Topic: Favourite Clone
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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Karson Fett wrote:Sev is the best commando..
Actually,38 is the best.
Sev could take 38 any day!
Surely you can prove it....?If Sev could beat 38,then Sev would be squad leader.
Surely you can prove it....?If Sev could beat 38,then Sev would be squad leader.
Being the leader of a squad doesn't mean you can beat out your men in a fight. It means you can keep your unit together, and make intelligent decisions. Sev may in fact be a better fighter than Boss, but it doesn't mean he has the best leadership skills.
-Nope, that ner vod is simply the sound of natural selection at its finest.
After Boba, Fi and Fordo are the next in line.
Though if I had to spend a day with one of the three I'd pick Fi.
He's the least likely to shoot me for being stupid.
-Nope, that ner vod is simply the sound of natural selection at its finest.
Mando'ade, this site has an edit button, which means that you can add things to your posts, so you don't have to post twice in a row.
1. That is spam.
2. I was not yelling, insulting, or over-reacting. I was informing Mando'ade of the correct uses of this forum. It is hard to learn without instruction.
3. That is from a while ago.
I like Sev.
Way to stay on topic there draco :P
I do too. I really, really hope they have something about his disappearance in True Colors.
I have yet to read the books, but from what I have gathered, he is somewhat of a phsychopath. That seems very interesting to me.
Karson, that is irrelevent, and therefore spam. You could say "Yep" if you also had something contributive :). You could ofcourse edit the post to add something relevant to it.
Gosh Darn You I Know What I Am Doing Draco!
I have yet to read the books, but from what I have gathered, he is somewhat of a phsychopath. That seems very interesting to me.
Psychopath only begins to sum up what he is like. As Scorch once said, "Boss, you might want to keep an eye on Sev. He's been talking in his sleep, and it's very scary stuff."
Its scary stuff, very scary stuff. Sev ya might want to brush up on your quotes.
Dude I haven't played the game in over 6 months. You're just like one of my friends, correcting my on every little thing. It gets annoying after awhile.
Sorry I guess I am getting what Draco has.
Have.... Have I not written in this thread??? *smacks self*
I thought that I had.... Huh. Well, as you can pretty well see, Atin is my favorite. However, Fi is currently neck and neck with him! :P
But honestly I love the Omega, Delta, and Null boys (including poor Corr).
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
my favorite clone is the one that falls off the gunship with Padme in episode 2 and helps her go back for reinforcements
I'd have to say Sev is my favourite.
I don't know that much about him (beside's the fact he's a complete psycho), but i saw the helmet recently and it just clicked.
i like the clone trooper
sev scorch and fordo all in a tie for me
You're just like one of my friends, correcting my on every little thing. It gets annoying after awhile.
Dude, I know EXACTLY how you feel
( and my favorite clones are Boss, Fixer, Scorch, and Sev)
Gotta love Delta. But I really like the Nulls in general. A'den is pretty cool, but how can you not like Ordo?
meh, the dudes in RepCom (should i have to list them? I'm sure you know the fearsome foursome...)
Scorch is the best. funny guy, murderizer of robots.
I miss Sev
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
The Scorch, Sev talks are classic.
dude, on Kashyyk, with the wookie babies. :)
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Scorch: I think Sev hight have an anger problem. Sev: I think you have an intelligence problem.
I think that was my favourite.
I like this one:
Scorch: Why do we always get the tough jobs?
Sev: try aiming instead of talking!
ordo is now my fav
I'd definitely pick Scorch and Sev. I haven't heard/read much on the Nulls but tey sound awesome too. From what I HAVE heard though, I'd like Ordo and A'den (no bias there....). I don't know anyone from Omega but, again, going by word of mouth, Fi sounds pretty neat.
Besides Boba? Boss or Sev I think
Fi's awesome--so's the rest of omega, especially darman. The Nulls are amazing too. Just go the game today--still on Geonosis. The levels immensly long!! I don't dislike Delta, but they're not my favorite, either. I've read all the books, so i love omega
--Captain Dynamic--
Mainly Scorch or Sev.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Huh. Sev's phycotic---more than the rest of the squad, I mean. And they were trained by Vau!! Horrible man, Vau. Omega was trained by skirata. Very good man, him. A true Buir, a father to his men. Anyone else read the books?
--Captain Dynamic--
Reading the books, just because the guy who trained them is insane doesnt mean they all are. Exept for Sev.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
well, maybe not. But Sev is for sure. Which are you on?
--Captain Dynamic--
Tripple Zero, just to where they found the whatchamathingy from that one place they were for a bit.
(Trying to be unspoiling for those who have not read.)
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
?? not sure which part that is, btw. Triple 0's great. So's true colors. They're great books, action and story wise, but funny too.
--Captain Dynamic--
Some of that humor is Delta.:P
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
true. but most is Fi......
--Captain Dynamic--
Scorch is still the best. You must play through the campaign.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
i will. I'm on geonosis--its fun, but they dont even have similar voices!! what's with that! they're CLONES!!
--Captain Dynamic--
Well if they all sounded the same you wouldent know who was talking. Its just for the player
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
i know.....but still. I'm sure i'll like them more after i've played some. I don't like that they've got personal shields--that's not very Star Wars-ish. Btw.
--Captain Dynamic--
Ha! What Now Mandal????
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
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