I think Jango Fett is better.
Topic: Which one is better: Boba Fett or Jango Fett?
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
7 posts
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I think this has been already told. As you asked. Boba Fett. BF is cool. While JF is cool, and has cool armour
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(Lancelot! <3)
exactly, Terron. What I just said. :) ;) :P
I think Boba Fett is way cooler!! He might not have as cool of weapons, but he is still much cooler!!!
i personally like Jango better
besides they are almost the same aside from personality
It's almost a tie for me. I have the impression from things I've read that Boba is smarter, and a better bounty hunter. However, I'm much more a Mando fan then a bountyhunter fan, so Jango scores major points for me as being the last leader of the True Mandalorians.
If I had to pic one, I'd probably say Boba if only cause he was the first
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