Topic: A Finland Alien Invasion war - RPG

Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.

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Topic #2631
June 13, 2008 9:06 am (Edited June 13, 2008 09:07 am) #

This is an RPG,made by me and Green.

Alien Invasion war in future. ;)

We're fighting against Aliens in Finland.

We are soldiers:

Aliens have ufos:

We have tanks and fighter aircrafts

Green,make RPG's rules and prologue.I'm not good at it. :|

[i]In my book, experience outranks everything...[/i]
June 13, 2008 9:32 am (Edited June 14, 2008 09:51 am) #

Name: Erik S'all Undintresseen
Age: 34
Power: 44
WOC: Battle Assault rifle
Armour: Khaki, with camouflage extra's ( 100% )
Weapon(s): Battle Assault rifle, 6 grenades, knife, tank, armour, pistol and Bazooka ( 5 shots )
2nd WOC: Intelligence and Speed.
Friends: Matt Sloan, His Bazooka and tank. ;)
Intelligence: 70
Speed: 23
Defense: 10
Boots: Black with stun bombs attached incase he wants to throw them at his enemies for emergencies.
Attack Bonus: 6
Nationality: Finnish

Erik was sweating. He was behind a smouldering car that had been destroyed in the impact of a loose energy grenade from an alien.

He saw an alien coming towards him and he shot it. It screamed and fell over, dead. Erik saw another that fired it's laser pistol at him. He dodged it and fired it four times in the head. It, like the other one, screamed and fell over...........

( by the way, I'll explain the rules to you now... ;) :) )

( You are a soldier, Seargant, Commando or Lietenant in the war against the alien's. You can choose and make your own character if you like. You can own either a tank, attack helicopter or a Submarine docked outside the harbour near the fighting if you want. No killing each other's character. You will die unless you get medical help or sustained mortal injury. Oh and btw, HAVE FUN!!! :D :D :D :P :) :D ;) )
Erik took cover behind some sandbags that were propped up on a wall type stand.

Three shots of laser flew over his head...

Erik reloaded his Battle Assault rifle..........................

You're foolish words can never hurt me
June 13, 2008 12:19 pm #

Name:Matt Sloan
Weapons:M82 Sniper,MP5,Grenades,M6D pistol,Knife
Armour:Assault body armor 55%
2nd WOC:Speed,Technology
Friend(s) Erik S'all Undintresseen
Boots:Adidas Superstars II(black)
Attack bonus: 1

Matt saw Erik,and ran to him.

Matt reloaded his MP5.

Suddenly they were beleaguered by couple of aliens.

"Watch out!!!" Erik shouted.

"What?" Matt asked

Then a big alien threw his sword.
Matt dodged and picked his M82 and shot the big alien.

"Head shot!" Matt shouted.
Then Matt and Erik picked their rifles and shot every alien.

They walked along the road until 3 UFOs came to their way.

UFOs opened their fire...

[i]In my book, experience outranks everything...[/i]
June 13, 2008 11:18 pm #

The UFO's opened fire immediatedly! Ten's of laser shot at them! Erik grabbed Matt and pulled him under a truck. It was a dangerous thing to do because of little spacing, but also because the alien's might destroy the truck. Laser vibrated off the truck. Erik re-considered. They had underestimated his and Matt's power.

He grabbed Matt out of the truck and himself then they both ducked under the sandbag's. There were about 38 still-able Soldier's firing against the alien forces and the big alien's. ( -F3TT-, by the way, this isn't Halo. ;) :P )

Matt threw a grenade and it stuck to the UFO, it shuddered, but continued firing. Erik smirked. It was time for him to try out his new toy........

He grabbed his Bazooka and loaded a rocket-propelled grenade into it..............

You're foolish words can never hurt me
June 14, 2008 7:55 am #

Erik shot down one UFO. Other UFOs landed.UFO's door opened...

[i]In my book, experience outranks everything...[/i]
June 14, 2008 9:58 am #

Erik shot down a UFO. It crashed into the other's and burst into shrapnel and flame.

The Door opened.

A bright burst of green energy pulsed towards a Marine. He screamed and fell over.....

Another two hit their target's. Two other Marines fell over, dead.

Five Grey Alien's came out, zapping their laser pistols. Erik had had enough! No way were those B******* getting the better of him, Matt and the other Marines........

He hurled a fragmentation grenade at them. four of them, coughed and fell over, dead.

One kept shooting at the Marines.

He hurled another frag grenade at it. The alien screamed and fell over, dead.

But at what cost? 6 of his Marines were already dead.............

You're foolish words can never hurt me
June 15, 2008 12:31 am #

"Let's leave this place,Erik,we must leave,Aliens are chasing us!" Matt said.

They went to their base.

"Look!" Erik said.

"What the ****!" Matt shouted.

There were hundreds of bodies...

[i]In my book, experience outranks everything...[/i]
June 15, 2008 1:11 am #

The bodies........... All in his base, there were loads of tens of bodie's scattered everywhere...

" S***! " shouted Erik.

He went over to a body.

He looked at the Marines face.

It wasn't there.........

Where it should've been, there was a clean slit of smooth skin. Nothing.

Erik cursed in Finnish and put the body down.

" The Bodie's have no face. " Erik spoke rapidly in Finnish

" What do we do now? " Matt said?

" It's just you and me now, friend. " Erik said.

( All of this is in English, but is actually spoke in Finnish. These bodie's were near the base. If you want to join in, you now have to be from a different base... :) )

They headed towards the harbour to check for bodie's..................

You're foolish words can never hurt me
June 15, 2008 1:42 am (Edited June 15, 2008 01:43 am) #

"I think we must to get some help,and fast!" Matt said.

"Let's go check inside of the base" Erik submits.

"It's ok.We must to find our team members.Hopefully,they're not dead." Matt said.

Erik and Matt walked towards their base...

"Door is locked!" Matt said.

"We have to find another way in." Erik said.

[i]In my book, experience outranks everything...[/i]
June 15, 2008 5:58 am #

(Can I be myself?? :P :) =D )

June 15, 2008 9:03 am (Edited June 16, 2008 07:47 am) #

( can be called Saska, you're real name, but not " The Fox " . That would be a bit,........strange. :P )

Erik and Matt walked towards the bases's end. It was locked too!

Erik cursed again. He didn't like doing it, but this was a stressful day being a soldier. Matt must've been the same.......

Erik had an idea!

He jumped onto a few stacked crates onto a platform and helped Matt up....

They went onto the metallic platform on it and walked towards the middle. Erik pulled out a frag grenade and threw it onto the roof of the base............


Shrapnel and metal came flying out and crashed below.

Erik smiled.

There was now a hole in it.

He beckoned to Matt and they jumped onto the roof of the base and jumped in.....

They loaded their Weapons.....................

You're foolish words can never hurt me
June 15, 2008 11:49 am #

There was hundreds of bodies too.

Matt saw an alien,running towards the door.

Alien shot some poison to bodies,and then,bodies rised up...They were alive now.

"Zombies!!!!" Matt shouted.

"No problem,dude,let's blow them up!" Erik said,and pulled his bazooka.


"No problem,huh?Room is on fire!" Matt shouted.

"We have to kill that alien,before he creates more Zombies!" Erik shouted.

"But where is it?" Matt asked.

"Oh...There!!" Erik shouted.

Alien jumped out of a window.

"Let's get him!"

Erik blowned the locked door,and Matt and Erik ran after alien. They're trying to catch the Alien...

[i]In my book, experience outranks everything...[/i]
June 16, 2008 1:58 am #
Masterchief wrote:

( can be called Saskus, you're real name, but not " The Fox " . That would be a bit,........strange. )

(My real name isn't Saskus, it's Saska... But so what? Oh, and I desided that I am not myself :P =D )

Name: Eero Kallio
Age: 23
Power: 32
Weapons: AK-47, grenades, knife, revolver
Armor: Assault armor 49%
Friends: None
Speed: 30
Defense: 7
Boots: Assault boots
Attack bonus: 4
Nationality: Finnish

Eero jumped out from his UFO defense tank... just in the right time when he has jumped the tank blowned up. Eero took his revolver and shot an alien in front of him. He runned in to the tank base...

June 16, 2008 7:43 am #

Erik pulled his knife from it's holster at his hip, then he threw it at the alien. It squaked and fell over, dead.

The Zombie's came running towards Erik and Matt.
These were the army one's that he'd created earlier, thought Erik.

Erik and Matt saw a Marine, still able and alive running towards them.

He shouted " Duck!!! " just as a huge ball of flame erupted over there heads.....

They got up again and fired their weapons at the Zombie Marines.......

You're foolish words can never hurt me
June 16, 2008 7:56 am #

Zombies fell over,dead after a big battle.

"I think we got em'." Matt said.

"I don't think so..." Erik said.

[i]In my book, experience outranks everything...[/i]
June 16, 2008 8:02 am #

More Zombies came with long silvery green metallic swords that were seratted.....

" ARGGGHHH!!! " came a voice over the voice-com.

" It was an unfortunate Marine.... " Erik said sadly.

Then he got angry and fired his Battle Assault rifle  at three zombies nearby......

They continued firing....................................

You're foolish words can never hurt me
June 16, 2008 8:32 am #

Suddenly one Zombie picked up blaster and started firing Erik and Matt...And others attacked with swords.

Matt shot one Zombie and picked up Zombie's sword,then he threw it to other Zombies head...

[i]In my book, experience outranks everything...[/i]
June 16, 2008 8:37 am #

After a surprisingly , 30 minutes, the Zombies decreased and died......

" Let's go and get into your Attack helicopter, Matt. We'll land at the other side of the island there......."

He pointed to it.......

They got into his helicopter and took Eero with them...........

You're foolish words can never hurt me
June 17, 2008 5:27 am #

Eero took the helicopters machine gun and started firing aliens. He killed four of them but then the helicopter rised too up for shotting. Suddenly, Eero couldn't breathe anymore. He felt how he losed his awareness...

June 17, 2008 7:21 am (Edited June 17, 2008 07:22 am) #

Suddenly,helicopter crashed to a giant rock.Erik,Matt and Eero were alright.

"Now,we're in the middle of the island..." Matt said.

"And our second base is in the other side of the island..." Erik said.

"Are you alright,Ee...what the ****!" Matt said.

"He's blackout!" Erik shotued. (or is it blackouted?) :P (I dunno...)

After 1 hour,Eero woke up...

"I'm ok..." Eero said.

[i]In my book, experience outranks everything...[/i]
June 17, 2008 7:29 am #

(Quite a long time to wait, one hour!! =D )

They started to wander around the island. They were happy that everybody was alright. They saw a few of explosed cliffs. When they had wandered two and half hours they became to the base. They went in and saw hundreds of bodies.
"NO!!" Matt shouted.
"I can't believe it", said Eero.
"N-not this base too..." said Erik...

June 17, 2008 7:42 am #

( Ummmm, can this be the last base that was empty? I want other people joining here, and I don't want all the Marines dead.... ;) :P Thanks! :D )

After a day, they got back into the helicopter and flew towards the Base near the harbour, half-a-mile away..........

They saw Marines fighting UFO's and alien's. Screams were heard! " hurry! " Erik said. " Land the heli, there at that junction..........."

You're foolish words can never hurt me
June 17, 2008 7:48 am #

The helicopter was landed a few minutes ago and Erik, Matt and Eero had saved this base.
"That was easy", said Eero.
"Don't say ye..." said Erik and at the same time wall explosed behind them...

June 17, 2008 12:09 pm #

Army of Alien marines loaded they're weapons...

"Well..." Matt said.

"Run to the door!"

They ran to the door.

Aliens opened their fire.

"I-It's locked!"

Then a bazooka alien tried to shoot Eero.Eero dodged,and bullet hit to the door.


Door blasted.

Matt threw a grenade in the middle of Aliens.


Part of them we're dead...Erik,Eero and Matt ran to the base's dining room...

[i]In my book, experience outranks everything...[/i]
June 18, 2008 8:06 am #

The Dining room was rather quiant. And had lots of posh food, chandileiers and French waiters there. An opera was playing in a stereo player.........

" Ummm, sorry. " Erik said, as about 100 eyes looked at him.....

He closed the door.......

" Damn! " He said, punching the air....... " I made a fool of myself there........."

They were having a meal, loads of people from all over the world.

They found another exit on a factory ramp and opened it.

Aliens turned round and loaded their laser pistols and rifle's...........

You're foolish words can never hurt me
June 19, 2008 3:36 am #

But aliens didn't open the fire. They just walked around Matt, Erik and Eero. Suddenly, aliens commander opened his mouth and said:
"Surrender! You have no way to escape!"
"Where will you take us?" Matt asked.
"You - and all other humans - will be our slaves on Pluto!" replied the commander.
"We will not accept that!" said Erik when Eero opened fire. Few aliens died and they ran to a helicopter. Matt shouted to Eero: "Cover the takeoff!"
Eero loaded a chaingun and shot.
"Headshot!" Erik shouted. Eero watched there and saw how the aliencommander went down. But the aliens were angry. They opened fire...

June 19, 2008 7:34 am #

The helcopter took off then a few aliens shouted at marines, to get into UFO's.......

After an hour, Matt, Erik and Eero settled. Then a huge bright beam of pure plasma shot out! It hit the tail-fin and burst into flames! THE UFO'S!

" Damn it! " Erik cursed. Now he didn't care if he swore. He was really angry now!

" Get to the gun turret! " Matt Ordered.

Eero went to it and opened fire...........

A few UFO's went down.....

Still, they were too.......

They toppled into the front window because the helicopter was tilting.......



they all screamed, as they shot into a volcano's side and crashed into it!

They all lost consiesness.......

You're foolish words can never hurt me
June 20, 2008 2:16 am #

Remember,helicopter was broken.

Well,nevermind,but The Fox,read all posts please. ;) Helicopter crashed.They didn't fix it.

There's no volcanos in Finland.Well nevermind.

After 30 minutes,they woke up.

"What do we do now?" Matt asked.

"Ya,we don't have helicopter anymore..." Erik wondered.

"We need to find a transport!" Eero shouted.

[i]In my book, experience outranks everything...[/i]
June 20, 2008 7:46 am #

( Fine then, a small mountain ;) )

They disem-barked and loaded their weapons.

Erik put his Machine back in the Helicopter and a few boxes of ammo.

" What are you doing? " Eero asked.

" I'm putting a weapon back in case we run out of weapons. " Erik replied.

He pulled out his bazooka and loaded 3 more shots into it. Perfect! he thought. 8 shots! It was full!

They trudged up the small mountain side.............

ZaP! zAp! PoW! pOw! ZAP!

Aliens came and fired their laser weapons.....................

" S***! " cursed Matt.......................................................................

You're foolish words can never hurt me

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