so." Havrim shrugged.

Shalashaska got up out of the chair and went over to the caf maker, grabbing an expensive looking glass out of the cabinet. "You know Havrim, I think you'll make captain for this." He pushed down on the dispenser, the steamy aroma of fresh caf filled the kitchen. He popped off one of the revolver handgrips to check the download status bar, which was full. Blaine turned his attention back to Havrim. "You want some more caf? There's plenty le-"

*Loud banging*


"This IS my signature."
July 4, 2008 3:37 am #

Griffin and Dodger was making there way through the corridors. The bacta reserves that Dodger had given griffin where starting to kick in.

"I think i can handle myself now dodge" Griffin said

"You saying im not gentle enough!? fine! your dumped!" Dodger replied releasing Griffin,

"Hey wait, you hear that!" Dodger then said

Griffin nodded back before bringing his rifle to his shoulder, Giving Dodger hand signals to stay low and hug the wall, followed by a thumbs down....Imps!
A squad of stormtroopers had marched up the stairs, the head of the group was wearing what seemed to be a long black cape and a funny looking weapon, Dodger and Griffin shot each other a look as if to say ooooo get him, posh bastard!

"You, sergeant! open that door!" The stormtrooper captain ordered

"Roger!" the sergeant replied, he tryed opening the door but it was locked.

The sergeant hammered the door with his fist


Griffin got on the comms to Sarge

"Gems? its Griff, we got a situation here. Havrim's got a squad of imps at his front door. What do you want us to do? Over"

Dodge let of a sigh

"Always have to ask for orders dont you!?, why cant you improvise!" Dodge whispered while taking a couple of thermo's out and juggling them.

Griffin just rolled his eyes.

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
July 4, 2008 4:25 am #

Dodger was getting ready to lob the grenades when Gemma’s voice came through over the com, “If you can rescue him then do so, but be careful he has the plans.”

Dodger was confused, “Wait a minute I thought we were supposed to get the droid to him so he could get the plans.”

Griffin recited Dodger’s message to Gemma.

“It’s news to me too. No explosions you could damage the data chip he has.” Gemma told.

“No explosions? Well that just takes the fun out of my job,” Dodger grumbled.

Griffin peered around the corner, “There’s a lot of them.”

“Stay out of sight, I’ll see if I can round up some help.” Gemma said.

Dodger shook his head, “I hate wait.”

Griffin glared at him, “Well you’re not in charge.”

Dodger played with the pin of his grenade but didn’t comment.

“We’ll hold position,” Griffin told Gemma.

“Noted, I’ll get back to you ASAP.” Gemma said as she changed frequencies. She hailed a few of her soldiers to hear nothing. Eventually she heard back from Quarry who was only too happy to help.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 4, 2008 12:20 pm #

The pair of troopers from Raylor's platoon, banged on the door. It was locked and there were voices on the inside. One of them commed to Jelera, advising her that they seemed to have found rebels that had infiltrated the base. At the same time the other stormtrooper was placing a small explosive to break open the door. 

Jelera shouted orders to the rest of her men, she'd need back up to take these rebels as they never seemed to go quietly. And she raced off in the direction of the supposed rebels, pistol in hand, ready to fight

When the troopers turned their backs, so that they could detonate the door open, they noticed two other figures at the far end of the hallway, who didn't seem to be imperials. "TWO MORE REBELS IN THE SOUTHEAST CORRIDOR! WE NEED BACK UP!" the trooped yelled into his comm, on the main imperial frequency, hoping that anyone would come to their back up. They were pinned.  IF they blew the door as planned. They troopers knew that there was no other way out of that room, and honestly knew that the rebels inside weren't stupid enough to just open the door to them.

"HALT!" they shouted at the figures down the hall. "DON'T MAKE ME SHOOT"

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
July 4, 2008 12:44 pm (Edited July 4, 2008 02:10 pm) #

"Bloody great dodge! i told you not to get noticed!!! but hey, is that a chick?" Griffin sighed at Dodger

"Well can i use on these or not!? and what!? why do you always have to eye straight for the chicks!?" Dodge replied

"You know you cant! we need what Havrims got intact! you know the word your not familliar with! IN ONE PIECE! and hey! whats wrong with just stating she's a chick" Griffin moaned

"Its how you said it! and..... in all honesty, i prefer them in pieces...." Dodger said smirking

The imperial stormtroopers stood, staring in complete confusion at Griffins and dodge's argument

"We could of killed them by now.....why do we always have to ask them to stop and all that jazz!" One of the stormtroopers quietly remarked

"Sarge, this is griffin we've been compromised!" Griffin screamed into his comms
"Moving to engage!" Griffin shortley said into the comms

With this Dodge let of a huge smile. Griffin raised his A-280 and let of a few shots around the corner he was leaning on Dodger Went to the other corner, throwing a thermo as soon as he was in cover, them readying his own blaster

"Griff dont do anything stupid, your in no state! Dodger warned

"Gee, you just wanna play hero again dont you!" Griffin shouted back

"Sarge!!! We need reinforcements and fast! where out numbered here!!!" Griffin screamed into his comms

"What i would do for some air support....." Dodge sighed out

"You just love blowing buildings up dont you? Griffn smirked back at him

Dodge just replied with a wink before letting some more shots down the hall way

"Just dont kill the chick......." griffin ordered

"dodge! pull back! get out of here. i'll cover you. im going no where pal! Just make sure you come back for me, wether im dead or not ok?"

"I cant...." Dodge replied

"Thats an order!" Griffin shouted back

Dodger hesitated but knew he had to do what he was ordered to,

"just dont die on me Griff!" He said

"Wait....did you just say something nice?" Griff chuckled back

with that Dodge gave a nod and darted off.

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
July 4, 2008 1:48 pm (Edited July 4, 2008 02:08 pm) #

Jelera reached her men before any of the other troopers did. No sooner did she, then a detonator was hurled half way down the corridor.

"Son of a hutt!" she muttered under her breath. She jumped back and took cover around the corner from where she just came. She shouted into her comm, hoping that Commander Raina would hear it, and lock down the base so that these rebels could not escape. She hoped they hadn't managed to find the plans yet, and that they were still safe.

"Captain ( i think this is the right title for a trooper to call her, I'm not sure), There are at least two more in the room behind us!" The trooper shouted to her across the way.

Jelera figured that her nice little pistol, just wasn't going to cut it. It was officially 4 on 3, with someone who had detonators and wasn't afraid to use them.  So she pulled her rifle off the sling on her back, and started laying down suppressive fire, hoping to drive the two rebels back far enough so they could get the door open. 

She over the noise of fire she heard her comm ring out. "Two squads are following to intercept  targets. Current status is they are on turbo lifts 2 and 3 respectively. ETA, 30 seconds."  Jelera took note and retracted behind the wall again. Fire slowed down, and she could hear the unmistakable sound of stormtooper armor.

( Any one in a position to help out here I'd appreciate it. :D)

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
July 4, 2008 1:51 pm (Edited July 4, 2008 01:55 pm) #

((Wow, dude. Your guy needs serious medical attention, there's no way he would (or could) do any of that in his current condition...Just sayin...))

"This IS my signature."
July 4, 2008 2:04 pm #

(( it would be quite easy to do so i think, If a blaster shot is pretty much the same as a regular bullet shot in this common day world, the human body can act accordingly with enough pain killers and adrenaline, but if you really want i'll edit it ))

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
July 4, 2008 2:12 pm #

((My gun shoots bullets, not blaster bolts. So there isn't a cauterizing effect going on when in hits, pain and bleeding are two completely different things...:P))

"This IS my signature."
July 4, 2008 2:19 pm #

(( i edited it so im slouching against the wall and shooting around the corner, which is feasable :P ))

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
July 4, 2008 8:41 pm #

Dodger had only gotten around the hall when he found Quarry. "About bloody time that you turned up!"

"Hey you were next on my dance card," Quarry said as he got his blasters ready.

"Let's go kick some butt," Dodger replied then stopped, "Actually I got a better idea. You go help Griffin I'm going to go set up some surprises for our Imperial friends." With that Dodger ran off still in his grey stormtrooper armour. He had been surprised that the Imps had thought him a Rebel but that didn't really matter, he had charges to lay down.

Quarry rounded the corner with blasters blazing. He grabbed Griffin by the shirt colar and dragged him out of the line of fire, "We need to get you to a bacta tank."

"It's only a flesh wound," Griffin exclaimed.

"Yeah right and I look good in leather pants," Quarry replied as he lifted Griffin and tossed him over his shoulder. "We'll come back for Harvim, right now we're getting you to a medic. Dodger's going to deal with the Imps his favourite way."

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 4, 2008 11:25 pm #
Fett_II wrote:

As Davik and Vince set off to actually go into battle, Vince suddenly made a sharp right before entering the scene, cutting off Davik and, thus, losing Bess to a wall.


Vince came back to see if Davik lived or not, and when he saw Davik sitting on the ground with his arms stretched out, he opened his helmet, spat on the ground, and said "Come on, soldier. Get up, this is no time to cry. It could have been worse, the caf machine could have been - BESS! NO! Well, 'least I still got Ol' Rusty" with a satisfying clogging sound coming from his speeder bike.

As the two sat there, thinking 'Well, it was fun while it lasted', and 'Damn, there goes free caf for life', reality hit them, and they realized they were still sitting on the ground near the battle. Getting up, Davik and Vince went into a local cantina, where it was crowded with civilians. As the two took a table, they noticed several cloaked figures, and a Rebel trooper helmet sitting on the table.

Davik surveyed the cantina and grew increasigly aware of the Rebel pressence. He looked back at Vince to see if he noticed as well....Vince wasn't there/

Davik sighed and checked general area around him. Vince had his leg propped up on a chair at a table with two Twi'lek females. He was attempting to flirt with them yet their faces of disgust told Davik that Vince wasn't having much luck.

"- want a taste of sweet, sweet cand-" Vince was saying when Davik yanked him back to his side.

"Oh come onnnnnnn, theres TWO of 'em! We're set!" Vince said.

"Rebels." Davik whispered. Vince froze and looked up and down the cantina. He noticed the Rebels looking at them, with their hands mysteriously hidden underneath their tables. He turned to Davik.

"Well now. Theres only one way to deal with Rebel scum..." He said. He put his hand on and lent on the twi'leks' table. Davik cocked his head in a 'What???' sort of way. Vince didn't move for just a moment.

In the blink of an eye Vince turned and flipped the table on its side and took out his little blaster from his boot. Davik dived behind the table as the shocked Twi'leks ran and screamed.

"KILL THEM ALLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!" Vince yelled as he started blasting away at all the Rebels that were now tipping over their own tables and yelling as well. Davik took out his DC-17 and began firing away.

Vince took out two thermal detonators and activated them tossing them into the mass of Rebels now cloistered at the back of the cantina. He laughed maniacally and looked over the table to watch the explosion. Another thermal detonator hit his face-plate and landed at his feet.

"Uh oh." He kicked it out the door of the cantina since they were still relatively close to the entrance just as 3 Stormtroopers who had heard the ruckus stormed in. The explosive went off and scattered blood and white armor shards everywhere.

"Stop exploding you cowards!" Vince yelled in frustration and turned to see Davik blasting away. He faced the Rebels and began picking them off with his blaster. Blaster bolts flew everywhere, Rebel and theirs. With each shot Vince made a 'pew' sound effect that only Davik could hear through the comm. Fabulous chaos ensued.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
July 5, 2008 12:08 am #

Gemma and Ol' Vik were starting to make their way away from the bar when the sounds of ballte began. "Oh crap, I better check if any of my troops are in there." Gemma told and considered using her com but there wasn't much point when a fire fight broke out. "Can we delay that trip for now?" she asked Ol' Vik referring to the detour they were going to make to his place to collect better weapons.

"I guess," Ol' Vik replied.

The pair moved to one of the windows and peered inside, "Damn Elna and Elka are in there," Gemma said as she saw the twin Twi'lek girls.

"Time to fight?" Ol' Vick asked.

"Sure is," Gemma said as she grabbed her second last grenade. She moved around the corner and threw it at a group of stormtroopers that were coming in as support. "Not on my crono," Gemma growled as she watched the stormtroopers become a pile of scrap.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 5, 2008 1:04 am #

As the destructive battle led on, Davik and Vince realized that nobody was winning, and bullets were just flying. It still looked cool. Davik finally knocked some sense into himself, and called in for reinforcements. Five units came in from the main entrance, with their cool rolling action and stuff and getting shot in the midst.

"Ah, crap" said Davik as he watched the reinforcements get mowed down.

"Stop exploding, you cowards!" screamed Vince as several more Stormtroopers who came in from the rear entrance ended up victims to a thermal detonator. Davik thought he heard Vince making shooting sounds, but wasn't sure. His attention span went to the bartender, who was crying with his hands over his ears. Turning his attention span this time to the rear entrance of the cantina, two more Rebels entered.

"Vince, do something!" screamed Davik as he continued to fire like a madman, making his way to the newly arrived targets.

July 5, 2008 1:58 am #

Ghost shoved the bar tab into one of his belt pouches and ran out the bar’s door.  I’ll follow this up later… he thought as he made his way down the street towards the fancy hotel that loomed before him.

"Two squads are following to intercept targets. Current status is they are on turbo lifts 2 and 3 respectively. ETA, 30 seconds" chirped the war center’s command and control officer to whoever was up there.

I better get up there to though.  Maybe my lost sergeant is up there…

With that hope, ’57 rushed into the lobby and then darted into the vacant service lift…

*On my way Si  :D *

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
July 5, 2008 2:24 am #

Gemma took cover behind a huge decorative pot that she was certain was made from permisteel. Ol' Vik found cover of his own but she lost sight of him.

Letting off a few blaster bolts periodically Gemma hailed Elna and Elka, "You girls have to get out of here."

"We're cut off," Elna informed her.

"What can I do?" Gemma asked.

"How about create a diversion?" Elna suggested.

"Never would have thought of that," Gemma grumbled. She looked at the huge pot and muttered to herself, "I must be crazy." She gave the pot a shove, then again and again until it started rocking. Finally it fell, there were a few screams and then the pot rolled squashing people as it went.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 5, 2008 3:56 am #

Griffin was being hauled, god knows where!

"Gee your rougher than Dodger!" Griffin sighed

"Awww im sorry darling, want me to go nice and easy and let us get killed?" Quarry remarked back

"Dodge! Where clear, do what you got to do!" Quarry said over the comms

"Time for the fireworks, enjoy the show fellas!" Dodger Chuckled back

"Oh.....crap!" Griffin whispered as he slowly passed out, his gun shot wound had reopened and was bleeding fast
With that quarry noticed the blood trickling down on to his armor

"Oh bloody great Griff, make a mess why dont you!" Quarry sighed

"Griff?" He said after he got no reply, he had noticed Griffin had gone pale and was un conscious, with that Quarry got a better grip of Griffin and began hurrying up. he didnt have much time to get him to a medic.

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
July 5, 2008 5:47 am #

Quarry’s first aid training came back to him and he immediately lowered Griffin to the ground. He compressed the wound with some rags he had in his side pouch, he then pushed Griffin against a building wall in a standing position. Next he managed to pick up Griffin in a piggyback fashion, hoping that gravity would help slow the bleeding.

It didn’t take Quarry long to find the building he was looking for, it had once been one of the most advanced medical facilities on Naltoon, but it had been superseded by a facility installed by the Imperials. Quarry ran through the corridors until he came to the maternity wing, there he found the access panel he was looking for.

With deft fingers Quarry typed in the code and made his way into the service elevator. He went to the basement and found the Rebel installation along with the medical crew, “I need immediate assistance! I’ve got an injured man, gunshot to the chest. He needs emergency treatment!”

Quarry was swarmed by the closest medical personnel and droids. They carted Griffin off while Quarry was left standing. A nurse approached Quarry, “Do you need medical treatment.”

Quarry shook his head and then noticed that Griffin had bleed substantially on his armour, “Not my blood,” Quarry told, “Is there somewhere I can clean up?”

The nurse nodded, “Come this way.”

“I need to be quick about this, there’s Imps out there that need to die,” Quarry growled.


Dodger was ready to give the Imps a shakedown but he needed to inform the Sarge despite what he’d said to Griffin early, he called her on the com. “Hey Sarge, I’m gonna make the world move for you again, that fine by you darlin’?”

Gemma’s reply came with the sounds of gunfire in the background, “Do what you need to.”

“I love it when you’re generous. Hold onto your helmet,” Dodger grinned as he hit the switch. He’d only loaded enough bomb to make the building shake terribly. Sure it’d put in a few cracks and the structural integrity might but up to crap but hey that was what insurance was for.

The low rumble sounded and the building rocked from side to side, the sights and sounds were music to Dodger’s ears. He laughed as he saw the Imps running out. They had Harvim and the Colonel, Dodger was about to take a shot but they saw him and shot first as they ran. “Dammit,” Dodger snarled as they got away. “The Sarge is not going to like this.”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 5, 2008 12:30 pm #

Blast! This is not going well.

Alaya's cover had been blown. They knew there was a sniper in her general direction, that was her only advantage. They didn't know exactly where she was. She had had some close calls with blaster bolts and she was starting to worry that they would start to search the surrounding buildings. Alaya noticed that the rebels had started to retreat, possibly thinking they had taken down the sniper. She decided to take out whoever she perceived to be in charge. She fired at a rebel that was leading the way, and killed him. The rebels again scattered and started to fire at her. She suddenly heard the firing of a rocket launcher. She immidiantly backed away from the edge of the buiding and took cover in the stairway leading back into the building. Alaya heard the explosion, and then she felt the heat throught her armor. The force of the explosion forced her helmet off and pushed her down the stairwell. She came to a stop when she went head first into a wall and she blacked out.

Ven'gana mhi yaim'ol // We will have our homecoming
July 5, 2008 1:05 pm #

Griffin slowly opened his eyes. staring up at the bright lights.

"Is this....heaven?" He thought to himself, before suddenly feeling a sharp pain in his chest. He was in an operations room.

"Ahh corporal, glad your awake. We've done minor surgery on your wound, nothing much. The bullet appeared to have nicked at an artery. All fixed now" The leading surgeon said.

"So am i fit to fight?" Griffin immediatley responded

"Well no, you need a couple of hours in the bacta tank. we would of put you in there. but you where shot by a bullet, not a blaster shot" The surgeon answered while picking up a needle.....
"Time for go to sleep corporal" The surgeon smiled as he slowly injected the needle into the IV.

"Oh great, you wake me up just to say go back to sleep?...." Griffin was out cold again.
With that the surgeon team transported him to the bacta tank container room.

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
July 5, 2008 7:39 pm #

It didn’t take Quarry long to clean up the blood Griffin had bled onto his armour. He was back out in the chaos in no time. He'd crawled into the ducting system to get to the Imps once more. He almost laughed when he saw the smooching pair of imps at the mess hall. “Oh this is just too precious,” Quarry gloated as he lined up a shot. He could have made it a head shot but that wouldn’t have been sporting and Quarry felt like playing.

He decided to go for a leg shot and adjusted his scope on the weak point in the male soldier’s armour. Quarry fired and heard the Imp screech and jump to his feet. Quarry laughed, seemed he’d grazed the Imp. “Hey guys, get a room.” Quarry yelled and threw a key-card at them from the vent above and quickly slide down a chute. It was a blank key-card but Quarry figured it was worth the torment.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 5, 2008 8:20 pm #

Jaith fell over, his leg in to much pain to support him. Oddly, he found himself more upset about Raina being a potential target and his interrupted meal then he was about being shot. Raina had climed up onto the table and was in the process of getting into the vents, which seemed to be quite difficult. Jaith commed the command center, telling them to lock down the building, and hoped that Raina would be ok.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
July 5, 2008 10:10 pm #

Dodger was getting ready to hail Gemma however his musings were interrupted by the appearance of R2-D8, “What do you want, tin can?”

The droid bleeped at Dodger.

“You’ve got a mission, I’ve got a mission, what’s your point?” Dodger growled impatiently.

Once again the droid let out a series of bleeps.

“We’ve already got the plans, well we did but Harvim got captured with that turncoat Colonel,” Dodger replied as he scratched his jaw under the helmet.

The droid whistled and bleeped.

“Oh that sounds like a good idea, but we’ve already been in the Imp complex.” Dodger replied.

The droid spun in a circle and continued to bleep.

“Ah you say we get another copy of those plans to save our skins, good idea. Let’s go,” Dodger said feeling in a better mood, “If all else fails I can just blow the building to kingdom come.” Dodger grinned.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 5, 2008 10:43 pm #

Vince heard Davik, he was right. It was fun and all, but there was still a good chance they would die here. He peered over the table. The Rebels were fleeing out the back door. One stubborn Rebel female had caused a diversion by tipping over a giant permisteel vase which was rolling their way, unlucky cantina patrons being squashed along its path. It covered the Rebels escape as well as theirs. If they got out of the way that is.

Vince threw his head in the direction of the vase and Davik looked at it.
"Time to go." Vince said
"Time to run." Davik replied. They rose up and bolted for the door. Any remaining Rebels fired a few shots at them that barely missed. The giant vase crushed the table they were just behind like it was made of paper and kept rushing straight for them.

A fleeing Rebel joined their run and Vince slapped him across the face, sending him reeling into the vase's path. He fell victim to the vase. Vince and Davik dove for the entrance and the vase slammed against the door frame. They had just made it. They rose and dusted themselves off.

"Again!" Vince exlaimed with glee.

"Uhhhh....Vince." Davik said and pointed to some flaming wreckage where ol Rusty used to be. Vince looked at it...

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
July 5, 2008 10:51 pm #

With the pot rolling Elna and Elka made their run towards Gemma. Gemma shouted to Ol' Vik to help with cover fire for the girls. The two green Twi'leks moved with the natural affinity of dances, as many of their species did, in no time Elka had found cover with Ol' Vik while Elna made her way out the door past the destroyed speeder.

Gemma heard the reference to "Old Rusty" and saw one peeved Imp. "Like my work?" Gemma taunted him and made her way out the door with Elna.

Elka was thanking Ol' Vik with a kiss on the cheek.

"Move it!" Gemma shouted, "We ain't got time for gratitude, this isn't over!"

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 6, 2008 2:48 am #

Griffin awoke for the second time from his sleepy state. this time in a Bacta container. Wither several leads protruding from his skin. He looked at the gunshot wound on his shoulder. it was just a scar now. a horrible looking scar as they had grafted skin from somewhere else to replace the skin that had been destroyed. Griffin noticed something from the corner of his eye. it was the surgeon.

"Corporal, glad your awake....again" The surgeon beamed at Griffin

"Yea, time to get out of here doc!" Griffin sighed
The surgeon played with the keypad and soon the bacta was filtered out of the container. leaving griffin in his birthday suit.

"Well yes, i'll leave you to get yourself dressed. your armors over there. New armor mind you. cant have you running around with damaged armor now can we?" The surgeon smiled

"Cheers doc!" Griffin said as hurried out of the container and over to his newly aquired armor.

"I'll expect you in treatment room 6 for a debrief in 2 hours Griffin!" The surgeon ordered

"No time, i got a date!" Griffin answered, picking up his A 280, slinging it over his shoulders he hurried for the exit.

His plan was to go to where he had last seen dodger but first things first

"Sarge? Its griff, if you can hear me. im out and im operational ready. any news on dodge or quarry...Over!" Griffin said into his comms.

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
July 6, 2008 12:14 pm (Edited July 6, 2008 12:17 pm) #

Old Vik was happy with the turn of events. He was taking part. That female Rebel was fun to work with. They covered the pair of female Twi'leks with their fire so they could get out the door. One of them came back close to him and wanted to thank him with a kiss on the cheek. She was young enough to be his daughter, or maybe his grand-daughter, but Old Vik politely accepted. He was thinking how nice it would have been to get married in the years...

"Move it!" Gemma shouted, "We ain't got time for gratitude, this isn't over!"

...or maybe not. These women are never satisfied.

Cast iron and treadmills? Oh yes. Still sculpting me to what I really want to be, and I love it. :)
July 7, 2008 12:15 am (Edited July 7, 2008 12:20 am) #

Nodding his head to some extremly loud glimmrik music and playing it over the loudspeakers, (basicly heavy metal i think) while also yelling the lyrics:


Novus walked down the streets firing at everything from a soldier to a womp rat, with a rocket. Pretty much reducing a fair percentage of the city in a short amount of time.

He was starting to wonder when he was going to get a reaction out of the local garrison...

(Any body want to try and stop a rampaging Dark Trooper? :P )

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
July 7, 2008 4:33 am #

"Griffin, this is bravo company, we got some news. We got a one man army heading down a street, 2 clicks west of your current position. any chance you can lend us a hand? over"

"This is Griffin, on way to you location. stand by, ETA 10 Out" Griffin responded the Comm call
With that Griffin sprinted the 2 clicks, and linked up with bravo company.

"Sir Corporal Griffin reporting for duty, what men you got?"

"Well corporal we got 9 men all together, 4 over there in that building < The lieutanent Marked with a red pin point laser > And we got 5 here, including myself and you" The Lieutantent said

"Right then, stay hidden, fire on my mark ok?" Griffin called back as he settled himself placing a bipod on the barrel of his rifle and placing in an extended energy cell.

"Eyes on! 400metres! Centre of road! Enemy! Watch and fire! i repeat WATCH AND FIRE!" Griffin barked out the fire control order. Immediately the men of bravo company opened fire on the approaching figure.

"Bravo fireteam, prepare the heavy munitions, when he's within 300 metres open fire!" Griffin then shouted over to the team in the opposite building

"Roger" Was the response he got

Griffin kept his finger on the trigger, letting off controlled bursts of around 10 shots every 6 seconds, the shots hitting the figure straight hardly any effect except the burning of his armor, it just seemed to be like a paint job. turning his armor black but nothing much more.

"Sarge, this is griffin, Im holed up with Bravo company, We got a rogue one man army here. dosnt look like an imp to me but he's blasting civvies apart we've intervined and begun opening fire, but he's not stopping sarge. looks like where gonna fall back...." Griffin screamed into his comms

"Dam it this just isnt my day!" Griffin sighed to himself

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
July 7, 2008 5:00 am #

Ol’ Vik *used with permission*

“Come on lil’ missy!  We gotta get outa’ here!” Vik yelled to the Twi’lek.  Scooping her thin frame into one of his thick arms, he rushed out of the smoking ruin that was once a bar with his blaster still firing from his free hand.

Charging out, he saw one of the Imps pulling his apparently heart broken buddy back away from a burning speeder.

“Can we get back to my place now?” Vik asked, his strong arm still clutching the Twi’lek almost unknowingly.  “I’m tellin’ ya I got some great stuff back…”

Realizing Gemma wasn’t paying attention to him, he looked in the direction that had her interest.  A whole bunch troopers were turning a street corner in front of them.  Right on their heels was a Really bid droid!

“This is why we should have gone to my house earlier…” Vik thought out loud as the Twi’lek clawed her way free and ran for her life..

SS 2557 – ‘Ghost’

Having barely escaped the building he’d heard the distress call come from, Ghost made his way out the back.  Emerging from an allyway, a whole group of Rebels ran past him without giving him a second glance. 

What the hell? he thought as he whipped out his disrupter.  The oncoming sound of… caught his attention, however, and then a massive black droid clambered its way after them.  Finally!  Some real help…

Before he could complete the thought, the droid spotted him and fired another missile, right for 57!

Only lightning reflexes saved him, rushing forward into the slightly high aim of the missile.  Rolling forward, he allowed the shockwave from the rocket’s detonation speed his advance on the droid.  Getting to his feet right in front of the mechanical monster, Ghost fired his disrupter into one of the driod’s ‘eyes.’ 

It’s head snapped back by the blast, the photo receptor seemed out of action.  Swinging it’s arms wildly, Ghost kept stepping into the droid’s ‘blind side.’ 

Barely avoiding a crushing blow that smashed some of the duracrete blocks of the old street, ’57 dove between the droid’s legs and dropped a thermal detonator inside of it’s left leg shield.

The droid apparently realized this, and franticly tried to pry off the guard while ’57 scrambled for cover.  Ghost barely made it behind a fallen Rebel before the droid’s leg was blown off with.

As it frantically tried to crawl away, it passed a poor Imperial trooper who, ironically enough, had also lost a leg…  As the droid scraped along, it accidentally crushed the trooper’s other leg.

Getting to his feet, Ghost looked down the street at the gathering of both Imperial and Rebel onlookers. 

“What?” he asked with a shrug

*Sorry Mandal, you asked   :P   And yes, I know I’m calling a exosuit a droid; but since you’re inside I don’t see how we’d know you’re NOT a droid*

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
July 7, 2008 9:33 am #

Despite the female Rebel's taunt being towards the devastated Vince, it was Davik that became furious.

"You son of a-" Davik was cut off by Vince. Vince put his arm out and stopped Davik before he chased after the woman and her band.

"Hold Davik."


"As my partner you should know that the only way to deal with a female adversary is to seduce her..."

[Davik groans]

"This time we are sure she's a woman, right?" Vince asks

"Yes" Davik replies and rolls his eyes from inside his helmet.

Vince watched as the female rebel and her band sped away...they would meet again. For now it was time to procure a new ride...

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
July 7, 2008 11:33 am (Edited July 7, 2008 11:33 am) #

Griffin had just watched some Imp looking soldier cripple the Droid, he looked on straight at him. there eyes meeting then boom! it hit him.....That was the one i sniped! He thought to himself. Raising his rifle to his shoulders, he noticed that an imperial APC had arrived on the scene,

"Stop Right there Rebel scum!!" Was sounded out

Griffin turned around to notice that the whole of bravo company had been arrested.

"Oh bloody great!" Griffin sighed. he tapped the emergency button on his comms to notify that he had been captured ( Think of it as the police walky talky emergency button thing :D )

Griffin dropped his A280 to the ground and knelt down....readying his Q2 holdout blaster. he wernt going with out a fight.. then all of a sudden, the APC exploded taking out several stormtroopers

"Is it me? or do i always save your ass Griff?" Dodger shouted out as he threw a couple more thermo's into the Crippled APC taking out his blasters he began shooting the imps, one by one, square in the chest

"What can i say dodge! your my guardian angel!" Griffin chuckled back

"Well at least this time your in one piece!" He shouted back

Griffin had retrieved his rifle, dived into one of the ruins of the buildings that The droid had destroyed and began shooting back at the imps, looking for the one he had saw before, the one who had took out the droid

"Blast, dodge can you see some dude?"

"..... Very specific there Griff" Dodge answered

"Well you know what i mean, like a unique one, special armor and all that jazz" Griffin shouted back

"Dam it Griff and no, i cant see anyone who's 'special'"

"Ahhh Right, Any news from sarge? she hasnt been in touch, im starting to worry!"

"None from my end either Griff, You know, if i was any other person, i'd say you have a crush on her!" dodge laughed back, shooting a few more stormtroopers, who had become confused by the conversation dodger and Griffin where shouting to each other.

"Good job your not any other person then eh?" Griffin said with smirk

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
July 7, 2008 8:55 pm #

(quote)*Sorry Mandal, you asked      And yes, I know I’m calling a exosuit a droid; but since you’re inside I don’t see how we’d know you’re NOT a droid*(/qoute)

OOC: Its a suit that can be worn by troopers, but oh well. Hes still plenty dangerous...

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
July 7, 2008 9:20 pm (Edited July 7, 2008 09:47 pm) #

Gemma was running allow with Ol' Vik and the Twi'lek twins when she realised that she hadn't answered Griffin's hail. She grabbed the com, "Griffin, this is Tuks, got your message. Been a bit busy. We got one mean Imperial on our tails, not sure if it's a droid or a dude in armour. I'm going to stock up on weapons with a new ally."

"Gotcha Sarge," Griffin replied, "I've met up with Dodge."

"Good, get that R2 unit to the Imps headquarters. If Harvim has been compromised we need another set of the plans." Gemma told and then watched in amazement as the Imperial droid started shooting at one of it's own. "Well I'll be damned," she muttered to herself.


It had taken some time but Quarry had finally crawled his way out of the chute system and was hacking the Imperial network. Two stormtroopers lay dead behind him, both having blaster bolt wounds to the chest.

Quarry had a portable electronic slicing device that was making fast work of the download. The plans were almost his and he was getting impatient because of it. He knew the female Imp was gunning for him. She’d chased him in the chute system for a while, he’d even copped a shot to his backside. Thankfully the Imp had forgotten to switch her blaster from stun to kill.

His backside was still partially numb but he figured it was a small price to pay in the scheme of things. He managed to lose her when the vents parted ways. But he was certain that she was still keen to find him.

The slicing devise chimed that it was done and Quarry quickly pocketed it. He considered going through the doors but he wasn’t exactly dressed like a stormtrooper. He considered donning the armour of one of the dead Imps but the thought of undressing them turned his stomach. So Quarry went back to the vent from which he had come.

As he opened the vent he came face to blaster with the female Imp. She had a grin from ear to ear but Quarry only reacted physically, he grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her arm hard so she fell out of the chute and landed sharply on the floor. He placed the muzzle of his blaster at the base of her skull. “Time to stun yourself, ma’am.”

She snarled something at him but Quarry didn’t have time for games now. He had the winning card and he had to get out while the getting was good.

When the female Imp didn’t attempt to shoot herself on stun Quarry decided to do it for her. For some reason he just couldn’t bring himself to kill a woman at least that was the case when it was this close and personal. He thumbed the dial on his blaster and stunned the female Imp into unconsciousness, then he retreated to the vent and made his way out.


Quarry hit the ground running as he jumped from the outer vent. He almost collided with Dodger and Griffin as they moved in, “Run! The blaster cannons are coming online!”

Immediately Dodger and Griffin turned and ran with Quarry. “You stealing my thunder again, Quarry?” Dodger asked.

“Damn right, I stole the plans.” Quarry laughed.

“What about Harvim, did you find where they were keeping him?” Griffin asked.

Quarry shook his head, “Nah but I sliced the system I should have some records on the device we can look over.”

“Let’s find the Sarge,” Dodger suggested as they left R2-D8 trundling behind.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 8, 2008 12:24 am #

Jaith looked up quickly, the alarm had sounded, due to blasterfire. He sprinted off in the direction, his leg paining him slightly. He arrived at a door, with a few stormtroopers trying to enter. One of them, high ranking as far as stormtroopers went, tried to get the lockdown uplifted in this section, but the door was apparently jammed. Jaith pulled the pistol from its holster and fired at the control panel, almost surprised as it opened. He ran through the door way, quickly finding Rainia unconscious on the floor. He checked to see if she was still alive then entrusted her to the stormtroopers, who took her to the medbay to recover. Jaith proceeded to try to track the rebel, setting his blaster to its maximum power. He was going to enjoy this...

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
July 8, 2008 12:28 am #

Gemma was finally visiting Ol’ Vik’s attic and her mouth hung open in awe at the variety of weapons lining his wall. “Where’d you get all this stuff?”

Ol’ Vik shrugged, “I was a soldier for the Empire for quite a while, they shafted me so in return I forgot to return a few things. Over time those few things added up to an arsenal.”

“I’ll say,” Elna commented as she admired a blaster rifle on the wall.

Elka grinned as she found a grenade launcher, “Can I add this one to my list of birthday ideas?”

Ol’ Vik smiled, “Take it, we’re going to need a small army to beat that Dark Trooper.”

“Is that what that thing is? A Dark Trooper?” Gemma queried, now more intent on an answer then the weapons.

“Yeah I heard the local Imps talking about them at the bar. When they get drunk they talk lots. They forget the meaning of confidential.” Ol’ Vik said with a wise nod.

“All the better for us,” Elka smirked. “So did they talk about any weaknesses we could exploit?”

Ol’ Vik shook his head, “Not that I remember. But I figure if we throw enough fire power at it, it’s gotta go down sooner or later.”

Elna approached Gemma quietly, “Have your heard anything from Quarry?”

Gemma blinked and remembered that Elna and Quarry were often rumoured to be an item. “Not recently, but I’m sure he’ll call in.”

As if to prove her right, Gemma’s com buzzed to life. “Sarge this is Dodger, do you read?”

“Loud and clear,” Gemma confirmed.

“Quarry played fetch and got us the big stick, where can we rendezvous?” Dodger asked.

Gemma quickly recited the name of the street a block over and set a time of 10 minutes.

The three Rebels and their new alley quickly loaded up with the weapons of their choice and headed for the rendezvous point. Blaster fire was flying thick and fast. “Split up!” Gemma ordered.

Ol’ Vik and Elka paired off while Elna stayed with Gemma. The stayed low but Gemma was so fixated on the Dark Trooper that she stumbled into the black Imp that had been pursuing her earlier. Both aimed their weapons at each other.

Elna moved in to the side with her blaster trained on the black Imperial’s head, “Two against one, pal. I don’t like you’re odds.”

“Make that three against one,” came Quarry’s voice.

Elna looked up and grinned, “You made it.”

Quarry nodded but didn’t take his eyes off the Imp, “Yeah the others met up with Elka and her buddy. What are we going to do with this guy?”

Suddenly there was a boom and all four heads turned towards the source. “I think we’ve got bigger problems,” Gemma told as the Dark Trooper charged towards them.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 8, 2008 12:49 am #

Havrim barely had time to react before the door was blown open and he was sent flying into the wall.  The sickening crack told him he broke a rib.  Or two.  He saww through hazy eyes the troopers seeing the datapad on the desk and smashing it to pieces.  He breath caught in his throat, and then the blood came out.  Oh fierfek.  He had punctured a lung.  The last thing he saw was the bright blue bolt of a stun shot slamming into his body.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
July 8, 2008 1:07 am #

Gemma was reluctant to take her blast muzzle away from the Imp who had been following her before, she decided to talk to him. “You tell that thing to stand down,” she said with authority.

The Imp shook his head, “That droid is killing everything. Even its allies.”

Gemma raised a brow, “Really? So you’d help us take it down?”

“Only if it means saving my skin, but don’t think that I’ll be your friend afterward.” He informed her.

Gemma shrugged, “Fine let’s kill it.”

She turned her blaster away from the Imp beside her and fired at the Dark Trooper. She was relieved when she heard the Imp open fire at the Dark Trooper rather than turn on her.

Quarry shifted to Gemma and slipped something into her pocket and threw her a wink. Gemma frowned, she’d see what it was later. For now she was intent on stopping the Dark Trooper from spilling her blood.

Quarry ran to Elna’s side and the pair sent their own barrage against the Dark Trooper. The sounds of blaster fire was getting louder, it seemed that more were joining the fight. “That guy has certainly ticked off the locals,” Gemma muttered.

She was surprised when the Imp beside her replied.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 8, 2008 1:59 am #
Mandal_ShadowWarrior wrote:

Nodding his head to some extremly loud glimmrik music and playing it over the loudspeakers, (basicly heavy metal i think) while also yelling the lyrics:


Novus walked down the streets firing at everything from a soldier to a womp rat, with a rocket. Pretty much reducing a fair percentage of the city in a short amount of time.

He was starting to wonder when he was going to get a reaction out of the local garrison...

(Any body want to try and stop a rampaging Dark Trooper? :P )

Sounds like someone I know: lol

...I live by one rule and it is this: Freedom. Enslave no one and be no ones slave. No more no less. I am a hunter and no one rules me. - Alo Fett
July 8, 2008 4:51 am #

Griffin and Dodger had left Quarry to go give his little toy to the sarge, so they decided it would be best to meet up with Elka.

"You know what? i could really do with something to eat...." Griffin moaned

"What is it with you!? All you think about is Chicks and food!" Dodger chuckled back

"Well those are the best two things in life in all honesty" Griffin shrugged

"I beg to differ! The best thing in life is Explosives, nice big loud ones. That kill imps too!" Dodger Replied patting his Thermo's "I might name them......"

"Yea i can see it now, Your crazy Dodge!" Griffin smirked

"Better crazy than serious, Serious people have no imagination!" Dodge said as he slapped Griffin on the back

"Bloody hell, watch the wound!" Griffin snarled back

Then all they could hear was a boom.......And then the return of blaster fire

"I bet you my years salary thats the big droidy!" Griffin instantly said

"Well tough, because we gotta link up with Elka and wait for new orders" Dodger replied

"Ahh i guess your right, So anyway, fancy setting up camp somewhere so i can have my lunch!" Griffin beamed back him

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
July 8, 2008 4:54 am #

Name: Carbine Lennox
Affiliation: Neutral
Occupation: Speeder Salesperson
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Weapons: Hydro-spanner

Carbine Lennox had been rubbing her hands together since the Empire had come to Naltoon. She’d sold more speeders each month than she had previously in a year. The credits were rolling in but for some reason Carbine just wanted more.

Although the city was alive with battle, Carbine had smelt the chance for more credits. Her riding around seemed to be paying off, she grinned as she saw a pair of Imperials looking at the blasted remains of an older speeder. There was money to be made.

“Gentlemen, it appears that you have a dilemma. I may be able to assist.” Carbine told as she stepped off her shiny new Areeba Twelve speeder. “I have this lovely new speeder that really is under utilised in my care. It has compartments for extra weapons, but of course it already has two semi-automatic blasters mounted conveniently...”

“Just a sec, we’re in the middle of a war zone and you’re trying to sell us a speed?” One of the Imperials asked.

Carbine shrugged, “Can’t knock a girl for trying.”

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
July 8, 2008 5:01 am #

Elka and Ol’ Vik heard the gunfire and decided to find a better vantage point. “How about we go into one of the buildings and fire from a higher storey?” Ol’ Vik suggested.

“Excellent idea, now let’s get those slack boys to help us.” Elka said with a smile. “Dodger, Griffin come and joins us on a picnic.”

“Picnic? Count me in,” Griffin said as he rushed over.

Elka led the party of four to the roof of a two storey building. “Now Griffin set up the run while we get lunch,” Elka grinned as she aimed her grenade launcher at the Dark Trooper below.

“Aw man where’s the food,” Griffin grumbled.

Dodger swung his backpack around his shoulder and dug his hand inside. He threw a wrapped sandwich at Griffin, “Now put that in your mouth while the grown-ups get down to business.”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 8, 2008 6:21 am (Edited July 8, 2008 06:32 am) #

“Just a sec, we’re in the middle of a war zone and you’re trying to sell us a speeder?” Davik asked.

The female speeder salesperson shrugged, “Can’t knock a girl for trying.”

"Or can we? Mmmmm...." Vince said seductively

"Ugh... anyways, the Areeba Twelve is suited for all your destructive needs." She said and swept her hand across the expensive looking speeder. Davik wasn't interested, he would rather get aother standard speeder back from HQ. Vince however...

"She's a beautiful speeder. Shapely, seductive. I'm gonna fly her brains out.' Vince says

[Davik groans}

"I'll take it. So..(Vince leans in close to the saleswoman) are you included in the list of accessories the speeder coems with?"

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
July 8, 2008 7:53 am #

Griffin sat on the roof of the building with his newly acquired chicken sandwich.

"Thanks Dodge!" Griffin beamed as he tucked in, the fresh battered chicken, the crisp lettuce and the mayonaise was just perfect! Nothing could make Griffin happier right now

"Could do with a cup of caf...." He moaned, Watching the others blast the hell out of some sort of droid.
Elka was playing with her new Grenade launcher, Dodger was blasting while shouting each time he pulled the triger Pow..Pow....Pow......Pow. It never bored him. he Chuckled to himself, finishing the rest of his sandwich

"Guess i may as well help you!" Griffin sighed pulling out his A 280 and deploying his Bi pod then his Red dot reflex sight....then he lightly put his finger on the trigger....then boom! He let of a suppressive fire onto the droid, taking the recoil firmly into his shoulder the automatic fire was quite accurate.
Non the less the droid kept on coming

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
July 8, 2008 3:42 pm #

Carbine was not that surprised by the flirting manner of one of the Imperials, there were a lot of single men on Naltoon after all. It just surprised Carbine that he was being so flirty before she’d even told him the price of the Areeba Twelve. She figured he’d want a stiff drink after signing the contract. It was pretty well known that troopers didn’t get paid that exuberantly on Naltoon, on the flip side there wasn’t a lot for them to spend their money on anyway.

Carbine smiled and brushed a few of her black wayward curls away from her emerald eyes, then placed an arm around the trooper who was interested in the speeder, “Well my friend let me get the contract and then I’ll take you out for a drink. How does that sound?”

Although both troopers had helmets on Carbine could see that the other trooper was clearly surprised that she’d taken up the potential buyer’s offer. She guessed that he was probably butt ugly under the helmet. “So then stranger, what’s your name?”

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
July 8, 2008 4:05 pm #

"I am the man with no man. Vince Glortho at your service." Vince said and made the move to flip his helmet open. Just then Davik yanked him away and pulled him face to face.

"Davik if you blow this for me-" Vince said throught their private comm, despite them being inches away

"Do you know how expensive that speeder is???" Davik asked, annoyed


"Do you know how much money we make?"

"You get paid???"

"Yes. And its not much. Why dont we just blast her and take the speeder?"

"Hold Davik, as my partner you should know that the only way to deal with a female adversary is to-"

"Yes yes yes....Vince you cant pay for this speeder."

"Thats ok, I'll put it on the Imperial's tab."

"Vince. You know thats only for necessities and-"

"Well is this not a necessity? I, a scout trooper in the Imperial Legion have lost my speeder! So i'm getting a new one..."

"Thats why they have the standard speeders for us at HQ!"

"Oh come now Davik...Since when have I ever been standard?" With that Vince walked away and snuck his arm around the female sales woman and she leads them towards the nearest bar/cantina. (not the one they just left)

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
July 8, 2008 4:28 pm #

“Well Vince, now that we’re not strangers anymore let’s go over the finer details of your purchase. The Areeba Twelve is going to cost you 8,000 credits.” Carbine waited for a reaction, she wasn’t disappointed as he paused in his tracks.

“You said 8,000 credits,” Vince said back peddling.

Carbine smiled as she patted him on the chest-plate and walked him back towards the speeder. “I haven’t show you a feature that I’m sure you’ll like,” Carbine told as she walked over to the speeder bike. “Now you may have noticed that the Areeba Twelve is a little wider than most other speeder bikes. Let me show you why.”

Carbine pressed a button on the dash and the side of the speed swung open and extended. As it did so a mattress appeared and then an awning stretched over the top, “This is the deluxe model, made for overnighters. I’m sure you’ll find this accessory to your liking.”

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
July 8, 2008 4:30 pm #

Elna couldn’t believe the amount of firepower it was taking to even knock the Dark Trooper around. He was also fast and seemed too quick for Elka’s grenades.

“We’ve got to find something more powerful,” Elna said with gritted teeth.

Quarry shook his head, “With our combined efforts we should be able to take him down. I wish Dodger had placed some explosives around here.”

“Are you sure he didn’t?” Elna asked with a knowing grin.

“Good point,” Quarry said as he reached for his com, “Dodger did you load this area?”

There was a crackle then Dodger replied, “Not fully, I haven’t primed it yet.”

“Getting slack in your old age?” Quarry stirred.

“I’m not old, just experienced.” Dodger replied, “Besides my beauty is eternal.”

Quarry laughed at Dodger’s sarcasm, “Let me guess, just ask your wife.”

“Damn straight,” Dodger chuckled.

“How long would it take you to finish off your work?” Quarry asked.

There was a pause before Dodger answered, “Depends on if I’m being shot at by ol’ blacky down there.”

“We’ll cover you,” Quarry replied.

Dodger laughed, “That’s what worries me. Okay I’ll go check, besides I always wanted to know just how many hits I could take before my armour crapped out on me.”

“Pessimist,” Quarry commented.

“Yeah well if the glass is half empty I can still blow the crap out of it,” Dodger barked, “Wish me luck.”

“Good luck and may the Force be with you,” Quarry said with meaning.

“Force, smorce, you know I don’t believe in that rubbish. Dodger out.” Came the final reply.

It was only a minute later that Dodger rushed by waving at Quarry and Elna as he went passed. He took a double take as he saw the Sarge sitting beside an Imp. “Do my eyes deceive me?” he asked as he sat on the other side of her.

Gemma shook her head, “The Dark Trooper is shooting at everything.”

“Ah, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?” Dodger asked as he eyed the Imp warily.

“At this point in time yeah,” Gemma replied and looked at Dodger meaningfully as she slyly passed him the object Quarry had given to her without the Imp seeing. “Look after yourself,” she said as she lifted her head to point over Dodger’s shoulder with her chin.

“Always do,” Dodger said as he gave a nod of understanding and moved off. It seemed the Gemma had as much faith in the Imp as he did. Dodger just hoped that she got away fast enough once the Dark Trooper was down.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 8, 2008 5:44 pm #

**I had to post again, just found this too amusing**

Vince had immediately perked up at the deluxe features and had signed the contract. Carbine was surprised when he’d handed over the details of the Imperial’s standard account. She’d merely shrugged as he transferred the credits.

Carbine was almost positive that she had seen steam venting from the other troopers helmet. Obviously Vince was a little unconventional. She wondered how long he’d last in his chosen career. The Empire didn’t tend to like individualism. But it was not her place to pry.

She took the contract from Vince and placed it in her vest pocket. “Now then Vince, I don’t believe I’ve introduced myself. My name is Carbine Lennox, and I do believe I owe you a drink.”

Vince nodded eagerly, “Yeah how about we go to the Flamingo Bar over on Western Street?”

Carbine smiled, “Anywhere you like. I’ll just need a ride home afterward.”

“I could ride you… I mean I could give you a ride home anytime you like.” Vince said as he flipped open his helmet.

Carbine was pleasantly surprised, he wasn’t butt ugly as she suspected. He was certainly nothing special but there was an element of attractiveness around his eyes. Although she planned on a couple of drinks and exiting pretty quickly as there were more credits to be made and time was money.

It seemed that Vince wasn’t as dumb as he seemed, Carbine noted as she realised that the Flamingo Bar was actually a Falleen run bar. The pheromones were certainly thick in the air as Carbine suddenly felt turned on. She smiled at Vince who rapidly seemed a lot more attractive. “Come here often?” she asked.

Vince shook his head, “Only when I meet a really hot chick… ah I mean a beautiful lady.”

The other trooper grabbed Vince by the shoulder. “I’m going back on duty. You better not be long.”

Vince smiled, “Don’t worry I’ve got your back… well I will when I come back.”

The other trooper shook his head and walked out the door. Carbine led Vince to a table for two. “So what will you have?” she said breathlessly.

Vince stared at her for a moment then grabbed the cocktail menu, “How about a Passionate Kiss?”

Carbine blinked and felt overwhelmed by the pheromones, she grabbed Vince by the top of his chest-plates and pulled him towards her so his face was close to hers. “Sure why not?” she said as she lunged forward to kiss him.

Vince was stiff for a moment before he started to kiss her back. Carbine grinned and then wondered what she was doing. She took a deep breath and was suddenly mad with passion. She pulled Vince closer only to knock the table over. She pulled back and shook her head. She’d brought him here for a drink… only a drink.

Vince’s hand moved to cup the nape of her neck, “Don’t worry about the table, I’m told that happens all the time.” He moved forward to kiss her again.

“Wait, we’re here for a drink right?” Carbine said as she took another deep breath in attempt to gain composure, instead it sent a fresh wave of pheromones into her system. She jumped on Vince’s lap as she kissed him. For some reason she wanted to get as close to him as possible.

Vince pinned her against the back of the booth as he deepened the kiss. “Do you want to get a room?” he asked between kisses.

That brought Carbine back to the real world, “Ah no… I better go.” She said as she straightened her jacket and then realised she was still sitting on his lap.

Vince’s hands were on her waist and his thumbs were brushing against her hipbones enticingly. “You haven’t bought me a drink yet.”

Carbine raised her hand to wave over a waitress, “Can I get two glasses of red wine?”

“Certainly,” the waitress said as she went to get their order.

“We better fix the table,” Carbine suggested but she had a feeling that Vince had her right where he wanted her.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
July 8, 2008 6:17 pm (Edited July 8, 2008 06:18 pm) #

((Ok just to make things clear: Novus hasn’t lost a leg, and he’s not a droid, he just wares it. Like a suit.))

Novus liked explosions as much as the next guy, (maybe even more) but this was starting to get insane. Bombs where going off all around him, and on him, and it was starting to get disorienting. 

I Think a little reprieve is in order He thought.

He fired up his jetpack and shot up into the sky, landing not to far away. Crashing down leaving a small crater, he surveyed his weapons, and other operating systems to check for damage.

Whoever made this armor…should get a metal He thought after he found no substantial damage.

He took a look around: He was behind a large building, surround in the front by a few smaller ones. After a few scans with his HUD, he decided the Imperials were using it as a make-shift medical center, and by the sound of those E-web cannons: It didn’t seem like they were going to give it to the rebels with out a fight.

After some thought he concluded that if he destroyed the facility, the rebels would be able to advance farther and kill more Imperials. Therefore making his job easier, He fired a burst of rockets into the back of the building, reducing it to rubble. Then walked through, making for a dramatic entrance.

“Knock! Knock!” He said, before he blasted everything inside, slaughtering everything easily. Then he shot through the roof with his jetpack, surprising the gunners ontop, and landing outside the firing arc.

He disposed of them quickly, he was careful not to harm the cannons however.

I can make good use of you He said as he rigged the power box to the cannon itself, and hefted it with ease.

He smiled adoringly at the cannon, as the rebels advanced towards the building, he jet-jumped clear of them. He landed, again making a small crater.

“LETS MAKE SOME NOISE!” He yelled as he warmed op the cannon.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]

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