I have found a email provider....www.everyone.net.....
Topic: E-mail providers
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
11 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestOk. For what? You didn't have an email before?
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
clearly you have an email if you're on this forum.

I maen for the site! Jez.. you know so the members can have a adress here. (so-in-so@bobafett.com)
They tried that at one point, I don't think it caught on well. It was also weird and hard to use from what I can remember. Course I don't really remember it much at all, really. I just know I never used it much.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music

As Miba mentioned, yes, we had a webmail service provide this for us for several years before they went out of business. It was fairly popular and, from our perspective, fairly easy to use.
We may consider using Google's Gmail (called Google Apps) for the BFFC Elite, as a token of our appreciation (and trust) to have e-mail care of us. Google provides this feature for free for anyone with a domain name (i.e. bobafett.com). And they won't be going out of business (or charging) anytime soon.
Oooh. I'm sorry. I didn't know they went out of business. When the email stopped I had assumed it was cause no one liked it. I was wrong.
As for ease of use, it might have just been me. I've only ever used yahoo, and that for almost ten years now, so I guess anything else would be, to me, harder, because it's not what I'm used to.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I use a few different providers including 3 yahoo accounts, a GMail account, a Hotmail account and an MSN live account. Not to mention my Myspace, Facebook, Blogspot, and BFFC accounts.
Ive just opened an account on Meebo.com...
If you'd like to chat with me on MSN add me @ Virulent_messiah @hotmail.com
sounds like we just need to type in 'Virulent_messiah @ Anything' and we'll find you :P
Karson Fett wrote:so-in-so@bobafett.com
As Miba mentioned, yes, we had a webmail service provide this for us for several years before they went out of business. It was fairly popular and, from our perspective, fairly easy to use.
We may consider using Google's Gmail (called Google Apps) for the BFFC Elite, as a token of our appreciation (and trust) to have e-mail care of us. Google provides this feature for free for anyone with a domain name (i.e. bobafett.com). And they won't be going out of business (or charging) anytime soon.
BFFC Elite?
I have way to many email adresses to list :P
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
oh gosh, I think half the email accounts I have now were created cause someone I know wanted to talk to me on them ;) :P anyhow, I have pretty much all the same accounts that V_M does, including gmail. I don't know how often I would use this feature but it would be interesting.