Topic: RPG: Age of Skywalker

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Topic #2014

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February 19, 2008 2:22 am #

"I don't think this Mandalorian's one of yours, Drakus,"

Before Starjammer could even finish, Ralin was pumping blaster bolts at the intruder.  The dust and smoke from the explosion clouded his view, however, and the first shots just missed.  Seeing he was under fire, the other Mandalorian dove for cover.

“I’ll keep his head down; the rest of you cover Starjammer!” Ralin yelled to his team over his comm.  Holstering his left blaster, Ralin preped his left gauntlet’s rocket launcher.......

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
February 19, 2008 7:54 am #

Cabur looked over, a bit shaken from the blast as she looked over to where Drakus was now shooting the new commer.  The figure who had come through the wall and was wearing Mandolorian armor, odd, she thought.  She continued shooting down gaurds, although she kept some attention on the newcommer, who Drakus was now getting ready to launch a rocket at...

(need me to edit?)

jet pack & rocket launcher-800 credits, mandolorian armor-5,000 credits, being the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy-priceless. brought to you by JediMaster Card
February 20, 2008 6:38 pm (Edited February 20, 2008 06:41 pm) #


Having last seen the two Jedi escape into the sewer system beneath the Jedi Temple, the woman was annoyed. She had attempted to hide her presence in the Force with much success, despite the amount of stress it took on her body. She was skilled at what she did, but it was taxing to remain hidden, especially from two obviously accomplished Jedi such as these. When they encountered the Mustafarian Inquisitor, she knew at least one of them was quite formidable. The Wookie, obviously an apprentice, had ruined their chances of success. The Mustafarian vanished. Then the Jedi fled the temple, just as the Peacekeeper's elite 501st arrived, looking for the missing Mustafarian. The woman knew it was time to flee. She remained long enough to gather that the Jedi knew where their compatriate had been taken. The same person she had been tracking since Endor.

She knew they'd be looking to find a transport aboard the Overlord's Shadow.

She'd have to be the one to provide it for them...

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
February 21, 2008 12:58 am #

As the targeting cross-hairs came up in his HUD, Ralin launched the mini-HE rocket. 

Taking cover behind the armored door he’d just blown in, the Mandalorian armored intruder was thrown backward by the blast as the rocket hit the duracrete edge that still surrounded the door.

Rushing forward, Drakus sent several bolts toward the intruder trying to finish him off.  But the other Mando rolled to his back and held a blaster rife up over his chest, firing wildly in Ralin’s general direction.  Drakus saw the hailstorm of bolts coming and dove out of the way.  Looking back, though, he could see Dussk was right in the line of fire........

“Dussk; INCOMING!!!” he yelled into the comm........

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
February 21, 2008 4:50 am #

"ECHUTA!" Dussk yelled. The mando had lifted his weapon over the door, remaining behind cover. As Drakus yelled a warning into the comm, Dussk dropped his weapons. He didn't have time to move, and he would not die trying to keep his secret. He felt his lightsaber jump to his hand, the yellow blade jumping from the hilt. He raised it and blocked the shots.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 21, 2008 10:45 am (Edited February 21, 2008 12:40 pm) #

A Jedi Trando?! Now I've seen it all... Solus put a fresh clip in his blaster and continued to fire at the incoming Trandoshan. Gotta think of something fast! He got up and sprinted twords the lightsaber-weilding lizard, hoping to surprise him, but he didn't so much as flinch. Solus just about got his arm lopped off before jumping into the large Selonian Marble fountain in the middle of the room, taking heavy blaster fire. "This is madness!"

"This IS my signature."
February 21, 2008 12:29 pm #

Drakus was too shocked to act.  He wasn’t even sure who he should be shooting at. 

Thinking he had been hurt or stunned, one of Kuat’s bodyguards try to rush in from his right, only to be shot down in his tracks as Ralin watched Dussk charge forward, his lightsaber up.

I wonder if Starjammer has seen this..........

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
February 21, 2008 1:06 pm #

Cabur was in complete shock, Dussk, a force user?!  She snapped back to reality as a shot came flying inches from her head.  She shot back at her attacker, and running to take cover as more shots came flying past.  The fountain in the middle of the room looked like a good place to take a quick break and reload.  She ran past shots, crouching down to avoid getting hit, and finally made it to a relativly low fire zone.  She looked over at the Trando, his lightsaber flashing around and causing some serious damage. 

She started reloading, back against the fountain, when she heard something behind her.  She got to her feet and spun around, staring back into the intruding Mandolorian's visor.

"FREEZE!" she yelled at him, pointing her weapons at the other, who had obviously been taking cover inside the fountain.  Something about the man triggered a memory, but it couldn't be, could it?!

jet pack & rocket launcher-800 credits, mandolorian armor-5,000 credits, being the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy-priceless. brought to you by JediMaster Card
February 21, 2008 1:47 pm #

<-so, I'm thinking that he must be on one of the orbiting ships.> Shiv told Tanis as they closed the grate over the sewer exit they just escaped through.

"You think so? Well then..." Tanis said as they walked out of the alley and into a main street. He looked up into the sky and seemingly into the space beyond where the orbiting ships were.

"It will be difficult to get there. By now, they are most probably scouring the space ports for us, and even if we did manage to get through we definitely could not simply fly into the ships hangar and stride through."

(theres your opening VM)

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
February 21, 2008 5:41 pm (Edited February 21, 2008 07:21 pm) #

The woman couldn't help but smile at her good fortune. Apparently, it was the will of the Force that she should accompany the two Jedi. She had placed herself in a good position, using her influence within the New Imperial Order to contact Commander Jir and have him send a few squads of the 501st to this location. She watched as the two Jedi exited the sewer system, then walked out of an adjoining alley and onto the main street.

Just in time..., she smiled silently as the first squad of the 501st Peacekeeper Legion, heavily armed and armored, turned onto the main street two and a half blocks behind the Jedi. As she expected, another squad turned a nearby corner a couple of blocks away, flanking their left as the human looked up into the sky for a moment. She, in turn hurried towards the two Jedi, her long, platinum blonde hair trailing behind her.

"We don't have much time to talk, but hear me out," she said as she practically ran into the stunned Wookie, a look of shock on her face. "I need help getting to my cargo ship. I can take you anywhere you need to go."

The human looked somewhat doubtful, and the Wookie looked anxious to avoid a fight with the 501st.

"My associate and I have more pressing matters actually," said the human.

The blonde woman, her face made up a bit heavily, raised an eyebrow, "More important than avoiding the 501st?"

"What makes you think they're any of our concern?" asked the human. The Wookie brayed nervously as the Peacekeepers moved in closer.

"Your Wookie friend's looking real uncomfortable," the blonde woman smiled.

Then a blaster bolt flew past them...


I deflect a few shots as best I could before Drakus decides to launch a mini-rocket towards the enclosed space providing cover for the newest Mandalorian on the scene.

Echuta! I thought these guys were supposed to be professionals! I think.

The snap-hiss of a yellow blade temporarily distracts me as my HUDs flash supressor kicks back in. I notice the Trandoshan wielding said lightsaber to deflect a few shots. and I need to have a talk my friend, I think to myself.

I search the room for Kuat of Kuat. He's found cover twenty or so feet away from the Selonian Marble fountain in the middle of the room. It looks to me as though he's heading in that direction. I wonder to myself whether or not he intends to run past the two Mandalorians using the fountain for cover. The female that Drakus hired had paused at the fountain to reload, and then stopped when she realized the newest threat was right there.

Some kind of standoff? No...her body language suggests...hesitation?

My thoughts are diverted once again, as Scratch growls towards a set of doors to our right. They fly open as twenty or so new Kuat Security Forces enter the fray...
_____________________________________________________________________________________________                   KUAT CITY SPACEPORT (Damn you JD!)

Anor'rkh was extremely annoyed. The rodian smuggler had just been reunited with his beloved YT-2400 The One Sure Shot, and was extremely happy that the Peacekeepers had miraculously neglected to disable any of his highly illegal mods. He'd flown off into space, despite the lack of clearance from Kuat Planetary Control. Not that he hadn't tried, somehow they just weren't answering. The firefight between Kuat Security forces and those psycho Mandalorian thugs had scared him off this planet for good.

He had just made it into the comforting black void of space, when...


He was quick to flip The One Sure Shot, onto its side, as he activated his portside deflector shields, when a barrage of turbolaser fire from a flight of Predators splashed off of them.

His comm crackeled loudly.

"Unidentified vessel, please return to the planet's nearest spaceport for search and seizure. We are in the middle of an engagement. The Kuat System is now under control of the New Imperial Order."

Anor'rkh was confused for a moment until his front viewport gave him the clear view of a massive Peacekeeper fleet engaging Kuat Defense Forces.

"Blast!" Anor'rkh cursed loudly.

The comm crackeled again, "YT-2400, you have been warned. Return to the surface where your ship will be-"

His topside Dymek heavy dual laser cannon turret flashed in response, turning the offending Predator into a bright fireball.

Anor'rkh was really confused. He knew he hadn't touched his weapons systems. According to his weapons board, they were set to manual, which meant there was a gunner in one of his turrets...but...

"No time to thank me, Bug-Eyes! How about we clear away from this battlefield, huh?" a male voice responded from the interior comm system built into both of his turrets.

"Who in the name of The Hunter's Moon are you?!" Anor'rkh responded furiously to the voice.

"Name's Colebin...Colebin Calid. I know...I stowed away on your ship...and you're mad. I would be too. Look at it this way, at least you have yourself a new copilot...and a gunner..."

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
February 21, 2008 7:40 pm #

He almost shot the helmetless Mando in the face before Solus recognized who she was. "...Cabur? Is that my Cabur?"


"Cabur! It's damn good to see you!"

"This IS my signature."
February 21, 2008 10:07 pm #

“FREEZE, Mando!” Drakus ordered from behind the intruder as his personal cloaking devise disengaged.  “I know how strong that armor is, and trust me, it’s not enough at this range.”  With a firm grip, Ralin pointed the heavy Mandalorian blaster in his opponents head, keeping just out of range of any disarming move.  “This thing can knock your helmet clean off...........and you head would go with it.”

“Drakus wait!” said Cabur.  “I know this man..........”

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
February 21, 2008 10:27 pm #

Tanis stood and did not waver as the blaster shot wizzed by his head. His facial expression did not change. He was scrutinizing this woman, and he would not make a move until he decided whether or not to go with her. And he quickly came to the conclusion that anywhere was better than here. Yet still, it just seemed wrong...her almost as if-

"Well? What say you? Would you prefer to be mowed down right where you are standing now?" The woman said. The trio ducked back into the alley for the moment. Tanis looked at Shiv. The wookie had the same face (if possible on a wookie) of 'I've got a bad feeling about this...'. But there was no other way.

Tanis looked at the stranger and narrowed his eyes.

"Very well." He said as he replaced the hood of the brown Jedi cloak over his head. "Lead on."

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
February 22, 2008 9:10 am (Edited February 22, 2008 09:15 am) #


The woman nodded as she looked at the two Jedi.

"Smart move," she said.

She led them through a maze of alleyways towards a nearby spaceport, avoiding a couple of close calls. They had moved quickly to avoid pursuit. As doubtful as the two Jedi obviously were about the strange woman, they had no trouble keeping pace.

When they arrived at the spaceport, they noticed that the 501st had a couple of squads positioned to cover the doors into the facility. They were obviously on high alert status.

"What now?" The human asked.

The blonde woman looked at the two of them blushing slightly with embarrassment, "I had hoped you two might figure a way out of this, to be honest."


I'm tired of this, and my impatience irritates me. I face the incoming forces and activate my lightsabers dual-length function. The hilt guards spring out, both of the blades doubling in width and length, now a bright flaming red. I detatch the hilts, as the length of Mandalorian Iron and cortosis ore chain swing, building momentum. I feel the force flow through me, my lust for combat and my impatience fueling the Vapaad fighting style.

I am immersed in combat, the Force guiding my hands. My blades are weaving wide, blood red trails of death. Weapons are severed along with limbs, and heads. The Force guides me towards victory...


Anor'rkh had no choice. Another flight had responded to the loss of the first flight's lead Predator, and they were closing in fast.

"Well, Colebin got us into this situation. Do you have anymore bright ideas to get us out of this?"

As in response, another shot from his turret blasted off  the starboard wing of a pursuing Predator. It spun wildly in response, clipping its wingmate. Both fighters became a roiling fireball in The One Sure Shot's front viewport, as a panicked Anor'rkh flew right through it. The shield's crackled as they deflected the energy of the explosion.


"Sorry, Bug-Eyes,,,that's all I had..."

The remaining Predators opened fire in earnest.


"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
February 22, 2008 6:16 pm #

Cabur was in total amazement.  Solus, here, now?!  They had barley exchanged a few words when Drakus showed up from out of nowhere, right behind Solus, pointing his heavy blaster at the other Mando's head.  He was just out of range to be disarmed as he threatened Solus, and realizing what was about to happen, Cabur interfered quickly.

"Drakus wait! I know this man" she said, although the words did not seem to comfort the other in any respect.  "Look," she said, "we're getting paid to do a  job, we can make introductions later"  She looked over her shoulder, more guards were entering the battle, and the 'jedi' seemed to be getting irritated.  She looked back at Drakus who lowered his weapon slightly...

(need me to edit?)

jet pack & rocket launcher-800 credits, mandolorian armor-5,000 credits, being the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy-priceless. brought to you by JediMaster Card
February 22, 2008 10:09 pm #

*wouldn’t lower my blaster just yet, CA :) *

“That’s right, Cabur, we’re getting paid to do a mission.  And until I know this one isn’t a threat to that mission, I consider him a threat; or judging by your entry, competition,” said Drakus, never taking his eyes or sights off of the intruder.

“So what about it, Mando?  Why are you here??”

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
February 24, 2008 1:42 pm #

"I'm here to ensure the safety and survival of Kuat of Kuat." Solus stood up, Drakus keeping his blaster trained on Solus's T-visor. "And you?"

"This IS my signature."
February 24, 2008 3:14 pm #

Tho'un had been brought to the 501st's commander, and had taken command. That also meant he was in control of their assests. That meant the Eviscerator, an Eclipse-Class Star Dreadnought. The Jedi had last been seen near a spaceport, with a new friend.  They would probably attempt to secure a ship and leave the system. He had a direct link to Admiral Pithe, on board the Evisceraotr. "Activate the gravity well generators. They will not escape the system. If they do, you will pay." He had a viewscreen in his helmet, he could see the admiral, but the admiral could not see him. He saw the admiral flinch at this. "Yes milor-" he began, but Tho'un cut the channel. He had Jedi to hunt.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 24, 2008 3:53 pm (Edited February 24, 2008 05:16 pm) #


The blonde woman was concerned. It was vital that she lead these Jedi to believe that she was harmless, at least enough to be trusted. She needed to get onboard the Overlord's Shadow quickly, and get to the one called Kharn.

She knew her opposition wasn't far behind. Especially since catching a flicker of his presence in the Force after retreiving the data from the crashed stasis pod on Endor. She waited for the Jedi to come up with a plan and remembered a conversation she'd had with the man she knew was also intent on possessing Kharn's knowledge.


4 A.B.Y. (2 weeks after the Battle of Endor.)

It was she who had found him, exiting the temple at Korriban. She had been there tracking some information she acquired a few months ago. She had hoped to find a holocron left there by the ancient Sith Lord XoXaan, whom this man claimed had spoken to him.

Darth Vader had told her of this secret, unbeknownst to Darth Sidious. She knew now that with both of them gone, she would need to move quickly to assume power. She had no idea who would take control of the fast- crumbling Empire, not until she'd gotten word that Luke Skywalker himself had moved to usurp control. It wasn't official yet, but the move by her former lover had intrigued her.

This man, who kept his face wrapped in the garb of a bounty hunter, claimed that the information was rightfully his. When she revealed that somehow a man named Kharn had acquired the information for himself, then hidden it, the man was furious. She offered to assist in tracking Kharn down and the man had allowed her to do so...

Approximately 6 A.B.Y.
"...and where might this Kharn have gone, Lumiya?"

Lumiya, Dark Lady of The Sith, stared into the eyes of the man before her. She felt a small shiver of fear, and pity, and those gave way to feelings of anger at herself. She pushed those feelings away and became calm again. She hadn't seen him in over two years. She knew he was different, changed. The dark side was stronger in him. His anger was suffocating.

"I tracked what information I could of this Kharn man." Lumiya said, "apparently, he was around about 3,000 years ago."

The man, dressed now in some kind of strange, shell armor that seemed...alive, looked at her curiously. "I see...the Order would be most benefited by knowledge of such life lengthening ability."

"It appears as though it was nothing more than fortuitous circumstance within a stasis pod, nothing more."

What little she could see of his eyes appeared intrigued, "of course...and do you think you can find where he hid my holocron?"

"Perhaps, apparently the vessel's records state that the pod was headed towards Endor. I'll be heading there next. Perhaps I can locate the pod and acquire his remains."

"That would be too bad. If he'd somehow survived, we in the Order could benefit from his knowledge."

"As I said before, I have no intention of joining your Sith Order. It goes against the tenets of Darth Bane. Such a thing would do you and your followers more harm than good. It has already cost you at Belderone."

"You heard about that, did you?" The man looked at her questioningly.

Lumiya just smiled, I still have ties among Imperials, despite Skywalker's recent claim that they are now loyal members of his New Imperial Order.

"Very well then, just get me my holocron. Then stay out of our way."

"As you wish...Darth Krayt."

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
February 24, 2008 9:30 pm #

"I'm here to ensure the safety and survival of Kuat of Kuat.  And you?" asked the other Mandalorian as he got to his feet.

“We’re here to take him for Skywalkere……… alive.  Care to try and stop us?”

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
February 26, 2008 9:49 pm (Edited April 1, 2008 11:35 pm) #

"Me? No...well, yes, but not now, not at this moment in time." Solus watched Ralin's finger tighten on the trigger of his blaster. "On the other hand, I-"

"RALIN LOOK OUT!" Cabur opened fire wildly in the general direction behind Drakus, causing him to lose focus for a second.

Now's my chance! Solus jumped for the other Mando, twisting the blaster out of Ralin's deathgrip and whipped out one of the E-11 blaster rifles out from under his arm, leveling the sights at Ralin's T-visor.

"How about now?"

"This IS my signature."
February 26, 2008 11:37 pm (Edited February 26, 2008 11:45 pm) #

*I REALLY Hate those scenes in movies where guys get their guns knocked out of their hands, as it’s not something easily done…..especially when the guy is a battle hardened Mando.  And also, didn’t I say before I was too far for a hand-to-hand disarming move??  But I’ll make an exception for you, Rev.  I got the drop on you without consulting, so I guess it’s my turn to have a blaster in my face   :P *

The other Mando’s disarming move knocked Ralin back a few steps before he looked up into the muzzle of his competition’s blaster.

Damn it Cabur.  Maybe you don’t have 360 vision, but I do.  I was just about to handle him…….

"How about now?" asked the Mado smugly. 

The question set something on fire inside Drakus.  First to have his blaster knocked away like some raw recruit, now to be dishonored like this??  No more…..

“Now,” Ralin said in a voice with a razor edge, “we find out how good our armor really is….” as he lifted his hand just slightly and fired a HE rocket into the floor between them.  Drakus only had time to turn slightly before the explosion sent both Mando’s flailing back.

Crashing down hard on his shoulder a few feet away, he lay still for a momet and took stock of his equiptment......and limbs.  As he started to get up, he could see the blood starting to flow from a 4 inch long gash in his right leg.

As the pain started to set in, Ralin got to his feet and started for the other Mando, who was on his hands and knees trying to get up.  As he limped toward the stunned Mandalorian, Drakus pulled his left blaster out, and the two-prong blades from his right gauntlet sprang to full length.....

*CA, A_A, or V_M; if one of you 2 would like to step in, this would be a good time, as I'm not sure Rev and I can take much more of eachother's attention   :P *

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
February 27, 2008 5:15 am #

The guards were dead. Any of the survivors had fell back, running to the safety of their barracks. Dussk stood, his lightsaber still active, when he heard and explosion. He spun around, seeing the two mandos be thrown into the air. Ralin rose, and started for the other mando. This other was apparently someone Cabur knew. Dussk pushed Ralin back with the force, sprinting over and placing his saber above Ralin's head. "You will not kill him." He hissed.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 27, 2008 7:27 am (Edited February 27, 2008 10:22 am) #

is it ok if i join in?

if so here's my character

Name: Ben Griffin

Age: 23

Species: Minor genetically modified Human

Occupation: Peacekeeper Storm Commando in the 501st Legion. Corporal.

Loyalties: To his leaders

Weapons: A  modified A280 with a 4X magnification and extended power cell, a customised DL-44 blaster pistol and a sith sword also concussion grenades and thermal detonators.

Armor: storm commando armor; based on the lightweight armor of the stormtrooper scout, but is coated with an advanced polymer called reflec which bends light and sensor energy away from the trooper. but is padded with reinforced armored plates which absorbs or reflects concentrated energy to a moderate degree. also inbuilt are 2 types of 'injectors' one which is a small bacta tank can increase recovery and the other injects drugs which increase combat performance.

his helmet has vast array of targetting systems to help combat enemys from distance. idetifying weak points in armor (if known) also giving range indication and relays the targets to ships and other vehicles so they can fire upon. also once the enemy is seen and scanned sensors stay on the target and can track upto 62 different targets at one time and fire using a shoulder cannon mounted on the shoulder of his suit. although moderatley weak is is used for suppresive purposes.

Appearance: standing 6" 1' tall with a muscular build from intensive and modified training since of a young age. the use of combat drugs also has developed a faster recovery rate and steady nerves.

Personality: a serious soldier who focuses on the mission. will over come if he can any obstacles in his way. a trained soldier and a vigourous leader. he prefers to fight on the ground and will not himself use heavy vehicles on the ground. he eats, sleeps and drinks with his squaddies.
he will do anything to unite the galaxy under one banner, that banner being the empires.

Corporal Ben Griffin of the 501st legion stood proud upon one of the empires capital ships. his helmet under his arm and rifle slung over his shoulder he was waiting for a new mission to arise. behind him his troops prepared the transport ships eagerly awaiting commands. he was new to this part of the galaxy. His commander has said that they would be heading to coruscant, where another 501st squad was deployed and that corporal Griffin was to help them in there mission which was not revealed to him.

Ben Griffin began to brief his troops, he had 7 under his command,
Griffin had recently revocered the remains of a republic attack gunship and had his team restore it.

"get ready men, where being deployed to coruscant, high commands orders. something big it seems, so check over your armor and weapon systems and meet me on the transport in an hour. be prepared" he told his men

this was it, finally some action

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
February 27, 2008 8:34 am (Edited March 9, 2008 06:49 pm) #

Cabur was now furious at both Mandolorians.  No wonder there aren't many of us left, she thought to herself.  She had been blown back a bit by the explosian, but not as bad as Solus and Drakus.  She steadied herself and wiped some blood from a scratch on her cheek.  She looked over, as Drakus walked to where  Solus had landed, pulling out a blaster and blades.  Before Drakus could do anything however, Dussk intervined, pushing Drakus back with the force and his lightsaber to Drakus's head. 

Dussk looked over at Cabur, making sure his actions were acceptable, but they were most certainly not. 
"Dussk, NO!!" she yelled at him, "leave him be!" Dussk, evidentally startled by the way she had responded, pulled Drakus to his feet with a helping hand.  Cabur, still stood between them, not wanting to hurt her current partner, but at the same time, defending her former mentor.  Cabur backed up slowly, and went over to Solus, trying to help him up.  She made sure none of his wounds were mortally threatining before turning around and walking towards Drakus.

"Look," she said quietly to Drakus, "I'm sorry for Dussk's actions, but I can't let you kill Solus.  He's my old mentor, he took care of me when no one else would.  I don't want to betray either of you, but I would die to defend him should the situation see fit.  Can we not find a way to work things out so that all of us may benefit?"

(need me to edit?)

jet pack & rocket launcher-800 credits, mandolorian armor-5,000 credits, being the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy-priceless. brought to you by JediMaster Card
February 27, 2008 3:47 pm (Edited March 10, 2008 12:23 pm) #

Apparently this situation was rapidly getting out of hand. I had just finished forcing the remaining KDF security to fall back, giving us a small window of time to act. I had expected the mandalorians to deal with the intruder quickly, however, there was an apparent standoff. Kuat had hidden himself, intent on using the chaos to shield his escape. Scratch, of course, got to him first. I locked a pair of stuncuffs on Kuat of Kuat and forced him to sit by the fountain. After disabling the security in this section to give us more time to get away before reinforcements arrived, I walked over to Drakus and his official partner, who was engaged in a stalemate between themselves and the other  mandalorian. The female somehow managed to defuse things. Scratch by this point couldn't help himself, and was itching to move on the Trandoshan. I had similar ideas. My mandate, is of course to take any all force users to Skywalker, by force if necessary. I figured now would be the best time to move into position. In the event of a doublecross, I'd be ready.

*New Image

Lt. Colonel Farr hadn't heard from Overlord Skywalker in some time, not since leaving the Shadow in secret to head out on a secret mission of utmost importance. This however, did not change the fact that he still had a job to do. The image of Commander Daine Jir of the 501st Peackeeper's Legion stood before him awaiting orders from planetside via holonet relay.

"Inform Inquisitor Thou'n to prepare for the arrival of Corporal Griffin and his Storm Commando squadron. They will be at his disposal, to be used as he sees fit. Whether the situation with the Jedi can be resolved soon or not, these are more pressing matters.We must begin rooting out and destroying this Sith Cult. Overlord Skywalker will be most unhappy to hear of this when I inform him of your most recent discovery on Belderone."

"Of course, Sir. As ordered." With a salute, the transmission ended.

(*BTW IF YOURE ANAL ENOUGH TO HAVE BEEN KEEPING TRACK, Lt. Colonel is Farr's rank not Lt. ...Thanx*)

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
February 27, 2008 7:20 pm (Edited March 10, 2008 08:07 am) #

Ma'ryk had been doing little during the confrontation.  Eliminating the remaining guards, but, as ordered, leaving Kuat for Starjammer.  And then the other Mando popped in, and faced off with Drakus.  Frankly, Ma'ryk was growing annoyed with these antics.   And then Cabur's statement of the other Mando, Solus, being her mentor, well, it all seemed very strange.  Ma'ryk lowered his blaster rifle, and faced the group, although not letting his guard down completely.  Ralin was still at Dussk's mercy, but the Trando seemed like he was relenting somewhat.  Panak just had to wait and see what would become of this.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
February 27, 2008 10:07 pm (Edited March 9, 2008 11:13 pm) #

As Dussk pulled him to his feet, Ralin’s T-Visor came up very close to the Trando’s face; his grip on Dussk’s three finger’d hand very tight.  He considered thrusting the still extended blades into the lizard’s cheast for his betrayal, but Ralin caught hold of his temper.  He’s bound by his life debt and he Honored it; he thought Cabur wanted me taken down.  As for Cabur……

Releasing Dussk’s hand, Ralin turned towards Cabur, who had just finished checking the intruder’s wounds and was starting toward him. 

“Stand aside, Cabur.  He’s a threat to the mission.  Don’t make me fight both…..”

"Look," she said quietly as she came near, cutting him off. "I'm sorry for Dussk's actions, but I can't let you kill Solus. He's my old mentor, he took care of me when no one else would. I don't want to betray either of you, but I would die to defend him should the situation see fit. Can we not find a way to work things out so that all of us may benefit?"

Drakus paused.  He knew there must be some history between the two, but he hadn’t expected this.  Looking over her shoulder at the battered Mando standing behind her, Ralin considered his options.

Looking back to Cabur, Ralin nodded slightly out of respect.  “You live with Honor, young one, and I respect that.  But I must complete my mission.  If he does not interfere, I have no quarel with him.  If he still wishes to stop us……..I will have no choice.”

*This ok?  MA and V_M, if either of you guys want to make an edit that involves me or that conflicts with this post I can edit again*

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
February 27, 2008 11:04 pm #

Tanis looked at the 2 squads of 501st Peacekeepers guarding the entrance into the space port. The three of them were behind a building, peering around the corner of an alley at the entrance, sifting through the crowds of people to count the troops.

Tanis was thinking up of the best entrance he could when he noticed that one of the squads was going to make a run though the space port. They formed up and walked inside. This was their chance for better odds. Tanis looked at Shiv from under his brown hood and Shiv took out his lightsaber and ignited it. Tanis nodded and took out his and ignited the green blade also. They broke into a force run and charged the first squad.

Although they were expecting Jedi, no one could expect this kind of attack. The troops were oblitherated. The swinging and spinning of the lightsaber blades looked like an elegant dance of death as black armored limbs and heads flew every which way. In a manner of moments the stunned troops now lay in a pile of cut up bodies.

The crowds immediatly dispersed, yet not too far. They watched in wonder and exclamed in awe. No one had seen a Jedi in action for years. This was hope for them. They to cheer them as Tanis waved the blonde woman over and she ran up to them. The trio sped into the space port and the woman led the way to the hangar housing her ship.

After a few moments of speeding through the corridors and mass of startled people and aliens they encountered the squad that had entered the space port.

A battle broke out in a particularly tight hallway and blaster fire erupted through the corridor. The trio took shelter behind a turn and Tanis peered around the edge as bolts flew by his head. They had to continue.

Tanis and Shiv flung themselves into the blaster fire and began deflecting and dodging all the bolts they could while slowly advancing on the squad. Many were taken down from deflected shots and the two Jedi were about to reach them and begin the slaughter when one unwise soldier tossed a thermal detonator at them.

Shiv defended Tanis as Tanis force pushed the thermal detonator back into the group and it exploded. The squad was reduced to only 3 injured Peacekeepers in an instant because of the tightness of the hallway. Tanis and Shiv sped up and mercilessly cut them down.

Tanis looked back and waved the woman back again and she ran over the bodies and led them through the space port once more.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
February 28, 2008 2:37 am (Edited February 28, 2008 01:14 pm) #

Ben Griffin was on his transport down to coruscant. he had been briefed by one of the 501st commanders' there was a jedi down there and they where creating a masacre. they had already lost a lot of troops to these jedi. the squad of 501st couldnt possibly hold there own against jedi. yet they went, it was there job to try.

"check your weapons men" Corporal Griffin ordered as he thought little use they'll do anyway.

The spaceport had been compromised the enemy was it in and had eliminated at least 4 squads of 501st.

Griffins Transport dropped them half a click from the spaceport.
the soldiers of the 501st squad approached the spaceport in staggered file formation. this was a fight not many people would survive.

"This is Corporal Ben Griffin, 501st squad. this is looking bad command, there's bodies everywhere, about to enter the spaceport, out" Griffin said to command

The men approached the entrance. the first batch to lose there lifes to the jedi's onslaught.
Limbs scattered the entrance; not a nice way to die.

some of the men had started to lose there morale, but these men where one of the last of fit 'clones'
they knew what to expect.
they entered the spaceport. the tight corridors where not in there favor.

"okay Command, going into radio silence, over and out" Griffin ordered as he turned his radio off

"Corporal, i'll need to slice the computer to see what hangar there in"

"No need private. just follow the bodies.......just follow the bodies" Griffin replied

the men reached a hangar door, it had been locked down.

"right men, where gonna have to do this fast, blow the door and get in, stagger out so they cant kill us in one move"

The members of the 501st began placing explosives on the durasteel door.

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
February 28, 2008 4:59 am (Edited March 10, 2008 02:34 pm) #

((No time to post, g2g realy fast but some minor corrections.

1. Dussk's lightsaber is yellow
2. Lightsabers cauterize the wounds they make, therefore, no blood.))

Dussk had moved into one of the corners of the room. He found himself slightly aggravated. Part of him, most of him for that matter, didn't trust Drakus. He felt the anger within the mandalorian. He could feel the desire to kill. He pulled a cigarette from one of his vest pockets, lighting it and deciding he would go for a walk. As he made his way down the hall he paused, there was someone behind him. They were masking their presence, but they had slipped. Before he could react an arm had pulled him back, there was the familiar hiss-and-hum of a lightsaber igniting. It moved closer to his throat and he lifted his head, unless the wielder slipped. The cigarette fell from his mouth. He knew exactly who it was. "Starjammer." He hissed. The inquisitor's grip tightened. "You are coming with me, Trandoshan."

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 28, 2008 3:58 pm (Edited March 10, 2008 05:34 pm) #

"...come quietly and we won't have to make a scene." I said to the Trandoshan. I knew I had to move fast before the others noticed I'd slipped away, when Dussk decided to take his little walk. "My troops have this facility and the entire planet surrounded. There's no escape. With you out of the picture, your little girlfriend may be more inclined to play nice. Why don't you just drop those weapons of yours?" With the active lightsaber to his scaly throat, I press the hilt of my inactive lightsaber against his lower back.

He hisses in obvious irritation."Where's your little pet, Twi'lek? Don't think you can get away with this. I don't care how many Peacekeepers you've got running around."

"You should come peacefully then, the New Imperial Order could use a creature of your obvious force given talents. Let's play nice, hmmm?"

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
February 29, 2008 8:55 am (Edited March 10, 2008 06:35 pm) #

Dussk grinned to himself. "Nice is for Jedi." He growled. A blast of force energy knocked Starjammer's lightsabers away and Dussk activated his own blade as Starjammer pulled his to him, the yellow beam of energy jumping out, and clashing noisily with Starjammer's silver ones. In sustained combat Dussk would surely be cut down, but he had an advantage. He pushed Starjammer back, pulling his WES-TAR from his belt, (he had retrieved it along with his other weapons earlier) leveled it at Starjammer's helmeted face, and pulled the trigger. Starjammer's head snapped back as he was hit, and he crumpled to the ground, unconscious. Dussk ran, heading back to the others.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
March 2, 2008 7:21 pm #

(Hey V_M could you post for Lumiya or w/e her name is now? I didn't post us getting on her ship because idk what ship you wanted to give her and idk how you were going to accomplish actually getting to the Overlord's Shadow)

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
March 3, 2008 5:20 am (Edited March 3, 2008 05:21 am) #

Corporal griffin stood before the door.

suddenly griffin got word from command

"Corporal Griffin stand down, orders from the commander, you are to report to Inquisitor Thou'n immediatley, i say again abort mission"

<WHAT!? they where one door away from fighting the jedi, and abort mission!?>

"roger that command, squad standing all get that men? where heading back, leave the explosive and get back to the ship. where going back"

The soldiers where struck at this.

"yes corporal!" the 501st squad shouldered there weapons and began walking back to there drop ship, a crowd had gathered around the proximity of the space port,
Peacekeepers from the 4th and 10th legion had arrived to relieve them.

"corporal griffin, im sergeant jush'akr, 4th legion, here to relieve you of your mission" The sergeant grinned

the 501st replaced by regulars!? dam them!

"yes sergeant, here's the detonator we placed explosives on the hangar door where the absent minded jedi are trying to escape" Griffin said as he tossed the detonator over and walked by to his transport.
They where to rendevouz with Inquisitor Thou'n. the squad was under his command now

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
March 3, 2008 5:23 pm (Edited March 11, 2008 03:47 pm) #

Cabur understood Ralin's dilemma, they were on a mission and Solus was a threat to him.  She looked back at Solus, who straightened up.  "I'm taking Kuat with me, and I'd like to see you try and stop me." Solus countered at Drakus.  Cabur sighed inside, he was just the same Solus she had known before, proud and always one to be in a fight. 

Drakus seemed perfectly ready to accept the challenge, raising his blaster to firing position.  Cabur was caught between sides now when she looked over to see where Dussk was, hopefully ready to help her, but there was no Dussk to be found.  She looked over at Kuat, who had moments before been guarded by Starjammer, but he too was missing.  The two Mandos were getting ready to finish their battle when Cabur turned quickly to them.  "Where is Dussk and the jedi?!" she asked in near panic.  Both gave her a curious look, turning to see where their missing comrades had gone, when Dussk came running through a side passage, panting heavily...

jet pack & rocket launcher-800 credits, mandolorian armor-5,000 credits, being the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy-priceless. brought to you by JediMaster Card
March 3, 2008 5:45 pm (Edited March 8, 2008 07:44 am) #

Name: Darth Cartea
Species: Humanoid
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Appearance: Wears the armor similar to Darth Nihlius, holster on side of leg
WOC(s): Red short lightaber, green double blade (blades are only 1 meter long to increase speed and maneuverability), small DCm blaster pistol
VOC(s): Naboo N1 starfighter, naboo star skiff,  Lambda Class T4-a landing shuttle personally modified with holonet system hyperdrive rating of 6.0, personal quarters (sleeping quarters, eating/cooking area small stash of exotic galactic beverages, training room) , anti air/ground turrets(4), auto turrets (6)
, mannable back turret,
Breif Bio: Was alive since the clone wars and joined the empire after the fall of the new republic  and quickly ascended to fleet commander of 5 imperial satr destroyers. 2 years after the battle of endor the empire fell and was under the command of Luke Skywalker who now calls the Empire the Peacekeepers. He is an ex sith lord as well as ex jedi knight.
Force abilities: leap, jump, run, push, pull, heal, shield, stun, kill (only works on the weaker minded than Cartea and animals), choke, force drain, repair, crush, etc.

Cartea had been floating wildly around space for awhile and coudn't seem to see the fleet from his N1's cockpit. suddenly it appeared right in front of him uncloaking and appearing 20 yards from his ships he quickly turned around to avoid colliding with 1 of the star destroyers coming back around slowly to dock. "head for mustafar we're gonna rest and fill up there i have an outpost  there its abandoned but it'll do" "Yes sir" the deck officer turned and headed to the bridge to report the new orders.

Sev is the Master hunter!!!
March 4, 2008 4:09 pm (Edited March 10, 2008 07:03 pm) #

(ey, really need to the 3 PMs I sent you...No prob, Val, here's Lumiya...)


As the blond woman smiled to herself, the wookie brayed and the hooded man translated, "My compatriate says you'd better have a good plan in mind, lady. If you get us all killed, he's gonna be mighty upset."

She knew the Jedi were intent on acquiring this Kharn gentleman, as was she. However, she couldn't make such a thing look too easy, or could she...

"Tell your hairy friend, I do have a plan in mind and its simple. " The blond woman pointed out a stock Anxarta-class Light Freighter, sitting in a hangar bay guarded by Peacekeepers. "That's my ship, Your wookie friend and I will divert them away from you... you board and be ready to pick us up at these coordinates." The blond woman passed them a comlink. "It's on a secure frequency, so no one will be able to eavesdrop."

The hooded man nodded as the Wookie and her ran off. She fired a couple of shots into the air and a few of the Peacekeepers took the bait, running after them. A few seconds later, a suspiciously timed explosion in a nearby hangar drew the rest away from the scene.

Tanis smiled and ran up to the blond woman's ship, activating the boarding ramp...

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
March 4, 2008 4:54 pm (Edited March 11, 2008 03:50 pm) #

Tho'un made his way down the steps, followed by a squad of the 501st. These men had a colorful history, they were Vader's Fist, they executed Operation Knightfall, at this very temple so many years ago. And they were now his to command, along with the Eclipse that hung in orbit. A dropship touched down nearby, The hatch opened and a squad came out. "Sir, Corporal Griffin reporting as ordered!" Tho'un looked at him. Commando. He began to respond but was cut off by a transmission. "-----Einforcements------Repea---Jedi has es-aped!" the transmission ended. Tho'un looked at this commando squad. He briefed them on their new mission, and they headed out.

((K, Nigzy, your going to the ship the Jedi are going to, you will arrive after them. :D))


Kharn had found them. The droids guard was almost impenetrable. Kirah had ran off, possibly to a hangar. The droid was slowing him. They were in a narrow hallway. Kharn was pushing the droid back.

"You seek power, but you can not find what you seek while still training under the Jedi. Leave them, their morals make them weak, they seek to protect those who do not deserve protection. You have great potential the only way to unlock it is through the dark side." Kharn regarded the hologram cautiously. "But the darkside corrupts things, it kills, it only brings pain and anger." XoXaan's holographic image smiled darkly. "That is where you are wrong. The darkside feeds off of your strength, your emotions, The jedi keep those from you. The Darkside is the embodiment of life."


Dussk sprinted through the door, breathing heavily. "Starjammer attacked me." Cabur looked surprised. "You killed him?!"


[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
March 4, 2008 5:27 pm #

( I'll take that offer as a member of the you know what VM. Didnt let anyone knowing just yet in case you didnt want them too and my storyline is about to twist to make sense PM when I can crack off who I'm with now)

It had been a peaceful trip so far he was beginning to think the others werent going to come. There were no signs of any attack made on any of the fleet at all. "Where are they". Just then  a small group of unidentified ships jumped  out of hyperspace and immediatly began attacking the ships  with a terrible ferocity such as he had never seen before. They made quiick work of the other star destroyers and at last turnd towards his.It was them he knew it. TGhey slowly picked his ship apart to ensure his safety offboard. So immediatly he cloaked himself using the force and once again sped off in the direction of the hangar. CLambering aboard a small scout ship abnd taking off in the direction of the old hangar on mustafar where he would meet up with the others once there hewatched as the last star destroyer was destroyed, he then reached into a small sack and took out al c4 stuck it to the ship, jumped back about 30 yards or so then pushed the c4 detonator and blew the last of the fleet apart.He was then greeted by his new comrades. Noone could trace his existence now and Overlord Skywalker would believe CArtea was dead when attacked and otnumbered by rebels. He stepped aboard a small escort frigate and headed off with his new life.

Sev is the Master hunter!!!
March 4, 2008 10:24 pm (Edited March 11, 2008 07:45 pm) #

"I'm taking Kuat with me, and I'd like to see you try and stop me" said the battered Mandalorian apparently named ‘Solus’ as he straitened himself.

Ralin raised his left blaster and aimed for the other man’s neck just above his collar plate.  “If that’s the way you want it….”

Cabur quickly moved herself between the two, her hands up, obviously still trying to defuse the situation, though her attention seemed to be distracted. 

"Where is Dussk and the jedi?!" she asked.

Both Ralin and Solus looked around to where they’d thought the others where. 

Ma’ryk, also having been closely observing what was happening between his partners, was just as lost as they were.  “I thought they were, uhhh……..” he shrugged. 

At that moment, Dussk came running back in through a side passage. "Starjammer attacked me."

Ralin’s wrist instantly flicked his blaster away from Solus and up into a read possition as he and the others turned to Dussk.  “He did WHAT?!?” Drakus nearly demanded.

Dussk ignored Ralin as Cabur asked "You killed him?!"

Ralin stepped toward Dussk.  “Why did he attack you??  What did you do??”

“Where the hell have you been?!?” Dussk snapped back.  “Maybe they don’t advertise in to the mainstream holos for you, but Skywalker has standing orders for his minions that all Force users be taken.  And they must join him…….or die.”

Ma’ryk nodded at the truth of the statement.

“You are part of my crew; if he wants to take you, it’s over me.”

“Ha” Dussk laughed in disbelief.  “Yeah, sure; this from the bountyhunter who WORKS for Skywalker.  I only came back for Cabur.  I have a life debt to you, and I want to pay it.  But I have to keep running.  Please come with……”

Drakus stood between Cabur and Dussk.  "Don’t doubt my word, Trando.  You ARE part of my crew.  And until you are not, NO ONE will take you while I live.  Where is Starjammer?”

Dussk didn’t seem to be sure what to think of the situation.  Ralin could feel the force user trying to read his mind.  His eyes narrowed, Dussk seemed to believe Ralin….for now.  “I left him in the passage way back there.  I shot him, but I don’t think he’s really hurt; his armor saved him.”

Ralin picked up his right blaster that had been knocked from him earlier and limped for the exit Dussk had run it from. 

“Drakus wait!” said Cabur.  “We need to get out of here, not start a war with the Peacekeepers!” 

“I have to end this…..”

“Make sense!” growled Dussk.  “I’m out of here; whoever’s coming with me, lets go!”

Ma’ryk nodded again. 

Moving up from behind, Solus spoke up.  “If you don’t mind, I’d also like to save my neck if I can.  Since you all seem to be out of a job, maybe we could hang together for a while.”

Ralin thought for a moment.  He wanted to find Starjammer and end things Honorably; even if that meant killing him…  But Dussk was right; they had to move, and now.  With a quick twirl, his blasters were back in their holsters.  “Fine; lets go.”

Everyone moved at once.  Dussk was nearly out the door before Ralin had finished speaking; Cabur close behind him.

Solus, rather then following, instead ran to the now unguarded Kuat of Kuat, the creature who had been guarding him gone.  Lifting the young man to his feet, they started after the others.  As they passed through the exit, they ran into Ma’ryk and Drakus; Ma’ryk’s blaster rifle in a ready position. 

“You may be with us for the moment," Drakus said, his right hand resting on the grip of his blaster, "but we don’t trust you.  So if you don’t mind, I’ll tag along in YOUR ship for now.” 

*This ok with everybody?*

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
March 5, 2008 3:11 am #

"yes sir, me and my squad will report as directed!"

Corporal Griffin and his squads welcoming was cut short. within moments of getting there they had been briefed on another attack by some escaped jedi. they had overwhelmed guarding forces, even though they where in the 501st they where a variement of different races, only corporal Griffin and his squad still had 'clone blood' .

With that the squad quickly returned to there drop ship making necessary, they made there way to one of the lesser ships in the fleet, Corporal Griffins prized Alisano, a republic cruiser.

"corporal we'll be approaching on through vector delta 2-5, its stealthy and they wont pick us up untill where right ontop of them"

The squad would be travelling in there Republic cruiser, another modified and restored ship the squad recovered.

"lets go men; you know what to do" Griffin announced as he took a seat on the bridge.

with that the cruiser steered away from the fleet and was away.
to find these blasted traitourous jedi

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
March 5, 2008 4:10 pm #

The blond woman hopped in the pilot's chair and deftly piloted the Light Freighter.  She appeared to be a good pilot he'd give her that.

As Tanis hopped up the ramp.

<Now what?>

"What did he say?"

"He wants to know what we do now.  He has a point.  How are we supposed to board The Overlord's Shadow and fight our way through the multitude of Peacekeepers?"

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
March 5, 2008 4:21 pm (Edited March 10, 2008 06:43 pm) #

"He wants to know what we do now.  He has a point.  How are we supposed to board The Overlord's Shadow and fight our way through the multitude of Peacekeepers?"

"Simple... we get ourselves captured." The blond smiled as she piloted the freighter to exit Coruscant's upper atmosphere.

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
March 6, 2008 1:43 am (Edited March 12, 2008 11:15 pm) #

As the group piled into the turbo-lift, Ralin wondered just what he’d gotten himself into, and if he’d done the right things.  Should I have turned on Starjammer?  I didn’t turn on him; he turned on me by trying to take one of my crew.  But to run from him now….and run where?  We’re libel to have every bounty hunter in the galaxy after us, especially since we’re taking Kuat with us.

The thought of Kuat turned his mind to the Mando standing in front of him, Solus, his hand firmly gripping Kuat’s robe at the shoulder.  What plans do you have turning behind that visor I wonder; and what importance does Kuat of Kuat hold for you?…….or better said for who you work for.

As the turbo-lift sped them to the surface, Ralin’s thoughts shifted again.  I hope Starjammer’s troops don’t know what happened down there yet…..

*this good?  Can edit if needed*

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
March 7, 2008 1:13 pm (Edited March 7, 2008 01:21 pm) #

The cruiser approached the fleet in which skywalkers own flagship, the overlords shadow. a massive ship. easily double the size of any other in the fleet.

As the republic cruiser got closer they where told to identify themselves.

"This is Peacekeeper force, 501st legion Corporal Griffin, Number 30025593 over"

"Ahhh about time you showed up...again here to deal with the jedi down below eh?"

"Roger that, permission to enter orbit, over"

"Affirmitive, permission granted, good luck coporal out"   <You'll be needing it>

The Cruiser approached the orbit of the planet ahead

"listen up men, its jedi again. we know we can kill them. we've done it before with lord skywalker all those years ago. might of been some time now but we've had our skirmishes and we come out top. just remember your drills and we'll be ok. everyones been equipped with these electro sith swords, they can stand there own against lightsabres untill you get help. just dont die on me. if we fail the cruiser will bombard where we fell. i aint letting them escape no matter what. 501st lead the way!!!" Griffin roared

"ALL THE WAY!" the squad roared back head butting each other; unprofessional but it kept moral high.

"501st squad ready, designated Delta team" Lance corporal Karlay informed

Griffin nodded and gave Karlay the thumbs up.
they would be dropped in Tx 991 Drop 10 minutes

"suit up boys...and girl <he gave Karlay the sly wink before placing on his helmet" lets do this thing! just again, dont die on me. i hate to bring you home in pieces"

<Battle system online, welcome 30025593, corporal Griffin. mission update....scanning......scanning....complete......Primary objective........Find and capture or eliminate enemy 'jedi'
"sure as well missed your voice lorraine" (his armors AI system)

his HUD came up, his teams vitals in the corner and target and enviroment information constantly scanning in the top left.

He was also trying out an experimental blaster, the  XE 11E Assault blaster, it was big, had a clip and fired electro magnetic rounds, anti jedi rounds he nick named them, they where suppose to disable or penetrate concentrated energy yields. all though the fire rate was slow. it was a hell of a rifle. Overlord skywalker saw to it they where developed so less of these jedi could slaughter our peacekeepers. only just being completed.

(The rifle looks simmilar to the marine assault rifle of aliens, just think of it as an e11 type varient, because personally i hate the looks of some star wars blasters)


Griffin started thinking


The pod started to shake.....this was it. Mission start

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
March 7, 2008 8:26 pm #

Name:Aliyah Onasi

Age: 24

Affiliation: Jedi- hopelessly devoted to the light.

Appearance: Shortish Blonde hair, blue green eyes. Doesn’t exactly wear Jedi outfits, but something familiar to it. (This is partially because of her isolated training, and early part of her life. I will post a picture hopefully with what I’m thinking) Has tall boots to match.

Vehicle: Likes to think she can fly anything capable of flight, but is still learning. Currently she is attached to an old J42 Nubian that she inherited from her mother, who got it used at an out of the way dealer on Nar Shaddaa.

Powers: Those that are very light sided. Force push and pull. Some Force persuasion, but not mind control. Lightsaber weapons focus, although she has some practice with a blaster.  Force heal, jump etc. Similar powers and abilities to Obi- Wan

Lightsaber: Single blue blade. Her main form is Soresu, but occasionally uses Ataru.

Background: Was born soon after the establishment of the Galactic Empire. Mother and father both saw the hidden force potential of their daughter, but choose to keep this from the Empire. Both parents were from Alderaan, and were close friends of the Organa family. Once her father let it slip that he thought Aliyah was force sensitive, Bail sent secret communications to Ferus Olin, who was secretly searching for Jedi and force sensitives to train on his hidden base. The base was on an asteroid, that was at the center of a stormy nebula, which hid the presence of the asteroid an the training base on it. So that is where she spent most of her time training under Garen Mulin, Jedi Master from before the purge. Her parents decided to move to Nar Shaddaa in order to stay hidden from the Empire less something go wrong. Her father is still alive, although her mother died from a fluke speeder incident. Her father then gave the Nubian to Aliyah and moved to the asteroid to help care for the ailing, aging Garen.

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
March 9, 2008 2:12 pm (Edited March 12, 2008 03:07 pm) #


*****************(I'll edit once everyone else has caught up, if need be...)

I feel the familiar warm breath of Scratch breathing into my helmet's filters, and awaken, angry at my arrogance. I had a feeling the Trandoshan would pull something. I chastise myself for assuming the filthy lizard would play fair. He was right though...nice is for Jedi. Like him, I am no Jedi. I check the room where I last had seen everyone, and just as I'd thought...gone.


Via my comlink, I contact the main Peacekeeper force. I inform their commander that they are ordered to allow the female, the Trandoshan, and the other mandalorians, including my two former employees, to leave the Kuat sector with their new prize.

"Under what authority?!" a confused snd surprised Fleet Commander asks.

"My own" I say sternly, "and don't forget to place multiple tracking devices aboard all of their vessels. Make them difficult to locate. Perhaps we'll get lucky and be able to determine their next intended location."

"I wasn't aware you were the type to believe in luck, High Inquisitor."

"I'm not, Commander. Therefore I expect results. I'll be expecting a transmission via holonet the moment I arrive at Coruscant, before I depart on my mission. Failure will not be tolerated."

"Of course, High Inquisitor Starjammer, I'll..."

I break off the communication in mid sentence and make haste for the Wayward Soul.

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
March 10, 2008 6:42 am (Edited March 10, 2008 06:43 am) #

Griffins team dropped on the planets surface,

"Team secure the perimeter! Karlay on me!" he barked out orders to his team.

"Yes corporal!" Karlay slung her rifle and got up off one knee and scurried over to Griffin.

"Right the jedi, according to intelligence are trying to escape via an unknown and unregistered craft. we need to storm the place and get them quickly your 2IC as usual so stay close, we'll be using a simple straightforward three point strike, three entrys at the same time take them by suprise"

"by your command corporal... Team get in formation where moving in!"

The team approached the hangar in which the jedi had holed themselves in!

"prepare to breach!" Griffin whispered

He unclipped the sling on his rifle and raised it to his shoulder and crouched ready to spring in,
he switched his rifle to automatic fire and loaded a thermo (thermal detonator) into his UGL.

"ok men, when your ready blow it!" Griffin gave the preliminary command

(( When you jedi are ready you can set off the doors, try not to kill too many of my men now ;) or if you want we can capture you and take you to the fleet? as you said you wanted to be captured ))

I am the Hammer. I am the sword in His hand, I am the point of His spear. I am the Gauntlet about His fist. I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous. I am the End.
March 10, 2008 5:09 pm #

(This is not my plan but I'm going to put it into effect for VM )
( Im gonna try the 1st person thing)
Somewhere in the deep core sector
"What took you so long?"I said to one of the men in dark black robes "We were somewhat delayed byTalon" Oh I see what was she doing?" I asked."Off running a supposed quick errand for Krayt.""So how much longer tilwe reach Tython" I asked. He turned to look at me and said " we arent headed for Tython, that was a trick to see whether or not you would go and squeal our location to those damned peacekeepers. We're actually headed for Ojom. There we'll meet up with Krayt and the others of the neww brotherhood of sith to put you through acouple tests to fit you into where you need to go"

Sev is the Master hunter!!!

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