Hes really not that great but what i like about him is that hes a swoop racing veteran.also hes a alright hunter well in style anyway but in armor.................WHY Does he wear a GARBAGE BAG ON HIS HEAD!!just jokin its bandages...lol
Topic: Dengar: what makes him so great?
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
22 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestDengar is a cool character in the books and in the movie, his gun looks great.
Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
He has no feelings, i feel sory for him. Oh, and he saved Boba (at leats in the tales of the bounty hunters book)
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I guess dengar's alright but he look's like he's wrapped in toilet paper. The costume guy's must have run out of ideas when they got to him.
He's pretty cool, and (in tales of the boutny hunter, as well as Mandalorian Armour) he did save Fett. That boosts him pretty high in my books. Although I don't say I am a fan of the bandages on the head; a helmet's more practical and aesthetically appealing as well. (Although in his line of work, having no feelings might be an advantage. At least, that's what I think)
I began to like Dengar when I learned about him more. Saving Boba was definitely a good thing to do to become one of my favourite bounty hunters. And I had something else to say but have forgotten. Ill edit when I remember.
Yes, i have read the tales of the bounty hunters. And yes, Astartes. Dengar does save Boba from the sarlacc. * Boba also blows the sarlacc to pieces by using his grenade launcher from his jetpack. Then Dengar asks Boba to be his best man, as he is getting married to that that blue alien chick. :D
Dengar's cool in whatever story he's in and I agree about his gun looking good.
Its a sawn off Imperial heavy repeating blaster rifle if I remember rightly.
He was going to assisinate that guy in his mansion, wasn't he? in Tales of the Bounty Hunters, i remember. :)
Yes, WV, Dengar is very cool. I like his heavy blaster pistol.
He was going to take out a Moff I think.
Yes. And his daughter was going to die i remember. by the empire? :O Then he runs away on a speeder into the desert, lol :D
Why did the father of the daughter, leg it? He was arguing before to the imperial guy about not taking her......
if you re-arange the letters
also if you re-arange letters of mother-in-law you get woman hitler
Agreeing with the above, his costume could use some new cloth.
But all in all, he's pretty cool. Partially because he saves Boba, but mostly (For me, because I'm an emotion-loving girl) because he has no feelings but falls in love anyway. :-]]] (At least, he does in 'Tales of the Bounty Hunters'.
[url=http://www.playlist.com/user/1692253]Project Playlist[/url]
I have no idea why the Empire went through all that when they could have just made a badass droid.... But Dengar is cool.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
i have always loved dengar, he is almost level with boba in my book.
hes tough, hes efficient, ex-swoop racer, gets a hot blue chick...whats not to like!
if you read tales of the bounty hunters i think his story is the best one in there. he has a really cool assassination at the beginning of an imperial COPNOR officer. if you read it you know what i mean.'
he also has these creepy hallucinations that the people that he kills are han solo.
hes like a mix of Frankenstein and marv from sin city.
if you have seen sin city you will see the similarities in attitude and methods.
i am trying to track down some snow trooper armor for a dengar costume.
Purpose of the bad,i mean bandages id from Han Solo. It's in one the paperback books. I don't remember which one.
He's not that great. He is cool in Tales of the Bounty Hunters, but in the Bounty Hunter Wars, salacious crumb could be a better bounty hunter than him. lol. He did save Fett, and I think that if he was actually a good hunter, he would have let Fett die. Fett would have let Dengar die. But at least Fett survived.
He is awsome because he saved boba and he also worked with IG-88. And he is wrapped in bandeges becaus he was caught in a thermal detonator explosen.
You know I'm beginning to like the other bounty hunters that was in The Empire Strikes Back. They always looked like a shaggy-ass/rag-tag bunch. Dengar saving Boba Fett from the sarlacc pit definitely gives him a whole hell of a lot of credibility in my book. I also don't think that his look is all that bad.

Reviving an older thread here since Dengar is still trucking in "Star Wars: Bounty Hunters." While getting beat up, he shared a nickname: "Dengar The Demolisher."