well i could always take some pictures but even if i did i dont know how to post them on here yet. even thought i've been watching you guys here for a while, im still a noob since i havent made an account til now. im not new to this club i've been looking at it for a year or so now.
Topic: Fett Collections
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
126 posts
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I wonder if the Admin has a collection?????????
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
create a photobucket account and upload the images into account then paste the script img in the post box here and it will show up but also if you delete that pic from photobucket it will delete here too. and i second the motion for the admins collection if their is one.
―Peter Griffin
create a photobucket account and upload the images into account then paste the script img in the post box here and it will show up but also if you delete that pic from photobucket it will delete here too. and i second the motion for the admins collection if their is one.
thank you. i'll do it when i have time and when im not lazy.

I do have a collection. ;) We'll see about getting a fan collection gallery started here, too, so you're not just stuck with Photobucket.
ah that would be cool.
Newest pieces just in! Riddel Helmet and Clone wars marquette, ill post pics 2moro
―Peter Griffin
I got a Silver Galactic Hunt Boba Fett and the Slave 1 plus a few TPBs but thats it...
my two newest pieces
christmas is coming and i know i am getting a box og the bounty hunter miniatures ( **crosses fingers for the fett one**)
―Peter Griffin
I like the bear thing. That's kind of neat. I'm assuming it's Japanese?
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
yea its japanese and i snuck a peak at my miniature gift ( amazing what some glue does to a box...looks new and unopened) and i got 1 rare... leia from hoth all the rest were uncommon or common so no fett... just means i gotta keep trying
―Peter Griffin
Wow, cool collections! I'll have to post a pic soon of my Boba & Jango Fett collection.
ok so i would firstly like to apologize for my consistent posts but i am an avid collector so i always have stuff to add and soon pictures with it... i got the rebel force miniature 42/60 i think is the number along with the battle above the sarlacc pack.
―Peter Griffin
Ok, here is my Fett collection. I think this is everything, except for a couple of carded figures.
You know what's funny, is that because it's such a pain to get the Jango Fett RAH figure's helmet on and make it look good, I put my Jango in almost the exact same pose you did with yours. The only difference is his pistol is pointed a little higher in the air.
Very cool, dude. Awesome stuff.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
...I'm envious D:
My collectionj is nothing compaired to these T___T; I can't get a picture now. But when I can I will......
:] Whats up?
WHOA! now that is a lot, Bama Fett, I also am envious, now......lol. ;)
This is not my collection as it in another country but i spent about two hours going through all these pics
http://www.slave1.jp/ . It blew my mind that most of its still in the box!!!!! Check out the collectors room and go to boba!
I've seen that site before, but never the other peoples collections. Pretty neat. I admit, that for the little figures (because it gets too expensive to get doubles of everything), I'll get an extra one to keep inside the box, but as for everything else, I kind of like to take them out for display. Set them up all together. For one thing, it takes up a lot less space (especially wall space, since I barely have enough of that for all the Fett posters) and I think it makes it a lot more personable, if that makes any sense. Like you can actually see how it was meant to be displayed, you know? Not behind a glass case, out of reach (although the cases make dusting a lot easier). Some of the real hard to find stuff I'll keep in the boxes. Some, because it's actually easier to display in it's own box. Some of the new Jango Fett masks and guns sets will stand up a lot better inside their packaging. I think people are starting to have more collector's in mind now. I keep telling my wife that my biggest beef if not having enough wall space to hang up all my Fett posters and pics in the same area. And there's no real good way to hang up all the clothing and bedroom items. I'll never be completely satisfied with how my collection is set up until I find a way to put all that stuff up, too.
I was looking at some the collections on there, and thought these were pretty neat:
What my room might look like, if I could put up the drapes and bed sheets. I like what this guy did with the Underoos and Halloween costumes. Don't know if I'd want to open up my Underoos box, though. And I kind of like my Halloween costumes inside their boxes. Reminds me of the old days.
I knew about the one guitar, didn't realize there were two different versions, though.
I want to know how these people find all the inclosed cases. That, in itself, must cost quite a bit.
By the way, did you guys see the Steve Sansweet Collection on that site? Pretty neat.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
I want to know how these people find all the inclosed cases. That, in itself, must cost quite a bit.
I would imagine, if you had all those orginal carded Kenner figures like he does (if they are actually originals and not re-cards) that you would want to protect them in a heavy plastic case! :)
Sadriel_Fett wrote:I want to know how these people find all the inclosed cases. That, in itself, must cost quite a bit.
I would imagine, if you had all those orginal carded Kenner figures like he does (if they are actually originals and not re-cards) that you would want to protect them in a heavy plastic case! :)
Oh, no doubt. I got my Droids figure in one of those acrylic cases. All the other ones I kept in the packs are in those StarWars.Com plastic protectors and boxed away. What I meant was those big glass display cases to put everything in. Especially if you get the ones with the lighting inside them. Very pricey, I bet.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
Sadriel Fett, I am knew to the world of Boba Fett. I am actually learning about him for my husband. I was told in another forum to ask you about collecting Boba Fett items. What would be some items that would enhance by husbands collection? Perhaps you wouldn't mind telling me where I could find the history of Boba Fett
Sadriel Fett, I am knew to the world of Boba Fett. I am actually learning about him for my husband. I was told in another forum to ask you about collecting Boba Fett items. What would be some items that would enhance by husbands collection? Perhaps you wouldn't mind telling me where I could find the history of Boba Fett
Sure thing, I'll shoot you an email with some info, but there is also plenty of info about Boba Fett on our site here, as we're the premiere website dedicated entirely to just Boba Fett.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
Here goes a good part of my Fett collection. I got a few odd's and end's put away, and parts of my Fett costume put up for now.
I could of more but I either get snipped on ebay or decide to wait to see if I can get said item for cheaper later on.
Oh and since these are older pics, I have a extra peice or two that wasnt shown.
Kind of like these. I guess since I started the topic, I should probably post mine first, then, huh? However, these are really old pics. There's more statues and stuff now, plus all the Jango Fett stuff. I'll have to take pics of everything again once I get stationed at my new base, and move in. But for now, this is from the only time I actually took any pics of anything.
That is one of if not the nicest collection I have ever seen, puts mine to shame. Not that there is any shame in my collection but you know what I mean. Awesome collection my friend!!!
That is one of if not the nicest collection I have ever seen, puts mine to shame. Not that there is any shame in my collection but you know what I mean. Awesome collection my friend!!!
Thanks, dude. Those are some pics from my old place, though. Wanted to take a pic before I moved. I really need to get pictures taken of the new apartment. I have no real wall space for putting up all my posters in my computer/game/hobby room like I wanted, like I had set up in the old place, but I finally found the shelving units I wanted and got all that put together, along with some display tiers, so I can display more of the smaller items better and save on space. So, I finally can have the bulk of my collection out. I can also finally have all my Jango Fett stuff out this time around, too. Had that all boxed up last time. It's always nice to move into a bigger apartment. Not having enough poster space is always going to bug me, though, until the military finally stops moving us around, so we can settle down and get an actual house. I've also never found a really good way to display a lot of the clothing items that's part of the collection. The t-shirts I got in my size, I'll actually wear until I guess they finally start to wear out a bit. Then, I suppose I'll just put them with the rest of the Fett related clothing in boxes. Some of the clothes and costumes aren't adult size, so those are easier to pack away. When I first started collecting and getting into Boba Fett, I remember seeing one of those "Boba Fett Bounty Wear" t-shirts at the local mall. By the time I really got into collecting Fett stuff, they were all sold out, so I've been looking for one of those forever. There was a couple times they've had them on eBay, but never my size, but I finally got one the other week. In my size, no less. So, I'm definitely wearing that bad boy. It took me forever to find one of those. I was looking at one of the collections provided on the Japanese webpage link that Peter provided. This one, to be exact:
I thought it was really interesting how he framed the underoos in the poster frame like that. Gave me some ideas on how to display some of the t-shirts and towels and such in the future. Looked pretty neat.
I still have some pieces I want to put up and some smaller boxes to go through before everything is completely up (meaning I have to put together all the Lego Slave 1's and the Lego Jango Fett--looks more fun than it actually is). I also want to wait until the new Master's Replicas helmet comes in and is put up, and I need to get a display base (styrofoam dummy head or something) for the Mandalore the Indomitable helmet. My wife had the idea of hanging up all the Slave 1 toys on the wall. Since they all have handles on the backs of them, that worked out really good. Just get some fishing line, tie a loop in the back, and hang it up like a picture. Looks pretty neat.
Anyway, once I get it all finished, I'll take some updated pics and post them on here. I like taking all my stuff out the boxes and displaying it. Plus, it saves on space, know what I mean? All the hard to find stuff I'll keep in boxes. The doubles of some of the figs I'll get (usually just only the figs--getting doubles of everything else gets really pricey, I'll just pack in some boxes to keep from getting damaged.
I'm still looking forward to Sharpy posting some pics of his collection on here some day (hint, hint, nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more). Looking at the background when you do the Sharpy's Boba Fett Roundup, it looks like you have a lot more room to display your stuff. Looks like you have enough room to display alot of the items and their boxes behind them. See, that's the kind of set up I need. So, I can have just one whole wall for shelves to put stuff on. That would make me happy. I keep telling my wife, when we get a house, it has to have a basement that I can turn into an entertainment den. It has to have enough wall space for all the shelves and the posters and pics. And it has to have windows, so I can hang up the Fett Star Wars curtains, too. HAHAHAHA. Yes, it can be like my own little Fett Cave.
Oh well, it's nice to dream, I guess.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
I decided to put this on a different post, because once I posted the one above, I realized just how freakin' long it was. That's what happens when you can type faster than you can write. Your thoughts get jotted down quicker, so you don't lose your train of thought. It's also what happens when you're running of four hours of sleep and it's about five in the morning, and you're working the swing shift. Seems like you're always tired and I have a really bad habit of just rambling on when I get tired like this.
Anyway, talking about that hard to find Boba Fett t-shirt that I had tried to find for so many years got me thinking. What's the one Boba Fett item that you've been trying to find for a really long time, but still just seems to keep eluding you? The lifesize Boba Fett statue doesn't count, because let's face it, everyone would get that if they could. I mean, that's a given. For me, it's usually the weird odd smaller items that always seem to be a pain to find. However, the one thing that I've been looking for, that I've never even seen on eBay, is the Slave 1 poster they had available only to members of the Star Wars Fan Club, back in the early 90's. It was drawn by Star Wars artist Tsuneo Sanda of the Slave 1 in flight:
So, what is your hard to find item you just can't seem to find anywhere?
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
Boba fett - Debut and mcquarrie. * I WANT THE ORIGINAL BOBA!! * :D
Sorry about the poor quality pics.
For my Battle Brother Adeptus_Astartes
Sweet Collections Bama,Grimaldus & Sniper33 ( I'll have to post some pictures of mine soon)
On Sadriels question of HTF memorabilia i'd have to go with:
Bronze Statue:
Compulsion Statue:
Those two are very hard to find!! :D :D
Sweet Collections Bama,Grimaldus & Sniper33 ( I'll have to post some pictures of mine soon)
On Sadriels question of HTF memorabilia i'd have to go with:
Bronze Statue:
Compulsion Statue:
Those two are very hard to find!! :D :D
Thank you!
Where can I find a bronze statue???
Yeah i walso want to know where can you find a Bronze statue?!?!?!?
BENDER: Honey, I wouldn't talk about taste if I was wearing a lime green tank top.
Yeah i walso want to know where can you find a Bronze statue?!?!?!?
Tell us! Tell us!! Almighty!!!
Those are certainly hard to find. Not very many made at all. I think I've only ever seen one for sale on eBay, and it was more expensive than the lifesize Don Post Boba Fett. It was put some in the early 90's. Dark Horse Comics still has it on their website. Not for sale, of course, but it has some info on it. We also have it listed on our Bounty database, as well, if I'm not mistaken.
Here's the Dark Horse Link:
Sculpted by master sculptor, Randy Bowen, this bronze statue of everyone's favorite intergalactic bounty hunter measure 12 1/2 inches tall and weighs in at a hefty 18 pounds! Each uniquely hand-crafted piece is mounted on a custom slab of black, Spanish marble and decorated with tri-tones patina, which adds subtle color detail to the bronze. Every piece comes with a "Certificate of Authenticity" signed by Randy Bowen.
Publication Date: Mar 01, 1997
Format: Limited edition bronze statue
Price: $3000.00
Found a link with the edition size listed:
It states that only 50 were made. Explains why it's so expensive.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
Hey Grim, who has signed your Eagles helmet?
Hey Grim, who has signed your Eagles helmet?
The entire 2004 superbowl team. I got it last year for xmas.
Very cool. Gift. Now if only we had an NFL team in Canada. Friggin CFL.
Very cool. Gift. Now if only we had an NFL team in Canada. Friggin CFL.
Its in the works. I know the NFL wants to expand and be able to play overseas alot more like they did this year in Britian or whatever. So who knows. Never say never!!!!
I hope the CFL dies. You can't do anything in 3 downs. Boringest game in the world. So predictable. Run, pass, kick, run, pass, kick etc.
They were thinking of playing a Buffalo game up in Toronto. Still waiting for the Seahawks to come north...
I hope the CFL dies. You can't do anything in 3 downs. Boringest game in the world. So predictable. Run, pass, kick, run, pass, kick etc.
They were thinking of playing a Buffalo game up in Toronto. Still waiting for the Seahawks to come north...
Dont steal our teams!!!!! Haha. Make your own and come play us!!!
Actualy the CFL isn't really that bad you just have to get into first before you judge it
BENDER: Honey, I wouldn't talk about taste if I was wearing a lime green tank top.
Dude. I've lived in Canada my whole life. I've seen many games. It's terrible. Almost fall asleep. But you have to watch yourself because of lack of security willing to do anything...
Thats also true!!!!!!!!!
BENDER: Honey, I wouldn't talk about taste if I was wearing a lime green tank top.
I'll have to get some pics later, but I can list most off the top of my head...
POTF2 Boba Fett
Saga Sarlaac Escape
VOTC Boba Fett
Kamino Escape Jango
Boba Chubby doll
Various Micro Machine and Action Fleet Boba figures
Boba pewter figurine
A 1" Disney exclusive "Collector Pack" Boba figurine
Applause Boba figurine
About 20 pack-in Boba hologram figurines
Super deformed Boba figurine
Boba symbol pin
Jango pin
Jango Kotobukiya magnet
Die-cut Boba keychain
LED Boba keychain
Boba Pez dispenser
Jango Pez dispenser
Boba digital watch
Boba Boba pewter Monopoly token
Shadows of the Empire Slave 1
Boba/Slave 1 Transformer
Lego Slave 1
Titanium Slave 1
Action Fleet Slave 1
Micro Machines Slave 1
I've got more coming. I had a little Fett spree, and I'm waiting on:
Boba Kotobukiya magnet
Boba Classics bust
Fett Legacy Evolutions 3-Pack
Boba bobblehead
Boba Holiday Special bobblehead
That's all I can think of right now, but theres definitely more around. I'm not an exclusive Boba collector, he's a just a large fraction of it. I have a fairly large collection of Star Wars merchandise, mostly armored characters. Vader, stormtroopers, scouts, snowtroopers, clones, Jango, Boba.
Already remembering some more... mostly food premiums.
BK Boba figure, BK boba watch, balancing Boba from Taco Bell, assorted candy/gum containers of both Boba and Jango... and a Mighty Mugg
I just started collecting Boba Fett(/Jango/Mandos) more recently. Everything on my list was purchased in the last two years, outside of the POTF2, Action Fleet, and Micro Machines stuff... that's from childhood.
OLD OLD pic wanna update it when I get chance.
Staff Reporter - [url=http://www.action-figure.com]www.action-figure.com[/url]
Nice Daredevil picture. But that is a really nice collection. Wonder what it looks like up-to-date.
Nice Daredevil picture. But that is a really nice collection. Wonder what it looks like up-to-date.
DD is an art print of a david mac cover signed and personalised to me. friend got it for me at SDCC many moons ago.
Well that pic was circa transformers slave one I think... as thats the newest thing I regonise on there
Updated I have about 85% of all fett stuff released since then and more older stuff too !
Staff Reporter - [url=http://www.action-figure.com]www.action-figure.com[/url]
That's a really nice collection, dude. I just got some shelves like that earlier in the year and have a similar set-up. It's so much easier to display stuff now, isn't it? I've finally got everything up on the shelves, except all the large Lego Slave 1's. I still need to put those together. Now, I'm systematically putting pics and posters on the walls, with what little room for them I have. One day I'll have enough room for all the posters.....one day. I want to wait to take a pic until everything is finally put up. Lord knows when that'll be. On my days off from work, I still sometimes have to go in to do some paperwork, not to mention other errands to run. I always say there's never enough hours in the day.
Really nice, though. I like the proto Koto statue and that Fett poster in the bottom right. Very sharp.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
The Koto was from ebay.. yay the joy..
The art print is unliscenced but so damn nice... I had to have it same guy did 7 others. of other SW characters
I have loadsa art like 5-6 dorman prints all signed and personalised inc the rare dallas comicon one he did that has fett carrying marion from indiana jones as JB and she were guests at the con and it was the con programme cover.
I have so much more than is on the pic its crazy..
Staff Reporter - [url=http://www.action-figure.com]www.action-figure.com[/url]
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