I need help on KOTOR at the moment. My health is dangerously low and I am in the Black Vulkars base where you have to find the prototype accelerator. I am in the room where it is, but need help getting to it, without, being killed by the four guards, twi'lek guards in there. :(
Topic: KOTOR tips/cheats
Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.
22 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestgo to your swkotor.ini in the kotor folder and type enablecheats=1 under game options
now in game hit ~ and type invulnerability for godmode or just type heal for full health.
Note that the file may not be called swkotor.ini, it may also be called swkotor configuration. And if your using windows vista you will have to go to lucasarts/kotor folder and at the top of the screen there will be a new button beside the "burn" button, called compatibility files, go there and thats where you can do the editing where it will be permanent, otherwise u keep getting annoying errors that you have no permission to screw with files.
I hope this helped

Thanks, Jesse, but I don't know about computers a lot, and I am only 12. Thanks anyway............. :)
I just wanted to know if i could kill them without killing myself because my health is so low......
try rapid transit back to the apartment and buy some med kits. Its been awhile since I've played so im unsure if that is possible, but its worth a shot
It's topic like these that make we want to rush off and buy myself a copy again.
It wouldn't be in vain if you did Sev. i might have said this before but its amazing.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
I think I shall. It's been awhile since I've played any of my old Xbox games. I tried BF2 on Xbox Live and it was terrible. So laggy.
BF2 kinda blows no matter what... I meen common Jango with only one blaster? and not even the right Blaster, that just annoyed me. I had the PS2 and PC version both suck cant get online with the pc version so I snapped it :) BF1 rocks tho

I cant go back to the hideout, because I am still in combat. :(
Hey, masterchief I am playing KOTOR right now and just got out of the vulkar base. I turned on an energy shield to protect from blasters, used a battle stimulant, and pulled out my double blade sword and went for the leader. My guys took care of the rest. Btw, you get 2000 creds for opening the docking bay door in the garage main area, but the box is locked, so have Mission Vao with you. Have full health, though, there is a tough droid guarding it. Hope I helped. I also want to join your rpg, so if you want to bring it back, I'll play.

I actually need help in the sith base, I kinda killed the vulkars, got the protoype accelerator, given it to the blind guy? ( sorry, i can't remember your name ? :O :P ), won the race thing, freed bastila, got TM-34 and need help getting rid of the sith apprentice in there. :)
Thank you, Merciless Mandalore! :D You are a true friend.
Sorry, but i escaped and got the accelerator.
thanks for the info though. :)
becarful on the leviathan i always get killed there

k, thanks, SOS haruhi
Do you know how I can defeat the sith apprentice easily in the sith base? :)
yes make sure bastila has either fear or stun recommended).
if she douse not put zalbar with a vulker shock stick or stun baton.
if you are using the fear/stun thing make Carth hold 2 swords and make him have flurry
make sure you have tons of medpacs and i mean lots you should always carry at least 10 with you every where.
ok now for the fight
when you fight him pause the game.
if your using the bastila stun/fear thingy click stun 3 times just to be safe.
than on carth click flurry 3 times
than on you click on flurry 3 times.
and use medpacs from your invintory screen not the manual way it saves time and health
if you are using the zalbar stun baton thingy click critical strike 3 times (if you dont have that click power attack
and on you use critical strike until stunned
and on bastila use critical strike (and if you dont have that use power attack (and if you don't have that use flurry)
make sure you pause when on low health and go to your invintory screen to heal
there you should win

I am now stuck in the hangar of Davik's base. I can't kill Calo Nord and Davik Kang easily. How can I kill them? :O
I must have been lucky because I never really had a problem with Calo. But just keep doing as you've done with the rest of the harder villains.
calo was easy for me just aim at calo with all you characters when he is on half health he will try to kill him self and every one else
I would give more tips, but I'm still in the sith base.

If, you are trying to kill the sith apprentice, you have to use Carth and Bastila against him. When Bastila and Carth die, but give you strength to kill him easily, just either throw grenades at him, or.........what I did, use a prototype vibroblade.
Yeah, but don't they need grenades to kill them? And I thought you killed Calo, later in the game. I keep dieing easily! please give me cheats, on how to get full health! And also ( if there is one ) a cheat for unlimited grenades! :D
My problem is that, Canderous dies easily with like 4 shots at him, and he's dead! And I haven't got any medpacs! Or better yet.....Advanced medpacs! :( :|
Have you leveled them up or given them weapons?
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Yes, but I sold my good weapons, in order to buy loads and loads and loads of medpacs and 2 or 3 advanced medpacs. :(
And I have leveled them up.