Topic: RPG: Age of Skywalker

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Topic #2014

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January 28, 2008 2:42 pm #

cabur thought fast for a way out her situation. Suddenly she remembered the link with her ship through her glasses.  She pulled it up, keeping her fire up at the same time.  She told the ship to come to her calling signal and give some cover fire, putting in the the information the ship would need to figure out exactly who to fire on.

After that, she turned her attention back to the battle at large.  It would be a lot easier to get out of it once the ship reached them.

Ralin, MA, your turn now, tell me if you need me to change anything

jet pack & rocket launcher-800 credits, mandolorian armor-5,000 credits, being the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy-priceless. brought to you by JediMaster Card
January 28, 2008 3:55 pm #

Ma'ryk shot down two more security guards who had been moving in from the right. It was times like these that he really missed his blaster rifle.  He saw a couple of soldiers taking sniping positions on nearby roofotps, hoping the Mandos hadn't seen them.

"Vod!  The roofs.  East and South."  He started firing at the southern snipers, as well as alternating fire with some stupi gun-toting civilians who thought they were invincible.  Drakus' rifle barked, and green death met shocked faces as he blasted one...two...three..four snipers in quick succession.  They were getting closer to the spaceport.  Just a little more to go.

There was a commotion behind them, and his 360 degree field of vision picked up what apeared to be a Trandoshan trading shots with a gang of security personell.  Ma'ryk took down two before resuming his walk, with Drakus causing a gridlock in speeder traffic with a few well placed shots from his rifle.  Just let those security guys try and get through this with any speed.  The Mandos kept on walking, trading death with the haughty Kuat security forces.  He hadn't had this much fun in ages!

((Alright.  Bring in the cavalry, Cloneapart.))

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
January 28, 2008 4:46 pm #

Dusk spun around a guard, slaming the Vibroblade into the man's abdomen, He leveled his WESTAR at another, almost point blank, and pulled the trigger, The Mandos in the distance were killing expertly, it was, afterall, their job.  He killed another guard, his vibroblade cutting through him like he was nothing. There was a loud whining sound that seemed to be interupted every few seconds. He looked up, and saw a cargo truck, repulsor drive aparantly failing comeing right at him, It clipped a ornate building, sending debreis showering down. Dussk called upon the force to help him leap away, but to late. The truck hit a civilian speeder and sent the wrekage tumbleing down upon him.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 28, 2008 5:45 pm #

cabur looked up and saw the Phantom's Shadow making it's way over the packed streets.  She put her efforts into making the ship focus it's fire power to the security gaurds around her.  The ship sent blast after blast, finally clearing the area so she could get out from behind the speeder.

By now, the Mandolorians were ahead, and she hastened to move on.  Keeping the ship still firing cover shots over all their heads, she sprinted towards the barracade, ready to keep moving when she saw a massive Trandoshian get burried under the debris of a giant cargo truck.  She had seen the Trando earlier, saw him shooting down some of the security officers.

Resisting the earge to keep running on, she ran over to where he lay, burried under the debris.  She emediatly began to dig, telling her ship to cover her while she used all her strength to get the debris off the Trando.  At last, he was free of the ruble.  She pulled him up to his feet, which was quit a feat, considering his size compared to hers.

She looked at him, checking for any serious damage.  "You alright?" she asked, panting from the work and adrenaline.

Meanwhile, the Mandos continued to get closer while the ship hovered above, sending streaks of red light flying to her enemies.

jet pack & rocket launcher-800 credits, mandolorian armor-5,000 credits, being the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy-priceless. brought to you by JediMaster Card
January 28, 2008 6:04 pm (Edited January 28, 2008 06:07 pm) #

Dussk managed to stand, he could have died in that. He would have. "I, I owe you my life." he looked down at her, she was, afterall, shorter then him. He owed her his life, and he would pay that debt back with death if it was needed. "I offer you my life, I am yours to command."

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 28, 2008 6:31 pm #

Cabur looked up at the Trando, barely able to take in what he was saying.  Something about a life debt he now owed her.

"Listen, we can talk about debts later, right now we need to help them" she shouted at him and pointed to the Mandos. 

The ship continued to rain blasts down and the security officers seemed like they were starting to break up.

Cabur took out her sniper and moved into position, focusing in on the targets.

jet pack & rocket launcher-800 credits, mandolorian armor-5,000 credits, being the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy-priceless. brought to you by JediMaster Card
January 28, 2008 7:59 pm #

The Raider exited hyperspeed with a slight bumb.

"Must check that later..." Tanis mummbled to himself as Shiv's ship appeared next to him. He didn't even have enough time to open a comm channel, the Imperial Fleet protecting the planet had already noticed them.

The comm channel opened up and the face of a bored Imperial Officer appeared in front of Tanis.

"Hold citizen. Your ship as well as that of your companion, or so we presume, next to you is being run through our database." He said looking at a screen in front of him.

"Alright, no problem sir." Tanis replied calmy. After a few moments the officer responded again.

"Your ships check out alright. Send us some identification."

Tanis relaxed...this was the hard part. This man was far and this would require extreme concentration.

"You don't need to see our identification." Tanis said in a matter-of-fact way as he slowly passed his hand in front of the hologram of the officers face.

"............I don't need to see your identification."

"We can go about our business." Tanis said again and repeated the hand movement.

"You can go about your business."

"Move along."

"Move along, move along." The channel closed and Tanis opened one with Shiv as they flew down unto the giant city planet. Shiv meerly showed a comical wookie smile and nodded. Tanis nodded back and closed the channel.


The Raider and Shiv's ship touched down at the cheapest space port. One where they would not be questioned. Their ships were next to each other and they met on the docking bay. Tanis considered changing his clothes to not look like a Jedi, yet he knew that it had been a long time since anyone had seen a Jedi around here and he could just pass for an odd foreigner. Coruscant was filled with all the representations of the galaxy.

<You make it look easy...> Shiv said as he looked around at the increadibly bustling supercenter that was Coruscant. Neither him nor Tanis had been there in a while... And Kirah also looked around in wonder, she hda never seen Coruscant in this way.

"It really isn't. You would know Shiv. He was very far away. Alright, we must not look as tourist-y as we do right now. Act as casual as possible. I don't want a legion of Stormtroopers chasing us through Coruscant..." Tanis said he looked at the huge, looming vision of the Senate building. He could feel himself being drawn was his destiny.

The party began to walk out of the space port and to the top level of the building to get a taxi. Tanis' gaze switched from the Senate Building to the ruined Jedi Temple. He felt a pang in his gut. He would make it a point to go there eventually.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
January 29, 2008 4:49 am #

“Hawk!  Power up and get ready to move!” Ralin ordered into his comm.  Why didn't I think to move MY ship in like that??  I need to get my brain in gear............. less fun wasting security and more effort getting out of here so I can do the job I've just been hired to do 

*”I have security around me; what should I do?”* read the translation of Hawk’s droidspeak across the top of Ralin’s HUD.

“Deal with them!  And make sure there's none around Ma'ryks vessel, either!”

*"I'm on it"*

Confident that no more snipers were on the rooftops around him, Ralin took cover and looked back at the strange pair they had just passed.  One was a big Trando warrior who had nearly been buried alive when a damaged hover truck smashed into a building; he was hobbling, but seemed all right.  His rescuer appeared to be a young woman in............ Mando armor??  Perhaps we aren’t as few as I once thought 

Returning to the task at hand, Ralin leveled his rifle on the barricade again.  Most of the security behind it was too busy trying to keep themselves in one piece as the black painted starship overhead was laying waste to their defenses.  The few who did stick their heads up quickly had them removed by Ma’ryk and the young sniper behind him. This is our chance

Looking back over his shoulder, Ralin pointed toward the pair of newcomers.  “YOU TWO” he yelled over the sound of the starship’s engines.  “Get to the landing docks; NOW!”

Looking back toward Ma’ryk, he jerked his head toward the enemy.  “One last time, Vod; FORWARD!”

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
January 29, 2008 5:10 am (Edited January 29, 2008 05:11 am) #

Dussk was using both of his pistols now, due to his leg, he didnt exactly have the agility to use his virbroblade with any effect. But dispite the pain, he managed to keep up with the human infront of  him. They made their way to the docks, with much shooting involved. The Mando apparently called her ship and jumped aboard, Dussk quickly made his way to the Serpent's Blood and jumped on, lifting into the air. He made a quick pass over the barracade, and covered the other Mandalorian's excape, he then began to rise, lifting into orbit.

((If you have a problem with this, then i will try to edit))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 29, 2008 6:11 am #

As the Trando’s starship fired it’s weapons into what was left of the barricade and the security guards that were still hiding behind it, Ralin and Ma’ryk backed their way down the access ramp that led to the docks, firing at anybody who was stupid enough to try them.

With a slap on Ralin’s shoulder, Ma’ryk left moved away from Ralin's side toward his own ship. 

When his Vod was clear and revving his engines, Ralin backed into the ramp of the waiting Blood Hawk.  Dropping his rifle into one of the passenger seats, Ralin rushed for the controls.  “Get us out of here!” he yelled for the Hawk’s sound receptors.  Before he could even drop into the pilot’s seat, the StarViper class attack fighter was maxing its power settings and straining it’s onboard artificial gravity settings as it soared upward. 

Looking out his portside viewport, he could see Ma’ryk’s ship moving up on his wing.  A few streaks of anti-dropship fire streaked passed, though none came close enough to warrant evasive action.  As the sky turned from light blue to star speckled black, the after affects of his adrenalin rush began to take affect.  Feeling totally exhausted, he leaned back and closed his eyes for a moment.

*”Better not go to sleep on me just yet, boss”* chirped Hawk.

Drakus snapped to attention.

*”Your new friends look like their in trouble.”*

Checking his threat indicator, he could make out a full flight of starfighters wildly chasing the two ships that had taken off earlier. 

The Kuat deffence force wants a piece of us to, huh? thought Ralin as he powered up his mass drivers and missile launchers. Guess the fun isn’t quite over

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
January 29, 2008 8:33 am #

She quickly pulled her ship out of the dive, cursing the luck she was having today.  As if the battle of the planets below was bad enough, having to deal with the fighters was worse.  She manuevered the ship with extreme speed, seeing the Trando's ship doing the same. 

She saw the Mandolorian's ships coming from Kuat. 

Only hope they can return our little favor from back there, she thought

jet pack & rocket launcher-800 credits, mandolorian armor-5,000 credits, being the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy-priceless. brought to you by JediMaster Card
January 29, 2008 8:54 am (Edited February 12, 2008 10:36 am) #



"A small engagement just planetside has erupted Captain. It appears as though the Kuat Defense Force has engaged two unknown starfighters."

"I see...Are they the ones Command told us Overlord Skywalker sent here?" Captain Yonka felt a bit troubled by the news. He had a job to do in reclaiming Kuat Drive Yards for The New Imperial Order. He didn't like the idea of having it ruined by some thugs in armor, sanctioned by Overlord Skywalker or not.

"Negative, Captain...Wait...I see two other coming up from planetside. It's them." said the sensors officer.

"Orders sir?" asked the comm officer.

Captain Yonka frowned slightly. "Have all fleet ships move into position around the shipyards rings. Flight Control; dispatch Predators to engage the defense forces. Communications; open general hailing frequencies. Sensors; keep your eyes peeled. We move ahead as planned. If Overlord Skywalker's goons are the professionals they think they are, they'll be gone quickly."

"Yessir" Came the chorus of readiness from the Avarice's crew.

"Comm's open, Captain."

"Ahem... Attention Kuat Citizens. This is Commander Sair Yonka of The New Imperial Order. We ask that you turn the Kuat Drive Yards over to Peacekeeper control. Failure to do so will not be responded to lightly. As of this moment, Kuat Drive Yards is under Peacekeeper control..."


I exit hyperspace at the designated location. Glitch's sensor sweeps reveal...nothing.
I curse. Whoever did this is good. They had enough resources to bring in a clean up crew and make it look like nothing happened. I only know of one possible answer, but the thought makes my lekku twitch in a bad way.

<How could the Chiss have done this? Unless Skywalker's intel was He's assumed all the resources of The Imperial network. If they say the Ascendency wouldn't attack unless provoked, they wouldn't. Was Captain Paret that stupid? No his transmission said it all, they came from nowhere. Someone else?>

My ships comm goes off, disrupting my thoughts. Inquisitor Zoncxs has arrived in the Guardian Sol.

"What happened?" he asks.

"We're too late. That's what happened."

Another beep informs me of a heavily encrypted transmission via Holonet. Lieutenant Farr's image appears. "High Inquisitor Starjammer. Overlord Skywalker has asked that I present you with new orders."

"Of course, Lieutenant." I say.

"He wants you to send Inquisitor Zoncxs to Coruscant to meet with the 501st Peacekeeper Legion. There he'll be breifed on his new mission by Commander Daine Jir. Here's the information with the details he can have at this point." Glitch confirms receipt of the data packet.

"Yes, Lieutenant. We're done here, anyway." I say, my helmet masks my displeasure.

"Really? Well then, we can use your help on Kuat. The Avarice is positioning itself to take the shipyards."

"Of course, Lieutenant. We're on our way."

I comm Zoncxs and tell him to go to to Coruscant to meet with the 501st Peacekeeper Legion.. I have Glitch send the encrypted data via tight beam transmission to avoid interception, containing the information on his contacts, while I keep my own copy.
<It's good to know what my agents are up to...501st?...Interesting. What are you up to Skywalker?>

Then I turn the Wayward Soul onto an exit vector and have Glitch program multiple jumps, the last one ending at Kuat.

Busy, Busy...

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
January 29, 2008 10:18 am #

Dussk had left flying the ship to the astromech he had bought, the little trashcan like droid had been upgraded extensively, and was doing a great job of not getting killed. Dussk was in the top quad-laser turret, firing madly at the aproaching fighters. For some reason they reminded Dussk of moths, very large, deadly moths.  He hit one's wing, and it went spiraling into another and exploding, he hoped something had recorded that.


Xan had abandoned his post to try to repair the hyperdrive, Tho'un decided to give their guest a break, there was a triumphant shout from the engine chamber, and Xan emerged, "Problem solved, should we give the meatbag in the cargohold a break?"  Tho'un thought for a moment. <Let him be for now, take us to Courscant.> Xan stepped off to do so,and moments later, a YT-2550 jumped away, heading to Coruscant

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 29, 2008 4:16 pm #

I wake up but don't open my eyes. I had been sleeping for part of the time it took to get to Gala. It's already been 1 day and alot of this day. It takes two days to make it there.  I reach out with the force sensing what's going on throughout the ship. R2-D4 is playing Dejarik with the machine in the lounge. He's winning. I open my eyes and get up. I get dressed in my regular cloths and go into the hall. From there I go into the lounge. As soon as I walk in he wins.
"Yes!!!!!" he says triumphantly.
"Nice job. Want to play me?" I ask.
"When are we coming out of hyperspace?"
"1 hour."
I activate the dejarik board.
"You go first." R4 says.
"Thanks. I say as I move the Monnok peice.
"You know this started as a Jedi game."  I say.
"You still won't be me." he says as he moves a peice.
  Dejarik is a game of strategy. With it you learn about your self and your opponent.
I move a peice.

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 29, 2008 4:21 pm (Edited January 29, 2008 07:37 pm) #



"Unidentified starship, this is Captain Jornn Vargan of the Vigilance, identify yourself and state your buisness."

"This is Solus Auurin of the Allegiance, I am here to see Gil Rolus about a contract, under request of the Chiss Ascendancy."

"The Chiss eh? This could be interesting. Lieutenant, pull up everything you got on Auurin."

"Yes sir......Eh, It seems he has a mixed history, mostly contracts under the old Empire, they're pretty sketchy...but...You're not gonna like this."

"Why? What is it?"

"All those 'Jobs' were for our good friend, Palpatine."

"Palpatine? Why that Son of a-"

"But Sir, if I may add, he did have some thing to do with one of our last industrial aquisitions..."

"Well, what is it?"

"Ah......Damn. It's restricted acess."

"Did you use my login?"

"Sir, I don't know your login."

"Of course you don't. Move, let me try it......%#<&. His codes are valid, I'm wasting my time."

"Shall I clear him?"

"Yeah, send send the boys in docking his ship's ID, but have them keep a VERY close eye on this one."

"Already done."

"Solus Auurin of the Allegiance, you have been cleared to land. Proceed to docking bay 27, The Tower will give you everything else...Vargan out."

((I hope this is alright v_m, but I'll change it if you want.))

"This IS my signature."
January 29, 2008 7:41 pm (Edited January 29, 2008 09:10 pm) #


Captain Sair Yonka stared out of the viewport as his fleet entered positions around the planet's shipyard rings. He smiled as eight Vindicator-class heavy cruisers and three Immobilizer 418 Interdictor cruisers moved into their designated positions, and a swarm of TIEs, including a few of the new Predator-class variants, filled space between them and the plane Kuat, engaging the Kuat Defense Forces.

"Tell the Black Asp and our other Interdictor's to activate their generators. Inform Captain Uwlla Iillor that no one is allowed out of the system until the shipyards are in Peacekeeper hands."

"Captain, gravity-well generators are online. What of our agents?" the sensors officer asked.

"Open a hailing frequency to... the Blood Hawk, is it? Yes, the Blood Hawk and the Stingray." Captain Yonka said, confirming the identity of the vessel labeled protected by Overlord Skywalker's directive.

"Hailing frequency opened, Captain."

"This is Captain Sair Yonka of the Peacekeeper vessel, Avarice. By authority of The New Imperial Order, you are ordered to clear the vicinity of the Kuat Drive Yards. This sector is now under Peacekeeper Control. Failure to comply will not be looked upon kindly..."

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
January 30, 2008 7:38 am #

Ma'ryk's scanners picked up the Interdictors moments before they hailed him.

"This is Captain Sair Yonka of the Peacekeeper vessel, Avarice. By authority of The New Imperial Order, you are ordered to clear the vicinity of the Kuat Drive Yards. This sector is now under Peacekeeper Control. Failure to comply will not be looked upon kindly..."

Since Skywalker had requested the Mandalorians' for his little assignment, Ma'ryk didn't think that the Interdictors themselves would try anything against himself and Drakus, being under Skywalkers' orders. Breathing deeply, he opened a return channel to the Avarice.

"This is Ma'ryk Panak.  Is there anything we can do to help?"  He sat back, and awaited a reply.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
January 30, 2008 12:32 pm #

I move one of my peices and I win. I smile.
"I win." I say.
  "I got you last time." R4 says.
  This is our second game. He won the first.
"How long until we come outta hyperspace?"
"Right about now actually."
I get up and we start walking for the cockpit. I get into the pilots chair and he gets into his spot. I press a button and we drop out of hyperspace.
"There it is, R4." I say.
"Yeah." he replies.
I bring us into the atmosphere and the comm clicks on.
"Give us your id." a voice says.
I tell him.
"Land in hanger 15." he says and the omm clicks off.
I land The Savior in hangar 15.
"We're here R4." I say.

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 30, 2008 12:49 pm #

Ralin’s head turned as he heard Ma’ryk respond to the Peacekeeper captain with ”This is Ma’ryk Panak.  Is there anything we can do to help?”

[i]Why are you asking them that??  These are our clients..........not our vode.  Who cares whether or not they need our help?  But then I haven’t seen the datapad regarding our mission yet; perhaps there is a connection.

Passing the scattered debris of a Kuat Defenses Force starfighter that had been closely chasing the ship marked ‘Phantom’s Shadow’ on it’s transponder code, Ralin grinned behind his T-visor slightly. Didn’t receive the recall order in time?  Or just thought your shields would hold me off long enough to rack up a kill?  Guess you learned the hard way mass-drivers don’t care how good your shields are.

Moving up alongside the ‘Phantom’s Shadow,’ Ralin narrowed his eyes on his back sensors as the Trando’s ship moved up behind him.

“I am Ralin Drakus”he said into his comm unit.  “I mean neither of you harm.  But if you come any closer to my aft section, Trandoshan, and I’ll make an exception for you.[/i]

The Trando’s ship held position for a moment, it’s weapons still armed.  But then the Hawk’s sensors detected some comm activity between the two vessels, and the ship with the transponder mark of ‘Serpent’s Blood’ veered off and moved to the ‘Phantom’s opposite wing.

Easing off this controls, Ralin opened his comm again.  “Why did you join us in the ‘exchange’ with the security forces below?  And what are your intentions now?”

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
January 30, 2008 2:15 pm #

Cabur saw the two ships, one on her wing, while the other hung behind Phantom's Shadow.  The Trandoshan's ship registered up as Serpent's Blood, while the mando's ship showed Hawk's Blood.  She heard the man named Ralin Drakus speak over the comm, while the trando hung back, ready to attack the new ship if he had to. 

Maybe he really is serious about this whole life debt thing, she thought to herself.  She had two options now, talk to the Mando, or talk to the Trandoshan. 

She made a quick decision, opening her comm link to talk to the Trando first, she would come back to the Mando in a minute. 

"My name is Cabur, I'm a Mandolorian bounty hunter,"  she told the Trando.  "You said something about a life debt earlier, my line of work is dangerous, and I have no wish to put you in harms way.  I respect your choice either way."

Cabur waited for a response as Serpent's Blood pulled up along Phantom's other wing.

jet pack & rocket launcher-800 credits, mandolorian armor-5,000 credits, being the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy-priceless. brought to you by JediMaster Card
January 30, 2008 2:26 pm (Edited January 30, 2008 02:28 pm) #

Dussk knew what he would do, the mandalorian had hauled him from the wrekage of the truck and the speeder in the middle of a firefight, this was not something that was to be taken lightly. He had to offer the life-debt, it was how he worked. He did, despite what others said, have a small sense of honor, and now, that bound him to protect this mandalorian. He had heard what they thought of force users though, so he would just work harder to keep his abilities secret. "You may call me Dussk. My line of work is dangerous also, death does not make me fearfull. I am yours to command, and I will die if you see fit, Grakhowsk"

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 30, 2008 2:40 pm (Edited January 30, 2008 03:54 pm) #

Cabur finished listening to the Trando's message, or as she should now call him, Dussk.  The last word caused her some confusion, she might have to look that up. 

"Hopefully we'll all make it out alive," she responded to Dussk.  Now to contact this Drakus person.

"Ralin Drakus, I recieved your message.  I am Cabur.  I am a Mandolorian bounty hunter," she said.  "I saw you in need of some assistance back there on Kuat, and was glad for an opportunity to help a fellow Mandolorian.  Me and my partner Dussk's intentions are the same of those of every bounty hunter.  We are looking for work, possibly with Skywalker, if he can afford us." 

She finished up the comm, she had put emphasis on the last words, grinning to herself.  She had left the comm unit open so that Dussk could hear too, making sure that he knew what her intentions were as well.  Now all she had to do was wait and see how the other Mando took her response.

jet pack & rocket launcher-800 credits, mandolorian armor-5,000 credits, being the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy-priceless. brought to you by JediMaster Card
January 30, 2008 4:01 pm (Edited January 30, 2008 05:04 pm) #

Tho'un watched as the ship docked with the Overlord's Shadow. He stepped from the ship, looking at one of the officers. "You there! Unload the prisioner, and inform the overlord." The officer snapped to attention "Yes sir! Right away sir!" he said, calling a group of peacekeepers over. Tho'un didnt think he needed to check in, Skywalker would be busy, and he wanted to see the city.

He had secured himself a transport, and now was sitting behind the wheel a black speederbike. He watched the blur of lights pass him, the signs reflected on his helmet's visor. He saw, in the distance, the ruined jedi temple. He decided to turn, the speederbike touching down on the old dock. He stepped off, and entered the ruin, relishing the feeling of darkness that was alive here.


Xan had also decided to see the city, and he was soon on a speeder bike simmaler toe Tho'un's. He decided he would simply wander the streets


Dussk placed a scaley foot on one of a clear area of the command console infront of him, leaving his astromech to keep them with the other ships. He reclined in his seat, pulling a small box from his vest's pocket. Smoking wasn't his most healthy habit, but considering the recent turn of events there was no way in hell he would die of old age. His astromech beeped in protest as it always seemed to but he ignored it. He needed to think

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 30, 2008 5:23 pm (Edited January 30, 2008 05:48 pm) #


R8 and I  walk into the hangar.
"I'm sorry but Skywalker isn't here right now." a officer that walks up to me says.
"We'll tell him to get here!" I say.
"I can't."
"Well then tell him the pays double if he wants to hire me!"
We walk into The Silent Killer. We go to the cockpit, I get into the pilot's chair, and R8 gets into his space. I start the Silent Killer. I bring her out of The overlords Shadow and get out of the fleet. I land her.
"Let's go for a walk." I say.
We leave and go for a walk. A little while later some thug comes out of the alley.
"My boss wants to see you." he says.
"Who?" I ask.
"Bodon the Hutt." he replies.
"Ok. Come on R8  we might get a job."
We follow this thug to some building where he brings us to a hutt.
"What do you want?" I ask.
"I want you to capture a guy named Aegob. He's a jedi and he stoped my thugs when they were trying to collect a debt from a person who didn't have money. He's flys a Deepwater-class light freighter named The Savior. So i want him captured. Remember CAPTURED." he tells me.
"Ok." I say and leave.
"Come on R8 we need to make a stop really quick. You remember Ro don't you? If he doesn't have something to take down a jedi, nobody does." I say when we are out of there.
"Ok let's go." R8 says and we walk in the direction of his shop.
Ro has a twin brother named Rom who's a information broker. Rom will be able to find out where this Aegob is.

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 30, 2008 6:46 pm #

Tanis, Shiv and Kirah were now aboard an air taxi and speeding through the concrete jungle of Coruscant. Tanis couldn't help but continue staring at the Jedi Temple.

Kirah had declared that she was tired and hadn't had some good rest in a while. Shiv had agreed with that and they decided to go to a hotel. They were enroute to one now.

The air taxi climbed higher through the buildings and they finally reached a hotel the driver recommended. They docked and Shiv and Kirah exited the cab.

<Tanis, whats wrong? Let's go.>

"Nothing, i'm just going to go get something to eat for us." Tanis said and gave him a concerned look. Shiv understood, Tanis was off for some reconnasance. Shiv nodded and hoped he wouldn't get himself killed.

Tanis closed the door to the airtaxi and the cab sped off.

"I know a good place near here, what you in the mood for?" The driver asked.

"Keep going down this lane. I'll find something here." Tanis answered. They continued until they came as close to the Jedi Temple as possible. He couldn't just ask the driver to leave him at the temple, he didn't have clearance. Tanis asked to stop at one random food store and he payed the driver.

Tanis walked onto the dock and watched the taxi disappear into the city. He then made his way through the building all the way to the ground floor. As he exited the main door he sensed someone coming and then a hand clamped over his shoulder. Tanis' hand twitched to his lightsaber, but held himself.

"Sir, do you know where you're going? It's extremely dangerous out there on the ground floor of Coruscant." The security guard said as Tanis turned to see him.

"Yes, I am quite aware. Don't worry though, I can handle myself." Tanis said and smiled. The guard cocked an eyebrow and walked away, muttering something about crazy tourists.

Tanis walked out of the door and into the dimly lit ground floor of Coruscant and began making his way to the Jedi Temple.


After some time navigating through the filth ridden alleys and streets of the ground level, Tanis came to a narrow passage that led to a sewer entrance. He would use the sewar to get into the temple, as there was surely guards posted at the ground entrance.

Tanis walked down the path and to the duct that would lead to the sewers. His Force sense however, told him something was wrong.

Two doors on either side of Tanis hissed open and dark figures rushed out of each door and surrounded him. Bandits. Some were Trandoshans, others humans. They were obviously working for someone greater, humans and Trandoshans wouldn't mix easily...

"Credits. Now." One human said. They all had blasters pointed at him. Tanis looked around. He was completely surrounded.

He sent a Force surge outward on all sides and sent the bandits flying through the alley and slamming against the walls. The ones that slammed against the walls next to him were the first to recover and they began firing. Tanis' dark emerald blade was out in the blink of an eye. He reflected two shots back a the shooters and sliced another in half. He then force pushed another into the 2 that had flown through the alley and they all collapsed unconscious. The last two men looked at the state of their group and ran in fear.

Tanis deactivated his lightsaber and tucked into his robes and on his belt once more and walked to the sewer duct. He cut through the grate with his lightsaber and jumped down into the muck.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
January 30, 2008 10:11 pm #

Ralin smirked; both at the youth’s brashness and at her assumption that he or Ma’ryk needed ‘help.’  He couldn’t question her bravery, though; her’s or the Trando’s.  They had stood up to some intense fire, for no reason other then to assist him................even if it wasn’t asked for OR needed he thought to himself.

Thinking the situation over for a moment, Ralin switched his comm back on.  “I don’t know you, and therefore don’t trust you...............yet.  I respect the bravery and honor you both showed in battle, and accept you into our team.  My vod and myself have a waiting contract with Skywalker, and I invite you to join in it.”  Ralin kept his voice even and icy cold.  “But it is with the clear understanding that you both are subordinate to myself and Ma’ryk.  It is OUR contract, and you have been invited in it.  If this is acceptable, I welcome you.  If not, then be on your way.”

“What say you?”

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
January 31, 2008 5:06 am #

Dussk tought it would be smart to accept the offer. He oppend a channel to Cabur. "His offer is good. I would rather have these two as allies then enimies. But, it is not my choice."

(sorry for the shortness, gota run.)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 31, 2008 9:49 am (Edited January 31, 2008 10:06 am) #


"You're late, Auurin." A scruffy looking old Corellian said as Solus disembarked from the Allegiance. "And what the frell is that thing?"

Solus Auurin couldn't help smiling behind his t-visored helmet. He glanced behind him at his new pride and joy.

"Recent accquisition of mine."

"The Ascendency let you keep it?" Rolus asked.

"The Ascendency, no. You know how Thrawn is, though."

Gil Rolus let loose a hearty laugh, "Yup, sounds like our Thrawn. Guys been doing that to them as long as I've known him. You know that's a long time." Solus smiled. He knew that Rolus and he were two of only a small handful, maybe the only two, non- Chiss who ever knew Thrawn that intimately. He also knew that Rolus was only an alias.

"So, I hear you're setting me up with the Alliance contract." Solus said.

"Yup, and they've got a job for you already." Gil Rolus smiled.

"Okay, what is it?" Solus asked.

"Extraction. The Alliance got word of a Peacekeeper strike against KDY." Gil went serious instantly, his face was all business.

"I thought the Imps already had KDY."

"The Imps did. The New Imperial Order is trying to reclaim the yards shortly after Kuat declared themselves independant again. But that's's your target." Gil Rolus handed him a datapad.

Solus Auurin looked at it, and smiled, "Piece of cake."

Gil Rolus gave him a look of warning, "Don't underestimate Kuat of Kuat. He hasn't survived as head of KDY this long by being an easy target. Be careful."

"Thanks, Gil." With that said, Solus Aurrin stepped back into the cockpit of The Allegiance and set out for the Kuat Drive Yards, mission in hand.

(*Lemme know if you think I should edit, Rev...)
_____________________________________________________________________________________________PEACEKEEPER FLEET LED BY CAPTAIN SAIR YONKA OF THE STAR DESTROYER AVARICE, PLANET KUAT.

Captain Yonka surveyed the battle out in space around Kuat. His Predator-Class starfighters were making quick work of KDY's defense forces. He'd expected more from them. He couldn't help feeling that something was missing, though. Skywalker's agents had yet to clearly inform him of their intention to leave. Apparently they were flying alongside another pair of ships amid the chaos of battle. He knew it wouldn't be long before they'd be forced into the fight themselves. He knew they had been given a small window of opportunity to reach their contact for whatever data exchange had transpired, but the success of this battle depended on swift surprise. Their delay was costing him precious time. Time that KDY was using to amass their own-

"Captain, KDY has mobilized their fleet on the farside of the planet. Starfighters moving in on our Interdictors."

Captain Yonka swore. "Mobilize to intercept. Those Interdictors must hold".

This was going to get ugly fast.

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
January 31, 2008 11:11 am #

Cabur thought over the offer, and Dussk's own words.  The offer was good, and it would definitely help her to get more experience with other hunters.

She opened the comm link, "My partner and I accept your offer, and your authority.  We wait for your lead now," she finished.  She wondered fleetingly how much trouble she was getting herself into, but let the thought pass.

jet pack & rocket launcher-800 credits, mandolorian armor-5,000 credits, being the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy-priceless. brought to you by JediMaster Card
January 31, 2008 4:21 pm #

Dussk almost laughed at how the Mandalorian refered to him, though he could not think of a better way to classify himself. He continued to watch the stars spin outside his ship, and wondered what he would have said if he had been told he would owe a mandalorian a life-debt.


Tho'un stepped into the ruined achives and felt the history of the place, the darkness that was held here due to Lord Vader and his legion's deeds here. He wondered how mere soldiers could bring the seemingly invincible jedi of old to their knees. In the old times they were heros, mighty warriors that stood for peace and justice. <<It seems times have changed.>> Tho'un said, his translator disengaged.


Xan sepped through the streets, enjoying himself immensly.  There was somehting about the city that made him want to shut down his logic core, and sprint around wildly, Or go on a killing spree he thought. In the distance he thought he saw the man he had fought, there was a wookie and a girl with him. Odd.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 31, 2008 4:23 pm #

          I walk into Ro's shop. He sells weapons and poisons.  I walk up to the counter.
     "Got anything that can capture a jedi?"  I ask.
  "Well i'd advise hitting him with a stun bolt but other than that not much. I do have something that would knock him out long enough to get him where ever you want to get him to." He reaches under the counter and pulls out a vial. "I also have something to stop his force powers." he pulls out another vial."The first one would kill but it won't kill him because of his jedi poison resistance technicques. The other one will make it extremely hard to concentrate so he won't be able to use the force." he says.
"I'll take it" I pull out some credits and put them on the table. He takes them and hands me the vials. "Now where is Rom?"
"Wanna find that jedi do you? ROM RAEO WANTS SOME INFORMATION!!!!!!!!!!!!" he yells.
A door behind him opens up and Rom walks out. If anyone knows where this Aegob is it's Rom.
  "What do you need?" he asks.
  "I want to know where the ship The Savior is." I say, put some credits on the table, and he takes them.
He pulls out a comlink, calls someone, talks into it, and someone talks back.
"He's on Gala. It's docked in the capital city of Galu."
"Thanks." I say and go back to the Silent Killer.
R8 and I take off and jump to hyperspace, heading to Gala.

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 31, 2008 4:25 pm #

Shiv stood with Kirah at his side.  He watched as Tanis left.  Turning he saw an odd sight.  It was a magna-guard.  In fact it was the same one that had attacked the base. 

<Don't look now Kirah.  But someone is tailing us.>


<The same droid that attacked us at the base.  I suggest we keep walking.  It's best to stay in the crowds.  I don't know how well it would be received if I drew a lightsaber.>

Shiv and Kirah continued down the bustling streets of Coruscant.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 31, 2008 4:37 pm #

Xan followed them, he didnt mind having a bit of a fight with the wookie, Skywalker might appreciate more prisoners. Xan pulled the staff from his back and activated it, the civilians around him turning and running. He sprinted and leapt at the wookie, who quickly moved and pushed the girl away.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 1, 2008 10:21 am #

(For reference Shiv focused on Form Djem So, so it is his most prominent as he uses his strength, but he has dabbled in Form III.)

Shiv brought his lightsaber up to meet the staff a hair breadths away from his head.  He shoved the weapon back and came at the Magnaguard.  The magnaguard deflected those and switched to the offensive.  Shiv backed up against the wall defending both sides.  Realizing his err, Shiv finally gave himself to the Force.  Using his wookiee strength he managed to beat the magnaguard back.  But the magnaguard played it smart.  It found an opening and gave Shiv a nasty shock.  Shiv grunted, the only reason he managed to stay up was because of him being a wookiee.  He used the Force to Push the magnaguard across the street.  Shiv following his Djem So training he charged after the magnaguard lightsaber twirling.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
February 1, 2008 12:09 pm #

Xan blocked a strike. The wookiee was skilled, it atacked again and again, forcing Xan to defend. Xan found himself in another lock with the wookiee, and borught his knee up. Hard. The wookiee almost doubled over, slightly stunned, and Xan sup, brining on side of his elsectrostaff up to smack the wookiee in the side of the head. The wookiee raised his saber, blocking the strike, but what was important was that Xan was on the offensive now.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 1, 2008 12:26 pm #

Shiv waws stumbling back.  Form V wasn't quite working.  He switch to Form III and began clumsily blocking attacks.  He Force pushed the magnaguard away but it twisted in midair and was on it's feet when he hit the ground.  It gave Shiv no time to switch to the offensive and he was beat back.  The magnaguard was coming in strike after strike and Shiv could only managed to beat them away.  Finally Shiv decided to make the switch.  He came at the magnaguard with a vicious overhead slash but he ducked it and smashed Shiv on the side then brought it down on Shiv's head knocking him out.  The magnaguard was about to deliver the killing blow when a cry broke his focus.

"Shiv!"  Kirah had a blaster pistol in her hand.  She fired two shots.  One hit the robot's leg and the other missed.  He was at slapping her with the electrostaff before she could fire another shot.  If the magnaguard had emotions he would be pleased.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
February 2, 2008 12:19 am #

Xan grabbed the unconcious girl, she must have been the Kirah that Tho'un had mentioned. He hauled her off, he coulden't take the wookie with him. Soon enough he got to the more crowded area, and he was reciveing odd stares. "Peacekeeper buisines, stand aside." He eventualy managed to get a shuttle, and headed to the Overlords Shadow.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 4, 2008 1:35 pm #

The smell was, as predicted, unbearable.

Tanis breathed through the lining of his robes yet to no avail. The stench was sickening. After a journey through the disgusting sewers and a few skirmishes with various hideous creatures, Tanis had come upon the ladder leading upward that he assumed would lead to the basement level under the Jedi Temple.

His predictions had proved correct. As he climbed up the slimy ladder and lifted the rusty lid a burst of fresh air exploded into his lungs and Tanis breathed deeply. He hoisted himself up and closed the lid to stop the smell from penetrating any further into the hallowed temple.

Tanis looked around at the basement he had just entered. It was a giant warehouse of crates and supplies. Yet anything vital or valuable was pilfered long ago. He could see relatively well from the light coming through the staircase at the other end of the basement. He headed there and rose upward, and into the ruined temple of his brethren.

As Tanis came into the light, he saw that its source was from the many windows and open alcoves that released Coruscant's light through the temple. It was beautiful, even still in its unkept and decrepid state. It must have been quite the sight to behold as hundreds of great and noble Jedi passed through these halls once.

Yet, amidst the flawed beauty, there was a great sense of sadness and despair. The matter by which this temple was taken...was horrible. Betrayl and murder had run rampant in these halls and corridors during the last moments of the Jedi Temple...and it had left ints mark.

Scorches from blaster fire and lightsaber cuts peppered the hallways. Shattered glass, plaster and decorations littered the floors. An unnatural chill wind wafted through the holes in the walls and craters in the floors. The manner by which Darth Vader had taken the temple had scarred it deeply.

Tanis felt an unbearable chill slowly creep through his spine. A distant scream echoed from a hallway to his left as he walked through the temple. He looked down the corridor, yet it only led to darkness, as there were no windows or holes to allow light to seep through. Tanis did not call out, for he felt no presence down the hallway...only death.

Tanis continued and finally came to the great hall. A pale light illuminated much of the hall, yet it was still shrouded in darkness. Amidst the random cries and voices, his footsteps burst through the empty great hall. Tanis wanted to go to the top floors, yet the turbolifts were in disuse. He turned to the grand stairs and prepared for the long trek upward, yet was greeted by a ghastly sight.

The dark form of a figure in a cloak stood in the center of the staircase. His red eyes the only visible feature through the unnatural darkness.

"Vader..." Tanis whispered so quietly, he barely heard it himself. The ghostly image of Darth Vader sank into the darkness and disappeared as Tanis walked up the first steps of the staircase. His red eyes never leaving Tanis' as he disappeared. Tanis continued passed the faded Force ghost up the staircase and into the darkness of the Jedi Temple beyond...

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
February 4, 2008 5:42 pm #

I bring the silent killer over the hangars and in one I see a deepwater class light freighter. I land her next to it. I go outside and hide in the shadow of the wall.
R4 and I are in the lounge. We had just finished a game of dejarik. I sense a freightor land and someone come out and hide.  I sensethe person has a agressive intent but not agresive to kill me enough to attack but not to kill. I get up and move toward the direction of the landing ramp. R4 moves halfway to me.
"What is it?" he asks.
"A visitor and I sense he wants to attack. I'll handle it." I reply.
I go to the landing ramp and out it. I don't turn toward where I know the attacker is. I sense a warning through the force and lean forward. A bolt barely  misses my head.  I look at my attacker. It's a Mandalorian with two westar pistols. He fires again and keeps up a steady stream of fire. I reach out to the force and use it to deflect every bolt he fires. After a while he switchs one of his blasters to stun. He fires 5 bolt with one and fires a stun bolt right after the fifth. I jump away, he anticipates where i'm going to land and sends a stun bolt there. It hits me before i even touch the ground, and I falls the rest of the way. I hit the ground. Everything goes black.
"That all you got jedi? I expected more." I taunt his unconscious body.
I don't expect him to reply. I know he can't hear me.
I holster my blasters and move over to his body. I look at it in disgust. I flip him over and make him drink the poison that will keep him unconsious for a while. I then move to his ship and go into it. On my way to his cockpit I move into his lounge. There's a R2 droid standing there.
"Who are-" he trys to say and that surprise me that it can talk in basic.
It can't finish that sentence for I lunge at him. He tries to roll back but i'm to fast for him. I grab him and shut him off. I search the ship and after I don't find anyone I leave. I shut the hatch on my way out. I grab the jedis body and go back to the Silent Killer. I take away all his weapons and put them in a locker. I put his body on a bunk. I notice that he is thrashing around.
{i] Must be the poison [i] I think.
  I go into the cockpit and start my ship.
"Get his ship in the tractor beam. We'll haul her to Coruscant and maybe Ro will pay extra for her." I tell R8.
"Ok" he replies.
I bring her off the floor and when his ship is caught in the tractor beam, I bring us into space and as soon as I can I go into hyperspace heading for Coruscant.

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
February 4, 2008 7:31 pm #

Tho'un felt some one here. It wasnt that hard considering how old the echoes were, they were weak, and quiet. But there was a beacon of life. Perhaps a teenager on a sort of dare? No, the temple was under lockdown. Tho'un sought it out. He wandered towards it, slowly making his way there, lightsaber in hand. He found himself in the archives, and saw a robed figure pass the doors. He rushed after it, and it turned. A woman, in the robes of a jedi. Simply an echo in the force, a manifestation of the life that once florished here. He stepped away, the feeling was still there, but weaker. He decided to go to the council chambers, where Windu and the other heads of the Order had one met, and take their power.


Kharn's head hung, watching the cold bare floor. He was restrained, his arms held back and upwards by a stasis field. He was in a large room, there was a transparisteel barrier, dividing the room in half. The door on the other side opend, and he looked up quickly. The droid stepped in, pulling someone after him. He shoved his captive, and she stumbled, tripping overherself and falling to the floor. Kharn could hear her sobbing. She was hurt, he could sense the fear and pain radiating from her dispite the countermeasures that had been instaled. Why did he feel like he knew her? After a long time she had calmed down, yet she still huddled in the corner, hiding her face. Her arms were bruised, there was a cut that looked like it was just begining to heal on her left forearm. Even later still it seemed she had fallen asleep, she was still huddled in the far corner, having not looked up to the best of Kharn's knowledge. She shifted slightly, and Kharn finally saw her face. She was Kirah. He started to yell, desperate to get her attention. Of course, she couldent hear him, the microphones on his side were disabled as of now. He could hear, but he was esentialy mute. He strained against the stasis field that held his arms and legs. Why was she here? She would have been with Tanis and Shiv. They should have stayed at the base, they should have kept her safe.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 5, 2008 1:48 am #

*Sorry for the dely on this post.  My own RPG, trouble confirming my next move, and lack of time in general have been a problem.*

cloneapart wrote:

"My partner and I accept your offer, and your authority.  We wait for your lead now,"

Ralin nodded his head. She sounds young and inexperienced....................but confident in her abilities; and has proved she has skill.  She and the Trando should be useful. “Very well, then.  Follow me.”  Flipping off the comm switch, Ralin turned the Blood Hawk toward Ma’ryk’s ship.

As they closed in or Ma’ryk, Ralin could hear his vod over the comm again..............

“Peacekeeper fleet; I repeat.  Is there anything we can do to assist??”

There you go asking them that again............ Ralin grimaced.


Bridge of the Peacekeeper Star Destroyer Avarice

“Captain!” one of the communications officers yelled.  “One of Lord Skywalker’s agents is asking if they might be of assistance.” 

Captain Yonka thought for a moment. Yes................... they might be.  Would make up for their interfering with the diplomatic situation I was working on, as well. “Open a channel to them” he ordered.

“Yes sir!”

“This is Captain Yonka of the Star Destroyer Avarice.  Your offer of assistance has been received and accepted.  Your service shall be compensat......”

“Just one minute” came a voice over the comm.

Yonka hated to be interrupted..............  “WHO is this??”

”This is still Ma’ryk Panak.  Before you outline what YOU will give US, you should know that our service comes at OUR price..............not yours.  We require 70,000 credits in lump sum, half now, half on completion of the contract.”

Arrogant son-of-a............... Yonka was angery, but remembered that these were agents of Lord Skywalker.  Still, he didn’t have to take this.  “Very well.  We do NOT.............”

“Captain!” a communications officer yelled again.

“WHAT!?!” Yonka snapped. 

“High Inquisitor Starjammer is hailing us on a long distance band.”

Yonka muttered a curse under his breath.  “Standby” he said into the comm, which was still set for the agents.  “I will have instructions for you shortly.”  With a nod to his communications staff, the comm frequency was killed, and a holo image of Starjammer sitting at the controls of his vessel appeared.  “How may I assist you, High Inquisitor?”

”I am about to make my final jump into the Kuat sector.  What is the situation?” 

“Everything is under control.  Our fighters have made short work of their outer patrols, and we are preparing to engage their fleet now.”

”Excellent.  I will be there in a few hours. Tell me, are the Mandalorian agents still there?”

“Yes my Lord, but........”

”Good.  Tell them to wait for my arrival.  Lord Skywalker has authorized me to make use of their services before their first mission for him.”

“But my Lord, they are asking an OUTRAGEOUS fee!  I was about to send them on their way.”

”Captain, I have just reviewed the recorded images your forces intercepted from the Kuat security holos.  These agents are not your typical blaster-for-hire.  Pay them what they wish.  I shall arrive soon.  Starjammer out.” 

“Very well sir” Yonka said to the blank holo projector. *sigh*  “Bring them back up” he said to the comm officer


”What did you think of my offer? asked Ma’ryk over a secure comm channel.  Even over the voice link, it was obvious that he was grinning from ear to ear. 

“You had me worried for a minute, Vod.  All that ‘can we help’ talk had me wondering if you were going into charity work.  Good negotiation.  Especially the ‘half now, half on completion’ part.  I do all my contracts in that method.”

”Yeah, well, I figured since we have a contract in the bag with Skywalker, why not go for a killing here.  My share of 70,000 would be a great bonus.”

”This is Captain Yonka.  Your terms have been accepted.  Standby.  There is someone who wishes to see to your mission personally; he will arrive soon.  Details of your contract will be worked out then.

Acknowledged replied Ma’ryk. 

“Lets move in closer to the Star Destroyers while we wait.  The KDY fleet is forming up.  Don’t want to take them all on before getting paid” Ralin said to his three partners with some humor.

Flying in tight formation, the four starships moved in closer to the Peacekeeper fleet.

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
February 5, 2008 7:45 am #

Ma'ryk couldn't help his grin.  He had had Drakus worried for a while.  ANd the look on the commander's face...ah, well, what was the point of being a deadly mercenary if you couldn't have a little bit of fun in the meantime?  He adjusted the Stingray's course, and stuck close to teh Peacekeeper fleet, hoping that their transponder codes and signatures would completely overwrite his own for enemy scanners, rendering him practically invisible.  When they moved, he would as well.  And when they finished whatever was going on, he and his vod would walk away slightly was good.  Real good.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
February 5, 2008 12:01 pm #

Cabur grinned slightly at the last of Drakus's words.  They were both in agreement now, that she and Dussk could come along with them.  She kept pace with the other ships, wondering how this mission was going to turn out. 

(sorry for shortness, I'll adjust if needed)

jet pack & rocket launcher-800 credits, mandolorian armor-5,000 credits, being the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy-priceless. brought to you by JediMaster Card
February 5, 2008 5:56 pm #

Dussk watched as the Serpent's Blood turned with the other ships, due to his astromech. He put out the cigarette, and watched the other ships. He wondered how the mandalorians would react when they learned of his abilities.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 5, 2008 8:20 pm (Edited February 5, 2008 09:01 pm) #

(Alright ladies and gentlemen, prepare for the first ever Interactive RPG Post. Just follow the instructions when they appear.)

The journey through the ruined temple was inspiring. Tanis was amazed that this massive complez once housed hundreds of his kind. Force users, weak and strong, all striving to uphold truth and justice through out the galaxy. Now, this ruined temple and a handful of scattered Jedi were all that remained of the noble order.

The apparitions and distant screams hadn't stopped. Around every other corner and down every other hallway a chill wind blew, and with it came the sounds of the innocents who died here as a result of Darth Vader's hate.

Tanis had finally reached the topmost level after he passed through the archives, which had nothing left. He hoped to perhaps find a holocron or some sort of information about his past brethren, yet all was destroyed. So, Tanis left the archives empty handed and headed to the topmost level.

As he cleared the stairs he came to an anti-chamber. It looked as if it was once a pleasant room desighned as a waiting area for people meeting with the council. Tanis did not admire it long and continued through the ornate doors and into the Council Chamber. Yet as his hands closed over the door handle, he felt it.

A Force presence. A strong one at that. Tanis brought out his lightsaber, yet did not ignite it. He slowly opened the doors, lightsaber in hand.

(Ok pay attention here people. Read this before you click on the link. After you click on the link, dont bother watching the video its nothin you haven't seen before. Just wait for it to load then continue reading the post...and slow...kinda. and ignore dialogue )

The doors slid open and stopped against the walls. A man in armor stood in the center of the Council Chamber, red lightsaber in hand. It was the Sith who kidnapped Kharn. Convenient...

Tanis ignited his green lightsaber and adopted a dueling stance. No words were said, none needed to be said. The armored figure Force sped at Tanis and Tanis deflected the first blow, yet the inertia almost sent him back through the door. He recovered and the armored figure continued the attack.

Tanis backed through the the Council Chamber and past the old seats where the greatest Jedi Masters once sat. The armored figure attacked furiously, as was typical with Sith's. Yet it was controlled choas, he moved with grace. Tanis started off with Niman form.

The lightsabers swirled and spun through the air and the constant buzzing echoed through the empty temple. Every time Tanis would attempt to take the offensive, the Sith would immediatly adopt a quick defensive stance and force Tanis into defense again. So, Tanis swithced to Djem So and the tide changed somewhat. It was more even.

Tanis gained an offensive and began attacking wildly, or so it seemed. He swung his lightsaber every which way and the green of his blade could be seen swirling through the air crazily. The Sith began a defensive mode to quickly block each strike as they came. He looked for an opening but Tanis wouldn't allow it.

The pair paced around the Council Chamber and the Sith gained an opprtunity to stop Tanis' onslaught. He tossed one of the counsil chairs with the force and Tanis had to stop to push the chair away with his own Force push and it fly through the chamber and slammed against a wall.

The Sith seized this moment and began his offensive again. Tanis, however, was expecting this and used Niman for a moment for defense and changed back to Djem So to gain some offensive opportunities.

Tanis attempted to stab the armored figure yet he side stepped and smacked the green blade away with his own red one. Tanis spun around quickly and blocked a side slash from the Sith and an underhanded strike afterwards. Tanis swung his lightsaber upward to decapitate his foe yet he ducked and swung at Tanis' legs.

Tanis jumped as the red blade passed under his legs. They came face to face once more and Tanis Force pushed the Sith and he flew backward while doing a back flip. He landed on his knee and raised himself up and Tanis flew downward with a powerful overhand strike. The Sith blocked the strike just in time and Force pushed Tanis as well.

Tanis flew backward yet cushioned his fall with the Force and landed on his feet. The Sith, however, was in his face in a split second and Tanis adopted Djem So once more.

The Sith went for a high strike and Tanis block it and swung his lightsaber under the Sith's guard quickly with an attempt to cut him in half yet the Sith recoiled and kicked Tanis in the chest. Tanis staggered a few steps back yet gained his footing as the Sith charged him and they locked sabers. The blades fluctuated and the electrical hum of the lightsabers buzzed loudly. Tanis clenched his teeth and stared into the faceless helmet that covered his foes face.

(To be continued)

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
February 5, 2008 8:50 pm #

((WOW!  Hands down the best post I have ever seen.  What an amazing soundtrack.  The timing was eerie.  When you fisrst had him Pushed against the wall you hear a grunt.  Pure genius Val.  Wow.  That gets me pumped.  That post should go down in BFFC history!))

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
February 6, 2008 9:08 am (Edited February 6, 2008 09:21 am) #

((Crazy awesome Val, :D:D:D going to post, hope I dont mess up your plans))

Tho'un brought his blade down and swung at the Jedi. The Jedi ducked, and Tho'un's blade hit the transparisteel window, causing the glass to shatter. The Jedi swung at Tho'un's legs and he quickly changed the angle of his lightsaber, and blocked the strike.

Tho'un struck at the Jedi, the quick strike sending the Jedi's blade up and away. The blade died as it left the Jedi's hand and it hit the durasteel partition in between the windows. The jedi tripped over something and fell to the ground.  Tho'un stood over the helpless Jedi, lightsaber held in a reverse grip, the blade pointing downward. He slammed the blade down, but the Jedi rolled and jumped to his feet pulling his lightsaber to him with the force, and igniting  the blade. 

"Impressive, most impressive."

The Jedi launched himself at Tho'un striking with quick powerful blows. Tho'un suddenly found himself on the defensive blocking the quick strong strikes sent at him by the Jedi. The Jedi lunged, and, seizing his opening Tho'un sidestepped and spun, bringing his blade around at the Jedi's open side. The Jedi angled his saber downward as he spun, their lightsabers meeting with a crackle of energy. Tho'un pushed the Jedi back, but the Jedi managed to plant his feet on one of the partitions and kick off, using the force to launch himself at Tho'un.

Tho'un sidestepped and raised his saber, using the momentum from the impact of the Jedi's strike to spin himself around and rush at the Jedi. He raised his saber and brought it down, the Jedi locking sabers with Tho'un once again.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 6, 2008 10:51 am #

Shiv lazily woke up.  And Kirah was gone.  That was twice he'd been humiliated.  There was just some annoying kids poking him.

"Look mommy!  A teddy bear!  And he's big."  The kid kicked Shiv who bared his teeth.  The kid went screaming to his mother who ran away in fear.  Shiv summoned his lightsaber to his hand and clipped it on his belt.  He opened his mind and felt Tanis.  And he was furiously fighting for his life.  Shiv tried to pinpoint the location.  The Jedi Temple.  Shiv had spent a lot of his younger days wandering the halls.  He made his way to the undercity.  One creeper came around the corner and pulled out a blaster but turn tail and ran when Shiv let out a roar.  Using the Force to augment his speed he sprinted off in the direction from the temple.  So much hurt and pain was left here.  Shiv slowed and made his way up the steps.  Dead silence.  Some of his friends had died here.

And then Shiv heard it.  Clashing of lighsabers.  Tanis was here.  Shiv made his way into the temple following the Force Presense of Tanis and the other evil being.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
February 6, 2008 5:21 pm #

Tho'un spun around the Jedi, attempting to cut him in two. The Jedi expertly blocked the strike, and pushed himself off. Tho'un easily jumped over the slash, and kicked the Jedi back. The Jedi flew back through the door. But the door hadn't been open before.

There was a roar. A wookiee barreled through the door, lightsaber in its hand, it attacked fiercely, but without a style. Tho'un easily blocked its strikes spinning inside it's guard and slamming his elbow into it's face three times.

The Jedi had apparently dived over them, and landed in front of them Saber ready. Tho'un blocked a strike, moving around  him.  The wookiee and Jedi attacked at the same time, but the wookiee was not trained in lightsaber combat well, and his attack faltered leaving the Jedi open for attack. Tho'un used this advantage, slashing at the Jedi's side. The Jedi dodged the strike but did not avoid it completely. The blood red blade of Tho'un's saber cut through the Jedi's robes, but did no significant damage to the man underneath.

The wookiee struck again, and the Jedi disarmed Tho'un and pushed him back, through the broken window. Tho'un grabbed the ledge. Pulling himself up with the force he launched himself over the two, landing behind them and pulling his lightsaber to his hand, the red blade jumping from the hilt.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
February 6, 2008 6:15 pm #


Age: 21
Species: Rodian
Occupation: Smuggler
Loyalties: To himself, and the people he smuggles for, as long as and
until he's paid for the job.
Armor: Blast vest
Appearance: 4'6" Blue skin, spacers
Personality: Excited about life as a smuggler, Ano'rkh went all out and
borrowed massive amounts of money from Jabba the Hutt to outfit his
ship just like his idol, Han Solo. After the modifications were done, it
seemed like Ano'rkh would spend the rest of his life working off his
debts to the greedy Hutt crimelord. Then it happened, Jabba was killed
shortly after the arrival of the infamous Han Solo himself, encased in
carbonite. At that point, Ano'rkh knew he was free and set off as an
independant smuggler. Then as he was running a cargo of weapons to an
unknown client, his ship was captured by a Peacekeeper fleet. He thought he
was done for, doomed to spend the next twenty years on some
force-forsaken penal colony. Fortune smiled on him when he was given the chance to
make a deal. He agreed, making his way to Kuat City to deliver a
simple datapad to two Mandalorian mercenaries. As we all know by now, it
wan't that simple...
Ship: THE ONE SURE SHOT Heavily Modified YT-2400 (but all black)
Manufacturer Corellian Engineering Corporation
Product line YT series
YT-2400 light freighter
Class Light freighter
3,500,000 credits (new)
1,500,000 credits (used)
Technical specifications Length
22 meters
26.7 meters
Maximum acceleration
2,860 G
Maximum speed (atmosphere)
1,000 km/h
Engine unit(s): Girodyne SRB42 sublight engines (heavily modified) (3)
Hyperdrive rating
Class 0.75
Backup Class 12
Hyperdrive system: Isu-Sim SSP05 hyperdrive generator (heavily
Power plant
Quadex power core
Incom N2I-4 power converter
Koensayr TLB power converter
CEC emergency power generator
Cryogenic reserve power cells 
Shielding: Power-boosted shield generators (248 SBD)
Torplex fore deflector shield generator 
Novaldex stasis-type shield generator (port and starboard projectors)
Kuat Drive Yards aft deflector shield generator
Nordoxicon-38 anti-concussion field generator
Navigational deflector system
Hull : Reinforced titanium armor (102 RU), painted anodized black for
added stealth.
Siep-Irol passive sensor antenna
Sienar Fleet Systems active sensor pulse generator

Sensor systems: Military-grade sensor system
Main computer: Hanx-Wargel SuperFlow IV rebuilt with 3 droid brains
Targeting systems: Sienar Fleet Systems combat computer
Navigation system: Microaxial HyD modular navigation computer 
Enhanced sensor countermeasure package
Imperial sensor stealth coating
Dymek heavy dual laser cannon turrets (2)
Concealed BlasTech Ax-108 "Ground Buzzer" surface-defense blaster
cannon  (1.50 meter effective range)
Concussion missile tubes (2)
Standard load: 3 missiles each
Pilot (1)
Co-pilot (1)
Gunners (2)
Minimum crew
Cargo capacity
70 metric tons
2 months
Other systems
Escape pod (1)

LEELA: I know you like cooking shows, but you're a robot. You don't even have a sense of taste!
BENDER: Honey, I wouldn't talk about taste if I was wearing a lime green tank top.

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