What is the favorite Star Wars thing that you own? Mine is probably my Boba Fett 12 inch figure.
Topic: Favorite Star Wars thing you own?
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
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mine is my Jango fett slave 1, Jango fett 12 inch, and my figure's and ships. ooo cant forget my lego Ebon Hawk(Big and small)

mine is my Jango fett slave 1, Jango fett 12 inch, and my figure's and ships. ooo cant forget my lego Ebon Hawk(Big and small)
Nice, the Slave 1... I wanted to get one of those, but I never did... :( Interesting, a Lego Ebon Hawk... Sounds cool. :)
Mine is my life-size Boba Fett standee.
mine is perhaps my VOTC Boba Fett, and my 88 strong clone army
.... YOU HAVE A CLONE ARMY????? Me want... Me want BAD!!!!
*clears throat*
My most favorite piece of Star Wars merchandise is Hard Contact...
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
yeah, they hard to get. it has taken a long, long time to collect and ends up depleting my wages alot lol.
ARC Fett wrote:mine is my Jango fett slave 1, Jango fett 12 inch, and my figure's and ships. ooo cant forget my lego Ebon Hawk(Big and small)
Nice, the Slave 1... I wanted to get one of those, but I never did... :( Interesting, a Lego Ebon Hawk... Sounds cool. :)
Yes the Ebon Hawk is cool, I built it! MAN that thing was a pain in the butt!
Its pretty cool its big too, we also have a little T3-M4 unit to go with it.
Its not the right color though, (Assorted colors for lego bin). But it has a ramp too
Fun Fun Fun
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
I really don't own much Star Wars merchandise, and the stuff that I do have is pretty small, like T-Shirts... 'cause to be honest, I think some of the stuff is a waste of money. :P I guess my favorite thing is my Boba Fett hoodie. It's was 50 freakin' bucks from Hot Topic. But I where it every night 'cause it's so big & comfy. ;)
Where's my post??? I know I posted here.... and now it's gone?
Anyway, I said I'm not sure what my favorite SW thing is cause almost my entire collection is in crates at my mom's house cause I don't have the room here to display it. But I do have a 1979 Boba action figure. It's loose though, but it's still in good condition.
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It's a toss up between the Boba Fett bust with barbie hair wookie pelts, and the Mandaloran T-Shirts I have from e-Bay. One is olive drab with the Fett clan symbol embalzoned center mass. THe other is black with a huge skull on the back, and bounty hunter in small letters on the right upper corner. Yes, I am lame. I live in monkey suits all day, so I LOVE my T-shirts to death.

It's a toss up between the Boba Fett bust with barbie hair wookie pelts, and the Mandaloran T-Shirts I have from e-Bay. One is olive drab with the Fett clan symbol embalzoned center mass. THe other is black with a huge skull on the back, and bounty hunter in small letters on the right upper corner. Yes, I am lame. I live in monkey suits all day, so I LOVE my T-shirts to death.
Those T-shirts sound pretty cool. I need some like those, or maby a Boba Fett hat or something...
I guess my favorite thing is my Boba Fett hoodie.
I'm still waiting to see if the local Hot Topic will put it in the clearance aisle (I can't believe they've held out this long). But lately I've been tempted to give in and just buy it. Do you think it was worth the money? I mean, have you regretted it?
BFFC Moderator
What is the favorite Star Wars thing that you own? Mine is probably my Boba Fett 12 inch figure.
Mine would have to be my 6ft Boba :D
Manji_Ninja wrote:I guess my favorite thing is my Boba Fett hoodie.
I'm still waiting to see if the local Hot Topic will put it in the clearance aisle (I can't believe they've held out this long). But lately I've been tempted to give in and just buy it. Do you think it was worth the money? I mean, have you regretted it?
Nah, not really. I mean, I got a size small, and it's freakin' huge on me (But then again I'm rather thin), so I really don't like to wear it to school because it's a pain to carry around. But like I said, I wear it everynight to bed over my pajamas, 'cause it's so soft & comfy, lol, In fact I'm wearing it right now. Not to mention, it says 'Capture by Design, Kill by Necessity' on the back, and you will probably be asked alot of random questions about that if you wear at school. People usually ask me if it's some bands logo, but I'm like, 'no, it's Boba Fett from Star Wars!' :D And then they walk away slowly and give me a strange looks like I'm a major dork. Well, that only happened once. ;)
I want to get a Fett hoodie, it sounds pretty cool
What's a "hoodie"? Here in New England we call everything by a different name from everybody else. Soda vs. tonic vs. pop; subs vs. grinders vs. heroes vs. gyros, etc.
I think hoodie is a sweatshirt that has a hood on it. I'd never heard of the word before someone posted a link to the Boba one a while back on the old boards.
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What's a "hoodie"? Here in New England we call everything by a different name from everybody else. Soda vs. tonic vs. pop; subs vs. grinders vs. heroes vs. gyros, etc.
I think a hoodie is a long sleeve shirt with a hood.
Here's the first thing that came up on Google, but it is a good example nonetheless:
Oh sorry, I was googling while I was posting... I hadn't recognized you had already posted Miba...
Nah, we posted at the exact same minute, see? :)
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music

Nah, we posted at the exact same minute, see? :)
Ah, I see. I didn't notice that...
Either shadows of the empire for the 64, or the Boba Fett figure i found that came with an action figure case
it still annoys me that was the only way to get a Fett figure, all walmart had, i should have tried ebay instead
(BFFC Moderator)
Does the Boba Fett tattoo on my arm count? afterall i can't sell it and no one could take it from me. And for those of us who know, there is an immediate understanding and connection as soon as you see it
The pride of my collection would have to be...my Classic Action TIE Pilot helmet.
They're worth a few hundred $$, but I got it for less than a hundred.
Though, when I think back on it... there are 2 other items that mean a LOT to me.
First, my POTF2 orange-card Boba Fett figure (http://www.bobafettfanclub.com/bounty/toys/potf2-orange.jpg).
I spent a VERY long time trying to find this figure. Checking all stores, and even calling the Star Wars fanclub on a weekly basis to see if they had any in stock (they never did).
In fact, a couple times I even had dreams where I had found the figure in a store.
Then, I got it one year for Easter.
2 days later, I found it in Toys R' Us, and again in a small comic book/toy store. Hahaha.
Second...my very first Star Wars toy. POTF2 Luke Skywalker in Stormtrooper disquise. Picked it up in a Kash n' Karry.
I love my Boba Unleashed figure. It may not be worth anything, but it's just too cool looking.
BFFC Moderator

I love my Boba Unleashed figure. It may not be worth anything, but it's just too cool looking.
Yeah, that is awesome. I really wanted one, but unfortnately never got it... :(
I forget if I got it or not. o_0 But I know I have the kid-Boba/Jango Kamino one.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music

I forget if I got it or not. o_0 But I know I have the kid-Boba/Jango Kamino one.
Oh yeah, that one is cool as well. Not as cool as the Boba one, but still cool. :)
Grrrr, I got that one too! All I wanted was the awesome Boba figure, but my brother got me the crummy Jango for my birthday instead.
The only thing I ever did with that figure was make a very interesting Christmas tree ornament out of young Boba...
-Captian Murphy
Yeah, I agree, the Boba one's much better!
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Yeah, I love my unleashed Boba. Its my only Star Wars things on display (aside from my Cantina glass).

Yeah, I love my unleashed Boba. Its my only Star Wars things on display (aside from my Cantina glass).
Cantina glass? You mean like a cup? That sounds pretty cool...
i quite like the Jango one, not as good as the Boba one tho. In fact no where near as good
Cantina glass? You mean like a cup? That sounds pretty cool...
Its a beer glass similar to the one pictured here:
Except it has a little pic of the Mos Eisley cantina/starport area (kinda in a logo design), and says "Star Wars" in small blue letters at top of pic, and CANTINA across it.
It looks even nice when I've just filled it with some Colt 45. :)
i got a star wars bounty hunter game its really cool
Boba Fett OTC Figuriene and my Boba Fett pez dispenser x3
:] Whats up?
I like my 12 inch Jango Fett and my toy Slave I. Their cool toys.
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
I would have to say that I love my Model of a Star Destroyer that fell on me and my GF.
You have a boba fett hoodie?Instantly jealous.
It would either have to be my colection of Mando'a words,my bust,my skull bar light or my like my 5in. fig of Fett.An early model my mom had or somethin'.
Skull bar light? Where'd you get that that sounds cool!
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
My Boba Fett hoodie, easily. I even took a paint marker to the back of it to make the visor red (instead of crummy yellow...). ^_^ I wear that thing constantly.
Lol a Star Destroyer fell on you and your girlfriend 111? Same thing happened to me and my boyfriend. And the time before that it was an even bigger model of a B-12 bomber or some such thing...
My Boba Fett hoodie, easily. I even took a paint marker to the back of it to make the visor red (instead of crummy yellow...). ^_^ I wear that thing constantly.
Lol a Star Destroyer fell on you and your girlfriend 111? Same thing happened to me and my boyfriend. And the time before that it was an even bigger model of a B-12 bomber or some such thing...
Awesome! You have one too? ^_^ Yeah, the visor is a little orange-ish... that's a really good idea you had, maybe I'll do it as well.
Um, how does a Star Destroyer end up falling on you?? Do they hang from the ceiling or something?
Yeah. He's got a lot of models hanging up there by some fishing line, and one day we were snuggling and it just... went XD Quite funny, looking back on it. But the B-12 was so big it nearly killed me.
Yeah. He's got a lot of models hanging up there by some fishing line, and one day we were snuggling and it just... went XD Quite funny, looking back on it. But the B-12 was so big it nearly killed me.
Awaa I think it was a wee bit jealous xD.
:] Whats up?
my pit of carkoon boba and my (custom made) red commander cody action figures
This is my face.
My fav would be the Boba Fett print I have that's signed by both the artist and Jeremy. It says:
To Melinda,
"You're Next"
Jeremy Bulloch
"Boba Fett"
He was so nice too :D
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
my new fav thing is my scorch
"You're Next"? That sounds rather ominous....
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