I've wondered if Boba Fett Would still be good at fighting if he was a chicken?
Topic: Would you like Boba Fett if he was a chicken
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
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This is a rather obscure thread. It doesn't really make any sense.
Please put some thought into your topics before you post them. Perhaps a better explanation would help ;)
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
fried chicken is good. pfft
mmmm, teriyaki fett.
Only if it was fried :P
I'm from the south. Fried is the best. So heck yes when its fried! lol

If you want fried chicken, then go to Kentucky Fried Chicken
Mandal_ShadowWarrior wrote:Only if it was fried :P
I'm from the south. Fried is the best. So heck yes when its fried! lol
But it needs to be good fried chicken...
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Beskaryc Beroya wrote:Mandal_ShadowWarrior wrote:Only if it was fried :P
I'm from the south. Fried is the best. So heck yes when its fried! lol
But it needs to be good fried chicken...
true...but its not that hard to find...at least where I live.
Adeptus_Astartes wrote:Beskaryc Beroya wrote:I'm from the south. Fried is the best. So heck yes when its fried! lol
But it needs to be good fried chicken...
true...but its not that hard to find...at least where I live.
Which is good :D
Does this confuse anyone else? At all?
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I think he means if Boba was a coward... if he was, then no, he wouldn't be the same person at all, not too mention a lousy bounty hunter. ;)
Yeah, I figured they meant as in coward, but everyone was having fun with it so I didn't say anything.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I think he means if Boba was a coward... if he was, then no, he wouldn't be the same person at all, not too mention a lousy bounty hunter. ;)
DUDE! YOU SERIOUSLY ANSWERED THE QUESTION! AMAZING!!! (if he was a coward, he wouldn't be Boba Fett...he'd be only another hunk of disintegrated matter floating around space...especially being in the BH business) (so why answer this question again?)
BB* :cool:
so if Boba was a chicken.... would he taste good?
so if Boba was a chicken.... would he taste good?
Well.... yeah. Of course Boba would taste delicious. ;) ;)
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I dont know, doesnt have much meat on him! Then we also have to get into the debate of wether cloned food is safe to eat!!!!! lol!
BA DA BING! That made me laugh out loud! That's a seriously funny joke.
Fett_II wrote:so if Boba was a chicken.... would he taste good?
Well.... yeah. Of course Boba would taste delicious. ;) ;)
Hahahah... I agree... >_>;
boba would taste good as a chicken, because he is a great Bounty Hunter ( green helmeted fett )
so if Boba was a chicken.... would he taste good?
Of course he would ;) :D
The sarlacc would like him less, becuase hes smaller as a result, but like him more, because he woouldent get out :D
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I think you are thinking about BBQ PEKK not BOBA FETT.
Hmm, teryaki Boba anyone? :P jk, he would be better with BBQ sauce :P If your talking of chicken as in a coward, then I don't think he would be the same person that we all come here for :)
If Fett was a chicken then he wouldnt be Fett. End of story.
Pass the fries and coke everyone! :P lol, I am eating spaghetti bolognese right now, lol, mmmmmmm!!! :P
( Fett chicken crys and runs away ) :D
This is like 'how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?' A woodchuck couldn't chuck wood if a woodchuck could chuck wood because a wood can't chuck wood.
Fett can't be a chicken.
so if Fett was a chicken, we'd see him at KFC right? or KFF?

What if he was a duck?
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
I still don't really understand the purpose of this thread? Interesting picture, Sadriel.
What if he was a duck?
LOL Thats great :D
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Chicken Fett? We just need a Colonel.
Guy on the left. His name is Colonel Sanders.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Thats the funniest picuture.. I LOVE it. There was an article about Boba Fett in the Star Wars tv, where they called Boba the Chicken in the chicken soup that is star wars... at least where i think this thread came from... hope that's an answer for you Dave.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Thats the funniest picuture.. I LOVE it. There was an article about Boba Fett in the Star Wars tv, where they called Boba the Chicken in the chicken soup that is star wars... at least where i think this thread came from... hope that's an answer for you Dave.
Thanks for taking the time to answer my question. You really take a particular care for details. I like that.
lol. Funny remark, Draco! :D heh heh heh. Red lorry , yellow lorry , red lorry, yellow lorry, lol :P
( tongue twister )
( P.S - funny pic, Sadriel! :) )
Hmm, if Boba was a chicken, I guess he would be good at coc fighting. I'd bet money on him
But then he would be a rooster......:P
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Yeah, but they're like male chickens, aren't they?
I've wondered if Boba Fett Would still be good at fighting if he was a chicken?
I think we will have to wait till the NEW family guy SW special - something something something something DARKSIDE ( ESB parody) to find out as fett is the chicken that peter always fights and this be so much damn fun !
it was previewed on the BLUE HARVEST fam guy DVD !!
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If Boba Fett were a chicken figuratively he probably lose all his mystique to me. If he were a chicken litterally I would not eat him because I do not eat meat. I bet though he would make one mean cock-fighting rooster though! LOL
i LOVE the idea
yuki nagato slices him in to boba chops and i eat him
as apposed to yuki nagato slices him into boba chops and a can't eat him
what would you prefer
if you don't know who yuki is go on my topic nagato vs boba
.......Not everything is about yuki nagato
Well, Boba Fett as a chicken... Does that mean that Boba is a WOMAN? And its 99% sure that he isn't, so forget it!!!!!
Well, Boba Fett as a chicken... Does that mean that Boba is a WOMAN? And its 99% sure that he isn't, so forget it!!!!!
What do you mean by that that women are chickens?
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Well, Boba Fett as a chicken... Does that mean that Boba is a WOMAN? And its 99% sure that he isn't, so forget it!!!!!
That sounds kind of sexist, unless he means the female Gallus gallus, (chicken).
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
.......Not everything is about yuki nagato
yes but it contributes to the sliceing into chops joke mmmmmm boba chicken chops
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