Topic: RPG: The Force Wars Of the Old Republic

Note: this topic was started 16 years ago.

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Topic #2033
December 20, 2007 6:15 pm (Edited January 3, 2008 05:08 pm) #

It is a time of peril for the Republic. The jedi have left to fight evil Sith lords
while the sith troopers attack key Republic planets. You may eithe be a sith, sith trooper, a jedi, a republic soldier, or a bounty hunter working for both or either side . No godmodding please it ruins the storyline for others and those who god mod suck!!! I hope you enjoy this role play as much as I seeing as how its my second one.

*Character Sheet*
Planet of exile:
Astromech droid (if applicable):
Current Planet:
Force abilities:
Additional Info:
Name:Hisuke Ichimura
age: 29
Species: Kaleesh (cyborg)
WOC: Crimson dual blade lightsaber
*Dual Blade Lightaber Mods* Kaibur, krayt dragon pearl and kunda crystals, lightsaber modded to hold 10 crystals 5 on each side,EXTREMELY RARE Dual phase type lightsaber,This RARE typr of lightsaber uses a combination of focusing crystals to create a blade that extends to double the original length with a simple activation Unlike typical lightsabers which often adjust manually to reduce the blade emission, the dual phased lightsaber can be triggered in an instant, adding an element of surprise to catch my opponents off gaurd.Additionally dual phased light sabers also have a blade emission width adjustability.saber splits into two, hilt made of mandalorian Iron cortosis ore and titanium alloy allowing Hisuke's saber too short out other sabers withhis own,(saber looks similar too sidious's electrum saber)
Planet Of Exile: Korriban
Starship: YV-929 armed freighter, with a hyper drive rating of 0.2a nd backup hyperdrive rating of 0.5, 2 0.2 class hyperdrives attached to 6 tion  Mil/Sci Mil StarIV enginesand CES x41 maneuvering thrusters, advanced nav system with almost all star charts public and hidden installed, maximum speed of , 2,080 km/h (atomosphere, 1,280 km/h), with a particle and shift sheilding system it  is nearlyimpossible to damage this ship even in hyperspace, 2ion cannons, 2 auto blasters, 2 triple cannon blasters, 4 turbo laser cannons, a concussion missile firing systems, an energy  proton torpedo launcher, and a proton torpedo launcher making Hisukes ship one of the most deadly out there.
Current planet: Dantooine
Appearance: Long black sith robes, wears a karabac skull, light brown eyes,
Personality: Dark, keeps to himself, hates the jedi, rude to his soldiers
Force Abilities:Choke, stun, repair,battle meditaion, leap, speed , heal, lightning, mind trick, etc.

Hisuke had been tracking a Jedi down for some time now and was beginning to get frustrated with his pray, wait he could sense the padawan's fear of death and tracked it down he came around the corner the student was waiting and jumped at him no use he activated his saber too quickly and pointed the one activated part outwards stabbing right through the young learner. He then went back to his ship to prepare for his next hunt.

Everybody knows about the international dibs protocol and tthe no take backs accord- Sarge Red Vs Blue.
December 20, 2007 7:07 pm #

(You can't have the Sith Infiltrator as your ship, this is like 5000 years before those are even made)

Name: Bardar Vizhen
Age: 23
Species: Human, native to Telos IV
Gender: Male
WOC: Customized J3-Fieldsman Rifle
StarShip: Ebon Hawk
Current Planet: Tatooine
Appearance: Sith trooper armor, spray-painted black
Personality: Rough, always has a plan, just that total badass feeling.
Additional Info: Expert sniper, can kill you from over 2 kilometers away.

He was walking down the street. He was on the roof of a 30-story building. Scope pointed, lined right up, trigger pulled. The crowd instantly started to scream and scatter, no one else being shot. And no one else looking up at a 30-story building, seeing someone in custom-painted Sith armor. By the time the people had simmered down, he was already collecting his reward of 25,000 credits.

December 21, 2007 5:02 am (Edited January 2, 2008 04:58 am) #

Weapons: Double bladed silver lightsaber, ancient sith blaster.
Saber Mods:Interior switch, pressure grip thingy,
Fighting style: Very unique, focuses on activateing/deactivatein the blades very quickly, to penitrate guard, and avoid killing himself.

Species: Human

Apearance: Green eyes, brown hair, wearing plain jedi robes, with a cortosis sheild on left arm
Force powers: Push/pull mind trick, heal, beast trick, speed, choke, lightning(later in the RPG)

Personality: Quick thinking, strong willed. Is very susceptible to taint.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 21, 2007 4:10 pm #

"Kharn, I want you to go to the medbay, and help the medics. The republic needs all the help it can get."

"Yes, Master." As Kharn turned to leave the starship's bridge, which was oddly very empty, Jedi Master Martek

Da'leshta, a large formidable Zabrak that seemed to give of an aura of calm, placed a hand on Kharn's shoulder. "Kharn, one more thing. This is important ."
Kharn stopped and turned. "What is it Master?"

"I want you to stop spending time with the navigator."

"Master, I dont know wh-"

"Stop. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Relationships will all bring pain, expecialy one like this. What if something happens to you? What if something happens to her? This is natural Kharn, but you must resist this feeling. You are a jedi, the force weaves its way into you. It can be corrupetd by your feelings."

"I-" Kharn began then stopped"Yes master." Kharn turned and left to help the medics, his eyes begining to water.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 1, 2008 6:32 pm #

WOC: lightsaber  made of cortosis. has kaibur crystal shard, is green, and has a personal crystal
Planet of exile:aldeeran
Astromech droid (if applicable):r2-d4(can come out of ship)
StarShip:the savior, a modified  Jedi Transport
Current Planet:aldeeran
Appearance:jedi robe  blond hair
Personality:serious, always does good, friendly and wise
Force abilities: all the ones jedi usualy have,hiding in the force (always on)beast talk,heal,absorb, deflection, force light,  battle meld, and battle meditation
Additional Info:is a jedi master, very fast learner (on the same level of the jedi exile) good force use and good swordsman

Aegob walked into the room with Da'leshta in it "the cruiser is on its why to dantooine. we'll take refuge there" aegob told him

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 1, 2008 6:55 pm #

Kharn walked away.  Master Da'leshta's orders had upset him. He would try to continue to see her in secret. He stepped into the medbay looking at the wounded men. He stepped up to the ships doctor, who was treating the patients the Meddroids couldent. "Master Da'leshta sent me to help sir."

"Ah, good." The medic said not looking up, "Perhaps you could try to comfort the patient in E-7?" "Yes, sir" Kharn said, walking to E-7. The occupant was in a bad condtiton. He took the soldiers hand, supprised at how hard it was squeesed. He called upon the Force to comfort and heal the soldier

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 1, 2008 7:19 pm #

aegob found kharn in the medical room e7.
"The ship is going to take refuge at dantooine. and i know about ur relationshop with the navigator. ur master is right relationships are3nt the way of the jedi"

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 1, 2008 7:30 pm #

"Master, I'm busy. Master Da'leshta already spoke to me about this." He turned his attention back to the dying soldier. He had a large wound to his abdomen and was covered in burns. Kharn tried to calm him, and stepped away as the soldiers grip loosend and his head fell to the side.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 1, 2008 7:35 pm (Edited January 1, 2008 07:36 pm) #

"yes but i sense ur still going to have a relationship with her"

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 1, 2008 7:39 pm #

"Master, please. These soldiers are dying, instead of wasting time speaking why not help them?"

The master began to speak but Kharn's Com buzzed, it was Master Da'leshta. "Kharn, please come to the bridge."

"Yes Master." Kharn said, leaving quickly, leaving the annoying master behind.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 1, 2008 7:47 pm (Edited January 1, 2008 08:11 pm) #

aegob saw a medic in the room across the hal walking into the room he asked "What happened to this man"
"all i know is that he needs help" the medic said.
"Go awat ill help this man" aegob said
the medic left and aegob sat in a chair next to the mans bed closed his grabed th mans hand and started to heal the man.
Aegob had sensed that kharn was made at him but relationships were bad.

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 2, 2008 5:41 pm #

"Thank you Master" Kharn said as he stepped onto the bridge. It was still empty, save for the Captain, pilots. and master Da'leshta. "It wasnt a problem Kharn, Master Aegob is rather, persistant. You seem troubled, go to engineering, watch the drives for a bit, I find them rather calming." Kharn nodded. "Yes Master." he said as he left

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 2, 2008 5:54 pm #

the cruiser landed at dantooine on dantooine and aegob thought he sensed a dark presence in the force. It was there for only a split second but it was there.He found both kharn and master Da'leshta on the bridge he told them what had happened.

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 2, 2008 6:11 pm #

Kharn walked past Aegob, hearing Master Da'leshta say something about halucinating. He walked to the engine room, and passed Kirah's, the navigator, room. She was young, just two years older then Kharn, though Kharn would be a year older within the month. She had been recuited after she had shown exelent navigation skills during a battle where one of the bridge crew was injured. He continued past, trying not to think about her.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 2, 2008 7:00 pm #

"How am i hullicanating? i know what i sensed.And im going to go to the jedi temple ruins and meditate"

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 2, 2008 7:25 pm #

Kharn stood in the engine room, which was, like the bridge suprisingly empty. He stepped into a side room, which had a nice view of the outside, via a window. He heard a door open behind him, he didnt turn, he knew it was Kirah. As she stepped up beside him, he slipped his arm around her. They stood like that for a while, looking out the window, there was a slight rain and some fog, it made for a good view of the contry side. Aegob could be seen walking away, he was a small speck among the landscape.

Back on the Bridge Da'leshta looked over to the captain. "Any chance we could leave before he gets back?" The captain laughed "Thought you jedi were supposed to be 'Nice"

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 2, 2008 7:34 pm #

AEgob took out his comm and commed Da'leshta "Dont leave without me i was trying to help your padawan"
Aegob made it to the ruins of the jedi temple. and walked through it and remember how it used to be...

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 2, 2008 7:44 pm #

"Ok, I'm starting to turn serious about that." Da'leshta muttered.
Kharn looked at Kirah, the faint light from outside was brightening her face, making her even more beautiful. "They know about us."  He said, "And they dont want me to see you anymore." 

Kirah turned and put her arm's around his neck, resting her head on his shoulders. "Why not?"

"Jedi aren't allowed to have relationships. We can still be together, we just need to be more careful."

Kirah didnt answer, instead she looked up and kissed him. He wanted to stay this way for a long time.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 2, 2008 7:58 pm (Edited January 2, 2008 08:59 pm) #

Aegob could remember when his master and him had been here last. they had walked down this same hallway. "I know you will be a master soon aegob" he had said "thank you master" aegob had said
they had met with the jedi council.THey had been assigned one of their last missions together.
Aegob missed his master very much. his master was dead now.
aegob found the council chamber and started to meditate and as soon as he did he felt  that same  dark presence in the force but again for only a split sec

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 3, 2008 3:16 pm #

They had stood at the window for a long time. Eventually, Kharn's com buzzed. He answered, pulling away from Kirah for a moment to pull the comlink from his robes. "Master?"

"Kharn come to the bridge, Aegob is almost back, want you to be here when he gets back, so he dosnt have the chance to pester you further."

"Be right there." Kharn placed the comlink back into his robes, looking at Kirah. "I have to go." He kissed her again, and left for the bridge.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 3, 2008 3:46 pm (Edited January 3, 2008 03:47 pm) #

Bardar made his way to the battlefield. He only arrived an hour after the battle had started.

"Sir, General Vizhen reporting for duty, sir!"

"Well, it's about damn time! Get your ass onto the field, soldier! You've got some Republic troopers to be sniping! Move!"

"Yes, sir!"

Setting up on a hill, Bardar was only a few hundred meters from the battle. There were Republic snipers, just as he thought. Lined up, Bardar took aim. Bang. One soldier down. Bang. Another. Bang. Three snipers down. Bang. 14 soldiers. The battle raged for an hour. Bardar wasn't sure who was gonna win, but he knew he was doing just fine.

January 3, 2008 5:02 pm #

Aegob opened his eyes. He started to wander the enclave. He saw bones and lightsabers and old rusting armor.
I wish i was here to help even if it mean i would be dead he thought

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 3, 2008 5:15 pm #

Kharn stepped onto the bridge. "When will he get back?" Master Da'leshta turned. "Not long, I hope. The sooner we leave here the better. Right now, were a sitting duck for Sith."

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 3, 2008 5:20 pm #

many of these people used to be his friends. He had one last thing to do here. He went to his best friend sam's room. he went in and saw sams corpse still holding his lightsaber
"I'm sorry i wasn't here to help" he said.
He went back to the ship to find kharn and his master on the bridge
"Your finally here" said Da'leshta

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 3, 2008 5:32 pm #

(Ok ppl this is before the enclave of Dantooine is destroyed this is like when Revan rose to power, but before that)

Hisuke powered up the engines and told his crew to prepare the jump to lightspeed passing over the lands of Dantooine he saw a ship he couldn't tell what kind but he could sense extreme amounts oif the force too large to be concealed emanating from the ship and knew at once they were jedi, he would report this to the brotherhood as soon as he got back. now a safe distance from the planet he mader the jump into hyperspace. coming out half an hour later billions of galaxies away from dantooine's system he saw it his prided jewel Mustafar, on his way down landing he saw sith apprentices training in the temple not too far from here it did his heart warmly to see them training so vigorously, landing down on a pad accesible for only him he exited with   his apprentice and  two other sith lords he then headed to his facilities to send a message to the brotherhood about the jedi he had killed and the others he saw landing. Afterwards he sparred for awhile with his apprentice, then gathered his crew and headed back to Dantooine

Everybody knows about the international dibs protocol and tthe no take backs accord- Sarge Red Vs Blue.
January 3, 2008 5:35 pm #

(Ok discount all deaths except my masters death i just meditated at the temple then)
"Where do we go now?" aegob asked

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 3, 2008 5:37 pm #

(Well....If I had known that Mustafar was in a different galaxy....)

"We should leave, there might be Sith around."

"Wise words, Kharn. Captain?" Da'leshts looked at the capitan, who nodded. "Take us up." The pioltos responed and the ship lifted off.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 3, 2008 5:39 pm (Edited January 3, 2008 06:21 pm) #

"I say we go to manaan."

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 3, 2008 6:36 pm #

By the time he had reached Dantooine again the ship had fled its area and there was no trace of it ever being there, "Damn" hisuke cursed under his breath pounding on the controls and firing off a missile. "Whoops" He landed again same spot as last time. He then began to saerch the caves  of dantooine for crystals he could give to the students back at the academy on Mustafar.

( I meant to say star system sorry bout the mix up)

Everybody knows about the international dibs protocol and tthe no take backs accord- Sarge Red Vs Blue.
January 3, 2008 6:45 pm #

"A good idea, its neutral, so we wont come to harm" Da'leshta said. "Mannan it is." The captain said. "I'm going to get some rest." Da'leshta said walking off. Kharn decided he to should get some sleep and headed to his room, Aegob remaining on the bridge. He had to pass Kirah's room to get to his own.  He walked past her door, and her arm shot out and stopped him. She grabbed his robes and tugged gently, and he decided to go in. She locked the door behind him.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 3, 2008 6:53 pm #

I better get some rest too aegob thought
5 hours later they came out of hyperspace

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 3, 2008 6:54 pm (Edited January 3, 2008 07:01 pm) #

(you might want to delete your older post, as it just serves to confuse people now. its the red button with the white bar in the middle)

Kharn woke up. He didnt know how long he had been sleeping until he looked at the chrono on the wall.  He got up, Kirah stirring slighty because of it. He found his robes on the floor and dressed, kissing her softly before leaving. He found Master Da'leshta, and greeted him, then they went to find some breakfast

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 3, 2008 6:59 pm #

Heading back to his ship with a load of crystals thismay have been the most he'd ever collected, almost halfway to his ship he saw another ship  next to it. It must've been one of the other sith attempting to steal the glory by taking his kills."You're too late" "what" said the other sith, he was a Zabrak. "I realize your intention, sad part ios though, that ship of jedi has fled to someother system you won't be getting any props this time." he then headed to his ship and headed up into space to find a heat  signature from the ship that had fled or someother trace of where they had gone leaving the zabrak dumbstruck on the planet surface, no luck. He then went backto mustafar.

Everybody knows about the international dibs protocol and tthe no take backs accord- Sarge Red Vs Blue.
January 3, 2008 7:04 pm #

he could see the planet
"We're here" the captain said

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 3, 2008 7:34 pm #

Kharn walked back to engineering, it did have a claming effect on him. He went to the same room, and watched the blue planet float lazily in space.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
January 3, 2008 7:40 pm #

the ship landed and aegob decided to go for a walk

chuck norris once put his finger in the air and said "bang" and a plane crashed but but boba fett once tapped on something and 3 capital ships crashed.
January 5, 2008 10:34 am #

Name: Carson fen
Age: 27
Species: human
Gender: male
WOC:, also a keep sake blue lightsaber from the jedi he killed
Planet of exile: Tatooine
Astromech droid (if applicable):
StarShip: (Galaxy Raxor)
Current Planet: Nar Shadda
Personality: stern, not a people person
Force abilities: N/A
Additional Info: His who family was killed when he was just a boy. He raised hiself on the streets and at the age of 18 he became a bounty hunter.

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