Topic: Mutant Hunt - RPG

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Topic #2117

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January 24, 2008 9:38 am #

Zayne watched as the Terminator was dragging Adrian away. He looked at Skyler, turned visible for a moment, then turned invisible again as he started to follow. Unsuspecting, the robot turned around and shot Zayne in his shin.

"@#@$!!!", said Zayne as he was now on the ground, howling in pain.

January 24, 2008 12:05 pm #

Jasmine laughed, "Terrorist? If I was a terrorist you'd be dead by now."

She teleported again, but this time she stopped where she last saw Zayne. She reached out her hands and took hold of what she suspected was an arm. Then she attempted to teleport them out but Noah had long enough to spot her and fire a shot her way. Jasmine was halfway into her teleportation when she felt the bullet graze her, thankfully she was already halfway to gone.

Once again she reappeared at Dr Leeds. This time though she was going to need some healing. It didn't take long before Jasmine and Zayne returned to the fight scene. Jasmine saw that Flip was lurking around as Noah and his soldiers continued to look for her.

She turned to Zayne, "Go follow Adrian. Flip and I will keep these morons amused for a while longer."

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
January 24, 2008 12:38 pm #

There were only three of us left.
I don't like these odds, I think.
I let my flames come taking care not to let them touch the weapons. I pull out the Desert Eagle.

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 24, 2008 3:35 pm #

Flip was having fun. He and Jasmine were wearing the soldiers down alot . Jasmine was teleporting in and out of the air, kicking people in the butt every once in a while, and Flip was, well, flipping. He was somersaulting, cartwheeling, and lashing out with punches and kicks every time he came near someone. Everyone was shooting, but nobody could land a hit on the pair. Jasmine took a close call, but it was a bad shot, and ony grazed her. Flip, with his constant motion and rapid refexes was a hard target.

He saw Noah looking for Jasmine, so Flip handsprung towards him, landing in a soft roll behind him, and springing from the roll from his back, executing a kick to the back of Noah's head, not lethal, but enough to piss off Noah even more. Flip jumped, grabbing onto the horizontal section of a lightpost, and swinging onto the roof of a small building to survey the damage he and Jasmine had done.

Luke: Your overconfidence is your weakness. Palpatine: Your faith in your friends is yours... Luke: Faith in yo mama. Palpatine: What was that?
January 24, 2008 5:47 pm #

"#@$%! They're just toying with us now!" noah exclaimed to anyone who would listen. He was then promptly kicked in the head by the twinkle-toed ballerina mutant.

"Fight like a man, you %^&!!!" Noah cursed firing wildly at the springy little mutie. He watched them land on the rooftop to survey the damage they'd done.

"Open fire, damn it! Open fire!" noah, Squint and Dan began firing at the rooftop, hoping to get a lucky shot in.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
January 24, 2008 6:10 pm #

James decided to change the subject, Arista seemed uncomfortable discussing this. "So, do you remember where Adrian told us to be?"

She seemed happy for the change of subject. "Yeah I think so." James pulled the grating from the entrance to the tunnels.

"What are you doing?" Arista asked

"The tunnels will be safer."

"That didn't make much of a difference before."

"Well if you want to we can take the rooftops."

"I think we should take the tunnels." Arista said, dropping down into the darkness, James waited a moment, and droped down after her.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 24, 2008 7:33 pm #

"Forget this..." Dan said and changed his grip on his M16 to the M203. He aimed for the section of the roof where the two mutants watched them and fired.



Concrete and debris flew everywhere. Noah kept flying into the dust cloud that rose from the explosion.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
January 24, 2008 10:02 pm #

Jasmine took hold of Flip and teleported out before they were harmed. "I'm growing tired of this game," Jasmine said as she reappeared with Flip in an alleyway.


Skyler had been shooting randomly and hadn't even tried to hit either of her fellow mutants. But for all intended purposes it looked as thought she were being the good soldier.

She swallowed when she saw what the Captain did. Thankfully Jasmine and Flip had teleported away. Skyler wasn't sure where the others were. She considered leaving and pursuing Adrian's trail but chances were that she'd find out more by staying with her present company. Besides she probably wouldn't have too much trouble getting answers, she was a master flirt after all.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
January 24, 2008 10:29 pm #

Arnold continued to drive, seemingly ignoring Adrian. His CPU, however, was doing quite the opposite, calculating the odds of what Adrian spoke maybe having a speck of plausibility. Turns out, it was a big speck. 73.67% was what he calculated, based on the treatment and current status of previous models he had on file...which was ALL of them. What would he do? Arnold was somewhat 'troubled' at the 'thought' of deactivation.

His head turned slowly to Adrian. "What are you trying to tell me?"

"This IS my signature."
January 24, 2008 11:07 pm #

This is an even better spot then I thought it was thought Drakus as he gazed at his discovery.  It entrance had been well hidden, but there was an abandoned sewer hub directly under the facility he had taken residence in. 

**for those who have played, think the main hideout in the EA game Freedom Fighters................. love that game........... WHERE IS THE SEQUEL, EA?!?!?!?!?!?!?!**

From here I can make my way through the entire city undetected.

Returning to the surface, he begins to unload the semi-truck load of equipment he bought with the last few days ill-gotten goods. These 2 computer controled gatling guns should slow down any intruders......

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
January 25, 2008 10:00 am #

Blackout watched the chaos unfold below his vantage point on the roof.  His swords had been confiscated, and were in the armoured car still. He jumped off the roof, ran down the side, and began to draw in the light around him, until there was a large void in the middle of the street.  The human would be unable to tell where Blackout was inside the globe of shadow, which gave him an advantage.  He made his way to the car, slipped inside, and retrieved his swords, before leaving again, all under cover of the darkness.  He could see the robot still searching for him; scanning the void.  His sensors would probably meet with some interference, which would give Blackout adequate time to flee.  He took the chance, and ran.

His first thought upon reaching the rooftops again was to search for Adrian; the SEAL had been shot when saving Blackout, and he owed the man that much.  He caught a glimpse of the car that was holding Adrian before it left, and he was busy scanning the nearby streets for it.  When he saw one that looked like it was the same on, he began to run, jumping from roof to roof, until he was running in an intercept course for the car, taking into consideration the speed of the car.  He got to the edge of the roof, breathed in, and jumped over to the street…

Tinman had been unable to find Blackout in the void that he had generated.  But once the mutant had fled, and took to the roofs, he was easy prey, and Tinman had been about to fire on the mutant when he jumped off the roof.  The target had landed on a speeding car.  Opening fire now would cause severe casualties to innocents.  Even if the life-sign in the car was a mutant.  He was not the target, however.  His electromagnetic matrix caught some sort of signal in the car, sort of like his own, but superior.  Interesting.  He stayed above the car, observing the events below.

((If you don’t like this post, Sev and Rev, let me know, and I will try to edit it.))

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
January 25, 2008 10:52 am #

((Nah, It's fine. But if you scratch my car, I'll have to kill you.:P......seriously. Sev needs to post before I do.))

"This IS my signature."
January 25, 2008 11:02 am (Edited January 25, 2008 11:11 am) #

"What happens as technology improves?  More robots are made.  You are turned into scrap metal."

Adrian was dropping the bombshell.

"Why do you do what you do?  Because some inferior human orders you too?"

A sound on the roof was heard.  Someone had arrived.  Adrian was growing weaker and weaker.  He was losing blood and it was getting everywhere.

"I think - I think I'm going to bleed in the car."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 25, 2008 11:33 am #

I jump onto tehr roof and jump from roof to roof looking for the group.

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 25, 2008 1:12 pm (Edited January 25, 2008 01:54 pm) #

"This isn't going anywhere Commander. We need more men, better trained men." Captain Dan said as he looked at one particular soldier who was shooting crazily. Fort loaded another grenade into the M203 and checked his surroundings. He was beginning to get frustrated. The mutants were toying with them and he was beginning to lose his sympathy for them.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
January 25, 2008 1:32 pm (Edited January 25, 2008 07:33 pm) #

"...You're right, captain." Noah begrudginly admitted. This was going to be a complete disaster if they didn't do something quickly. Noah would not leave empty handed. He grabbed his walkie-talkie.

"Eagle's nest this is Stryker, send an AMST down to my gps ASAP."

" 'AMST', sir?" Dan asked, never having heard the term.

"Anti-Mutant Strike Team. Soldiers trained specially to handle our mutant problem. Sort of a black-ops thing. This is kind of their first public operation. Now let's just try not to lose the mutants before our boys can come in and help us."

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
January 25, 2008 6:14 pm #

(Hey, Ph34r, I was planing a AMST (Anti Mutant Strike Team, could you make your people the Militia response, I have already discussed the AMST thing with Fett_II unless you mean Mandals, then we have discussed it, and they are part of the Militia. ((Mandal, if i'm confused, then please correct me)))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 25, 2008 7:34 pm #

((K, aks and ye shall recieve. AMIC is now AMST.))

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
January 25, 2008 7:38 pm #

((Seems full on govt respons is happening a little early this year, I'll make up the character sheet soon enough :D unless you planed something different Ph34r))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 25, 2008 11:36 pm #

(funny, i was planning to have the government's response as a sequel RPG)

January 26, 2008 5:39 am #

((I can wait))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 26, 2008 8:17 am #

((eh, you can go ahead,. My idea was like 3 or 4 guys in super-suits, but now that I think of it we've already got terminators so go ahead Adeptus.))

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
January 26, 2008 9:29 am (Edited January 26, 2008 07:52 pm) #

(Ok, whatever, wont use these guys right away, but I'm just making them now)

Name: AMSTC-11085, Greg Martin
Rank: Major (United States Army)
Alliance: Human, AMST, Charlie squad.

Apearance:2.5b5*m1*AMSTC 11085*Hair:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,21,Eyebrows:Expansion1,thinmean,ADA600,FFFFFF,100,100,17,Eyes:Standard,pharoah,E86517,007622,100,100,16,Nose:Expansion1,fraBlank,F8B684,FFFFFF,100,100,18,Mouth:Standard,fraBlank,F8B684,FFFFFF,100,100,19,Beard:Expansion1,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,24,Ears:Expansion1,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,22,Skin:Expansion1,fraBlank,F8B684,FFFFFF,100,100,6,Mask:Expansion1,skullmask,4B4B4B,848484,100,100,20,Headgear:Expansion1,plainhelm,313131,726552,100,100,26,Undershirt:Standard,tek,726552,5A5A5A,100,100,7,Overshirt:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,8,Coat:Expansion1,scifi,313131,015519,100,100,27,RightGlove:Expansion1,scifi,313131,034829,100,100,30,LeftGlove:Expansion1,scifi,313131,034829,100,100,15,Insignia:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,9,Neckwear:Shoulders,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,23,Belt:Standard,ww2,395C08,181818,100,100,28,Leggings:Standard,tek,4B4B4B,313131,100,100,10,Overleggings:Expansion1,legpouch,395C08,395C08,100,100,14,Pants:Expansion1,scifi,202020,726552,100,100,13,RightFoot:Expansion1,mecha,202020,726552,100,100,12,LeftFoot:Expansion1,mecha,202020,726552,100,100,11,Back:Expansion1,longsword,5A5A5A,395C08,100,100,3,Wings:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,4,Tail:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,5,Aura:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,2,Companion:Humanoids,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,31,Background:Standard,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,1,RightHand:Firearms,fraBlank,4B4B4B,313131,100,100,29,LeftHand:Firearms,fraBlank,4B4B4B,313131,100,100,25,#

(Note, the eyes are part of the helmet, and I dont want to make his face with the heromachine)

Light brownish hair, blue eyes.

Weapons: the X-83 A interchangeable weapon system like the DC-17, contains sniper, grenade, shotgun, and amchine gun attachments, all have seperate ammo. 

Grenades: Flashbangs, frags, incindiary grenades, smoke (normal and colored) Tear gas. All able to be fired from the grenade launcher atachment, or thrown.

Armor: Fireproof, insulated against electricity, completely sealed, slightly stab proof undersuit. Voice is distorted by external speakers, for shock value, sounds like Combine soldiers from Half-Life2. Advisor can speak through external speakers if she wants to.

Personality: Enjoys the company of his squad, follows orders with barely any second thought, looks out for his squad, but knows that they can handle themselves, Does not hate mutants, but realizes the threat they pose.

Greg's boots hit the concrete, it was dark, it was raining, and the spray kicked up by the UH-60M Black Hawk hung in a miniature mist in front of the house. Jenkins was setting the breaching charge, Bauer and Davis took their positions. Jenkins pulled to the side, "Clear!" he yelled, his voice garbled to the outside, yet clear to Greg and the rest of his squadmates. Greg pressed the detonator he held, the door exploding inward "Grenade!" Bauer and Jenkins shouted almost simultaniusly, one throwing the grenade into the now open doorway, the other throwing it through a window. Two explosions sounded, and the soldiers sprinted into the building, clearing each room. Greg took position by the final room, Davis aproched, and opend the door. Greg rushed in, 83 raised, five targets. He pulled the trigger once, and a three-shot burst hit the first tango square in the chest. Greg took cover behind a metal table as a beam of searing energy passed his head. He quickly ripped the main attachment off and replaced it with the shotgun. He leaned out from cover, firing once. The it hit an aproaching mutant. He heard more gunfire, the tracer rounds passing him, taking out the remaining tangos. They cleared the other rooms, and headed back, while passing the scene of the firefirght, they heard a gasping breath. One of the mutants was wounded, badly. "Call for medivac, one captive." Greg lifted the mutant and stepped back into the rain.

One year later...

The UH-60M roared over New York,headed for the mall, they were to reinforce militia, and their advisor, a Lt.Colonel had permission to assume command of the local forces. Better her, an expirenced commander, then whoever was making such a mess of this situation now.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 26, 2008 7:50 pm #

The tunnels were dark but Arista knew them so well that she didn’t really need much light. She took James’ hand to makes sure the he didn’t get lost. She was glad it was dark, James wouldn’t be able to see her clearly as the thought about what he said.

They traveled in silence for quite a while until Arista heard a noise that was out of place. “I think someone else is near,” she turned to whisper in James’ ear. She just hoped that it was one of their fellow mutants and not a threat.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
January 26, 2008 9:11 pm #

James managed to find who Arista was talking about. He could only get a few basic details. She was a mutant, he was getting a bit more, someone else. "Hold on." he voiced. He managed to squeeze his was past her, there wasnt much room in the tunnels, and he hoped that whoever they were, they were freindly.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 26, 2008 10:14 pm #

Skyler saw Jasmine and Flip teleport out and quickly ran down the alley still in the female soldier form. She knew the other soldiers were bound to follow her but it didn’t matter.

Jasmine and Flip were standing together discussing what they were going to do.

“You two, holt!” Skyler said with a smirk on her face, “Where do you think you’re going?”

“Out of here, to friends in low places,” Jasmine said with a twitch of her eyebrows before the pair disappeared once more.

Jasmine and Flip reappeared in the drainage system. Jasmine had been here before, she was friends with Arista and hoped to find her.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
January 26, 2008 10:49 pm #

Fort watched as a soldier left and ran down an alley. Odd...

His radio crackled to life.

"Grey Fox this is Dog House come in." hacked the radio. Fort grabbed it and pulled it to his mouth.

"This is Grey Fox, over."

"Grey Fox we are obtaining your coordinates now. Prepare for drop off of Brown Box."

"Brown Box? Now?"

"Yes Brown Box is being dropped to you coordinates now."

"It's not completed yet what are you-"

"Look Grey Fox, Dog House has authorized use of Brown Box in your current sector due to extreme conditions there. However, you are authorized to USE Brown Box."

"Exactly so whats the point-"

"You have now been promoted to Colonel. Stand by for drop off in a few minutes. Over." The radio died and didnt repeat after that. Fort stared in wonder at it. Not only was this the second time he was promoted over a radio, but he was now authorized to use the Brown Box, as it was codenamed. Now it just became an ethical issue of whether he should...

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
January 26, 2008 11:16 pm #

Skyler approached Fortesque, "The mutants teleported out, sir. I'm assuming they won't be back."

"How do you know that?" He asked in reply.

"They said they were off to see friends in low places," Skyler told and wondered if she should also disappear at the first chance.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
January 26, 2008 11:19 pm (Edited January 26, 2008 11:35 pm) #

Arnold immediatly dropped it in first and slammed on the brakes after hearing that sentence. "What do you need to stop the bleeding?"

"I need a life force."

Arnold didn't exactly understand what he meant by that, but as long as it stopped the blood from getting in the car, he was okay with it. "Do what is necessary."

Adrian reached his arm out the window and motioned for a man to come over.

"What the hell do you want punk?"

"Your life."

"What the fu-"

He was cut off by the fact his body shriveled up and hit the ground like a sack of potatoes...very dry potatoes.

"GO! FLOOR IT!" Adrian shouted.

"This IS my signature."
January 26, 2008 11:21 pm (Edited January 26, 2008 11:24 pm) #

Lines dropped from the UH-60M and charlie squad rappeled down one at a time, in different locations. Charlie squad found themsleves surounding the mall. "Report to Colonel Fortesque." The advisor said over his private channel. A line poped up on his HUD, and he began to follow it. Soon, he came across a man he could only assume was Colonel Fortesque, and a soldier he couldent identify. "AMSTC-11085 reporting as ordered." He said, the FOF on the colonel worked well, but for some reason there wasnt one on the woman, he boosted his reciver, wondering what was happening

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 26, 2008 11:46 pm #

Arista waited as James instructed. She wondered if he saw with his eyes or with his mind. She’d have to ask him later on. As they cautiously made their way forward they heard voices. “One of those voices sounds familiar,” Arista whispered.

A friend I hope? James voiced to her.

“Yeah, sounds like Jasmine,” Arista said as she shuffled up beside James, she gently pushed his wing to the side so she could peer around the corner. “It is them,” Arista said happily.

Arista grabbed James by the hand and took him to meet her friend. “Jasmine!” Arista called.

“Arista? Is that you?” Jasmine called in return.

“Yes, what are you doing down here?” Arista asked.

“We’re trying to get away from those damn soldiers. Skyler is still up there in disguise. Hopefully she’ll cause some inner turmoil.” Jasmine said with glee.

“So what’s the plan?” James asked.

Jasmine looked surprised, “You’re not alone.”

“No,” Arista said and realised she was still holding James’ hand. She quickly let it go, “This is James, James this is Jasmine and um…”

“This is Flip,” Jasmine finished for her.

The four were quickly acquainted. “Okay, the plan. I think we should go back to the surface. I’ve got an empty shop rented in the inner city. We can stay upstairs and wait for Adrian to return.” Jasmine suggested.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
January 26, 2008 11:58 pm #

"Whoa whoa whoa. I called you guys in here. You're supposed to report to ME." Noah exclamed

"Not as of 3 minutes ago. We were informed of Colonel Fortesque's promotion and were told to go to him." AMSTC-11085 replied.

"AMSTC-11085 huh? Name and rank?" Fort asks the armored soldier

"Major Greg Martin, sir."

"Alright Major, i'll be communicating with you and you relay anything to your men. I'm on radio frequency 1110."

"Alright sir. What are our orders for now?"

Fort thought for a moment. This was a bit unexpected. He was still waiting for Brown Box...

"Alright cover us for now. Set up a perimeter until we're ready to move out again. I've got a package coming..." Fort said looking at the sky.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
January 27, 2008 12:04 am #

"Alright, Lead the way" James said, they began to move quickly, and soon found themselves in the store. James pulled a crate over and sat down. He pulled the staff and katana from his back and set them down beside him. Arista and Jasmine were talking quietly, and Flip was wandering around. He was still nervous about Arista, he had no idea what she was thinking, and he didnt think anything of how she had been holding his hand, it was confusing down there in some areas. He would prefer not to get lost down there, however the way she had so quickly let his hand go was slightly troubleing. He made no attempt to stop these thoughts, he had plenty of time now.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 27, 2008 12:05 am #

Skyler stood on the sideline listening. A package? She wondered what it was. She suspected it wasn't going to be good. Part of her wanted to stay so she could see what it was, but another part of her felt that it might be safer for her to depart.

She looked around cautiously, the other soldiers were still on alert. Perhaps it was time for "Corporal Deacon" to go searching the perimeter...

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
January 27, 2008 12:12 am #

Charlie squad had been listening in over Greg's comm. "You heard the man, move out." He switched to external speakers,"Corpral," he barked, taking notice of the insignia on her collar "Fall in." He waved his hand slightly in a 'follow me' gesture and began to jog off.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 27, 2008 11:20 am (Edited January 27, 2008 04:19 pm) #

"So, what, am I just supposed to sit here like a knot on a log? "Noah was none too happy with this situation.

"Commander Ross, sir, you can either assisst us under the command of Colonel Fortesque and clean up the mess you made, or you can return to HQ, fill out a mission report, and try to explain how a simple task of overseeing the transport of a single prisoner went SO arye." Said one of the AMST soldiers.

"You got a lot of balls, talking to me like that."

"I've also got a lot of weapons, sir. As you can tell." The soldier motioned to his gun.

"Who the hell are you?"

"AMSTC-11794. Lieutenant Jackson Davis, at his service." Jackson said, motioning to Colonel Fortesque. "Sir."

"I'm watching you extra close, punk."

"Actually, no you're not."

Noah was getting fed up with this. "Fine, I'll play this game. Colonel..." He shouted, fairly impolitely, to Fort.  "...what are we waiting for, exactly?" It was gonna be a long day.

((Here's Jackson's sheet:

Name: AMSTC-11794, Jackson Davis.
Rank: Lieutenant, US Army
Alliance: human, AMST, Charlie Squad.
Appearance: Wears the same suit as Adeptus's guy, under the suit he has dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a small scar on his chin.
Abilities: Same suit and weapons as Adeptus' guy.
Personality: The wise-ass of the Charlie Squad. As you can see from his meeting with Noah, he doesn't exactly respect authority, except for a few individuals. He enjoys putting down people who he dislikes. Actually does respect and obey Greg Martin and anyone else on the squad, though he will occasionally bump heads with team members if he disagrees with them. Cosniders hunting and killing mutants a neccesary thing. Doesn't hate them, but realizes how threatening they could be and will gladly kill them without a second thought.

If there's a problem with any of this I'll edit.))

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
January 27, 2008 11:25 am (Edited January 27, 2008 11:52 am) #

((only problem is that the only other people in charlie squad are Bauer, Jenkins, and Davis, so could you just change the last name? Will edit this post to contain stuff.))

Greg stopped, and he turned to the Corporal behind him. "Your FOF is not working, you need to get that checked out. Go secure the eastren perimeter." She walked off, heading to the east, looking slightly confused. Greg made a quick once around, then began to return.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 27, 2008 11:46 am #

Fort kept looking up.

"I'm waiting for an expiremental weapon that I just got authorization to use." Fort said raising his head as the sound of propellers neared.

"Oh good...were ALL super soldeirs now...." Noah said walking away.

Fort waited a few moments and suddenly a MV-22 Osprey aircraft cleared the roof of the building behind Fort and blocked the sun. Its propellers switched to hover form and it glided over Fort's position. The back opened up and a crate was lowered from a thick cord down to the ground.

When it reached the ground Fort unclipped the crate's harness to the cord and waved the MV-22 Osprey off. It hovered up and switched to flight mode and sped off.

Fort tapped the metal crate and looked for the locks. He found them and opened it. He lifted the lid and looked into the black padded crate. A thing that resembled a proton pack from Ghostbusters rested in the black foam.

Noah walked up and looked at it.

"And you know how to USE this thing?" Noah asked looked at the various tubes and machinery popping out of the weapon.

"Yeah, I was one of the primary testers while it was in development." Fort replied, strapping his M16 to his shoulder and lifting the weapon out.

"Right...whats it called?" Noah asked

"This is the D35 Mutant Extraction Device. D35 for short." Fort said as he strapped the pack onto his back and flicked a switch. It powered up with an electrical whine and Fort unholsered the gun from the pack.

"Ummm, be careful with that thing..." Noah said taking a step back.

"It isnt harmful to humans....unless I want it to be..." Fort said, adjusting various knobs on the guns to his own specifications.

"Alright, Charlie Squad." Fort said into his radio

"Yes, sir?"

"You can report back here now. You wouldn't happen to have a way to track down mutants would you?"

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
January 27, 2008 11:53 am #

Squint stood somewhat confused looking at all the new soldiers.

"Chief, just what the hell are these guys gonna do? Not replace us?"

"It seems like it. #$^%ing Fortesque.."

January 27, 2008 12:09 pm #

Greg stepped around the corner just as Fort finished his sentence. The advisor spoke through his speakers, "Remote genetic scanning package downloading to AMSTC-11085 now."  Fort looked over at Greg oddly

"Who is this?" he asked

"Lt.Col. Connor, Advisor to AMST Charlie Squad. You may adress me as "ma'am". " she said.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 27, 2008 4:31 pm #

Jackson tilted his head and pressed a button on the side of his helmet.

"Hey, ma'am you wanna send that toy to the rest of us instead of just playing favorites with Gregory there?"

"Shut up, Agent 11794. But, yeah, downloading."

"Fine, fine. But seriousy, in the time it took for you to say may serial number, I could've, like, caught 50 mutants."


"Fine, fine, i'll quit."

"So, great, you got any magic guns for us, Mr.Wizard?!?" Noah was getting more upset by the second. "How are me and Squint supposed to do anything without you hotshots stepping on our toes?!?"

"If you didn't want our help, sir, you shouldn't have called us." Jackson squawked.

"Why don't you take off that armor and say that to my face?"

"Funny, you're mom said the same thing last night."

"You sonova--"

"Ross! Davis!" Fort yelled, aiming his proton pack at the men. "E. Nough."

"Yeah, yeah..." Jackson polsihed his gun idly.

"Just keep him the hell away from me!" Noah snarled, his face resembling a beet coated in red paint.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
January 27, 2008 4:44 pm #

"Sir, if it wasnt for the fact that you and your men have done such a bad job containing this outbreak," Greg began, he pulled off his helmet, and the voicefilter cut out."You wouldn't be having this problem."


Greg stared at Noah, and he shut up "94, cut the chatter and secure a perimeter." Greg turned back to Noah and Fort, "Now, we need to figure out how to deal with this."

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 27, 2008 7:07 pm #

"Alright. Noah you're still here for a reason. You know this city better than any of us. Do you know of any mutant gathering areas or any where where they might be gathering now?" Fort asked Noah, replacing the gun of the D35 back onto the glowing energy pack.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
January 27, 2008 8:46 pm (Edited January 27, 2008 09:29 pm) #

Adrian took the bandages off of his knees.  All that remained was a whole lot of dried blood.  Adrian needed to get out of here.

"Hey Arnold, just remember what I said."

Arnold turned to see Adrian opening the door and rolling out.  That was going to hurt in the morning.  Luckily nothing was broken.  Adrian jumped to his feet.  The machine hadn't even decided to relieve him of his weapons.  But he had the Barrett in the backseat.  Ah well.  Adrian hoisted his M4 making sure nothing was broken.  Hearing the screeching of tires, Adrian turned and saw Arnold screaming towards him.  He turned to the alley and booked it.  After weaving in between the alleys he made his way back to the armored van.  He saw Fort, Noah, and 4 other commando type people talking.  Something caught his ear, someone was headed this way.  A soldier was heading over in his direction.  He hid behind the dumpster.  As she passed Adrian sneaked up behind her putting his KA-BAR to her throat.

"Don't move.  You're coming with me."

"Adrian?  Is that you?  It's me Skyler!"  The "soldier" shifted into Skyler's purple skinned form.  Adrian released her.  She turned to face him rubbing her neck.

"I thought you were going to do me in there. 

"Quick, we have to get out of here.  Everyone else is in the sewers.  Follow me."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 27, 2008 8:58 pm #

Blackout rubbed his head groggily.  The sudden slamming of brakes had been too much force for his feet to counteract, and he had been thrown from the car, into a wall beyond.  The robot that had followed him still kept pace with the car, so hopefully, the whole hunt and destroy thing was over.  As it stood, he thought he had seen Adrian run back the way they came.  And, not wanting to be out in this city any longer than he had to, given teh recent developments, what with transports zooming everywhere, he headed back as well.  He hoped he could catch up to Adrian before it was too late...

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
January 27, 2008 9:09 pm #

Squint replied to Fort's questions.

"Well, that kind of scum belongs in the sewers, I wouldn't doubt that you'd find em there. Them "AMSTs" could make some friends, and find a new home down there. I say you should go."

January 27, 2008 9:14 pm #

" 'I should go'? You're not coming with us?" Fort asked

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
January 27, 2008 9:28 pm #

Skyler paused, "I'm not sure if I should go with you. The military have some sort of weapon to use against mutants. If I stay in disguise I could find out more. I guess my only worry is if they find me out."

She knew the others would notice her gone soon. She needed to make a decision now, but she really wanted to know what Adrian thought.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
January 27, 2008 9:45 pm #

Adrian pondered what Skyler was saying.  She had a point.  They needed an inside man.  Er. Woman. 

"Good idea.  I'm going to stay right here.  In case anything goes wrong.  Nothing you can say will change my mind."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 27, 2008 9:48 pm #

Skyler nodded and quickly returned to her post. She got an odd look from a nearby soldier "I needed to take a piss," she mouthed.

He nodded and returned to surveying his patch. Skyler watched Squint subtly, she wondered why he was assisting those who were so determined to kill mutants.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...

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