Topic: Mutant Hunt - RPG

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Topic #2117

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January 20, 2008 1:33 pm #

I have my hand on my longsword waiting about to strike but I dont when Blackout shakes his head. I take my hand from my longsword.
What,why doesn't he want me to help? I think.
I move away heading back toward Freedom tower hoping to find everyone else.
  I see the streets are filled with people but I also see a mall i'll be able to get into. I decide to and sneak into the mall still staying in the shadows.

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 20, 2008 1:57 pm #

Character Name: Drake Sonus
Alliance: Humans
Department: Department of Mutant Discovery and Removal (MDR)
Age: 32
Class: Anti-mutant Commando (AMC)
Weapons: P40, Magnum, Frags, Flashbangs, Darkbangs, Combat knife
Equipment: Full body covering (black) body armor and skin suit, Helmet with HUD and spotlight. Also has three similarly clad Commandos working under him.
Description: Short black hair, green eyes, 5 foot, 9 inchs tall
Personality: Hard and cold. Unrelenting, Persistant, Brutal, Milatary like, Does what it takes to get the job done.

The wall blocking the entrance to the next levle of the swears blew open. Drake Sonus winced at how much noise it made. But then he and his squad were rushing in securing the entrance. No visible hostiles. Drake smacked the end of his clip, making sure it was ready and live. His spot light clicked on at his bidding. His squad did the same. The walls were covered in bug filth.
The squad responded to the noise with a burst of motion, training there guns on all the dank, wet hallways. Nothing.
The noise was louder now.
"Squad, defensive positons." he said in a voice that was utterly calm. Something he didnt feel at the moment.
One of his squad members caught some movement, down one of the darker hall ways.
"Follow it!" he commanded.
The squad rushed down the hallway, the figure rushed down a side hallway, the squad followed, at fullspeed. The hallway ended into a large room, even dirtyer then the last, and it smelled like...death. They stoped in the middle of the chamber, the bug-like figure was crawling up one of the walls, right...up....into...Drake went weak. The ceiling was covered with them.
"OPEN FIRE!" he yelled. The squad obeyed instantly, droping a many of them. But then they all turned on them, flying down on wings, clicking and chittering in there bugy way. "FALL BACK" he ordered. But too late. The entire swarm cut him off from his squad. Drake did the only thing he could do. He chunked a frag, and ran.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
January 20, 2008 2:58 pm #

As the group walked down they passed an electronic store with TV's in the window.  Adrian stopped as he saw the Live news airing not far from where they were.  The others watched as well.

"The government has apprehended a new mutant not 5 minutes ago.  He was known to call himself Blackout as he drained light within a proximity.  The soldiers showed up and he was taken into custody.  They are now taking him to the Rycroft Mutant Prison.  More to come in this breaking story."  It showed some soldiers hastily shoving Blackout in an armor van.  Just then a swarm of protesters ran in front of the van stopping it.

One of the civilians cheered after seeing this.  Acting out of anger, Adrian silently slipped in behind the man and discreetly pinched his cartoid artery cutting off blood flow to the brain.  The man crumbled to the ground and was out like a light.  Skyler saw this and came up to him.

"Did you kill him?"

"No I only knocked him out.  He'll wake-up with a massive migraine in about an hour.  But that's beside the point.  We have a van to stop.  It's only about a mile from here.  If we hurry the protestors will hold them off long enough."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 20, 2008 3:27 pm #

Noah sat in the NYPD HQ, rubbing the back of his neck where a piece of rubble had conked him out during the attempt to arrest Adrian.

"Sir, we've got one of them in our custody, perhaps you'd like to meet him." An officer came into his office to say.

"Take me to him."

It was a dimly lit room, with the mutant strapped to a table and an IV drip keeping him unconscious.

"According to our data, he is simehow able to drain all light from any area, and, as you can see, he has a prehensil tail."

"Great. He make it go dark, and has a tail. Whoop-de-#$%^ing-doo. Are we done here?"

"No sir. That's not why I called you here. You see, the scientists want to start running some tests on this one, trying to pinpoint what causes the mutant gene..."

"I don't want to know how to cause it--"

"....and if its possible for mutantcy to be cured."

Noah said nothing for a long time.

"I know a cure. It involves the patient swallowing a single lead pill."

"To be honest, commander, that would be a bit of a p.r. disaster."

"Fine. Do whatever you want. Permission to run tests on the mutant granted."

((As if we didn't have enough similarities to X-Men already...;p))

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
January 20, 2008 3:29 pm (Edited January 20, 2008 05:43 pm) #

James had been waiting for about twenty minuets, and he was atempting to juggle to amuse the boy. It wasnt working out well, he could get it going, and keep it up for a while, but he would eventualy fumble and drop them all. It was entertaining to the boy though. Arista ducked into the alley. "I found him." James said, grinning. Arista looked down at the kid, "Lets get you home."

"He said that he loved who he was helping."

James fumbled what he was juggling, and it clattered to the ground. Whatever happend to keeping it a secret?. he voiced to the kid, who looked at him strangely. James looked over at Arista and grinned sheepishly.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 20, 2008 5:41 pm #

Squint was ten feet behind the group, wearing his polyester suit with disgrace.

"Had they given me better clothes, this would've been -- damn it!"

Squint's cell phone went off, and he ran into the nearest store. Unfortunately, it was a women's lingerie store. Squint hastily answered the call.

"Squint, have you caught them yet?"

"Chief, you call at the worst times. I was tailing them perfectly, and then you screw things up!"

"Keep it down, flyboy. Continue the mission, then report when you have them in custody."

"Yeah, I will."


The four mutants were walking out of the mall, and Zayne heard particularly loud thoughts of hatred, so loud and close that they almost could've been his own thoughts. Then a cell phone went off. All four turned around to see what happened, and a tall man in a polyester suit went running into a department store for women's lingerie.

"Hmm, wonder if his wife is psychic like you Zayne, and used telekinesis to tell him to buy her bras?"

Everyone started laughing at Flip's joke. Except when Zayne's head started hurting.

"Agh, let's get out of here before someone notices."

The group went to the bathrooms, the one place they were free to really talk.

"So, what did he say?"

"Lots of anger. Something about 'Chief needs to shut up and let me do my job'. I've got no idea what it means, but I think that guy may have been following us, perhaps working for the militia or government."

"Well, we'd best not take any chances. Let's get out of here."

January 20, 2008 10:13 pm #

Since the boys had decided to talk in the bathroom, Skyler and Jasmine went to the Ladies Room. As usual there was a line up so it wasn’t going to be a good place to talk. “How about we check out that shirt you were telling me about,” Skyler started as they departed.

Jasmine led Skyler to a boutique fashion shop and pointed out the shirt. “Here it is. I thought it the most gorgeous shade of blue. It’d go so well with your skin tone and your eyes.”

Skyler smiled but she wasn’t really interested in the shirt. She could see that Jasmine was just maintaining an act. “So what’s the deal?”

“You saw the news,” Skyler said as she pretended to be interested in another shirt.

“Yeah, I get the idea. How long have we got,” Jasmine said as she came to stand beside Skyler and also feigned interest in the shirt.

“Not long, I have a feeling we may have a shadow,” Skyler told.

“You want me to do my thing?” Jasmine asked referring to her teleporting.

Skyler shook her head, “Not right now. We need to wait for the guys to come out from their Father’s Meeting.”

Jasmine chuckled, “Now that I’d like to see.”

“In a men’s bathroom?” Skyler said disgusted at the thought.

Jasmine screwed up her nose, “On second thought maybe not.”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
January 20, 2008 11:04 pm #

Adrian spoke up.  "Why don't we capture him?"


"Sure, why not?  I mean 5 of us and 1 of him.  I say we do it.  Can you find him?"

Zayne closed his eyes.  "He's still in the lingerie store."

"Good.  Let's go let the girls know."

They went out to see Jasmine and Skyler window shopping a bit down.

Adrian walked up to Jasmine.  "We're being tailed."

"I know."

"Oh.  Well we want to capture him.  He may be our ticket to Blackout."

"And how do you propose to go about that?"

"I'd like your friend to show her talents.  She's a teleporter correct?"

Jasmine stepped up.  "Yes.  And I'm willing to help."

"Excellent.  Here is the plan.  I'll slip into a changing room and grab the handicap room.  You get in the stall next to me.  Teleport out there, grab him and into my stall.  Can you d that without tearing me in half?"

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 20, 2008 11:23 pm #

Jasmine tilted her head to once side. "You forget, he's in a lingerie store. Won't you get embarrassed going into one of their change rooms?"

"I was going to go to a different store. Then you can teleport from there and grab our guest." Adrian clarified.

Jasmine nodded, "You sure you don't want me to pick something up for you?"

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
January 20, 2008 11:51 pm #

"Laugh it up.  You're worse than Skyler."

"Well she had to have learned from someone."

"Right.  To your position Jasmine.  Give me 2 minutes."

Adrian walked into the American Eagle next to the lingerie store.  He made his way to the changerooms and found the handicap area open. Perfect.  Now he waited.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 21, 2008 12:49 am #

Jasmine made her way into the lingerie shop. She browsed for a moment and saw something that made her grin. "I'd like to try this on," she said to the shop assistant who indicated that it was okay. Jasmine made her move, she shoved Squint from behind as he tried to place his phone back in his pocket. He stumbled through the change room curtain and Jasmine grabbed his wrist.

Within a moment Jasmine touched Adrian's mind and saw where he was. Then she appeared before him with Squint. "Here you go," she said as she handed Squint over by the wrist. "By the way, do you think this would look good on Skyler?" she asked as she held up a blue babydoll nightie that left little to the imagination. She laughed as Adrian swallowed. "I'll take that as a yes," the she teleported back to the lingerie shop to buy the blue nightie.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
January 21, 2008 8:43 am (Edited January 21, 2008 08:45 am) #

"Hey, lemme pick up the tab for you." Flip said, walking to the newly appeared Jasmine. "It's Jasmine, right?"

"Yep, and that's sweet. But you sure you wanna go to the counter with this?" She said, holding up the blue nightie.

"On second thought, how 'bout I just give you the money? And pick yourself out something, too. I'm Flip by the way." Flip pulled out a few bills from his pocket

"Hmmmm... you're smooth."

"Did I mention I speak French?"

Luke: Your overconfidence is your weakness. Palpatine: Your faith in your friends is yours... Luke: Faith in yo mama. Palpatine: What was that?
January 21, 2008 8:49 am #

Adrian pulled out his Desert Eagle and shoved it in the small of their stalkers back.

"Listen bub.  This is a Desert Eagle.  And you as a military man would know what this pistol can do right?  So what were going to do is walk you out and you aren't going to make a sound.  Just keep walking.  If all goes well you won't even get a scratch.  Got it?"

The man only grumbled. 

Adrian put the gun in his pocket and calmly walked out, the man in polyester in front of him.

"Hey look who I found guys?  And guess what I invited him over for a party.  Let's go."

Everyone made their way out.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 21, 2008 10:08 am #

Blackout surveyed his surroundings.  He was in an armoured car, cuffed to a small railing.  The seat was uncomfortable, and his tail was pinned, unable to move.  The four soldiers that had captured him sat opposite and beside him weapons still trained on his head, each one just itching to shoot.  He sighed, and didn’t struggle.  There was really no point; they had confiscated his swords, and pinned his limbs.  Even if he drained the light from the car, there was nothing he could do.

From outside the car, he could hear the shouts of protestors and cheering supporters of his capture swarmed around the vehicle.  He found it slightly funny.  He had been ignored, and invisible to the community, and yet his capture had sparked a full-fledged argument on both sides.  Most people out there probably didn’t know who he was or where he had come from.  They saw this as a anti-mutant propaganda movement, and protested against it.  Some of the protestors were most likely mutants as well, and would probably be arrested or shot for participating in the riot.  He didn’t know what the captors would do with him when he arrived at his destination, but he was leaning towards torture and interrogation; humans loved having others writhe in pain.  He sighed, and closed his eyes.  This was going to be a long day.
Tinman watched as the armoured car drove slowly through the city, his sensors locked on Blackout’s signature inside the carriage.  The humans thought that they could protect him, eh?  The mutant deserved to die, and no amount of human mercy would deter Tinman from his goal.  ((He assumes that Blackout was taken by the soldiers for protection))  His chaingun began to rotate slowly as he contemplated how much punishment the car could stand.  After getting an approximate estimation, he flew to the rooftops, and began to survey an area appropriate for an ambush.  When he had found such a place, he began to wait.  Blackout would come to him.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
January 21, 2008 12:10 pm #

Arista was surprised but her first priority was to get the boy home. She turned to look at James, “I’ll take him back to his parents. I know you don’t like the tunnels so you can wait here.”

James nodded still feeling very awkward, “Okay I’ll wait.”

Arista smiled at him sweetly then turned to the boy, “Come on let’s go home.” The boy looked very happy at the idea. Arista lifted a grate and they were on their way. The boy chattered endlessly as they walked but Arista was still feeling stunned at what he’d said earlier, Did James really care for her? Love her even? It seemed unlikely.

It didn’t take Arista long to walk the boy home. His parents were ecstatic to see him. “Oh thank you Arista, we were so worried.”

“That’s okay, we found him safe and sound.” Arista told then headed back to find James.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
January 21, 2008 2:43 pm (Edited January 21, 2008 03:03 pm) #

Noah was at the scene of the transport of Blackout, making sure that no one tried to bust him out or slaughter the people gathered to watch. As if it mattered. Noah honestly didn't see what everyone was so excited about. One single mutant got captured. big deal. There were thousands of other ones still out there, infinitely more powerful than this one. And yet they were all cheering like the war was over and they had one. Noah was wasting his time here, while Adrian was away no doubt planning other ways to attack american ideals.

The good news was, the scientists had taken plenty of samples of the detainee's blood and were runnning tests on it at the monet.

The bad news was, Arnold was still being repaired after getting hit by a semi, so Noah didn't have him to count on.

Noah looked through his binocs at something silver standing on a rooftop.

"Pete?" He asked into his walkie-talkie. "Is that thing ours?"

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
January 21, 2008 3:09 pm #

Walking out of the mall with his hands in his pocket, Squint was now a captive of five mutants. He was sure the Chief would cry laughing if he saw this moment. Lucky for Squint, his cell phone was in his pocket as well, and thus he began texting away.


Zayne and Flip were thinking of ideas on how they could possibly torture this military man.

"Hmm, let's dress him up like a barbie doll."

"Nah, they did that in that movie, remember?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Uhh, wana put a leotard on him, with lipstick?"

"Nah, too girly."

"Alright, how about this. We take off his regular clothes, dress him up in a pink suit, pink tie, white shirt, pink shoes, and throw a fake disguise kit on his face."

"Now, that is a good idea. We'll call him.... Steve."

January 21, 2008 4:34 pm (Edited January 21, 2008 07:45 pm) #

James had continued to attempt to juggle why Arista was gone. Oddly, he had been juggling since she left, and he hadn't dropped them once. It was helping him think. He was nervous, What if she doesn't feel the same about me? he asked himself. "Then you will deal with it." he said quietly. He stopped juggling and sat on a dumpster, Arista would be back soon. He wondered what she was thinking. He was a telepath, but not to the degree that others were, he could speak, and get a basic idea of someone's 'loud' thoughts, but he could not actively read someones thoughts.  And he had trouble controling his abillity, when he was stressed out, it was dificult to focus on people, tell where they were, but he could tell that Arista was close now.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 21, 2008 8:42 pm #

Tinman saw that one of the humans escorting his target had spotted him.  It wasn't that big a deal; they would be confused as to Tinman's identity long enough for him to act.  He held his position, and continued his wait.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
January 21, 2008 8:47 pm #

Adrian kept walking always keeping his eye on Squint.  He didn't seem to be doing anything.  Just fidgeting.  Skyler leaned over to Adrian.

"So what exactly are you going with him?"

"I'll probably use him as a bargaining chip."

"I don't trust him."

"You think I trust him?  There is a reason I'm carry a pistol in my hand.  But I'm going to see what I can get out of him."

Adrian walked over to the man.  "I have some questions.  I want answers.  There are two ways we can do this.  You can answer all my questions with ease and that's that.  Or we can have Zayne here rifle through your mind.  And if he isn't careful he can really screw you up.  So I suggest you take the easy way and just my questions.  We'll start easy.  You got a name?"


Adrian got up in his face.  "Why do you hate mutants?"

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 21, 2008 10:16 pm #

Jasmine followed along behind Skyler and turned to the other two who joined them. "Hi I'm Jasmine," she said with an outstretched hand to Zayne.

"Oh sorry," Skyler said feeling embarrassed, "I forgot to introduce you. Jasmine this is Zayne and Flip."

"Flip introduced himself to me. He speaks French, isn't that so romantic." Jasmine crooned.

Adrian shook his head and tried not to chuckle, "Just wait until you hear him speak it."

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
January 22, 2008 12:41 pm (Edited January 22, 2008 04:59 pm) #

I see a group come out of the mall they look familair. I realize who it is but one I can't reconize and move out of the shadows.
"Hey guys, Blackouts been captured!!!!!!! and who is this?" I say pointing at the girl.
"I'm Jasmine." she says.
"I'm aegob." I say

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 22, 2008 1:31 pm #

Arista hadn't returned yet and James was still thinking, it was almost getting slightly panicy. He had already for the most part ran through the worst case scenario, and for somereason it seemed to be playing on a continous loop in brainville. It was very, very agrivating. He wondered why she was taking so long.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 22, 2008 3:54 pm (Edited January 22, 2008 03:55 pm) #

Noah was still spying the unidentified robot when his cell phone went off in his shirt pocket. When he opened it he saw a text message from Squint. It read:

Ch33f. Mutnts g0t me. lock on 2 mi crdnits with gp asap.

As much as Noah wanted to send Squint back another text message consisting of a single 7-letter word  starting in 'd' and ending with 's', he knew that would alert the mutant captors. Instead, he phoned home base.

"Ted? Is that damn blender fixed yet?"

"ATOne should be operational in afew minutes, sir."

"Good. I'll be back at home base in a little while. Have the toaster ready to go when I'm there."

"what about riot control?"

"Meh, we've got enough agents here." noah replied, even though it was obvious he didn't fully believe it. As much as Noah hated leaving and risking the mutant's escape, he'd be damned if he let them kill Squint first.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
January 22, 2008 4:15 pm #

Aegob joined the party.  Squint wasn't going to answer.  But that was fine.  They had Zayne. 

"Zayne.  Come on over here and sift through our guests head."

Zayne clasped his fingers and cracked them.  "I'd be glad too."

Zayne was about to dive in when Jasmine pointed out a crowd of people standing in front of something.  An armored van.  This must be it.  Pulling out his Desert Eagle and firing two bursts in the air he cleared out all the protestors.

"Hello sir.  I believe I have one of your men."  He made sure everyone saw the Desert Eagle now pointed at Squint's head.

"One false move against any of us and I take his head off."  The others around him shifted uncomfortably.  He kept a stony face.  Skyler slid up beside him and whispered.

"You're going to kill him?"

"No.  Then our bargaining chip is gone.  Then they have no qualms in killing us."  Turning his attention to Noah he addressed him.

"It's simple you give us your prisoner and we give you your man."

"And what makes me think you will go through with this?"  Adrian was trying to figure out if he was stalling.

"You have my word as a SEAL."

"Not much good now anymore is it?"

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 22, 2008 5:19 pm #

With a gun against his head, Squint was deliberately focusing the majority of his thoughts on one thing, while secretly thinking another. He was sure this would confuse the mind reader.


A flash-bang grenade went off, and Squint dove forward with his eyes closed tight as possible, while blinding the mutants. Noah handed him goggles and a pistol, and the two were facing the mutants at point blank range, Squint focusing his gun on Zayne.

January 22, 2008 6:33 pm #

(Awwwwwww, i wanted to save Squint)

Dan Fortesque watched as a female mutant[Skyler] raised her hand. He didn't know what her power was, but he wouldn't give her time to use it. He sprung from the shadows of the alleyway and wrapped his arm around her neck. In his hand was his large combat knife, which was now at her neck, and in the other his modified massive 9mm held at her back. His M16 was slung on his shoulder.

The mutant let out a small yelp and Dan pulled her to a wall and placed his back up against it so he couldn't be snuck up on. All eyes flew to the sudden attack.

"Who the hells this guy?" Noah asked

"Captain Daniel Fortesque of the Marine Corps Special Forces, sir. I assume you are Commander Noah?" Dan replied calmy as he gently dug the sharp knife into the mutant neck and pushed the muzzle of the gun into her back to let her know his finger was faster than her powers. She had a look in her eyes that Dan knew all too well. It was the look of deep concentration that meant that she was considering doing something rash.

"Reinforcements?" Noah asked again

"Yes." Dan replied

"...they send one man?!" Noah yelled at him

"They send one army." Dan replies. Noah undertood his meaning and narrowed his eyes at him.

"Alright well, youre all arrested, so nobody move and nobody gets hurt." Noah says looking at the startled mutants.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
January 22, 2008 7:37 pm (Edited January 22, 2008 10:40 pm) #

CyberResearch Division Laboratory, New York, New York.

"What'd you say happened to him again?" Phil asked.

"I told you twice already! Why is it so damn important?" Sam asked, slightly irritated at his friend.

"No reason, I'm just bored." Phil shrugged.

"How the hell could you be bored?! This is advanced robotic technology we are working on!" Sam yelled.

Arnold looked at them both. "This bickering is pointless. Are you going to apply the bonding agent to my shoulder rods or not?"

"Yeah, one minute lugnut. You've gotten a bit impatient..." Sam wondered...

"Hmm...That's most likely an effect of disabling the read-only files to his AI...I hope Sam didn't notice I enabled it." Phil thought.

"There you go, all done." Sam added the last bit of 'glue' that kept the skin on Arnold's metal frame until it healed together.

Arnold stood up and grabbed a new shirt and leather jacket. "Where is my automobile?"

"Well...I...uh...You tell him, Sam." Phil stuttered.

*cough* "You see...Err...When the truck slammed into you, it slammed into your car..." Sam almost cringed. "The only thing left of your Charger was the engine compartment and trunk. Fortunatly, all of your weapons survived. The Boss said you could take his Shelby if you'd like, the keys are in the sunvisor."

"Yeah, and the guns are in a large duffle bag downstairs in the lobby waiting for you." Phil smiled.

"Thanks. I'll be back." Arnold turned and went down the stairs and finally got to the lobby, as he was too heavy for the elevator.

"I'll be back...Haven't I heard that somewhere?" Sam looked confused.

"Who cares, why did you tell tell him he could have the Boss's Shelby!?" Phil yelled the question.

"I just wanted to live, that's all." Sam replied calmly.

"This IS my signature."
January 22, 2008 10:27 pm #

Arista had taken the long way back to see James. Her mind was a mix of emotions and thoughts. She wasn’t sure what to say. She eventually walked back to see James juggling and looking somewhat impaitent. “Sorry I took so long. The kids parents were pretty ecstatic to see him again.”

James nodded, “I thought they would be.”

“So,” she said as she rubbed the back of her neck with her hand. “Ah what the kid said, was he telling the truth or making up stories?”

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
January 22, 2008 10:40 pm #

Skyler didn’t have a lot of options in her current situation. She wouldn’t be able to shapeshift as Captain Fortesque had his blade firmly at her throat. She threw a look at Adrian then moved her vision to Zayne. She tried to project to him that Adrian was free to fire some energy at her captor, she was willing to duck and weave.

If Zayne did hear her thoughts he didn’t say anything. Skyler assumed that the situation was too risky for him to pass the message to Adrian.

Her other option was to use her telekinesis to push both the blade and the gun away but Skyler wasn’t keen to try that option. If his finger moved on the trigger there was a fair chance she’d ended up shot.

“What makes you think I’m a mutant?” Skyler hissed at her captor. She hadn’t made a move to show any of her powers and she wasn’t registered like Adrian. Nor was she in her true form.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
January 22, 2008 10:50 pm #

When Adrian could begin to see his legs almost collapsed.  Zayne was about to get his head blown off and Skyler was in the arms of Fort.  He caught a look from Skyler.  Adrian quickly turned to Squint and blasted him.  But he turned his attention to Fort.

"What makes you think I'm a mutant?"  Skyler was thinking rapidly.

"Let her go Fort.  Please."  Adrian couldn't help but stop the pleading creeping into his voice.

"What's wrong?  Feelings for this one?  Knowing mutants they don't go out with humans lady.  Good try though."

Before any could react Flip was rolling and throwing a rock straight at Fort.  It hit him square in the forehead and he reeled enough for Skyler to duck.  Adrian took the oppurtunity to throw a blast of energy knocking him off his feet as his pistol fired wildly in mid-air as he fell.  But he was up in an instant.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 22, 2008 10:59 pm #

Skyler had used her telekinesis to push the blade away from her throat and prayed that the Captain didn’t shoot her. Thankfully Adrian blasted him.  She made a run for it and threw a glance over her shoulder to see the Captain get to his feet. “Blast him again for good measure, baby.” She said to Adrian.

She moved her fingers to her throat and felt a touch of warmness. His blade had been very sharp. She decided to hide her powers for now. She had a feeling that the Captain would use any knowledge against them.

Jasmine looked bored, “Do I get a turn?”

“Feel free, beautiful.” Flip said as he gazed at her.

“Than I shall,” Jasmine said an instant before she disappeared. She reappeared beside Noah, she grabbed him and then disappeared once again. She and Noah reappeared on a rooftop, Jasmine was holding him over the edge,  only his tiptoes touched the building rooftop, “Wanna play catch?” she yelled down to the group below.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
January 23, 2008 12:10 am (Edited January 23, 2008 12:15 am) #

Arnold grabbed the bag of guns waiting for him in the lobby, and headed for the G.T.500E parked on the curb. Arnold smiled as he sat down in the vintage Shelby, putting the guns in the rear flip-down seat. He started it up, smiling once again after 'hearing' the motor's gurgle-like rumble. He put it in gear and drove off to find Noah and his soldiers.

He searched the database and found Noah's cell number, and tracked his location through the GPS in the phone. They were on Staten Island, about 10 minutes from his current position. After finally getting on the island, Arnold was about 2 blocks away from Noah and heard gunfire. Sure enough, he turned the corner and there he was. Dangling from a roof at the hands of a mutant woman about a block away. He turned into the alleyway and got got out of the car, then unholstered his brushed chrome Desert Eagle.

"This IS my signature."
January 23, 2008 4:14 am #

"Hmp. Some reinforcement." Noah grumbled, noting the Fortesque boy getting smacked around.

"Listen punky brewster, I'm asking very very nicely for you to put me back where you found me safe and sound. And I'm also asking very very nicely that when you do, you and you're friends give yourself up, because as it is, we're olny going to arrest you. The angirer we get, the more of you who die. Understand?"

"you're not really in a position to talk so commandingly...sir." The mutnat girl cooed in his ear, with a voice frothing over in poison and sin. If the devil was a woman, she probably sounded like that.

"Really." noah said, pulling out his pistol, aiming at the mutnats fighting below them. "Seems to me I've still got the higher ground. Heh."

"Think you can shoot even one of them before I toss you?"

"Think you can toss me before I shoot one of 'em?"

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
January 23, 2008 9:50 am (Edited January 23, 2008 10:30 am) #

The Terminator made his way around the building Noah was on and up the alleyway behind the Muties. He walked quietly up behind Adrian, and whispered in his ear.

"I'm back."

Before he could do anything, Arnold shot Flip first in both knees, then did the same with Adrian, followed by Skyler.

"This IS my signature."
January 23, 2008 11:25 am #

Zayne went invisible, ducked under his captor, and rolled out of the way. From behind a bush, he watched Adrian, Flip and Skyler get shot in their knees. Looking up, he saw the robot-man from before, and the military man whom he and Flip had knocked out. Using his telekinetic powers, he turned the robot's gun towards the other man, and force the robot to start to push his trigger.

"Get down on your knees, and drop your weapon, or he fires", said an ominous voice that seemed to come from nowhere.

January 23, 2008 12:03 pm #

With three of her fellow mutants shot, Jasmine let Noah go. As he fell she teleported to the ground caught him and smashed his head into the side of a brick wall until he fell unconscious. Then she teleported to Skyler and grabbed her just as the Captain had headed towards the wounded mutants.

Jasmine teleported to the demountable hospital and left Skyler with Dr Leeds. She then teleported back to retrieve Flip and also dropped him off with Dr Leeds who was already healing Skyler. As Jasmine prepared to extract Adrian she saw that he was surrounded. Zayne’s warning seemed to have gone unheard.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
January 23, 2008 2:00 pm (Edited January 23, 2008 07:17 pm) #

James looked at her, thinking. She probably already knew the answer, but he felt like he needed to say this, he wasn't sure why, he just did. "It's true, I," He paused, this was hard to say, even if she already knew how he felt about her. He assumed it was fear."I love you." Arista looked like she was about to respond, when James spun quickly. At the opening of the alley stood a soldier, gun raised. James pushed Arista back, behind a dumpster, the soldier shot, and missed, the shot passing through where Arista would have been. James started running, the soldier swinging the M16 over, taking aim. James lowered his shoulder, and slamed into the soldier, knocking him down. He pulled the sword from his back and killed the man before he could get the gun again. He looked down the street, checking for a squad. There was nothing, it seemed to be clear, he walked back into the alley, Arista was getting up.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 23, 2008 2:38 pm #

As Drake took a quick glance back down the sewers, he could tell that they were gaining on him. In desperation, he brought up some old 2-D maps of the sewers on his HUD, and discoverd they were connected to a number of old tunnles. He found the nearest entry way to them and took it. After 10 minutes of twisting and turning through the tunnles, (and gaining a little ground away from the bugs) Drake found a way out to the surface, through a drain hole in the ceiling. He hauled himself out and put a trip-mine down the hole before placing the lid on it again. He squinted at the sun, his eyes adjusting to the extra amount of light. He reported his postion to the nearest milta HQ, requesting supplies, and ammunition.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
January 23, 2008 3:32 pm (Edited January 23, 2008 03:52 pm) #

Tinman watched the events folding out beneath him, and smiled, if a robot could smile.  This was an adequate ditraction.  He jetted off of the rooftop, and slammed into the pavement beneath, a last-minute back-thrust with the flight-pack saving his circuits from being damaged by the impact.  He turned, and face the armoured car, and began opening fire on it with his chaingun.  The bullets thudded int the tires, tearing them to shreds, and leaving the car open for him to take.  He stalked over to it, left hand morphing into a macinegun, with the right hand prepping the flamethrower.  His shoulder-mounted Gatling opened fire on the locks on the armoured car's doors, trying to break in.  To supplement this, his flamethrower ignited, and began to heat the locks at the same time as he shot them.

When the doors finally did break open, the four accompanying soldiers fired at Tinman, thinking him to be a mutant supporter.  Identifying the soldiers as 100% human, he began to speak with them, moving out of their line of sight to do so.

"I am not here for you.  Hand over the mutant, Blackout, for execution, and I will leave."  When the soldiers didn't reply, he simply climbed into the back of the car, ripped Blackout from the wall, snapping the handcuffs in the process, and slung the mutant over his shoulder, and walked away.  The four jailors stared after the robot slackjawed.

Tinman threw Blackout against a nearby wall, and held him in place with his hands, while his Gatling got a fix on Blackout's head.

"Nighty-night, mutie scum."  The barrels began to spin....

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
January 23, 2008 3:51 pm #

People were closing in on Adrian.  His kneecaps were torn apart by the .50 cal bullet and no one had any skin that Adrian could could touch.  Adrian saw the ironman break into the van and throw Blackout against the wall.  The Gatling on his shoulder began to rotate.  Adrian quickly shot off a blast that knocked the robot off its feet. 

"RUN Blackout!"  Blackout who stilled was groggy recognized what was being said and ran up the wall around the corner.  Adrian turned to see Arnold swing the butt of his pistol at Adrian's head.  Then the world went back.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 23, 2008 4:17 pm (Edited January 23, 2008 06:02 pm) #

Noah got up groggily.

"...the $#%&?" He asked himself, touching his bloodied forehead lightly.

Noah noticed that Arnold was firing at his own men. The scientists had told Noah some special tricks to handle Arnold if he went rogue.

"Override code Theta-Raptor-7!" Noah yelled.

"Accept code!" Arnold said, evidently this was neccessary.

Arnold twitched strangely and blue lightning crackled over his body as the system shut itself down and rebooted in seconds, checking and rechecking systems to undo outaside control. That included psychics.

Arnold, now operational,  whacked Adrian with the butt of his pistol, KOing the mutant.

"That's one." Noah growled. He noticed some of the mutants were gone. The girls had disappeared, as had that one they called Flip. The teleporting one suddenly popped back oto the battlefield.

"You again." Noah snarled, reaching for his pistol.


"Daniel, sir."

"Whatever. You two handled the psychic one. I've got a score to settle with this girl. Arnold, cuff that one you just conked on the noggin, turn him in to somebody, and then come back here to give me a hand."

"Yes sir." The robot saluted. "Um, sir, my pistol only has one shot left."

"You're a robot, just, I dunno, hell with it, take this." Noah removed a glock from its hidden holster.

"Now then..." Noah looked around for his quarry. " #$%@, not again." The girl was hiding somewhere. Damn teleporters.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
January 23, 2008 4:28 pm (Edited January 23, 2008 08:00 pm) #

((That's fine, but what I meant by 'the Desert Eagle only had one shot left' is that he could only shoot once before reloading, not that he needs another gun.))

"This IS my signature."
January 23, 2008 6:03 pm #

((Edited it, if it doesn't work just say so and I'll edit again.))

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
January 23, 2008 9:39 pm #

Jasmine couldn’t help but grin as she teleported from place to place and confused Noah. He really had no clue where to attack. Jasmine was trying to keep his attention so hopefully Zayne would be able to retrieve Adrian and escape.


Skyler flexed her legs and smiled, “Thanks Dr Leeds, you’re a miracle worker.”

Dr Leeds shrugs, “Not really, I just use the powers that I have.”

Flip grinned, “It must be awesome to be a healer. I know I’d like to have such a power.”

“It has its benefits, unfortunately I have seen a lot of things you wouldn’t want to see.” Dr Leeds told as he finished healing Flip.

“Well I guess we better get back to the others,” Skyler said as she shifted into a soldier. “Do you think I’ll be able to fit into the party?”

Flip laughed, “Yeah I think they might mistake you for one of their own.”

The pair laughed as they made their way back.

Skyler had to stifle her grin as she came up beside Captain Fortesque, “Sir may I assist you?” she asked while disguised as a female soldier.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
January 23, 2008 10:02 pm #

Arista got to her feet but was unsure if her dizziness had been caused by the fall or by James proclamation. She decided to avoid the subject for the moment, “Where’d he come from?”

James shrugged, “No idea. I think the military are sweeping the area for any mutants they can find. We’re both pretty easy to spot.”

“Perhaps we should go back into hiding?” Arista suggested.

“We’re supposed to meet up with the others,” James reminded her.

Arista nodded and touched her hand to the side of her head. She ran her fingers through her hair and noticed that James was watching her. “I must say I’m a little stunned at your news.”

James opened his mouth as if to say something then stopped.

“I like you James. I just didn’t realise your feelings ran deeper than friendship. It’s taken me quite by surprise.” Arista said, not wanting him to think that she didn’t like what she heard. She just hadn’t yet absorbed it. Besides the way she looked she hardly thought herself the object of anyone’s affection.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
January 23, 2008 10:23 pm (Edited January 24, 2008 10:06 am) #

Arnold took the Glock from Noah and picked up a half-conscience Adrian by the belt. "I'll be back."

He dragged Adrain to the car and dropped him on the ground. Arnold reloaded his Desert Eagle and pulled out a medkit from the duffle bag for Adrian's legs. "Move."

Adrian was barely awake, but just enough to sit up. The Terminator grabbed a generous amount of bandage tape and wrapped it WAY too tight around Adrian's mush-for-knees.

He groaned slightly after feeling a tingling sensation in his thighs. "You know what, at this point, I can barely even feel anything below my waist."

"Get up." Arnold said, almost ignoring Adrian completely.

"I can't exactly do that, now can I?"

Arnold once again picked Adrian up, then dropped him in the seat, and closed the door. He turned to see an anomoly in thermal mode, and switched to 'human vision' to find nothing there. Terminator changed back to thermal and shot 'it' in what appeared to be the leg with his last shot.

Arnold half-laughed as he went around and got into the driver's seat and started it up.

Adrian chuckled drunkenly. "Damn, I wish my car sounded like this..."

Arnold peered at Adrian before putting it in gear, then drove off back twords the city.

"This IS my signature."
January 23, 2008 10:40 pm (Edited January 23, 2008 11:00 pm) #

As Adrian's mind slowly made it's way back to reality, so did the pain. 

"Do not bleed on my carpet.  If you do I'll have to kill you."

"Heh.  It's a nice interior, I'll give you that."

Arnold didn't answer he just stared straight ahead as he hammered it into 4th.  He took a corner sharply causing Adrian to slide around the car and jostle around.  A moan escaped his leips.  Looking to Arnold he was sure he saw him smile.  Adrian decided to switch tactics.  Flattery didn't really work with robots.

"So what are you going to do when the mutants are erdicated?"

Arnold coninued driving.  "What are they going to do with you when your usefulness runs out is the better question."

Arnold continued driving but he was sure he saw him twitch, so he pressed on.

“What you think they’re just gunna let a billion dollar killing machine roam free?  As soon as our time is up, yours will be too.”

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 23, 2008 10:44 pm #

Here's Skyler in redhead form: 2.5b5*f1*Skyler*Hair:Feminine,longflowing,940018,732C00,100,100,23,Eyebrows:Expansion1,hulk,210552,390F7C,100,100,21,Eyes:Expansion1,symetric2,00B2F0,00B2F0,100,100,20,Nose:Standard,shadowblob,9596C6,9482B6,100,100,27,Mouth:Standard,thicksmile,FFFFFF,390F7C,100,100,18,Beard:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,26,Ears:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,19,Skin:,fraBlank,F8B684,FFD08C,100,100,6,Mask:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,22,Headgear:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,29,Undershirt:Bustiers,fraBlank,E7E7E7,FFFFFF,100,100,7,Overshirt:Standard,safarishort,210552,62077C,100,100,10,Coat:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,25,RightGlove:Standard,fraBlank,36B9EF,FFFFFF,100,100,17,LeftGlove:Standard,fraBlank,BDBDBD,FFFFFF,100,100,16,Insignia:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,8,Neckwear:Standard,tooth,36B9EF,CFCFCF,100,100,24,Belt:Standard,sash1,36B9EF,FFFFFF,100,100,15,Leggings:Socks,kneehigh,4B4B4B,4B4B4B,100,100,9,Overleggings:Expansion1,capris,101C42,014574,100,100,13,Pants:Monsters,fraBlank,210552,390F7C,100,100,11,RightFoot:Standard,forester,181818,000000,100,100,12,LeftFoot:Standard,forester,202020,000000,100,100,14,Back:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,3,Wings:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,4,Tail:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,5,Aura:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,2,Companion:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,31,Background:New,chipledge,726552,006D6A,100,100,1,RightHand:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,30,LeftHand:Miscellaneous,fraBlank,034829,FFD08C,100,100,28,#

Skyler as a female soldier:
2.5b5*f1*Skyler in Soldier form*Hair:Feminine,ponytail,8D6531,724D21,100,100,23,Eyebrows:Expansion1,eyebrows1,8D6531,AC814A,100,100,21,Eyes:Expansion1,symetric2,005572,005572,100,100,20,Nose:Expansion1,hook,FFD08C,F8B684,100,100,27,Mouth:Expansion1,tusks,F7A3BD,F7A3BD,100,100,18,Beard:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,26,Ears:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,19,Skin:,fraBlank,F8B684,FFD08C,100,100,6,Mask:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,22,Headgear:ModernCommon,giberet,4B4B4B,181818,100,100,29,Undershirt:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,7,Overshirt:Standard,bdushort,4B4B4B,181818,100,100,8,Coat:Standard,paddedvest,202020,070707,100,100,25,RightGlove:Standard,nofingers,202020,070707,100,100,17,LeftGlove:Standard,nofingers,202020,070707,100,100,16,Insignia:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,9,Neckwear:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,24,Belt:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,15,Leggings:Socks,ankle,53453A,312829,100,100,10,Overleggings:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,11,Pants:Standard,bdu,4B4B4B,181818,100,100,14,RightFoot:Standard,combatboot,202020,070707,100,100,13,LeftFoot:Standard,combatboot,202020,070707,100,100,12,Back:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,3,Wings:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,4,Tail:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,5,Aura:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,2,Companion:,fraBlank,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,31,Background:Expansion1,sunforest,FFFFFF,FFFFFF,100,100,1,RightHand:Expansion1,M4,726552,313131,100,100,30,LeftHand:Firearms,uzi,4B4B4B,636363,100,100,28,#

Skyler had to bite her tongue as she saw Adrian being dragged away by the Terminator. She hoped that Zayne was following him in invisible mode. "Guess we need to find the teleporter," Skyler told.

The Captain gave her a funny look, "Who are you soldier?"

"I'm Corporal Sky Deacon, sir. I'm new to the area." Skyler told hoping he didn't ask where she'd come from. Thankfully Jasmine took the moment to pop in and kick Noah in the butt before disappearing again.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
January 24, 2008 4:00 am #

"Gah! #@$%ing teleporting #$%^*!" Noah didn't exactly like getting his ass kicked literally and figuratively at the same time. He fired madly, hoping to get a lucky shot in.

"Show yourself, you coward. Come on and get it!"

*pop* Naoh felt a foot collide with the back of his head. *pop*

"Where!?!" Noah fired madly itno open air.

"Are?!?" Noah fired at a wall, thinking he heard something.

"You?!?" Noah pulled the trigger to fire at anything, but was out of bullets. He changed the clip and got back on the defensive.

"...fine, wanna play like that? I'll play your little game." Noah put on his safety goggles and pulled the pin from a flash-bang grenade before tossing it on the ground.

"I'll find you, kid. I'll find and take you in and then I'll shoot you in front of all your little terrorist friends!"

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678

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