Topic: RPG - Coruscant attack

Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.

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Topic #2163
March 28, 2008 7:03 pm (Edited March 28, 2008 08:01 pm) #

"Alderaan?" Bareth suggested.

"I'll follow your lead." Inyri said.

"We need to get to your ship before they do. But if they beat us there, I can always 'borrow' one from the nearest space port. But lets hope we don't need to do that. To much time, to dangerous."  Bareth said, pulling one of his WESTARs from its holster and gently took Inyri's hand, closing it around the pistol. "Just in case."  She nodded and they began running through the halls, trying to make it to her ship.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
March 28, 2008 8:43 pm #

Alderaan, Bareth had said. That was what her new plan would be. Go to Alderaan, and thats all she needed to know. Daric and the rest could end up in a lava pit on Mustafar for all she cared.

Bareth handed her one of his WESTARs and closed her hand around it. With the first non combative contact Inyri had in so long she felt someting she wasn't used to, rendering her speechless, so all she could nod in response to him.

The ran down the corridor. Inyri could almost swear she heard the very distinctive hiss of a lightsaber igniting. She stopped in her tracks.

"Did you hear what I just heard, Bareth? Was that a lighsaber?"

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
March 28, 2008 8:54 pm (Edited March 28, 2008 09:37 pm) #

"Damn." A lightsaber could only mean one thing. Jedi, and that was bad. If there was a Jedi here it meant that they needed to get to the ship even sooner then before. It meant that if they ran into the Jedi they were dead. Bareth couldn't fight one of them, they were faster and stronger then him, thanks to their abilities. The jedi was close, down the hall to the right. He took Inyri of to the left, hoping to find a way around where ever the jedi was. He still needed to get to the hangar. They needed to get off of this planet. He stopped again, thinking over a path. After a second he thought he had a path. He led Inyri in that direction, pausing frequently to listen.

((Giving SI temporary control of my character untill I get back))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
March 29, 2008 11:41 am (Edited April 2, 2008 03:48 pm) #

Daric and Vyyk ran towards the hanger. Once there, Vyyk and Daric blasted they're way into the small cruiser and tried to figure things out, but the activation code was beyond Vyyk's skills, so they threw a homing device in it and then blew a hole in the wall of the building. They ran out of the hole into the daylight to see mercenaries and gaurds all battling everywhere.

"To my ship!!!" yelled Vyyk as he blasted a gaurd with his blaster and stabbed a mercenary with his knife. Daric fought using a gun he took from a gaurd and a lightsaber he produced.

They finally managed to reach the ship, just as a squad of mercenaries arrived at the scene. The two jumped into the Rekkor and hovered above the ground blasting with it's lasers at the men running beneath.

((Where's Nigzy?))

Some may run a short while, but none of them would bide.
March 31, 2008 8:31 am #

(( I'm a bit confused. When and why were "the police" called in? Plus I believe they are called Courscant Security Force, CSF like in the RC books))

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
March 31, 2008 10:28 am #

((Oh, sorry. I thought that since there are explosions and blastings and everything, someone nearby might call them- and I'll change that to CSF.))

Some may run a short while, but none of them would bide.
March 31, 2008 11:19 am (Edited March 31, 2008 02:17 pm) #

(Inyri chose this building because it was in an abandoned section of the works, meaning privacy. I there'd really be no one to call. It is also far from the rest of the highly populated sections of the planet. *part of the chase from EPII was through the works, and sidious even has/had a secret building there. Would I would be mean of me to ask for an edit? It would be ever so helpful in my plans *I'm asking in all niceness* )

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
April 2, 2008 3:46 pm (Edited April 2, 2008 03:51 pm) #

((Of coarse I wouldn't mind-me go fix now.))

Vyyk remembered the explosives he'd planted, and hit the detonation button-but for some reason only five out of the thirty bombs he'd placed exploded- succeding in only shaking the place, and blowing some holes here and there.

Some may run a short while, but none of them would bide.
April 6, 2008 5:28 pm #

Bareth stopped suddenly. There was someone, around the corner. His job was to protect Inyri, he would go around the corner first, see who it was. He wasn't about to fail his job. But, it was more then that, wasn't it? It was. He pulled his vibroknife from its sheath, holding it in a reverse grip, and he stepped around the corner. A man wearing the uniform of Inyri's guards stood around the corner, upon seeing  Bareth he attacked. Bareth blocked a slash to his throat with his vibrokinfe, but the attacker managed to disarm him.  Another slash, Bareth blocked again, this time with the armor on his forearm. Bareth grabbed the guard and threw him into the wall. The attacker recovered and pinned Bareth against the wall, bringing the knife to his throat. "Stop!" The attacker turned, Inyri stood at the intersection, blaster aimed at the guard. "Don't move." The guard didn't comply. He threw Bareth out of the way. Inyri pulled the trigger, but the guard had moved. She began to readjust her aim, and the guard charged

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
April 7, 2008 3:12 am #

Daric smiled. He hadn't used his lightsaber in years....... He saw Bareth round the corner with a guard running away nearby. Bareth was on the floor. Daric pitied him, but remembered how bad he and Inyri had treated him.

Bareth looked up and saw Daric. " Now, let's see how you like being treated......." Daric smiled evily at Bareth. He raised his lightsaber.........

You're foolish words can never hurt me
April 7, 2008 2:25 pm #

((We are not there. I'm ignoring your post as your in the hangar, if I was close enough to see you I would have said it))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
April 8, 2008 7:34 am #

(( okay, sorry! ))

Daric changed his mind and rushed towards Vyyk. " What now? Shall we escape? ".................

You're foolish words can never hurt me
April 8, 2008 7:39 am #

((I have a post in mind but sadly don't have enough time to do it justice. I promise/ swear on the Fett that I shall post it thursday.))

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
April 8, 2008 7:46 am #

(( That's like three days away! :( ))

(( I don't think anyone appreciates this thread... ))

You're foolish words can never hurt me
April 8, 2008 8:48 am #

(( Like is more accurate. Because really it will only be a day and a half. Quality takes time.))

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
April 9, 2008 7:13 am #

(( Okay, thanks then....i suppose. ))

You're foolish words can never hurt me
April 10, 2008 7:38 am (Edited April 10, 2008 07:40 am) #

((OK A_A You're going to be very happy. I am actually posting :D))

Inyri pointed the blaster at the guard. She was horrified and angry that this one was attacking Bareth. This one had to be dealt with, fast. "STOP!" She shouted. This was only partially effective, as the guard let up their assault on Bareth, but turned their attention to Inyri. So she shot at him, but the guard managed to move out of the way and started charging at her.

Bareth felt his insides curdle at the sight of this brute lunging at Inyri. The thought was unimaginable. Just before the guard made contact he found his vibroknife and threw it at the man. It only managed to make contact in his right leg, but it was enough. The man fell to the ground, screaming in unexpected pain.

Inyri held the blaster pointed right at him, but hesitated to shoot, only because the target wasn't so defined anymore. His shape started to shift, and this time it became a lithe woman, holding her leg, but obviously still angry.

Bareth got up and ran to Inyri and wrapped his arms around her waist. " Are you ok?" he asked.

His touch wasn't shocking any more, but was electric. It was magic. Purely wonderful in a way she couldn't describe and she did not want Bareth to let go. "I'm ok, but this one has me confused."

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
April 10, 2008 8:16 am #

(( What the heck!? You can't defeat a jedi that easily! :( :| ))

You're foolish words can never hurt me
April 10, 2008 9:15 am #

(( I'm sorry if you're confused. You are in a different section of the building. I am working with A_A's character  fighting the character cujo brought into play... the one who's offically Zam. She's still green at this point and I think she can be distracted by the vibroknife.))

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
April 10, 2008 9:31 am #

(( oh, okay. Sorry Si :) ))

Daric went into the hangar and saw Bareth, Inyri and a curious alien creature with a short blaster pistol. " Hey, you over there! The alien blasted Daric three times. Daric deflected all of them, sending one into the creatures leg and another into it's arm. Daric walked towards them. " What's going on, Inyri!? "......................

You're foolish words can never hurt me
April 10, 2008 10:34 am (Edited April 10, 2008 12:24 pm) #

(( Tonight's the night A_A! For tonight we dine...))
(( Fine I'll play this way...))

Inyri heard a familiar voice from behind. "What's going on Inyri?" it asked. She dreaded hearing Daric speak now, she was fed up with her entire plan, as well thought out as it seemed. So much time and money wasted. Well perhaps not wasted, if everything only amounted to Bareth still holding on to her.

The hum of the lightsaber was echoing in the large cavernous space, even with the sounds of a small battle filling the aged warehouse. Inyri thought of one last thing, that might buy Bareth and her a few more moments, just long enough to escape.  She could feel the pressure mounting. She needed to act fast, but smooth so that Daric and whoever that was with him would have no time to act.

"I have one last trick." Inyri whispered and patted reassuringly on his arm. With a few taps on her wrist communicator the hanger's layout began to shift. New walls slid on magnetic tracks in the celling, cordoning the hanger into strange segments. It was such a surprise to Daric, who only wanted to talk, but now he was separated from Inyri and Bareth by immense blaster proof walls.

The only problem was the wounded creature. She wasn't as injured any more, and she was on her feet, determined to make it out alive. She had nothing vested in this operation. She threw a small and relatively weak explosive to up towards the roof, hoping to take down part of the wall. And she managed to succeed. The hole she left, opened right to the space craft but still kept Daric and his company locked behind a wall.

Shrapnel and chunks of wall scattered across the hanger.  Before Inyri or Bareth could run they were being pelted with the debris. Bareth instinctively dove on top of Inryi in attempt to protect her best he could. At the least his armor should help. He heard and felt the impact as it pushed him off of Inyri. He heard someone screaming, but it took him a moment to realize that it was him. Screaming because he was out of reach to protect the one thing he cared about now in the whole galaxy.

The dust cleared and settled. Inryi clenched her jaw in pain. She coughed as she gasped for clear air. She saw Bareth scramble over to her, removing his helmet.

"What happened?" She managed to ask.

"That creature, the wall, she blew a hole out of it."

Inyri tried to raise herself off the floor, but realized that she couldn't, the pain was just too much and she let out a small yelp.

"Wait." Bareth said calmly. "Part of the wall fell on you. I have to get it off." And he pushed and pulled, but try as he may he couldn't get it to  budge.

Inyri felt lightheaded and clear. She was gasping for breath. "Bareth. I love you."

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
April 10, 2008 7:12 pm (Edited April 10, 2008 07:32 pm) #

This was bad. The section of wall that had collapsed had fell on Inyri, effectively pinning her to the ground. He couldn't move it. She was bleeding, apparently hit by shrapnel as well, a small cut, almost like the mark left by a fine pointed brush dipped in red paint streaked across her cheek. He had to get Inyri out, make it to Alderaan, but the debris pinning her to the floor didn't seem to like that idea.

  Inyri's breathing didn't sound to good. "Bareth. I love you." Bareth didn't know what to say, and he didn't know what to do. He couldn't get out of here with Inyri, but he wouldn't leave her here. He held Inyri, kneeling on the ground by her. "I'm not leaving without you." he said, staring down at her. She looked back at him, almost peacefull, if it were not for the blood staining her clothes. Her blood.

He pulled an orb from a pouch on his belt, holding the seemingly harmless object in his hand. It was a thermal detonator, a very illegal version of such, not even used by military as it was so dangerous. From the explosions he heard before he assumed there were charges in place, and the generator could go off as well. He looked back down at Inyri, holding the grenade in his hand. Inyri nodded. "Do it." She said. He pressed the button.


"I love you"


"I know."


Bareth kissed Inyri, droping the thermal detonator, it slowly began to roll away.





"This is Aurin O'Nassi, reporting for Coruscant Holonet News, There was a massive explosion earlier today at a abandoned warehouse in The Works, the explosion caused extreme damage to surrounding buildings, and killed at least eighty people. Reports are still coming in, sightings of a man and woman entering earlier have been reported, but no connection to the explosion is suspected. CSF have yet to say if the explosion was accidental or deliberate. This is Aurin O'Nassi , reporting from the Works, Coruscant Holonet News."

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
April 11, 2008 8:50 pm #

Vyyk and Daric were blasting away when suddenley a huge explosion destroyed everything, sending the hovering Rekkor flying hundreds of miles pe hour into space, burning and flaming. They'd ecsaped barley alive...

((Can I do this-or is this RPG done-or will there be a Coruscant Attack 2?))

Some may run a short while, but none of them would bide.
April 11, 2008 11:03 pm (Edited April 11, 2008 11:09 pm) #

(( soon, but for now, let's just end it will a small ending, Seco? Eh? :) ))

Daric escaped barely alive. He was crying......He was crying for someone he despised and hated entirely, but was nice, a way. Bareth and Inyri were dead. Blown to pieces.....Daric wiped away a small tear. Then he and Vvyk headed towards his flat, to take a few precious things......


Once they arrived......Daric took some credit chips, food, water, medicine, his duvet and pillows his green lightsaber, armour ( 100% ) , a small blaster pistol and concussion grenades ( X 4 ) and....................Daric was crying so hard, he sank into the floor in a heap, lastly of all........his picture of his wife and kids and himself, smiling at each other.

They would never remember him, thinking HE had died in the building too. But he would pay, even if his died trying! he would kill ZAM WESSELL!


He beckoned to Vvyk and they set off to Taris.......................

The end.

( Coruscant Attack 2 will be arriving in a BFFC near you. In a month maybe :) )

You're foolish words can never hurt me
April 12, 2008 2:13 am (Edited April 12, 2008 04:31 am) #

Name: Haruhi Suzumiya
Species: Human female
Age: 15
Weapons: Long sword
Job: SOS club boss
Vehicle: none
Personality: Loud, aggressive, not afraid to say what she thinks

wakes up sees gun fight drop kicks first bounty hunter more attack her.
stabs next one and slices through the 3rd one 6 more come through the door.
knowing she cannot beat them all she runs away from them.
they corner her and are about to shoot when her jedi friend nagato comes and uses the force to slice them.
being a super jedi cyborg she kills the remaining bonty hunters and brings haruhi away from them......

Hi if any one plays halo read this join my clan the sos brigade just remember sos is the best
April 12, 2008 6:36 am #

This is over

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
April 12, 2008 4:59 pm (Edited April 12, 2008 05:00 pm) #

sorry sorry i just thought we were suppost to make storys on here

still it was a pritty good story dont you think?

Hi if any one plays halo read this join my clan the sos brigade just remember sos is the best
April 13, 2008 6:51 pm #

super jedi cyborg?...sheesh....

freekin' noobs...

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
April 14, 2008 6:41 am #

I just can't... There are no more words....

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
April 14, 2008 4:55 pm #

..............Yet you keep posting.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
April 14, 2008 9:26 pm #

Lock It Already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some may run a short while, but none of them would bide.
April 15, 2008 10:37 am #


"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
April 17, 2008 7:34 am #


You're foolish words can never hurt me
April 17, 2008 10:47 am #

I don't know, you made this. Maybe you could ask the admin?

Some may run a short while, but none of them would bide.
April 25, 2008 10:52 pm #

ok. Now for the final time. The End.

You're foolish words can never hurt me
May 15, 2008 8:10 am #

Griffin scratched his head and shrugged his shoulders.
with that he headed back to his dropships and went home :)
on the way home he met a leprachaun, it gave him millions of credits (im not leaving empty handed)

griffin lived a happy life thence after

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
May 15, 2008 8:16 am #

It's Over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do Not Reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't You Read!!!!!!!!!?????????????

You're foolish words can never hurt me
May 15, 2008 8:21 am #

yer i can funnily enough!
things school teaches you now.

i just wanted my character to feel like he's finished
how would you feel if you just died! without telling a story of your life eh? :P

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
May 15, 2008 8:30 am #

ok, sorry then, just don't post again. I wanted this RPG finished about , ooooh, let's say..........10 posts ago!

You didn't even make a character ,so why did you post?

never mind.


This is finished!

Don't post here.

You're foolish words can never hurt me

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