it's like today, when I came home from school, I'm feeling like no one likes me. There was a strong wind today, and I get the feeling it's against me aswell. My mum said it's adultesence. I dont know. I feel alone, scared, and different. I am weird and have no friends at school....What do you guys think I'm dealing with? :(
Topic: I feel weird.
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
208 posts
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I think your dealing with what everyone has delt with growing up. No matter how many people you surround yourself with sometimes you just feel alone. Dont stress about it things will be fine.

Thanks, Captain Grimaldus. I feel weird though. People find it funny to be around me...
There was a strong wind today, and I get the feeling it's against me aswell.
A bit off topic, maybe, but what do everyone have against the wind? It is lovely
(Lancelot! <3)

It was howling in my ears , as if I was a guilty person. Terron, if you have negetive things to say, get off, because I'm not happy. Thanks. :(
It was howling in my ears , as if I was a guilty person. Terron, if you have negetive things to say, get off, because I'm not happy. Thanks. :(
Nothing negative here.. it is just too bad I have almost never felt that way
(Lancelot! <3)

that is because you have a happy life....................:(
that is because you have a happy life....................:(
Now that is a lie
(Lancelot! <3)

But you probably have a better life than me...
I get laughed at constantly at school. Beaten by bullies, name called...
Beaten by bullies, name called...
Been there, had that done to me; I hate it when that happens as it's never nice. In the end I stood up to them, got bigger, got stronger and didn't behave like a victim any more. Still got called the occasional name but other kids soon got fed up and/or thought better of it. Get some support from friends and family, talk to teachers if you need too. No-one's life is better then anyone else's, life is what you make it.
As to feeling weird and different, everyone does as they grow up, it'll pass. Best of luck and if you need to talk to some friends then post here, we're all friends here.
I completely agree with you Orthar, everyone gets picked on at some point, but you don't have to let that stand in your way. And as for your life is worse than anyone else's, dude, there are people on this planet who don't even know what star wars is, how bad can it get? :P it's a stage green, just try not to let it get the best of you, and like Orthar said, talk to people about whats buggin you, believe me, it helps :)
But you probably have a better life than me...
I get laughed at constantly at school. Beaten by bullies, name called...
If that's your problem, just stand up for yourself.
Otherwise, almost everyone has had your problem for a period of time. And the wind cannot have anything against you.
it's like today, when I came home from school, I'm feeling like no one likes me. There was a strong wind today, and I get the feeling it's against me aswell. My mum said it's adultesence. I dont know. I feel alone, scared, and different. I am weird and have no friends at school....What do you guys think I'm dealing with? :(
Hey man, don't ever get down because you are different or weird! Growing up is the most difficult part of life. When I was a teenager I used to get called all sorts of things and beaten up because of the way I dressed and the music I listened to and cause I was my own person. Being different is what makes us human! If we were all the same life would be dull! These people attack you to make them selves feel better about who they are and to prove to other people they are cool. When this happened to me, I thought if thats what it takes to be cool then I am glad that I am not cool. You are smart enough to see these people for what they are! And remember that there are people that don't judge you are give you grief. Family is important and you always have mates here!
Take heart and be strong!
Listen to Peter, he said almost exactly what I was thinking about saying.
Trust me, the world is not a bad place. The wind can't be against you, like Draco Fett said. And Terron is on your side, he is Finnish and all Finns are nice people!
No one has a perfect life, everybody runs into some kind of problems, you are not the only one having trouble.
And, you are a valuable member of the BFFC, and that means you are important. At least I feel all you Fett Fans are great persons.
Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.

no. Just depressed mostly. hey, thanks, terra, peter, The Cloner. You guys help. :D
There's another one I felt the other day. It's like My life life is short, And I am really annoyed with my brother. He was going to come down for my 12th birthday. Now he cant because he quit his job at Mcdonalds. And I lent him a GBA Pokemon game, guess what!? He has lent it to his friend!! :( :P
Life is short, you are right. And like Boba said: "Everybody dies."
I was at a funeral yesterday, the funeral of a 40-years old man. His wife looked almost 10 years older than what she looked like a month ago. I mean bad things happen, nobody is happy his/her entire life.
I'm not sure what your brother means, though. If he quits his job, shouldn't he have time to come? The thing about your game, I understand, though. About 5 years ago, I borrowed a game from one of my friends, and two days later he told me he needed it back. Turned out he had borrowed it from one of his relatives. I just handed it back next day. Just tell your brother again you need it back (that is, if you do need it), I'm sure he'll get it for you.
By the way, one of my neighbours is really irritating. I have let him use my computer 3 times and 3 times he broke it. 2 times I fixed it, 1 time I had to bring it to my uncle (who fixes computers as a job). He tried to fix it, but didn't manage to, so I then had to buy a new computer, thanks to my neighbour.
Bad luck, and even worse: My neighbour ALWAYS broke my computer by mistake. I mean it would have been ok, if he would have done it by purpose... But no, he really is such an idiot.
Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
When I get depressed I stay sad for awhile, then I get really angry at the world, and especially at America.
America is not the source of ALL the evil in the world... Only some.
Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.

okay, Thanks The Cloner, Mordred! :) I'm okay now. I went to Manchester yesterday and got two new star wars figures - Tri Droid, and Commander Gree. I got two new books. One I am reading right now. Triskellion and Tales of Jabba's Palace. I got a studio ghibli film. Howls moving castle, I got a animated clone wars General Grievous little £3.99 bust. And a burger king! :P Spoilt!
P.S - ( I was spoilt because I did well in my parents evening reveiews in class by teachers, all but one.....MATHS! :P )
Yes, but it is the source of most of the stupidity in the world.
I mean, its like all the people at school make fun of the people who delight in knowledge, like its cool to be stupid!
It's not cool to be stupid?! wow, didn't realize that one :P I don't think it's America that is making you mad, I think it's the people in America, but then again, there are stupid people everywhere, so...
Glad to see your doing better green :D
I know thats what I meant, Its just that It makes me so sad to see the better, different people get beat down. Everybody at my school wants to be a gansta or a redneck, and it shouldnt be that way, and the only way to be accepted is to be like everyone else. I wish i could explain how i feel about the world, but i cant find the right words.
Yes, but it is the source of most of the stupidity in the world.
I mean, its like all the people at school make fun of the people who delight in knowledge, like its cool to be stupid!
The bullying is much worse in the U.K., and the intelligent do not always get picked on. Some of the smartest students are the most popular in my school.
I hope you dont get bullied.
I don't. Thanks (that isn't ment to be sarcastic). I hope you don't/didn't det bullied.
I dont, I just hate seeing it. Especially when it comes from the stupid wanna-be gansta kids
You're in high school? Aren't you 11 or something? If someon makes fun of you, stand up for yourself. If you just get mad at them, they will only do it more.
You're in high school? Aren't you 11 or something? If someon makes fun of you, stand up for yourself. If you just get mad at them, they will only do it more.
Remember, UK.
(Lancelot! <3)

He's got a point, Draco. Thanks anyway.I feel kinda better. I'm hanging out with my emo friends at the moment, there cool. :)
P.S - ( NO THAT DOES NOT MEAN I AM, K? lolz! :P )
He's got a point, Draco. Thanks anyway.I feel kinda better. I'm hanging out with my emo friends at the moment, there cool. :)
P.S - ( NO THAT DOES NOT MEAN I AM, K? lolz! :P )
Emo+friend in the same sentence is not something you hear a lot....
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

lolz! I know what you mean. It's rare.... :P
Oh, i was wondering why you posts sounded like they were from someone yours age, Im 2 years older than you, just sayin. ( I was right about you being in the UN.)

The UN? ( the union? Or the onion? :P lol, j/k )
UN, UK, ON, same difference right? :P I hope you feel better now on spring break.
UN, UK, ON, same difference right?
UN generaly stands for United Nations.
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Yes, I know, I was just joking. UN and the UK are the same.
Yes, I know, I was just joking. UN and the UK are the same.
Again. UN=United Nations:
UK= United Kingdom:
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I thought they were the same thing. I guess thats what I get for relying on my family.
Pssh. Parents. Who needs them! It's not as if they raised us from the age of 0 caring, feeding, clothing, and nurturing us for generally 18 years of our life right?
They did that? I could've sworn that happened automatically....(sarcasm ends here)
But the UK stands for United Kingdom, while UN is United Nations. That has been said before, but I like to repeat people people, and myself myself.
From my vantage point (which is, essentially, no higher or lower than any of my esteemed colleagues here on BFFC), bullying and general stupidity happens regardless of location or age. Some people just can't be helped, and others are often perceived to be born with a lack of common sense brain cells. Others just want to look cool...never mind that their "cool" is everyone else's "dumb"....
(I'm being harsh, but the kids who act stupid for no reason other than laughs or coolness, or those who pick on everyone else just get past my skin.)
wait, so how are 11 year olds in high school? unless u go to one of those schools that goes from like kindergarten to 8-9th grade, u probably aren't in high school (its technically middle school). unless england is just weird like that. and if u get picked on bullies, um do what everyone else says, i can't say my personal advice :P
When in doubt, almost every country has its nuclear weapons deposits....
(Although I doubt that that is an effective way of coping with bullies.)
My advice is to ignore them the best you can, the bullies. I don't know what the rules are in the UK for fighting and I don't want you to get expelled. I got picked on a lot when I was younger too, becuase I was smart, a girl that played with the boys, and kinda akward because my body looked older than I really was. It passes in time. I found that being agressive during my first year in Middle school (6th grade over here;the 12/13 yr old) cleared that up. I didn't get picked on much untill my sophmore year of high school, and that was a long story there. Lets it was an isolated inncident, and leave that one alone. I don't reccomend this though.
Try writing about your feelings. I know thats like all I did in Middle school. I have the notebooks to prove it.
I'm unsure where the emo kid thing equals druggy and cutters. I was the original emo kid generation, we started that. Many are, but its more than that. (Like great music, wearing back, all- around non conformist.)
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."

Thanks, guys. You really help. My emo friends are kinda nice, but are a bit strange......if you.......know what I.........mean. :P ;) :lol:
(Like great music, wearing back, all- around non conformist.)
The funny thing about that their conforming to the whole 'emo' thing...
(off topic I know, but still)
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
here's another off-topic thing: after AA made himself the 'Lord Bane of the Site', note how Masterchief made himself 'Lord Maul of the Site'. I could totally pull off a 'Lord Sidious of the Site' thing right now.
Oh please no....don't you think Ive been copied enough?
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
It had been noticed. Yeah its always conforming to one group or another and I don't think thats fair. Why can't we all be ourselves?
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
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