Seriously, though...where? Any answers? :O :| ;)
Topic: Where did boba get all his weapons from?
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
15 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestSanta Claus, of course.
......seriously, though, how does anyone get anything? I suppose they could, you know, go to a store or someone who sells stuff and buy from them? That could work. I mean, I don't think they materialize out of thin air.
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no, Miba, seriously, did he buy them or scavenge them when he killed them? ;)
Alot of his weapons are modified from standard weapon systems. I know he has a older guy who he works with for armor and weapons, the guy doesnt see anyone other than Fett and he maintains Fetts other armor and weapons while he is away on "buissness".
Well unless his first kill was with nothing but bare hands.... I'd say he had to start with a bought weapon.
Otherwise he might do a combination. Buying mostly, but occasionally taking one if it's really good or something.
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He probably used his father's pistol at first, then bought some new stuff like everyone else has said
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
maybe he goes to: weapons-are-us
Alot of his weapons are modified from standard weapon systems. I know he has a older guy who he works with for armor and weapons, the guy doesnt see anyone other than Fett and he maintains Fetts other armor and weapons while he is away on "buissness".
Yes this is true. "A lot of his weapons are modified from standard weapon systems" If you read some of the Boba Fett books this is what it mostly is.
maybe he goes to: weapons-are-us
Funny you should say that.
One Tales comic showed him getting weapons from illegal arms dealers.
Didn't Boba originally use all his father's gear and armor. Though I remember someone saying that, but if you read some of the books, you'll find he gets weapons from some underground gangs on Corrusant, who are linked to Jabba. I'm sure he goes shopping at the latest Shooters store or maybe a catalog? :P
he did not use his father pistols, He stole some wepons as a kid
I'm pretty sure Cloneaparts right. I think he used Jango's armor and weapons for a while.
He did, but afterwards, didn't he switch t using Jaster Mereel's gear, that Jango had kept?
he did not use his father pistols, He stole some wepons as a kid
He did use his fathers weapons and armor for a bit, CA is right.
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
He used his father's pistol, and armour for a while, and then ook to wearing Jaster Mereel's gear.