hi, can you be a fan of both?
Is the Universe big enough?
Topic: Star Wars v Star Trek
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
22 posts
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I don't know.. I've met a few people who are, I'm just not one of them. They are different while being the same, and having grown up with a Star Trek loving mother I know I just like Star Wars better. (Ps. She's a Picard fan too. )
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
I used to be a bigger fan of Star Trek back in the 90s but now I am leaning towards Star Wars in particular Boba Fett and the Mando scene.
I am a fan of both. I am a much bigger fan of Star Wars but i do enjoy watching Star Trek :)
Edited to add: I do think that the universe is big enough for the both of them :D
Would be pretty easy to be fans of the Mandos and the Klingons, though I'm not really one personally. Though I LOVE their Bird of Pray ships :D
I don't really like star trek but universe is big enough both of them :)
Klingons? Like a cling on? Sorry, but it can be hard for me to regard Star Trek without chuckling (no offense fans, my bro's one or at least he was) , mainly because the first episode of Star Trek I saw (and the last) was when they traveled back in time to 1985. Yipee. Must've been directly after a budget cut. Needless to say, I was not impressed and in fact disappointed after hearing all the good things about it that I had.
I hear ya, MM. I wasn't a fan at all, but my Mom was/is and got me into it some. I started with the Picard shows though; those were pretty good. It's pretty silly though in a lot of ways. To get out of a tight spot, which happend EVERY DAMN EPISODE, they'd invent things on the spot that the brains who built the ship didn't think of; they CONSTANTLY increased their sensor range or something tech like that magically *you'd think if they COULD increase the effectiveness of something, they'd have done it before getting caught in whatever trouble they got into :P;* and they always had silly crap like telapathics etc. I like the Star Wars way of doing things much better, more western.
But the Klingons were pretty fun, and as I said the Bird of Pray is a Bad-@$$ looking ship. All in all not a bad show, and some of the movies were really good
Well, I love The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine (Both Star Trek of course) and Star Wars. I'm still in the closet with Star Trek though, seeing as I'm more of a Die hard Star Wars fan than a Trekkie.
So yeah, it's possible to enjoy both.
-Rampage, Beast Wars
Star Trek can be fun, but I have to go with SW--without that I wouldn't be here. It was my introduction to sci-fi, and remains my favorite. It also was more believable, more real.
It also was more believable, more real.
Despite the Force, blasters, AT-ATs, galaxies far far away, and the occasional gay Mandalorian * :P, * I have to agree in a weird sort of way; at least as far as the movies go.
I was turned off a little to Star Trek by their ability to ALWAYS get out of the most IMPOSSIBLE situation buy improving something that should already have been just about perfect or increasing the range of something that should have been maxed, or using some damn telapathic *don't ask me why, but I just hate mind readers in my SciFi; they killed StarShip Troopers for me.............them and the sucky acting/lines/actors :P*
Not sure how Star Wars is more real, but I just have that feeling for it. Maybe I've just watched it too many times and I've forgoten it IS SciFi too :P
Is there any Star Trek games?
Is there any Star Trek games?
a few; all sucked from what I heard
Thanks Ralin Drakus.I think Star Wars games are better than Star Trek games...
This topic needs to be moved!!!! :mad:
No offense, but this site needs fewer 'self appointed' Mods. It's great that we look out for eachother and try to keep thing organized, but some of the 'self-made-mods' *not really you Karson, but some I've seen* are damn near threatening with their comments
Just mho
Well I found Star Wars before I found Star Trek. I did really enjoy Voyager but other than that I haven't really got into Star Trek. I just tend to prefer the Star Wars universe.
As for moving this thread. I suppose I could do so... :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
No offense, but this site needs fewer 'self appointed' Mods. It's great that we look out for eachother and try to keep thing organized, but some of the 'self-made-mods' *not really you Karson, but some I've seen* are damn near threatening with their comments
I don't know who you're talking about... :P
hI prefer Star Wars, but I'm not a huge fan of either.
Ralin Drakus wrote:No offense, but this site needs fewer 'self appointed' Mods. It's great that we look out for eachother and try to keep thing organized, but some of the 'self-made-mods' *not really you Karson, but some I've seen* are damn near threatening with their comments
I don't know who you're talking about... :P
hI prefer Star Wars, but I'm not a huge fan of either.
Honestly, I DIDN'T have you in mind when I made that comment. It's one thing to try to help members see what they're doing wrong in a more-or-less friendly manner, but it's another to come off as running the site and/or be almost threatoning with said 'help' *things I've never seen you do Draco.*
I'm just trying to remind EVERYBODY that we have our mighty Alor Aaron and some great Mods on this site for helping members to understand who the site is run and organized, and that we should limit our help to constructive suggestions rather then making outright demands
Star Wars is GREAT! And I suppose Star Trek is too.... ( My stepdad loves Star Trek )
I am a fan of both. I am a much bigger fan of Star Wars but i do enjoy watching Star Trek :)
Edited to add: I do think that the universe is big enough for the both of them :D
me to... but Star Wars is so much better