Topic: Ninja and Samarai

Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.

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Topic #2235
February 25, 2008 4:22 pm (Edited February 26, 2008 11:36 am) #

Hey guys this rpg is based in japan in 16th centerie 
you can either be a ninja or a samurai
Oda:NobunagaOda(a ruthless ruler who cares for no one but him self and wannts to achieve one goal to conqeror japan),Officers MaedaKeiji(is very skilled and loves to battle)/ Oichi(Nobunagas sister she thinks her brother is full of him self)/ Nohime(Nobunagas Wife is very skilled in fighting and loves her husband)/ Ranmaru-Mori(faithful body guard betrayed his own clan to join Nobunaga)/T oyotomi Hideyoshi(is a master at stategy is one of Nobunagas most trusted edvicers), (other officers not important)

Takeda:Takeda Shingen(skilled strategist want only peace) /Kunoichi(a clever ninja who will serve Yukimura no mater what) /Sanada Yukimura(a skilled solider who wants to bring power back to the Sanada Clan.(other officers not important)

Date:MasamuneDate(a 15 year old ruler who loves war)(other officers not important)

Mori:Akechi Mitsuhide(hate Nobunaga for cripuling his clan)/ Saika Magoichi(hate Nobunaga for cripuling his clan) (other officers not important)

Tokugawa:Tokugawa Ieyasu(is Nobunagas closes freind)/ Honda Tadakatsu/ Komatsuhime/ HanzoHattori(doesn't fear nothing not even death,only reason to live to do his master bidding)

Uesugi:UesugiKenshin(only want to have an honorable death/have a rivalry with Shingen Takeda and fights him often)(other characters not important)

Here is some links on info on Character just in case you want to under stand the rpg better.

Character sheet.
When creating Characters Bio you have to include Shoghun school and after that what Clan you join and what officer you fight under and you start off as a private.Some weapoons are for samurai/katana,pole blade,spear/bow.And for Ninja weapons are kuni,chained blaed a hook blade conected by a chain to a ball/kuni,katana.

Character:Masamoto Sanada
Clan:Takeda/officer Yukimura Sanada
Weapon:Katan (the Katan has a metal handle it has engraved at the bottom "Gate way to peace"
Bow(it is a steel bow engraved at the bottom is"Peace comes with a price") the weapons were pased down to
him by his fatherKenpachi Sanada waho was a General.
Apperence:Dark red scaled armor with Samurai helmet and Red sheeth for my Katana./Casual outfit Red Kemono.height 5'7 weight 164.
Bio: I finally was finished with school and was able to aply for the job of a ninja or Samurai, i was going to become a Samurai just like my father.My 14 years of school and trainning was going to be finfished if i past the Graduation exam.I was 18 and most people didn't graduate till they were 19 but i was strong and had grate weapon my fathers (my father was killed by nobunaga, and i swore that i waould avenge him and restore honor to the Sanada name).The graudation exam was an obsticle course is you didn't make it in time you fail most ninja pass this,but i'm a swift Samurai.Master yakamotsu looked at me and said
"Are you ready boy"
"Yes",i repleid
"Well then go"
I ran into the maze that was full trap doors and hidden walk ways.I turned the first corner and heard a meachenizm go off in the floor, the floor slid i jumped cross to the other side beraly avoiding to spikes below.This trial was serius i better be careful.I made my way through most of th mase when i saw the exit i was right at the door when two shelves came from the ground on both my right and my left sides armed with arrows.I had no time to think so i junped and landed in a role as the arrows blasted.
  Yukimura picked me up and said
"Are you okay you past"
"Yes i'm fine", i said histerical
"Who are you",He Questioned
"Iam Masamoto Sanada son of Kenpachi Sanada"I said looking straight and pushout my chest.
  Yukimura Put his hand on his chin as if he was thinking and said,
"Well you look like Kenpachi, i used to be in Kenpachi unit , how would you like to join me"he said putting his hand on my right shoulder.
i looked himin the eye and said"Iwould be honored to join you".

February 25, 2008 4:42 pm #

well sounds cool. post more info soon.

February 29, 2008 9:06 am (Edited February 29, 2008 09:12 am) #

Hello through the course of this rpg there will be battles between clan.This is a narrator post that i closgamble will be posting as to tell the people posting in my rpg know what battle is going on the first battles will be between Takeda vs Uesugi

February 29, 2008 9:14 am (Edited February 29, 2008 09:36 am) #

Name: Danz Saqqer
Age: 28
Power: 60/100
WOC: Ninja stars, sword and stealth
2nd WOC: Armour ( 10 % )
Gender: Male
Family: Brother and Father. Somewhere in Europe.
History: Born in a  city, in Osaka, and lived with his mum, dad, and brother. They were happy, and lived a good life, until.......the accident. Danz's mother died in a car accident, and they were forced to move to the countyside in the West.
Friends: None ( so far )
Disks: 40, sword damage ( 70% )

You're foolish words can never hurt me
February 29, 2008 11:28 am (Edited February 29, 2008 12:38 pm) #

Name: True name is unknown. To the masses he is known by many names, the most common is Spirit.
Age: Again unknown, though appears to be between 26-38
Job: Rouge Samurai
Weapons: Katana Warrior's Vengance Short bow.
Clan: None.
Appearance: (without imperial insignia, crescent thing is more centered.
  Stands at 5'11. Caucasian male. though this is unknown, as he is rarely seen.
Bio: Little is known about his man. He is often seen on battle fields after the forces have left. His white armor and silent nature lend to the belief he is a spirit or demon. His dark horse contrasts sharply with his armor. He is a fierce, all those that have tried to attack him have met with a quick bloody end.

The warrior stepped over the field. The ground was littered with bodies. Another clan war, it seemed. For a moment he was at his father's side again. He looked down, his father walked beside the horse, wearing his armor. Something grabbed his foot, and the illusion was shattered. He looked down. A bloody hand  clung to his foot. A soldier looked up at him, the man had three arrows protruding from his abdomen.

"I never believed," he coughed "the stories. I had always thought you were just a tale to keep children from the militaries. Tell me, Spirit, are you here to guide me away from this plane?"

The warrior looked down, his helmet obscuring his face. "No." 

The soldier paused for a second. "Then why, Spirit, are you here?"

The warrior remained silent, watching the dying soldier.

"Are the tales true? Are you what they say you are? A spirit sent to guide fallen warriors from this world?"


"Then what are you? Are you a Demon as they say in the north?"

The warrior looked at the soldier for a moment, then reached to his helmet, and slowly pulled it off. "I am but a man."

The soldier looked at warriors face for a moment. He coughed, blood flowing from his lips. "Perhaps, Spirit, you are what you say. No mater what you are, may I ask a favor of you?"

The warrior looked at the soldier, watching him with dark grey eyes. "Yes."

The soldier smiled tiredly. "Well then, at least some of the tales are true. I would ask you, Spirit, to hurry my journey from this plane. Would you give me a warriors death?"

The warrior looked down, and slowly reached to his katana. The soldier looked at him. "Thank you." he said. There was a flash of steel, the blade came down, and the soldier was no more. The Spirit, as he was known to the people of Japan, replaced his helmet, and walked on.

(Please please please please please please please be ok)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 29, 2008 4:41 pm (Edited March 3, 2008 04:17 pm) #

Character: Kenshin Himura, nickname is 'Battoussai the Manslayer'
Occupation: Wandering Samurai
Age: 26
Clan: none
Weapon: Reverse-Blade Sword
Appearance: 6'2", 180 lbs

February 29, 2008 11:33 pm #

Danz looked round. There didn't seem to be any sushi left. " D***! " he cursed. He strode over to the fish counter and kindly asked, " Have you got any sushi left, my kind sir? " The man looked at him " No, we've ran out. Come back tomorrow." " Okay, thank you anyway.  " Danz was a ninja in training. Today was his day off. He tried to get some breakfast from another fish store............

You're foolish words can never hurt me
March 3, 2008 5:16 am #

Sorry guy but i guess i wasn't clear enough,but i love you ideas but you most pick a clan listed no making up your own clan and being a rouge Samurai is okay.If you are a rouge samurai you must have battle to don't punk out in fight you get paid for fighting if your rouge.don't start a major fight until i post that there is one.

March 3, 2008 5:42 am #

Name: Kitabake
Clan:Takeda/officer Takeda Shingen
Weapon: A dai katana named deaths' whisper which he recieved from his father. and a short bow made of fine oak with steel strengthining. also has a small katana.
Apperence: 5'10" tall and sleek, toned body but more elegant than strength. he has Golden and black scaled armor and no helmet. A dark blue scabbard for his samurai on his back also for his dai katana and on his side for his katana.
Bio: From a young age kitabake trained in the arts of the samurai before he was of age to attend school, after he had completed his training he was observed by the Takeda clan and joined his forces. he is a master of the two handed dai katana but has little appitude for useage of his bow. he recieved his dai katana from his father who was a great samurai but died in a small skirmish outside his home town, kitabake went to help his father allthough young and no expierence of war he did not want to stand idley and let his dad fight without him there. he took up his katana and went to help. as he got there his father stopped and told him to go; as he did he was impaled by no less than 9 arrows one of which hit him in the neck. Kitabake was enraged and took up his fathers blade and seeked out the leader of the rebels which had attacked his town. he found the leader and almost killed him, by a stroke of luck anyway. but the leader managed to get away.

Kitabake stood in his lords court training his unarmed combat skills; awaiting orders. his wife was pregnant, but kitabake had been called up to help fight a war he knew little of.

he took up his Dai katana and started reigning blows down upon the wood and straw dummy before him. Kitabake did what others could not. he used a huge two handed blade as elegantly as a one handed blade. as if he was dancing with it. with a flurry of swipes the dummy was mangled. it had no arms no legs and no head.
Kitabake sheathed his blade and stood, proud of his work. he spun his heels and headed of,

"Dam, im hungry" he sighed

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
March 3, 2008 7:28 am #

On his way home, he bumped into his friend, Kitabake. " Hi, Kit. How's it going? " He hadn't seen his friend for years..............

You're foolish words can never hurt me
March 3, 2008 7:31 am #

This is a map of were clans are on the map so you will know who is invading who if you in a town with a rival clan in that town or a rival character there mite be a fight.
Here are the clans with the name of the towns there located in.
(Grass land)
(River valley)
(Grass Land)
(Most updated city)

March 3, 2008 7:59 am (Edited March 3, 2008 08:02 am) #

I recieved a message this morning to meat in the war meeting room to discus an important battle ahead.In the message it said to come prepared for battle there has been word going around that the Uesugi leader is trying to wage war on the Takeda clan.lord Shingen describes him as a blood hungry war mongul who wants nothing but chaos.I made my way to the war meeting room it was inside lord Shingen's castle the castle was large enough to fit the whole village.I was inside the war meeting room everyone was there that was apart of the Takeda army thats how big it was I nelled beside lord Yukimura.We spoke in a wispering tone.
Masamoto:What is this about sir.
Yukimura:It seems that we mite have a altercation with Kinshen.
Masamoto:Already a battle but why?
Yukimura:He thinks he is good enough to over throw the Emperor and take down the Takeda clan.
Masamoto:But doesn't he need a Dimyo's support to do that.
Yukimura:Yes and that he does his brother Hokaku is a Dimyo and we must divise a plan to take him out.
( Kunoichi jumped on my back)
Kuoichi:Thats were I come in.
Yukimura :Kunichi settle down here comes Shingen.

March 3, 2008 8:11 am #

Kitabake had been training for some time and decided enough was enough, his wife would have cooked tea by now anyway, so with that kitabake sheathed his dai katana and headed back,
as he was walking he saw a familliar face, Danz Saqqer!

"its been some time my friend!"

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
March 3, 2008 8:16 am #

" How are you? " and gave him a big friend hug. " I haven't seen you in years! " his face was serious, but still smiling. " Where have you been, all this time? "...............

You're foolish words can never hurt me
March 4, 2008 5:18 am (Edited March 4, 2008 05:28 am) #

Shingen walked into the room and looked around the room and began to speak
Shingen:Do you know what I see here and now?
Shingen:The strongest army the Okunawa lands have ever known.At this time in two days we will show our might to the Uesugi army and let it be known that no one will over throw the emperor.
Shingen brought out a paper I looked closer and noticed that it was a map of the Uesugi camp.
Shingen:Okay this is how it is going to happen Yukimura will lead a strike team of riders them swords will fallow leading by me and Bow men will come next this plan is to try to take out Kenshin.On the other side of the map is Hokaku, Kuoichi will lead a strike team of ninjas to elimanate him.I will not talerate failure now prepare and rest up for the after tomorrow we ride.
(As Masamoto made his way home he saw to men wielding blades having a conversation he was eager to approach them) The men over there look familiar is that Kitabake and Danz Sapper maybe i should recruit them i walk over to them and said,
Masamoto:Hey you guys long time no see especially you Danz.

March 4, 2008 7:11 am #

Danz and Kitabake also bumped into their old friend, Masamoto. " Hi, Mas! How are you? I haven't seen you in  years, too! "............

You're foolish words can never hurt me
March 5, 2008 5:13 am #

Masamoto:Why didn't you guys join the Takeda army, listen we are riding to the Uesugi camp tomorrow and we are looking for strong soldiers and I know you guys are the men for the job.
Daz and Kitabake looked at each other in confusion, puzzled by Masamoto's offer.Masamoto felt like he was not going to get there help
Masamoto:Before you speak, let me tell you if we don't strike then they'll over throw our village.

March 5, 2008 7:15 am #

Danz was confused, but happily obliged. Kitabake was also very puzzled. But, he, too offered......

You're foolish words can never hurt me
March 5, 2008 5:45 pm #

Spirit was hurt. He had ran into a group of bandits, there were so many of them that he had been wounded. He did not have the ability to deal with this. He had to go into a city, as much as he hated it. The closest now was Takeda. He grimaced against the pain in his abdomen, and rode on, towards Takeda.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
March 7, 2008 7:21 am #

They set off towards the training castle............

You're foolish words can never hurt me
March 7, 2008 2:33 pm #

Sitting with his back against the tree, Kenshin was looking up at the sky when he saw a horse with a rider who was bent over, as if he were dying.

March 7, 2008 11:00 pm #

( lol, good post, Fett II ;) :P )

They arrived at midday. " Come inside, the Trainer will be waiting for you....." said Masamoto. They headed inside......................

You're foolish words can never hurt me
March 10, 2008 5:30 am #

Masamoto let Daz and Kitabe into the lobby of the training camp so that they could get to know who they were going to work for.A man that was clearly out of breath stop in front of me.
???:(he gasped for air as he spoke)Yukimora is in trouble he has stopped the white spirit samurai at the gate and mite fight him.
Masamoto:(feeling like this guy was foolish) So what.
???:The white Samurai will kill him, here is a horse to go to the gate and help Yukimora.
  Masamoto ran to the horse and grabbed the rope and road to the man and said"tell my friends in there I'll be back soon".Masamoto kicked hard to the horses side as  the horse speeded toward Yukimora.

March 10, 2008 6:33 am #

Kitabake was in the training camps lobby, he was eager to find out what was going on. had there been a skirmish? he asked around but no one knew the answer.
kitabake resumed in sitting down. he wanted to fight for his village he wanted to make a name for himself and his family

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
March 10, 2008 8:19 am #

( hey, Nigzy! Can you please post on invasion of kasyyyk - RPG........It's getting real empty , thanks, GHF ( MC )

Danz was led into his own training lobby, and was given some food and drink before the training. Sushi and some beer..............

You're foolish words can never hurt me
March 10, 2008 2:51 pm #

Masamoto only hoped that Daz and Kitabe would understand that this was an emergency, if Yukimora was injured before the attack then the strike wouldn't work out.Masamoto got to the gate Yukimora was standing in front of the  spirit with his spear drawn.

March 11, 2008 8:41 am #

( Danz! )

Danz, raised his sword. He looked out of the corner of his eye....Enemy! He threw the sword backwards. TEar! It ripped a hole in the dummy's chest. He retrieved it and kicked the dummy hard in the chest area. It fell and broke. He smiled grimly, hoping there were a few more training dummy's left.................

You're foolish words can never hurt me
April 12, 2008 2:07 am #

Name: Haruhi Suzumiya.
Age: 15
Job: My own faction agenced both the ninjas and the samaris
Weapons: long sword, plated armor
Clan: sos brigade
Appearance: not telling
  hight unknown. female.
Bio: made my own club and now we are tackeling stronger opponants we cannot be stopped

Hi if any one plays halo read this join my clan the sos brigade just remember sos is the best
April 12, 2008 5:32 am (Edited April 12, 2008 05:33 am) #

Masamoto road to the norther gate where, Yukimora was standing ready to fight the so called hurt demon
Yukimora:Demon get off your high horse and fight me.
The demon step down from his horse and stood in a weak position."yaaaaaaaaaa" Yukimora creid out as he charged the demon.Masamoto, finely got there to see yukimora battling the demon,as sword and spear clashed, yukimora was dominating.

April 12, 2008 6:31 am #

Danz slashed through 4 more dummies, after he wanted some more. When he was done, a young female maiden came in called Yasakati Urruie. " How did I do? " Danz asked plainly. Yasakati looked at her notebook and replied. " 9/10. You scored 9/10... A good score. You will now come with me to the armoury. Master Kaishan has said you can have your battle armour now. Danz smiled, and followed her........

You're foolish words can never hurt me

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