YOU are good friend!
Why that Reece Lacey bullying you?
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
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YOU are good friend!
Why that Reece Lacey bullying you?
Because he is a total nob. I hate him. Most people do. People just talk to him, because if they don't. He'll get in a tantrum and hit them. I fear him at the moment because I have braces in. I don't want him to punch me in the mouth. :P :(
That Reece Lacey really is total noob!
Yes, I totally agree. And I don't really care if he's seeing this! Reece , your a total sadded arse! Get Lost!
You are a chav too.
* Sorry Fellow Fett Fans *
BACK ON TOPIC............
He never see this.
So,he's own fault!
And thanks Masterchief for being my friend here!Im happy.I have friends here!WOOOT!
lol,lol,lol,lol,lol.Im thankful you're member here.
ok, lol. Do you like my new avatar? I have got into a craze about dragons now, because I got one of those cheesy electronic dragon PC-CD ROM's at Mcdonalds. :P :D ;)
LOOL!Cool :) :) :) :) :)
I like your new avatar and I hope that Reece leaves you be (fingerscrossed)
Do you hate my new avatar?
Lego Star Wars II The Original Trilogy:Luke Skywalker
I think my avatar is scary.
It is, sorry -F3TT- , but I did like your old one. With the Clone Commander. :) :| ;)
* Thanks , Devil Girl, 'Aye right! That lad must lee've me al-one! *
* charges *
I am not offending anyone as I am Scottish aswell. :)
Lol,I changed my avatar...
Which one you liked?
ARC Trooper?
LoL I love clone avatars(sometimes)
And your avatar is COOL!
Dunno. I want a commander gree one though. Dragons are great though...............
Well have you posted that desire on the appropriate thread?
* Thanks , Devil Girl, 'Aye right! That lad must lee've me al-one! *
* charges *
I am not offending anyone as I am Scottish aswell. :)
You're wlecome :D
Hehe you must make sure that you wear your kilt when you charge ;) :D
HA! love that Idea! Go bravehart!
Aye! M'e K-ilt! Aye must wear eet when Aye charge!
* puts kilt on *
Charges, taking down Reece , aswell as other people that I don't like.
He took me down in take-down yesterday and I kinda twisted my ankle a bit, so it really hurt in Drama. :| :P
Ahh I hate twisted ankles. I rolled my ankle right over while playing basketball. I'd say rolled ankles hurt more than broken bones in the short-run.
yeah. Lol. It has only been about two or three minutes on the thread, and someone's posted another reply.
Odd. :P :D
Ahh I hate twisted ankles.
So do I.
Having twisted my right ankle a few times its just in a state of perma swelling. Its not good.
I'm sorry GHF that it resorted to this individual physically assaulting you. If the head of the school does nothing to stop or prevent this from happening again you have all the right to report this to higher authorities. I work in a school with children aged 5-11. I know what should be tolerated. If no disciplinary action was taken against this other kid you need to take action. You can file assault charges with the police and take legal action to protect yourself. I know I'm from the states and you're in the UK, and things are and might be different, but, like I said from working with in school for many years has made me intollerant to said forms of behaviour. You shouldn't have to put up with it.
*Sorry for being so admant about this.... it's just how I feel.
Yes,I think it feels horrible.
I agree.
* Thank you, Si *
BACK ON TOPIC...right?
Right. Or in other words " I guess? " :P
That Reece Lacey is hisself a gay!! Some people have said that I am a gay too (I really am not) so I know how does it make you feel. And that really isn't fun.
If somebody tries to irritate me, I get really angry and try hit the guy who irritates. And well, I'm bad fighter, so....
If somebody tries to irritate me, I get really angry and try hit the guy who irritates.
So,that's not reasonable!
So,that's not reasonable!
Yeah, I know, I just.... am myself. I know, I'm a bit stupid... A bit? A lot!!!
But I know what it feels.
I am a bad fighter and when someone hits out at me, I just get really angry and sort of throw my arms and hands into their face really hard.
There was this time when the boy, Ashley Worth ( at primary school - I have been to two primary school's before - one in my home country Scotland in Gretna and one in England - Marton ) anyway......he was really annoying me one day at lunch and he was ganging up on me and taking the mick out of me with the other boys and then I got really really really angry with him and threw my hand into his face and pushed him off the lunch table bench. Like he actually landed on his A** ! It was so damn funny! And then all the other boys wondered at me and praised me at how I did it! It was so CLASS! :) :D
I hope they leave you alone.
I think they will. If I would be that boy I surely leave you alone after that!
Yeah...I agree.
Thanks for the karma point,Greenchief.
I'm happy.
You really shouldn't hit them unless they hit you first. Then it's self defense. Otherwise it's assualt.
I don't want to be the nag.. but PLEASE tell the right people about whats going on. You deserve better.
THE TEACHERS, Dumbrain, lol, j/k. ;)
Yes,teachers.Or parents.That would be best chance.If they're still bullying you...
No, not the parents! I have been on the other end of something where the person went to tell there parents. Its not good.
My advice is to just take it. And whenyou've had it, just warn them, and then:
1. Hit them
2. Tell the teacher
Why not parents? I'd trust my parents with stuff like that.
Me too,but then other guys think you are mamasboy... :(
It matters everybody I think.
Don't talk to me about mama's boy. It's terrible. Since my mom left her job she's felt the need to get more 'involved' in my life. So she became a supervisor for study club at my high school. So she's at school practically everyday. And she'll come over occasionally and tell me about the plans for the rest of the day.
Really you learn to deal with it. I go on the theory of really not caring what other people think. Who are they to tell you how to act and stuff?
I hate those long talks with parents after doing something so usually don't tell to them...
Don't talk to me about mama's boy.
Don't talk to me about mama's boy. It's terrible. Since my mom left her job she's felt the need to get more 'involved' in my life. So she became a supervisor for study club at my high school. So she's at school practically everyday. And she'll come over occasionally and tell me about the plans for the rest of the day.
Really you learn to deal with it. I go on the theory of really not caring what other people think. Who are they to tell you how to act and stuff?
Oh no (hugs)
My mum was a teacher at the same school so I know what it was like.
Good luck with sorting out the bullies Masterchief. I hope taht they leave you alone soon (fingerscrossed)
I got taken down by Reece, Shane, Alex, Shane ( a second one ) and Jake today.
I sort of kinda.......
Not because it hurt, but because I wanted them to leave me alone. :(
I'm sorry to hear that.I can't hear in forum.What I'm talking about?!Why they....?
I think they are bit strange.Tell to teacher or something else.They're still bullying you?Every day?
But don't hit them.If you hit them,they can get bit angry and hit you.Or something much worster.
So hit them in the face. thats the best place to hit. If you hit them
Awe Masterchief (hugs)
I hope they leave you alone and soon. Is there anyone that you can tell about this?
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