Topic: RPG- Superhumans 2: Anarchy

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Topic #2189

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February 9, 2008 8:32 am (Edited February 18, 2008 07:31 am) #

Here it is, folks, the much-anticipated sequel to RPG-Superhumans!

Here’s the rules before we begin:

No all-powerful characters. Please.

You can have any character you want. He or she can be a hero, villain, or neutral, and have one big power or several smaller ones.

Be consistent. If somebody blows up a building, don't be attacking it in your next post.

You can kill characters you create but you can't kill other people's characters unless they say they have been killed in battle with you. However you can wound them...

You can have any weapon you want but you can only have what your character could physically carry - otherwise they wouldn't be able to move.

If you have sustained many wounds you will have to either get medical help or eventually die.

Follow the storyline, sure add a few twists and turns but allow others to see where you want to go so they can help you get there.

Let's have fun here, people.

Story overview:

A super villain by the name of Oni attempted to band together and organize all the super villains in the metropolitan Mission City. Despite help from the anti-human pyrokinetic lizardman named Flame, Voidhunter, a sinister schemer composed of shadow, and Oni’s right hand man, Jericho, who’s powers were straight out of The Matrix, Oni’s plan did not bear fruit. His plan was undone due to a group of superheroes who stumbled upon his plan before it was executed.

Haze, a telekinetic who tended to stay neutral between good and evil, Starbright, Haze’s solar powered cousin, the shape shifting metal man Chromium, Vandal, a vengeful telepath, Frost, who’s name explains his powers, the equally eponymous Sunburn, lumbering strong man Acero, Darklight, Voidhunter’s arch nemesis and actual brother, Desedemona, a spectral soul eater, and her soon-to-be lover, Jack, a weapon-toting ragamuffin who could mimic any action or fighting style after witnessing it once, were all instrumental in undoing Oni’s scheme. However, the one who truly spelled the villain’s downfall was Harry the barman, who’s powers of superpower-mimicry and shape shifting were a secret even to Oni. Harry proved his worth by tearing Starbright in half, framing all the heroes for inexcusable crimes,  and escaping by possessing the body of a policeman.

In the name of self-preservation, Oni, Jericho, and Flame were forced to team up with the heroes to defeat Harry, and Voidhunter decided to take advantage of the situation to finally kill his nemesis Darklight.

At the same time, Drakeus, a feral demon from the pits of hell, had been let loose on earth to wreak havoc in the name of Lucipher. He and Jack quickly became great foes, and Drakeus made it his mission to kill the hero.

In a heated final battle, a mutated monstrous Harry is killed by Haze and his bestial soul in condemned to hell by Desdemona. Drakeus, unable to defeat his enemies, is brought back to hell by his superiors, who are not happy with his lackluster performance.

Amidst all this madness, Oni’s legs are ripped off by Harry and Darklight sacrifices himself to end Voidhunter. The two are wiped from existence in a brilliant flash of light, and their bodies are nowhere to be found. They end up spirited away to a limbo dimension, where they are free to battle each other for all eternity.

Chromium, Haze, Vandal, Jack, Frost, and Sunburn join together and form a new super team called Andromeda and vow to clear their names of the crimes Harry framed them for.

Jericho and Oni are last seen driving away from Mission City, uncomfortable with being heroes, and planning to “start fresh”. Flame, uncomfortable working in any kind of group, wanders away alone.


The heroes, after several tense encounters with the law, are able to coerce the government to research the crimes laid before them.


The investigation reveals the heroes are in fact innocent, and they begin to operate publicly with huge public approval. Plans to crackdown on super crime are quickly begun. A super-villain gang war in the town of Driftwood causes the heroes to propose something called the Darklight Act


The Darklight Act passes through Congress, stating that all super villains are to be rounded up, have their powers suppressed and imprisoned in special holding facilities designed to contain them.

By the end of the year, the prisons are a roaring success and super-crime is at an all-time low.

Andromeda quickly becomes a world-famous super team, and begin to police super-crime world-wide, although they are still based in Mission City.


Oni and Jericho remain uncaptured and seem to have disappeared from the face of the earth.

Flame, apart from some amateur home video and Bigfoot-esque photos, seems to have disappeared as well.

A public relations disaster occurs when a fatal gas leak is discovered too late in one of the super villain prisons. The body count is in the hundreds.

Later that year, disaster occurs  when The Kremlin in Russia is destroyed when dozens of bolts of lightning inexplicably strike the Kremlin during an unexpected thunderstorm. Amidst the chaos, several bombs are detonated and the Kremlin is destroyed.

While Andromeda is able to determine that a superhuman was responsible for the Kremlin attack ,they are unable to capture the culprit.

By the end of the year, the Sydney Opera, Big Ben, and the Sphinx have all met fates similar to the Kremlin.


New York City

“Jeez. More frikkin’ rain.” Chet the security guard groaned, sipping from his coffee mug. 16 years working on security detail at the Statue of Liberty and he was still working security cams. His new partner Al, who’d been working there all of three weeks was staring at the cams, clearly bored out of his mind.



“Some hobo’s trying to sleep on the stairwell and everyone else’s dealing with the kids from the preschool. You wanna deal with him or should I?”

“I’ll do it.”

“K. Don’t be gone too long. You never know what exciting thing might happen next.”

“Please, the most action we ever get is field trips and homeless codgers, and all these electrical problems we been havin‘ lately.”

“Better than bein’ a homeless codger.”

“True enough.”

Al swiveled in his chair as Chet exited the office.

“Three…” He mumbled to himself, checking his watch while Chet dealt with the conveniently placed hobo. “Two…”

BZZZAAAATTT!!! Amidst the hail of rain, a bolt of lightning suddenly struck the Statue of Liberty, shorting out its power.

“Right on cue.” Al felt around in the darkness of the office for his duffel bag he’d brought to work. Sifting through the spare clothes and water bottles, he found what he was looking for: A special type of explosive that blended in with its surroundings once attached to something. Several of them were already scattered around the statue at various spots. After placing the bomb under the desk, “Al” quickly opened the door of the office and scuttled out.

BZZZAAAAATTTT!!! Another burst of lighting struck the Statue, shattering the Torch she carried.

BADOOOOOOOOOOM!!! As soon as lightning struck the torch, a massive explosion blew Lady Liberty’s entire arm off as debris cascaded into the water below.

“Aaaaaaaand there’s the bombs.” Al chuckled to himself as the Statue of Liberty erupted into flame with lightning raining down like wrath from God.

“Al? AL!?! What the #$%^ is going on?!?!” Chet had evidently noticed the situation.

“Oh that? Well, evidently the Statue of Liberty is being bombed.” Al said, not bothering to state any more of the obvious. He pulled out a big red button from his jacket pocket.

“Say hi to the wife for me, Chet.” Al pressed the big red button and appeared to be beamed up, Star Trek style.

Meanwhile, high in the air

“Hahaha! Eat that, Lady Liberty! Lightning never strikes twice, it strikes 50 times! Gahaha!”

Alastor cackled as he hovered in the air, invisible to the rest of the world thanks to the cloaker his boss gave him, and fired bolts of lighting at the landmark below. He loved his job.

When the job was done, and the statue of Liberty was a smoking pile of rubble, he descended from the air and flew back to the airship home base, which was hovering over Times Square, also cloaked from the civilians below. He landed on the hull, able to see it thanks to his visor he wore that allowed him to see things cloaked with the technology that cloaked him. He entered the ship.

“Where are ya, boss man?” Alastor asked, looking for his employer.

“Right here, Alastor.” Al said, having changed from security guard uniform to a Canary Yellow three-piece suit and a turquoise tie.

“Uh, what are you wearing?”

“You don’t like it? I thought it was rather fetching.”

“Yeah, what kind of dog fetched it?”

“Hilarious. Down to the point, nice job on the statue.”

“Ya know, for some reason I liked blowing up that one more than any of the other ones. Why do ya think that is?”

“Couldn’t tell you.” Al brushed his fingernails on his suit lazily. “So anyway, next I think we should head to… Mission City.”

“Getting’ homesick, Al--”

“You know not to call me that.” Al stopped his partner.

“You wanna go back to being called r--”

“You know what to call me.”

“Fine, Mr.Anasazi..” Alastor rolled his eyes, considering his boss’s nickname to be foolish.

“That’s better. Alright crew, let’s spur this Iron Sky-Pony on! To Mission City!”

“To Mission City!” The crew, mostly seemingly average people stationed a computers, echoed. The airship swiveled around, unseen to everyone in the world, and moved towards Mission City.

Name: Alastor
Affiliation: Villain
Gender: Male
Powers: Can fly and control lightning also carries a scimitar that he's quite handy with.
Personality: Is incredibly nihilistic, psychotic,  and sinister, basically think if The Joker had lightning powers. Voice sounds like its crackling with electricity.
Appearance: Wears a dark purple body armor suit that is bullet proof and contains some hidden weaponry. Nothing fancy, just some Predator-esque blades here and there. Wears a helmet that has large capricine devil horns on the front and a visor that lets him detect cloaked things.

Character: Mr. Anasazi
Affiliation: Villain
Age: 41
Personality: Calm, clean cut, cool under pressure, extremely methodical, tactically brilliant, dry sense of humor.
Appearance: Stands 5’11, wears the aforementioned hideous suit. He is completely bald but sports an impressive goatee and five o‘clock shadow.
Powers: superhuman strength, can lift about 1 ton max, incredible durability, telescopic limbs  ( ), can emit energy blasts from the palms of his hands, breath fire in short bursts, and carries all sorts of gizmos that do various things with him, such as the 'big red button' that teleports him back to Leviathan.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
February 9, 2008 8:50 am #

gender: Male
powers: Can fly, push objects with hand and has unlimited razors which he throws at anyone who goes by " enemy "
Personality: Is Alastors friend and closest guard. He wears a suit full of rocks which he drops overhead in the sky to destroy stuff.

Gerrrx heard that Alastor was going to blow up New York. He ordered a taxi from Scotland, to the nearest airport. He had to see the place being destroyed! He would kill the taxi man later, with a razor. Foolish people he thought.......

You're foolish words can never hurt me
February 9, 2008 8:50 am (Edited February 9, 2008 02:56 pm) #

Name: Flame (real name unknown, though he has memories of being called John)
  Affiliation: neutral.
  Age: Unknown, estimated between 24 and 30
  Apearance: (think argonian from elderscrolls IV oblivion) 6'0" covered in dark grey/light tan scales.  Black pants, with green "fire" pattern on the outer legs. yellowish snake-like eyes
  Personality: Harsh, and quck to act, however, can and will be a loyal ally to those he calls "freind"
  Powers: Pyrokinetic, is telepathic, can hear expecialy "loud" thoughts and can read minds/"talk" to people Can usually sense people around him, unless they are say shielded, have a mental wall. Can fly.

Flame crouched on the roof, the rain pouring down around him. Nothing had changed. The people still feared him, but now, they had many more people to catch him. It had been five years since they had killed that...thing in the warehouse, the others had not seen him since. He had, however, seen them. Many of them were out at night, attempting to lead normal lives. He would see them, and sometimes follow them, using the rooftops as they used the sidewalks. He had even seen some of them with others once or twice. There was a bolt of lightning, and he was momentarily illuminated. He closed his eyes and continued to crouch on the rooftop.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 9, 2008 8:55 am #

Gerrrx got up, he flicked the disk into the mans neck. He slumped forward. " Why dont they ask for ID? " he thought. He had no intention to kill the aeroplane pilot. Just ones in his way. He got out and walked towards the airport, not even looking back........

You're foolish words can never hurt me
February 9, 2008 10:38 am #

"-never-the-less, the statue has been destroyed. It was done so in the same manner as all the other monuments and once again, we have no leads. No clues. Nothing we can use to point us in any direction. We can not allow this...super-terroism to continue to frighten our people and ruin iconic monuments that mean so much to this country." Said the President of the United States to Secretary of Defense and a man in a black cloak sitting in front of him. They were in the Oval Office. The president sat at his desk, the Secretary and the cloaked man in the two chairs opposite the desk.

The president was briefing them on the recent attack on the Satue of Liberty. This terroism of destroying iconic landmarks had been going on for some time, and yet nothing could be said about the culprits. Then again, the government hadn't done too much about it either. Since the president considered it "Super-terroism" he felt the problem should be placed upon the "Superheroes". And so, the blame fell upon...Chromium.

He really did feel uncomfortable in the office listening to the president. When it came to these things, he just wanted to feel important and keep on talking while Andromeda dealt with all of the dirty work and he still got some of the credit. The secretary of Defense had zoned out long he knew he didnt have to do anything.

"Very well, Mr.President." Said Chromium in his metallic tang that reverberated in their ears. "Andromeda will begin a full search of New York and the remains of the statue for any leads or clues. We may be able to find something. We will also see to it that we search through our databanks for any villains at large that could be capable of these kinds of destructive powers."

The President smiled. As predicted, Andromeda would take care of everything. The three stood and shook hands, the president thanking Chromium for his efforts. Chromium nodded and slid his silver hand out of the Presidents grasp and walked out of the office.

Name: Chromium (real name: Tanis Jones)
Affiliation: Hero
Gender: Male
Powers: Flight, can morph his metallic body into any shape and most sizes.
Personality: Serious most of the time. Talks when necessary. Seems to be a very somber person, yet in truth he is not.
Appearance: When not in human form, Chromium wears his black cloak over his silver skin. His eyes are of pure white light and have no pupils. He has no hair in his metallic form. Think silver surfer, but more silver, no board, and a cloak. Usually seen smoking a pipe in his leisure.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
February 9, 2008 2:54 pm #

Character: Haze (Real Name: Kaylene West)
Affiliation: Hero
Age: 32
Appearance: Attractive, athletic brunette. She wears a dark orange body-glove with chocolate brown vest and flowing mini skirt, also has matching knee-high leather boots.
Personality: Intense yet has moments of dry humour and wit. She has chosen to be a hero although she isn't blind to the mutant hate that still lurks in society.
Powers: Telekinetic and can create "psy-blades" with her mind (I'm basically modeling her from Psylocke of the Xmen, though some of her powers are slightly different: )

Character: Vandal (Real Name: Candice Newcombe)
Affiliation: Hero
Age: 29
Appearance: Average height, petite female. Wears black slacks, grey t-shirt and black hoodie. Has black hair and bright red fringe.
Powers: Telepathic - can read other's thoughts if she concentrates, can speak directly into other's minds and project fake images into their mind if she wishes. Can also levitate at will.

Haze and Vandal were out hunting. They'd heard the news but they had a small time mutant villain to pursue. His name was Marsh and his power was to morph through things. Lately he'd been doing pretty well at robbing banks.

Haze and Vandal stood on a roof top as they waited for Marsh to emerge from the bank once more. You know we really shouldn't bother with this guy. Vandal complained as she voiced her thoughts directly into Haze's mind.

I guess, but you know what these super villains are like, they'd probably recruit ol' Marsh if we don't get him. Haze pointed out.

Vandal nodded but still didn't look impressed. The two women were now friends despite their first meeting. Vandal had thought that Haze had been one of Oni's partners and had gone in ready to flatten anyone in her way.

Haze tilted her head as she watched Marsh start to morph back through the wall, It's playtime.

Vandal grinned and levitated over the side of the building. Haze quickly took over and used her telekinesis to assist Vandal to the ground a lot quicker. Haze had also learned a few tricks over the last five years. She was able to lower herself to the ground now. But initially she waited as Vandal made the first move. Haze wondered if Frost would show up, he was rather protective of Vandal afterall.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
February 9, 2008 3:29 pm (Edited February 9, 2008 05:42 pm) #

Flame's eyes snapped open, someone was close. Someone he knew, or used to know. There was someone else as well, but their signatures were just a shadow of a memory, things he had tried to forget. There was a large chance he was mistaken, confusing the signature with that of someone else. But he had to know. He jumped into the air. Now airborne, he made his way towards the signature.

A few moments later he found himself over the area, and let himself drop. He landed a wash of psychic energy sweeping across the ground in the alley raising a gray cloud of smoke and dust. As it cleared he looked up.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 9, 2008 4:56 pm (Edited February 12, 2008 10:27 pm) #

Name: Jack
Age: 28
Affiliation: Heroes
Appearance:  Blonde hair, blue eyes.  Think Captain America without his mask.  Works out often so is quite muscular.  Wears a black trench coat loaded with all sorts of weapons underneath, from knives, to grenades.  Versed in long-range and melee (but especially loves melee).  Main melee is smaller katana with wakizashi in other hand.
Personality:  Friendly and jovial.  Talks a lot.  Even while fighting.  Some swear he has defeated some with his voice alone.  He will make really bad jokes while fighting and go on and on about the most random things. 
Powers:  Has the ability to imitate any fighting style after watching it once.  This is still not known as a mutant power or an intellectual thing.  But as he has a larger healing factor than Superhumans.  A shot to the head would render him unconscious.  But he would heal.  Heart is still fatal.  And poison.  So it is assumed that he is in fact a mutant. 
History:  Son of two deceased superheroes.  They were brutally murdered when he was 15 by what he thinks is a super-villain.

Jack sat flopped down on the couch in the oval office.  He was idly going through his weapons new and old.  Listening to Chromium make small talk with the president wasn't his favourite thing to do.  Beauty and Beast had already been cleaned.  Since the Drakeus incident Jack had acquired a few new weapons.  Hehad some Desert Eagles stowed away.  And he had taken a liking to Jericho's M82.  So he purchased one of his own.  And a nice G36.  Such were the advantages of a big fat government salary.  After they had been briefed Jack got up and shook the president's hand.  He followed Chromium out.

"So Lady Liberty bit the dust?"

"Right now she is dust."

"Well sorry.  I always thought the dress was kind of tacky."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
February 9, 2008 5:54 pm (Edited February 10, 2008 07:15 pm) #

Name: James Barrett (a.k.a. Jericho)
Affiliation: Villian
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Appearance: <-
Personality: Calm, seemingly emotionless, thinks very tactically and mathematically, fiercly loyal.
Powers: Think along the lines of Neo and Agent Smith from the Matrix movies.
Weapon: 24k Gold Plated .50AE Desert Eagle

((I hope you guys laugh.))

Name: Eleanor (a.k.a. 1967 Shelby GT500)
Affiliation: Jericho
Age: 53
Gender: Automobile
Personality: Very tempermental sometimes: will stall or die when needed to make quick getaway.
Powers: The ability to go really fast, sheer awsomeness.
Weapon: 725hp 482ci Supercharged V8

(( *VROOM! VROOM!* ))

"This IS my signature."
February 9, 2008 6:06 pm #

Haze was preparing to join Vandal when something made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. There was the sound of a thump and smoke wafted up the side of the building which Haze stood on. She was not about to stick her head over the edge to have a look. Perhaps Marsh had back up.

Haze immediately lowered herself to the ground to back up Vandal. Vandal was already messing with Marsh's head. Haze was thankful that she was on the telepath's good side. We've got company, Haze voiced to Vandal.

I know, I believe it's an old acquaintance of yours. Vandal told as she tweaked Marsh's mind so he walked back into the bank and returned the money.

"Acquaintance?" Haze said out loud.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
February 9, 2008 7:29 pm #

Flame stepped from the alley, he had been right, it was who he thought it was. Haze looked very surprised to see him, though Flame couldn't blame her, it had been five years and she probably thought he had been killed or captured. She apparently underestimated his ability to stay hidden and evade capture. Vandal was busy interrogating someone. If she noticed the pyrokinetic lizard-person she didn't show any sign of it.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 9, 2008 8:19 pm #

((Sorry Darklight and Void fans...if ther're any out there...they aren't here yet...but maybe they will return sometime))

Name: Samuel Raser, AKA Burnout
Age: 25


Powers: He has super speed, and can go up to speeds above Mach One.  His body is conditioned to stand the impact shock of his feet hitting the ground 200 times per second, and he is able to react to stimuli while traveling at maximum speeds.  His bones are more durable than humans', and can stand far more pressure.
Personality: He is energetic, and enjoys being a good guy.  Quirky, likes a good joke.
History: Worked with Darklight briefly in his past, along with Sunburn, and has briefly met Jack.  He ended up going solo, and has skittered around the fringes of the law a few times, although he often helps the commoners.

Burnout was traveling down the highway.  Things had gone....sour back home, and he thought it was past time to relocate.  So that was what he was doing.  As he whipped past a sign that read: Mission City, 150 miles.  Behind his flight goggles, Burnout smiled.  That would take him a couple minutes or so.  He picked up the pace, and began to sprint for the city.  Some random animals along the side of the road stopped what they were doing and stared in confusion after the silver and orange blur that shot past them.

Mission City, here I come... He thought

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
February 10, 2008 1:32 am #

Gerrrx sat in the 1st class aeroplane. He sipped a small brandy. He enjoyed toying with it it his fingers. He lay back and smiled. He was going to enjoy this flight. He wouldn't kill unless needing so........

You're foolish words can never hurt me
February 10, 2008 7:46 am #

((He's back.....))
Character:  Sunburn
Afiiliation:  Heroes
Apperance:  Black and orange costume, red eye pieces, and symbol
Age:  Early 20's
Personality:  Usually energetic, uses sarcasm constantly.
Powers:  He can create and manipulate fire (think johnny storm from fantastic four) he is tied to the sun so old age cannot take him, but can die through unnatural causes (blades, bullets, etc.)

Sunburn flew on his usual patrol route, clearly bored.  There wasn't much happening in the city these days, not after Oni and company plotted against all of the super-heroes.  But something flickered out of the corner of his eye.... turning toward the object, it seemed to be a silver and orange blur zipping down the highway.... *wow, now that's something you don't see everyday!* Sunburn thought as he went to investigate...

Music is like candy. You have to throw away the rapping paper first.
February 10, 2008 12:14 pm #

"So what now?" Jack said as they strode through the White House. They were a usual sight by now.

"First, we go back to head quarters. We must inform the team there to begin looking through the databases for super's currently in use of lightning powers." Chromium resonds as they turn a corner and head for the exit.

'Ok and then what? Then we go to the remains of the statue and look for any clues the government couldn't find."

Jack nodded and they walked out the back doors of the White House. They walk onto a second helipad next to the one where the Presidents helicopter was. Jack stands on the edge of the helipad and Chromium walks onto the center. He takes off his cloak and tosses it to Jack.

Chromium takes a deep breath and his body begins to change. It begins to grow and morph into a larger shape. After a few more moments of silver exploding from his body, Chromium is now sitting in the pilots seat of a silver F-22 Raptor. Jack walks onto the pad and Chromium opens the silvery cockpit glass. Jack walks into the custom, extra seat behind Chromium and the jet takes off vertically and screams into the sky.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
February 10, 2008 12:28 pm (Edited February 10, 2008 12:45 pm) #

Mr.Anasazi and Alastor were aboard Leviathan as the grand airship sped towards Mission City.

"Just got a call from Gerrx. He's takin the redeye from Scotland to our destination so we can meet him there." Alastor told his boss, his voice seeming to crackle with electricity.

"Great. Like I need the sycophant messing with my business."

"Come on, man, he's a good guy and--"

"Alastor, if he was a good guy, you'd've killed him 5 seocnds after you met him in Singapore that time."

"Yeah, guess so. But you know what I mean. Besides, if I gotta put up with Jericho, you gotta put up with my friend."

"What's wrong with Jericho?"

"He named his car! And he's got those shifty eyes and he wears those matrix sunglasses all the time to can't tell what he's looking at and--."

"Oh 'come one, man, he's a good guy'." Mr.Anasazi snapped, mimicking Alastor's livewire voice.

Alastor merely pouted.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
February 10, 2008 12:29 pm (Edited February 10, 2008 10:01 pm) #

Jack shifted uncomfortably.  He watched as the scenery streaked by.

"You know what?  No matter how many times I do this I'll never be comfortable.  Who knows where I'm sitting!  It could be a hand, a foot or maybe a-"

"Don't even there."

"Right.  Awkward moments equal bad.  Gotcha."

Jack idly twidled his thumbs as the Raptor tore across the skies.  It wasn't as if he had anything else to do.  The pilot in the font seat just sat there looking around.  It was still creepy. 

"So how are you and Haze doing?  Me and you have been busy lately searching for the culprit.  It's been several months since we talked to her last."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
February 10, 2008 1:38 pm #

“Flame?” Haze said with surprise. She’d suspected he’d still been alive but had never truly been sure.

“Yeah it’s me,” Flame replied.

“What happened to you?” Haze said, then voiced into his mind I was worried about you. You just disappeared.

Flame shrugged, I didn’t seem to fit into the picture.

Haze’s brow furrowed in confusion. There had always been a place for Flame at least where she was concerned. She had a soft spot for the lizard-man. You didn’t stay around long enough to even try it. Where did you go?

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
February 10, 2008 2:27 pm #

I was here, mostly, but I decided to leave a few years back. I decided to come back though, I like it here better, not as violent.

What do you mean?

I ran into some people. Hows it been going here?

It's been good here, I've traveled a lot. You should have stayed here, people here are more accepting now.

Flame didn't exactly know why he had left. He assumed it was because of how people generally reacted to him, but there were times when he had wondered if that was why he had not decided to stay with the others. He remembered leaving, when the others were not looking he had simply walked away. He wondered what would be different if he had stayed, but there was nothing he could do to change it.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 10, 2008 9:52 pm #

Haze wasn't really sure what more she could say at the moment. Besides she was supposed to be backing up Vandal. Although Vandal seemed to have everything in hand.

"Hey Haze, our friend here has the sudden urge to confess his sins to the cops." Vandal said with a smirk.

"I'm glad I'm on her good side," Haze said with a smile towards Flame.

Flame winced as he saw Vandal, obviously he remembered her.

"Do you want to stop by for coffee or something? It'd be nice to catch up," Haze offered.

Haze suddenly heard Vandal's voice in her head, Chromium will be ticked if he knows your wanting to go out for coffee with lizard man.

Chromium is yet to put a ring on this finger, so I can damn well do coffee with Flame if I want. Haze voiced back in response.

Vandal grinned obviously happy with the bite she'd gotten.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
February 10, 2008 10:59 pm #

Chromium ignored the question.

"We're going to make a quick stop before we head back to HQ." Chromium says and the jet banks to the left.

"Where to?" Jack asks as he holds back his vomit.

"Vandal and Haze should be done by now. I'll look around Mission City and find them, they need a ride back to HQ."

Chromium's jet screamed through the sky and arrived at Mission City. It flew through the sky scrapers with unnatural ease that only Chromium's mind powered jet could do. Jack was having a hard time...

After a few moments Chromium spotted Haze and Vandal exiting the Police Station. They waved him down and the jet halted in mid air and eased down to the gorund. When it landed, it morphed again into the bigger jet that Chromium frequently used to transport the team. The side door opened and a ramp extended to the bottom stairs of the Police Station. Some people watched in wonder, yet this had become a usual in Mission City.

Haze and Vandal walked in and Vandal took a seat behind Jack. He moved up and slapped Jack gently on the cheek a few times.

"Suck it up, Jacky." She said laughing after noticing his green face.

Haze walked up to Chromium and Chromium looked up at her from his pilots seat. She moved in gracefully and planted a kiss on his lips. She had already gotten used to the sleek, metal lips. They both showed a light smile to each other and Haze took a seat.

The Jet burst into the air and headed for the tall, glass tower that rose into the air above Mission City...Andromeda HQ.

The jet landed on the large helipad atop the tall glass tower and the passengers walked off the Jet. Chromium morphed back into humanoid form and Jack handed him his cloak once more. Chromium threw it on as they walked into the building from the roof entrance.

"So? What now?" Haze asked Chromium as they walked through the elaborate building.

"Allen (the president) briefed me on the attack. It was lightning based. We need to find all lightning users at large." Chromium responded

"The database?" Haze asked

"Precisely." Chromium answered as he pulled a pipe from seemingly no where and stuck it into his mouth.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
February 10, 2008 11:24 pm (Edited February 10, 2008 11:40 pm) #

It was early, and the mist had grown thick around Barrett Estate in the Appalachian Mountains. James sat out on the balcony drinking coffee, enjoying the fresh mountain air. It had been a while since he was home long enough to enjoy it all, and relax. It seemed as if he had just reached that point of peace...until his phone rang.

"...What the hell..." James sighed as reached over the table and picked up the small phone and put it around his ear. "Yeah?......Oh hey bossman, haven't heard from you in a while......Yeah......Going back where?.....You're joking......Alright, I'll be there......Yes I can get there myself......Yeah......Okay, you too......Bye."

James finished his coffee and went back into the house, making his way to the Master Suite. He pulled a trunk out from under the bed and opened it up, smiling at it's contents. He changed his clothes, putting on the jacket and glasses, thus, becoming Jericho once again. He grabbed the Gold Desert Eagle from the dresser drawer and some extra clips, then headed down to the garage.

There she sat, in all her glory, the 1967 Shelby G.T.500. Jericho slid his hand down the side over to the door handle, opened it, and got in.

"You take good care of me, I'll take good care of you." He turned the key, and she cranked right up.

Jericho put it in gear, and pulled out of the garage, and drove down the long, zig-zag country road to the highway.

"This IS my signature."
February 11, 2008 3:04 am #

Haze and Chromium made their way to the Control Centre where one of their newer team mates sat. The blonde bombshell, known only as Chink, sat busily working the multiple consoles before her.

“So Chink, what’s new?” Haze asked as she pulled up a chair beside the younger super.

Chink took a slip of her juice through a straw and sat back in her chair. “Oh the usual, much crime everywhere but hardly anything interesting.”

“What about the loss of well know monuments?” Chromium asked with a touch of annoyance.

Haze smiled slightly Chromium didn’t seem to have a lot of patience for Chink’s boredom levels.

Chink shrugged, “Well obviously it’s a lightening powerful super. I’ve already checked the databanks and narrowed down the suspects. I’ve got three good leads,” she said as she handed a piece of paper to Chromium with a list of names and last known addresses. “Have fun hunting,” she said as she returned to her consoles.

Haze stood and followed Chromium out, he had a disgusted look on his face, “You’d think she’d come out of that damn room and help us.”

Haze shrugged, “We’ve all got our strengths. Let her use hers to the best of her ability.”

Jack made his way towards them, “So what have we got?”

“Chink gave us a list. We’ve got three suspects.” Chromium informed him.

Haze noticed that Chink was quick to make her way towards them. She had obviously heard Jack’s voice. Haze had noticed that Chink tended to emerge from the Control Centre whenever Jack was around. He seemed oblivious to it, but then his heart belonged to someone else.

Haze moved to look over Chromium’s arm, “Ah I’ll take Blur,” Haze volunteered, she’d met him a couple of times and just like her he’d been one to sit on the fence. Chances were that he may have finally taken a side just as she had.

Jack laughed, “Haze and Blur? Seems appropriate.”

Haze shrugged, “Well he did ask me out once.”

Chromium raised a brow, “What did you do?”

“I decked him one,” Haze said with a satisfied grin.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
February 11, 2008 5:10 am #

Flame walked through the dark alleys. It was faster to fly, but sometimes he preferred to walk, it made him feel slightly normal. He had decided to walked with Haze to the police station, while they went in he had waited, he wasn't exactly comfortable with many people around him, especially when they were police. As they stepped out of the police station, minus a passenger, a silver jet touched down, increasing in size as a ramp extended downward. So apparently Chromium was fine. Before Haze stepped onto the ramp she looked his way and smiled slightly. As the jet lifted off Flame turned and walked away, melding into the darkness again.

Flame stopped infornt of an old building, he had used to use this as a home, it was odd that it hadn't been torn down or anything. It was still empty, and he stepped through the door, locking it behind him. The mat he had used as a bed was still here, he was tired, and he lied down and quickly fell asleep.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 11, 2008 7:22 am #

Character: Frost
Affiliation: Hero
Age: 29
Appearance: White winter camo, kind of a snowboarder dude. Wears retractable skate blades in his white combat boots
Personality: Surfer type, likes to joke around, and even though he comments a lot when fighting, he’s deadly accurate
Powers: Has the ability to conjure ice from moisture in the air. Also is an amazing sniper, and has a white camouflaged AIAWPM (Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Precision Marksman rifle) strapped to his back at all times

Frost had been sitting in the lounge of the Andromeda headquarters for an hour now, waiting for an update on the Statue of Liberty situation. He was bored of freezing people's drinks as practical jokes, although the incident when some poor dude had spilled it while Frost was freezing it was well... amusing. Frost looked up through the glass roof, seeing the clouds (I'm assuming it's daytime, I'll edit if it's not), Frost saw the F-22 Raptor that Chromium had perfected shapeshifting into fly up above. [i] Time to see some familiar faces [/i[ thought Frost... heading towards the landing pad. It took him a while to get there, and on the way he passed the Control Centre, where he caught a glance of his friends... "Hey dudes and dudettes... What's up?" he said, flashing a rogue grin at Vandal.

Luke: Your overconfidence is your weakness. Palpatine: Your faith in your friends is yours... Luke: Faith in yo mama. Palpatine: What was that?
February 11, 2008 7:49 am #

"We're here." said all the workers at their compuiters in unison.

"Nice job, guys." Mr.Anasazi said, peering out of one of Leviathan's windows to the city below. "Just like I remeber it." Andromeda HQ suddenly caught his eye. Mr.Anasazi whistled. "Don't remember that though..."

Alastor walked by with a can of beer in his hand. "I'm going down for awhile." Mr.Anasazi siad to his partner. "Don't kill anyone while I'm gone."

"What're ya gonna do alone, huh, boss?"

"Oh, nothing big. Just visiting an old place I remembered. I'm beam myself back up when I'm done. Then we'll get down to business."


Mr.Anasazi stood in a graveyard in front of a lone headstone.


Really thought I could trust the guy. Mr.Anasazi thought to himself. Thought he was the last semi-honest guy in town. But nooooooo, he went and stabbed me in the back ,screwed me over, damn near killed me, and then I had to get the biggest ragtag team to ram  ten tons of vengeance down his throat. REally hated to do that. And then I had to start thi new freakin' gig with that nihilistic fruit loop. I know ithere's a massive countdown in the sky counting down the seconds till him and Jericho kill eachother, or he stabs me in the back and runs off with frikkin'  Gerrx, or maybe till Jerich ogets fed up with my %^&* and edcideds to go back to the old days.

Mr. Anasazi knelt and put his hand on the headstone, sighing deeply.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
February 11, 2008 8:00 am (Edited February 11, 2008 09:41 am) #

CHARACTER:Hathorne Makane
Affiliation: excop / hero
Powers:healing factor
Personality:Cold hearted, kills any villins, cocky, , likes to smoke.
Weapons:12 gage shotgun, 45caliber pistol, magnum, sniper rifle, combat knife, daul berrets, throwing knifes, steel pipe, V tec goggles.
Appearence:Whiteskin, Black hair, Blue eyes, big build/muscular, wears a large leather coat, with all his holster all tucked inside his coat, his shotgun is on his back, his pipe is in his inside pocket it is32 inches long.
   The hum of the engine in the back round calms down Hathorne as he thinks of the task ahead.It was raining a great time to kill those who judged him.Hank and Carey were talking at the front of the van, probably argueing
about how safe it is.Carey is always worried about my safety, on the other hand Hank always knows that i can handle any situation thanks to my healing factor the only power that seperates me from the humans.The van comes to a stop and Hank slide the little window that will let him see the back of the van.Hanks says"are you ready Hathorne", Hathorne puts out his cigarette, cocks his shotgun and says"when am I not ready".Hathorne opens up the escape door from the top. He gets out looks into the sky as the rain hits his face and says"let the waters from the sky wash my soul".
  There was something that alerted Hathorne, it was a blue flash he had seen at a distance that alerted him, as he sqwinted his eyes he realized that the statue of liberty had been struck by lighting he reached into his pocket and pulled out his v-tech goggles.From inside the car he could hear Hank scream"holy crap", a numerous amount of times.Hathorne sliped back into the car and opened the window "why the hell are you driving to the danger?",... it took a minute for Hank to respond"well those people might need help","thats not our job the mission has been compromised,so we get the hell out of New York and back to Mission city". Carey looked at Hathorne with disgust and replied"but those people", Hathorne cut her off before she could finish and said"our mission was to defeat Alastor by any cost not, risk our skin trying to save anyone".Hathorne slamed the window shut lit a cig and sat down by the computer, Hank turned the car around and headed back to mission city.

February 11, 2008 8:25 am #

((Um we already have a mutant with a healing factor... 
And then you have a mutant who kills mutants?))

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
February 11, 2008 12:18 pm #

Vandal approached Frost, the pair had an odd relationship. Vandal tended to flirt and lead him on then give him the cold shoulder. Her explanation to Haze had been that she hadn't wanted to delve into anything serious with another team member but Haze suspected she was just worried that Frost wasn't serious.

"Hey iceman, got a drink for me?" Vandal asked with a cheeky grin.

"Always for you," Frost said with a returning grin as he handed her a glass.

Vandal attempted to take a sip but as usual the entire contents of the glass were frozen. "I prefer liquid beverages," she commented as she put the drink down. Vandal headed towards Chromium, Haze, Jack and Chink. "So who do I get to play with?"

Frost immediately raised his hand, "I'll come with you."

"I was meaning which suspect am I going to take on," Vandal clarified.

"Oh," Frost replied then perked up, "I can come as back up."

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
February 11, 2008 3:09 pm #

Flame stood and looked out the window. He wasn't able to sleep, he was having the dreams again. Being taken, seeing what he now recognized as a muzzle flash in the dark as they killed his mother, then waking up in a dark cell hours later. He had been changed.

   He remembered escaping, the psychic ability in him manifesting its self as fire, brought on by pain, anger, and hatred. The fire he had wielded had been hot enough to burn out of the cell, he killed everyone in the lab, destroying the data, everything. Unfortunately, he had destroyed who he was. He did not remember his name, or where he had lived, only that it was in this city. He had burnt the hidden laboratory, and killed all of the scientists. He remembered the sound of bursting glass, and the feeling of the rain pouring down around him when he had escaped, running down his arms only to sizzle and evaporate when it touched his still burning hands. Slowly the fire died and he found himself in a canal, ankle deep in water. It was dark. He remembered finding a bridge, and sleeping under it. He could still talk, and he could read as well, the scientists had made sure he could.

  He stopped thinking about the past, and stepped out of the house. He crouched down then pushed off, a shockwave rippling the air and kicking dust up.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 11, 2008 3:51 pm #

A light rain had started to fall as Haze made her way to Blur’s last known address. She had left the others to decide where they were going, Blur was not seen as a threat she couldn’t handle. As she reached the narrow apartment building she was glad to find an awning to stand under. She looked at the door and realised she was going to have to buzz in.

Haze found the button for number 6 and pushed it. There was silence for a moment then a static crackle. “Yeah,” was all that the male voice said.

Haze pushed the button to speak, “Hi I’m looking for Alex.”

“And who are you?” Came the response.

“I’m Kaylene West, I went to…” she started to say but the door suddenly opened. Taking her finger off the button Haze quickly went inside. “That was rather easy,” she commented to herself.

After checking the apartment numbers Haze made her way upstairs as she reached the second floor she saw Alex, also know as Blur, standing in his own doorway waiting for her. “Long time no see,” he said as he looked her up and down.

“That’s for sure,” Haze replied as she made her way towards him.

“So to what do I owe the honour?” Alex said with a puzzling smile.

Haze raised a brow then chuckled, “Don’t worry I haven’t come here to hit you again.”

“Oh that, I must have done something to deserve that.” Alex said with a touch of annoyance in his tone.

“You weren’t serious, it had to have been a dare.” Haze said in response as she adjusted her scarf.

“Really? You think so?” He asked and a most interesting look passed over his face. Haze suddenly wished that Vandal had come with her. She could have told her what he was thinking.

“Can I come in?” Haze asked feeling a little exposed in the corridor.

Alex looked a little agitated, “Oh sorry, yes please come in.” He stood back so Haze could walk into his apartment.

Haze moved forward and was greeted with a warm room. She immediately loosened her scarf and felt Alex’s hands on her shoulders.

“May I take your coat?” he asked sounding rather gruff.

“Sure,” Haze replied as she shifted to ease the coat off.

She wore a dark purple knitted top and a pair of black jeans with her favourite ankle-high boots. The woollen scarf around her neck was sky blue, she unlooped it so it hung down to her knees, detracting from the silver belt at her waist.

“Please take a seat,” Alex said as he indicated to the sofa.

Haze sat down on the two-seater and looked around the room. It was fairly plain and Haze suspected that Alex lived alone.

“Would you like something to drink? Tea or Coffee?” He asked looking somewhat nervous.

“A coffee would be great,” Haze said as she leant back into the sofa.

“Still white with one sugar?” Alex asked as he moved towards the back of the room.

“Yeah,” Haze said feeling rather surprised that he remembered. It had to have been over ten years since she’d seen him, let alone had coffee with him. “I’m surprised you remembered.”

Alex didn’t answer until he came back with two mugs of coffee. “I ah, I remember because you take your coffee the same as my sister.”

Haze nodded as she took the mug from him. His explanation was believable however the way he said it was not so convincing. She shook her head as if to clear her thoughts. “I guess you’re wondering why I am here.”

“The thought had crossed my mind,” Alex replied as he took a sip from his mug.

“You’ve probably noticed that I’m in league with other supers now. I finally chose a side,” she started.

“Yeah I hear you’ve taken the name of Haze,” Alex said as he watched her over the rim of his coffee mug. “You’re also dating the metal man.”

Haze nodded but felt uncomfortable under Alex’s scrutinising eyes, “Yes I am seeing Chromium. But that’s not what I’m here to talk about. Have you seen the news lately about national monuments being destroyed?”

Alex raised a brow, “I have. I have also noticed that a lightening wielding super villain has been responsible for it. Is that why you’re here?”

Haze could see he was growing angry, but he deserved the truth. “Yes I thought you might be able to give me some leads.”

“No you’ve come here to see if I did it,” Alex said as he placed his coffee mug down.

Alex was on his feet. Haze mimicked his motion and also stood. “You think so little of me?” Alex said as he made his way towards her.

Haze took a step backward but Alex moved in on her. “That’s not true, you were one of three likely suspects. I wanted to make sure you weren’t the culprit.”

Alex continued stalking towards her until she was backed up against a wall. “You always thought the worst of me, Kaylene.”

“That’s not true,” Haze replied as she realised she had no more space to move.

Alex placed his hands on the wall on either side of Haze’s head and moved closer. “It is the truth. You said it yourself. You thought that when I asked you out I’d only do it on a dare. You were wrong, very wrong, just as you are now. I did not have anything to do with the destruction of those monuments.”

Haze blinked as she watched him, his face was very close to hers and she could see that he was telling the truth. “Okay I believe you,” she said quietly.

Alex’s hands dropped back to his sides and he moved away slightly but not enough for Haze to feel comfortable. “So what do we do now?” Alex asked as he watched her with an unreadable look on his face.

“I guess I need to move on to the next suspect,” Haze said feeling a little rattled.

“So you’re out of the door and out of my life again without a backward glance,” Alex said as he ran a frustrated hand through his dark hair.

“You make it sound like we were more than just acquaintances,” Haze said in her defence.

“You were more than an acquaintance to me,” Alex said looking at her meaningfully.

Haze swallowed, this was getting complicated way too fast. “I already have someone special in my life,” Haze told as she thought of Chromium.

Alex lifted her left hand, “You’re not married though.”

“No but that doesn’t mean our relationship isn’t serious,” Haze said in response. Her hackles were rising.

“Perhaps, but it also means that I still have a chance,” Alex said as he moved back so Haze could reach her coat.

“A chance at what?” Haze said growing increasingly annoyed. “I am committed to Chromium. I’m not about to leave him.”

Alex shrugged as he put his own jacket on, “We’ll see. In the meantime I intend to prove my innocence and if that means following you around, then so be it.”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
February 11, 2008 4:11 pm #

Jack browsed through the two other people. Haze had just left.  He saw the names.  Alastor and Electric Guy.

"Oh.  No way.  I'm taking Electric Guy.  His name is awesome."

Chink immediately spoke up.  "I'll go after him too!"

"Okay.  Chink.  Let's go."  Jack began outside and Chink followed after.  He made his way outside and hopped onto down into the garage.  They passed supercar after supercar.  Chink watched in wonder.

"I never knew you owned one of these!"

"What?  Oh her!"  He said motioning in the direction of a Gallardo. 

"You own that one?!  It's beautiful."

"Hm.  Well she does have her problems.  But I'd say she's about the manliest thing on the road.  Somanly."

"You got that-"  She stoped dead as he passed the Gallardo and hopped onto a scooter.  But then a smile crept onto her lips and she laughed.  "Good one Jack.  You are such a joker."

Jack looked hurt.  "Me!  A joker!  I never joke!  Wait.  Scratch that.  I never joke in the presence of ladies.  No that doesn't work either...  Okay I joke.  But this is my manly vehicle.  What do you think?"

"Well since you drive it..."

"What was that?"

"Nothing.  Make room."

Chink hopped on and revved the engine.  He took off.  They plodding their way along to the last known coordinaes of Electric Guy.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
February 11, 2008 4:35 pm #

Character: Shifter (Real name Brandon James)
Affiliation: Super Hero
Powers: Able to change into animals(Modeling Beast Boy from Teen Titans)
Personality: Humorous, calm and when it comes down to a fight is silent at times
Age: 25
Appearence: except all Jet Black

Shifter went outside and said "Ah what a beautiful day" he runs into an alley and turns into a hawk. As he flys up he remembers what happened to him that gave him his super powers {FLASHBACK} (He was in a party in a warehouse with a few people dancing, when a bunch of thugs decide to shoot at each other inside the warehouse not knowing that there were nuclear waste in there. Well they shoot the cans of nuclear waste from their unacceptable behavior they ran and left every one behind but we this happens all the cans fell and tey opened. Suddenly all the nuclear waste was on the floor and rising. every one got out safely but in order to protect the others he pushed the others out the warehouse and closed the gate so the waste wouldn't get out. The waste covered Brandon and he felt that he was changing. When he got out he didn't want anybody to know that he was enhanced with Super Powers.) Brandon says to himself " I don't want to relive this again

LEELA: I know you like cooking shows, but you're a robot. You don't even have a sense of taste!
BENDER: Honey, I wouldn't talk about taste if I was wearing a lime green tank top.
February 11, 2008 5:08 pm #

Alastor waited anxiously abord the Leviathan, anticipating his boss's return.

"^%&*, man, where are you?" He asked aloud, brandishing his scimitar. It had been a gift from his employer. The blade was special, able to act as a sort of lightning rod for Alastor that he could charge with electricity so that it shocked anyone who came in contact with it. He could also toss and then recall the blade at will and fire bolts of lighting from it. He called the latter function his "magic #%^&ing wand of Bradburry." No one was really sure why.

Alastor remembered his first mission with Bradburry.

It was 2018, in a city called Green Leaf, Michigan. Mr.Anasazi had given Alastor the sword before turning him loose to do an "audition" as he had called it.

The Leviathan was still largely under construction at that time, so they had travelled there by plane. Alastor had been sent to kill a man named Dirk Cosgrove, an old associate of Anasazi's. Dirk had lived in a run-down shed 10 miles west of nothing. The closest buidling was a rundown Kwik-E-Mart that had caught on fire long ago.

Dirk was asleep on a stained and filthy matress, while a adult-only movie was playing on a 7-inch TV screen.

Alastor had approached the house from the outside. The windows were blown out, so he could have easily glided in that way. He dedcided to blow the door of its hinges with a loud clap of thunder.

"Whuzzah?!!?" Dirk had awoken with a start.

"Jeez, man, what the heck have you been doing in here? It smells like a bunch of hobos came in here, got drunk, relieved themselves, then weaved in and out eachother's Hershey Highways till they all died of ezhaustion and rotted in here!" Alastor was floating in the air, bathed in an eery blue glow, his sword in one hand, the other on his hip flamboyantly.

"Who the-- Aw, hell with it. You know who I am?" Dirk roared, sounding very intoxicated. His eyes, which were staring in two different directions, igninted in an orangish glow and a stream of fire exploded from his throat.

"You know who I used to be?" He growled between bursts of flames that Alastor didn't need to avoid because they were terribly off-target. "I used to be Slowburn! I handed people like you their ^&%*#$@@$^%$^$--"

In the middle of this profanity fest, Alastor dashe din the air towards Dirk, blade outstretched, like he was jousting atop a phantom horse, spearing Slow Burn through the stomach. The moentum carried the tow into a wall.

"Tsk, tsk, such foul language, Dirk!" Alastor chastised him, shoving the hand not holding his sword into Slow burn's mouth. "Time to rinse your mouth out."

Moments later, Alastor stood over an extra-cripsy, unindentifiable corpse. "Aw, crap. It was supposed to look like an accident." He remembered, realsing his folly. "Oh well." Alastor knelt down, buidling up all the energy he could muster. These adial attacks took some time to build up, but they were worth it.


"Yeah, those were the good times." Alastor chuckled to himself, relishing that day.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
February 11, 2008 6:26 pm #

Flame hit the ground in the alley with the usual burst of psychic energy. He stepped out of the alley into the empty street. It was raining lightly. Flame loved the rain, the sounds it made as it hit the city. This wasn't much at all, he began to walk down the street, looking up at the sky, he eventualy began to wonder why he had left before, it didn't make much sense to him, He was starting to think it might have been because of- Flame stopped and listened, he heard something.... It sounded like a scooter.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 11, 2008 7:20 pm (Edited February 11, 2008 07:30 pm) #

After 4 hours of seeing nothing but desert and corn, Jericho was relieved at the sight of Mission City. The massively tall buildings pierced the sky above the coastline, creating a familiar silouhette.

"It looks exactly how...I...remember it...That's not...The Andromeda Building. It looks...bigger in person. Damn." Jericho could just sigh...for now. He drove around the city looking for any sign of a bright yellow lightbulb standing around, yet found nothing. He drove out of the main sector and pulled over, got out, and lit up a cigar.
"Where is he Eleanor..." At this moment, the car stalled and died. "Ack! Ragafrikasica...rrrrrrr...damn. Of all places. A graveyard..."

*hint* *hint* *nudge* *nudge*

"This IS my signature."
February 11, 2008 8:58 pm (Edited February 11, 2008 08:58 pm) #

Jack continued along.  As he continued on he felt Chink's arm gently reach around his waist.  Odd.  None of these turns were that harrowing.  And he'd taken some harrowing turns on this scooter of his.  He filed the fact in the back of his mind along with quantum physics and the cycles of the moon.  Scootering along he witnessed a sight that would send most regular people screaming about in terror.  But not Jack.  He stopped and put the lady in front of him. 

"There's something in that alley!  It looks menacing."

"Should I take care of it?"

"Pssh.  You're probably too scared.  Let me handle it!" 

She gave him an odd look.  But then laughed.  Insanity is only funny when appreciated.  Jack pulled out Beauty aand Beast and rounded the corners.  He laughed when he saw who it was.  And he engufled him in a hug.

"Flame!  So good to-"

"Watch out Jack!  He's got you!"

Chink came out of nowhere shoving Jack aside.  She assumed a fight position and rushed at Flame. 

((Okay if Chink isn't a fighter at all I change it.  But just have her slap around Flame a bit.  Make sure he defends himself.  So hopefully we see what her powers are.))

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
February 11, 2008 9:58 pm #

Chink’s body immediately reacted to the danger and millions of scales immerged from under her skin to cover her body in an impenetrable layer. The sound it made was a very distinctive ‘chink’ as it set in place.

Chink moved her arm and any loose scales flew as sharp mini projectiles directly at her enemy.

“Wait! He’s not our enemy!” Jack shouted.

Chink hesitated and she was tackled by Flame. She immediately started pounding him with her elbows, the blows were hard. Flame immediately lived up to his name by bursting into orange flames.

Chink closed her eyes to protect them, she suddenly flew into the air with Flame still attached.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
February 11, 2008 10:30 pm #

"VIOLENCE IS NOT THE ANSWER!  Well that's just a generalization.  And it doesn't really apply!  Ah what the heck.  Time for Jackie to intervene."  They both fell back to the earth and began slugging it out.

Jack randomly ran into the middle of the fight.  Chink immediately stopped her fist in mid air inches from the back of Jack's head but Flame for whatever reason followed through leveling Jack.  Jack felt a few bones in his face crack. He stood up and tried to talk but nothing came out.  Only a groan.  He started randomly running around yelling. After what seemed like an eternity his jaw finally healed but he kept on yelling.

I can't talk!  My gift to the rest of the world!  GONE!  AAAAAHHHHHH!!!"

Flame only rolled his eyes.  "Jack!  You can talk!"

"I can?  Hey I can!  Hallelujah!  It's a miracle!"

"So Jack.  Who is this?  Another lady in your life?"

Jack grew solemn.  "She's just a friend.  My heart belongs to someone else."

"Jack face it.  She isn't coming back."  Flame placed a scaly hand on Jack's shoulder.  Chink allowed her scales to retract back under her skin.  She still had a chance with Jack.  She would just have to step up her efforts.

Jack casually switched topics.  "So.  Flame.  Meet Chink.  Newest member of Andromedina."


"Right.  I knew that.  I like my name better.  It rolls off the tongue.  Anyway.  We are looking for a dude named Electric Guy."

"Can't say I know him."

"Did I ask you?  No.  So don't answer unless spoken to.  Goodness.  Youth these days.  What I was wondering is that if you want to help us do some persuading." Jack tapped his head.  "You and your tele-whatever could come in handy."

"Sure I'll do it.  It's not as if I have anything else better to do."

"I only have room for two on my manly scooter..."

"Don't worry.  I've picked up a few tricks."  With that Flame hovered with ease in the air.

"Where to Capitain?"

"Right.  Follow me."  Jack and Chink hopped on and made their way to the last known location of Electric Guy.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
February 11, 2008 10:56 pm #

Character: Desdemona
Affiliation: Neutral – soul eater
Age: Unknown as she’s neither dead nor alive
Appearance: Blonde woman looking to be in her mid twenties. Her straight hair is worn down with a part in the middle. She wears a sleeveless cream dress that touches her toes. Over this she wears a black velvet cloak.
Personality: Desdemona is a servant to Death. Her purpose is to return errant souls or troublesome entities back to the underworld. She is summoned when a dark soul is released from its captivity.

Desdemona raised her head from the dark sleep. It was time yet again. She had another soul to retrieve. Part of her was weary of it all, mainly because she’d been so close to having a chance at life once again only this time she would have had someone wonderful to share it with.

However that had not eventuated. The last soul she had to collect to fill her quota had eluded her. Void had somehow gone to another plane of existence. Her chance at becoming human once more was extinguished for who knows how long.

She had gone to Death to renegotiate the terms of her quota. It hadn’t been a good deal, Death didn’t like to be cheated out of a soul that should have been his. Her deal was to collect 200 souls in Void’s place. She was up to 174 but it could be years before she collected the remaining souls allocated to her. They never died at exactly the same time. Her only shortcut was to find Void once more, but chances of that were slim to none.

Desdemona floated into the air, up into the sky. Her form was invisible to anyone alive, as she was hidden from view by her own will. Desdemona had many powers, as she was undead and had virtually no limits to what she could do. But since Death couldn’t have rogue Soul Eaters there were rules and boundaries that Desdemona had to conform to.

She had been unable to visit Jack. None of the souls she had to consume had been anywhere near Mission City. However this time it was different. Desdemona could feel it. Even if she couldn’t reach Jack physically she’d find him in his dreams. Even being almost devoid of all emotion, Desdemona found herself missing Jack.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
February 12, 2008 12:01 am #

Character: Blur (Real Name: Alex Leigh)
Affiliation: Neutral
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Personality: The quiet type but when he talks people listen. He’s cool, calm and collected but loves a good fight.
Appearance: Dresses fairly casual to blend in. He tends to wear dark blue jeans, black t-shirt and a three-quarter length leather jacket.
Powers: Can dissipate into a fine mist, has the ability to conjure lightening at his will, is naturally strong and athletic with a rapid acting healing factor.

As Blur knelt down to tie his bootlaces back in a knot he grunted as he looked at the sky. It was going to rain again and Kaylene was looking at him with impatience.

He still couldn’t believe that she had turned up at his apartment. It had to have been 13 years since he’d seen her. That last time was when he’d asked her out and she’d clobbered him. He’d never understood why but now he did. She’d thought it had been a dare. Kaylene had never thought a lot of herself when he had known her. These days she looked a lot more self assured.

He’d first met Kaylene when he’d come over to see her cousin Maria Dunlap, also known as Starbright. Alex had been smitten the moment he’d laid eyes on Kaylene. Unfortunately the feeling had not been mutual. Kaylene had seen everyone as her enemy when she was a teenager. She did pay some attention to Maria but more often it was to the younger sister, Bethany.

Alex had increased his visits to see Maria though he always had an ulterior motive. He was certain that Maria’s parents were just waiting for him to suddenly become her boyfriend rather than Kaylene’s.

He’d had the odd moments alone with Kaylene but the conversations had always been awkward and stilted. Nerves had constantly gotten the best of him and she had simply been antisocial to the extreme.

“Are you done yet?” She asked with ever increasing impatience.

Alex stood, “Yeah I’m done. I was just wondering what ever happened to Bethany? I know Maria’s no longer with us.”

Haze turned sombre. “Bethany is still alive and well. I keep my distance, I don’t want her to end up on the same path as Starbright.”

“I doubt that your influence is going to result with her dying,” Alex said in response.

“Better safe than sorry,” Haze replied as she quickened her step.

“You blame yourself for everything bad that’s ever happened to anyone you love, don’t you?” Alex asked although he was certain that he was right.

“What does it matter to you?” Haze hissed feeling the hostile part of her come out of hibernation. She really needed to see Chromium, as he always seemed to centre her.

Alex didn’t respond he could see that she needed her space. He walked by her side matching her pace. He knew that she’d be returning to her team and wondered if they’d let him in.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
February 12, 2008 2:25 am #

Gerrrx smiled. he had finished his brandy and thanked the waitress with as possible kindly he could manage.
Alastor was destroying New York, including other resorts and famous buildings in the world. Gerrrx wondered if he could be so popular. He smiled and fell asleep.........

You've been holding out on us again haven't you? Since you haven't given us enough money, I'll guess I'll have to take it out of you piece by piece! - Unknown Mandalorian.
February 12, 2008 5:19 am #

Flame was above the scooter, he had no idea what 'Electric Guy's mind felt like, it would be hard to find him. He looked down, seeing the now unarmored Chink clinging to Jack. Shes lucky I didn't decide to kill her..... Flame voiced to Jack.I could have too. Lit her up inside her scales. Flame paused for a moment, thinking. You notice she only attacked me after it looked like I was about to kill you..I think she likes you.

No, she just thought the big scary lizard-person was evil. I think. Jack thought, he was unable to project his thoughts but he was able to 'speak' in a much simpler way

Yeah, look at the way shes clinging to you. That piece of junk your riding isn't going that fast. Shes not afraid I can tell you that just from looking. Here let me check

Flame began to listen to Chink's thoughts and wasn't exactly suprised to find she was thinking about Jack. There were a few thoughts questioning why they were being helped by a lizard-person who was probably going to kill them.

I Can hear you.... Flame voiced, almost laughing at her reaction

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 12, 2008 5:27 am #

Gerrrx woke up. He had arrived. He took his luggage and got out of the plane. He looked around his new resort for a month and smiled. Although it was nice , he had to find Alastor right away to discuss the meeting.....

You've been holding out on us again haven't you? Since you haven't given us enough money, I'll guess I'll have to take it out of you piece by piece! - Unknown Mandalorian.
February 12, 2008 8:54 am #

Burnout had taken a bit of a rest inside the lobby of an apartment building, narrowly avoiding the watchmen by racing around at the last second.  Even though he had technically been on the run, not in contact with any human or mutant person (Okay, he had stopped for a couple of burgers along the way) he still knew about the destruction of many of the worlds’ largest and most famous monuments.  This was interesting, to say the least.

After a generally quick and unnoticed breakfast, he took to the roads again, shooting down the streets in an orange and silver blur.  There were times that he simply started running, and let his conscious control go, letting his feet take him places.  He didn’t know how, but almost every time he did this, he wound up with a treasure trove of information, success, and sometimes clandestine meetings he hadn’t expected to find. He did this now.  And, expectedly, he wound up in a place he had never expected to be.

He could see a demolished wreck of a warehouse, one that the city had neglected to rebuild.  This was curious in itself.  The weird shimmer from underneath the rubble was weirder still.  He slowly jogged to the side (the equivalent of a car going about 50 kilometres per hour), and began to dig rapidly through the debris.

After about fifteen minutes of chucking debris and junk, he found himself staring at smooth, yet rotted floorboards, those that had belonged to the floor of the warehouse.  And on the floorboards rested two very intriguing objects.  There was a golden globe of what appeared to be light lying beside an ebon globe of what could only be described as shadow. 

Now why does this whole deal give me the willies? 

Burnout shrugged, and replaced the pile of rubble, hoping that no one would discover the globes until he could establish a permanent home.  Speaking of which, that was next on his agenda.  His attention shifting from spheres of light and shadow to acquiring a home in a second, and then he was off, zooming down the streets.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
February 12, 2008 8:59 am #

Gerrrx went to the office were Alastor worked. He waited , a waitress came in. " Can i get you anything? " she said. " A small brandy and a hotdog please. " " Right away. " she said. and walked off. Gerrrx smiled as he sat down.....

You've been holding out on us again haven't you? Since you haven't given us enough money, I'll guess I'll have to take it out of you piece by piece! - Unknown Mandalorian.
February 12, 2008 9:51 am (Edited February 12, 2008 09:56 am) #

Jack pondered what Flame had said.

PIECE OF JUNK!  Not that fast!  Pssh.  Not fast equals unmanly.  And this is about one of the manliest things on the road.  He made sure to think extra loud.  Jack took a corner rather sharp riding on the sidewalk nearly knocking some people down.  Some cursed and others laughed. 

"Stop laughing at the lizardman!  He has feelings too!"

This caused Flame to break down in laughter nearly losing his concentration.  QUickly he gained composure and steadied himelf.

So Jack.  How much longer?

Just around the corner.  He lives in an old dilapetated apartment building.

As they came up on the building Jack parked his scooter in the alley.  He made his way to the door.

Chink spoke up.  "Not the kind of guy that seems capable of taking out several wonders of the world."

"Maybe that's what he wants us to think!  Maybe this is all a clever disguise!  Perhaps there issome secret lab in there."

Flame pushed the door in and was not surprised to see more junk lying around.

"Now you pull the candlestick on the wall revealing a staircase!"  Jack made his way to an old lighting fixture on the wall and pulled it as hard as he could.  The fixture and a section of the rotting wood came off.

"Well.  There goes that idea."  A racket to the left caught Jack's ear.


"Hey nice rhyme.  How long did that take you to figure that one out?" 

"Do notpoke fun of me!  For I shall destroy you!"  Jack took the time to sum up his enemy.  He had a thin scrawny form.  On his hands were gloves that were spluttering with a form of electricity.  Pathetic.

"Sic em Flame!"

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
February 12, 2008 10:01 am #

Gerrrx ate. His hotdog was squirted with ketchup and mustard. His brandy was 5 centimetres full with rich, expensive liquid. He finished eating , brushed himself down and sipped his brandy. He shuddered. it was sour. He hoped Alastor was quick coming........

You've been holding out on us again haven't you? Since you haven't given us enough money, I'll guess I'll have to take it out of you piece by piece! - Unknown Mandalorian.
February 12, 2008 10:43 am (Edited February 12, 2008 05:20 pm) #

Character: M'Lure
Affiliation: VILLIAN
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Personality: Anrgy and grudge holding. Hates non mutants and those that help them. Loves control and distuction.
Appearance: Tall blonde woman. Wears only black or plum. Always seen wearing high collared, victorian inspired, black texured leather duster. Also never seen with out dramatic plum stone and metal necklace.
Powers: Ability to manipulate metal and lesser, developing talent of moving non metal items.

History: Most of it is unknown. All that is left is a deep hate of non mutants. Has spent many years learning a great many things about mutant powers and how they could be used for her advantage. It is speculated that she was once a scientist, because of her knowedge of new and yet unheard of things. This leads many to think that she is older than she looks, but has found a way to stay youthful. The necklace she wears is a special creation of hers, designed to block out the abilty to read thoughts and minds. She has avoided conflict and being in Andromeda's database untill now, for she has been "underground" for many years waiting untill the time was right. This was eased by her "non- mutant" apperance and abilty to render her thoughts unread.

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
February 12, 2008 10:46 am #

Gerrrx looked at his watch. It was 03.00. alastor was supposed to be here now, he frowned and waited for another 10 minutes......

You've been holding out on us again haven't you? Since you haven't given us enough money, I'll guess I'll have to take it out of you piece by piece! - Unknown Mandalorian.

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