awwwww! You should devil girl!
Topic: Who's your best friend on the site? And why? :)
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
214 posts
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Unfortunately maintaining a home and raising three small children (eldest is 4 and my twins are 2) means that I do not get that much time to come on) I also have a lot of projects on at the moment (I want to sew more collages, write stories and paint some pictures :D )
There will be a time when this will happen but not at the moment.
I've been here only a couple o' days, so my post would not have been truthful.
Ralin and A_A have helped me, though, and i like them. Same for Si, terra and mandalore, the female sw fan.
Thanks, people. I appreciate it. I'll bake you some cookies.
William Shakespeare
Any kind, you choose!
I'm a master chef, I can make and bake whatever's on a menu..
Gimme the recipe and I will email them to you, people.
Oh, and it certainly is good to be here, thank you again!
William Shakespeare
Cookies? I love cookies how'd you know? I make cakes more though and leave the cookies for my sister. (Rev knows what I mean :P)
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Well, I despise heat as much as mynocks, but I looove to cook!
And that's why I'm at a Uni, trying to become a Linguist of the Mediterranean Sea instead, and I only cook 4-5 times a week..
BUT, I found an interesting site, a mere months ago, and I have nearly 1000 recipes for cookies. So yes, I have any recipe you might think of.
Sending them is the hard part, not baking them...
William Shakespeare
Haha, that's sweet! And an interesting choice of names, I should say..
She's too little to be a proper member of the Aliit Drakus Clan, but we can always wait.
William Shakespeare
I've been here only a couple o' days, so my post would not have been truthful.
Ralin and A_A have helped me, though, and i like them. Same for Si, terra and mandalore, the female sw fan.
Thanks, people. I appreciate it. I'll bake you some cookies.
Alo Fett wrote:Nazde Bors wrote:I've been here only a couple o' days, so my post would not have been truthful.
Ralin and A_A have helped me, though, and i like them. Same for Si, terra and mandalore, the female sw fan.
Thanks, people. I appreciate it. I'll bake you some cookies.*Ahem*
I think Alo wants a cookie too.
I would also like some cookies as well (home baked cookies are the best :D )

Me too! I like the chocolate chip ones! :P
( drools )
My best friends:
Masterchief couse he is good guy.Nice talking.Nice posts.
Merciless Mandalore couse being my friend and helped me.Nice posts.
The Fox(lol,my neighbour)
Si Titran just being good friend.Nice posts.
Ralin Drakus Helping me.Nice posts.
Devil Girl Helping me.I feel better,thanks to Devil Girl.Nice posts.
Am I friend of anyones?
:( OMG!
:( :( :(
Devil Girl Helping me.I feel better,thanks to Devil Girl.Nice posts.
Am I friend of anyones?
:( OMG!
:( :( :(
Awe thank you
that is so funky of you to say that :D you have now become my friend for that (you have now made me feel good)
Terra is now a good friend of mine :D I think she is very funky and I at what she is managing to do at the moment :D
speaking of cookies... i want some too! make me butterscotch cookies pleases.
You're a sweet one too, Dev. It's fun to keep in touch with you via the PMs. Told my OH about you, and he thought you were a positive energy in my life, which you are.
who and or what is an OH? A COMPETiTOR?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?
Thank you,Devil Girl.Now I know I'm friend of someones!
I feel much better now.
Don't worry about this thread, F3tt. If your a good member you're everybody's friend here on BFFC.
Thanks.That was kind of you.
Karson or masterchief...They're both awsome!
You're all ni ner'vod!
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Karson or masterchief...They're both awsome!
You're a sweet one too, Dev. It's fun to keep in touch with you via the PMs. Told my OH about you, and he thought you were a positive energy in my life, which you are.
Awe thank you :D that is really funky of you to say that :D
Every body loves them!
Every body loves them!
Sure,couse they are good members.
Every body loves them!
whose 'them'? I'm confused here....
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Karson and Masterchief!
My best friend on this sight is:....
My best friend on this sight is:....
yup...........we all guessed that from your FF character
:P *jk*

lol. Aye! Dev-ill Girrrrrrl is a friend o ' mine, because she comes from the same country as me!
* Charges ( wearing kilt ) *
* with a long spear and scottish shield *
As a matter of fact, your all my friends here! AA, terra, Karson, Devil Girl, Draco, Seco Fett, Ralin, Merciless Mandalore, Si, CA etc..................
I am glad I'm a member here! :)
Am I your friend?

Of course! You are a great , funny friend, F3TT! I'm glad your a member here! Always remember that! :)
Friend's o' mine:
Me ( myself ) :P
My family
My brother
Karson Fett
Devil Girl
Seco Fett
SOS haruhi ( is she even still here??? )
Draco, etc.
Oh, I think I don't have friends here.... I'm sad:'(
Thanks Masterchief!
Remember,I'm always your friend!

The Fox, why on earth do you say that?!!?! I am your friend. You are a cool guy! And -F3TT- will be, since you and him are neighbors! :P :D
Note* -F3TT- , can you call me Green? Because that's what I'm known as. GHF ( Green Helmeted Fett ) and Masterchied are both me. I have two accounts. :)
Cheers, * Green *
Of course! You are a great , funny friend, F3TT! I'm glad your a member here! Always remember that! :)
Friend's o' mine:
Me ( myself ) :P
My family
My brother
Karson Fett
Devil Girl
Seco Fett
SOS haruhi ( is she even still here??? )
Draco, etc.
Awe thank you :D I also think of you as a friend :D
I agree with what Terra said about SOS.
The Fox, why on earth do you say that?!!?! I am your friend. You are a cool guy! And -F3TT- will be, since you and him are neighbors! :P :D
Note* -F3TT- , can you call me Green? Because that's what I'm known as. GHF ( Green Helmeted Fett ) and Masterchied are both me. I have two accounts. :)
Cheers, * Green *
I don't count -F3TT- in to my friends in HERE. But in real life, yes.
Why not here?
I'm still your friend.
Or well.... I don't know.... Ummm...
You don't know?
Hmmm.... Ummm.... I don't know..... Well, I'm strange, I know....

SO RANDOM! ( crys with agonisising pain of laughter )
" Hmmm.... Ummm.... I don't know..... Well, I'm strange, I know.... "
Ahhh! So amazing! That phrase is sooo 10/10. It kicks serious A**! :D

Because this site rocks??
( hoping excuse will work ) :P :D

Heh heh heh heh! I was probablt going to say that somewhere in my mind. But, it's like in KOTOR, choose the right line speech and it has how you change the galaxy forever. :)
Is KOTOR your favourite game?
lol,now I got HALO 2(Its my friend's game)(Xbox).I haven't played it really much,but its super cool.
Halo rulz!Is there a topic for HALO?
Heh heh heh heh! I was probablt going to say that somewhere in my mind. But, it's like in KOTOR, choose the right line speech and it has how you change the galaxy forever. :)
I am proud that you have learned this lesson.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
they grow up so fast, don't they, ner vod?
You guys don't have much to do, do you? Why don't you go play outside? :P
What do you mean?We don't play here.
You guys don't have much to do, do you? Why don't you go play outside? :P
We have (I have). I am every day outside and play something. And I play football too! And yes, Masterchief, this site rocks!
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