so if any one would like to join that would be great just post your messiges and replys remember its halo pc
my clan is called the sos brigade just remember sos is the best
Topic: Want to join my clan on Halo?
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
42 posts
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Dialogue discusses the site itself. Not a clan in Halo. So this would be better under fans.
Post it there and we may talk to you like normal human beings. :P

(Topic moved. Thanks Sev!)

ok i posted it there now join!!!

so i shoud close this one right
Nope now the admin changed it to fans. Is this on Halo Combat Evolved for PC? I only have the demo.

yep it is halo combat evolved pc and if you have the demo you will be still able to join unless you cant go online on it
EDIT if any one wants to join put (SOS) in frount of your name and start a recruitment server for the sos brigade and tell them to put that in frount of there name we have 27 members right now and if every member recuited even 1 person we would have more but you can do that that is all just remember sos is the best
Meh. I play halo on its home system.
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
same. Halo is better at home where you can " actually play it " if you get me. :P
Halo on Pc would be alright I suppose. :)
No I don't 'get you'
When I said 'Home System' I meant the Xbox.
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

oh ok but if you change your mind join
I knew that AA. I knew you meant an Xbox. :)

uh this is not a topic to argue about xbox being better then pc this is a recuiting thing
Hey you guys start logging on and start joining i dont have all day
Halo Combat Evolved is nothing compared to Halo Custom Edition yes yes, check it out, its alot more customizable then the others, but you probly guessed that from the custom in custom edition.... Its Free by the way
I notice that your karma is down already, SOS haruhi....... ;)

what? how come
Because you have some remarks that people didn't like.
Good remark, Karson.
SOS haruhi, if you want to be a great member......
1. stop demanding
2. Put commas, full stops and most importantly of all.........CAPITAL LETTERS!
3. make your sentences make sense. ( I can't understand them sometimes.......)
4. be a nice person.
5........Don't spam.
Thank you.......
P.S - I hope you didn't just join to make us join your website. :)

1. i am not demanding i am recruiting
2. if you can read it, it is ok
3. they do, just imagen where the caps and full stops should be
4. when have i been mean i tried to help that guy with the bully problem with my method i could have not tryed but i did
5. i don't spam tell me once when i have said something off topic
and besides karson your rep dousnt look that good either
k, sorry. But do try and use capital letters, full stops and comma's. Thanks. I hope we can be friends again. :)

thanks for the karma masterchief
Thanks for the karma SOS haruhi.
Capital letters, full stops and commas. ;) :P

i am starting to think that this topic is getting neglected and off point\
so please people join my clan and dont just go here to complain if you don't want to join don't post.
the reason i am demanding is because no one has relized that it is a recuitment topic not a do you like sos brigade
so recruit on other sites. Halo is boring anyways (to me).

i do i have a recuitment server on tons of sites
1. i am not demanding i am recruiting
2. if you can read it, it is ok
3. they do, just imagen where the caps and full stops should be
4. when have i been mean i tried to help that guy with the bully problem with my method i could have not tryed but i did
5. i don't spam tell me once when i have said something off topicand besides karson your rep dousnt look that good either
Are you just trying to get on my bad side? Are you? Because you are doing a great job at it.
*I* have not ever gone below zero! I am the wrong person to get to foes with! I am not liking you around the form. It was much better without you!
Sorry fellow fans for that outburst, forgive me.
s'alright Karson. We have our moments......
I for one, HAVE been below zero, but look at me. A year later and, SHA-ZAM! I am a cool person now. :)
Don't worry, SOS, you will be like me eventually. :)
Not true green. The only way SOS will be like the others is if she stops spamming threads and encouraging stuff like blackmail.
uh this is not a topic to argue about xbox being better then pc this is a recuiting thing
Hey you guys start logging on and start joining i dont have all day
Now, that is DEFINITELY demanding. Did you ever consider that not all of us might want to join? Learn to take no for an answer. And believe me, nothing is more annoying than horrible typing, bad grammar and punctuation, etc.
1. You ARE demanding.
2. It's not OK, and we can't
3. We don't. And it's hard to imagine. It's not that hard to use proper English. You sound like a hyper-active 5 year old.Or a caveman.
4.Getting him in trouble with the law is most definitely NOT helping him.
5.Anything off-topic is spam. Less than 5 words is widely considered to be the same, but not always. Here, it's not. But a lot of your posts are spam.
These are some reasons you aren't liked. Also, you argue with people alot.
ON-TOPIC: No, I'm not joining, and even if I had Combat Evolved, I wouldn't. Not if the people are all like you.
--Captain Dynamic--
Wow! Impressive speech, Werda! I am truly impressed! :O :D

Deleted for inappropriate content.
Karson.....My good friend, Karson, I don't know what we are going to do........ :(
She, yet again, has been baned for six months.
Bloo** H**!!
She MUST be a major problem!
We will have to wait, till she get's banned again and then we will be relieved and our site, will be clean from annoying spammers! :D
( high fives, Karson )
@ Topic: No.
@ Karson & Masterchief: Cant wait.
i am back and ready for evil
Well, crap. But yeah, we noticed. By the way, images in signatures don't work. Thats called being helpful. Blackmail isn't helpful.
This is what she wanted to show you Nothing less than What I expected from you.
--Captain Dynamic--
* sorry fellow Fett fans *