Topic: RPG: The Naltoon Assault

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Topic #2713

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June 29, 2008 1:55 am #

Setting: Welcome to Naltoon, a small moon that is home to a secret Imperial base. This Imperial base is involved with the renewed Death Star plans for the rebuild of the Empire’s super weapon.

Two platoons of Rebels have infiltrated the city in which the Imperial base is located. Can they steal the new plans and make it out alive? You decide…

The Rules:

1. You may create any character you want.  Clarify their name and species so others can follow their actions easily.

2. You can kill characters you create but you can't kill other people's characters unless they say they have been killed in battle with you.

3. You can have any weapon you want but you can only have what your character could physically carry - otherwise they wouldn't be able to move.

4. Be consistent, eg if someone says they blew up a building, don't suddenly be assaulting it.

5. If you have sustained many wounds you will have to either get medical help or eventually die.

6. Follow the storyline, sure add a few twists and turns but allow others to see where you want to go so they can help you get there.

7. Have fun.


Name: Gemma Tuks
Affiliation: Rebels
Rank: Sergent
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Weapons: EE3 blaster and two vibroblades

Gemma stood leaning against the wall as several of her men lay in wait. The tall tower that stretched to the sky was the “secret” Imperial base. It stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the far shorter buildings around it, unfortunately it was also extremely well fortified.

The Rebels had split into four teams to ensure that at least one of them was able to find a way in. She reached for her com for a progress report.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
June 29, 2008 2:10 am (Edited June 29, 2008 02:11 am) #

Name: Davik Renge
Affiliation: Empire
Rank: Idk, this guy is a scout trooper, don't think they get ranked. but he is a sniper.
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Weapons: thermal detonators, sniper rifle, DC-15 blaster rifle, that little blaster that they have on the side of their boot, mini turret

Awaiting orders, Davik sat at his 74-Z speeder bike, cleaning his DC-15. He'd been having this trouble lately, and it really got to him to just get a new DC-15. However, this specific gun was considered "lucky" to Davik, because it always seemed to work right when needed. When his time comes to enter battle, he'll make sure he makes the best of it.

June 29, 2008 3:31 am (Edited June 29, 2008 03:34 am) #

Name: Vince Glortho
Affiliation: Empire
Rank: W/e Fett_II's guy's rank is
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Weapon: Only the little blaster on his boot. He's a crack shot with it....sometimes

Vince practically skipped up to his 74-Z speeder bike which was parked next to Davik's. He had a cup of caf in his hand, and since the Empire slammed hard on scouts and cut them no slack it was precious to him. He wasn't supposed to be doing anything while waiting for orders except wait for orders. If a superior officer saw him he would probably take the damn caf for himself.

"Loooook what IIIIIII got, I got some caaaaaaaf." Vince said as he passed in front of Davik and floated the cup in and out of Davik's view, caressing it.

"Hm? Whats that?" Davik asked, still cleaning his blaster.

"THIS, my good friend, is a fresh cup of CAF. When was the last time you had some CAF!"

"I have a cup every morning..."

Vince nearly dropped his cup. His put it down on his speeder and flipped his helmet open in disbelief.

"What?! We're barely allowed to have RATIONS much less actual fresh caf."

"Not my fault no one ever told you where the free caf machine is.....or how to use it."

".....well....I got this one from some kid. Put up quite a fight too."

"Oh Sarge is gonna be overjoyed to hear you're stirring up trouble with the locals..."  Davik said still cleaning his DC-15 and not looking up.

"Oh you won't tell him will you!? Damn Sarge has been on my ass since I accidently set off that thermal detonator,"

"Yeah, in his office."

"There were no casualties!"

"Except maybe your chances to ever be promoted."

"Oh i wouldn't want that. Then I wouldn't be able to drive ol' rusty here," Vince said and slammed his hand on his decrepid speeder. It shuddered and almost exploded. Davik shook his head slightly and continued cleaning his weaponry.

Vince took the nearly spilled cup of caf from the shuddering speeder and decided to finally take a long awaited sip. He put the cup to his mouth and let the dark liquid spill in.....ahhhhh.....the robust flavor of....chocolate milk?
Damn...apparently the kid Vince had yanked this from had chocolate milk, not the caf Vince had been desperatley wanting.

".........Rebel scum."

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
June 29, 2008 6:33 am #

Name: Ka' klaak
Age: 27
Power: 15
Gender: Male
Rank: Shock Trooper
Weapon(s): Blaster Rifle, Rocket Launcher, 3 thermal detonaters, stormtrooper armour and 4 mines
Defense: 4

Ka walked up and down. It was hard for him to do this. His legs ached from the exhaustion of the 10 hours shifts he had done. He didn't like getting paid low, but he liked his job.....he supposed.

He loaded a blaster charge into his rifle. He blasted several times at a tree. Ha ha..... he thought, now he would get paid lots. He just needed to kill a Rebel and then Davik would pay him more.

Killing Spree's, he thought, sitting on the seat of a speederbike..............................................

You're foolish words can never hurt me
June 29, 2008 10:30 am #

Name:  Havrim Taim
Affiliation: Rebels
Rank: Sergeant (Leader of one of the four groups)
Gender: Male
Age: 38
Weapons:  Blastech A295 With interchangeable long and short range scopes Standard issue vibroblade

Havrim surveyed the Imperial outpost from a building nearby with his macronbinocs.  Typical Imperial base.  Heavy defenses on the outside, many a stormtrooper on the inside.  Just another day at the park.  His comm beeped. 

"Squad 3 report."

"Havrim here.  Nothing unusual here.  We has stormtroopers crawling everywhere.  If we can catch them by surprise we should be able to cut their numbers by a quarter.  But that still leaves us outnumbered.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
June 29, 2008 11:04 am (Edited June 30, 2008 09:15 am) #

Name: Blaine Shalashaska
Affiliation: Rebels
Rank: Colonel
Gender: Male
Age: 54
WOC: AAS Pistol x2

Shalashaska stood in the second story potion of a closed down bistro, eying the 'secret' Imperial base. Gemma's squad would be leading an attack soon, and getting the units mixed together would be a bad idea.

"Squad 3 report."

"Havrim here.  Nothing unusual here.  We has stormtroopers crawling everywhere.  If we can catch them by surprise we should be able to cut their numbers by a quarter.  But that still leaves us outnumbered."

"Then It's a fair fight." He cut the connection and put the comlink back in his coat pocket. "If only the fools knew."

"This IS my signature."
June 29, 2008 3:06 pm (Edited July 1, 2008 09:28 pm) #

Name:TC-8432 'Specter' Jaith Tyrak
Affiliation: Imperial
Species: Human (non clone)
Rank: Cpt.
Occupation: Jumptrooper (Special Forces Commando ((yay noncannon :D:D:D))
Armor is a light gray, and heavier, mask tube is not sticking out. Has red sand trooper pauldron. has a grey kama, with red lining
Unarmored appearance: head is shaved, green eyes. Tall, muscular.
Weapons: Long Range Rail Detonator, (assuming its a railgun, i'll ALSO assume it fires 3 shot burst :P) Disruptor pistol, Vibroknife, thermal detonator. ((Uses a modified scout trooper bike, but painted white and red))

<<Roger, ETA to dropzone is in 5, repeat zero-five, minutes, hope your ready 32>> 

"Hope your on target, the LZ better be flat this time, damn near crashed on Tatooine"

<<Well thats your own fault, now can it.>>

32 waited silently in the bay of the anything but standard imperial dropship. It looked like a normal Lambda-class shuttle, but quite bulky, the ramp was larger and heavier, and the way 32 was disembarking was different too. An orange light lit up and the ramp dropped, revealing the ground two meters below, rushing behind the ship at 200 miles per hour. The ramp extended behind the ship, instead of in front of it a large turret overlooked the ramp, and a droid gunner sat built into its post. . A green light replaced the orange one, and the locks unclasped from his bike. He turned on the bike, lifted as the repulsors kicked in, and hit the accelerator. Right on target.

32 began to decelerate, turned the bike, sliding to a halt in front of two bewildered scout troopers, one of which spilled his caf all over his chest plate as the other screamed like a little girl and dived out of the way.
"Looks like at least one of you ladies needs to change your undersuit."

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
June 29, 2008 3:49 pm #

(Why would a Jumptrooper need a speeder bike? And Masterchief, Shocktroopers dont have speeder bikes either. In fact, I dont even think they're are any Shocktroopers during the Galactic Civil War. The whole point to the Scout Trooper is that he is the only one with a Speeder bike. Hence why me and Fett_II have one. I also doubt Fett_II's guy is one to run and scream like a little girl. My guy however, is a different case.)

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
June 29, 2008 4:04 pm (Edited June 29, 2008 04:05 pm) #

((Because I wanted one. :P, in case you cant tell, my person inst exactly standard. :P))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
June 29, 2008 4:58 pm (Edited July 1, 2008 10:42 pm) #

Character Sheet

Name: SS 2557  ‘Ghost’ to his brother Shadow Scouts and other specialists for his above average stalking and infiltration skills; ‘Sergeant’ to officers and lesser clones he commands; and ‘Sarge’ when his back is turned
Affiliation: Imperials
Rank: Sergeant
Trooper Type: Imperial Shadow Scout (aka Storm Commando) *Fist of the Imperial Intelligence service.  Primarily used for information gathering in hostile territory, they are also used as enforcers for the Intelligence service at high risk installations located in or near civilian populations.  Are bred and trained to be cold and especially merciless, but are more highly intelligent then their fellow clones due to the technical and covert nature of their mission*
Age: 15 *about 22 in Clone years for his Clone type*
WOC: Imperial disrupter pistol - Imperial Assassin's slug-thrower Sniper rifle
Other Weapons: Republic Commando style glove-blade, standard Scout-Trooper Holdout blaster in boot, large vibro blade on his left hip; Thermal detonators
Special Equipment: Sound sponges mounted in his boots, when activated he is totally silent when moving; highly advanced HUD like those used by Republic Commandos; his armor plates are the harder type used by Republic troopers, not the later plastoid used be Stormtroopers *there’s nothing canon on these dudes that I know of, so I’ll have what I want  :P *
Appearance: Scout armor painted black, with black flight-suit.  Gagged red streaks of paint *Some say blood* etched across this helmet Sev-style.  Very short military cut brown hair 
Vehicle: Customized black painted speeder bike issued to all Shadow Scouts.  Optimized for speed, but shielded.  When not on black-ops missions *like now,* he removes the sound dampeners, giving the souped up ride a very impressive rumble *think Harley Davidson  :D *

Ghost, his helmet under his arm, stepped through the hatchway into the garage to see what the hell was going on. 

He saw the Jumptrooper dismounting from his speederbike as Vince and Davik picked themselves up off the oily duracrete floor.  Shaking his head as he entered, he saluted smartly as he noticed the captain’s rank on the specialist’s armor.

“Welcome on station captain, the commander has been expecting you.”

“Doesn’t seem like I was expected by all” the Jumper scoffed.

Ghost glared at the other troopers.  “Good men are in short supply these days…” he hissed as he wondered why he detected the scent of chocholate milk.  He hoped the Jumper didn't notice it for pride's sake.

“So it seems.”

“I have been ordered to take you to the base commander as soon as you arrive.  If you’ll follow me?”  Donning his helmet, Ghost led the Jump trooper to the nearest turbo lift.

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
June 29, 2008 6:37 pm #

Name: Pol K'Ardi
Species: Rodian
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Affiliation: Rebels
Rank: Private
Weapons: A295 Blaster rifle, Dl-44 blaster pistol
Appearance: Rebel soldier uniform:,2.jpg
but without the helmet

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
June 29, 2008 7:52 pm (Edited June 30, 2008 10:11 am) #

Name: Alaya Ger'mana
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Affiliation: Empire
Rank: Private (Scout Trooper)
Weapons: Sniper Rifle, Blaster Pistol, Vibro Blade

Private Ger'mana was reaching the end of her shift. Her orders were too stay hidden and observe. Once her relief came it was back to the barracks for some caf. Her 12 hour shifts were grating on her. As the hours passed, she was getting less and less attentive. She just couldn't wait for what ever relief was coming...whether it was a fellow sniper or the ganitor droid back at the barracks...

Ven'gana mhi yaim'ol // We will have our homecoming
June 29, 2008 8:49 pm #

As ‘Ghost’ and the Jumper exited the turbo lift and started down the black marble hallway towards the commander’s office, he keyed his internal com.


“He’s here, on his way to see the commander.”  The jumper looked at him for a moment, then straitened himself and they continued down the hallway.  Despite his communication equipment’s highly secure features, it wouldn’t have surprised ‘Ghost’ if the trooper’s advanced equipment could have detected the transmission at such close range.  However, the encryption device used for his secure transmitter was one of the most advanced in the Empire.  It scrambled his words into the code used by Imperial probe-droids, a code what was not decipherable by even the most knowledgeable protocol droids.  The  only reciever on the planet that could decipher his transmissions was in the local Head of Imperial Intelligence’s office, with HIS commanding officer.

“Understood.” *click*

Stopping at the reienforced durasteel doors of the commander’s office, the pair of Stormtrooper guards stood aside as ‘Ghost’ keyed the com on the outer security pannel.

“Yes?” Commander Darsmon’s voice crackled. 

“Sergeant SS 2557 reporting with Captain Tyrak as instructed sir.”

“Bring him in” the old man snapped as the connection died. 

“Yes sir…” ‘Ghost’ replied to the dead com terminal as the heavy locks clicked free and the blast doors slid open. 

The armored pair entered the spacious quarters and stopped in front of the Commander’s massive work desk, both saluting smartly. 

Darsmon glared at the black clad scout.  “That will be ALL, Sergeant.”

“Yes sir.”  ‘Ghost’ saluted again to the commander, and as usual it was not returned.  Turning to the Jumper, he saluted the captain and had it quickly returned.  “Welcome to Naltoon sir.”

Turning on his black leather heal, ‘Ghost’ slipped out the blast doors and headed down the hall…..

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
June 29, 2008 9:34 pm #

"TC-8432 reporting for duty sir."

The commander seemed content to monolouge, seeming to ignore Jaith's presence "Ah Intelligence. Never was for me. I was never good at all the sneaking around, secrecy, assassination. No honor in it. You understand don't you?"

Jaith was silent

"Of course you do, your a good soldier. The empire could use more men like you. Well I'll have that intelligence rat show you your quarters, he should be just outside the hall.  Oh, and watch out for his boss, you dont want to get on her bad side."

"Yes sir" Jaith turned around, and stepped out the door. As promised Ghost was there, "He doesnt seem to like you" Jaith said "Or you boss." Ghost was silent. Jaith decided to shut up, he instead removed his helmet, revealing an elaborate facial tattoo

((Sorry about the bad edit, done quickly and in paint))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
June 29, 2008 10:52 pm (Edited June 30, 2008 09:22 am) #

Name: Raina Alea
Age: 27
Imperial Colonel
Weapons: vibroblade in one boot, blaster in the other.  Keeps another blaster in a holster on her waist.
Background: Is 'ghosts' boss, has plans to take over the facility, considering she already runs a vast amount of what goes on.  While the Commander may think he holds authority, she is the one who runs the show, and she has great plans to make that official.
Appearance:  add a pair of really cool imp boots with a  heel and some concealed weapons and your good to go :P

Raina watched from a small passage way as 'ghost' and another trooper walked past her secret hiding area. She stepped out, walking fast but silently to catch up to them.  The unfamiliar trooper had taken off his helmet although it was only when she announced her presence that she saw a unique pattern, tattooed on his face.  'Ghost' and the other saluted, and she returned the gesture.
"Ma'am," said the unfamiliar trooper with a nod. She nodded back and then turned her attention towards 'Ghost'.

"So," she said, "how is the old man?" She really had no care for him, and she hoped that she would soon be replacing him any day now.

jet pack & rocket launcher-800 credits, mandolorian armor-5,000 credits, being the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy-priceless. brought to you by JediMaster Card
June 29, 2008 11:18 pm #

"So, how is the old man?" Colonel Alea asked.  It was no secret that the Army and the Intelligence services were vying for power over the station.  It was such a small secret that she openly spoke with such a condescending tone in front of the two Stormtroopers who were guarding the Commander’s doorway.

“Same as always, Colonel.”

“That bad huh?” she responded with a smirk.  “It’s a wonder his weakness is tolerated in such a high value facility.  Thank you Sergeant, you may return to your duties.”

Saluting sharply, ‘Ghost’ nodded to the captain as he walked passed and headed for the turbolift.

Wonder if he’s going to be a partner or a target…. he mussed as he punched in the garage level.

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
June 29, 2008 11:47 pm (Edited June 29, 2008 11:54 pm) #

"Well Captain, what do you think of the base?" she asked the man standing next to her.
"Oh," he replied, "well I suppose it's all right."
Raina looked around and then spoke, "It's going to be rough for a while, you better choose your side and make sure it's the right one."
"I'm sorry but what do you mean?" the captain asked, obviously confused.
"Oh come on," she said, "everyone knows that army and intel has been fighting for control over this base, it's only a matter of time before someone knocks off the old man and then a new person has to take charge, I'm just saying that you should be careful who you allege yourself with, because army stands no chance of taking over this base.  I've been running this base for a while now, I know what's going on, just a friendly caution."

jet pack & rocket launcher-800 credits, mandolorian armor-5,000 credits, being the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy-priceless. brought to you by JediMaster Card
June 30, 2008 12:19 am #

Gemma had all reports in and everything was good to go. She turned to her second in command, “Dodger, time to work your magic.”

Dodger was their explosives expert and he’d had an itchy trigger finger that needed attention. Gemma had sent out a scout to find the nearest Imperial Sentry post. On the graveyard shift, Dodger had snuck in under the noses of the sleeping Imperial guards and planted them a present, he grinned as he opened the trigger guard. “Say cheese,” he said with a grin as he pushed the button.

A resounding boom sounded and the Rebels felt the shockwave roll through the small city. “Let’s see if you stirred yourself up an hornets nest,” Gemma said as she peered through her microbinoculars.

“Let’s hope the other teams are doing their bit. Now let’s go play shoot the Impy.” Gemma said as she raised her blaster, it was party time.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
June 30, 2008 12:19 am (Edited June 30, 2008 12:21 am) #

"If there were to be an uprising, it sounds like the defenders would be outnumbered and out gunned. It would be stupid to help the current commander, he seems incompetent."

The colonel nodded and grinned, "Good choice, captain." She walked away. Jaith made his way to his quarters, on the way he stopped by the caf dispenser and got himself a cup. Which he promptly spilled as a loud explosion roared in the semi-distance. Alarms began to blare and Jaith clamped his helmet back on, grabbing his gun and trying to figure out what was happening.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
June 30, 2008 12:58 am #

Gemma stormed forward with her fellow Rebels. Their blasters were blazing as Stormtroopers began to gather to see what had cause the explosion. Gemma pounded the left flank while Quarry and Josh held the centre and left.

Dodger had taken off with another group as he intended to install and fire some more detonators.

Gemma took a hit to her shoulder but her armour protected her. “Fall back, defensive positions,” she called to Quarry and Josh.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
June 30, 2008 2:33 am #

( Dont mind if i join do you? )

Name: Ben Griffin
Affiliation: Rebels
Rank: Corporal
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Weapons: A heavily customized A-280 Blaster Rifle and a Q2 Hold out blaster

Griffin was with the rebels that had infiltrated this planet, looking for a new empire base, something to do with a new death star or something And so they where here. 2 platoons of rebels, around 8 sections, 64 men. to assault, destroy and hold this base untill reinforcements could get in. It was gonna be hard. but that was what Griffin loved, a challenge.

Yet the time seemed to fly by he was already following Gemma into an assault. They used an explosive device, most probably an over packed thermal detonator to grab the Imperial soldiers. it worked. Alarms rang out and the air was filled with Nco's and officers barking orders to the troops.

As the Rebels pushed forward there was a heavy barrage of blaster shots fired into them. Gemma took a hit to the shoulder herself but shrugged it on but this was followed by the order to 'Fall back, Defensive positions'

With that Griffin slid behind a Small concrete block. They where outnumbered. And these imperial squaddies had a fast reaction time too!

Griffin stroked his A-280, Kissed the barrel and began to open fire, for every one shot he let off it felt like 20 would be returned.

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
June 30, 2008 2:43 am #

The shock wave stopped the turbo lift momentarily, killing the lights for a second.  When everything came back on line, 'Ghost' instantly switched his com to the security center.

“What the hell was that??” he demanded has he willed the lift to get him to the garage level faster.

“We’re still trying to determine that…”

“Well determine it a little faster!"  He quickly switched the com channel again.

”Garage level.”   

“Get my speeder ready!  And make sure those two who were on alert shift don’t leave without me!  Don’t want them killed before I know what’s happening…”

”Yes Sergeant.”

As the turbo lift doors slid open and ‘Ghost’ began to run toward the speeder bike bay, an incoming transmission alert began to blink in the corner of this HUD…..over his secure channel.

“Yes Colonel?” he huffed as he sprinted.

“Outer security checkpoint Bravo-07 seems to be the target of the explosion.  Survivors are under heavy fire.”

‘Ghost’ pulled up.  “Sounds like a diversion.”

”Perhapes, but it’s not far.  If it’s just civilians I want them to pay.........dearly.  But if it is an attack, be ready to pull back at a moment’s notice.”

“As you wish Colonel.”  ‘Ghost was at a full run again before his farewell had even been completed.

Bursting into the speeder-bike bay, he saw Davik and Vince revving their bikes and ready to go.  From a side entrance, Captain Jaith rushed in, apparently having used the barracks’s turbo lift. 

“You don’t know the environment Captain.  Might be better to leave this to us.”

“I won’t get in the way; you lead, I’ll follow.”

‘Ghost’ thought it over for a moment, then gave a hurried point over to a waiting speeder.  “Take that one!”

As the captain powered up the bike, ‘Ghost’ leapt into the saddle of his own black painted bike.  Giving it a powerful rev, he shifted into gear and tore out of the hanger at full tilt down the city streets…

*tell me if this is ok for your character A_A*

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
June 30, 2008 3:42 am #

**Nigzy nice to have you along**

Gemma found herself a crashed speeder for cover and continued her barrage, "Lay down a supressing fire," she ordered.

She grabbed her com, "Dodger, you ready?"

"I'm always ready, baby." Dodger joked, "I'll push it in five... four... three... two... one."

Again the city filled with the deafening boom of an explosion. A few Imperial soldiers went flying through the air. One landed beside Gemma and she quickly broke his neck.

"Nice work, Dodger," Gemma told her com.

"I live to please," Dodger replied, "I'm moving to sector three."

"Acknowledged," Gemma replied. She turned to her troops, "Phase two!" she shouted as she reached for the grenades on her belt. Each Rebel threw two grenades at the oncoming Imperials then pulled back. It was time to move back into the city streets while the other teams got down to business. They'd join them soon enough, for the time being they needed to kill as many Impies as possible.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
June 30, 2008 5:09 am #

‘Ghost’ held up a clenched fist in the air, signaling his small team to stop.  Pulling the throttle back hard, he tilted to the side and turned the control handled and ‘side-skidded’ to a stop.  Grabbing a pair of macro-binoculars from a forward mounted saddlebag, he looked down the city streets at the chaos ahead.  The Rebels had done a lot of damage, but were pulling back away from the research facility.

“Trap” Captain Jaith thought out loud.  Vince seemed shocked by the notion and looked at Davik, who ignored him.

“And a very pretty one” ‘Ghost’ responded.  “Or a total diversion.”  Switching to his secure link, SS ’57 waited for the colonel to pick up.

”Have you engaged them yet?  What are you fighting?”

“I’m observing from a position a few hundred meters from the first explosion.  Doesn’t seem to be a civilian element to this that I can see, colonel.  It’s Rebel Special Forces, no doubt.  Wouldn’t surprise me if we get some locals to join them, but this attack isn’t being born of revolt, it’s a strike.”  ‘Ghost’ watched closely as the experienced Rebel commandos fired and fell back from one cover position to the next as the waves of blunt-force trained stormtroopers charged down the street.  “They’re falling back, but the sector garrison is taking heavy casualties.  I feel they’re luring us into a trap or a faint.  What are you orders?”

”Stay there and assist for the time being.  They can’t possibly know how strong we really are, and are trying to burn our manpower supply.  They will find that a VERY long undertaking.  If they’re luring that force into a trap, then they have a large percentage of their forces in that area where we can trap them.  If it’s a diversion, I shall recall you and you will see to the defense of the installation using the forces I would have used to encircle the possible ambush.”

“As you wish Colonel.”  As the com clicked dead, ‘Ghost’ pulled his sniper rifle from the side mounted scabbard mounted on his speeder.  “Dismount!” he ordered.

The team quickly jumped off and checked their weapons before rushing forward.  Nearing the blast zone, ‘Ghost; signaled to Davik a good sniping position.  Moving forward a little further down the street with Vince and Captain Jaith, SS ’57 stepped over the bodies of the dead or injured clones to a building corner.

”I have targets; requesting permission to fire” crackled Davik’s voice over ‘Ghost’s’ helmet com.

Good man, Davik; one of the few…  “Kill ‘em.”

“Roger that.

The muffled blast from behind was quickly followed by a red bolt streaking down the street, which found it’s mark.  Then a second trooper fell.

Lifting his own weapon, ‘Ghost’ began searching for targets now that most of the Rebels were looking for Davik. 

A Rebel commando…..perhaps an officer….ran behind a downed speeder.  He didn’t take cover well, it seemed like there was something or some one in his way.  It wasn’t a good shot, but ’57 could just sight in the back of his head…


"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
June 30, 2008 5:28 am #

Josh had just slid in beside Gemma when his face plate was split open by a blaster bolt. He spun and blood spurted from his face plate which was flooded with the red fluid. It sprayed Gemma as she reached for Josh trying to cushion his fall, however the soldier was dead. She was disgusted as she saw a second shot which took off Josh’s right foot. It didn’t really matter thought since Josh was dead.

Gemma could wait no longer, she had to give the call. She grabbed her com with her blood covered hand and thanked the Force that it was not her own blood. “Colonel Shalashaska, do you read?”

“Loud and clear,” came the reply.

“This is Sergeant Tuks we’ve lurked the Imps out as far as we can. I think they’ve realised the game. We’ve taken some casualties. What’s left of the squad will join you when we can.” Gemma informed her commanding officer.

“Very well then, send me regular update as you can.” He instructed Gemma.

“Yes sir,” she confirmed then put away the com.

Gemma stepped back in a crouch from Josh’s corpse and heard the sound of speeder bike, “They’re trying to flank us! Immediate evac!”

Gemma watched the others scatter to the wind but she remained in place. She was going to give the others a fighting chance. She saw the speeder coming and targeted the grav system. Lining up the shot she hit her target cleanly and watched as the trooper lost control of his vehicle, unfortunately he jumped before the speeder crashed into a wall.

Getting to her feet Gemma made a run for it. She felt a hand grab onto her arm and pull her into an alley, it was Griffin. He put a finger to his lips. Gemma nodded as they moved deeper into the alley. They quickly made their way to a shabby doorway and hurried inside. Both Rebels knew where to go. They moved to the back rooms and found the access panel they were looking for. They entered the code and the doorway opened to the lower levels below. The two Rebels went to join the others.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
June 30, 2008 7:52 am #

Ka patrolled and patrolled.

Then, he did something wrong....

He got bored for once.

He climbed onto his speeder and shooted off into the forest.

10 minutes later, he got hit by a stray blaster bolt. He carwheeled into a tree, and got knocked unconcious..........

" there he is! " a female voice stated.

" Huh? " said another female voice. " It can't be though! "

" I'm sure it is, ya know...." said a male voice.

The last thing Ka remembered was being picked up and propped on a holo-stretcher.....................

You're foolish words can never hurt me
June 30, 2008 9:16 am (Edited June 30, 2008 01:39 pm) #

((Ummm......whats a holostretcher???? dont you mean repulsor????))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
June 30, 2008 1:52 pm #


Name: Novus
Designation: Dark Alpha: 412
Gender: Male
Rank: Private
Age: 20 (10)
Species: Human Clone
Class: Dark Trooper Phase II (
Novus is incased in an exoskeleton of durable alloy called phrik. The suit provides extra strength/speed, protection, an advanced HUD, a Jet pack and most importantly an AI unit.
Weapons/Stuff: Jet Pack, Assault cannon (

The suit features an advanced (female voiced) AI unit that asists Novus on his missions. The AI's designation is: AI UNIT: 4421-4432/662...Novus calls just calls her Solus meaning: One, or alone, as she is the only AI unit that is this advanced as far as Novus knows.

History: Born specifically for the Dark Trooper program, Novus is being used by the empire to explore the abilitys of the Dark Trooper project. This division of the dark trooper program (termed Dark Alpha) is focusing on the strategic defensive capabilitys of the Dark Trooper. After Novus' masters gathered intel of upcoming attack on this system they decided to make the best of it, and sent him here. He is now arriving via hyperspace capsule into the system, and the moon itsself....

(I'll make an actual post later)

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
June 30, 2008 2:10 pm #

While managing to take out a few more Rebels, Davik noticed that they were, in fact, looking for him. Making sure he was out of view, Davik opened one of the pouches on his belt, and pulled out a little cup of caf. Taking a quick sip, then throwing it back in the pouch, Davik placed his sniper rifle back into its sling on his back, pulled out his grappling hook, then shot it across to a nearby building.

Climbing across to the other building, Davik now pulled out his DC-15, which he nicknamed Ol' Reliable, and had several thermal detonators on standby, and waited.

"Blast it, Vince, where are you? Better not have died, or else you won't get this second cup of caf I saved."

It then hit Davik that he could talk to Vince through his communicator.

Speaking into it low, almost whispering,

"Hey, Vince, how are ya doing down there? I'm in a bit of a tight spot, but I should be okay with Ol' Reliable and my good aim. You on your speeder or something? Reply ASAP."

June 30, 2008 3:05 pm #

Name: Jelera Raylor

Faction: Imperial, Lead commander of a Stormtooper battalion out of the Imperial Star Destroyer Bloodlust

Appearance: Long blonde hair, that is kept pinned up, only with some loose in the front. Blue green eyes. Tall for a woman, around 5’7”.  Manages to even make her Imperial Uniform look good, which had sometimes been a problem considering she is usually the only female officer in many missions and situations

Skills: Well educated in military procedures. Fully trained in ranged weapons, when in combat situations she uses a DLT-19 heavy blaster rifle, but mostly carries a DC-17 hand blaster.

Personality: What one would think of as a typical smart military woman. Firm in conviction and resolve. She loves her job, although someday she does think that she will return home to start a family. She has the air about her knowing that she is better than the common folk.

History: Born on the Core world of Corellia, Jelera spent her young years studying. Even as a young child she dreamed of military service. She wasn’t yet 13 years old when the transition from the Republic to the Empire had occurred, and she had always thought it for the best.  Her parents had always thought that a stronger military would be needed if peace was ever going to happen, and Jelera firmly believed the same. She applied for the military academy when she was 17, and has been slowly making her way up ever since. Most of the time she filed her reports and the alike strictly under her last name, Raylor, so that many imperial personnel believed she was male, allowing her to advance in rank more frequently than most females in the New Order.


Jelera was in her officer’s quarters aboard the Bloodlust, when her data station rung. It meant only one thing. Report to her commanding officer, ASAP.

“New Assignment for your boys, Raylor” Brusin, her boss, said once she was there. He threw a data chip at her. His distain was thinly veiled.  He never got used to having a woman command one of his squads. So, Jelera took much of his ill nature in good stride, not allowing him to see any weakness. She caught the chip well before it reached the ground.

“You deploy in the morning.” He went back to his work he was addressing on his desk.

There would be no further explanation about it from Brusin. He was a man of few words when it came to Jelera, although she noticed more and more glancing looks from him as her time in her post continued.  She always hoped they were simply respectful looks, but knowing that Commander Brusin was a male, one that she guessed couldn’t be older than her father; she did not honestly think that to be so. She had heard stories about the few other females in the Imperial Navy, and those tales made her shiver. Jelera wanted no part of that. Just be allowed to do her job, one she took much pride in at that.

Back in her own quarters she put the chip from Brusin into her datapad. Information about the mission scrolled on the viewscreen.  Naltoon. Possible rebel involvement. Facts and statistics.

“Ah, just routine presence.” She thought. They always gave her the backwater jobs. Never the glamorous missions like the one she had heard about on Naboo. Or working with Vader’s fleet.  But Jelera would do her job, and do it well. She prepared her self to address her troops.

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
June 30, 2008 4:39 pm #

"Their falling back. We've won." Ghost seemed happy with victory, but Jaith was not so content. If they escaped more would come. More attacks, more deaths of good imperial soldiers. He started forward, hitting the accelerator on his speeder bike, rushing towards the rebels as a large dropship made its way towards them. About halfway there he hit the brakes and activated his jetpack, launching him towards the dropship, which was finishing loading up. He landed on the cockpi just as the ship began to lift off. He looked at the bewildered pilots, staring up at him still propelling the ship upwards. He aimed his blaster and fired two shots into both.the pilot leaned onto the stick, and the ship tilted down, strafing to the left, towards a rock formation. Jaith jumped back, launching himself backwards,  and landing next to his speeder bike, he turned around and made his way back to base, as the dropship slammed into the rock formation. "I'd say that worked pretty well, didn't it?"

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
June 30, 2008 5:37 pm #

We will replace the common stormtrooper with something even greater, and more powerful...And you shall be the first of them, the Dark Alpha's...."-Areon Sayeth, founder of the Dark Alpha's. A subprogram of the Dark Trooper project.

"Reentering real space" Stated Solus, his on-board helmet AI unit.

"Affirmitive, Solus. Stand by for reentry" Replyed Novus.

The outside hull temperature soon skyrocketed, to thousands of degrees hotter. Presently after a deafening crash rang threw the hull of the pod. Novus popped the hatch door open. Steping from the cramped hyperspace pod, to the open outdoor woods. He took a look around, nothing much to see. He decided to check the different comm channels, after going threw a few, he was suddenly deafened by the sound of combat, orders being barked out and screams. He promptly shut is com off.

"Solus trace the comms channels back to there source, so we can get a fix on their location"

"Affimitive Novus, bringing up locations"

A holo-map of the area, was brought out of his HUD by Solus, and a few dozen marks were created 23.6 klicks west of him.

"Thats as best, as can be done Novus...lets go check em out"

Novus nodded and set off at a jog.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
June 30, 2008 5:38 pm (Edited June 30, 2008 06:48 pm) #

They're late, she thought.

Alaya Ger'mana was getting impatient. She had been sitting in this foresaken garden for going on 18 hours. Her relief was supposed to have come an hour ago, and tardiness was never accepted. She heard voices as well as steps coming her way. Her military training kicked in, she knew this was trouble. The next shift wouldn't attempt to be quiet...and they would be coming in a speeder bikes, not on foot. She strapped her sniper rifle to her back and took out her blaster pistol and her vibro blade.

Better to be safe than sorry.

She hid behind a tree with plenty of foliage around it to provide cover. She waited until she was sure the voices were right next to her.

There are two. Maybe three, she thought.

When she heard a twig snap to the right of her position she sprang into action. She jumped out of the bushes and slashed at the first living being she saw with her vibro blade. The unsuspecting soldier had his neck diagnally slit from the right side of his jaw to the top of his left colar bone. The second soldier recovered quickly from the surprise attack and fired his blaster rifle. Alaya rolled out of the way and took cover behind the nearest tree. When the soldier had empited his clip and went to reload, she stepped out from behind the tree and fired her blaster pistol at him. He stumbled backward at the force of being shot and backed into a tree. When her pistol over heated she took her vibro blade, ran at the soldier, and stabbed him through the chest.

So we are being attacked. Maybe this shift will be fun after all

Ven'gana mhi yaim'ol // We will have our homecoming
June 30, 2008 5:38 pm #

‘Ghost’ watched as Captain Jaith coolly watched his handy-work crash into a large rock formation at the edge of town. 

“Nice work” said SS 57’ at the Jumper’s side.  Jaith shot his gaze to his left shoulder, ‘Ghost’s’ sensor and sound dampenors having masked his presence.

Looking back at the growing flames proudly, the captain crossed his arms.  “I think so” he said with an obvious grin. 

“Lucky you’re still alive” ‘Ghost’ jabbed as he turned and started back down the street.

“That sort of thing is how I make my living, scout,” the captain shot back.

“Blowing stuff up is how he makes his living” said ‘Ghost’ as he pointed to a rooftop without turning.

Looking up, Jaith saw a stormtrooper with a PLX-X3B anti-aircraft missile launcher; the trooper saluted down at the Jump Trooper.

SS ’57 stopped mid stride as his com came alive.

”I need you back at Head-Quarters, NOW.  And make sure to bring the good captain with you.”

“On our way colonel!”  Killing the com, ’57 looked back at Jaith.  “We’re needed back at HQ, STAT!”

The pair darted back toward their speeders as the surviving stormtroopers picked up their wounded and cuffed the surviving enemies…

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
June 30, 2008 6:33 pm #

Jaith arrived slightly after Ghost, he dismounted quickly and followed him in, removing his helmet and placing it at his side.  Ghost stepped in before him. "Reporting as ordered." The Lieutenant Colonel looked up.

"Ah, captain. I suppose you know why your here. You know of my intents. I want this base for my own. The easiest way for this to happen is through violence. I believe that you were stationed here to serve as an enforcer to our dear Commander Darsmon, much like Ghost serves me. Of course this would put you close to him at most times, the old man would most likely use you as a body guard instead of putting your skills to use. That would be a shame, dont you think? Well I can assure you, once I am in command I will put you to much better use. As his bodyguard you would be close to him for most of the day. When you recive the signal from me, you will kill him. Its that simple. What do you think?"

Jaith was quiet, thinking over the plan. The commander seemed incompetent, to obsessed with honor to get the job done. He nodded, grinning "As you wish."

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
June 30, 2008 7:18 pm #

Realizing that the Rebels were no longer looking for him, or he might just be paranoid of Rebels, Davik looked around, and realized he was on the roof of an old hotel.

"Wait a second. What the hell does being on a hotel have to do with this story?"

Back into the story. Davik then turned east, where he saw the dropship for the Rebel troops attempt to move out. Something caught Davik's eye. A jumptrooper, like the one he and Vince had seen before, was flying towards it. Now the trooper was apparently firing into the window, then he jumped off and the ship went down into rock. Davik took another sip of caf as he watched through his macro-binoculars. It was the jumptrooper from before!

"Wow, that guy must be a badass."

Looking elsewhere, he saw the trooper land, and talk to Ghost. Watching Ghost point up, Davik moved his macro-binoculars up as well, and saw a trooper with a PLX-X3B anti-aircraft missile launcher. The trooper then saluted down to Ghost and the jumptrooper, and proceeded to aim at the downed dropship. One missile flew right into the cockpit of the ship, and flames went about. It was interesting to see. Turning around and listening to the explosions, Davik waited for Vince's reply.

June 30, 2008 8:38 pm (Edited June 30, 2008 08:46 pm) #

"As you wish," replied the Captain. Raina smiled, everything was going according to plan, all except the attack, but even that did not bother her at the moment.  The captain put a hand to his ear, listening to something. Putting on his helmet, the captain turned to them, "Seems like the commander would like me in his office," he said.  With a quick nod, he walked out.

There were a few moments of silents between the sergeant and herself before a calm cool voice came through the com link in her office, "The commander would like to see you in his office."  Raina stood up, collecting herself, and then, with a nod at 'Ghost' they walked down the hallway to the commanders office. 

As they walked into the office, she saw the Captain standing beside the commander, serving as a body guard, or at least, for the moment.  "Well," started the commander, "I'm sure you know why you are here, this whole disaster could get you into very big trouble colonel.  I mean, you should have done more to protect this station."  As the commander continued into what could happen to her if he told someone with a high position that this was her fault, Raina looked directly at the Captain.  She gave the slightest nod, and watched as her plan unfolded.

jet pack & rocket launcher-800 credits, mandolorian armor-5,000 credits, being the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy-priceless. brought to you by JediMaster Card
June 30, 2008 8:41 pm (Edited June 30, 2008 08:44 pm) #

"Hey, Vince, how are ya doing down there? I'm in a bit of a tight spot, but I should be okay with Ol' Reliable and my good aim. You on your speeder or something? Reply ASAP." Davik's voice said over Vince's comm.

Vince didn't respond at first. He held the barrel of his small blaster to the face of the last living Rebel in the street he and several Stormtroopers had just overtaken. His pinky stuck out as he gripped the gun, an identifiable feature of Vince's.

"Diiisgusting." He said and squeezed the trigger slightly. A Stromtrooper put his hand on Vince's arm.

"Hold it Glortho, we need prisoners." He said and walked away to tend to the wounded

Vince raised the blaster and pushed the Rebel off into the forming band of Rebel prisoners.

"Lucky....(clicks on his comm) Glortho here, I've just about finished saving the whole Empire right now. Ahhhhh, all in a days work." At that a Stromtrooper who had witnessed the battle and had actually seen what little Vince had done cursed at him.

"Oh of course Vince, we all bow down to your greatness Emperor Glortho. This caf's getting cold, meet me at HQ or its going to the kid who got his chocolate milk mugged from him this morning." Davik said and closed the link.

Vince lifited his leg with ease and rested his foot on his speederbike. He holstered his little blaster and hoped onto the seat. The old speeder shuddered and an odd metallic 'clank' sound went off that sounded like some internal machinery broke. He waved at the Stormtroopers who had to clean up the mess, and they all cursed at him. One threw a bloody dismembered Rebel arm as Vince blasted off through the streets to HQ, his decrepid speeder shaking violently and sending plumes of acrid smoke into the air.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
June 30, 2008 8:55 pm (Edited June 30, 2008 09:01 pm) #

Jaith drew his blaster pistol, placing it against the commander's temple. He set the power on medium, roughly the equivalent of a normal blaster pistol. "I'm sorry sir." he said as pulled the trigger. The commander  fell out of his chair landing in a heap on the floor, the hole in his head still smoking. Jaith swept his hand across the desk, pushing all of the commander's personal belonging onto his corpse. He turned to Raina "Your orders, Commander?"

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
June 30, 2008 8:58 pm #

weapons-teeth and claws
species-rancor.....dident see that coming did you.

There was a noise at the entrance. tal opened one eye to see who had violated his sanctum. a group of creatures were approaching to his left...they were speaking....
"are you sure this will get us in undetected? im positive, these blueprints say there should be an air shaft near the base of the compound, this must be it." Tal tried to understand what these things were saying but he did not know any of the sounds they were making. he tried his bonds, the heavy chains and shackles clanked softly. opening the other eye, tal surveyed his small dark lair...there was a large gate to his left thought witch he was allowed to get his food, to his right was another large door, tal knew that if he did not protect the door, he would not be fed. he looked around for his handler, the only one who had been kind to him. he soon spotted his trainer, he was laying down by the entrance. tal had not been fed today and he wondered if he had done something wrong...while his attention was on his un-moving trainer the intruders had made there way to the door...his door! the only sound they heard was the clanking of chains. tal crossed the small space in a fraction of a second. his left claw scooped up the nearest intruder and smashed him against the wall while his right claw covered the door. the little creatures started yelling...tal did not like it when things yelled at him. he bent down and clamped onto the top half of the next closest creature and shook his massive head, sawing the intruder in half by doing so. the 2 remaining creatures had ran to his right and were shooting at him with their weapons. their shots angered tal, he reared up, roaring with a cry that could be heard for miles as one of the shots liquefied one of his beady eyes. with one swipe of his claw he separated one of the creatures heads and sent it clattering against the metal wall. tal rushed forward, the last remaining annoyance dived out of the way, sending tal, smacking into the wall. the creature fired, scorching flesh and breaking tals chains. tal, swiped at the creature, knocking the gun out of its hands, the creature turned and fled out the way it had come. breaking the remaining chains, tal, headed out after him...

Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof.
June 30, 2008 9:22 pm #

Raina sat down as the two stormtroopers came in a took out the body, muttering something about this being the third death this week that they've had to clean up.  She looked up at the Captain whom she was very pleased with and the Sergeant, whom had helped her to achieve this statis.  "Well," said the newly appointed commander, "I want you two to go back to the battle field, make sure that it is cleaned up, and I want no prisoners. We must get the message to these rebel scums that we mean business and I will do whatever it takes to keep this battle station operational. After you are done there, wait for my orders, I shall contact authorities and tell them what has transpired here.  Our former commander will be charged with treason to the empire, thus eliminating any concerns for us. Carry on."

As the two men turned to leave, she thought of something. "Wait, Captain, a word if you please?" The captain nodded as 'Ghost' left the office.  "I just want to tell you how much I appreciate you doing that, you have proved yourself loyal," she said, nodding at him.  "Keep it up and there could be benefits down the road."

jet pack & rocket launcher-800 credits, mandolorian armor-5,000 credits, being the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy-priceless. brought to you by JediMaster Card
June 30, 2008 10:05 pm (Edited June 30, 2008 11:28 pm) #

Commander Raylor’s troops landed at the base on Naltoon. There were blaster shots heard off in the distance as they lined up, awaiting the exit of their commander, carrying all the gear they would need for whatever this mission would hold in store. Jelera exited the landing craft and as she stroad to meet her troopers, the landing ramp closed behind her, and the ship began to lift off to its return to the Bloodlust.  Her heart swelled with Imperial Pride as she noted the stance of her men. They respected her and her abilities. It never showed if they cared if she was a woman or not, and if and when it came down to combat, she had proven herself to be as good as a shot as any trooper worth his armor.

Jalera was surprised to find that no one from the base had come to at the least greet her. “Wouldn’t they want to confer with an officer who had orders from above?” She thought to herself. “Foolish backwater base.” She stepped near the open entrance, where a lone stormtrooper guarded. “I wonder if they would react the same way if Palpatine himself were visiting.”

“At ease men.” she commanded the Fighting 423 of the Imperial Navy. They knew that she would return or that word of what to do would come soon enough.           

Jalera entered the base using her military instincts, quickly finding her way to what she had been breifed as ,Commander Darsmon , head of operations at the Naltoon Imperial Base’s office. In transit she noticed two grumbling stormtroopers moving a copious bag with the tainted smell of ozone.  Around the corner, and Jalera entered into the office and there happened to be a Jumptrooper holding a still smoking blaster in his hand.  There was a woman sitting down behind a clean desk. Jalera clearly knew her mission docket said that the Commander of the base was a male. Somthing was obviously askew, something more than just a missed greeting. Jalera wasn’t born yesterday, and she didn’t get to her position by handing out favors. She figured that this woman had “assumed”control of the base.

Jelera decided to not draw attention to what she obviously saw as a sticky situation and introduce herself. “Hello,” and she reached out her hand to shake that of the woman’s, “I am Commander Jelera Raylor. My squadron the 423 out of Imperial Star Destroyer Bloodlust, are here as directed.”

The woman looked at her hand, and looked back to the trooper by the desk. Reluctantly she shook it. “Yes, I am Raina Alea, Commander and Head Administrator for Naltoon Secret Imperial Base. As I understand it you and your men have been sent here for additional protection and support.”

“Yes Commander.”

“Ah, I doubt we shall need them. My men have much experience. No rebel scum is better than they.”

“Well My men shall do as ordered. As I do what is expected of me. We were assigned here. And we will do our job to the full.”

“Indeed..Well let me show you your quarters.” Commander Alea then turned and made a gesture to the trooper and lead Jalera out of the office and down the hall.

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
June 30, 2008 10:29 pm #

Novus came to a halt as he reached the markings on his HUD. Part of the wall forming the base was shattered. Novus surveyed the area, with his sensors before continuing at a walk. He was soon greeted by the cry of the stormtrooper sentrys. He didn't really blame them for being starteled by a bipedal tank walking towards them...Heck he'd be scared too it he saw one heading for him. Well...actually he wouldent but you get the point. He waved to one of the sentrys, and set down his gun. He was reallying hoping thet they dident open fire...

Sarg. Fryback stared at the walking tank quite frankly terrified, it dident seem hostile but you never know...He turned to his commuications officer.

"Inform the commander that there is another situation, at the breach point that needs tending too"

The officer nodded, and began to relay his orders. The Sergeant then looked back the the tank who had his hands up, and was being encircled by his stormtroopers. He REALLY dident want to deal with this thing on his own....

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
June 30, 2008 11:32 pm (Edited July 1, 2008 10:55 pm) #

Shalashska couldn't help looking over the battle scene from the roof with his optical binoculars. The electronic ones were such a pain, and often broke. He spotted several poor tactics the Alliance captains used from what he could tell, but that didn't matter now. Two squads had been wiped out already, either laying in the street bleeding to death, or burned alive in the Kleeque class dropship that was shot down.
"There's no way the Alliance will win the war..." He shook his head.
Shalashaska walked back down to the lower level and then into the underground entrance to the secret makeshift base, twirling one of his signature AAS pistols. Sergeant Tuks was waiting.

The Rebels would soon find out that Colonel Blaine Shalashaska was more than just an Alliance Colonel...

"This IS my signature."
June 30, 2008 11:59 pm #

Jaith walked through the halls until he reached the exterior, a group of troopers were rounding up prisoners. He walked over to them. "The commander does not want any prisoners." The troopers looked at each other for a moment. "Very well sir." the turned and lined the prisoners up against a wall. most were to shocked to resist, but Jaith saw a few storm troopers bash prisoners that tried to escape. A squad leader lined up his squad, and they raised their weapons.

One of the rebels ran forward screaming, he threw himself to the ground by the squad leaders feet, screaming something about his family. The squad leader pulled his sidearm, and shot the man in the face. at this the squad opened fire, mowing down the prisoners. A shot came from the crowd of civilians that had gathered around them, grazing Jaith's helmet, but causing his head to snap back with the force. The stormtroopers turned on the crowd, opening fire, mowing them down. Jaith pulled himself from the ground and watched as the civilians were slaughtered.  A man ran at a stormtrooper and tackled him, wrestling the thermal detonator from his back. he held it high, searching for the activator. Jaith shot him dead. It only took a few minuets, most of the crowd was dead, others had escaped. Jaith looked to see if he might spot the gunman responsible for this, but he couldn't tell the bodies apart.He dusted off his armor and set off to report.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
July 1, 2008 12:27 am #

Gemma was amazed that she and Griffin had made it through the underground without being pursued. It seemed that the Imperials had been focussed on beta squad and the unfortunate few of her own that had been taken down.

“I just got a report, Sergeant Taim’s squad are in. They’ve divided into pairs to search for the plans.” Gemma informed Colonel Shalashaska.

He nodded in response, “Can’t they just tap an outlet and download the info?”

Gemma shook her head, “Their R2 unit got fried in one of Dodger’s explosions.”

“Damn, we need to get another R2 unit in STAT!” the Colonel told as he watched the slaughter below.

Gemma looked to Griffin, “I guess we could go in. Dodger is already planting more detonators as we speak.”

“You mean that psycho isn’t dead yet?” the Colonel said with amazement.

“Hell no,” Gemma grinned. “Let’s get ourselves a droid Griffin, we got to move out.”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 1, 2008 12:30 am #

‘Ghost’ watched the massacre with disdain.  Such crude methods.  The prisoners could have been interrogated before execution, and killing them on the city street will only insight further unrest.  More mess for me to clean up.

Reviewing the battle in the corner of his HUD’s display as captured in his helmet’s holorecorder, he studied the feed and tried to determine who the Rebel leader had been, and if he had escaped.  So far, from the time he’d joined the battle, he’d not seen a clear ‘leader’ figure.  Making a point to look at everything he’d not been focused on at the time, he stopped to watch again the beautiful shot he’d made on the Rebel……..only a corporal? pity, who had been trying to hide behind the wrecked speeder. 


Replaying the vid, 57’ could see the man talking, and looking and someone else who was behind the speeder. 

Reporting in are you?  But to who…

Shortly after ‘Ghost’s’ shot, and then Davik’s amputation of the dead trooper’s foot after it sprang lifelessly into view, 57’ saw the…….sergeant?  And a female at that, spring to her feet while waving to the others to fall back. 

Case closed then…sadly he thought as he watched her run toward the dropship.  You were cooked with…  Suddenly she vanished from view, grabbed by someone out of Ghost’s field of view.  Replaying the scene several times as he repositioned himself to see the street below, he could see exactly where she vanished.  Fastforwarding the feed several times, she never returned into view.

Maybe you are still out there…

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
July 1, 2008 1:20 am #

Gemma and Griffin obtained R2-D8, his outer plating had seen better days but the silver and red droid was functional enough. Gemma was embarrassed by her earlier stuff up. She had been intent on using the interbuilding passageways to go underground and infiltrate the Imperial building. Somehow though she'd managed to get to the roof and found Colonel Shalashaska. But things had worked out.

Gemma lead the small party through the levels of the building, certain that at anytime they’d come across a squad of stormtroopers wanting to slice and dice them. But so far so good, with the explosions outside most of the building’s inhabitants had either stayed inside or had already evacuated.

As they made it to the fourth floor Gemma froze, she heard the distinctive sound of blaster fire. “Stay here,” she instructed the droid and the Corporal as she edged forward to scope out what was going on below.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
July 1, 2008 2:31 am (Edited July 1, 2008 02:38 am) #

'Ghost' jogged past the smashed up speederbike.  He looked down at the mass of blood that was still drying where the Rebel corporal has lost his life.  Pulling his disrupter pistol from it’s holster as he entered the narrow allyway, he carefully yet quickly made his way to the end.  Peeking around the corner, it simply led to another street on the next block.  Starting down the narrow path, disrupter darting from one suspect window to the next, he noticed one of the back doors that opened to the ally was an apartment building he was familiar with.  Couple fine dates ended there… he thought with a grin. 

Easing up to the back door, he tried the latch, and found it locked.  He was about to move on when he noticed the access panel, and the blood colored smudges on the numbers…they were still drying.

The memory of the Rebel corporal’s headshot came back to mind.  At that range our brave Rebel sergeant would have got her friend all over her…maybe. 

’57 kicked the door open, disrupter pistol firmly in his both hands.  The once fine but aging apartment building seemed totally deserted.  Checking all possible cover spots, he lowered his weapon and began to scan the room.

He scanned ever access panel, every doorway, and every likely spot for a bloody foot print or hand mark.


She’s long gone by now..

Before he could holster his blaster, however, he made out the faint sound of blaster fire from over head.  Switching his com to the Imperial military broadband, chatter from a squad of stormtroopers filled his ear.

”We're on the fourth floor, REPEAT, the FOUTH FLOOR!!!  The turbolift is NOT operating!!!  Send backup NOW!!!!” rang in his head as he rushed up the stairway…

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
July 1, 2008 2:45 am #

Gemma made her way towards the commotion and saw that a drunk Rodian had decided to open fire on the Stormtroopers. He was shouting something about them stealing his death sticks when his back was turned.

Gemma shifted back and felt the cold metal dome of R2-D8’s head bump into her butt. “I told you to say back,” she hissed in a whisper.

The droid let out a trill of beeps in response.

“I don’t care if Griffin went back to warn the Colonel, you should have stayed with him.” Gemma growled quietly.

Again the droid beeped a series of notes then trundled off from where it had come.

“Stupid droid,” Gemma said as she turned her attention back to the chaos and noticed that a new comer had moved onto the fourth floor.

Gemma shrank back into the alcove from where she’d been snooping from. She held her breath as she heard the new trooper stalking after the others. As Gemma finally moved she saw a smudge of blood on the wall from where she’d been leaning. She inwardly cursed but didn’t dare remove her armour.

At that moment Gemma’s com chimed, she reluctantly answered and heard Dodge’s voice, “Brace yourself,” he said simply.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...

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