Thank you green helmeted fett and bounty hunter kaiza
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Topic: An Introduction to Our Message Boards
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
1,264 posts
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My name is Jason and I have a Fett problem.
HA! Bunch of Fettohalics here so I guess I am in the right company!
I have acquired a life size Fett and want to post pics but cant find the buttton. Any help out there?
Ive seen alot of Choclaholics....But ive never seen any choclahol.....Weve got an epidemic. People that love choclate, but dont understand word endings :P
((I couldent resist, I'm sorry :( ))
Anyways, welcome to the site, hope you like it here, the poeple are great :D
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Do you have a photobucket or anything? If you do look for BBC Code just below the quick post.
Just put the file path in the brackets.
im Rob im new as of Januray 4, 2007
im Rob im new as of Januray 4, 2007
WELCOME TO THE BFFC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you like it here, theres plenty of stuff to do and be done Have fun
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Glad to have you with us. Hope you enjoy your stay. Please enjoy the complimentary mint.
glowone wrote:My name is Jason and I have a Fett problem.
HA! Bunch of Fettohalics here so I guess I am in the right company!
I have acquired a life size Fett and want to post pics but cant find the buttton. Any help out there?
Sev Fett wrote:Do you have a photobucket or anything? If you do look for BBC Code just below the quick post.
Just put the file path in the brackets.
You can also open a website space at geocities and stock your files there. That's what I do. I think the maximum space they will allow is 15 mb. I know it's not much, but it's better than nothing.
Really? now I can help with avatars!
im Rob im new as of Januray 4, 2007
Welcome to the boards... If you're a Fett fan, you'll fit right in here... any questions, gimme a shout.
BB* :cool:
Hello everyone!
Don't know what to say really...
(I'm new by the way)
Welcome! Hope you like it here. Thanks for posting by the way. As of late I have noticed a lot of members that have joined and then forgot about it. I assume.
Hello everyone. I am new here. Is the photo gallery broken? :mad:
Yah for now. We have to wait until Aaron the admin gets it fixed. For now you can go around the site posting.
Hello everyone!
Don't know what to say really...
(I'm new by the way)
lol, you're super av does your talking for you, huh? ;) It's really good!
Welcome to the best site I've ever been to; to you and the others!
Hi. I am actually here for my husband. He is an advent Boba Fett fan and I am here to learn all that I can about Boba Fett. Any feedback would be helpful. I have started buying my husband different items to enhance his Boba Fett collecting. Is there an item no collection would be complete without?
Hm. Sadriel_Fett would be the one to ask. I suggest you post the same question in the Collecting Forum and you'll probably get a better answer.
Hey there , this is Troy Fett . I am about to go overseas for my second tour of duty
Hi there dthalvorson , your husband is a real lucky guy
Hi TroyFett and welcome to the boards. Remember if you want to write more in your post you should hit the edit button rather than double post.
If you want to chat, you're welcome to use the chatroom:
Thanks ;)
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Hey TROYFETT! Good to have a member of the service here! Army? USMC? Any of my business :P Thank you for your service; you guys and gals are the best! Only wish I was good enough to be one of you
Hi there dthalvorson , your husband is a real lucky guy
I second that! Welcome to you too, dthalvorson. My girl friend is here for the same reason. If there's anything you want to know I'd be glad to help if I can, though other's here know a lot more about the Fetts then I do
What happened to the archives section?

Hmm, I'm not sure where it went.. Anybody know?
If you're meaning the old boards, the server they were on had some issues.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
SciFifreak90, unfortunately, they disappeared without our knowing -- a server issue, as Mel noted above. I've got it on a "to-do" list to salvage, if possible, but they're no longer where they were. :-/ Thanks for asking. :-)
Hey everyone. Whats going on? Just wanted to drop in and say hello. Ive been a longtime reader of this board but never posted, "a lurker" some could call it. Haha.
Ive been a Fett fan for as long as I can remember, im 24 now so at least 20 years.
Hey that's cool. Glad you finally joined up. Hope you have fun here.
How cheesy of a welcome. I do mean it though. :P
Hey that's cool. Glad you finally joined up. Hope you have fun here.
How cheesy of a welcome. I do mean it though. :P
Thanks man. Everyone seems pretty solid around this board. Im gald that its just a place to have fun and no one is a random dickhead.
I can't believe I've been away so long. Looking good BFFC!
Cathy Bowden
Are you a returning member?
Hi I'm new but I've been lurking for a while. This site looks to be heaps of fun :)
Welcome to the site :D Well welcome as a member :D
As you probably know theres loads of stuff here
Happy posting,
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Welcome, Fett Claw, to the Boba Fett Fan Club, I wish you all the best in the future, happy posting.... :D
Hi, I'm the fun one. lol. just kidding. But you will see me around, most likely getting in trouble with someone.
Hello everyone, I have watched this board for awhile now, and finally decided to join. I look forward to discussing the greatest bounty hunter know to the Star Wars universe. My collection is AWESOME and I know that it will expand through the boards. No avatar yet, still working on that, and I will post pictures of when I met Jeremy at C IV, and also got to eat lunch with him and his wife, it was so great!:cool:

Very cool. Welcome to the boards, Boba1138.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
Thanks.....I think I'm gonna like it here. :cool:
hello all new people! i'd give you cookies but i ated them!
hello all new people! i'd give you cookies but i ated them!
I made you a cookie................but I eated it
P.S :D
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Thanks.....I think I'm gonna like it here. :cool:
You betcha will! Here's a big hearty "Welcome to the greatest forum in the universe"!!!!!!!! :cool: enjoy....
...No avatar yet, still working on that...
This is the place for you.
I'll introduce myself. I'm Brian, BH/TB2559 from Bloodfin Garrison of the 501st Legion.
Trooping in Indiana.
Welcome to the site, hope you like it here :D
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
wow, been a while since I used this thread, but hi NorvelleJedi and all other new comers, welcome to the BFFC! hope you like it here :D
yay noobs!
Seriously though, Welcome newcomers!
I never knew about Boba Fett. I've been so deprived or is that depraved. I'm totally mind-blown.
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