Topic: RPG - Coruscant attack

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Topic #2163

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February 2, 2008 5:38 am #

Right this takes place before episode 1 and you can be any character you want. The story takes place in a 40 storey flat in Coruscant, we will decide were the background is from then on, k? HAVE FUN! :)

Name: Ronun Sart
Age: 25
Weapons: Stun blaster
Job: Delivery man
Vehicle:RI-67zo Speeder, delivery truck.

Ronun was tired. He had been working 13 hoursfrom 4.23am from then on. He had delivered 40 parcels during that time, and was quite happy. He had come home, and had decided to go to bed for at least 5 am the following morning. It was Tuesday and he still had days to go until he could relax. He changed into his sleeping clothes and was about to climb in  when the window shattered. Four armed men came in and fired at everything they could spot. Ronan was thrown backwards into a wall and was unconcuious. He could taste blood, then it went all dark.....

You're foolish words can never hurt me
February 2, 2008 7:22 am (Edited February 5, 2008 02:59 pm) #

Name:Bareth Ooran
Species:Human, Male
Age: Appears to be between 24-28
Weapon(s): Vibro-knife, 2 WESTAR-34 blaster pistols,
Apearance: Talk blonde male, green eyes, needs to shave.
Job: Possibly bounty hunter
Vehicle:Starhwak 2b Speeder Bike
Personality: A rather nice person, unless he is after you. tries to be funny, though not always sucsessfully.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 2, 2008 7:24 am #

( Very good character, astartes, keep up the good work  :) )

You're foolish words can never hurt me
February 2, 2008 7:28 am (Edited February 2, 2008 08:16 pm) #

Name: Inyri Saal
Age... old enough but still young enough
Appearance: Tallish for a woman, 5' 7", long blonde hair, usually braided in outlandish style befitting someone of inherited money. Seen wearing lots of "active wear", luxurious jump suits made for action and style. Mostly white, but with insanely high heeled knee high boots.
Weapons: Vibrosword and a Modded hold out blaster. Doesn't even matter because of Echani unarmed combat training.
History: Comes from wealthy shipping and trading family on Corillia. Although wealthy, has never felt as if she has the respect of those of importance in the rest of the core worlds. She currently bases operations out of two buildings on Coruscant. One her personal residence and one down in "the works".

Sitting in her stark white office on the top floor,Inyri recives the comm call she had been anticipating.
Some one through a helmet says. "Target Aquired".
She replies "Yes. Bring him to me. The credits will be transferred to your account upon arrival."
"Yes, Ma'am." is the reply from the one wearing the helmet.

"Yes" she thought. This is a very good start.

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
February 2, 2008 7:32 am #

Ronan was dragged into a large room with a chair, table, two flower pots and some pictures on the wall, nothing else. He was drugged during the Fight and he couldn't see. The last thing he remembered was a woman saying, " How are you , Ronan. Anything I can get you? " Then he blacked out again......

You're foolish words can never hurt me
February 2, 2008 7:50 am #

Bareth pulled his speeder bike onto the platform and jumped off. He had seem there was work here, he didnt care if he had to go after someone or guard someone, it was all work, and work is what he needed. Only thing he didnt like was having to work for some corperate executive, but he heard there was work here, and he wanted in. Apparently the person hireing was some lady named Saal. He stepped into the building and walked up to the front desk.  The secretary, a female Twi'lek who looked like she would rather be home reading a holozine, looked up boredly. "I heard that your boss might have some jobs available."  The secretary looked over at her consle for a second. "She already hired someone, but she might have something. Go on up and I'll buzz her." Bareth nodded and made his way to the turbolift. He go in pressed the button, turned around, and winked at the secretary. She rolled her eyes as the doors began to close and turned back to whatever she was doing

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 2, 2008 9:58 am #

Ronan awoke, he had been unconcious for an hour. The woman looked  up at him. " Oh, your awake. How did you sleep, fine, okay let me tell you how I'm going to kill you......" Ronan shuddered. This was not going to be pleasant....

You're foolish words can never hurt me
February 2, 2008 12:53 pm #

wait, so this is before Episode 1, yet you can be ANY character you want? In that case, here's my dude:

Name: Jesus Christ
Age: 2,008
Weapons: Holiness, Cross, Bible, Shoes
Job: Messiah of the Christians
Vehicle: Jesus-mobile

February 2, 2008 7:02 pm #

Bareth stood, waiting, he had a long way to go up. The elevator music was, well, elevator music. He pulled one of his WESTAR-34s from its holster and began to spin in boredly. He looked out the transparisteel window watching the cityscape below him, it was getting a little later, more speeders were out. He looked back at the door, and saw a small holoprojector, the news was on, and he started to watch. "Today a man has gone missing, his appartment was with the window broken. His name is Ronun Sart, spelled: resh-osk-nern-usk-nern, senth-aurek-resh-trill. More at eleven." Bareth sighed boredly, and continued spinning the blaster.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 2, 2008 11:10 pm #

( lol I like your character fett 2 but it needed to be star   wars, sorry :D )

Ronan was outraged! He had been tied up and drugged and yet this woman was being nice to him..... " Can I get you something to drink, Ronan? " " No. " " Okay, just tell me when you need anything. "
Ronan had to escape somehow, it was just him and her and a guard. He needed to have some sort of weapon, to kill her then the guard, to escape..... Then he remembered the little stun blaster in his back pocket. They hadn't searched him at all before he came in. Ronan smiled grimly, this was the easy part.......

You're foolish words can never hurt me
February 2, 2008 11:30 pm #

Bareth grinned as the door opened, still spinning the blaster. There was a man bound to a chair, and the woman he needed to speak of to about employment, he could only assume it was her, as she was the only person not tied up or holding a gun in the room. The next thing he noticed was how completely white it was in here. It was like a lab. The woman looked up, obviously not liking the idea of Bareth spining the WESTAR. She hadn't spoken yet, but Bareth was confident in his abillity to 'read' people Hell, even if I coulden't, wouldn't mind stareing for a bit.. he thought. "Hey, don't worry, the safetys on, theres no way this could go if its perfectly sa-" Bareth's blaster went off, the shot ricocheting off the apparently magnetically sealed turbolift car. Bareth almost imidieately dropped, and after a second the bolt hit something that it couldn't boune off of and died.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 2, 2008 11:36 pm #

( you had a short role in this astartes..... :/ )

Ronan had heard a man walk in and fire. Ronan cried out as a bolt of energy flew to him, he thought he was going to die, but miracusouly, it hit the ropes that his hands were tied behind, HE WAS FREE!...but dont get excited yet, he thought, you still have to take out the woman and guard, without them raising the alarm........

You're foolish words can never hurt me
February 3, 2008 1:08 am (Edited February 3, 2008 01:30 pm) #

" is this comlink clean?" he asked.
the voice on other end spat instructions. Sunder listened and lit up a death stick.

name: A. Sunder
species: Chiss / Male
age 35
a consultant for the underworld, currently looking into a missing shipment job for the Hutts.
not armed, but versed in the arts of Teras Kasi.

one of the Hutts proxies issued the final instructions. "now repeat that back."

Sunder blew out a puff of death " On the 40th floor of the Sera lofts, got it."
the voice on the other end wasn't pleased w/ his flip response. Sunder assured him" Im a few blocks away, ill be there shortly."
trust me- i ran down that agent for the black sun, didnt i?"
silence on the com.
"ok, then. ill get back to you after i talk to Ronun". Sunder watched his deathstick burn down to his fingers and flipped it on to ground.
he stepped out of the cantina and squinted, no worries. just another delivery gone wrong.
he headed towards Sera lofts.

"mmmm, pistol whip." -Homer Simpson
February 3, 2008 1:13 am #

( lets just say my blaster is still back, cujo, k? :) )

Ronun and Bareth shot. He shot first, killing the guard instantly. He fell to the floor. The woman tried to pick up a comlink but Ronan shot her. She went limp and fell to the floor. " She's not dead. " Ronun said. " She has been stunned. "  Ronan pointed to his small blaster which was still smoking from the shot. They nodded and ran towards the elevator........

You're foolish words can never hurt me
February 3, 2008 7:06 am (Edited February 3, 2008 07:17 am) #
Masterchief wrote:

( lets just say my blaster is still back, cujo, k? :) )

Ronun and Bareth shot. He shot first, killing the guard instantly. He fell to the floor. The woman tried to pick up a comlink but Ronan shot her. She went limp and fell to the floor. " She's not dead. " Ronun said. " She has been stunned. "  Ronan pointed to his small blaster which was still smoking from the shot. They nodded and ran towards the elevator........

(Bareth isnt working with you, hes up there to try to get a job from Si's character I'm going to post, but mostly disregard your, for the reason of my character not working for or with you.)

The hostage had somehow freed himself and just shot at the guard and the woman. Bareth pulled his WESTARs out and shot as the man got inside the turbolift. The doors shut before he could kill the man.Bareth looked over at the guard, who was obviously dead. He turned to the executive, who looked like the effects of the blaster were wearing off on her, and helped her up.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 3, 2008 8:34 am (Edited February 3, 2008 09:00 pm) #

Saal slowly got off the floor and shook her head to clear the last of the stun's effect from her. She was unsure of what exactly happened. The chair that was moments ago holding Ronan was on its side, and vacant. A look of anger and disgust crossed her face for a moment, then cleared. The inept gaud was lying on his back, unmoving and a few drops of blood around the corner of his mouth. She muttered a Huttese curse under her breath in frustration. Then she remembered the man that entered the office just before things went awry. He was still here, so it was obvious that he didn't come here just to rescue Ronan.

"What are you doing here?" she asked coldly.

"I've heard that you were needing capable individuals."

Well he already passed Saal's first test. He didn't seem intimidated by her. Saal by no means could tolerate a weak fool that would just advocate any asinine thing that she let out of her lips. But he interrupted something important, and someone would pay. That receptionist was sloppy. Sloppy would not be tolerated. Another problem that would have to be handled.

"Sorry that he made it into the turbolift. Ma'am."

Ah! There. Saal walked back to the desk, hit a few quick commands into the recessed keypad.
"Prove that you are capable. If you can bring that man back to me before he leaves the building you have a position. I have halted the turbolift. It is now between," Saal paused as she glanced at the screen, "46 and 45. Go".

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
February 4, 2008 5:29 am #

Bareth nodded and aproached the turbolift shaft, which had been opend for him, he stood at the edge, and looked down, barely able to see the turbolift below him. Luckily there was a large wire hanging from the top of the shaft, it was in the center. He would need to jump to make it. He backed up, trying to figure out how much of a running start he would need.

"So, I never got your name."

"You could call me Ms. Saal, but I think Ma'am will do for now."

"Yeah, thats great, but I meant your first name."

"I realy don't see how this is relevant right now. Don't you have someone to catch for me?"

"Yeah, but in order to get down there, I have to jump from there," Bareth said, pointing at a spot on the floor infront of the turbolift shaft "reach that cable in the middle and grab it, without sliping or slaming into the far wall, and then climb my way down to the turbolift which is at least thirty floors down, so if any of the thousands of things that could possibly go wrong with this whole thing, I would prefer to at least know your name before I fall to my death in a turbolift shaft."

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 4, 2008 10:56 am #

"Are you serious?!" Saal shouted at the man. She was getting desperate. Every second of delay allowed Ronan more time to get away from the building and her control. She caved, if for no other reason than that she NEEDED Ronan back, and the faster the easier and cheaper it would be for her.

"Inyri Saal. GO! Bring him back!"

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
February 4, 2008 12:19 pm (Edited February 4, 2008 03:55 pm) #

Sunder had reached Sera towers and cursed the oppressive sun. he reached for the door switch and a late model speeder bike caught his eye. This wasnt a casual riders bike, it was modified. he put his hand on the engine cover- it was still warm. looks like he might be crashing a party.
He stepped into the lobby absent of anyone except what appeared to be a bubble headed Twilek receptionist.

"Hello there" Sunder approached the desk.
she glanced up. "Do you have an appointment?"
Sunder flashed a quick smile. " No, actually. I wanted to surprise Inryi, she and i are old friends back from our days at the Academy."

"Oh, im really sorry" the twilek smiled "she really cannot be disturbed right now."
Sunder continued to smile but he squinted his glowing red eyes to a menace. " Oh, no im sorry, you misunderstood me. What i meant to say is this is a pivotal moment in your life, it can end as you sit behind that desk or you can clear me to head up the lift."
she sat silently. It was plain to see he was not joking.
"your call" Sunder deadpanned.
"yes, go up she is on the 40th floor." the twilek sat with her mouth agap.
sunder hit the call button on the lift, but nothing. a metalized voice calmly said "this lift is currently off-line".
"looks like i have a few minutes to kill" Sunder lit up another death stick and turned toward the twilek...

"mmmm, pistol whip." -Homer Simpson
February 4, 2008 2:29 pm #

Bareth did not like the idea of falling about forty stories. But he jumped just the same. He barely caught the cable, and began the climb to the turbolift, he just hoped that his target wasn't waiting for him with a vibroblade, because by the time he got there his arms would be rather tired. He made it to the turbolift, and opend the hatch, dropping down with one of his WESTARs in his left hand and his vibroknife in the other. It was clear. That meant he needed to get moving.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 5, 2008 10:39 am #

Ronan was puzzled. He had been captured at midnight, been gagged and drugged to a mad woman and then a smuggler rescuing him. He shook his head, and continued to walk home......

You're foolish words can never hurt me
February 5, 2008 10:55 am #

Inyri paced in her office, the body of the guard allready moved by another member of her staff. Seething she rang the receptionist's desk, planning on taking it out on the little nerf hearding Twi'lek. No response. Angry she decided to go and handle it face to face then. She keyed in a command on the desk, opening her secret personal turbolift, consealed behind the desk.

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
February 5, 2008 11:12 am #

Ronan eventually arrived at his home, and got ready for bed. It had been  6 hours since the guards had captured him. He needed the sleep, to continue work in the morning. He slept.......

You're foolish words can never hurt me
February 5, 2008 11:36 am (Edited February 5, 2008 06:25 pm) #

Name: Swift Jones
Species: Human, Male
Age: 24
Weapon(s): VibroSword and a Green Lightsaber
Job: Jedi
Vehicle: RI-67zo Speeder and an X-Wing
Personality: Very cool person and very humorous at times

LEELA: I know you like cooking shows, but you're a robot. You don't even have a sense of taste!
BENDER: Honey, I wouldn't talk about taste if I was wearing a lime green tank top.
February 5, 2008 11:56 am #
Masterchief wrote:

Ronan eventually arrived at his home, and got ready for bed. It had been  6 hours since the guards had captured him. He needed the sleep, to continue work in the morning. He slept.......

this is a considerable leap in the timeline and action. r we gonna skip ahead like that?
when answered i will erase this post and write my RP.

"mmmm, pistol whip." -Homer Simpson
February 5, 2008 1:33 pm (Edited February 5, 2008 01:33 pm) #

As a Jedi might you like a lightsaber? They are the tradional weapon of a Jedi Knight.

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
February 5, 2008 2:57 pm #

((Ok, you timeaport I shall do this:))

Bareth had followed the target discreetly. He had checked in with Inyri a few times, to assure her that she would get him back soon. Now, all he had to do was get into the man's appartment.

He made a quick pitstop back at his house, and picked up his armor. He had taken it from one of his targets, gladly accepting it as payment. It was black, with a bit of green on the shoulderplates and gauntles, and around the visor. It was Mandalorian armor, even though the man he had killed to get it wasn't Mandalorian. He wasnt trying to imitate them, he had removed all the Mandalorian insignias, and the armor was very strong.

Now he was at his targets door. It was quiet inside. Bareth hacked the control panel, opening the door. He snuck in and found the bed room. His target woke up, and Bareth pistolwhipped him, pulling him out of the appartment. He knew he shouldn't have taken his speederbike. He sighed and did his best to secure his target, discreetly, so it looked like he was riding along. Then he went back to Saal's tower.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 5, 2008 6:52 pm #

Inyri had walked into the reception/ turbolift area to find that the twi'lek actually flirting with a tall blue skinned humanoid. The sound of Saal's boots on the polished stone floor promoted this man to turn around, revealing glowing red eyes. Inyri had seen many different species before in her life time, but this still shocked her to an extent.

Can I help you two?  She demanded.

The man winked at the receptionist and walked close to Inyri.
Inyri Saal. Its been a lifetime. I'd love to catch up on old times.  He said with false joviality and smile.

Um, really?  Saal said sarcastically. She didn't care what the twi'lek saw, because she knew that she'd be dealt with soon enough.  How could that be. I have not made your acquaintance until now. The name's Inyri Saal, but I take it you already know that.   She extended her hand for a handshake.

“A. Sunder.” and he reached back and shook Inyri’s hand. “I take it you are not one to mince words.”

“No, not really. I am a busy individual with much on her mind these days. What do you want?”

“I think you might know where to find a friend of mine. Goes by the name of Ronun Sart.”

“Haven’t heard of him. I hope you didn’t come a long way to just ask me that.”

“Actually I did. Are you sure?”

“Positive.” The comlink on her wrist chirped. “And if you excuse me I have business to attend to.” As she said this she was leading Sunder to the door.

As soon as Sunder was outside of the offices Saal turned to the twi’lek. “You are lucky I have more to be done today. If you let another soul into these offices, without my authorization you will CERTAINLY not be alive to even regret it. Understood?” Saal walked away without waiting for her reply. As soon as she entered her secure turbolift she answered her comlink. It was Bareth, he had obtained Ronun and was returning with him.

She let out a sigh and actually cracked a bit of a smile.

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
February 5, 2008 7:15 pm #

Bareth pulled the speederbike onto the landing infront of Sall's office, slaming his foot onto the ground and spinning the bike around, allowing Ronun to fall from the back, and roll towards the door. There was a blue man with red eyes standing outside. Bareth walked forward, and grabbed the groaning form that was Ronun by the collar, and hauled him inside. Inyri turned around " I don't care who you are but I dont have time for this sh-" She cut herself off as she looked down at the man that had been thrown on the ground infront of her. Bareth pulled off his helmet, as she looked up. The suprise on her face was apparent, but only for a moment.  "Your Mandalorian?"
Bareth grinned."No," he said spinning a WESTAR in his right hand then placing it back in its holster "but they wish I was."

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 5, 2008 8:21 pm #

" Either way what I need has been returned, so I will hold true to my word and offer you a postion working for and perhaps if you're particually strong in the force, with me."  Inyri replied.

"So when do I start?"

"Right now, since your last visit I have been in need of a new gaurd. Apparently one not as lax as my last one was. But he paid for his mistake. FIrst I need you to make sure that our friend here is devoid of weaponry and other devices. Then make sure we won't be escaping. Then we can worry if he's concious."

She leaned over to Ronuns limp body. "Yes, I would like to talk to this one."

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
February 5, 2008 10:34 pm (Edited February 6, 2008 01:00 am) #

Sunder never one to wear emotions, stood outside for a minute bringing the comm to his lips...
and then something strange happened. the very same speeder bike that had been sitting outside, pulled
up to Sera towers once more.
an armored humanoid grabbed a bagged body, obviously Ronun.

"I have a clear shot." the voice in his ear chirped.
"no, i dont think its come to that just yet." Sunder looked up at the tower across the street.
"besides i dont think even your modified blaster could penetrate that armor." sunder smiled.
"oh ye of little faith" the voice in his ear volleyed. "tell you what if i can bury a laser in the base of his neck,
next time you buy the spice".
Sunder stood silent as the man dragged the body thru the doors and gave him a simple nod.
the doors shut behind him.
"down boy, youll eat soon enough." Sunder looked up to the building again. "besides spice is a nasty habit."
Sunder smiled.
"youre one to talk deathstick, and dont call me boy." the voice sneered.
"my apoligies." Sunder conceded "first we find out who this armored man is, id hate to have to answer to a mandalore or something,"
Sunder looked at the paper the secretary had written her comm number on, and tossed it into street, this job is trying my patience...

"mmmm, pistol whip." -Homer Simpson
February 6, 2008 8:32 am (Edited February 6, 2008 12:55 pm) #

Bareth loved his armor. One of the previous owners had installed a sort of weapon scanner, and that made threat assessment so much easier. It also took out the need for searching someone, which took to long. He replaced his helmet and activated it, and he got something. Bareth reached down and pulled the blaster from Ronun's pocket. "This is all he had." Inyri apparently didn't think his 'check' was accurate. "Are you sure?" Bareth nodded, "You have a heavily modded hold-out on you." This seemed to kill any doubts in her mind. "I could break his legs, or do you want to keep him mostly unharmed?"

((Hey, the sensor can detect virbroblades, but not normal knifes))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 6, 2008 11:14 am #

"Lets keep him in one peice for the time being" Inyri strode over to Ronun's body. She uncapped a tube of smelling salts  and moved it under his nose. He jerked awake in his chair.

"Relax. I'm not going to kill you now." Inyri walked to her desk and poured a class of water from a pitcher that was siitting there. "You see these?" she asked Ronun, refering to a pair of small orange pills in her hand. "you know what they are, i don't want you to think that I'm deciving you. They are nothing more than common pain pills. It is your choice if you want to take them, but I advise you to. You're going to have one splitting headache in a little whille and it will be in your best intrests to have all your wits about you."

Ronun accepted them and drank some of the water. "What do you want from me? I've done nothing to you and I have no value." 

"Well then, if you have no value then I might as well kill you now." Inyri said coldly.

Bareth stood by watching the exchange. He was just as curious to know what this woman wanted with such a seemingly innoculous invidividual.

"No!" the man shouted.

"Then how about you think long and hard before you speak next time. Why don't you start off by telling me what your real name is. I'm all aware that 'Ronun Sart' is just an alias."

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
February 6, 2008 1:48 pm (Edited February 6, 2008 01:59 pm) #

"And I'm sure hes aware that if you don't like his answers I can break his legs." Inyri looked back, her expresion clearly saying 'shut up.' "Or anything else you tell me to." Bareth added. "I don't think this is the best place to conduct an interrogation, ma'am. To many people could see. Don't want the CSF paying you a visit do you?"

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 6, 2008 1:57 pm #

(( I think its the CSF.... Courscant Security Force, like in triple zero))

"Oh I will move him.. in due time."  Inyri said. "But the sooner he talks the sooner we can move on. I know Ronun doesn't want CSF here, at least with him still here."

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
February 6, 2008 2:26 pm (Edited February 6, 2008 02:26 pm) #

Sunder stood over the speeder bike for a minute. his ear piece sounded again, "and how exactly are we gonna find out who the armored guy was?"
"give me a second", Sunder continued to examine the speeder abit longer.
the voice spoke again, "how 'bout i run the speeder id number and we can see who the ride belongs to."

"nah, dont bother" Sunder looked up at the building again. "this guy is a vulture, he is no mandalorian."
"how do you know?" the voice was surprised.
"trust me." Sunder stated. the speeders was stolen, the  id number had been filed off, and he was willing to wager that the armor was not his either.
"so whats the plan?" the voice broke the silence.
Sunder thought for a second. and spoke into the comm "youre new to the game, arent you?"
"whats that have to do w/ anything?" the voice was annoyed.
Sunder smiled as he lit up another deathstick. "ever heard of an echani shuffle, kid?"
"im no kid...and no." the voice tailed off.
"we can discuss what you are later, listen up..." Sunder began to lay it out.

"mmmm, pistol whip." -Homer Simpson
February 7, 2008 10:43 am #

Ronun was angry. He had started work the day before, then one of the woman's guard's had intercepted him as soon as he was delivering his third parcel. NOW, this woman, Inyri, he remembered, was feeding him pain pills to serve him right for stunning her. He looked at her with pure hatred. He had to escape again, there was no other way.......

You're foolish words can never hurt me
February 7, 2008 3:55 pm #

Bareth saw the hate in the captives eyes. He pulled one of the WESTARs out, pointing it at the captives face. "Watch it, buddy." He said menacingly, the speakers in the helmet slightly distorted his voice, making it even worse. The captive took a look at the helmet, then the gun, and seemed to decide that he didn't hate Inyri all that much anymore. Bareth grinned and put the pistol back.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 7, 2008 11:21 pm (Edited February 7, 2008 11:38 pm) #

15 minutes ago...

Sunder walked over to the recptionist desk again and leaned in towards her, "You know- i think we got off on the wrong foot,i shouldn't have threatened you. I just wanted to surprise my old friend."
the receptionist looked at him and slowly let down her guard.

Sunder continued, "its been as we say in the business, a hectic morning."
"what business are you in sir?"

Sunder smiled, "oh please call Ashero, and my business dear is a talent scout for coruscant models. Have you ever modelled?" the receptionist giggled.
"Say, what r you doing later" Sunder touched her hand.
more giggling.
Sunder almost forgot about the shadow in his ear.
the voice crackled to life "are you actually hitting on the receptionist?"

name: the voice (to be revealed later)
age: unknown
occupation: a free agent shadow, just getting into the business. an aptitude for sniping, and is currently across the street on the roof of the high rise. highly motivated and an uncanny ability for infiltration.

"not everything is what it seems" Sunder muffled.
"whats that?" the secretary asked.
"nothing, dear. so tell me how someone as stunning as yourself has never been in a holo-zine?"

Sunder took a puff of the deathstick.
"So you think you can zip line over to the top of the Sera Towers?"
the voice assured "yeah, not a problem, you just want me to go in thru the roof? Sounds a bit too simple."

Sunder looking to the sky noticed a zipline shoot across it. "Dont worry im going to make a little noise, and when everyone looks down, you tap them on the shoulder."

The voice chuckled "your gonna make a little noise, how you gonna do that?"

A det-pack can be a very discrete thing, one can even fit under the lip of a rectionists desk. This is a textbook Echani shuffle...

"mmmm, pistol whip." -Homer Simpson
February 8, 2008 8:51 am (Edited February 8, 2008 09:02 pm) #

Inyri was tired. Ronun wasn't talking. He just looked at her then back to Bareth in his Mandalorian armor. He was scared, it shone past the anger in his eyes.  Inyri's pacience had expired.

"I guess you aren't as smart as I thought, 'Ronun'. I'll give you one more oppertunity to tell me."

Ronun still sat ther glowering at his two captors.

Inyri walked up to Ronun and slapped him hard accross the face. because of her ring she left a small cut on his cheek.

"Bareth take him to the landing pad and load him on my speeder. We're taking him out of here. I'll follow and fly."

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
February 8, 2008 10:07 am #

Ronun cried out! Inyri had slapped him hard across the face. He could taste blood. Now he was awaiting a flight to somewhere he didn't know where it was, but he could tell one wasn't going to be pleasant. He had to escape! Now! Or else he was going to die........

You're foolish words can never hurt me
February 8, 2008 8:12 pm #

Bareth nodded and grabbed Ronun, dragging him to a waiting turbolift. Ronun was struggling, and Bareth had to fight the urge to pistol-whip him again. He was surprised that some one like Inyri didn't have a pilot. Strange considering she had an office like the one they were in now. But it wasn't his job to question it, she probably just enjoyed flying. The turbolift stopped, and Bareth shoved Ronun out, watching Ronun stumble and fall.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 8, 2008 9:00 pm #

Inyri reached the landpad where she had an airspeeder docked from her personal turbolift. She needed Ronun to see that she was ahead of him in every step of the way, even when it came to arriving to the same location. She opened the back cockpit for Bareth hauling the struggling Ronun to get inside. The look on Ronun's face as he realized that she was allready there and waiting was priceless. He was a bit shocked but more frightened then anything else. "Good. Let him be afraid." Inyri thought.

Bareth and Ronun, both inside the enclosed airspeeder, Inyri climbed in herself and took the controls. She took off fast, heading directly into the crowded air lanes. Inyri flew fast,narrowly avoiding vechicles, but always in control, an unusually calm look on her face. She weaved this way and that, sometimes doubling back on the direction she just came in.

"Bareth do you notice anything strange going on?" She asked.

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
February 9, 2008 5:23 am #

Ronun cried out! He had been shoved into a small room about 3 meters wide and 2 metres across. He was left in with nothing to eat or drink. He was very angry. This was going too far, he had to escape now ....or he was going to be tortured, day and night. There was a small air vent above him, he smiled grimly. Stupid people.......

You're foolish words can never hurt me
February 9, 2008 7:39 pm #

((Uh, your in a speeder))

"Only that there is an odd blue alien with red eyes and a narcotic problem loitering in your lobby. I don't like him, makes me nervous." Bareth said, looking out the windows, watching the city pass by around them. Ronun groaned again. "Shut up." Bareth said. He pulled the helmet off, he was used to the HUD, but sometimes he preferred not to wear it.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 9, 2008 10:27 pm #

"That I was aware of, and since you didn't mention anyone suspected of following us, I'll take that as an all clear from you."

"Yes ma'am." 

Inyri continued to take a circutus route around Coruscant, slowly making their way from the office towards a yet undiscolsed location, one that only she still knew about, in an old family building deep within the area known as "the works". CSF rarely traversed the area, and certainly never wtihout strong provocation at that. The works was a place you only went to if you knew exactly the who, what, and where of your trip. There were no mistakes, and most importaintly, no neighbors to question anything they could or could not have seen.

Ronun was increasingly making more and more noise, no doubt in relation to his growing fear and unease. He must have begun to hallucinate as he was screaming to be let out of a small room, how he did want such food, water or stupid people. It was killing Inyri's nerves, which she really needed and wanted for flying.

"Bareth. Shut him up!"

"With pleasure." And with that, Bareth slamed his armored fist into Ronun's not so protected head.

"Maybe that will jog his memory some." she said as she swiftly changed travel lanes.

After another few minuets of flight, taken in wonderful silence, the speeder reached it's apparent abandoned destination and landed on the inside of an emence building.

Meat is murder...... tasty tasty murder.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
February 9, 2008 10:57 pm #

Bareth replaced his helmet, and dragged Ronun out of the speeder, following Inyri into the building. She lead them through a few hallways to some apparent holding cells. "Put him in here." Inyri said, gesturing towards one of  cells. Bareth threw Ronun into it, and closed and locked the door. "So, what now?"

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 10, 2008 1:03 am #

Ronun slammed the door. He was furious! He slammed the door again. He kicked and punched, but it was no use. He started to cry, he usually doesn't do that, but he thought of his lovely wife and 3 kids. He looked at the small photo of them in it, from his pocket. He smiled through tears. That made him so angry that he kicked it so hard that it opened up. Inyri and bareth were walking away meters from the door. He replaced the photo and ran towards a guard. " Ye----" he crumpled. ronun took his blaster rifle and ran towards the nearest exit. Hoping the other remaining guards wouldn't raise the alarm.......

You're foolish words can never hurt me
February 10, 2008 12:30 pm #

Bareth spun around, there was a loud bang, louder then the ones that had been issuing from the cell Ronun was in. He saw Ronun punch a guard and take his blaster. Bareth sprinted after Ronun, who turned and raised the blaster, pulling the trigger twice. He apparently wasn't a very good shot, as the first went wide and hit a wall. The second shot hit Bareth's armor. The Mandalorian armor took the shot and came away undamaged, but the force caused Bareth to stumble slightly. He grabbed Ronun by the collar and threw him against the wall. Ronun fell to the ground and Bareth crouched down and proceeded to forcefully introduce their captives face to the floor.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 10, 2008 1:58 pm (Edited February 10, 2008 01:59 pm) #

the streets hummed with the foot traffic of the gainfully employed and going about their business,
Sunder was paid for a result not a service- collateral damage seemed to be unavoidable, he looked at the switch in his hand and flipped the safety back.
"so you gonna make that noise?" the voice inquired, "im in position...hold on a speeder is departing about five flights down" the voice paused for a second, "how many deathsticks you wanna bet Ronun is on board".
Sunder flipped the cover back on the det pack switch.
"your thoughts?" the voice inquired.
Sunder looked at the sky again, " Can you hack their data files?".
the voice seemed to be one step ahead, "yeah im already there, but im getting some heat, so how bout that bang you promised."
Sunder smiled he was starting to like this kid. He glanced around to notice a group of CSF officers walking towards him.
no time like the present, Sunder thought...

"mmmm, pistol whip." -Homer Simpson

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