Topic: Republic Commando: Alpha Squad

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Topic #2270

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March 12, 2008 3:40 pm #

as far as i know, there is no RepCom RPG. so here's a limited person RP where me and several others would be part of Alpha Squad. My charry is Kad, Mandalorian for Saber, and Kal Skirata was the squads training sergeant (unless most others want to change that). If we get enough people, we can start a second squad.

Kad is the squads sergeant, and we need a sniper, tech expert, and explosives expert. We will need to decide on a first objective. Any other vode who want to become a commando, here's the place. Oya!!

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
March 12, 2008 6:32 pm (Edited March 12, 2008 06:41 pm) #

Name: RC-1313 "Jag"
Squad Role: Sniper
Personality: He can be serious when needed but prefers to goof off.  Some of his drill sergeants said he joked around too much when he is blowing the head off a Geonosian in training.  But seriously, don't be on the end of his scope. 
Appearance:  Clone.  Tries to keep a clean shaven face.  ((Do we want armor to be coloured or be something like Omega's?))
Weapons:  DC-17m, favours the sniper attachment (duh, but of course he can use the other attachments). DC-15 side arm pistol.

Jag sat in the briefing room with his other members idly.  He was absent-mindedly cleaning his Deecee.  He would just ask Kad later about mission details.  Weapons were more important.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
March 13, 2008 3:56 am #

ooc: you can customized your armor however you like, like delta's.

Name:RC-1312: "Kad".
Personality: Though informal squad sergeant, he is never aloof, and prefers to be just another brother to his squadmates. Enjoys jokes, and fun, but less so than Jag.  (sorry for the length, have to go.)
Appearance: Clone, clean-shaven and hair cut short to military regulations. Armor: Standard underneath, Mandalorian (bantha) skull splashed across left side of his armor (chest and side). Red slash across front and top of helmet, right shoulder pauldron  (sp).
Weapons: DC-17m, DC-15s sidearm, conc rifle.

Kad was just receiving the mission details over his HUD. It looked challenging, which was fitting for Republic Commandos like Alpha. (just 2 more people for Alpha)

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
March 13, 2008 12:11 pm (Edited March 14, 2008 01:04 pm) #

Name: RC 1339, AKA, Tracyn (Mando'a for Fire)
Personaliy: Like his specialty, he has an explosive temper in battle, and a restrained temper during his off hours.
Specialty: Heavy Ordnance, Demolitions
Appearance:  Armour painted black, with deep green slashes going from both shoulders to his waist, making a sort of "V".  Other than that, he looks like a clone with longish hair.
Weaponry: E-Web (heheheh), grenades, detpacks, and other various explosives, as well as a small sidearm.

Tracyn leaned against the metallic bulkhead, deep in thought.  Their last mission had concluded, and he was anxious to get moving again.  Oh, how he loved the beauty of explosions in the afternoon sun....[i[sigh[/i]

((The Mandalorian skull is a Mythosaur skull, not bantha))

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
March 13, 2008 12:17 pm #

oops--randomly read bantha somewhere, and yeah, didn't make sense, btw. one more guy.

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
March 13, 2008 1:43 pm (Edited March 25, 2008 03:48 pm) #

Name: RC-1873 "Tal"
Personality: Deadly serious, though as very rare moments humor. Sanity questionable. Often mutters to himself., sometimes hums Vode An during a battle. For some reason has a belief that 'Red ones go faster' 
Specialty: Slicer, as a result has a slight explosives skill, more then the others but not as much as Tracyn
Appearance: Clone, a terminal exploded during his training, leaving his neck and chest covered in burns, keeps head shaved, armor is a dark grey, with blue shoulder plates and gauntlets. Has a red bullseye painted on upper right part of chest plate. Blue Kama with grey trimming
Weapons: DC-17m, with all attachments (And a red paint job), DC-15 side arm, grenades, Vibrokinfe, back up explosive charges.

RC-1873 called 'Tal' by his brothers stared down at the blue T-visor of his helm. It held a faint reflection of himself in it, aside from the scars, he was exactly the same as his brothers. He was not the same though, not some faceless automaton, made exactly the same as those around him. He was faster, stronger, better then the others, as were his brothers. He was not some product, made to live out his usefulness and die of old age in some retirement center. He was a warrior. He would die in a blaze of glory. He was a Republic Commando, numbered RC-1873 by his creators, he would die for the Republic, with his brothers.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
March 13, 2008 3:18 pm (Edited March 13, 2008 03:19 pm) #

ooc: hey, Mandalorian Assassin, I recognize the word "Tracyne" from Vode An, but what word is it? the order throws me off. Is is "fires"?

nau tracyne kad, vode an

anyways, we've got a full squad now, but if anyone else wants to join, they can join as an ARC, or we could form a second squad. oya, vode! lets get RPing!!

Oh, and Mandalorian Assassin, you need an ID number. RC----. you can pick one, or be RC-1314

ic: Kad finished reviewing their mission, and was about to brief his brothers when a beep indicating a new message sounded. He opened it, reading it. Good luck, Kad. You'll be fine on this next mission. Just remember your training, and I'll see you when you get back. ----Sgt. Kal. Good old Kal'buir--always remembering all his men. Kad turned to where the rest of Alpha was waiting.

"Alright--GAR high command has finally sent us on a fun mission. We're headed to Ord Mantell, to assassinate a key Separatist leader, and blow up anything we get a chance to take out. The insertion will be silent, but the extraction is up to us, and it'll probably be pretty hot. The Indomitable will be on standby out-system, ready to pick us up when we need them. Any questions?"

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
March 13, 2008 3:33 pm #

"Assassinate? Sounds fun" Jag said patting his DC.

"Only for you, brother." Tal muttered. He wasn't as much of a sniping enthusiast.

"Well sorry if you don't enjoy putting a round through a target's head at 200 meters."

"I just don't want you to have all the kills."

"Your just jealous of my crazy mad skills."

"I can't be jealous of something that doesn't exist..."

Kad cut in "Thats enough of that. Any serious questions?"

"Security? I mean electronic and physical." Tal asked, he always enjoyed slicing into a mainfraim and playing hell with the security forces.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
March 13, 2008 4:13 pm (Edited March 14, 2008 07:01 pm) #

Name: (Captain) Alpha-31 "Psycho"
Personality: "Work hardest, play harder..." He's all about getting things done and earning the right for some downtime. He knows that as an Alpha, he's the best. His success among his previous outfit, the Muunilinst-10,  has boosted his confidence in his skills.
Specialty: Infiltration, assassination, sabotage, all the nastier sides of the war people don't talk about.
Appearance: Jango Fett, with scar trailing down right eye, eyebrow to jawline. With his Buy'ce off he's always smoking a Dilnlexan cigar. Wears gunmetal grey ARC armor, a more advanced and versatile version of the Phase I armor, with red trim on the chest, command pauldrons, legs, and black kama. He has a periscope rangefinder attachment on the right temple of his helmet. His helmet also boasts The Jaing Eyes, an award for bravery in the line of duty, awarded after his actions serving alongside Captain Fordo and the Muunilinst-10.

Weapons: Chaingun, Twin DC-17 hand blasters, and frag and reverse-polarity pulse grenades. He also has bandoliers and pouches for extra Spec Ops equipment, including EMP grenades and extra ammunition. Has a wide assortment of throwing blades, and his trusty vibroknife.

Psycho stepped into the breifing room as Alpha squad's leader continued setting up their mission specs. He walked silently into the room, helmet tucked under his arm. With him trailed the heavily fragrant scent of his Dilnlexan cigar.

Glad I'm dating that girl from the Galactic Republic Trade Commission, he thought as he puffed out a particularly large smoke cloud.

"Don't tell me I'm late for the party, ladies..."

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
March 13, 2008 4:36 pm (Edited March 13, 2008 09:00 pm) #

Name: RC-1967 "Gayiyli"
Personality: Highly intelligent, talks alot and is very competetive, dispite being a Smart-ass. He also seems to to try and make the best of the situation, dispite the way things are looking; and in spare time fixes/builds/customizes blaster weapons.
Specialty: Medic, Heavy Weapons
Appearance: Matte white/blue armor, customized helmet, cheekplates, and visor. Face wise, he looks like all of the other clones, with the exception of a deep scar across his nose and brow.
Weapons: ACP Scattergun, Merr-Sonn Munitions Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon, DC-15s Sidearm

Six-Seven stood behind Tal, making some final checks on his improved Z-6 Chaingun as Psycho strolled in like he's the General. "Don't tell me I'm late for the party, ladies..."

"Fierfek...not him..."

"This IS my signature."
March 13, 2008 5:52 pm #

Tal groaned inwardly as Psycho stepped into the room. He personally disliked ARCs, mainly Alpha ARCs. They had it drilled into them that they were the best, and they believed it. But did they single handedly destroy a CIS Core ship on Genosis? No. That was a Commando squad. The ARCs were regarded as some of the best, and they were, but the clone commandos did the same job, if not better.  Tal ignored Psycho's taunt, and clamped his Buy'ce on checking his weapons. He was ready.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
March 13, 2008 6:42 pm #
Lord Revan wrote:

Name: RC-1967 "Gayiyli"
Personality: Highly intelligent, talks alot and is very competetive, dispite being a Smart-ass. He also seems to to try and make the best of the situation, dispite the way things are looking.
Specialty: Medic, Heavy Weapons
Appearance: Matte white/blue armor, customized helmet, cheekplates, and visor. Face wise, he looks like all of the other clones, with the exception of a deep scar across his nose and brow.
Weapons: ACP Scattergun, Merr-Sonn Munitions Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon, DC-15s Sidearm

Revan, if we get a few more, you can be part of a second squad. if not, we can just tack you on to our squad--say you lost yours on Geonosis. sound good?

ic: "Captain. I take it you've been added to our mission. This will change things, but we'll be glad to have your expertise."

Kad heard a snort over the squad's private frequency. He quickly switched to that line. "I know, I like this as little as you do. But we have no choice. I just wish they'd given us a Null. They're psychotic, but effective."

He switched back to the public channel. "As to security, its a high-ranking Sep Council Member, campaigning for Ord Mantell's support. They'll have droids as well as numerous private guards, I'm sure. Expect anything. I doubt Ord Mantell will have much in place, but we'll have enough to deal with on the Sep front. Also, General Jusik has asked us to give him a dream list of stuff we'll want for the mission. If anyone wants a shatter gun or bowcaster, now is the time to get it. Tracyn, if you need anything special, just ask. Anything else?"

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
March 13, 2008 6:53 pm #

Psycho took another drag of his cigar, "Well, since you're in charge of this op, Sergeant. I'm gonna ask for a new chain gun. I didn't get a chance to requisition a new one when I got back from my op on Muunilist. My old one got fragged."

He smiled wickedly at the other Commandos, who obviously weren't happy about his arrival. It made him chuckle a bit, as he puffed out another cloud of cigar smoke.

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
March 13, 2008 7:13 pm (Edited March 13, 2008 08:55 pm) #

((Yeah, just say his squad was killed on Geonosis))

"Well look at the bright side, at least that sheb-sucker isn't going to be with our squad..."

"...Captain. I take it you've been added to our mission. This will change things, but we'll be glad to have your expertise..."

"Fierfek, I spoke to soon..."

"This IS my signature."
March 13, 2008 7:17 pm (Edited March 13, 2008 07:31 pm) #

"Ha....Well, since were on the topic of big guns....How about a LS-150 HACPRG? I like them kill lots of stuff with that bayonet..."

"Heheh, Sounds like something I would say." Gayiyli chuckled

"Psychos....." Jag muttered over the private comm.

"Be glad were on your side then." Tal said, slaming a magazine into his DC. "So when do we leave?"

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
March 14, 2008 3:58 am #

"At 0800, tomorrow. I've already put in a request for two PLEX rockets, and a scope for my shatter gun (sorry i'm adding that.) Might come in handy. If that's all, grab some rack time, you'll need it."

ooc: next post either exit the room and stuff, or start out in our insertion vessel, a small cargo ship, unmarked, and small. Droid piloted, so zero-g. Fun)

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
March 14, 2008 7:47 am #

*would love to join this one, but I won't be posting much the next few days.  Should be back in action starting around the 25th, so if you open a new squad, WV, keep a sniper spot warm for me, will ya?   :D*

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
March 14, 2008 10:03 am #

"At 0800, tomorrow. I've already put in a request for two PLEX rockets, and a scope for my shatter gun (sorry i'm adding that.) Might come in handy. If that's all, grab some rack time, you'll need it."

"Well said, Sarge," Psycho got up and stretched, exhaling a particularly large cloud of smoke over the group's heads, "On that note, unless any of you girls needs me, I've got some gear to prep. Get your beauty sleep, eh? "

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
March 14, 2008 12:27 pm (Edited March 14, 2008 12:28 pm) #
Ralin Drakus wrote:

*would love to join this one, but I won't be posting much the next few days.  Should be back in action starting around the 25th, so if you open a new squad, WV, keep a sniper spot warm for me, will ya?   :D*

will do, vod. we've got Revan tacked on to Alpha, but if we get two more, i'll save you the last spot.

ic: "Thank you, Captain." He exits "Shab, I hate that guy. I have a feeling that I'll only hate him more by the end of this op. Lets go, vod

Inside insertion vessel: floating amongst crates of barq and other grains.

<<Alpha, a small hangar outside the capital city has been closed off from all public use, and we suspect that it is being used to house Vulture Droids and Tri-fighters. If the opportunity arises, please take it out.>>

"We copy, Command. Don't forget to pick us up."

<<Don't miss the bus, Alpha. Command, out.>>

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
March 14, 2008 1:10 pm #

Tracyn left the briefing room, both gleeful, and annoyed.  Gleeful because he could select any number of lovely explosive devices.  Annoyed, because Psycho was joining the group.  He didn't mind him in terms of expertise, but his attitude could use some adjusting.  Some very serious adjusting.  He sighed, and placed his helmet o his head (It had been off for the briefing), and climbed aboard the cargo ship.  This was going to be a long mission...

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
March 14, 2008 1:39 pm #

Tal jumped up to attention, saluting. "Yes ma'am!" He shouted, after Psycho.


Tal was floating, he had tied himself to a crate of barq. He was running drills, disassembling his weapons rapidly, cleaning them, then reassembling them, without the magazine and dry-firing. He didn't see why anyone would have a problem with zero-g. He personally loved it, Zero-G combat was his favorite, something about how the corpses seemed to relax as they were spiraled away by their venting suit. The way the blood floated darkly in the vacuum.  A dry, robotic voice interrupted his thoughts. "Point Insertion In Thirty Minuets." Tal opened his eyes, and reassembled his weapons, putting them back in their places. "Good day to you too..."Jag muttered. The others were making their last minuet preparations. Showtime.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
March 14, 2008 2:58 pm #

(( hey just wondering if i could join? if not could i be like a clone trooper in support of your operations? not working with your team but say like my army go in fight the big battle and your the commando's fighting the special battles which enable my army to win or something? like in any real situation? thanks ))

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
March 14, 2008 3:34 pm (Edited March 17, 2008 12:11 pm) #

<<Don't miss the bus, Alpha. Command, out.>>

Psycho drew one last puff of his cigar and put it out in his gauntleted palm. He placed the unlit stub in a small sealed jar and put it into one of his pouches and sealed it. He looked at the members of Alpha Squad, and placed the gunmetal grey ARC trooper helmet onto his head. It boasted a periscope rangefinder attachment on the right temple of his helmet, and was decorated with The Jaing Eyes, a Mandalorian award for bravery in the line of duty. It was awarded to him after his actions serving alongside Captain Fordo and the Muunilinst-10.

"Alright Commandos, you heard the man. It's showtime..."

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
March 14, 2008 6:54 pm #
Nigzy wrote:

(( hey just wondering if i could join? if not could i be like a clone trooper in support of your operations? not working with your team but say like my army go in fight the big battle and your the commando's fighting the special battles which enable my army to win or something? like in any real situation? thanks ))

this is strictly a commando op, but eventually we might make a second squad, or need a few troopers in a later op. This one is kinda locked in at the moment, sorry. Unless anyone else has an idea?

ic:"Alright Commandos, you heard the man. It's showtime..."

"Our ship will be landing in an automated warehouse, owned by a Republic sympathizer, on the outskirts of the capital. We'll have to work our way in, get a good spot for Jag to work his magic, or have Tracyn blow some osik'la Sep from here to Tatooine. If the opportunity arises, we've got a hanger just packed with droids, and their all waiting for us to spoil their day. And, as a bonus, the fighter jockies from Indomitable will owe us a drink, too.

Landing in T-Minus 15........10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1..touchdown. Ramps down, boys, and welcome to Ord Mantell. The over-abundance of tinnies is normally a turn-off for tourists, but you look like your in the scrap business. And there's enough to go around."

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
March 14, 2008 7:15 pm #

Alpha-31 AKA Psycho slings his Chaingun and warms it up.

"Where do you want me, Sarge?"

Sargeant Kad looks over at the ARC trooper, "I thought you were in charge."

Psycho shrugged slightly, barely noticable under his shoulder pauldrons and cape, "Not until I develop the opinion that your decision goes against the efficiency of our mission. So, where do you want me and Baby Doll, here?" He gestured to the chaingun in his hands.

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
March 15, 2008 1:34 pm #

"In that case, as long as your mission parameters don't differ from ours, we should have no problems.

"Tracyn, Gayiyli, and I will spread out and secure the perimeter. Jag will find a place to cover us, in case our mission has been compromised. Tal will slice one of the delivery speeders, so we can find an operational base to work from. You can work on finding a few options to check out, relatively close to where the Sep Council Member will be speaking. Also, keep in mind the location of the hangar, in case we get an opportunity to take it out." Kad could imagine the smile on Tracyn's face. "We'll proceed from there."

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
March 16, 2008 8:28 am #

"As ordered, Sarge.Take it easy, nice with the locals." With that Alpha-31 disappeared into the city's infrastructure.

"I really don't like that guy," said Jag.

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
March 16, 2008 2:10 pm #

"Crud.  We don't get to bow up the speeders."  Tracyn sounded sad, although he was grinning under his helmet.  Sneaky now meant explosions later when they were found out.  And that hangar sounded promising.  Unless, through some strange circumstances, the op actually goes perfectly.  Although from experience, the plans that go perfectly are never planned that way.

He hefted his E-Web, and followed after the other commandos.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
March 17, 2008 12:19 pm (Edited March 17, 2008 12:20 pm) #

First things, first Alpha-31 thought to himself.

Map out the planetary grid, and seek out the location of the most likely place for a meeting. Then we seek out optimal points for a direct line of sight on the target.

Careful as ever, Alpha-31 went to as usual.

Piece of uj cake...

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
March 17, 2008 12:45 pm #

Jag watched the Alpha 31 trailed off on his own.

"I really don't like that guy."

Jag followed behind his squad mates as they jogged through the city.  They got some looks from some species as they ducked down an alley.

"So.  Do we have any idea where this is going to go down?"

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
March 17, 2008 1:24 pm #

"Most likely, there will be a parade around, and then a speech at, the Capitol building. But they could change it." said Kad. "If we want to be sure of getting him, no matter what, we're going to have to be flexible. Tal, pick us up in the delivery speeder at the alley next to Dee Bee's Bar."

"Right. On my way now, Kad." A few minutes later, the speeder pulled up, and the squad hopped in the back. "As soon our Dear Captain finds us an operational base, we'll figure out the next phase. The Seppie will be touring tomorrow, so we've got to get this going, fast."

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
March 17, 2008 6:12 pm (Edited March 18, 2008 12:05 pm) #

After a bit, Alpha-31 had a full map of the surrounding residential area near Ord Mantell's Capitol building. He knew the Commandos were capable enough of handling their tasks. If Jango, and by extension, Jango's men, trusted them then he'd have to also. He'd never really put much stock into troopers or Commandos. He knew that like he and his ARC brothers, they had jobs to do. He just knew the ARCs did their jobs better.

"Blast, a couple of batch cycles earlier and I might've been one of Skirata's beloved Nulls," he smiled to himself.

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
March 17, 2008 7:22 pm #

ooc: one question--since Kal didn't train any Alpha's, how is he Kal'buir to Alpha-31? i know he adopted/cared for a lot, but.....

I'm not going yet--its your turn, A_A.

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
March 18, 2008 10:01 am #

(ooc: Werda Verda: If you have a problem with this post I'll delete it.)

Name: Fezz Darkson
Age: 38
Faction: CIS
Class: CIS Officer
Culture/Race: Human Mandalorian
Armor/Appearance: Full Mandalorian Battle Armor, Dark Green, with Gold Stripes going from the head down. Tall, Strong...typical Mando.
Weapons: Beskar Saber, Verpine Shatter Gun (Carbine), Thermal Dets, Whip, Wrist Vibro-Blade
Personality: Dark and Cold...Nuff said.

Darkson had been crouching in the brush for hours, his legs beged to be stretched. He shut those thoughts out. [/i]"No pain, no gain"[i] He reminded himself. He looked over his shoulder at the 15 battle droids behind him, given him by Frackle Peti, the commanding CIS officer here, and envyed there unability to feel pain. He turned back to resume his watch, grimacing as his muscles ached. He held onto the hope that theyed be here any minute now...

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
March 18, 2008 11:41 am (Edited March 18, 2008 12:06 pm) #
Werda Verd wrote:

ooc: one question--since Kal didn't train any Alpha's, how is he Kal'buir to Alpha-31? i know he adopted/cared for a lot, but.....

I'm not going yet--its your turn, A_A.

((ooc: Okay, minor oversight... I'll edit...thanx for the heads up...))

"Hey Sarge," Alpha-31 said into his comm, "According to surveillance, best possible spot for BaseOps is a unit located here." He transmited the map to Kad, indicating the position of a nearby Hotel's adjacent storage unit accross from the Capitol building. "We can access their security and make ourselves comfortable. Otherwise I can get us inside the hotel and into a nearby room with a far better view of the party. We'll need to go in our civvies and stagger our arrival. I can provide you with the schedule to better time the squads arrival, and avoid any suspicion. Your slicer will have to hack the security. Your call, boss man."

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
March 18, 2008 12:14 pm #
Mandal_ShadowWarrior wrote:

(ooc: Werda Verda: If you have a problem with this post I'll delete it.)

ooc: nope. should mix things up a little, and you might not be able to continue him in any possible future missions, but i don't see why not. Reminds me of hokan. go for it.

and AA, cmon, vod. i might have a job for you in a minute.

ic: "Good work, thirty-one. I like the hotel view better. It'll make things more complicated, but with a little thought, we should do it without too much trouble. We should rent rooms scattered throughout the hotel, to avoid suspicions. We'll have to buy suitcases for our armor, but we won't have too much trouble with that. With our slightly different haircuts, some glasses, hats, etc., we might be able to pull it off. Tal, you fix up some fake docs for all of us. Tracyn, Thirty-One, scout out the hangar, see if you can find a way to get some charges on it. The rest of you, get your shebs out of armor, into some normal clothes, and get some disguises. And if you want to get creative, shave your heads. Or something. Get going."

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
March 18, 2008 12:36 pm (Edited March 18, 2008 02:45 pm) #

"Good work, thirty-one. I like the hotel view better. It'll make things more complicated, but with a little thought, we should do it without too much trouble. We should rent rooms scattered throughout the hotel, to avoid suspicions. We'll have to buy suitcases for our armor, but we won't have too much trouble with that. With our slightly different haircuts, some glasses, hats, etc., we might be able to pull it off. Tal, you fix up some fake docs for all of us. Tracyn, Thirty-One, scout out the hangar, see if you can find a way to get some charges on it. The rest of you, get your shebs out of armor, into some normal clothes, and get some disguises. And if you want to get creative, shave your heads. Or something. Get going."

Alpha-31 transmitted the necessary intel he'd gathered for the hotel insertion. He'd figured the Sargeant would prefer that option, and had prepped the data for instant transmission once Kad okayed the plan, and decided to end his gum flapping.

Way ahead of you, Kad...Play nice, Psycho, old boy. Yessir! Psycho chuckeled at himself.

"No prob, Sarge. By the way, call me Psycho. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside." Psycho chuckeled again as he stalked off towards his favorite mission aspect...asset denial.

Gotta love this job...

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
March 18, 2008 3:00 pm #

Tal had picked up a speeder, the owner of the large van had went for a snack, Tal had stowed away and killed him when he returned.  It was now his turn to make some fake IDs "And if you want to get creative, shave your heads or something."

"Already there sir."

He striped the former owner of the speeder and took his clothes temporarily, with a suitable disguise he could pick something more suitable up. As soon as he had that done, he would get those IDs done.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
March 18, 2008 6:35 pm (Edited March 20, 2008 02:10 pm) #

A small beeping icon in his helmet alerted Darkson to a incoming comm call, he blinked rapidly at the beeping icon.

"Darkson here, go ahead."

It was OOM-55, one of the droid generals.

"Sir, sentries five and six have reported movment south-east of your position, entering the city. Scans indicate clone troopers, the farmers information was incorrect. They did not land were he predicted"

Darkson growled under his breath. He would have that farmers head, but right now he had to reposition his forces.

"Alright Fiffty-Five, order all city patrols in the area to regroup and to attack, and warm up are air-speeders as well."

"Very good sir, OOM-55 signing out."

A click indicated the hang-up. Darkson stood up and his droids did the same, in perfect unison. Darkson smiled, and ordered a formation and a advance. They did so.


As the truck rounded the corner, two battle droids appeared in the street and opened fire on the truck. Several blasts hit one of the repulsers causing an explosion. Kad lost control of the weel as the truck scraped along the street, and fliped on its side. After the truck settled, all the noise stoped, except the steady sound of metal on duracreete was getting closer...

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
March 18, 2008 7:32 pm #

ooc: i'm inside a building right now, in the city must have misread something. not sure what

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
March 19, 2008 7:08 am (Edited March 19, 2008 07:09 am) #

((ooc: actually alpha squad's last known position was:

Werda Verd wrote:

...Tal, pick us up in the delivery speeder at the alley next to Dee Bee's Bar."

"Right. On my way now, Kad." A few minutes later, the speeder pulled up, and the squad hopped in the back. "As soon our Dear Captain finds us an operational base, we'll figure out the next phase. The Seppie will be touring tomorrow, so we've got to get this going, fast."

If any location change occured, people may want to edit to avoid further bushes, Mandal...sorry, vod :P ))

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
March 19, 2008 7:07 pm #

oops, right. who should go next? sev?

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
March 20, 2008 1:51 pm #

((So do we count Mandal's post?))

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
March 20, 2008 1:56 pm (Edited March 20, 2008 02:11 pm) #

(I'll just change so it fits your enviroment...I apologize for the over sight.)

EDIT: Ok problem solved. Just reread and continue.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
March 20, 2008 3:23 pm #

((I'm waiting for Werda to post, but Tal is no longer in the speeder, hes on the streets, with a  duffel bag containing his armor and DC))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
March 20, 2008 3:37 pm #

ooc: ok, thats better. I'll go, then sev or Mandalorian Assassin

ic: Kad swerved to the side as he lost control of the speeder. Luckily he was still in his armor, and the rounds just deflected off. The speeder crashed, and he waited a minute, until he heard droids walking closer. He cracked the back doors, and lobbed an EMP and flashbang out. He paused, then leaped out, slagging the droids and knocking a man in Mandalorian armor backwards. He sprinted towards him, smashing him flat and continuing to sprint until he entered an alley. He turned the corner as blaster bolts narrowly missed him. He quickly put down a string of ACP micromines, before sprinting off. A string of explosions sounded behind him, and he continued until he felt he was safe. "Attention, all Alpha-squad and related members--our mission has been compromised. Follow the plan, and be alert. Kad out." Now if he could find some clothes, he would rent a hotel room, one with an excellent and unique view....

[url=]"Touch my Awesome Button."[/url]
--Captain Dynamic--
March 20, 2008 5:00 pm #

"Attention, all Alpha-squad and related members--our mission has been compromised. Follow the plan, and be alert. Kad out."

Comprimised? Already? Frackin' amateurs... Alpha-31 thought as he stepped out of the taxi speeder, and paid the driver. His oversized duffel bag was in hand and his cigar was emmiting a fragrant scent, as he stepped up to the hotel's side entrance. He smiled at an attractive female passerby as he ran his fingers through his newly dyed blonde hair.

"Can I take your bag, Sir?" asked an eager young bellhop.

"No thank you, son. I'll carry my own luggage. I have an important delivery...Mind if I use the service entrance?" he asked nonchalantly, as he gave the eager young man a 50 credit denomination, and pointed to a side door.

The young man's eyes lit up as he walked over to the door accepting the tip, "Ya, sure. You need any help?Don't hesitate to ask..."

Alpha-31 smiled warmly, "Thanks, kid. I've got it covered."

With that, he entered the hotel, and slipped in completely oblivious to security.

Piece of uj cake...

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
March 20, 2008 11:47 pm #

Jag had found his sniper position.  He was almost dissapointed to leave it when Kad told him to go get in some civvies.  But just before he packed up he saw Kad's speeder swerve.  And then he saw the Mando leading the droids.  Before he could pick off the Mando Kad blasted him out of his field of view.  So he had to content himself with droids.  Too easy.  After he had had his fill, Jag packed up his Deecee and took off his armor burying it in the ground in a particularily deserted area.  But his Deecee he kept out.  Silently he made his way into an alley and waited for someone he thought would make an appropiate disguise.  Then he found it.

An Ubese.  It was perfect.  A full face mask.  Silently Jag creeped up ehind him and when he was in range lashed out.  He managed to get a firm chokehold and waited until the humanoid stopped twitching. Relieving the man of his clothes, he threw the body into the trash.  Adjusting the breath settings on the mask he put it on.  He looked him self over.  A bit tight on his stocky build but it would have to do.  He slung the pack with his Deecee over his back and made his way down the city comlink open.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
March 21, 2008 8:36 am #

Recovering from being flatened by the commando, Fezz ordered two battle droids to follow the clone, they did so...only to be blow to shrapnel a minute later. Darkson signaled to several battle droids accross the street to form up on him, but they got taken down by sniper fire. After groaning to himself, he commed for more battle droids: Two counter-snipers, twenty battle droids, four rocket droids, four SBDs, and two heavy weapons specialists.


Darkson met up with his forces in the city square he then brought them to Frackle Petties Mansion and set up a defensive permitter, with heavy weapons and sniper enplacments. He then sent out patrols in two's looking for any thing that mattched the DNA of Jango Fett...

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
March 22, 2008 10:01 am #

Tal needed to get the fake identification cards made, but he really thought that picking up some new clothes would be a good idea now, especially since he had received Kad's message. He walked into the nearest clothing store he could find and picked up some clothes he liked and some dark sunglasses. He paid with money he had taken from the truck driver. Now all he needed was some transportation. In an alley he spotted a speederbike. He grinned to himself as he approached it and sliced into the system, he was set. Now to make some fake I.Ds.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

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