Pick one AA :P
Topic: Bf/Gf
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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i hate starbucks, its too poplular, and im proud to say im from seattle, and have never been to one, then i moved where this only one in a 5 city radius
Not gone, merely marching far away.-----[i]Mandalorian phrase for the departed[/i]
Hey Ale'ika, my bro works there, so don't make me send Fett after you :P I'm a big coffee drinker and starbucks is the only good coffee place around. Anyhow, back to the subject, still single, although I've found some prospects :P
i hate starbucks, its too poplular, and im proud to say im from seattle, and have never been to one, then i moved where this only one in a 5 city radius
Starbucks being popular shouldn't give you any reason to hate it.
BB* (not a coffee drinker)
cloneapart wrote:Was very funny today, I saw the guy that I used to like who had asked out my friend (if that makes sense) at Starbucks, and he was completely off since I looked completely different after having my hair done. I found it most amusing, but I really don't like him like that anymore, don't really have anyone on my mind right now.
Ah the best revenge is living well.
Or disintegrating them.....
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
*sigh* Val....you have much to learn.
Four words: Death Star Cannon Thingy. It offers a very large dramatic explosion too :D
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Hey Ale'ika, my bro works there, so don't make me send Fett after you :P I'm a big coffee drinker and starbucks is the only good coffee place around. Anyhow, back to the subject, still single, although I've found some prospects :P
im not saying its bad, i just dont like it, and i now have a long distance thing with a girl a little farther accross a state with me
Not gone, merely marching far away.-----[i]Mandalorian phrase for the departed[/i]
*sigh* Val....you have much to learn.
Four words: Death Star Cannon Thingy. It offers a very large dramatic explosion too :D
wow, guys telling me to blast other guys... I Iike :P anyhow, I met this guy in my history class who has some very common intrests, including Star Wars, yay :P trying to see where our friendship goes, although it's funny because he's like a skyscrapper compared to short me, although I don't mind. Hope all goes well for you Ale'ika :)
Adeptus_Astartes wrote:*sigh* Val....you have much to learn.
Four words: Death Star Cannon Thingy. It offers a very large dramatic explosion too :D
wow, guys telling me to blast other guys... I Iike :P anyhow, I met this guy in my history class who has some very common intrests, including Star Wars, yay :P trying to see where our friendship goes, although it's funny because he's like a skyscrapper compared to short me, although I don't mind. Hope all goes well for you Ale'ika :)
Yea for CA! I hope it is all for the best.
Random thought: For those that dislike the Starbucks machine there's a song called "Busting up a Starbucks" by Mike Doughty. Its cool.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
although it's funny because he's like a skyscrapper compared to short me,
Well so is everybody else.....:P
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
cloneapart wrote:although it's funny because he's like a skyscrapper compared to short me,
Well so is everybody else.....:P
Don't go there midget :P
Adeptus_Astartes wrote:cloneapart wrote:although it's funny because he's like a skyscrapper compared to short me,
Well so is everybody else.....:P
Don't go there midget :P
well i dont think i can make any height jokes
and good luck to you hopefully things go well with this guy
Not gone, merely marching far away.-----[i]Mandalorian phrase for the departed[/i]
can someone please write a book on the way guy's minds work?? I'll make it worth your while :P After all the confusion of guys, the guy that I really liked asked me to our school dance. I said yeah, but I don't really know why he asked me, cause I don't get the feeling he likes me like that... Anyhow, guys here are doing a great job at thoroughly confusing all the girls, to bad they can't get paid for it though, they'd be millionaires :P Hope things work out with this guy, just hoping I wasn't the back up girl...
Good luck with that one, CA...i dont think us guys understand ourselves and what we want half the time...lol
CA ti understand a guy you must be a guy, and it would take to long to write down an accumulated knowledge of 10 years
and nice avie by the way
Not gone, merely marching far away.-----[i]Mandalorian phrase for the departed[/i]
Ale'ika Skirta wrote:CA ti understand a guy you must be a guy, and it would take to long to write down an accumulated knowledge of 10 years
and nice avie by the wayHer av seems in the same colors as yours. Yours is nice too, by the way. Do you mean it's 10 years you're dating? You certainly don't sound like you're 10 years old.
well im not ten years old, im 19 and i have had no luck dating in the past 4 years let alone 10
but it has been 10 years since i began to try and figure out the way people work
Not gone, merely marching far away.-----[i]Mandalorian phrase for the departed[/i]
Ale'ika Skirta wrote:terra wrote:Her av seems in the same colors as yours. Yours is nice too, by the way. Do you mean it's 10 years you're dating? You certainly don't sound like you're 10 years old.
well im not ten years old, im 19 and i have had no luck dating in the past 4 years let alone 10
but it has been 10 years since i began to try and figure out the way people workYou sound kind of bitter.
I dont mean to, i'm actually a pretty happy person, i just seem to express myself in a cynical fashion
Not gone, merely marching far away.-----[i]Mandalorian phrase for the departed[/i]
19 is still young guys. You have plenty of time to figure out people and find someone who's worthy to date you. Don't rush and end up with someone that just no good for you. (Trust the aged old fart here.)
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
my bro is 19 and he has a G/F. Emily. They might be coming down for my birthday.
You're not aged, Si! lol. You're a beautiful young woman in her best age! 20s... That's before the wrinkles, the grey hair,
hey what about those of us who had grey hair before we where 14?
I've been sporting the Mr. Fantastic look since i was 12:P
but yeah
its not finding someone who is worthy to date me, that much i have found in the past, its them looking past the fact that i'm not a Sheb like every other guy they know. That or the fact they seem to want to treat me like their younger/older brother even though we are the same age. Or that none are single, why are all the good women in relationships?
Not gone, merely marching far away.-----[i]Mandalorian phrase for the departed[/i]
Ale'ika Skirta wrote:terra wrote:You're not aged, Si! lol. You're a beautiful young woman in her best age! 20s... That's before the wrinkles, the grey hair,
hey what about those of us who had grey hair before we where 14?
I've been sporting the Mr. Fantastic look since i was 12:P
but yeah
its not finding someone who is worthy to date me, that much i have found in the past, its them looking past the fact that i'm not a Sheb like every other guy they know. That or the fact they seem to want to treat me like their younger/older brother even though we are the same age. Or that none are single, why are all the good women in relationships?A great relationship makes a woman look better and be happier. Might be why we seem more attractive when we are happily taken (and therefore completely unavailable).
You're right about the grey hair idea, some even lose hair early too. Sorry about putting everyone in the same boat :P
Thanks terra, I appreciate the kind words. I speak from some experience when it comes to the not rushing with a bf or a gf. I have only lost weight, and felt better about myself when things are going great with my Bf so I totaly agree there. And I can attest to the love not lasting forever. Its been sorta of a roller coaster with mine, were so in love so fast, then he got scared so he broke up with me, then realised it was a horrible mistake, and groveled at my feet. So we go back together, and while we both know we love each other its not easy I'm telling you.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
terra wrote:Ale'ika Skirta wrote:hey what about those of us who had grey hair before we where 14?
I've been sporting the Mr. Fantastic look since i was 12:P
but yeah
its not finding someone who is worthy to date me, that much i have found in the past, its them looking past the fact that i'm not a Sheb like every other guy they know. That or the fact they seem to want to treat me like their younger/older brother even though we are the same age. Or that none are single, why are all the good women in relationships?A great relationship makes a woman look better and be happier. Might be why we seem more attractive when we are happily taken (and therefore completely unavailable).
You're right about the grey hair idea, some even lose hair early too. Sorry about putting everyone in the same boat :P
Thanks terra, I appreciate the kind words. I speak from some experience when it comes to the not rushing with a bf or a gf. I have only lost weight, and felt better about myself when things are going great with my Bf so I totaly agree there. And I can attest to the love not lasting forever. Its been sorta of a roller coaster with mine, were so in love so fast, then he got scared so he broke up with me, then realised it was a horrible mistake, and groveled at my feet. So we go back together, and while we both know we love each other its not easy I'm telling you.
sounds like my friends relationship
Not gone, merely marching far away.-----[i]Mandalorian phrase for the departed[/i]
hehe i have an amazing girlfriend =]
her names Ali
me and Ali =]
You can't just rush these things, you know. A Bf/Gf is not a trophy or something to show off. If you do, it'll end up badly. Very, very badly.
Or is it? *sarcasm*
all i can say is woot woot
i have a girlfriend now... saddly she is on the other side of the state from me
Not gone, merely marching far away.-----[i]Mandalorian phrase for the departed[/i]
all i can say is woot woot
i have a girlfriend now... saddly she is on the other side of the state from me
I'm happy for you, although having to travel some is unhappy. Mines about an hour away from me and sometimes the drive does make it harder on us. Yes it is happy and great thing. After prior experences with individuals I wouldn't stay with someone just because I felt like it. Its funny because were are so very much alike, and when we're together its a blast, and comfortable too. I don't know how to explain how it can be all these good things, but still take effort and work.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Ale'ika Skirta wrote:all i can say is woot woot
i have a girlfriend now... saddly she is on the other side of the state from meI'm happy for you, although having to travel some is unhappy. Mines about an hour away from me and sometimes the drive does make it harder on us. Yes it is happy and great thing. After prior experences with individuals I wouldn't stay with someone just because I felt like it. Its funny because were are so very much alike, and when we're together its a blast, and comfortable too. I don't know how to explain how it can be all these good things, but still take effort and work.
well modern technology makes things easier, she's not allowed to make or receive long distance calls (even though its free nights and weekends and we have the same provider so its free anyway) so we talk over the voice aspect of and instant messenger program... the only downside to it is she is 17 and im 19 and she wants to come and visit me this summer. The age difference is within the legal limits, but i like to play things safe so i convinced her to wait till she graduates...
Not gone, merely marching far away.-----[i]Mandalorian phrase for the departed[/i]
I'm really annoyed with my brother now. HE CANT COME DOWN FOR MY 12TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! :( :|
So, I'm not in a good mood.
I'm really annoyed with my brother now. HE CANT COME DOWN FOR MY 12TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! :( :|
So, I'm not in a good mood.
...what does that have to do with having a bf or gf?
And I've had a long distance relationship once. It was hard. And sucky. My fiancee lives just across town from me right now, and, wow. The difference between having someone in the same town and having someone who lives so far away is amazing. I'm not entirely sure how I managed to stand having my old bf be so far away.
Not saying it can't work out for everyone. Just that I personally didn't like it and looking back on it I wonder how I did it. And he was quite a bit farther away than just across the state or in the next town over or even in the next state over. He was on the other side of the country.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
And I've had a long distance relationship once. It was hard. And sucky. My fiancee lives just across town from me right now, and, wow. The difference between having someone in the same town and having someone who lives so far away is amazing. I'm not entirely sure how I managed to stand having my old bf be so far away.
Not saying it can't work out for everyone. Just that I personally didn't like it and looking back on it I wonder how I did it. And he was quite a bit farther away than just across the state or in the next town over or even in the next state over. He was on the other side of the country.
ive done across the country before, and in the same town the only difference i can see is less physical touching, which i actually prefer because ive had a relations destroy itself because of touching, mainly because the girl wanted me to do more than i wanted so she went somewhere else to get it
Not gone, merely marching far away.-----[i]Mandalorian phrase for the departed[/i]

Yeah, I had a GF like that once, and I ended it real quick. I have a GF now, Her name is Kristina, she is so awesome, she is amazing, and she likes me for me, and she does not tell be to stop being stupid, when I was being myself. so yay
Well, I'm sorta cuddly, and I like to actually do things with people. Like with my fiancee now we can just go places, or play video games together, or watch movies together. Which is very nice.
But being TOO physical is bad. You need a good friendship too. And I just want to say, also, that in a way I'm proud of you for not going farther than you wanted to. Never do anything unless you feel comfortable with it and really want to. Especially with a girl who's just going to leave for someone else when you don't do it. That's just not right. I wish you luck on finding someone good. :) Unless you already have someone, I haven't been keeping up with things a whole lot.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Its funny because I don't think of myself as a cuddly person at all. I never was untill this BF, as he is what I think is perfect to cuddle with. Just thinking about it is making me miss him. :(.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
I get called cuddly all the time which is kinda creepy since its men and women who say it
Not gone, merely marching far away.-----[i]Mandalorian phrase for the departed[/i]
Masterchief wrote:I'm really annoyed with my brother now. HE CANT COME DOWN FOR MY 12TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! :( :|
So, I'm not in a good mood.
...what does that have to do with having a bf or gf?
And I've had a long distance relationship once. It was hard. And sucky. My fiancee lives just across town from me right now, and, wow. The difference between having someone in the same town and having someone who lives so far away is amazing. I'm not entirely sure how I managed to stand having my old bf be so far away.
Not saying it can't work out for everyone. Just that I personally didn't like it and looking back on it I wonder how I did it. And he was quite a bit farther away than just across the state or in the next town over or even in the next state over. He was on the other side of the country.
Maybe...because he thinks that...his brother is his gf!? (sarcasm) Now everybody is telling the same story about how far are their gf/bf away.
My former gf lives in Texas. we still talk over IM if were both on.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
lol AA, my former bf lives in Texas too, small world... :P
Anyhow, not much going on here, still going to the school dance with that one guy, but I think it's more of a just friends thing. One of my "friends" keeps flirting majorly with him, so I'm hoping we just make it to the dance together. Still looking, but I'm not to concerned about it, the right guy will come at the right time :)
i'm at the beach & I miss my girlfriend... I wish she were here!!! ilu Natalie!
i hate long distance relationships my gf lives an hour and a half away from me and the drive is so frustrating! you got toll charges and heavy traffic leaving and entering the city center, but when i get there we have the best time ever. the travelling makes you realise that more, does it not? as the saying goes, good things come to those who wait :D
I hear you there Nigzy. Its also a MAJOR pain when you're both working all the time. (My bfs now working 7 days :( ) and I just got a real job too.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Got my GF living with me and we are having our 1st baby n the next coupla weeks.
She understands well tries too understand my addiction and she collects Rubber ducks..
Staff Reporter - [url=http://www.action-figure.com]www.action-figure.com[/url]
i know a lot of girls who collect rubber ducks
Not gone, merely marching far away.-----[i]Mandalorian phrase for the departed[/i]
Well then she at least understands your love of collecting. You may not agree on what to collect, but accept that you do. Conrgadulations (I know I just spelled that wrong) on your baby!
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Got my GF living with me and we are having our 1st baby n the next coupla weeks.
Congratulations......unless you meant to do that Draco :P
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Congatulations, Karnorjax 1138! I hope you cope well with him/her.
wow so ive realized that my girlfriend is kinda awesome, and to begin with my current relationship i was just in it for experience but oddly enough i want this relationship to last long enough for the two of us to actually meet, she wants to come visit this summer, but i told her to wait until she is 18 which she turns at the end of the summer, mainly because i turned 19 the begining of this year and i dont want to get into any legal trouble even though the age of consent is 16 in this state, but yeah. Ive been dating this girl for a month so is it right that i want to get a solid steady relationship with a girl ive never met in person but who i met through a friend? (the friend actually knows her in real life)
Not gone, merely marching far away.-----[i]Mandalorian phrase for the departed[/i]
Just be careful. Don't invest too much of yourself into this just yet. People can be very different in RL. Course, if she is a friend of a friend I guess your friend can tell you if she's about the same. Like me, for example. When I'm OL I speak quite differently than in RL. In RL I speak very poorly. Most people can't even understand what I'm trying to say and I have to repeat myself over and over, using fewer words each time.
Anyway, I hope it does work out, just don't plan your life around it or something. But I do agree, that it is a good way to get to know someone. Anyone can look pretty, but you can't have a relationship based on that alone. So, yes, OL is a good way to do it. I knew my fiancee at work, but it wasn't till we started talking OL that I agreed to go out with him. Cause it was OL that I got to know him.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Just make sure it's not some sick prank. Like Alo Fett's Boba is dead post. Grr. If not, I'm happy 4 u. Btw, I don't have a gf. I've liked a girl 4 a while, but she's pretty involved with another guy. Oh well, I'll either get lucky or move on someday.
Thanks, terra. Good advice. And good luck with your relationship. =)
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