Oh, thats good
Topic: My figures
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
179 posts
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Which one is it? The little one or the big one? I have both. And for some reason it seems like no one really knows that there are two kinds. But both are titled Die Cast. Only I think the big one's called Titanium. Or maybe they both are. I don't know. But I like the big one better.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I have the small one. My birthday is coming up, so I may be able to get the larger one.
Star wars heaven, click this website http://www.brianstoys.com/bvc2004/ProductInfo.aspx?productid=S33CSETOFROTS
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o Heaven!!!!!
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
Yeah well, it may look like heaven, but if you look at the price, you'll feel like you've dropped all the way to hell. :P
Well that makes two of you-Sev
I am going to get aayla in two weeks!!, well not so much two weeks now
I Have A Very Big Star Wars Collection I Have Around 400 Action Figures Ranging From 77 To Present I Have Almost Every Star Wars Action Fleet Made. Over 20 Vehicles From 77 To Today. Every Ep 3 Figure And There Variants. Plus A Boba And Jango Fett Helmet The Boba Ones Autographed. Im Working On My Own Boba Costume. Coffee Mugs, Power Of The Force Dolls, 15 Unleashed Figures A Bunch Of Lego Ships All The Star Wars Movies And All The Star Wars Video Games From Nintendo To X Box. Plus Posters, Books, Games, Puzzles And Models The Only Things I Dont Have Are The Expensive Statues.
I have.....
EP 1; Darth Maul, Qui-gon ( Missing down to the waist due to dog) Hidden Padme, Queen Alidama, Naboo Starfight, Rocket Naboo Starfighter ( Missing R2-D2 ) Green lightsaber, Small speeder.
EP 2; Jango Fett, Obi wan, Anakin Skywalker, Large Zam, small Zam, Mace Windu, Small Slave I.
EP 3; Anakin Skywalker, Pregnant Padme, Clone Trooper, Clone Trooper 4 set, Uthapa Battle pack, The Battle pack with Commander Bly, Obi-wan's starship, Obi-wan's lightsaber.
EP 4; Princess Leia, Small X-wing, Small Tie-fighter, Small M Falcon, Small Y-wing.
EP 6; Boba Fett.
EXSTENDED UNIVERSE; Boba Fett Transformer, Star Wars Chess Set, RC 1262.
All the Young Boba Fett Series, The Bounty Hunter Wars Series, The Unseen Queen, Another book i can't rememeber the name, Star Wars Underworld, Republic Commando Hard Contact and Triple Zero, Empire Strikes Back.
GAMES; Bounty Hunter, Jedi Starfighter, Starfighter, Clone Wars, Battlefront, Battlefront II, KOTOR I, KOTOR II, Rouge Squadren, Battle of Naboo, Galaxies, Emipire at war, Republic Commando, Episode III.
That's all i can think of. /\ /\
Oh! And i almost forgot....
MUSIC; AOTC, SW Musical download ( Not all but a few )
toywise i have kit fisto, plo koon, count dooku (which i found at a park, missing the lightsaber) prince xizor, boba fett saga 2006, darth maul, and jango fett: final battle. i used to have vader but i lost him when i was 7.
I have Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jango and Boba, Count Dooku, die cast Slave 1, and Commander Bacara. I also have Mace Windu and Aayla Secura.
Commander Bacara :o
I don't think i've ever seen him anywhere.
I hav esb, saga, rotj, gettin 30th annivarsary, BOTH titanyum(sorry about spelling)
the one that came in the packeging with the vader head in the corner and all
yes all the jangos
oh, and the burger king one
boba rocks

These are pretty cool. I've been hoping they'd make a Quinlan Vos figure. The ARC Trooper Alpha is just a bonus.
It's going to be a good year for collecting figs. Tons of good stuff out this year.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
I have a Boba Fett lego figure ... it came with the Slave 1 my parents bought for my little brother, which I built. He then scrapped the Slave 1 to get its peices to makes smaller and "cooler" ships. So, to get "revenge", I stole the little Boba dude. It is a very depressing story :(
I actually have alot of figures. I'll list the coolest ones and most recent ones. Boba Fett (with a carbonite Han Solo that I bought in the 90s behind him) Bossk, IG-88, 2 Darth Vaders (one of which you can remove his helmet and came with a little plastic Obi-Wan cloak that he can step on like in a new hope), Luke Skywalker in Bespin outfit, Mace Windu, Darth Maul, Revenge of the Sith Obiwan and Anikan, Han Solo in Hoth outfit, Dash Rendar, a stormtrooper where you can remove his helmet, a luke in stormtrooper disguse, Sandtrooper, Clone Commander, and a cool shocktrooper i just bought the other day :), sorry for the long list. I have alot more tho :)
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
I have too many figures to mention and they are all in storage at the moment as i live overseas. But here are my fav ones:
Obi wan starwars 12 double tele. lightsaber(loose)
Luke starwars 12 double tele. lightsaber (loose)
Boba fett with no chest insig. signed by Jeremy Bolloch
R2D2 half moon pegs with holo. Leia signed by Kenny Baker
Osaka tin collection Wind-up Boba Fett
Unleashed Leia collection one
Tuskin Raider mint (loose)
Greedo on a luke card
2003 Boba Fett Convention Silver figure
Framed Lucus Prints signed by David Prowess, Peter Mayer and Michonne Bourriague (Aurra Sing)
Ultimate Collectors Series Tie Intercepter, X-wing and Y-wing lego
Kotobukia Boba Fett
Hallmark Padme Christmas tree keepsake
I have heaps more and most of it is still in its packaging. About another 7 storage boxes but the collecting has slowed down cause I have a kid and spend most of my money on him. Though he already has the full first and second series of the Galactic Heros from Playskool/Harsbro!
The other day i found a battle pack called Battle of Geonosis that had several figures from that scene, one onf which was a jango Fett. his head was magnetically attached to his body so you could renact his death by decapitation...way to honor the dead huh?
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
That would be awesome. You could flick his head off, make him look like he's in the Exorcist, stick him to the refrigerator etc.
LMAO jango's disembodied head pinning a nice little drawing of a house to your fridge.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
and if it slips the dog eats it, lol! :)
Ok here's the pictures of my figures like i promised. I'm missing some older ones from the 90s, and even older ones from the 70s. But these are all the new saga figures.
Heres all my clone/storm troopers lined up
Heres my other figures. You should recognize everyone there. In the center you see a Hoth Han Solo and a Dash Rendar in the back though. Theres three different Vader's here, one from ANH, another from RotJ and the one on top with the blue lightsaber is the McQuarrie concept Vader. There is an ESB and RotJ fighting a Vader each. Front left, Obiwan and Quigon dueling Darth Maul. Behind them, Mace Windu and a Rebel Honor Guard. In the middle of it all is Anakin dueling Obiwan. In the left corner theres the bone that comes with RotJ Luke, Obiwans cloak that comes with ANH Vader, and a bit of Sith lightning that comes with Mace Windu. On the right corner you'll see all the collectors coins that come with the figures.
Heres my bounty hunter corner. In the backround is the scaled boba fett helmet replica. From left:4-LOM, Bossk, IG-88, Boba Fett, Boba Fett Holiday Special, Boushh (Leia in disguise), Han Solo on Torture Rack. Behind them all you'll notice Han Solo in Carbonite.
Heres a close up of the troopers. From left: Stormtrooper McQuarrie concept, Scout Trooper, 3 ARC troopers, Clone Captain(guy in red), ARC trooper with minigun.
Second close up. From left: Clone Trooper officer, Clone trooper(Hawkbat Battalion), Clone Trooper (501st Legion), Shock Trooper, Clone Trooper(7th Legion), Stormtrooper.
Third close up. From left: Sandtrooper (Orange shoulderpad, big gun), Sandtrooper (white shoulder pad, staff), Clone trooper(EPIII), Galactic Marine, Clone Commander, Airborne Trooper, Imperial Officer.
Close up of Clone Commander for Ralin...
Close up of ARC Trooper with minigun for Rev....
If anyone wants any close ups of any particular figure, just ask.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
WOW, you DO have a lot! I got a few of those, but GREAT collection, Val!
nice Val, a question...
i noticed you didnt have a shadow utapua trooper(the black clone armor)
is that one ur looking for? i always check for him.
does anybody have that guy?
and for the collectors here is another question?
who is the figure you would absolutely loose ur mind if you saw him on the shelf for retail price.
i personally would trip if i found a shadow trooper...the original not episode3- but this would never be at a store for obvious reasons...
or this dude
my friend found an original major blood(gijoe) figure still in its package at a thrift store for 3 dollars a year ago.

I'd have to say if I found an original Firefly figure, from GI Joe, still in it's packing. That's the other thing I collect besides Fett, is all the different Firefly figures (GI Joe, not the TV show). Go figure, huh, since Fett and Firefly are similar type of characters. That was always my favorite Cobra villian, I think because of the cool camouflage. Urban camo had just come out, back in the day, and it was pretty wild looking.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
nice Val, a question...
i noticed you didnt have a shadow utapua trooper(the black clone armor)
is that one ur looking for? i always check for him.
does anybody have that guy?and for the collectors here is another question?
who is the figure you would absolutely loose ur mind if you saw him on the shelf for retail price.
i personally would trip if i found a shadow trooper...the original not episode3- but this would never be at a store for obvious reasons...
or this dude
my friend found an original major blood(gijoe) figure still in its package at a thrift store for 3 dollars a year ago.
Honestly Cujo, no i dont have that shadow trooper but only because i haven't seen it. Who here can honestly pass up a shadow trooper if they saw one? Certainly not me.
But the second link, the original shadow trooper is effing amazing. That's definitelty on my list.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
Ah I am glad to see the collection finally Val! Impressive indeed. I happened to get my first trooper today by chance, the 501st one. He looks a bit out of place next to R2 and Qui-Gon, but I don't think he minds. :P
That and I found the Boba mighty mugg too. I was quite pleased, even though i was looking for the Mando evolutions.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Btw, forgot to answer your question for collectors Cujo, The figure that i definitely want is an Old Ben Kenobi. A new one that is, like a Saga or legends figure. I have the one from the 90s.
And thanks Si and Ralin. I also have the Fett mighty muggs and a Fett Mr.potato head.
Does anybody know if more vehicles are going to come out?
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
Oh yeah I forgot about that. That's a tough one because I don't think I have a lot of figures, and honestly want them all. :P For sure though would be a Darth Revan.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
I'd have to say if I found an original Firefly figure, from GI Joe, still in it's packing. That's the other thing I collect besides Fett, is all the different Firefly figures (GI Joe, not the TV show). Go figure, huh, since Fett and Firefly are similar type of characters. That was always my favorite Cobra villian, I think because of the cool camouflage. Urban camo had just come out, back in the day, and it was pretty wild looking.
me too brother!(clapping giddily), no kidding those r 2 of the 3 guys i collect.
have you picked up the new wave sculpt?
the other figure i collect, is hunk from RE.
i think all three of these characters are cut from the same cloth.
Heres mine:
mcquarrie boba fett
Debut boba fett
30th anniversary stormtrooper
30th anniversary hermi odle
30th anniversary Elis helrot
30th anniversary M 'yoom onith
30th anniversary mcquarrie chewbacca
30th anniversary darth vader ( ep 4 )
30th anniversary CZ-4
30th anniversary galatic marine
scout trooper
AT-AT driver ( pilot )
Weeping angel
Saesse Tinn
Kit fisto
Agen Kolar
Mace Windu
Palpatine ( evil, the jedi fight, ep 3 )
( not boba fett :( )
Anakin Skywalker
Commander Cody
general Grievous ( with cape and one lightsaber - blue )
kenner stormtrooper
Clone pilot ( ep 3 )
scarecrow ( 1 )
scarecrow ( 2 )
Others i cant remember..................
Who is weeping angel? Or am I better off not asking?
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
If I posted a list of all the figures I own, I'd not only be here all day, but we'd have two pages in this thread. (cause mine would stretch far down and other people would have to post on the second page) So I'll just stick with saying, "I have a lot."
same. lol
"I have a lot."
so who r ur top ten?
based on hardest or most rewarding to find. and look etc?
A weeping angel is a monster from Doctor Who. lol, no worries, here.......
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
strange but scary, isn't it? ( knows she'll say it isn't scary ) :P :D

Sadriel_Fett wrote:I'd have to say if I found an original Firefly figure, from GI Joe, still in it's packing. That's the other thing I collect besides Fett, is all the different Firefly figures (GI Joe, not the TV show). Go figure, huh, since Fett and Firefly are similar type of characters. That was always my favorite Cobra villian, I think because of the cool camouflage. Urban camo had just come out, back in the day, and it was pretty wild looking.
me too brother!(clapping giddily), no kidding those r 2 of the 3 guys i collect.
have you picked up the new wave sculpt?
http://www.yojoe.com/action/07/images/firefly14_large.shtmlthe other figure i collect, is hunk from RE.
i think all three of these characters are cut from the same cloth.
Yeah, I picked up the new sculpt. They look really sharp. That was one of the things I was trying to get a decent picture of when we were at the Con last year. When I moved from my old apartment, I found out that the "o-ring" in almost all my older Firefly figures I had setting out had dry rotted, because it's so freakin' dry out in Wyoming. I ended up having to find someone who sold the things separately, and replace just about all of those. That was a lot of fun. I was reading somewhere that they're coming out with another one as part of one of their GI Joe comic book 2-packs that they have out now. This one is supposed to be the Firefly costume version that's in the current GI Joe comic book series from Dark Horse, so that should be pretty cool.
As for the other "figure" I collect (yes, I have three, too--must be something in the water), it's the different Batman figs. Not the freaky weird ones from all the different lines, like super neon night vision cooling jet pack Batman or some crap like that, but just the basic "normal" Batman figs from the lines. I guess you could say it's more than three, though, I guess. I also get the basic Robins, Nightwings, and Azrael's that go with him, but that's it, I swear. It's my wife's fault, really. She collects the Batgirl, Huntress, and Black Canary figures, and since I already had a lot of the Batman figs in storage, I finally just took them all out of their boxes and set them out. Seemed like a waste just having them all in storage. I'm of that mindset now, that if I'm not going to set it out on display, then I should probably not waste the money on it if I'm just going to put it in a box somewhere in storage where I'm never going to enjoy it, you know? Now I have to get rid of all those Star Wars and Star Trek figs I've been collecting since they first started coming out again. Man, that was a pain in the butt to catalog and photograph for eBay. Didn't realize just how many there were, until they were all piled up and sorted out. What a pain. Do yourself a favor kids, don't buy stuff just to put it in storage. It's a pain to sort it all out later on when you want to get rid of it.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."

A weeping angel is a monster from Doctor Who. lol, no worries, here.......
That had to be my favorite episode from that season. What a creepy episode. If that doesn't disturb you being in a cemetery now, I don't know what does. Did you get the two different variants of the Weeping Angels? I told my wife we were going to get the "scary" version, the Screaming Angel, and set it on the top of her computer, just to freak her out.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
lol! i have the one with the face covered!
To Sadriel - i bet she was really P***** off with you afterwards! :P :D
the episode was really scary. like when sally sparrow walked away, and then the weeping angel's face became covered to seen. Poor Kathy! :P

That was a pretty good scene.
So, to get a little back on topic, does anyone else collect anything else besides just Fett stuff. If so, what? And why?
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
I collect pencils. ( ashamed ) I dont know why? It's just, pencils are....................pretty.......cool....to...me. :| ;)
Star Wars is my first love but I also collect Nightmare Before Christmas stuff. Not so much figures but posters, stickers, things for your phone. I have a sick wallet and my toilet seat cover and mat are both covered in pictures of Jack Skellington's skull in different emotions. I also have a great collection of letter sets and other useless stuff that is in a box at home!
I feel like there was a topic on general collecting before... because I know I collect tons of various things. Vinyl records, milk glass and other glass wares, books, dressers :P, All things Star Wars, guitars, Indy 500 memorablila, and Titanic (the ship not just the movie) stuff. I think i am a natural born collector. ( Or horder of stuff).
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Used to have so many of the old figures. I don't even know where they would be now.
cough* pencils * cough! I cant believe it! :P I am a moron! ;)

Star Wars is my first love but I also collect Nightmare Before Christmas stuff. Not so much figures but posters, stickers, things for your phone. I have a sick wallet and my toilet seat cover and mat are both covered in pictures of Jack Skellington's skull in different emotions. I also have a great collection of letter sets and other useless stuff that is in a box at home!
Right on, dude. I've been collecting the different versions of Jack figures from the regular figure series. I think my fav, though, is the Pirate Jack figure from his cameo in James and the Giant Peach. I believe it was a Comic-Con exclusive one year. Had to get one of my wife's friends to grab it for me, since we didn't make it out that year. They had a Vampire Jack Comic Con version at the NECA booth last year at the Con. Didn't even know about it until the last day. Thankfully, they still had plenty for sale at the NECA booth. I really wish they'd put out all the different exclusives in the Comic Con brochure. There's so much stuff that you don't hear about until afterwards. I was looking for something on eBay for a Comic Con exclusive fig from last year, and man, you should have seen all the stuff that popped up that I hadn't even heard about, and we were at the Con. Oh well. Anyways, only a few of them out, though, thank God, so they don't take up a lot of space. Just five or six of them out (from the NECA series, that is).
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
lol, Thank god! for Roald Dahl! I have nearly all his childrens books...
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