Topic: RPG: Age of Skywalker

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Topic #2014

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January 17, 2008 10:49 am (Edited January 22, 2008 10:13 am) #


"sorry for being late. what I miss?"

Everyone turns towards Zoncxs as he enters my office.

"Nothing yet," I say. Without my helmet on its easy to see the displeasure on my face. "I prefer to get things going as soon as possible gentlemen, time is of the essense. I've just been informed that the Intimidator, after arriving at a destination not far from the outskirts of the Unknown Regions, was attacked by an unknown group of ships. This was the messge transmitted shortly after the attack began." I activate my desks holographic transmitter and play the message relayed to me by Overlord Skywalker mere moments ago. The image resolves into the form of a pudgy, middle-aged human in a crumpled looking uniform. He looks haggard and shocked. He was obviously unprepared.

"This is Captain Jian Paret of the Intimidator, transmitting to Overlord's Shadow. We arrived as ordered, at the coordinates given to us. We hadn't heard from Inquisitor Jinn or from our contact on the small moon in the next system. I was waiting as ordered when a few moments ago, an unidentified Star Destroyer entered the system. We attempted to remain out of sensor range, preparing to jump out, when we were attacked by an several squadrons of unknown TIE variants. Leading the attack was a fighter of mysterious origin. All we have is a hastily captured image of the assailant. We-" Captain Paret turns arround panicking at the sound of an explosion nearby and the transmission is cut off.

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
January 17, 2008 7:36 pm (Edited January 17, 2008 07:36 pm) #

Tho'un watched the holovid, the blue image reflected in his glossy black helmet. Xan spoke up, "What would you have us do?"

(not much, but it had to be said)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 17, 2008 8:04 pm (Edited January 17, 2008 08:05 pm) #

"What would you have us do?"

I look at Inquisitor Xan, and then around the table as the silent shock registers on all of their faces. I tap a few buttons and an image of the strange starfighter appears floating above the table.

"This vessel was what lead the attack against the Intimidator. We don't yet know who was responsible. This close to the Unknown Regions we could possibly be dealing with anything. Inquisitor Jinn was due to arrive some time ago. We've lost contact. Overlord Skywalker has plans to deal with some business of his own. We've been told to go to the Intimidator's last known location and investigate. Prepare to leave immediately. Flight Control will give you each a seperate set of coordinates to arrive at, that way we don't attract more attention in the area. Any questions?"

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
January 17, 2008 8:28 pm #

Shiv wandered through the forests of Endor.  They had been going for at least an hour now.  There was nothing.  They had no clue where they were.  They were hopelessly lost.  Suddenly a scream cut through the forest.  Tanis was off leaving Shiv huffing in behind.  WHen Shiv got their he saw Tanis pulling Ewoks climbing all over a girl.  It was really quite comical.  They were pulling her hair out and kicking her ankles and she was panicking.  Tanis laughed and used the Force to remove the offending Ewoks.  He used some of his Jedi magic to scare them off leaving the Ewoks gaping and tripping over each other trying to get away.  They girl was in the fetal position softly crying. 

Shiv laughed despite of himself. 

And people wonder how they took down the Empire.

Tanis spoke softly, "Having trouble with the teddy bears?"

She looked at him with a sour look.  "They looked cute enough.  SO I tried to hug it.  It went beserk."

This sent Siv into a fit of laughter.  She gave him a murderous look.  If looks were deadly Shiv woul be stone dead.

<I apologize human.>

"Apology accepted."

<Ah you do understand my language.  And your name is?>


Shiv's blood turned cold.  <Kirah?  Tell me do you know Kharn?>

Her face grew bright.  "You know him!  Tell me where is he?!"

"Take a seat Kirah."  Master Tanis put a hand on her shoulder.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 17, 2008 9:49 pm #

Kirah nearly leapt into the air at the notion of Kharn. Yet Tanis knew this was a problem.

"Take a seat Kirah." He said and softly laid his hand on her shoulder. She frowned, she did not understand.

"Do you know where, or WHEN you are Kirah?" Tanis asked

"No I don't but... you're a Jedi aren't you? Would you know where Kharn is?" She asked hopefully

"Just a moment. You must know what exactly is going on. You are several thousand years into the future, from your time that is. You are on the planet Endor. Much has happened since your time. Your problems have passed, and worse problems have arisen. Yet, you'll learn more about that later. Now, there current situation."

<We came back here with Kharn to look for you, both me and Master Tanis here thought you to be dead. Yet we brought him in good measure, he had hope. However, when we didn't find you or your body yet we did find your journal entry he assumed you were long dead.>

"So, he... became very Sith like and ran off with our ship." Tanis finished

"....Oh Kharn, what have you done..." Kirah said putting her face into her hands

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
January 18, 2008 4:51 pm (Edited January 18, 2008 05:06 pm) #

((Huston, we have an A-10 "warthog"))

"No" Tho'un said, rising and stepping away, Xan following close behind. They soon reached the Vengeful Spirit boarded and the ship rose, backing out of the hangar bay. A moment later, they jumped to the given co-ordinates.


Ryyk's Revenge HIGH ORBIT OVER ENDOR (forest moon)

Kharn sat in the pilots seat, thinking. He wanted to leave, but something was holding him there, he couldent go. Every time he tried to jump, something in his gut shifted, and his arm, as if of it's own free will, would not move. He didnt know why. He should leave, Kirah wasnt dead, he knew it, she must have just found a ship and made her way to Coruscant, or Tatoine. She was from Alderaan, she might have gone there. He typed in the co-ordinates for Alderaan, but he still couldent bring himself to leave. Why not?

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 18, 2008 5:48 pm #

Shiv sat as Tanis related all that Kharn had done. 

"He loved me that much?"

<He' die for you.>

"So how did you survive?"

"If you've read my journal than you know that I did in fact get in the cryo tube.  It worked but it turned off a month earlier than it was supposed to.  I awoke and as soon as saw some salvagers near the entrance.  SO I ran in the other direction.  When I came back a month later the salvagers were gone but the tube was smashed open.  I thought they had killed him."

"He told us he went to the other side of the planet."

"That would explain it.  I never went out a 5km radius of the ship."

<Which I guess brings us to the next matter of business.  We need a way out of here.  Have you seen anything that could possibly get us out of here?>

"There are some reckages from a battle about 10km away.  I went to a ridge and saw it.  There might be something there."

<Then off we go.>

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 18, 2008 6:01 pm #

Weapons: a vibrosword, 2 westar blasters, a disruptor, a knife,and some grenades (not all are always with him)
armor:mandalorian armor (green with gold trim and jumpsuit)
Species: Human
Apearance:mando armor, short brown hair,green eyes, muscular
Personality:agressive, always has a plan and back up plan, cocky, doesn't care about who he works for as long as the pay is right.
Ship: The Silent Killer, a modified 3-Z light freighter
astromech droid: R2-D8 who is my co-pilot (i have modified him so he doesnt beep he talks in  basic)

I walk into the cockpit. R2-D8 is standing there.
"We got a bounty for a guy named Coea." I say.
"Where is he?" R2-D8 asks.
  "Tatooine so let's get going." I say.
"Alight" he replies.
I get into the pilot chair and start The Silent Killer. We are on Coruscant. We move into space and I put in the coordinates for Tatooine. As soon as I can I engage the hyperdrive.

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 18, 2008 7:39 pm #

They made their way down the cliff face.  They carefully but slowly scaled the rock face.  They reached the bottom ad Kirah let out a big breath. 

"That was intense.  It's been a long time since I've done something so physical."

<Well now we only have a 5km hike.>

"Sounds fun."

Slowly but surely they made their hike.  After an hour and a half they reached the site.  Shiv immediately noticed a downed Imerpial Shuttle.  Perfect.  He headed into the hatch.

"Isn't this ship busted up Shiv?"

<But Master Tanis, you miss the point.  We need to send out a distress signal on any frequency we can.>

"Ah."  Shiv went to the comm and turned it on.  He flipped it on.  It hummed to life.  Shiv let out a bark of delight.

<Now Kirah.  You can send out the call.>

"Alrighty.  Toss me the mic."  She grabbed it and began broadcast. 

"Attention all ship's in range.  We have 3 survivors stranded on Endor.  Please come to assist.  We need assissance.  Please respond."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 18, 2008 8:03 pm #

Kharn had been sitting in the seat, watching the green orb of Endor float lazily beneath him. He drumed his fingers on the large armest, thinking. He had already decided that he would go to Alderaan, and he was trying to leave now. He finnaly managed to place his hand on the switch, and was just about to flip it when the comm buzzed to life. The signal was bad, the transmitter was probably damaged. There was a flood of static then a voice came through. Kharn froze. "...three survivors strand...dor...assist...ance. Please respond."  Kharn slowly pulled his hand away from the switch, listening to the message repeat. But, shes not here. he thought. Shes dead another part of his mind persisted. No, it cant be her. Tanis or Shiv is playing with your perception, trying to get you land, so they can get on the ship and leave you here again. Dispite his minds protests, his mouth opend, seemingly of its own accord. "Kirah?" he asked, his heart pounding. The voice responded, and it managed to cut through the static well. "Kharn? Kharn, you need to get down here. Don't leave me here." Kharn began to take the ship down.  He was going faster then he should, the ship groaning in protest as it tore through the atmosphere, heading for the signal's origin.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 18, 2008 10:10 pm #

Tanis nodded his head. Kharn would return. He stepped outside of the shuttle craft and looked into the sky.

Shiv's ship could be seen barreling through the atmosphere to land. Tanis unhooked his lightsaber and held it in his hand. He tucked his hands into his sleeves so they couldn't be seen. Kharn may be returning, yet he would take no more chances with him. Kharn had strayed too close to the dark side, and a Sith presence was evident in him.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
January 19, 2008 9:38 am #


I bring The Silent Killer out of hyperspace.
"Which city are we going to land in?" R2-D8 asks.
"Mos eisley." I say
I land the ship and take only my westar blasters and a knife with me. I start looking for my bounty.  I find him standing in front of a bigger guy. I walk up next to coea.
"You better pay." the big man says.
"Back off." I say.
"who's gunna make me?"
The guy reachs for his blaster. I grab mine before him and shoot him. I quickly spin to Coea and shoot him. I take a glove from his corpse for proof.
I make my way back to the silent killer and take off.

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 19, 2008 10:44 am #

Kharn took the ship in over the downed shuttle. He passed over once, almost cliping some of the taller trees in his haste to find a good landing area. There was a clearing about a mile away. He set the ship down roughly, sprinting down the ramp, heading towards the shuttle.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 19, 2008 11:13 am #


We get back to Coruscant and I got to the cantina where the person who hired me is waiting. I only know him as SA but thats fine with me I don't need to know anyones name. I walk in and walk up to the bar.
"I'm here for SA." I tell the bartender.
"I'll be right back." the bartender says and he walks into the back.
He comes back in a minute.
"Follow me." he says and leads me into the back.
SA is sitting at a table with a drink in his hands and 2 Barabel bodyguards.
"Hello Raeo. Is the job complete?" Sa asks.
"Yeah." I say and throw the glove on the table.
  He takes a sip of his drink and puts some credits on the table which i take. "Good. Now sit down."
I move away but his guards draw there weapons and move in front of me. I sit down because even though the guards wouldn't be hard to kill it would start a bar fight and that would be a hassle.
"You got some nerve." I say.
"Thanks. I just want to have a friendly conversation." he says.
The guards move in front of the table with their blasters still out.
"Ok talk then." I say.
"I want to know which side are you going to join?"
"I probably won't even join a side unless they pay well and the way the Rebels are right now I doubt they'll have the money."
"Want to work for me?"
"No." I say.
He glares at me. "You got some nerve." he says.
He glares harder at me now.
"I'll be going now." I say. I get up and start walking toward the door.
The guards move to intercept me but Sa raises his hand.
"Let him go." Sa says as I keep walking.
I walk back into the main part of the cantina and leave.

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 20, 2008 12:17 am #

Shiv saw the ship set down in the valley.  They didn't have to wait long for Kharn to get there.  He was there in an instant, sweeping her off her feet and kissing her face.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 20, 2008 12:45 am (Edited January 20, 2008 12:54 am) #

Kharn stood there, just holding Kirah in his arms. He felt like he could just stand here with her forever. He didn't know what to say, he felt like it was his fault, but he didnt know how to appologize. She had missed so much, and Kharn felt like he was to blame. "I'm sorry." he said quietly. "It wasn't your fault." she said, kissing him agian.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 20, 2008 10:00 am #


I'm sitting in the cockpit with my feet proped up.
I am so bored, I think.
"I've got a idea!" I say excitedly.
"What is it?" R2-D4 asks.
"We're going to run the belt." I say as I take my feet off the controls and start The Savior.
"Let's do it!!!!" R2-D4  says.
I smile. He's a adventurous little droid. I take The Savior off the ground and out of the hangar.
"Take the power from the weapons and divide it equaly over both the front and back shields." I say and he does.
I bring the engines to full speed and vector towards the asteriod belt. We're going to go against the flow of the asteriod belt.

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 20, 2008 6:13 pm #

Eventually Kharn let Kirah go, as much as he wanted to, they couldent stay there forever. He looked over at Shiv, and apologized. Then he looked at Master Tanis, and wished he hadn't forgoten his lightsaber on the ship in his haste to see Kirah again.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 20, 2008 6:51 pm (Edited January 20, 2008 11:45 pm) #


I move the ship at full speed toward the asteriod belt. As soon as we're in i turn the ship against the full of the belt. I get hit by a small was and The Savior shakes.
"Our shields still good?" I ask R2-D4.
"Yes." he replies.
"Good." I say and let the force take over.
I dodge one asteriod just to almost get hit by another which i barely dodge. Almost immediately The savior shakes and I take it to be a asteriod.
I come close to another but because of my force enhanced reflexes i'm able to dodge it.
In 15 minutes we get hit alot.
"Percent?" I ask for probably the 6th time.
"0." R2-d4 asks.
We get hit again and I decide to stay for a little while longer.
After a while longer we get hit alot more.
"Ok R4." i say and vector the ship to the base.
"Give me a daignostic." i say when we get out of the belt.
"Top turbolasers not working, hyperdrive not working either, one of oour engines is out, and alot more stuff just a tiny bit more and we'd be dead" R2 says.

                                       Back at base
  R2 and I walk into the hangar. We turn around to look at The Savior. Its really busted up
"NOT MY BABY!!!!!!!!" I yell.
"Ouch." R2 says.
We go to find Leia. We find her in the command station.
"I want your best fixing The savior." I say
"Ok." she says.

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 23, 2008 12:23 pm (Edited January 23, 2008 12:27 pm) #

"Ok." she says.

Aegob looks at Princess Leia satisfied.

"But it'll cost you..." Princess Leia looks back at Aegob, feeling somewhat satisfied by the smile that drops from his face.

"Wait, WHAT?!" Aegob looks taken aback by Leia's unexpected response. "With all due respect, Princess, my ship needs to be re-"

Princess Leia's glare surprised Aegob even further, cutting him off before he can complete his sentence, "Your repairs are not priority at this point, Mr. Aegob. Our resources are strained to the limit at best. Being forced out here by The Peacekeepers has put an even bigger strain on them. We don't have the manpower or the material to repair vessels of pilots that go foolishly  joyriding into uncharted asteroid belts."

Aegob looked and felt quite flustered at the unexpected chiding from the famous and beautiful Princess Leia.

"But, what do I-" Aegob stammered.

Princess Leia looked at him, none of the fire gone from her eyes. "You can scrap that junk heap for parts and make yourself useful, or you can see if someone might be inclined to haul you back to Coruscant on their freighter." With that, she turned and left the Command center, walking down the nearest corridor.

"Wow, I've never seen her that mad at someone, and believe me, old man. I've tried." Aegob turned to see a scruffy looking spacer in a vest and Correlian bloodstripes, accompanied by a cinnamon-fur tinted Wookie. "C'mon, Chewie let's leave the geezer with some of his dignity intact."

The Wookie roars something.

"I dunno, Chewie. Maybe she just woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." They walk away from Aegob, going down a different corridor.

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
January 23, 2008 1:18 pm (Edited January 23, 2008 01:23 pm) #

"That didn't go well." R2-D4 says.
Dang I would have payed had she given me the chance, I think.
I walk back to the hangar and tap a technician on the shoulder.
"Hey i'll pay you 100 credits if you fix my ship." I say.
He turns away.
"Ok 200."
"Now we're talking. I'll get a few friends of mine and we'll fix your junkpile." he says.
"150 if you bad mouth her."
"Ok." he says as he walks away.
"Come on R4 let's go eat." I say and we got to the mess hall.
The food was Nerf burgers. We walk back to the hangar.
I see the technicians working on The Savior. I instantly see they're doing a bad job.
"Get on the ship R4." I tell him.
I force jump onto my ship. The guy i met gets up and walks to where I stand.
"Like our work?" he asks.
"No not for someone yelling at me."
He does nothing.
Again he does nothing.
He does nothing.
"R4 SHAKE EM OFF." I yell.
The Savior starts and they instantly jump off. I use the force to throw there tools off.
"SHUT IT OFF." I yell and he does.
I wasn't gunna have them shaked off but I knew they would get off when it started.
"This is bad." I mumble.
R4 rolls out and I jump down.
"Come on."
  We got into the savior and walk to a special room. I open the door. There are  5 pit droids, 3 WED-15 Septoid Treadwell ( and a 3p0 series protocal droid.
I activate the pit droids, and the wed-15s.
"The savior is pretty busted up so wed-15s get to work inside here." I say and they go to fix it.
  "Follow me  pit droids." I say and they follow me outside.
I use the for to levitate them up onto the savior.
"Start to fix it." I say and turn to R4.
"Hey R4 can you help to?" I ask.
"Yeah." he  says and goes into The Savior.
"O and make sure they don't come back."

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 23, 2008 4:00 pm #

<Right.  Now let's get back to the ship.>

Trudging their way along the made it to the ship. 

<Ah.  How I missed her.  Now everyone on.  We are going back to the Base.>

Shiv hopped in the cockpit and hit the thrusters and recklessly skimmed over the trees as he let out a howl of happiness.  This was were he belonged.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 23, 2008 4:25 pm #


Tho'un watched as the stars stretched into streaks of light, they had recived a transmission for High Inquisitor Starjammer. It seemed that Overlord Skywalker wanted them to bring them a young jedi. Their mission was to bring him back alive, and attempt to convert him. Their destination was a small moon, near chiss space.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 24, 2008 1:45 pm #

Hisuke had been scouring the brim of coruscant for weeks looking for a crew, and gathering it up bit by bit, he soon had himself a reasonable crew.

Everybody knows about the international dibs protocol and tthe no take backs accord- Sarge Red Vs Blue.
January 24, 2008 1:48 pm #

"R4!" I call and he comes.
"We need some new weapons." I tell him
"Can we get a rocket launcher?!?!?!?!?" he asks excitedly.
We walk outside where I tap on someone's shoulder.
"Hey where can I buy some weapons."
"Bo in room 157." He says and walks away.
We go to room 157 and knock. The door opens a 30 year old man is standing there.
"We're here to buy weapons." i say and he motions us in.
"Come in, come in." he says.
R4 comes in first, sees a rocket launcher and quickly rolls over to it. I walk over to him. I notice it's a PLX-2M portable missile launcher model ( I smile.
"R4 we can't get that." I say.
"Geez." R4 says.
I look around i spot a Dc-17 and move over to it.
  "Where'd you get this?" I ask.
"I bought it. It's a beautiful gun isn't it?" he replies.
"Comes with all attachments."
"Even pulse energy?"
I see Westar-13,knifes, grenades, hold-outs, and many more.
"R4 want a rocket launcher?"
"YES!!!!!" he says excitedly.
"Ok i'll take the dc-17, Q2 hold-out blaster, westar, knife, and some grenades." I say and hand him some credits.
"This will do. Over there is the ammo and atachment take it all it comes with em." he says pointing at a closet.
I do and put the dc on my belt, it's attachments on my belt, grenades in my belt, Westar on my leg, knife concealed in my pant leg, and the hold-out concealed in my sleeve.

Maybe i will join the Empire, I think.
I arrive at The Silent Killer, walk into the cockpit and sit in the pilots chair. I look at R8.
"We're going to see if the Empire has any jobs."  I say.
"I take it you want me to keep the hyperdrive primed and a course set just incase anything goes wrong?" he asks.
"Yeah." I say as Istart The Silent Killer.
I bring her up and vector to the Imperial fleet. I bring us up to full speed. I hear the comm click on.
"Silent Killer if you go any farther you will be shot down." the person says.
"This is Raeo. I wish to meet with Skywalker." I say.
"Let me speak with my superior."
After a minute he starts to talk again.
"Ok a Tie escort will bring you in."
I see ties taking formation around The Silent Killer.
"Follow me." their leader says over the come. He's in front.
I follow him to The Overlord's Shadow where I land.
"R8 you're going to come with me to meet with Skywalker. Feel free to say anything you want." I tell R8.
He's not like a servant to me he's a best friend, and partner to me.
"Ok." he says.
I see peacekeepers taking formation infront of The Silent killer.

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 24, 2008 3:30 pm #

Cruising the space lanes above Coruscant, Ralin's comm unit lit up.  Pushing the proper button, the holo image of a strange............. oh, it’s Ma'ryk.  He looks different without his helmet.

“Oya Vod; any luck with your mission?”

“Yes Brother; I have made contact with one of Skywalker’s contract middle men.  He has arranged a meeting.  We are to be there in a few hours.”

Ralin nodded.  “Good work.  Let’s be on our way, then.”  Switching off the holo unit, Ralin turned the Hawk onto the coordinates Ma’ryk sent.

** Ok; this is to set you up, V_M, so you can post as the middle man and for us.  We’re in, just sign us up**

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
January 24, 2008 6:44 pm (Edited January 24, 2008 07:52 pm) #

Kharn stepped off of the ship, his arm around Kirah. Shiv had told him were to go to inquire about quarters. The stepped into a rather empty room, with a few desks, They sat down across from a middle aged balding man, who looked like he had a few to many nerf burgers. He glanced up at them once, and began to type into his console some more, muttering as he typed. "..ok...uh, two people, two rooms..." Kirah moved her chair closer to Kharn's, kissing him and resting her head on his shoudler. "I think we can share a room." she said, smiling slightly. The clerk raised an eyebrow, but quickly returned to his console "Two people...ONE room, then. Alright, sector eight hallway G-7, room 1150, here are your keys," he said, handing them two keycards "have a good time." They stood up and left, headed to their room.


Tho'un stood on the bridge, completely unarmored, it was one of the only times he ever wore anything other then his amor, it was, after all his ship. Xan was wandering, as he did sometimes, checking the ship for any malfunctions, or simply testing his new robes. They had plenty of time to kill, as of now, Tho'un was hungry, he stalked off to get food.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 24, 2008 7:02 pm #

The repairs were coming along well. Soon they would be able to leave and I'm getting off this moon as soon as possible.

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 25, 2008 2:46 pm #

Tanis walked off the ship and watched Kharn and Kirah walk off to find a room. He replaced his lightsaber on his belt. He saw that odd Jedi at the space port again. He now had blasters and grenades on his was obvious this man was not a true Jedi. Tanis would inquire about him later. But for now, he had put off his main mission long enough.

He walked through the base, his brown robes flowing around him. His hood partially covering his face. He did not make a sound as he passed the fellow rebels going about their business on the base. They did, however, raise eyebrows at his appearance. Some noticed he was a Jedi and stared in wonder as he walked by. Eventually he came to an intersection and was not sure where the command station was.

He approached a man leaning against the wall and inspecting his blaster.

"Dash Rendar?" Tanis asked. The man turned and looked Tanis up and down.

"Tanis Ardion... on the side of the Rebel Alliance. I'm so surprised." Dash said with a smile and extended his hand. Tanis shook it and lowered his hood.

"Come back to race me again? Or have you finally accepted defeat? No Jedi mind trick's gonna fool ME..." Dash said as he looked through the small scope on his gun and rubbed a smuge off the lens. Since Dash and Tanis had the same ship model, the first time they met (thats a whole other story) Dash wanted to race Tanis to prove his ship was superior. It was.

"Of course not... I'm here to see Leia. Down which hallway is the command station?" Tanis asked as a LE-series repair droid walked up to Dash.

"Outrider's finished, can we leave now?" Leebo asked.

"Just a sec. Go down this hallway to the end, then make a right and it should be right in front of you." Dash replied to Tanis. Tanis nodded.

"Thank you Dash. Till we meet again." Tanis said and nodded once more.

"Right right. Crazy Jedi..." Dash mumbled that last part and walked back to the space port with Leebo.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
January 25, 2008 3:59 pm #



       I only bought the  weapons for what's coming up ahead.I also bought them because during my time in the unkwown regions. A lightsaber doesn't always work esspecialy at range. I had put the DC-17 and grenades in a weapons locker on The savior. I move into the cockpit and start it. The repairs are done and I already shut down and put the droids in the room.
"Where we going?" R4 asks.
"The planet Gala. So start making hyperspace calcuations." I say.
I bring The Savior out of the base and into space.  I vector it into the course for Gala. As soon as I can i bring the ship into hyperspace.

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 25, 2008 5:58 pm #

(Yes....not a true Jedi)

Tanis turned the corner and came upon a large doorway that was the entrance into the command station. He replaced his hood and walked in.

It was a buslting superstructure with people running about and computer consoles casting their eery glow through the large room. It was controlled chaos. Tanis walked throught the masses and felt for Leia's force pressence. He found her peering over someones shoulder and inspecting their console.

"Just request an engineering team to check it out. I don't think its anything." Leia said and rose from her bent position. She turned to walk away and faced Tanis.

"Ummmm, what do you need?" She asked, she seemed very busy.

"I am Jedi Master Tanis Ardion. I have come here to seek an audience with you, Princess." Tanis said as he shook her hand. THey released and she cocked an eyebrow.

"Yeah? Well, Master Ardion, if you haven't noticed I am very busy at the moment and-"

"I must insist m'lady, this involves the fate of your brother as well as that of the galaxy." Leia's eyes grew wide. Very few were supposed to know Luke was her brother.

"Ok, meet me at my personal quarters in 30 minutes, I need to finish up here."

"Very well. Thank you m'lady. I assure you this is of the utmost importance."

"Yeah it always is. My room is down the hall you came and to the left. Its a blue door." Leia said as she turned and disappeared into the consoles, people and various equipment.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
January 25, 2008 6:11 pm (Edited February 5, 2008 12:41 pm) #


The Rodian Ano'rkh was mulling over the diner's extensive menu and deciding between the Kommerken steak and Ootoowergs and the roasted Rodian karstag, when a WA-2 serving droid walked up to him.

"Can I getcha anythin' hon?" it said in Rodian.

"Ummm...I'll have the uh...nerfburger and a Tatooine Sunburn." Ano'rkh said. He looked around eagerly at the diner's exits, awaiting the arrival of his contacts. He was told he'd be dealing with two Mandalorians and giving them some information on a datapad. He knew that after he passed the information off, he'd be free to return to the Peacekeepers and reaquire his ship, a modified YT-2400 called The One Sure Shot. He hoped he'd never again have to do this sort of thing. He swore to himself that he'd never attempt to outrun a Peacekeeper patrol with illegal cargo ever again. He hoped he'd...he had a lot of hopes.


Captain Jornn Vargan sat at his seat aboard the Vilgilances command bridge. He wished he'd been among the captains chosen to take the Alliance Remnant into the Unknown Regions in search of possible new bases. He felt the prospect of such an exploratory mission to be an exhilirating prospect. Unfortunately, he was stuck here. He was bored. The only remotely interesting thing would be the occasional appearance of squadrons of an unknown TIE variant popping in and out of hyperspace near his patrols. He'd sent the info out to Alliance Command but with such limited manpower, he doubted he'd have anything worth fighting if they decided to attack.

His comm officer looked over at him, "Captain, Ghost Squadron reports the arrival of an unkown vessel from hyperspace. The pilot requests to be allowed to land."

"Has he given authoriation codes?" Captain Vargan at least felt somewhat confident that Ghost Squadron could hold their own. They didn't have the growing notoriety of Rogue Squadron and their fancy new X-wings, but with two rapid-fire triple laser cannons capable of inflicting damage equal to that dealt by a V-wing starfighter, and two powerful main ion drives, each of the squad's Belbullab-22 starfighters could definitely hold their own, even if they were considered ancient by today's standards. Against an unknown vessel, though...he wasn't so sure.

"Yessir, and it checks out." The comm officer says.

"Patch me through, I'd like to speak with him..."

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
January 25, 2008 6:52 pm #

(aegob Is A True Jedi!!!!)

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 25, 2008 7:05 pm #

Tho'un began to suit up, buckling and fastening his armor into place. He pulled on the black inquistor robes last, pulling his lightsaber from the table with the force. Xan had donned his robes as well, It was zero hour, ETA was soon, very very soon, and they were ready.


Kharn sat up, he wanted to get up and walk around a bit, Kirah was asleep now, he would be back before she woke up, he was kind of hungry, and he just felt like exploring. He stood, dressed, and headed in the general direction of the mess hall. A freighter was touching down, he didnt know what type, he stepped into the cafeteria grabbed something and left.


Tho'un stepped from the freighter, a quartermaster aproached him. "Can I he-" He was cut off by the sound of a lightsaber swinging, taking his head from his shoulders. A woman spun around, and quickly pulled a blaster and fired. Tho'un expertly returned the fire, with a quick swing of his saber. She fell, but by then an alarm began to blare. Xan sprinted from the ship, electrostaff starting up.


Kharn began to sprint, his hunger forgoten, as soon as the alarm sounded, he needed to get back to Kirah, she would start to worry. He knew she could take care of herself, but he wanted to make sure she was safe.


There were Jedi here, plenty of them, Tho'un felt them. One of them was a mess of emotions. That would be his target. He cut down another ill prepared trooper and rushed on. A wookiee stepped infront of him, and pulled something from it's belt. A deep green blade of energy erupted from what the wookiee had drawn. Tho'un blocked the first strike quickly and gathered the force to slam the wookiee into a wall, the wookiee slumped unconcious. Tho'un had no time to finish him, his taget was close.


Kharn looked behind him, an armored alien stepped around the corner, A red energy blade slowly emerged from the cylinder in it's hand. Kharn pulled his lightsaber from his belt, and activated both blades.He blocked the stirked thrown at him, and swung back, aiming for the alien's legs, it stepped back, and managed to swing again. Kharn shut one of the blades off and moved the remaining to block, as they contacted, Kharn's blade flared and died. Kharn pulled himself back instinctivly, He felt himself fly through the air, hit something hard, and everything went dark.


Tho'un plulled the jedi back to the ship, he didnt encounter much along the way, Xan arived shortly, and soon, they were off.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 25, 2008 9:58 pm #

Shiv had pulled out his lightsaber without thinking.  This Dark Jedi meant business.  But Shiv was out of practice.  He brought his lightsaber down but the man easily blocked and used the Force to shove Shiv into a wall.  Knocking his head Shiv fell unconscious. 


"Shiv!  Shiv!  He's gone!"  A voice was ringing in Shiv's ears.  He opened his eyes and saw Kirah's tear stained face.  He brought a paw to his head and it came back blood stained.  He hit his head harder than he thought.

<Wha-  What happened?>

"An alien came.  He came and he took Kharn!  I hid behind a crate.  I saw him.  Kharn's gone!"

More tears streamed down her face.  She buried her head in Shiv's furry chest.

<It's alright Kirah.  We'll find him.  I need to seek out Tanis.  We will find out what to do.>

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 25, 2008 10:17 pm #

Tho'un circled his captive, Xan's electrostaff in his hand, the power on its lowest setting, painfull, and not deadly. The Jedi's hands were bound, he was being held up by his arms. Tho'un lifted the Jedi's head, he was waking up. He would turn him, through hate and fear. "...Kirah...." The Jedi muttered, probably someone he cared about. "She is dead." Tho'un spat, that deffinately got a reaction, the Jedi's head jerked upward, staring at him with complete focus. "She was killed by the people who were sheltering you. I can help you have revenge, take the lifes of those who killed her."

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 26, 2008 1:49 pm #

(I'll edit post if you want me to Ad)

Tanis was walking towards Leia's room when the alarm blared. Tanis looked back down the hallway and saw soldiers running to block the entrance to the command station. Tanis ran to them.

"What's going on?" He asked the group.

"There's an intruder, he came from a freighter that just landed. He's got...a lightsaber." One soldier spoke up.

Tanis nodded and began to run to the space port. A lihgtsaber....a Sith no doubt.

After several moments Tanis turned a corner and ran faced a IG-164 MagnaGuard Droid with an electrostaff launching a rebel through a wall. Tanis's dark green lightsaber blade was emitted in a second.

Tanis charged the droid. It had surprising speed at agility. It's fighting seemed...familiar. Tanis first tested the robot, with light attacks and quick movements. It appeared to be Juyo. Juyo was used by the droid guards of General Grevious in the clone wars. Was this droid a later model of these droids?

Tanis switched from Djem So to Niman to confuse the droid, yet it caught on after a few moments. Tanis did not want to immediatly kill the droid, he wanted its memory core intact. Niman would give his the chance for a mid strike to disable the droid, yet keep the memory in the head undamaged.

The droid threw an unexpected strike from the side and Tanis backed up. He blocked it but the droid threw another from the other side. The Niman form was holding him off. He had to wait for the droid to become impatient and go for a stronger, more lethal strike to leave an opening.

The droid did a strong overhead strike and Tanis sidestepped to cut him in half, yet the droid caught on and quickly spun, deflecting the strike. He jumped back several feet and froze. He was getting a transmission. Tanis charged him yet the droid ran back to the spapce port. Tanis followed.

As they reached the space port the droid ran into the hangar yet Tanis stayed behind. He came upon Shiv knocked out on the floor and had to check on him. Kirah knelt over him with her face in his chest, weeping.

"Shiv?" Tanis asked. The wookie opened its eyes, he was awake now, just injured.

<Tanis. They took Kharn. A Sith lord. Stop him.>

Tanis walked up to the entrance to the hangar and the double doors hissed open. He saw an armored man pulling Kharn aboard the ship and the droid run into the ship. The Sith's helmet's gaze met with Tanis' eyes as the hatch closed. The ship took off in an instant. What was going on here?

Tanis went back to Shiv who was beginning to stand and Kirah who was helping him.

<I tried to stop him, but my lightsaber combat is rusty.>

"Thats fine. At least you're alive Shiv. Kirah, what is going on here? Is there something you haven't told us? Why would a Sith Lord infiltrate a Rebel Base specifically for Kharn?" Tanis asked

"I have no idea. I don't know who that man was. I just don't understand..." Kirah said through tears.

Tanis breathed deeply. It seemed his mission would have to be put on hold again.

"Shiv, we need to follow him. Take Kirah on board your ship. I'm taking the Raider."

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
January 26, 2008 4:28 pm (Edited January 26, 2008 04:36 pm) #

Ma'ryk brught the Stingray out of hyperspace, approaching the co-ordinates that Skywalker's agent had given him.  His scanners showed Ralin Drakus' ship also exiting hyperspace, and converging on the same location.  Panak did not open a comm channel, and simply coasted down to Kuat's surface.  The meeting, according to the agent was going down in the Nebula Orchid Diner, in Kuat City.  As he entered the atmosphere, Landing Control requested his transponder codes, to verify he was who he appeared to be.  as he wasn't doing anything illegal this time, he didn't see why he shouldn't have to, and complied.  When he was given the okay, he brought the Stingray down to the spaceport.

Ma'ryk left his ship, and sealed the hatch.  He walked down the streets, his only weapons being two pistols; his HRB left on board the ship to avoid appearing too threatening.  He saw Drakus' ship land, and the other Mando left its confines an minute or so later.  They regrouped, with Ma'ryk taking point, and Drakus keeping an eye on him.  They walked through the street, scanning the rooftops, alleys, and every possible life-form in and out of sight for possible threats.  They weren't alive this long without being careful. 

When they reached the diner without incident, Ma'ryk sighed.  This was it.  They searched the diner, and found their contact; a Rodian seated alone at a shadowed booth.  There were various other patrons in the room; a couple of Biths at a table near one window, an Ithorian alone at another seat, and a couple of Kuat security corps oficers drinking and laughing at another booth.  Thee ones didn't matter, though.  Th Rodian appeared nervous, which is how it should be, when dealing with Mandalorians. The Mandalorians cautiously approached him, Drakus hanging back in the shadows enough to keep an eye on the rest of the diner, and have an ace in the hole so to speak.  Ma'ryk sat at the table, and faced the Rodian contact...

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
January 26, 2008 7:49 pm (Edited April 8, 2008 11:47 am) #

Ok, I'm in on this rpg, sorry if I get some facts or anything wrong, as this is one of my first rpg's, so here it goes:
Name-cabur (don't think it's taken, also means gaurdian in mando'a :P )
Gender-Female, 19
Work-free lance bounty hunter, very new and not to experienced, although is great with a sniper
Description-rather tall, human, doesn't really like to talk about her past except for the fact that she was raised by Mandolorians, quiet in both words and in movements, feisty :P
ship-(do they have ferraris in space :P ) A lightstealth-18 recon ship, added more fire power, known as phantom's shadow (sounds neat) thats the info on it if you want to know.
weapons-Sniper, regular blasters, small and handy lightsaber (the blade would only be a few inches long, for close stabs, but mainly for cutting an entrance into buildings and volts), black armor with a neon turquois design pattern, no helmet but some pretty spiffy sun glasses :D

Think thats it, any suggestions would be great or if anyone wants to incorporate me into their story so I don't get to lost with an introduction of myself, that would be cool.

jet pack & rocket launcher-800 credits, mandolorian armor-5,000 credits, being the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy-priceless. brought to you by JediMaster Card
January 26, 2008 10:19 pm #

**Cloneapart, if you want  in with me and MA, we are on Kuat and are about to join Skywalker.  If you want to join in, feel free; always good to have another Mando in the party   :D   even if all 3 of us would be snipers    :P   For suggestions on planet, what about Concord Dawn?  That's Jango's home world.  Just a thought.  Your shades sound nice!  You could say they're like a combat vizor, as well; giving you a HUD like a Mando helmet.**

Ralin hung back as Ma’ryk sat down with the Rodian.  Scanning the dinner, he detected only 2 weapons; both were on Kuat security personnel.  It took a while for them to notice anything.  But one finally glanced over at Ma’ryk.  Tapping his fellow on the shoulder, they both began to watch the Mando and the Rodian intently. 

What’s taking so long, Ma’ryk?!? thought Ralin.

The pair got to their feet and started for Ma’ryk.  Ralin almost started for them when he noticed one reach for his collar mounted comm unit.

They haven’t noticed me yet Ralin realized.  Feeling for the stock of his sniper rifle, he moved out the door undetected and activated his comm unit.

“Ma’ryk” he whispered.  “Watch you six, you have two security guards moving in on you; and they called for back-up.”  Stopping in the street, he took a moment to find a good spot. “I’m outside.  If things get out of hand, you’ll have to take care of the two; I’ll cover you from out here.  It’s time we see what the other’s made of, Vod. I’ll be around.”  Killing the comm, Ralin ran to an ally across the street.

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
January 27, 2008 9:49 am #

Okay Ralin, i'm in, the glasses thing sounds cool, think they'll have a tracking system and connections to the ship in them if that doesn't sound to far out.
Cabur walked slowly around the streets of Kuat, people barley gave her a second glance.  She kept the weapons she brought with her well hidden as to not draw to much attention to herself.

She was seriously wondering wether or not she wanted to take a bounty hunting position from Skywalker, after all, he was a force user and could not be trusted.

She came out of her thoughts in time to read the scanners in her glasses that had picked up some weapons up ahead on the street.  She wondered who could be carrying them, for they were not the normal blasters of the Kuat security. 

Intresting, she thought, maybe I should check this out.

jet pack & rocket launcher-800 credits, mandolorian armor-5,000 credits, being the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy-priceless. brought to you by JediMaster Card
January 27, 2008 6:42 pm (Edited February 9, 2008 01:27 pm) #

((Ok, if VM has a problem with me making another character, then i'll try to remove him...This is the last one i swear))


Species: Trandoshan


Age:18 (Trandoshans are considered adults at 15 so i think this is good)

Affiliation: Neutral, bounty hunter

Weapons: Vibroblade, one customised matte black WESTAR-34, Verpine Shatter gun, ACPG rifle Yellow lightsaber, (yes its his, hes a force user)

Ship: YT-2000, Serpent's Blood Modified to hold prisoners in leftmost cargo area, can hold eight. Two chin mounted laser cannons.

Appearance: This is him aswell, not in armor, so just visualize him wearing the armor/weapons from below picture add armor to the thighs, and a thing resembeling the thing on this dudes head, but the 'screen' is a red.

Force powers: Push/pull run/jump, mind trick, beast trick, choke, a basic healing ability (more stuff like that, no lightining)

Personality: A quick thinker, outcast of his culture, will stop at almost nothing to get his targets. Will stick by his allies, but if betrayed, will seek revenge. Tries to hide the fact that he is a for user

Dussk made his way through the streets, his lightsaber hidden on his belt. He had left his ACPG on the Serpent's Blood it stood out to much. His target was a human, male, and he was in Kaut City for this reason. The target was wanted dead, and Dussk was to take a locket for proof. He slipped into a cantina where the man frequented, and followed when he left. The man walked to his home, and when he opend the door, Dussk shoved him inside, closed the door and shot him dead. He pulled to locket from the man's neck. He stepped outside and made his way back, almost running into a passing man, he shoved him away, the man did nothing, exept give Dussk a dirty look. Dussk continued on and, noticing he was hungry, stepped into a small dinner.


[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 27, 2008 8:30 pm (Edited January 27, 2008 08:32 pm) #


Ano'rkh knew he was in trouble.

"Blast!" He cursed as he noticed a couple of Kuat security personell heading to the table. He looked at the Mandalorian seated in front of him.
"I thought you bucket heads knew how to do this sort of thing. What'd you do to get their attention?"

The Mandalorian stared at him blankly. Ano'rkh swore again in Rodian.

"Whatever it was, I think your friend just left you in the lurch," he whispered nervously, indicating the absence of the other Mandalorian, who'd been waiting in the shadows. He pulled out the datapad and clumsily tossed it to the helmeted figure in front of him. It disappeared into the Mandalorian's belt as the guards walked closer, and one of them had just finished calling for back up.

"Well, my job's done here. It's been a pleasure, really. I've got a nice little ship to get out of the impound. I'm outta here." Ano'rkh got up...and was pushed back down into his seat by one of the security guards. The other one looked directly at the Mandalorian, boldly staring straight into the visor.

Ano'rkh had no idea where it came from, but he managed to squeak out a feeble, "He-he...gentlemen. Can we help you?"

What he really wanted to do was relieve himself...

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
January 27, 2008 8:50 pm #

Ma'ryk stared calmly inot the security officer's eyes, knowing his own were shielded by his visor.  He couldn't say he hadn't expected this.

"I'm only going to ask you once.  Let the Rodian go."  His voice was as cold as the hull of his ship in space.

"We wanna see some eye-dent-ee-fic-ation, sir."  The man's tone was mocking.

"You got what you needed when I entered the atmosphere.  I am giving no more."

"Oh I think you will.  Do you know who we are?  Disobeying us can be pretty...messy."

"Then you don't know anything about me."

"Yeah, right.  Look, jerk, show us what was on that datapad the Rodian flipped to you.  Or do we have to get persuasive?"  His hand twitched, reaching for the blaster at his hip.  Ma'ryk calmly pocketed the datapad, and stood up, facing the guards.

"My business here is my own.  Back off, and you might leave today with an intact arm."  Ma'ryk was losig patience.

"Oh-ho!  Trying to get rough with us, eh?  Here that Burt?  This guy thinks he's oh so tough.  I think he's hiding something."

His buddy got aboard his train of thought.  "And when we tried to hold him for questioning for suspicious behavior...he resisted."  Their hands were on their weapons, seconds away from drawing.  They didn't have seconds.  Ma'ryk's hands went to his pistols, and brought them up in a blur, their barrels pointing right between the stunned security guards' eyes.  One smiled.

"See Burt, he's causing trouble..."  Ma'ryk didn't let him finish.  As his first blaster fired, his second shot the hand holding the other guard's blaster, forcing him to drop it in a howl of pain and rage.  As he swung a fist at Ma'ryk, the Mandalorian stood still, letting the flesh adn bone fist meet with beskar armour.  His pistol then belched a green light, and dropped the guard to the floor, dead before he hit the ground.  Outside, he heard two succcessive rifle shots.  That must have been the backup Drakus had warned him about.  Well, it looekd like it was time to go.  His patronage wouldn't be incredily appreciated here any longer.

Some of the newly arrived patron,s upon seeing the fight, drew their own weapons, and began to shoot.  At what, Ma'ryk didn't know, as hardly any bolts were directed his way.  He shrugged, dispatched two particularly annoying shooters, and entered the streets.  From a rooftop of a four storey building across the street, his comrade, Drakus flew.  The other Mandalorian's jetpack carried him swiftly down to the ground, where the two proceeded to make their way to the space-port.  They could hear the sounds of speeders closing in, no doubt with a couple of security officers on board.  Some of the patrons to the diner had spilled into the street, and had begun shooting at the Mandos.  Between Drakus' deadly (and accurate) aim, and Ma'ryk's twin pistols, they soon fell.  And the Mandalorians kept walking.

((If you don't like, lemme know, and I'll edit.  BTW, Cloneapart, this would be a good time to join with us, if you want to.))

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
January 27, 2008 8:58 pm #

(Btw guys, me and Adeptus agreed that for the sake of plot movement, Tanis and Leia have already spoken about Luke. Like whether he can be turned back and stuff.)

Tanis blasted off in his YT-2400 freighter the Raider and Shiv followed with Kirah in his HWK-290. Tanis opened up the comm channel to the rebel base.

"Base, this is the Raider, we're going off after the infiltrator's ship." Tanis said into the comm

"Alright we might be sending some guys after you. The infiltrators ship had a faulty hyperdrive and it left a residue as it left. Our calculations say it's heading for Coruscant and it's definitely shifty heading down there. We don't advise it actually..." The man at the command station said.

"Don't worry we'll be prepared. Neither of our ships should be logged in as rebel ones." Tanis said.

"Alright then. It's your hide. Don't lead them to us."

"Very well. Tell Princess Leia I will keep in touch." Tanis closed the channel and opened one with Shiv.

"Alright, we're going to Coruscant Shiv. Prepare for the jump to lightspeed."

<Ok, into the lion's den it is...>

The comm channel closed and Tanis engaged the hyper drive. The Raider burst into hyperspace and Shiv followed.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
January 27, 2008 10:18 pm #

**Anybody see the movie Tears of the Sun?  If so, just think the walking shoot-out at the end and replace Bruce Willis and the SEALs with Mandos   :D **

Ralin landed with a heavy thud next to Ma’ryk.  Quickly recovering, he raised his sniper rifle and began to walk down the middle of the street next to his Vod toward the starship docks.  Ma’ryk on the left, Ralin on the right, they rained a steady hail of fire up and down the street.  Each would take a turn looking back and putting cover fire down on the civilians and the hand full of security that were following.

A gray painted 4-man speeder with flashing lights sped into view about 500 meters down the street.  Still walking, Ralin sent a green energy bolt into the driver’s face as quickly as he could draw a bead on the man.  The passengers ducked their heads, forcing Ralin to send a stream of fire into the engine and through the windows. 

There had been dozens of civilian speeders slowly making their way down the street.  Most had been abandoned as the Mando’s approached.  Stopping occasionally to reload, they used the empty speeders for cover. 

As the pair moved forward shoulder to shoulder again, Ma’ryk turned back again to return fire on a brave though stupid security guard who had moved up behind them.  Hearing a crash to his right, Ralin turned to see a civilian trying to crash his speeder through the chaotic scene.  Wheeling around, he stopped the frenzied driver the only way he knew how. 

The security forces to their front were getting thicker.  More and more speeder loads of them were unloading, and they began setting up a road block 750 meters ahead...............right at the intersection that turned toward the docks. 

“Hold!” Ralin yelled.  Finding a heavily build hover truck, Ralin pulled out his right blaster.  “Take this” he said, handing the other Mando his sniper rifle.  With Ma’ryk covering him, Ralin kneeled down and looked under the truck. 

It should be right.............. Firing several shots into the belly of the truck, it shuddered and crashed to the ground; it’s repulsor shot out.  Taking back his rifle as they both leaned against the truck, he noticed for the first time that he and Ma’ryk both had several new scratches and burn marks in their armor. Havn’t had this much fun in months

Peeking around the corner of the truck, he could see dozens of security personnel buzzing around the barricade. 

“Put fresh packs into your blasters, Vod.”  It had quieted enough for them to hear the clank of their spent power packs hitting the pavement. 

Ma’ryk turned to Ralin.  “Ready?”

Drakus shouldered his rifle and pulled his twin heavy blasters.  “Always!”

Each moved around an opposite corner of the truck and started down the street again.

**cloneapart/A_A, this is your opening.  If you guys could start near or behind the barricade, that would really help things.  Oya Manda!!!**

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
January 28, 2008 4:47 am (Edited January 28, 2008 05:10 am) #

Tho'un sat in the pilot's chair, their guest was holding out quite well. Xan would take care of that however. There was a sudden jerk, and warning lights began to blink madly "Echuta!" Tho'un shouted, it seemed their hyperdrive was shot.


Kharn bit down again clenching his teeth against the scream he knew would rise up. The droid had a staff, with a purple energy feild on the ends. The droid had the staffs power setting on its minimum, just enough to cause extreme pain. The droid thrust the staff forward, but there was a sudden jerk from deceleration, and it missed, it soon regained its footing, and continued.


Dussk didn't know what had happend, but suddenly the security was going insane. He was only in such a mess because one of them decided that he didnt like the look of Dussk. He had his WESTAR and his vibroblade out, and was running. He sprinted out into the street and found himself behind a barracade, he turned quickly, about to take cover before anyone saw him, but he was to late, some of the guards turned, drew their blasters, and opend fire.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 28, 2008 7:01 am #

As Ma’ryk and Ralin moved from one cover position to the next, the incoming fire continued to increase on them.

“COVER ME!” Ralin yelled over the blaster fire. 

Ma’ryk nodded and leaned around the end of a abandoned speeder, his blaster pistols blazing.

As the incoming bolts on him died out and focused on Ma’ryk, Ralin ran from cover and took a kneeling position in the street.  Sighting his target, the center of the barricade now 500 meters ahead, Ralin’s jet-pack mounted missile launched, it’s high explosive warhead tearing into the parked speeders and troops that were behind them.  Using the lull that followed, the duo ran forward and quickly gained ground before the incoming fire returned to strength.

“Watch your fire on the left side of their position!” Ma’ryk yelled to Drakus as they stopped behind another speeder.  “We may have a friendly over there.”

Ralin jerked around at that statement.  “A friendly?!?  One of Skywalker’s men??”

Ma’ryk pulled back after sending several shots down the street.  “Don’t know, but some of the troopers are firing at somebody on their own side of barricade.” 

Ralin shoved in another pair of power packs into his blasters.  “Just worry about getting to your ship.  Whoever they’re shooting at will have to take care of himself.  You ready to go again?”

“Let’s do it!”

As they moved around the speeder, Ralin quickly determined that Ma’ryk was right.  More and more fire was being directed at someone or something on the far side of the intersection. Wonder what’s going on over there?  And just how many 'friendlys' do we have??

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
January 28, 2008 8:29 am #

cabur saw fire from where she had first locked on to the foriegn weapons.  Several security officers were coming and passing by her, not giving her a second notice.  She drew out her two pistols, ready for any attack.  On the street, 2 men came out of the bar wearing armor that looked very familiar, too familiar.  With sudden realization, she realized that at least the armor they were wearing was Mandolorian, her very race, although she could not be to sure that the men inside the suits were Mando.  They were getting very heavy fire, and one used the rocket on his jet pack to blow quit a hole in the barrackade ahead.  They were getting closer to her position, as she was only about 400 meters from the barackade.

She decided to act upon impulse, if they were Mando then she knew she would be ok, but if they weren't...

  She decided to go for it, looking for her first target.  Civilians were all over the streets, with gaurds mixed in between.  Her first few shots brought the officers around her down without much notice, but the then she started to get some notice.  Several now started raining down fire on her, and she ducked behind a speeder, now cornered. 

Real smart on my part, she thought, now we're all gonna get shot.

jet pack & rocket launcher-800 credits, mandolorian armor-5,000 credits, being the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy-priceless. brought to you by JediMaster Card
January 28, 2008 1:29 pm #

Dussk waited for a break in their fire, then charged out, dodgeing and killing with unnatural skill. He noticed a hole in the barracade, and began to sprint through it, he felt something behind him. He turned and leaned, the bolt barely missing his head. He aimed and fired, bringing down the security guard.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

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