I guess makes me the sore thumb here, as I really like the force users and at the least I think that Twi'lek females look cool when it comes to alien species. (I am also a big fan of Torguta's but they have such a small role on film.) I can understand the reasoning behind your dislike of them. Plus either Sarlacc never looked all that scary to me. (then again I am hard to frighten if it is not an arachid of some kind... Shelob..... *creepy shivers...)
Topic: Least Favorite SW Character?
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
183 posts
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"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
HEY! I'm a HUGE fan of Twi'lik females! Especially if they're this hot and dressed like this:
well when they are "dressed" like that they are hardly dressed at all. Which i guess is the point. :P
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Hmmm..... My LEAST favorite characters. That would have to be somewhere between Jar Jar, Young Anakin, Padme in episodes 2 & 3, and Yoda in episodes 1,2, & 3 . For some reason , in the earlier Star Wars episodes Yoda comes off as a bit of a jerk.
why padme or jar jar?
at the moment. Jacen Solo, by far.
--Captain Dynamic--
hmm... least favorite sw character... well jar jar goes without saying. I would say Anakin is pretty annoying, but then again so was Luke. You know whats wrong with the new trilogy? there wasnt a cool guy like Han Solo. I'd say the closest guy was Mace. And that's a strech. Jango got some good screen time in AOTC, but I hate Lucas for apparently being racist against Mandalorians. Srsly. All the Padme and Anakin scenes arent romantic, theyre annoying. I can count the things I like about the original trilogy on one hand: Jango, Clones, Obi Wan, Yoda, Mace (exept for killing Jango he was pretty cool. especially in the cartoons). Oh yeah, I suppose Maul and Grevious deserve a mention.
hmm... least favorite sw character... well jar jar goes without saying. I would say Anakin is pretty annoying, but then again so was Luke. You know whats wrong with the new trilogy? there wasnt a cool guy like Han Solo. I'd say the closest guy was Mace. And that's a strech. Jango got some good screen time in AOTC, but I hate Lucas for apparently being racist against Mandalorians. Srsly. All the Padme and Anakin scenes arent romantic, theyre annoying. I can count the things I like about the original trilogy on one hand: Jango, Clones, Obi Wan, Yoda, Mace (exept for killing Jango he was pretty cool. especially in the cartoons). Oh yeah, I suppose Maul and Grevious deserve a mention.
All true........so true. All except Yoda, never liked him; but your review on Lucus and the Padme/Anakin scenes are spot on
In the cartoons they stretched Mace's abilities so much. It was borderline ridiculous. He took an entire droid army. And his whole "holier than thou" attitude annoyed me. But he still is a sweet character.
In the cartoons they stretched Mace's abilities so much. It was borderline ridiculous. He took an entire droid army. And his whole "holier than thou" attitude annoyed me. But he still is a sweet character.
You have a good point..If he can dismantle a droid army without ever touching it he should be able to kill a Sith Lord dispite the Jedi Knight blocking him....Damn you Anakin.....
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
why padme or jar jar?
at the moment. Jacen Solo, by far.
explain what you mean by this?
BB* :cool:
umm, don't want to give any HUGE FREAKIN' SPOILERS AWAY...............................................................................................................
Cus he used to be cool, and now he's a f'n Sith lord who goes around killing people he doesn't like. and an even bigger spoiler i dont want to give away
--Captain Dynamic--
I think one of my least favorites was Darovit/Tomcat from Rule of Two.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
shut up!! haven't read it yet! want to, but its so much money. Definetly buying "Invincible" when it comes out.
--Captain Dynamic--
If your talking to me Darovit/Tomcat is the 1st character your introduced to. I never ever gave away any plot details exept for now, in which this is how it ends [SPOILER DELETED] :P
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
i know--i'm just annoyed cus i haven't read it yet. and want to, a lot
--Captain Dynamic--
My least favorite/favorites are the ewoks, Lucas made episode 6 into a childs movie, I can never watch that movie again! ( without fast-forwarding).
no--you just haven't seen the cool ewoks. Like Lt. Ketch, or one of the genetically altered ones. Or that one, what's his name, from Dark Nest.
--Captain Dynamic--
the Ewoks weren't my favorite... but by far they weren't the worst. I do find it hard to believe they took out the "legion of my best troops" as ol' palpy described them. The only thing I can think is that there were a WHOLE BUNCH of those lil jokers...lol. Alright alright...back on subject. I still think Jar-Jar surpassed any character in stupidity...
stupidest, yeah. But Jar Jar was funny, on occasion. And Jacen is just so easy to hate.....
--Captain Dynamic--
I started hating Jason after he killed Mara, why do all the hot girls die!! :P
I started hating Jason after he killed Mara, why do all the hot girls die!! :P
lol--yeah, and Mara was cool! not the formal, serene type of Jedi. That was one of the first things that caused me to hate him truly, but trying to kill his family and putting a warrant out for their arrest helped, as well as the situation at Kashyyk....
draco.....?? huh?
--Captain Dynamic--
That's actually Kashyyyk, Werda Verd! :P lolz!
lol--yeah, and Mara was cool! not the formal, serene type of Jedi. That was one of the first things that caused me to hate him truly, but trying to kill his family and putting a warrant out for their arrest helped, as well as the situation at Kashyyk....
I really hate Jason for what he did to Ben. As for Kashyyk, I dont really care, I dont really like wookies anyway.
yeah, that too. but i did like the wookies. and his reasons for it sucked. but no one, not even Tenel Ka, nor Allana, like him now. And his time is coming!! love the cover of Invincible
--Captain Dynamic--
good point they do look kind of strange.
good point they do look kind of strange.
They are made to resemble dead Nemodians.(SP)
IG-88 is a walking pole with a gun.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I like the battle droids, A whole army of mindless drones doing their masters will without question, and doing it in perfect unison. I dont see why people like Jar Jar, he's clumsy and kinda stupid. (he's alot better than those ewoks tho.)
I like the battle droids, A whole army of mindless drones doing their masters will without question, and doing it in perfect unison.
And there lies the flaw. They are unable to interpret, or react to things like organic soldiers. They will blindly charge into a trap, without hesitation, and as their allies fall before them, they will not take cover unless ordered.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
And its also what makes them strong, they dont hesistate to do anything, they'll do anything they are ordered perfectly Organic soldiers might feel mental stress in the heat of battle, if something goes wrong or a friend dies they will lose their morale, they wont do as good a job as they could. Battle droids also dont need nurishment, you can fit them in tight places and they wont complain, they dont need sleep, and they dont have any fear. And they're not as stupid as to not take cover, they have some strategies programed into them all tho they cant think of other strategies.
and with the B-1's, if the central computer is knocked out, they're screwed. And you must not have read RepCom, the clones are far more efficient than other organic soldiers. They panic less, USE their fear, etc. They have both genetic and trained reactions in fighting, and the droid to clone death ration is 50:1. clone TROOPER, not ARC, not commando, just trooper. It just gets better from there.
--Captain Dynamic--
Hmm, I didnt know that, cool. I just love to see armies march in their platoons to music by John Williams.
k. I'm just incredibly biased FOR clones, being such a RepCom fan. Sorry. They explain why clones are so much more efficient than any other wets/tinnies
--Captain Dynamic--
I hate Jar Jar and little Anakin because they are so annoying.
A lot of people don't like them either. I always liked Jar Jar, maybe cus i was young when i first watched it. :P
--Captain Dynamic--
Something that pisses me off about Lucasarts is how they endlessly cater towards young kids. Ewoks, Jar Jar, ridiculously stupid KOTOR puzzles, the list goes on. Except not R2 and C3PO, they are classic. :) :)
On topic...
I also thought that Anakin was annoying in The attack of the clones too. Always whining about something.
yeah, and charging in to attack Dooku was just dumb. Always liked Obi-one more.
--Captain Dynamic--
yeah, and charging in to attack Dooku was just dumb. Always liked Obi-one more.
Dumb, yes, but it was fun watching that whining punk get put in his place by Christopher Lee :D
lol.....true, true
--Captain Dynamic--
An 80 year old man whips the Chosen One. :lol:
a sith lord who can shoot lightning......And he was Sauroman too....a Wizard/Sith vs a Jedi Apprentice.....well, we all know what happens
--Captain Dynamic--
Yoda talked like Grover (freom Sesame Street).
Chewbacca is a big whining teddy bear that makes endless Tusken-like sounds, but more annoying.(Tuskens sound cool while Chewie sounds retarded!)
Twi'leks, Rodians, and clone troopers rock!!!
a sith lord who can shoot lightning......And he was Sauroman too....a Wizard/Sith vs a Jedi Apprentice.....well, we all know what happens
LOL Seco, first time anybody had guts enough to tear down Chewie that I've seen. He does get a little annoying, though I honestly like him more then you seem to :P
At the moment the character that I like the least is Jacen due to him being not a nice person at all.
agreed. Hate Jacen. And "not a nice person" doesn't cut it. Try power-hungry, deluded, tempermental, overconfident, easy-to hate, diabolical, neck-breaking, warmonger-ish.......thing!! Total idiot.
and Chewies awesome! Apparently, you haven't read Black Fleet Crisis. He and a few other Wookies fly up to a Star Destroyer, or some other massive, enemy filled ship (filled with big lizards that love to kill. I think they're lizards) and bust Han out. And you've never seen him rip someones head off and beat them with the soggy end.
--Captain Dynamic--
You diss Chewbacca?! How dare you! Let the wookiee win!
But seriously Chewbacca was definately one of my top ten favourite characters. I'd say easily top 5.
And don't judge just by the movies. Go into the EU. Then we really see the heart of Chewbacca (without the 'annoying' sounds. I'm not afraid to say it but when he died that was the most emotional I've ever been over a book. I kind of skipped out on the rest of the NJO series because of Vector Prime.
Nah, I don't diss Chewie. I liked him. He sounds a little annoying at times, but usually I thought it was pretty funny. And of the original movie cast, he's high on my list to. Boba, Vader, Han, Stormtroopers..........then Chewie? I'm probably missing a couple, but he's up there.
Maybe R2 beats him out...... Close
the worst star wars character hmmmm C3P0, the british useless droid.
what is he for any way? annoying comments so the jedi dont get borid? or a target practices machine gone wrong i would hire jar jar over him
i would hire jar jar over him
I wouldn't go THAT far, but yeah, he's not very entertaining or useful
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