boba gets 2 blasters and 3 thermal detonators and jet packs and nagato gets nothing but her alien powers and if you want to know who nagato is type in nagato vs ryoku
Topic: boba fett vs yuki nagato
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
54 posts
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didnt you already make this?

yes but i put it in the wrong place now anwser who is stronger
Boba Fett would kill this little anime girl. They're so frail. Even with her mind powers.
Jedi have mind powers and Boba kills them.

uh have you ever seen her fighting she could kill boba easily she could just her alien powers to slice him in to boba chops mmmm boba chops
this is....who, now? Not up to date with my Japanese anime. Got better things to do. Like play COD4. And he has blasters. One shot and ANYONE's dead. Even some alien anime character.
--Captain Dynamic--
uh have you ever seen him fight he could kill yuki easily he could just use his mandalorian training to slice her in to yuki chops mmmm yuki chops
clearly this person has next to no knowledge of Boba.
uh have you ever seen her fighting she could kill boba easily she could just her alien powers to slice him in to boba chops mmmm boba chops
First of all: Jesse Fett is right, she'll become yuki chops (whoever yuki is)
Second: Why would you even create this topic if YOU think that she'll beat Boba easily? Just so you can argue with every single one of us here?
Boba would win and we all know that. Next topic please.

no to prove that i am right
obviosly this person has no idea who nagato is watch nagato vs ryoko on you tube before you say something like that.
( shouts and shuffles )
Move along, please!
( waves red flag )
( shouts and shuffles )
Move along, please!
( waves red flag )
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
Anyways, can your alien chick absorb plasma? if not shes dead
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
no, i was just shuffling my feet like a train warden person thing. lol :)
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

that was off topic but still lol
if she can withstand 15 swords to the stomic without even flinching i doubt plasma would be much of a problem
that was off topic but still lol
if she can withstand 15 swords to the stomic without even flinching i doubt plasma would be much of a problem
You come on this website and ask a question like that and you got answers that you didnt like, as because i didnt give a reason you gave me negitive karma points?
My reason is because Boba is better, anime characters are a dime a dozen. Boba is tried and tested and beaten far bigger and badder things than some anime chick/dude. Not to mention it seems that anime characters can have whatever powers they want whenever they want them. They seem to be able to have almost limitless powers when it comes to fighting. Boba uses wit, weapons and skill to defeat enemies that are often more powerful than himself. So im sorry but your anime character stands no chance.
yeah, Fett's just human. Even if he wouldn't win, that's only cus the anime chick is incredibly unrealistic. No one can take 15 swords to the "stomic" without flinching--they die. Unrealistic. Plus, mind powers? At least the Force is semi-reasonable. But that's just gay. And you don't give people negative karma for disagreeing with you.
--Captain Dynamic--
haruhi are you even a Fett fan? I think maybe you should go join a anime fan site rather than a Star Wars one ( I know it sounds rude but I dont meen it to be)

no i gave you a negitive karma point for not giving any reason if you gave reason to your anwser i would not have given you a negitive karma point
and yes i am a fett fan i have beaten star wars games like kotor and koter 2 and revenge of the sith vidio game and battle frount etc etc etc
i just like anime better
It just seems like you came on this board with the idea of starting a fight. Maybe im wrong but thats what it seems.

ok read what i wrote for my reason i did not write for not agreeing with me i wrote for giving no reason
you wrote "Boba would win and we all know that. Next topic please."
1. no reason would you like it if i went onto a hk vs master chief forum and keep saying hk rules like so many people did, same differents
Yuki would win. Boba really wouldn't stand much of a chance.
Yuki wouldnt win. Boba is far smarter not to mention he took out a world devastator and countless jedi.
Anime characters are given way to many powers anyway, to the point that it isnt even beliveable. Its almost worse than Superman.
is yuki off a Studio Ghibli film? :O :D I like Studio Ghibli film's. they make me cry.

no it is from the medicracy of haruhi suzumiya
Yuki wouldnt win. Boba is far smarter not to mention he took out a world devastator and countless jedi.
Anime characters are given way to many powers anyway, to the point that it isnt even beliveable. Its almost worse than Superman.
And Superman is already pretty freakin bad.
--Captain Dynamic--

15+ MA
for sexual theam and mediem animated violents
so proberly not for people yonger than 15 lucky me i just turned that on january the 16th
well, Boba wouldn't need psychic powers to kick someone's tail. he is a weapon, so that's enough right there. while Mr. High N' Mighty Anime Character That Can Explode Things With His Head is busy concentrating on how to destroy Boba, Boba would've already taken his gun out and shot his head off.

no she go's more on the defenive than attack she would consintrate on dogeing his attacks and defecting attacks, than when she has enough power she could banish him to the wastland that or slice him
You really like slicing, don't you?
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Then Boba would go in with Plan B, if his blaster did not work (I highly doubt he'd have to do this): Flamethrower/Rocket Missiles. Or his whip cord to trap yuki.

well thats her only offencinve power slicing with wind that and she can banish
flame thrower and rockets would not work well nither would blasters but a whip cord might accualy work if boba got her by suprise
and for you guys who are saying boba fett is smart well nagato is smarter
no i gave you a negitive karma point for not giving any reason if you gave reason to your anwser i would not have given you a negitive karma point
and yes i am a fett fan i have beaten star wars games like kotor and koter 2 and revenge of the sith vidio game and battle frount etc etc etc
i just like anime better
Beating games does not make you a fan, I beat Halo 1 & 2 . This does not meen I am a Fan of halo.

that is no reason to negate my karma
I beat Halo 1 in less than a month. I did it in like 2-3 weeks. I am still trying to beat Halo 2 now. I will wait for my friend, Lewis, to come down. Then we will complete it.
Note* - I really want Halo 3. But, I haven't got an Xbox 360. Therefore I can't get it. :(
Boba kills Jedi. They have mind powers AND lightsabers. Plus, they are the good guys, meaning they are favored by the book/script writers.
Case closed.
that is no reason to negate my karma
why yes yes it is :)
Let's stay on topic, Green.
Yuki could just banish Boba before he attacked.
I don't know who yuki nagato is.......:( So I don't know who would win. :X
Sorry, Draco. I will now. :)

no accualy she couldnt she needs time for that so until she can charge up enough power all she can do is dodge and slice
Is she dangerous, SOS? :)
She sounds very powerful. :)
Is there any power that this stupid character doesnt have?
Go on an anime site kid, im sick of hearing you downgrade everyones opinions. You asked for reasons well I think you got at least 7 from different people, myself included. You just negate whatever anyone says anyways. Weather a BFFC member makes a point or not you just say that it wouldnt work.
Anime characters are boring and almost all the same. They do completely unrealistic things ad basically have no boundries, thats why I dont like anime, whats the point when you know the person or character is basically unbeatable.
Dont start a topic on a Boba Fett Fan Club website and expect to get all that many answers in your favor.
NOW you can go give me negitive karma.
i agree, your just crushing everyones opinions, we think boba would win. your just fighting everyone because no one thinks your silly anime character would win.
you see at least bobba fett actually gives a fight and he's not some super powerful little girl. he fights realisticly, like saying a lightsabre would hurt him or kill him. not like oh boba could take 15 light sabers to the stomach and not flinch.
so where sorry to have crushed your bubble, but thats the power of opinion for you (Y)
well done brother chaplain.
Black templars? <3
Even Totoro could crush, Yuki Nagato with his awesomeness, and size! :lol:
nah that white thing on his head could.
the only good thing about anime is the animals are so basic, but cute ^_^
how can he sit on that branch!? it would snap! :P
but boba ftw <3
how can he sit on that branch!? it would snap! :P
Maybe he's full of helium :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
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