Topic: RPG: Age of Skywalker

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Topic #2014

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April 29, 2008 2:00 pm #

Marcus came out of hyperspace only to meet battle. Flying to the planet's underside, he luckily made it onto the planet. Tracking where the signal came from, Marcus leaped out of Pulse and ran ASAP to the signal's location. As he ran through the jungle, the sounds of fighters coming around quickly increased. Activating the ComLink inside his helmet, Marcus began to speak.

"Captain Drakus, Starwind here at your request. Provide me with your coordinates before we are turned to scrap."

April 30, 2008 1:02 am (Edited April 30, 2008 01:23 am) #

Command Bunker: Sensor Terminal

The young Mando at the console took a deep breath as the enemy fleet dropped out of hyperspace over the planet’s day side as expected.  However, a deep chill ran down his back as he saw a second fleet appear on his scope on the night side.  Quickly activating his com, he nearly shouted into his helmet speaker. ”Commander Shysa!  The enemy has dropped out of hyperspace; but they have TWO fleets, one over Keldabe and another on the moonside among our assistance!  What are the support fleet’s orders??”

The commander was slower then usual in his response. 

“No change to the orders.  Send the reinforcing craft into the atmosphere to support Captain Drakus and to hit their drop ships.”

“Yes sir!  As you command!” replied the Mando.  Looking over to the communications officer, he got a knowing nod as he began to contact the fleet of waiting Mandos.

Slave I: Over Mandalore’s Darkside

Boba Fett was getting impatient with all this waiting.  As the enemy fleet appeared on his scope, he prepped his weapons and prepared to fight……..when his threat indicators went crazy.  A second fleet appeared just behind them, though they were still out of range. 

Boba wondered if this force of Mandos here on the dark side of the planet would be tasked with taking on the fleet.  There were several thousand Mandos waiting for orders here, most commanding highly modified and dangerous attack craft.  We could easily take on the fighters being launched by the Imperial fleet, perhaps even the Star Destroyers, though probably couldn’t do much damage to the SSD; just too big of a ship for mostly starfighters.

Many of the Mando craft were turning to face the new threat when a general com message was sent from the planet below.  ”To all waiting reinforcement craft.  Plan A is a go.  You are cleared to enter the airspace and provide covering fire for friendly ground forces.  I repeat…”

Boba kicked in his thrusters and jumped ahead of the other ships.  Many will die this day…. he thought as he approached the atmosphere.   

Mandalorian Command Center   

As the young Jedi Aliyah sat in the corner practicing what she called her ’Battle Meditation’, Solus stood behind the master gunner who was watching the targeting reticule on his console monitor.  “The largest ship is there on the right.  It’s slightly further, but I can hit it now that we’re clear of the planet” said the gunner.

“NO” Solus commanded.  “Aim for the Eclipse!  Take out that nose section where the superlaser’s directional guide is!  Without that, the laser will be finished!  After the weapon is down, turn you’re fire to the larger ship.”

“Yes sir!”

Turning back to his own station, Solus looked to the rest of the gun crews.  “Lets get our share of Phase Two going shall we?” 

The gun control crews nodded at the order, and began throwing switches.  All over their boards that were under the sectors threatened by the invading fleets, dull gray lights turned yellow as massive surface to ship cannons moved for the first time from their underground bunkers and into firing position.  As they each were loaded with their deadly shells, the lights turned blue.

“Wait for them to move in to pound the shields.  We’ll give them a sudden surprise…..” 

Hanger Level of the Underground Command Network

Fenn closed his eyes and sighed deeply.  Didn’t expect a second fleet………this makes things that much harder  With a deep breath, Fenn prayed the shield would hold.  Walking into the pilot’s locker rooms, Fenn and the best pilots took off their jet or other back carried packs put on specialized space packs.  Plugging into the oxygen tanks, they strode into the hanger, where the last known active Basilisks in the galaxy were being prepped for takeoff. 

The varying colors and designs of the craft concealed dozens of different weapon types.  Fenn watched as the others saddled up and prepared to takeoff.  Fenn’s Basilisk was the largest, and had an ancient Mandalorian prototype atomic compression projectile cannon, much like one that should be firing just about……..

Bridge of the Overlord’s Shadow

“ADMIRAL!” yelled one of the Shadow’s bridge crew.  “We’re reading a Major power reading from just above the planet’s atmosphere!  It appears to be an enemy space station or ship!”

Admiral Farr snapped his attention to the threat indicator.  “Why didn’t you detect it before??”

“It only just now began to give off such a power reading sir.  The energy levels are still rising.”

They’re charging a weapon……

No sooner had the thought accrued to him, the energy levels dropped dramatically, and a shell like projectile was launched from the craft, a blue trail following behind it.  The shell moved at high-speed strait for Lord Tho’un’s ship.  Closely watching, the projectiles surprising speed crossed the great space between the weapon and the ship amazingly quickly.  Watching very closely, the projectile struck the Eclipse Super Star Destroyer directly in it’s massive bow.  For a spick second there was nothing.  Then a spark of light before the transparisteel viewers all went black.

“What happened??” 

One of the system monitor crews looked up from the crew pit around the bridge.  “The viewers were deactivated due to an intense light for crew safety; they will clear in a moment sir.”

Looking back, the viewers flickered back to life, and Admiral Farr was aghast at what he saw.  The massive ship’s bow was ripped to shreds.  Looking to the threat indicator, he could see the mobile super weapon was now turning on his ship.   


The Super Basilisk War Droid Titan

The War Droid slowly turned, it’s thrusters under powered for such a large craft.  It’s massive fuselage WAS the gun; repulsorlift ‘wings on it’s sides and a ‘tail’ housing it’s enormous power generators.  Designed during the Mandalorian Wars to siege Coruscant or other high priority words, it had never left it’s hanger.  Kept in secret after Revan’s defeat and the years since, he had been kept as a last resort.  And that time had come.  The droid’s highly sophisticated targeting computers began leading ahead of the turning SSD just enough for a perfect shot to the giant craft’s rear quarter.  As the loading mechanisms completed moving another atomic compression shell into the chamber, the launch generator began to power up again the craft’s second shot in anger….   

Bridge of the Overlord’s Shadow

“SIR, IT’S POWERING FOR A SECOND SHOT!” yelled the sensor operator! 

“More power to the engines!” Farr commanded.  “I want the planet between us NOW!  And redirect all bombers against that thing!!!”

“Too late…….” muttered the ship’s second in command as the distant weapon’s platform flashed again and a blue streak came straight for them….


A second flash of light flashed, causing Starjammer’s helmet visor to black out for a moment to protect his eyes.  As his vision cleared, he could see a massive piece of the ship’s backside had been blown off.  Charred debris were everywhere, and the ship’s engines were totally dead. 

Closing in on the hanger nearest the bridge, Starjammer prepared himself for a warm welcome…..

Inside the Overlord’s Shadow’s Shuttle Bay

Shiv and Tanis were knocked around severely as a terrible shock-wave crashed threw the entire ship.  The shuttle they had been hiding in, an old Lambda class tri-wing, crashed from it’s landing struts over onto its side.   

Shiv grabbed for his friend.  “<Are you ok??>”

“Yeah” said Tanis as he shook off the affects of the blast.  “What in blazes happened?!?”

“<Perhaps the ship was rammed.  We need to get out of here!>”

“Yeah, lets go.”

Crawling out through the broken transparasteel viewer, they began looking for a flyable ship, but not much was left………

On the Mandalorian Battle Line North of Keldabe

A second flash of light brightened the Mandalorian jungle.  That CAN’T be lightning Ralin thought.  Turning back to his map with Jex, Ralin’s com unit clicked to lift in his ear. 

"Captain Drakus, Starwind here at your request. Provide me with your coordinates before we are turned to scrap."

Damn fool, he was to stay with the other craft on the planet’s darkside. We need every craft there…….but no matter.  We can use every Mando on the line as well.  “Look at the city square.  Your answer is there vod.”  Returning to his map, Ralin continued the placement of his squads.


Marcus was confused by the answer, but ran from the landing pad to the square as instructed.  The smell of burning fuel puzzled him until he reached the city center.  Writen in Mando’a in burning letters were the words ‘FACE US AS WARRIORS,’ and an arrow pointing toward the great mountain north of the city……

*I know, long post.  If anybody has any questions for their next post *or complaints* PM me.  The weapon being fired by the Super Basilisk looks something like this: but a lot bigger, and is powered but an energy blast much like a Mass Driver round.  It’s only purpose for the RP was to disable your superlaser A_A.  Tear into it as much as you like before it turns and gets your new SSD.  It’s slow and ponderous as hell, so it’s not hard to attack, and it’s defensive armament is light and outdated*

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
April 30, 2008 2:53 am #

Tealani had chosen to throw in her lot with a ground crew. There were some massive guns to operate but Tealani preferred assisting the perimeter guard. Chances were that most of the ensuing battle would take place in space but eventually if things turned to poodoo, there’d be a ground assault.

Tealani scratched the head of her felinx as she walked with a Mando she knew only as Resh. “What is that thing?” he asked nodding towards the felinx.

“This is Mez and she’s a felinx.” Tealani informed him.

“Doesn’t look very useful,” he replied with a touch of digust.

“Oh you’d be surprised, Mez has plenty of skills.” Tealani told as she heard the Mez start to purr.

“Well chances are we’ll take her up on that help,” Resh said as he looked up briefly at the sky.

(Hope that post is okay, still feeling my way a bit ;) )

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
April 30, 2008 9:55 am #

(( Great Post Alor.. I Just have a few questions for you in regards to Aliyah... just to let you know that I DO have a post very much almost done... its all in mind. I'll just ask you next time we're both on...THANKS! *sorry about last night* ))

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
April 30, 2008 10:58 am (Edited April 30, 2008 11:02 am) #


The blast was unexpected. The fact that there was a second blast even more so.

Looking at the Eclipse, I see that a massive piece of the ship’s backside has been blown off.  Charred debris floats everywhere, and the ship’s engines are scraps cooling in the void of space..

Had we not been accompanied by ysalimiri to block our force presences, the deaths would have stunned us.

There will be time to mourn later...

We move into formation with the Saarai-kaar at point, I am his wingman. I've flown many ships in my time, trained by my father. It feels strangely wonderful to fly at his side again. As planned, Mandalorian units move quickly to disable the Eclipse's main systems, using the surprise attacks to hit them while they're still in shock. With the Eclipse's engines down,  they move against the communications tower, life support, weapons turrets, and the Command Bridge. We are moving in to infiltrate and recover vital information in the ships main computer.

I land my fighter in the gaping hole created by the Mandalorian's superweapon and skid to a stop at an undamaged airlock. My armor, like that of all my Jensaarai allows me a short timeframe of exposure to vaccuum. That's all I need. I insert a datacard into the airlock's access panel and activate a temporary override that opens the lock. It contains a backdoor security code I'd installed into the system some time ago, in the event I had a disagreement with Overlord Skywalker over his exesses and needed to undermine his operation. I'd never considered the irony of that precaution until now.

We're in business...

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
April 30, 2008 2:52 pm #

The point defence lasers were delayed. This was purposeful. The mandalorian ships neared. As they reached optimum range the defence turrets opened up, firing a massive range of weaponry, missiles, lasers, even projectile weapons began to fire, ripping ships to shreds as they tried to pull up. The ship's main weapon may have been disabled, but it was far from useless. The Superlaser could not fire with full or even quarter force, even trying to fire it was risky, as there was a high chance it could explode and destroy the ship.

The mandalorian's superweapon was being intercepted by two star destroyers, there was another flash, and one of them exploded, its engines flickering as it began to slowly tumble towards the planet below. The city of Keldabe was now replaced by a giant smoke cloud visible from orbit, but the jungle was safe from the fire it seemed.  The first star destroyer reached its target, and began to fire, slowly dismantleing the superweapon.

(Anyone has a problem with any of this I can edit)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
April 30, 2008 2:58 pm #

Mandalore, Jungles

Jex calmy overviewed the battle in space with his helmets macrobinoculars, it was the bigest light show he'd ever seen. Jex soon realized that the battle would be taking place in space...not on the ground. Disgusted with himself for not being in the thick of things, Jex quickly brought up a holo map searching for the nearest hanger. Jex sprinted to it.

A few minutes later he arrived in the hanger. Seeing the door, Jex touched the control panel: it was locked. Pulling out his disrupter he fired at the door repeatedly intill he thought it was weak enough, Jex then shoulder charged the door, plowing it down, surprising a few techs.

"You could of knocked you know." Said one of them.

"Whatever, just prep a Basilisks. Im going up."

"I'm sorry, I cant let you do-"

"Ralins orders." Jex lied.

They hesitated.


Jex almost yelled. The techs scurried off to prep the ship.

A few minutes later Jex was strapped in and ready to go. The repulsers groaned as he headed for the hanger exit. Then with out bothering to get all the way out of the hanger, he hit the thrusters, sending him flying towards space.

"Ralin Drakus, Jex said into his comlink. This is Jex, I'm taking a Basilisk into space, there isint anything for me on the ground...Oh and if you have a problem with this: Tough."

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
April 30, 2008 10:02 pm #

*WTF Mandal??  You'd ditch your post on the battle line to take off on the rest of us??  on a Basilisk that doesn't exist............(Read my post, the ONLY KNOWN ACTIVE BASILISKS IN THE GALAXY just now FLEW AWAY WITH SHYSA.*

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
April 30, 2008 11:44 pm (Edited April 30, 2008 11:50 pm) #

Solus paced back and forth to the tech monitor stations, checking over the various data feeds for both the Basilisk and the Planetary Defense Net. Titan had just engaged and destroyed a Star Destroyer, but were unaware the limp ship was on a collision course for the capital city.
"Engage the second ship, decimal 05 degre-" Solus was cut off.
"Colonel! The Star Destroyer Demur is heading straight for Keldabe!"
"What?! Altitude?!"
"Eleven kilometers and closing."
"Osik! Fire all open batteries, we can't let it touch down in one piece!" Solus watched the primary targeting readout, the blue-gray stat monitor switching to a split multi-camera live feed, the ship was getting "You are authorized to engage with Type 07 Nucleonic shells."
"Yes sir." The Assistant Gunner selected the shell type and with the push of a button, the guns were ready.
"Open fire." He watched as the Master Gunner activated the target lock, and the Superguns let loose their destructive payload. The first 2 shells stuck Demur dead on, converting the solid durasteel bow into an literal explosion, tearing it apart at a molecular level. Smoke plumed from the ship as 4 more impacted the hull on the lower side, breaking up the bulk of it. Keldabe was showered with molten-hot durasteel fragments, and large chunks of the Destroyer's remains, crushing a large ammount of the lesser buildings surrounding the Hall of Warriors.
"Damage report?"
"None yet sir. Orders?"
"Wait until the planetary shield goes down, them pummel every ship in range."
"Yes sir. The Basilisk?"
Solus glanced over at the monitor again, the shields were going down. "Get it out of direct fire, then give 'em one up their shebs."

"This IS my signature."
May 1, 2008 4:55 am #


"Can we capture that?"

"Negative sir."

"Then blow the damned thing out of the sky. I want to see its broken hull littering the jungle."

"Yes sir! Vengance to Bloodlust, Judgement, and Resurector Target mandalorian assault craft, designated orbital target 001. Maximum firepower."

The three Star Destroyer's engines flared, sending them forward. They approached the Bassilisk from behind, and fired, quickly killing its engines. It slowly began to be pulled towards the planet, but the Star Destroyers were not finished. The continued attacking the ship, breaking it apart, and it too, slowly began to fall to the planet, broken.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
May 1, 2008 11:07 am #

((You said Basilisk's. Where the last know Basilisk's were kept. It plurral. So there was more than one. But if you have a problem with it I'll just change it to a regular ship. And the reason I left planet side was because nothings going on on the ground, everythings happening in space))

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
May 1, 2008 12:04 pm #
Ralin Drakus wrote:

*WTF Mandal??  You'd ditch your post on the battle line to take off on the rest of us??  on a Basilisk that doesn't exist............(Read my post, the ONLY KNOWN ACTIVE BASILISKS IN THE GALAXY just now FLEW AWAY WITH SHYSA.*

Deserter! Shoot 'im down!!!

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
May 1, 2008 2:14 pm #
Valthonin wrote:
Ralin Drakus wrote:

*WTF Mandal??  You'd ditch your post on the battle line to take off on the rest of us??  on a Basilisk that doesn't exist............(Read my post, the ONLY KNOWN ACTIVE BASILISKS IN THE GALAXY just now FLEW AWAY WITH SHYSA.*

Deserter! Shoot 'im down!!!

*LOL, yeah, thats an idea

@ Mandal; those Basilisks were in the underground command bunker probably hundreds if not thousands of miles away.  And on top of that, there were only a few, they ALL left with Fenn *sorry, should have made that clear in my post.*  If you want to take off, use one of the SuperCommando StarVipers; you probably have your own. 

And BTW, that would be in Keldabe, and the city is abandoned, so no 'techs' to get in your way

Ok, BACK TO THE RP!!!!!!  who's turn is it?*

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
May 1, 2008 7:22 pm #



Once the hatch opens, the Jensaarai enter the Imperial Order's Flagship. We part ways quickly, everyone tasked with the objective of disabling the fleets largest warship and all its critical systems.

In teams of two, my father and I move for the ship's Command Bridge. Knowing the ship well, I've given each team the shortest route to each of our target objectives. We move to strike fast and strike hard. It doesn't hurt that some of Fenn Shysa's Mandalorian Supercommandos have also just boarded to assist in neutralizing the crew.

We move towards the first junction point and just as I'd expected, the Shadow's emergency blast doors have dropped to seal the ship from this sections recent bout of explosive decompression. Standing in this secured section is a couple of squads of Peacekeeper troopers. They are surprised by our arrival.

The Saarai-kaar activates his deep purple lightsaber in a reverse grip, the eyes of his Akk-inspired helmet design reflecting the red emergency lights quite menacingly. I follow by activating both silver blades of my dual lightsaber. I wish I hadn't left Scratch planetside with the female Jedi. He enjoys a good fight now and then..

The blaster bolts start flying...

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
May 2, 2008 5:49 am #

Name: Nazde Bors

Age: 28 (born: 21 BBY)

Species: Nagai

Planet of origin: Nagi

Occupation: Mandalorian bounty-hunter

Height: 1,75 m

Weight: 77 kg

Description: Nazde has white skin and dark green eyes. He wears his black hair long and he has black tattoos
around his eyes, resulting in intricate designs on his temples. He's of medium stature, and particularly lean and lithe.
He's always wearing a black Electromesh Armor (absorbs damage from energy weapons, other than lightsabers)
over a Karflo Corporation Thinsuit (which provides insulation against extremes of pressure and temperature).
His black and green mandalorian iron helmet is of a very old Mandalorian design, just like the one Rohlan Dyre
used to wear. He also brandishes black phrik vambraces (lightsaber resistant).

-cortosis weave Tehk'la blade ("Spine")
-mandalorian iron Tehk'la blade ("Sting")
-Kerrestian darkstick
-Westar-34 blaster pistol (black)

Ship: VT49-Decimator
name: "Spearhead"

Droid: LE-series repair droid (visual/audial sensors, vocabulator speech/sound system)
serial number: LE-3R01
name: "Leeroy"
(Leeroy is Spearhead's co-pilot and mechanic.)

Pet: Gurreck
name: "Mjolnir"

Nazde came hastily out of the foliage, his gurreck pet following him. He held a tehk'la blade, his charric hung low on his back.
He approached Ralin in a slow motion, raised his right hand and said:
"Oya Alor Drakus, Supercommando Nazde Bors at your service."

"He who sheds his blood with me shall be my brother."
William Shakespeare
May 2, 2008 8:46 am #

(( OK guys I'm not sure if a real post is needed for my Char.. I will if you want me to... But I wanted to remind everyone that Aliyah is using Battle Meditation in the command bunker on Mandalore. Battle Meditation weakens the resolve of the enemy (in this case anyone who is attacking Mandalore) while  bolstering the morale of alies. The enemy looses the will to fight. Alies are stregthened and more determined. They keep focused when the enemy can not. Battle Meditation also helps in the coodination of attack. Just Sharing! Feel free to pester me about it.)

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
May 2, 2008 10:01 am #

((Okay redoing my previous post...And its not desserting...its advancing in the other direction.))
((I'm assuming I'm in the jungles right next to Kedalbe yes?))

Jungles outside of Kedalbe

Jex made his way along the jungle brush, quickly arriving at the gates of Kedalbe. Entering the gates Jex looked around, the place was desserted.

"Seems like everybodys made itto the evac points..." Muttered Jex.

Throwing a couple of 3D maps of the area inside his HUD, Jex found his way to hangers were his custom Supercommado assault Star Viper was kept, loaded with proton torpedos, plasma cannons, Massdrive rounds and other various assualt weapons, and previously preped for combat it was a force to be reckoned with. Jex opened the canopy remotely and hopped inside. He kicked the repulsers in to full gear and hit the thrusters, sending him creaning out of the hanger and towards the space battle above...

Battle above Mandalore

The space above Mandalore was ablaze with war.
Flashes of light flew from mass planatoids striking different points of space around them, while being surrounded by what appeared to be glow-nats. If one was looking from the outside, on the planets night side, the display would be beautiful.
But on the inside its a different story.
The glowing nats are the drives of star fighters, desperately trying to avoid the flashings of lights coming from the planatoids which are explosions of turbolaser blasts, and the planatoids are capital ships.

A single fighter coming from the day side of the planet streaks towards the battle above...


Jex was deciding he didnt care for the Empire/Alliance (or whatever they were deciding to call it now) anymore. The explosions from the Star Destroyers scoring near hits, rattled Jex's teath. Several Star Destroyers had pulled together to make overlapping fields of fire againsts the planetside, pounding it continuely. Jex hit his thrusters, sending him flying towards the capital ships at a rate that would make an A-wing look like a Y-wing.
Juking and jinking, not giving the gunners a chance to lock on to him Jex headed straight for the Eclipse-class capital ship were he knew the Sith in command would be. Jex flew straight up the trench of the main weapon, to avoiding the other point-blank weaponry. As he neared the end of the trench, Jex fired his torps hitting the opening for where the weapon would fire closing it completly.

If they fire that, Thought Jex. It'll blow us all to bits As he flew by to overview his work, but a tubolaser bolt exploded against his hull, jogging him back to reality, resuming his jinking and juking Jex then proceded to look for a hanger...

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
May 2, 2008 8:28 pm #

(Time to join the party)

Tanis and Shiv looked over the barren shuttle bay. It looked like no ship was in the shape to fly through a battle...

"Not good..." Tanis said

<What now?> Shiv asked

"Escape pod."

<Thats on the other side of this ship... We passed it on the way over here.>

"Yes but unfortunately the other shuttle bay is probably swarming with pilots scrambling their fighters so the escape pods are the safest possibility."

The two Jedi leave the shuttle bay yet duck back inside as a squad of Peacekeepers runs past the door. They slowly look out again and walk into the corridor. They began walking as quickly as possible through the ship. Most of the crew were at their battle stations so the coast was relatively clear. Tanis began wondering what ever happened to the Sith betrayer that led them here...

It was obvious that Skywalker nor Kharn were on board so it was best that they left this ship before it was blasted from the sky.

They turned a corner just as a squad of marine Peacekeepers exited a room and strode into the corridor. There was a moment of confusion from the squad realizing that they had jsut discovered two Jedi in their ship...but that moment passed quickly as two lightsabers cut the soldiers to pieces before they could even lift their blasters.

The jedi reached the escape pod and ran into it. They pressed the launch button and the doors hissed shut. THe pod blasted off into space...

In all the confusion of battle, Tanis doubted a single escape pod would be noticed. He looked out the small porthole and saw the Mandalorian dense jungle North of Keldabe rising into view...

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
May 2, 2008 10:15 pm #

The sky was already livid with the flashes of blaster fire but Resh called out a heads up on a suspect object, “Looks like it’s an escape pod, possible deserters.”

“Already?” Tealani asked somewhat disappointed, deserters generally didn’t bother about such things until the battle really heated up.

“So it would seem,” Resh said as he lowered his micro binoculars which had accentuated his helmet’s inbuilt pair. “We’ll wait until it lands and check it out.”

Tealani held back a snigger, the escape pod didn’t look like its thrusters were working properly and chances were it’d take a few stray hits before it struck dirt. “Somehow I doubt that there’ll be survivors.”

Resh lifted his gloved hand and crossed his fingers, “For luck that there are, my trigger finger is itchy.”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
May 3, 2008 11:44 am #


I can feel myself slipping into the familiar mindset of combat. My hands are one with the force, and I employ Form III's defensive stance in redirecting the firestorm of blaster bolts back at their sources. My father, on the other hand has opted to employ a telekinetic push to launch his lightsaber, purple disk of light spinning towards the Peacekeeper's weapons. Their barrels are severed, along with arms.

It doesn't take long, and after we've neutralized the threat we begin cutting through the blastdoors, and moving on towards Shadow's Command Bridge.

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
May 3, 2008 1:13 pm #

Shiv was jostled around smashing his head.  This escape pod was not built to accommodate one of his size.  The pod approached the jungle floor smashing trees as it went down.  The pod tipped sideways as the rthrusters turned on and spluttered off trying to slow the decent. It managed to slow it down enough for the pod not to shatter upon impact.  Shiv braced himself as the pod collided with the ground. 

SMASH!  Wildlife scattered as the pod crashed into the ground.  The lights inside flashed and Shiv slowly pushed himself up.  A muffled cry startled him.

"Shhvvv!  Gittt  ufff!"

Shiv opened the door and crawled out and saw Tanis below him sprawled out. 


"Next time we find a bigger escape pod.  Now.  From the pod I saw a city.  Keldabe I think.  We need to make our way there.  It should be north.  I say we-"

Tanis stopped mid sentence and looked around.  His eyes focused in on one point.  Shiv realized what was up and expanded his Force Sense.  Two people were nearing their position.  They seemed aggressive.

"They are near.  I say we go meet them.  Lightsaber at the ready.  But do not ignite it.  And let me do the talking."

Shiv nodded.

"We are two Jedi looking for help.  Put away your weapons or we shall be forced to resort to aggressive negotiations."

((Let me know if you want me to edit.))

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
May 3, 2008 6:20 pm #

Nexia held back a chuckle, “Aggressive Negotiations, only a Jedi would say something so odd.”

Resh gave a nod but said nothing more.

Tealani had sent Mez on ahead who was scurrying through the greenery. Tealani was able to track her progress through her helmet’s HUD. The felinx was first to come across the pod survivors. Both Jedi looked rather surprised at the creature’s appearance. Mez immediately sniffed both of them, then sat down and proceeded to lick her backside.

Tealani and Resh stepped out of the foliage, “Now Mez that’s not very polite.” The felinx looked up at her and immediately stopped to run up to her normal spot on Nexia’s shoulder.

“Charming animal,” one of the Jedi said.

“Yes I know,” Tealani replied as she gave Mez a rub under the chin.

“What was this crap about Aggressive Negotiations?” Resh growled, ready for a fight.

Tealani noticed that both Jedi had lightsabres in their hands but neither had ignited them. “Oh let’s see what they have to say before we start any fighting.”

Tealani was certain that she heard Resh’s teeth grind. The guy certainly didn’t know much about Jedi, often talking was a much better alternative to fighting. Tealani had only knowledge from history but it was said that Jedi were renowned for deflecting blaster bolts with their lightsabres and she didn’t want a personal experience at such close quarters.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
May 6, 2008 3:24 pm #

Tanis noticed that the two Mandalorians had glanced at the lightsaber in his hand. He decided to let the lightsaber remain in plain sight as to let them know he could be battle ready in a second.

"I am Jedi Master Tanis Ardion. This is my apprentice (Tanis motions towards Shiv), you may refer to him as Shiv. You are no doubt aware of the battle with the Empire going on in space at the moment. Earlier, before the battle, we had found our way aboard the Vader-class ship the Overlord's Shadow. Moments ago we had to flee the ship and use an escape pod. Now here we are." Tanis said to the two strangers

"Oh yeah? And while you were up there you couldn't take care of Starjammer or Skywalker or one of those Imperial pompus fu-" one Mando (Resh) was cut off.

"Relax Resh..." The other Mando (Nexia) cut in

"Regrettably...we ran into neither. We are not with the Imperials, thats pretty obvious. For the moment we seek refuge...we've hit a bump in the road in our mission and have no where to go at the moment..." Tanis said to the more reasonable Mando.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
May 6, 2008 7:57 pm #

Tealani switched to her inner com unit to talk directly to Resh, “If these guys are telling the truth they could be valuable allies.”

“And if not we could be leading the enemy to the heart of our operations,” Resh pointed out.

Tealani couldn’t disagree with him. “Perhaps a test is needed.”

“I like the sound of that, what do you have in mind?” Resh replied sounding a little calmer.

Tealani returned her com unit to the outer setting. “Since we are not exactly the trusting kind we want you to do something to prove that you’re on our side.”

Tanis crossed his arms, although the lightsabre remained in his hand, “Such as?”

“Use the Force to move that pod over there,” Nexia pointed to their nearest gun turret that had lost most of its cover. “I want you to place the pod before the turret as protection.”

“Can they do that?” Resh asked.

Tealani tilted her helmeted head, “Well Jedi, can you do that?”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
May 6, 2008 8:30 pm #

"Is this a test of my skill? Or a test of my allegiance?" Tanis said as he tilted his head slightly, yet turned to the fallen escape pod. He nodded to Shiv who faced the pod as well. Both Jedi reached out with their hands and grabbed the pod with the force. It moved with ease at the Force power of the two Jedi.

They levitated the pod several yards, broken machinery falling from the out of commision pod. They eased it down in front of the gun turret that now had adequate cover. Tanis lowered his hands, lightsaber still in his right hand, and faced the Mandalorians once more.

<We done with the magic show?> Shiv mumbled to Tanis. Tanis laughed quietly to himself.

"I'm sure there may be plenty of manual labor for us to do, but I think there are other more useful tasks we can take care of..." Tanis said with a hint of sarcasm.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
May 6, 2008 8:51 pm #

Tealani smiled beneath her helmet, well at least the Jedi were truly what they said they were, although she really hadn’t had much doubt about that. “Well done Jedi.” She said and now it was Resh’s turn.

“We do have more productive things for you to do but I don’t trust you enough to turn my back on you. I’ll tell you what, we can take you to the hanger and you can join the battle in the sky or you can stay here on the ground.”

“You’d trust us with one of your ships?” Tanis asked.

Resh’s finger rubbed the trigger of his blaster, “Oh let’s say our ships have a few little deterrents for a change of heart. Namely they self destruct if the ground crew catch sight of what you’re doing.”

Mez suddenly chattered on Tealani’s shoulder making her turn. An Imperial landing craft was coming down, it was already ablaze from damage inflicted by the turrets but it was still in one piece. “Time to make a decision, Jedi, we’re about to get busy.”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
May 6, 2008 9:07 pm #

Tanis and Shiv looked up at the Imperial landing craft as it glided down near their position, just falling under the fire of the turrets. It landed, more like crashed, about 40 yards into the forest and the two Jedi and two Mandos ran off in the direction of the crash.

Tanis and Shiv ignited their lightsabers. The deep emerald and bright blue laser blades caughts the Mandos' attention. The elegance of the lightsaber was something everyone in the galaxy understood.

The team darted in and out of the trees, the flaming wreckage coming into view. The hatch was already hissing open and several Peacekeeper troopers stumbled out, shooken up from the crash. The Mandos found good cover and provided covering fire for the Jedi who charged the startled Peacekeepers.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
May 6, 2008 10:48 pm #

Shiv mentally reached out to their presences while deflecting fire.  He counted about 10.  He had managed to cut down one who went down heavily before he was forced back by blaster fire.  Trying to be aggressive as he could, he deflected bolts in the general direction of the group.  He felt two more presences snuffed out as the Mandalorians picked off some more.  Tanis was busying himself dispatching another.  The other 6 finally got the idea and 4 dashed behind the wreckage while 2 of them madly ran off into the bushes.  Shiv reached out to Tanis.

<Think you can handle these guys while I go get the other two?>

"Be my guest.  Oh and try to keep it clean.  Dismemberments do cause quite a mess."

Shiv grinned as he sprinted through the forest.  He shimmied up into a tree and began hopping from tree to tree as he had done many times as a young wookiee.  He breathed in the air and whooped as he soared through the trees.  He stopped and viewed the jungle.  He realized he had past them a while go but not realized it.  Silently he sat in the tree and watched them approach.  They were getting tired and he used the Force to suggest to them to move under his tree.  They both collapsed in an exhausted heap.  Shiv jumped from the tree driving his lightsaber into one of them, while delivering a strong backhand to the other stunning him.  Shiv withdrew his lightsaber and looked to the peacekeeper who was unconscious on the ground.  Maybe they could get some sort of information out of this one.

Shiv slung the man over his shoulder and made his way back to the others.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
May 8, 2008 10:17 am #

(()Hey, Xan still aboard the Shadow? I think a show-down might be in order...:D)

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
May 9, 2008 1:52 am #

*Schweet :D   I shall post soon now that troops are on the ground.  A_A/Nigzy, if either of you could post for troopers who are moving against us, what would be helpful*

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
May 10, 2008 9:28 pm (Edited May 10, 2008 09:30 pm) #

(Ok, if this isnt ok, tell me and it will be removed, just making stuff up off of the top of my head)


Warfare was bad. Jungle warfare was worse, but to PK-26532, "Kane" Urban warfare was the worst of them all. Especially when you were fighting Mandalorians, and especially when the city you were in was cut off from air support by fifteen massive anti-air/space batteries. His squad ran through the city, checking windows, praying they were not just walking into a trap. He charged through a door, taking point, a shot flew centimeters past his face, melting his optics, he fell back as his squad rushed past him. After a moment he reached up, still dazed, and pulled his helmet free. He was instantly bombarded with noise, blaster shots in the distance, the thundering of the batteries and the scream of TIEs

"Three-two! Hows your condition?"

"Green sir, helmets fried, but I can fight."

"Roger, move on, Five eight, you got point."

The squad moved on, clearing buildings, working towards their objective. They were in a small apartment, quite barren, when the wall exploded. Three-two stood, his ears were ringing, he was disoriented, when he looked around his squad was in mostly the same condition. He looked out the window. An ancient machine sat in the street, the smoking barrel of its gun pointing at the hole in the building.

"MOVE! MOVE!" Three-Two obeyed without thinking, sprinting out of the room as a deafening blast sounded and the room exploded again. A blasted out wall  made a door and rubble made a ramp into the street. He sprinted down, as the machine's turret spun, tracking the scattering peacekeepers. Three raninto a building, the doorway exploded as the machine fired again. The commander tried to kick open a door, but on the third try the door splintered, streaks of light shot out as a high caliber projectile weapon punched through him. A group of eight mandalorians charged from behind, their guns blazing as they fired on the peacekeepers.

Three-two had managed to make it a good ways away, and now was observing the fight from a safe distance. Suddenly the machines top hatch opened, and the crew scrambled to get out. The reason became clear when the ground seemed to explode, Three-Two spun, looking up. A Star Destroyer  floated above, less then a mile in the air, its shields flickering as the anti air/space cannons focused on it. Fire poured from the turbolasers, melting the duracrete and durasteel of the city, thundering explosions bloomed upwards as the anti-air/space guns were destroyed, thousands of rounds being cooked off by the heat.

Three-Two stood in awe of the destructive power wielded by the ship, but he realized that no matter what happened to this planet, the mandalorians would remain strong. No matter how many were killed, no matter how badly the planet was bombarded, as long as there was a single one left. Mandalore would not falter, Mandalore would survive.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
May 10, 2008 11:07 pm (Edited May 11, 2008 11:15 pm) #

Strategic Fire Control Command Bunker, Somewhere in the Doraan'to'ar Mountain Range

"Status report for sector one-one-seven." Solus asked, quite irritated.
"Osik...Colonel, we've lost guns eleven and thirty-eight to the Star Destroyer Requim." The Master Gunner answered. "Shall I open up twenty-two and thirty to compensate?"
"No..." Solus thought for a moment. "...Fifty-One is in the mountain peak in sector one-two-nine fifteen klicks south, correct? Direct line of sight?"
"Yes sir, That gun could get a bead on even us from there."
"Now that's what I like to hear. How long until she's fully operational?"
"Two minutes."
"Get it done, notify me when it's ready for target acquisition."

SuperGun 51 Control Bunker, Udes'kor Mountains

"This order just came in from the Colonel." Sergeant Sor'en sighed. "They've just overrun Kri'tak, and with that Star Destroyer there, the Mando'ad won't last long."
"Let's take it out."
The massive snow covered blast doors slid open on both sides, light sliced through the poorly lit bunker revealing the matte-white SuperGun. The rails creaked as it moved forward, exposing the unrealistically large barrel to the outside world for once in a very long time.
"Targeting is active, ready for coordinants. Notify Solus SuperGun 51 is active and awaiting orders."
"Already done."

*The SuperGun 51 Bunker is protected by a cloaking field and signal jamming, so don't think it will be spotted.*

"This IS my signature."
May 11, 2008 4:13 pm #

Cabur finally found what she was looking for aboard the Phantom.  As she left her ship, Cabur walked towards Kell, who had waited outside to stand guard, and put on her full buy'ce.  Almost immediately, she was connected to the ship and targeting computers inside the ship.  She put the connection to good use, sending the ship out an into the heat of the battle that was taking place in space.  She sighed, realizing that the ship would probably not come back, but it would do great damage until it was detected. 

Looking back at Kell, Cabur nodded that it was time to head out.  They walked carefully through the jungles of Mandalore, using night time vision in the darkness of this half of the planet.  "I wonder where everyone else is," Cabur said softly.  They had gotten separated from their group a while back, and Kell had finally managed to convince her to get the buy'ce. 

"I don't know," Kell replied, "but we should keep an eye out, at least we can patrol this area of the jungle, might get to kill some peace keeping scum."  Cabur nodded, listening for any noises.  In the far distance, she could register blaster fire, but it was not a threat to them at the moment.

They continued to walk on, weapons raised, making small chat every once in a while.  Kell stopped suddenly, raising a hand for Cabur to halt.  She looked around, using the intercom link, she quietly asked why he had stopped.  He didn't answer for a few seconds, but after a moment he replied, "We're being watched."

In a split second, he dropped to the jungle floor, pulling Cabur down with him as blaster fire soared over where they had just been standing.  They scurried to get cover, and Cabur quickly spotted the source of the fire.  About a dozen peace keepers had surrounded them, and quietly too, Cabur thought.  She scoped one out, firing and killing the trooper as Kell did the same beside her...

(sorry I haven't posted in a while, hope this is okay.)

jet pack & rocket launcher-800 credits, mandolorian armor-5,000 credits, being the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy-priceless. brought to you by JediMaster Card
May 12, 2008 3:52 pm #


Captain Andreas Delkor overlooked his bridge crew as they went about their tasks. He had a wonderfull view of the city as it was bombarded. The AA/S turrets now located. "Orders sir?" Asked the gunnery officer, a blue skinned rodian. "Target maximum firepower!" The guns opened up, destroying the batteries. "Sir, we have a powersurge, Doraan'to'ar mountain range. Unknown-"

"PROXIMITY ALERT, BRACE FOR IMPACT!" Delkor reached for the railing as the ship shook violently.  "Damage report!"

"Reactor is hit! Going critical"

Delkor's mind raced, he was going to die, but there was one thing he could do. The Requiem caried three Palpatine class nuclear warheads. "Arm the warheads" The weapons officer, a Mon Calamari nodded grimly. "Done sir. For the overlord."

Delkor nodded, as the ship began to fall, alarms baring he turned and saluted.



IP-873621 was ready, they were goign to investigate and destroy, if possible, the source of the power surge that the Requiem detected just before she was destroyed.  His flight consisted of fifteen Predators and five bombers. As they approached he recived a message, text, from the pointman. BLOODLUST 5 TO ALL, SLIGHT POWER SURGE DETECTED SUSPECTED SAMS PROCEED WITH CAUTION

Two-one boosted his shield power, there was a flash from below, his ship began beeping an alarm "BREAK FORMATION!" Two-one slammed the stick over, going into a barrel roll. Missiles and tracer rounds filled the air as anti air defenses activated. Before he knew it the bombers were down, and his squadron was being fired upon. 

"Target sighted"a duracrete bunker. "Take it out!" Before anything could happen, Two-one was hit, his squardron obliterated. He must complete his mission. He was going down. He angled the ship towards the bunker, fired his thrusters as high as they would go. A proximity alarm went off, he was 50 meters away, he armed his proton torpedoes,  20, he could see the mandos inside, turning, yelling, moving. He grinned. He fired.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
May 13, 2008 9:19 am (Edited May 13, 2008 05:07 pm) #


The ship is in absolute chaos. Peacekeeper naval officers are shouting streams of orders at their suboordinates in an effort to make sense of the surprise attacks. The ship's damage control assessment, routed to my HUD via the still active backdoor passcode, report major malfuntions in the Shadow's primary systems. Warning sirens are blaring, and the ship is on auxiallary power...weapons control has just been disabled...sensors are offline...engines destroyed...casualties reported on multiple decks...communications array has been disabled...

The bad news just keeps getting worse. Doesn't it, Tho'un? You wanted to take charge? Here you go... I smile as I allow myself a small amount of satisfaction.

A massive jolt is accompanied by a temporary bout of weightlessness before backup power returns to the Shadow's artificial gravity generators. My father places his hand on my shoulder as we reach the final emergency blast door before the Command Bridge.

"You've done well here, my son. When my time has ended, I have faith that you will be a great leader for the Jensaarai."

I'm stunned into shocked silence by his comment...

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
May 13, 2008 9:43 am #

Ok its time to move
we've waited here for long enough now.
the initial assaults have been udergoing for a few hours now.
now our orders are to move down and crush any resisitance and find the leaders and yano what...the usual. kill the baddies. earn some money. and go home!'
Griffin cut the speech they had heard too many times.
so get to the pods. assault blasters at the ready. and we move to destroy.
any questions?
no good! '
he said before there was any questions

with that griffin and his team moved to the drop pods.
he looked over to his 2IC, Amanda, they had come to love each other. all though they could not do anything about it. the feelings where there. and when they looked at each other they felt embraced in a trance. Grffin shook his head and placed his helmet on.

"Lets do this thing!" Griffin shouted into his comm
"HOO RAW" the team called out

With that the drop pods where launced, a troop of commando's hurtled down to the planet...of silly named people.

Griffin kept going through his head
silly named people equals silly named stuff equals easy kills? nahh these where tough B**tards. he had seen that with there silly little named weapons which killed big things...Griffin sighed...this was gonna be a tough mission.
the pods landed in the vast jungles of mandalore. Griffin kicked his Pod open, jumped out and knelt.
"Gather your heads, prepare to move!" He ordered over the commlink

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
May 13, 2008 10:23 am #

((I just don't have time to post right now, I'll either post/edit tomorrow or sometime soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.))

"This IS my signature."
May 13, 2008 2:20 pm #

Shiv reached Tanis and the other two Mandos searching through the wreckage.

"What have we here?" One of the Mandos said and walked up to Shiv. He took off the helmet of the peacekeeper and looked into the mans face, he was still unconscious.

"Alright well...looks like we should head back to base with the new prisoner." The other Mando said as the monkey like creature scrambled up her armor and rested on her shoulder. The other Mando looked to her and Tanis and Shiv knew they exchanged some banter through their commlinks. The other Mando didnt seem too sure about the two Jedi yet.

After a few seconds the female Mando looked at Tanis.

"Alright lets go." She said and began walking into the forest, the other Mando fell in behind her after giving Tanis and Shiv a quick look over.

"Hold a moment. You know our names, it would be rude not to offer your own..." Tanis said

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
May 14, 2008 1:42 am #

*I just realised I've been using the wrong character name for the last few posts, how embarrassing. I've fixed it up. See Ralin I told you my brain wasn't in RPG mode at the moment :P *

"My name is Tealani Reneg and this," she pointed at the Felinx, "Is Mez." Mez tilted her head in a totally feline way to watch the Jedi before she rubbed her face affectionately against Tealani's helmet.

Resh said nothing so Tealani introduced him, "This is Resh. Don't ask for a full name, he won't give you one."

"Ashamed of your relatives?" Tanis asked.

Resh lifted his blaster, "Never, just know that lack of info to an enemy can save a barve's butt."

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
May 14, 2008 12:39 pm (Edited May 15, 2008 03:04 pm) #

(I noticed Mel, I was a bit confused for a while there...)

"Very well. Lets carry on..." Tanis said and shot a reassuring look at Shiv, who was still staying on his toes just in case.

The female Mandalorian was at the vanguard with her pet darting in and out of her legs skillfully. Shiv followed behind her, easily navigating through the dense foliage with their new captive slung over his shoulder. Tanis stalked behind Shiv, with his cloak wrapped around his body, his cowl covering his face, and his arms tucked into the sleeves. The bottom of the cloak flowed and it seemed like he was an apparition floating through the jungle. Resh brought up the rear, his finger never leaving the trigger of his blaster.

Tanis new much of the proud Mandalorian people, he had learned of their culture during his studies in Kashyyyk. They were one of the many cultures he learned about. And, like those many other cultures, they were dying due to the tyranny of the Empire and past wars. They were primarily great warriors, yet farmers when NOT fighting. The Mandalorian iron that made up their armor was increadibly resilient, and a good deterent against lightsabers. There was some bad blood between the Jedi and the Mandalorians due to an incident that involved a squad of Mandos killed by some Jedi in an errant mission some time ago in which the only survivor was Jango Fett, the man who would later father Boba Fett whom now had joined his brethren and was a possible candidate for a new Mandalore. It would be quite interesting to meet him thought Tanis...

In time, the party reached the perimeter defences of the base. Tealani lead them in...

(Everything right in this post?)

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
May 15, 2008 3:19 am (Edited May 15, 2008 07:48 am) #

Griffin and platoon was tasked to patrol the sector of the jungle they had landed in, set up a comms and a forward operations command post, his 32 men, all though there where only 8 commando's in the rest had been made up of the best peace keeper troops they could find. they had been trained very little on black ops, but they seemed to be doing good.
the platoon reached an opening in the jungle, he looked up to see the massive battle above them, cruisers, frigates, star destroyers. on fire, destroyed, but they where coping, these silly named people had fought well, then again they where the cornered rat.
he headed over to the corner of the opening.

"Platoon, gather in. where gonna set up for op centre here. we got an opening for transports to land. so set up a perimeter, get the mobile command units set up. i want a stag point for every section, 2 men on at all times, switch the rota around. each stag will have a X86 Light support blaster. and one spotter, See to it men!" Griffin ordered as he sat down on a log, removed his helmet and took out a cigar he looked up to see amanda take off her helmet and swung her hair around, her long golden hair reflected the sun......"its gonna be a long...long day!" Griffin chuckled to himself as he took a long drag on his cigar

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
May 15, 2008 3:53 am (Edited May 15, 2008 04:06 am) #

”We’re b*static* watched”

Ralin lifted his head from the holo map he’d been studying, which was being updated with enemy troop movements by aerial recognizance and ground laid sensors that had been spread during the march into the valley. 

A moment later Ralin’s helmet mounted antenna intercepted the sound of blaster fire coming over the same channel.  Cabur’s frequency……  Since loosing track of his partner and the newcomer in Keldabe, Ralin had kept an open channel for her Comm traffic.  Zerroing in on the transmission source and distance, he could see she was on the edge of the furthest reaching PK scouting parties.

Tealani and Resh seemed to be in the area, and heading roughly towards Cabur’s position.  But more and more PK troops were also headed for that position.

“Sergeant!” yelled Ralin as he checked the power cells of his heavy blasters.

“Yes Captain?” replied the SuperCommando as soon as he ran over. 

“Tell Jex to take over for a short time.  I’m taking a small team to help some of our stragglers.”

“Jex is no longer here sir.  He returned to Keldabe during the landings sir.”

“Coward……….or left his post without orders.  Damn.  I leave you in charge then sergeant.  I’ll return soon.

Turning to a group of Mando’s who were waiting for orders, Ralin pointed a few out.  “Nazde!  Marcus!  And a few of you others, WITH ME!”

Keeping Cabur’s comm signal centered in his HUD, Ralin and his small band quickly and silently cut their way through the undergrowth….

*sorry I didn’t see your post before Nazde; I would have gotten you involved earlier.  Fett_II, you never oficially reached friendly lines, but if you don’t mind I just assumed it and have you with me now.  If you’d rather bump into us in the jungle, I’ll edit*

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
May 15, 2008 4:41 am #

Tealani stopped mid stride as did Resh as a buzz came through their com channels. Tanis almost walked straight into Tealani and her felinx gave a low hiss as he almost stepped on Mez's tail.

"We got a call for reinforcements," Resh said gruffly. "You coming Jedi?"

"Where to?" Tanis asked.

"Away from here, location is sketchy but I have an idea of where," Resh replied as he now took point.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
May 15, 2008 10:21 am #

((sounds good...just one thing... Fett's not Mandalore...yet))

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
May 15, 2008 11:44 am (Edited May 15, 2008 11:44 am) #

"SIR! we just got the radar online, there seems to be two parties within 50 clicks of here. unable to determine the exact position, but must be around 10 to 30 troops all in all sir!" A peacekeeper sergeant screamed out.

Griffin ran over to the radar post, cigar in his left hand, X11 in his other.

"Hmmm, Get on the commlink to air support group Whisky tango 11, ask them to keep an eye out and report and visuals they find, double time!" Griffin shouted as he slammed the peacekeeper on the back. the peacekeeper rubbed his back with a grimacing face.

"Listen up Toon' we got enemies rather close to here, so stay frosty. out" Griffin ordered into the commlink
Griffin then took his seat back on his log. still eyeing up amanda. who was walking around, pointlessly,
Griffin chuckled to himself and smiled

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
May 15, 2008 11:46 am #

((Wow, everything just changed from space to ground))

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
May 15, 2008 3:05 pm #
virulent_messiah wrote:

((sounds good...just one thing... Fett's not Mandalore...yet))

Ok edited.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
May 15, 2008 3:58 pm #
Valthonin wrote:
virulent_messiah wrote:

((sounds good...just one thing... Fett's not Mandalore...yet))

Ok edited.

((sounds good...))

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
May 16, 2008 9:17 pm #

Tanis, Shiv, Tealani and Resh sprinted through the jungle, the feline creature running along side Tealani who led the way. Shiv still had the knocked out Peacekeeper slung over his shoulder, the great wookie was having no trouble keeping up however. At one point the Peacekeeper almost woke up, but Shiv just banged his head on a tree as they ran and that took care of it.

Eventually, the party reached a clearing and residing in it was a group of 20 or so Mandalorians fully clad in Mandalorian armor and armed to the teeth. A formidable fighting force.

Tealani and Resh walked amidst the group at ease and Tanis and Shiv walked behind them...very carefully. the Mandalorians stopped their battle preparations and about 20 cold, hard Mandalorian helmets watched, analyzed and calculated the two Jedi's steps.

Tealani took the Jedi to large Mandalorian with a jetpack and missle attachment on his back. He was inspecting a holomap being projected from a small droid while several other mandalorians looked over the orders being given by him. Tealani reached him and the man turned around as if he knew exactly when she had reached him.

A conversation through the comm links in the helmets began. Tealani at one point jerked her thumb over her back at the knocked out Peacekeeper and two other Mandos came and relieved Shiv of him. After several more moments of Tealani reporting, the large Mando who appeared to be the commanding officer of this group walked past her and up to Tanis, who was once again shrouded by his cloak.

The emotionless mask that was this man's helmet stared at Tanis. The man leaned closer and Tanis knew he looked into his eyes.

"What do you want, Jedi?"

"Safe passage to Coruscant is all I ask. I am not in league with the Empire, I wish its end as much as you do." Tanis said with no fear of the intimidating Mandalorian

"And yet you wish to go to Coruscant, into the rancor's den. Why?"

"My ship was left there. We stowed aboard the Overlord's Shadow, an Imperial ship that is currently in the battle above. We were able to leave through an escape pod, we crashed nearby, and that is when Tealani found us."

"Alright. Well no one can fly out of here until the Imperial rats have been cleaned out. So right now, we both have the same problem. Now I dont have time for this. For the time being, either you're with us or against us. I see you've got yourself a lightsaber there. Do you know how to use it?"

"Fairly well."

"Ok then. The two of you stick with Tealani and Resh. We're moving out in a few minutes to meet up with a group of Imperial commandos that just arrived and get their asses off our planet. The faster you kill them, the faster we can ship you out of here and to Courscant, where you're on your own. No tricks...or i'll kill you myself." The Mandalorian turned back to the holomap and the rest of the mando's went about their business.

<Well that went well...> Shiv said to Tanis

"For a Mandalorian? That went excellent." He replied

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
May 16, 2008 11:36 pm #

*Were you posting for me or that sergeant I left behind Val?  The post works, but just so everybody knows, it would be the sergeant you were talking to; I'm off to rescue CA and A_A*

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."

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