Fellow Fett fans I am losing my voice! That eans I need to get somthing done to get it back!
Help,me please
I *cough* need it.....
Topic: Help! I am losing my voice!
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
15 posts
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What do you need a voice for when you can talk here on the boards and all you need is a keyboard? :P
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music

Because I talk a lot! but its too late now, I've lost it.
Most of my teacher know if I don't talk there is something wrong, so now I have to go through a hole lot of questions
Oh no :( (hugs)
I hope your voice returns soon. I am sorry but I am not sure what would help.
Maybe honey and water might help soothe the throat though.
Good luck in getting your voice back.
I was going to suggest the honey thing too. Hot tea as well may be benifical. Or gargiling with warm salt water, like with a sore throat. It kind of depends on why you are loosing your voice. Like if its because of acid reflux then you need pepcid or something. Or if its because you were screaming for a long time then it most likely needs rest.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
it's probably u just need to rest your voice for a day or two. Laryngitis is funny like that.
Wait, there's another solution to that, and a good one!
Just get yourself a helmet like Vader's!
You'd never lose your voice again, it would be robotic-cool and you would intimidate all your teachers!
Neat, huh?
William Shakespeare
Yes. I'd go with the honey and water. Warmer water. It worked for some at my play and some people lost their voice but the honey and water did the trick.
If you were Fett, you wouldn't need to talk. The mask would say everything.
Karson, my friend..............I have to say, I don't know how to help you except what the other guys have mentioned. When you get to my age , 12. huh, 12? You start to lose your voice, but you get it back eventually. :)
:| :P
How are you feeling today Karson?

On the 24th I had my voice back but only slightly I sounded like a walking phase-shifter.
4 day later I have my voice back and I am happy.=D
Good to hear Karson, though too bad you didn't try out Nazde's Vader voice changer idea :P
If it's any consolation to you, at least you do not have trouble coming up with words for things. I am glad to hear you are feeling better and you got your voice back.
Cool,you have your voice back!