We need to get some more old ones in here like me...haha
Topic: How old are you?
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
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LOL FettFan, I am not old but I am for this site ;) (Well I prefer wise ;) )
I am 32 :D
I forgot to say, Happy birthday Sev :D I hope you had a funky day :D
Ah thanks Devil Girl. Just a little late. :P
Happy Birthday Fett_II! :D
Happy B'day Fett_II! :D
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Happy birthday, Fett_II !! Hope its lots of fun!
--Captain Dynamic--
Hope you have a good day, Fett II
Good day to you Fett II.
Happy B-day! I just turned 17 last weekend.
Happy BDay MM
You're welcome Sev :D
Happy birthday Fett_II :D I hope you had a funky day :D
I'll be 29 years old on July 30th...
i'm gonna go take a nap now...:(
Still young V_M! Don't let anyone tell you other wise. Congrats!
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Happy Birthday VM, hey you're not the big three oh just yet :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Happy Early Birthday, alor. I'm 16 just a few days before that.
--Captain Dynamic--
Thanx guys...happy early bday to u 2...WV
I just turned 15 this past April...not much more for me to add really...
...If that is directed at me Thanks draco!
Happy belated birthdays to VM, WV and Mandogirl :D Ihope you all had funky birthdays :D
Not quite belated for me or VM.....not yet.
--Captain Dynamic--
Oops sorry, LOL am am getting tired now (well that is my excuse ;) )
I hope you both have a funky birthday then :D
Happy b-day guys!
I will be 30 at the end of summer and am starting to feel the wear and tear of living a little harder that I should, I also hate that my runs are slowing down and the weight is starting to pile on, one ounce at time. I know it is part of the aging process, but it still is less than fun.
To quote Toby Keith, “I ain’t as good as I once was, but I good once, as I ever wasâ€Â.
To getting older
I'm glad I have a some years before knowing what you're talking about yet :P :D
Last time I had posted in this topic I was 15!:P
Now I'm 17. :D
22nd April, i can't wait till I turn 18. :)
Time flies. I just remember turning 18, and now look at me. A supposedly "resposible" adult of 24. Enjoy it. Don't force your self to get older to fast. The years they come with or without your help. (Thats for all you youngins)
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Not sure if Ive posted here...well anyway, Im 15. Going on 16 this Feb.
Time flies. I just remember turning 18, and now look at me. A supposedly "resposible" adult of 24. Enjoy it. Don't force your self to get older to fast. The years they come with or without your help. (Thats for all you youngins)
24..that doesn't seem too bad.Does it?
LOL well I'm 27 so I wouldn't worry too much :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Happy birthday Darth Maul Clone :D
I am 33 today :D
Here is my birthday Boba picture :D
Nice picture and happy birthday!
Happy Birthday guys! I don't think 24, 33, or 27 is all that old anyway! Its not years, but the miles. Or mind set for that matter.
My birthday was in May, and I turned 17!
Happy birthday Darth Maul Clone :D
I am 33 today :D
Here is my birthday Boba picture :D
Happy Birthday!!! :D :D :D
Happy Birthday to all I missed! :)
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Happy B-DAY vode! I think 33 isn't old at all. Im on my way :P
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Thank you very much F3tt, Draco, Mirta, Darth Maul Clone, Miba and Si titran :D
I also do not think 33 is old :D (I do not feel old anyway)
LOL I was in the library and I asked if I could take a picture with Boba Fett there. She phoned up to ask about it and she said this on the phone 'there's a girl who wants to take a picture for a school project' LOL I thought that was class (I do not know where she got school project from as I told her it was for an internet project) but it did make me smile.
Happy birthday!!! sorry its a little late...hopefully this will make up for it a little bit :) (yea it's 3 years short, but there was no 33 I could find ;))
A late Happy Birthday to all of you!
I will be turning the dreaded 30 in September, but I still feel like I'm 18.
I'm 37 , sliding rapidly into 38.
Me too, fun isn't it!
[url=http://www.bobafettfanclub.com/multimedia/galleries/thumbnails.php?album=lastupby&uid=1624]My Fan Art[/url]
Happy Birthday Glopino!
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
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