Ewoks......definetly ewoks.......
Mandos are awesome, but Taung are much cooler :P
Same thing.
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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Ewoks......definetly ewoks.......
Mandos are awesome, but Taung are much cooler :P
Same thing.
Ewoks......definetly ewoks.......
Death by Ewok, the ultimate humiliation :P
Adeptus_Astartes wrote:Ewoks......definetly ewoks.......
Death by Ewok, the ultimate humiliation :P
Hey, it happend to the empire.
BFFC-Mel wrote:Adeptus_Astartes wrote:Ewoks......definetly ewoks.......
Death by Ewok, the ultimate humiliation :P
Hey, it happend to the empire.
Can you imagine the explanation to the families:
Dear Sir/Madam,
It is with deepest sympathies that we advise that your son, TK4782, has been lost in battle. Do not fear as he fought bravely before dying. However since he was pummeled to death by rock welding Ewoks we do not see it fit for him to receive a medal.
Yours Sincerely,
The Empire
Adeptus_Astartes wrote:BFFC-Mel wrote:Death by Ewok, the ultimate humiliation :P
Hey, it happend to the empire.
Can you imagine the explanation to the families:
Dear Sir/Madam,
It is with deepest sympathies that we advise that your son, TK4782, has been lost in battle. Do not fear as he fought bravely before dying. However since he was pummeled to death by rock welding Ewoks we do not see it fit for him to receive a medal.
Yours Sincerely,
The Empire
*Translated from Ewok*
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are glad to inform you that your son Jubjub has personaly pummeld a high-ranking stormtrooper to death with a large rock. He will be reciving a medal. You may attend the award ceremony on the fith of may, at noon.
Yours Sincerely,
The Alliance to Restore the Republic.
BFFC-Mel wrote:Adeptus_Astartes wrote:Hey, it happend to the empire.
Can you imagine the explanation to the families:
Dear Sir/Madam,
It is with deepest sympathies that we advise that your son, TK4782, has been lost in battle. Do not fear as he fought bravely before dying. However since he was pummeled to death by rock welding Ewoks we do not see it fit for him to receive a medal.
Yours Sincerely,
The Empire*Translated from Ewok*
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are glad to inform you that your son Jubjub has personaly pummeld a high-ranking stormtrooper to death with a large rock. He will be reciving a medal. You may attend the award ceremony on the fith of may, at noon.
Yours Sincerely,
The Alliance to Restore the Republic.
I love it! Classic :D
BFFC-Mel wrote:Adeptus_Astartes wrote:Hey, it happend to the empire.
Can you imagine the explanation to the families:
Dear Sir/Madam,
It is with deepest sympathies that we advise that your son, TK4782, has been lost in battle. Do not fear as he fought bravely before dying. However since he was pummeled to death by rock welding Ewoks we do not see it fit for him to receive a medal.
Yours Sincerely,
The Empire*Translated from Ewok*
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are glad to inform you that your son Jubjub has personaly pummeld a high-ranking stormtrooper to death with a large rock. He will be reciving a medal. You may attend the award ceremony on the fith of may, at noon.
Yours Sincerely,
The Alliance to Restore the Republic.
way to funny
yea but, what would they say for rebel troops?
Dear Sir/Madam,
It is in our sincerest apologies to tell you that your son, Wedge Antilles, will not be returning home for supper. However, it will be known that he died in hopes of restoring the Republic, and that Ewok comrades pummeled the stormtroopers that shot him to death.
Sincerely yours,
The Alliance to Restore the Republic
don't ask about the wedge thing, i couldn't think of a name.
:) Hilarious!!!
I suggest we start an Ewok fan club.
Ewoks are nice but the mando's are so much better
Ewoks are nice but the mando's are so much better
AN EWOK MANDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now that would be creepy, though it might be possible due to all the medical experimentation they did on 'alien' species, take the wraith squadron pilot for example
Nah, it's just be an Ewok with really small armour the same as Mandos :P
Nah, it's just be an Ewok with really small armour the same as Mandos :P
Thats what I was thinking.
i was thinking more along the lines of being able to communicate with one another :o but then i am reminded of the ewok Tarfang that people seem to understand, and who happens to be the co-pilot to the Sullustan Galactic Alliance Intelligence agent Jae Juun
He could have a helmet translator
true true, but spending time with the ewok you would begin to understand what it was saying...
hey what do the stars above everyones avatars mean?
'Rank'. it has no affect on member ship, but shows amout of posts youve done
oh okay i thought it had something to do with the reputation/karma
i was thinking more along the lines of being able to communicate with one another :o but then i am reminded of the ewok Tarfang that people seem to understand, and who happens to be the co-pilot to the Sullustan Galactic Alliance Intelligence agent Jae Juun
lol...Tarfang. Remember Lieutenant Ketch? Wedge and Wes's ongoing joke, that was practically a reality a few times? Good times. Wraith Squadron was....eccentric. Yes. Quite eccentric.
Ale'ika Skirta wrote:i was thinking more along the lines of being able to communicate with one another :o but then i am reminded of the ewok Tarfang that people seem to understand, and who happens to be the co-pilot to the Sullustan Galactic Alliance Intelligence agent Jae Juun
lol...Tarfang. Remember Lieutenant Ketch? Wedge and Wes's ongoing joke, that was practically a reality a few times? Good times. Wraith Squadron was....eccentric. Yes. Quite eccentric.
yes yes it was "yubyub commander"
Ale'ika Skirta wrote:Ewoks are nice but the mando's are so much better
AN EWOK MANDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh rly?
Ya rly
Great image
Let me guess, Jubjub Fett :P
Let me guess, Jubjub Fett :P
How did you know!?
*dies laughing
Werda Verd wrote:Ale'ika Skirta wrote:i was thinking more along the lines of being able to communicate with one another :o but then i am reminded of the ewok Tarfang that people seem to understand, and who happens to be the co-pilot to the Sullustan Galactic Alliance Intelligence agent Jae Juun
lol...Tarfang. Remember Lieutenant Ketch? Wedge and Wes's ongoing joke, that was practically a reality a few times? Good times. Wraith Squadron was....eccentric. Yes. Quite eccentric.
yes yes it was "yubyub commander"
yes. loved those books. Remember when Wedge had to pretend to be him, and was talking in the Ewok voice to Sootir Fel? And Janson's cloak that said "Yub Yub, Major" on it?
yes it was very funny
I suggest we start an Ewok fan club.
Thanks, but no thanks. I'll be staying here. :D
*Back on Topic*
Can't believe that in 4 pages of this topic nobody mentioned these guys..................... SHISTAVANEN WOLFMEN!!!!!!!! Them, Barabel's, and any species with a true Mando upbringing for me *not in any particular order*
the wolfmen already have a reputation for bounty hunting as do the barabels but i dont think either leave their planets in great numbers
the wolfmen already have a reputation for bounty hunting as do the barabels but i dont think either leave their planets in great numbers
Maybe, but those that do make their presence felt!
yes they do, considering most of the wolfmen that where off planet (and some who wheree taken off planet) acted as the empires employed hunters
Ale'ika Skirta wrote:Ewoks are nice but the mando's are so much better
AN EWOK MANDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You mean, like this?
Yes, but without the awkward pause, and with much more guns and armor and trophies :D
I think a trandoshan, trandoshans are strong. ;)
That is all.
trandos are already well known bounty hunters
trandos are already well known bounty hunters
The question isnt which species appear as bounty hunters, its which species make the best. Ok, new suggestion Gurlanins.
Ale'ika Skirta wrote:trandos are already well known bounty hunters
The question isnt which species appear as bounty hunters, its which species make the best. Ok, new suggestion Gurlanins.
i was just saying that they are already good and well known bounty hunters and their natural hunting instincts and skills only help
Adeptus_Astartes wrote:Ale'ika Skirta wrote:trandos are already well known bounty hunters
The question isnt which species appear as bounty hunters, its which species make the best. Ok, new suggestion Gurlanins.
i was just saying that they are already good and well known bounty hunters and their natural hunting instincts and skills only help
Of course, when your species is a predator, your good at looking for things
Ale'ika Skirta wrote:Adeptus_Astartes wrote:The question isnt which species appear as bounty hunters, its which species make the best. Ok, new suggestion Gurlanins.
i was just saying that they are already good and well known bounty hunters and their natural hunting instincts and skills only help
Of course, when your species is a predator, your good at looking for things
yeah they did some massive damage to the sith army when darth bane was still a soldier
And besides. Trandoshans can be kinda scary. But still shapeshifters make better bounty hunters period, like Gurlanins
the only problem with shapeshifters is they tend to be small and if they have to go hand to hand with something big, they are kinda in trouble
then they shapeshift into something bigger, I guess. But I see your point.
I think a trandoshan, trandoshans are strong. ;)
too dumb. Fett continually outwitted Boskk, who was the best trando hunter of his time. So.....I'd say Mandos, even humans in general, are some of the best.
Alright. As if this hasn't been said before. I'm just agreeing, though. Mandos, Trandos, and Gurlanins are a good idea. A new one, though, robots. Like IG-88 and 4-LOM. If it weren't for Boba Fett, IG-88 would have taken over the galaxy. And if it weren't for Boba Fett, Bossk would have a monopoly on the bounty hunting trade like Fett does. But, that's only if you take into account the fact that IG-88 is dead because of Fett. So, its all paradoxical and contradictive (not a word according to Firefox). So, according the the stories of Star Wars, I would say Mandalorians, Robots, and Trandoshans, in that order. Not to say that anyone from a specific species will automatically be good, because the power is in the individual. But, a slight exception to that might be Trandoshans, it in fact says in a Star Wars book (can't remember which) that they are naturally suited to be bounty hunters, hence the head of the Bounty Hunter's Guild was a Trandoshan (Cardossk, father of Bossk). This is mainly because of their amazing regenerative abilities, strength, and perseverance. Their bloodlust and anger perpetually gets in their way, though, and that is why Fett is the best.
Well, Mandos are the best of the Humans. As i said of organics in general, humans will to survive, as well as their imperfections, make them excellent soldiers. They have heart and bravery, but intelligence and a cool mind when needed. Trandos have skill and bravery, but are too hot-headed. Robots are intelligent, cold-circuited, but don't have the will to survive even impossible odds. Therefore, humans, with Mandalorians at the very top, are near the best.
Has anybody suggested Kaleesh yet? Read up on them in my New Essential Guild to Alien Species, and they sound perfect as bounty hunters or Mercs
don't think so...Kaleesh, Kaleesh......reptiles, right? Sounds familiar, but can't remember what they are.....
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Note: the last post in this topic was 12 years ago.
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