Who would win, all weapons, no using vehicles, only one can survive.
Topic: Boba vs Samus vs Master Chief
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
21 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestWho is Samus? I vote for Boba anyway.
Samus Aran is from the Metroid video games series. She kicks butt. I think she'd win.

Samus Aran is from the Metroid video games series. She kicks butt. I think she'd win.
I don't know, but definetly Samus or Boba.
I like Boba and Master chief better, but Samus is the most likely to win, shes faster, has more fire power, and better armor
HE SEES THE LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(realy, you finnaly realise that Boba isnt invincible, oh and if Samus had a very unfortunate accident, i think M.C. would win.)
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
But thats just your opinion of course...
(that accident would be hard to accommodate - Samus Aran is a bounty hunter as well.)
(When i say accident i mean the type of accident the sterotypical mobsters talk about, you know with the "s)
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
(yea i get it. it'd still be hard though.)
not if the acident was say in the 14 kiloton range :)
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
mc and boba would double team samus. mc holding samus down boba sending a blaster bolt through samus's head. then theyd start fighting each other and an hour later theyd tie but both would have parts of there armor gone others cracked,unable to move,bloodstained,lying in there own blood,bruised and unconscious
Samus is stronger that MC, so he couldent hold her down. Plus, that shot would most likely bounce off Samus armor and hit MC.
boba would take the helmet of well mc would find a way
Samus would win, but for the beginning, it would be really close. However, due to the amoutn of armour on Samus compared to Fett, adn the hidden and external weapons systems on her, again, compared to Fett, and it is very quickly a Samus victory. As much a Fett fan as I am, that is the logical outcome.
((Has anyone seen Haloid? It's awesome movie, but they made MC....different, and in a way I don't really like. But seriously, if you haven't look it up on Youtube or Google video. It's the one with MC and Samus. And it rocks the combat scenes))
((Has anyone seen Haloid? It's awesome movie, but they made MC....different, and in a way I don't really like. But seriously, if you haven't look it up on Youtube or Google video. It's the one with MC and Samus. And it rocks the combat scenes))
That wasnt MC
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
It wasn't? Strange, I was told it was. Ah well, I feel better now. If that wasn't MC, then there's no prob. :) Thanks Adeptus.
Fett takes them all... and comes away with only another scratch to his breastplate. Master Chief's dying words--- "Dude, I love your armor!" shzzzzank....there rolls his head. Samus rolls at Fett, Boba rolls a det. ---Samus fries after rolling over it and Fett simply remarks... "Not the first time I've smelled fried alien..." Fett just walks away...
Only one word comes to mind: riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
I say Master Chief will flip a coin, hits one of the convenant ships, falls down and squish Samus, then Boba runs away when Master Chief flips his second coin.
Just joking, I don't even know who Samus is, but I still think Master Chief would win.