Topic: Username Rating Thread

Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.

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Topic #2064
December 31, 2007 9:56 am #

There are avatar, signiture, annd rank rating threads, so why not this.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
December 31, 2007 9:57 am #

Yours is cool  8/10 i think

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 31, 2007 9:58 am #

I'm not sure what yours means, but 9/10.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
December 31, 2007 10:00 am #

Its from warhammer 40k.

Adeptus Astartes is the more fancy name for the Space Marines

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 31, 2007 10:09 am #

Hey rate mine!
I give Draco Fett 9/10
And since i play warhammer 40k, i give adeptus astartes 9/10 also.

The pen is mightier than the blaster!
December 31, 2007 10:10 am #


Very creative.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
December 31, 2007 10:10 am #

Still havnt got my army painted :(

9/10 for yours, the Kaiza part sounds cool.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 31, 2007 10:12 am #

I give kaiza's 9/10. and draco 9/10  aswell and astartes 10/10 i think.  Its very funny! someone rate mine, please.

You've been holding out on us again haven't you? Since you haven't given us enough money, I'll guess I'll have to take it out of you piece by piece! - Unknown Mandalorian.
AvatarMember #22
December 31, 2007 10:13 am #

GHF, kinda long, but still cool, 8/10

December 31, 2007 10:14 am (Edited December 31, 2007 10:16 am) #

Wait......are you talking about username or rank, Green?

im giving your username.....i guess 7/10 its good, but not my favortie

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 31, 2007 10:14 am #

I'd say 8/10. Cool, but not really unique.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
December 31, 2007 10:15 am #

thanks ARC fett. I give yours a 7.5/10. I dont know why, but thats me. Its very imaginative. lol :D good job!

You've been holding out on us again haven't you? Since you haven't given us enough money, I'll guess I'll have to take it out of you piece by piece! - Unknown Mandalorian.
AvatarMember #22
December 31, 2007 10:17 am #

eh, its all I could think of at the time. I like ARC troopers, and Fett, so I combined them.

December 31, 2007 10:18 am #

My last one was to Green.

Arc, I'd say 8.5555554. Unique, but not super-imaginitive.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
December 31, 2007 10:18 am #

Well technicaly ARCs are Fetts, same with all the other clones, so Jango had the biggest family ever :D

(9/10 ARC)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 31, 2007 10:19 am #

ARC i give u 10/10 because ive always liked ur username, and ghf, i give ur 8.5/10

The pen is mightier than the blaster!
December 31, 2007 10:20 am #

I didnt get your one draco. Tell me again? :O  ;)

You've been holding out on us again haven't you? Since you haven't given us enough money, I'll guess I'll have to take it out of you piece by piece! - Unknown Mandalorian.
December 31, 2007 10:21 am #


I'd say 8/10. Cool, but not really unique.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
December 31, 2007 10:23 am #

I agree. Good but not Unique. lol. I just like house of the dead. I havent played it that much. Only once but still love it ! HOUSE OF THE DEAD!! YAY!   :D

You've been holding out on us again haven't you? Since you haven't given us enough money, I'll guess I'll have to take it out of you piece by piece! - Unknown Mandalorian.
December 31, 2007 10:33 am #

We're rating usernames here, not ranks. For example, my username is draco fett. That's what you rate. :)

take it easy baby take it as it comes
December 31, 2007 10:42 am #

I was wondering how Adeptus_Astartes could be funny....

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 31, 2007 10:45 am #

oh, right i thought it was your ranks......sorry.   :|

You've been holding out on us again haven't you? Since you haven't given us enough money, I'll guess I'll have to take it out of you piece by piece! - Unknown Mandalorian.
December 31, 2007 3:59 pm #

no, this thread is the "Username Rating Thread" thread. GHF, kinda long and down to the point, since boba's helmet is green. 6/10. draco fett. idk what to give this one, so ill give a 7. adeptus, idk either lol, cuz i dont play warhammer, so ill give u a 7 as well.

December 31, 2007 11:15 pm #

I'd give mine a 5.  Looking back putting Fett on the end of it was kind of an unoriginal thing to do...

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
January 1, 2008 12:42 am (Edited January 1, 2008 12:45 am) #

9 for you Draco, as it reminds me of. . . me! 

8 for Sev; not THAT original, but I’m a big fan of Sev

8.5 for you, A_A; is that latin??  Don't know what it means, but I like it 

7.5 to all the rest; they're all good

I love mine; I use it for all my SciFi characters.  However, it's not as original as it may look.  I'll give a 10/10 to anybody who recognizes it!  (except for you, terra; I told you were I got it  ;) )

PS  *forgot about you, ARC Fett; love that one  :)    8.8/10

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
January 1, 2008 12:49 am #

What about mine , Ralin. Rate mine please. :)    Ralin i'd give a 10/10. RALIN DRAKUS its a very cool username. And its sort of unique.

You've been holding out on us again haven't you? Since you haven't given us enough money, I'll guess I'll have to take it out of you piece by piece! - Unknown Mandalorian.
January 1, 2008 1:56 am #
green helmeted fett wrote:

What about mine , Ralin. Rate mine please. :)    Ralin i'd give a 10/10. RALIN DRAKUS its a very cool username. And its sort of unique.

Yours is good.  A little long for a title, but also a little more unique then the other guys rated it

I rated you and  the others I didn't secifically mention as 7.5 (don't take it personally, guys; I rate kind of low in general).  But if I must reconsider; I guess I could go up to 8 for all of you.  Boba is the real 'Green helmeted Fett,' but I kind of like the ring it has and you came up with that particular phrase, and the others were just as good.  Also, you gave me a 10/10 (yes, all of you; I CAN be bribed!   :P  )

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
January 1, 2008 2:18 am #

I wasnt bribing, lol ,i just think yours is pretty cool and unique, lol , that's all.   :D

You've been holding out on us again haven't you? Since you haven't given us enough money, I'll guess I'll have to take it out of you piece by piece! - Unknown Mandalorian.
January 1, 2008 2:33 am #

I know; but I was bribed by that rating anyway   ;)

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
January 1, 2008 2:36 am #

lol, i know. It is a good username.

You've been holding out on us again haven't you? Since you haven't given us enough money, I'll guess I'll have to take it out of you piece by piece! - Unknown Mandalorian.
January 1, 2008 2:47 am #
green helmeted fett wrote:

lol, i know. It is a good username.

Thanks; where's Mandalorians for life??  Love that one!  Even if he's (or she?  Don't know of cirtain) not here, don't think he'd mind me giving him a 10/10  :D

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
January 1, 2008 5:52 am #

I will rate Draco Fett 9/10. It always makes me smile and think of Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter :D

Adeptus_Astartes, 8/10. I used to work for Games workshop and while I do not like space marines I like their stuff (mostly the fantasy stuff)

Bounty Hunter Kaiza, 7/10. I think it is funky.

green helmeted fett, 5/10. It is nice.

ARC Fett, 6/10. It is also nice.

Fett_II, 6/10. I like it.

Sev Fett, 6/10. It is nice but as you have said using the name Fett has taken away the originality.

Ralin Drakus, 8/10. I think that is a funky name.

Jedi photographer - May the focus be with me.
January 1, 2008 6:02 am #

Devil Girl 9/10 (B the way, who is Draco Malfoy?)

Ralin Drakus 8.5/10

take it easy baby take it as it comes
January 1, 2008 6:07 am #

Thank you :D

Draco Malfoy is one of the main characters from the Harry Potter books.

Here is what the Happy Potter Wiki has to say (be careful if you read it as thee are spoilers)

Jedi photographer - May the focus be with me.
January 1, 2008 7:39 am #

Now I finally know where A_A is from!
Adeptus_Astartes definately sounds cool.. Ten points

Космические рейнджеры 2: Доминаторы
(Lancelot! <3)
January 1, 2008 10:43 am #

I got mine from the Taung, (the original Mandalorians) who called themselves 'shadow warriors' because a series of volcanic eruptions on there world put so much ash into the atmosphere that it was dark for around 10 years.

(and the Mandal part is just short for Mandalorian)

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
January 1, 2008 10:47 am #

Your username is very cool, Mandal,lol. I love it 8.9/10

You've been holding out on us again haven't you? Since you haven't given us enough money, I'll guess I'll have to take it out of you piece by piece! - Unknown Mandalorian.
January 1, 2008 7:20 pm #

I like Ralin's, it does sound original. 8/10

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
January 3, 2008 9:16 pm #

AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw c'mon guys...

How can you go wrong with The Virulent Messiah?

Huh? Huh?

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
January 3, 2008 10:42 pm #

Pretty good, V_M; can't get much more original. . . . . . .   9.5/10

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
January 4, 2008 1:10 am #

Yes i like VM's aswell, 9.7 out of / 10

You've been holding out on us again haven't you? Since you haven't given us enough money, I'll guess I'll have to take it out of you piece by piece! - Unknown Mandalorian.
January 4, 2008 5:13 am #

wow, everybody's names are really good, but my ratings are as follows:
Kiaza, Ralin, and VM- all get 10 out of 10, the names are really cool and original :D
A_A, Mandal_ShadowWarrior, and Draco Fett- 9 out of 10, names are still really good and original
green, devil girl, terron, and Fetts 2-8 out of 10, names could be a bit more original.

Don't know how good mine is so please feel free to rate it :D

jet pack & rocket launcher-800 credits, mandolorian armor-5,000 credits, being the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy-priceless. brought to you by JediMaster Card
January 4, 2008 11:26 am #

Thanx guys...

lemme see...all the Fetts get an average range 5, Ralin Drakus 9.5 (no idea where your names from and thats cool), Adeptus, Kaiza, and Mandal 9's (definitelty original as far as the boards go), Maltese Kentaiba 8.5 (strange and original), Devil Girl and Terron 7's. Cloneapart 8.5 (intriguing...)

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
January 4, 2008 11:37 am #

Wow. I feel bad, I never give people a high rating unless I feel they have really earned it. I have not seen one of you rate any below a 7. Draco I give you a 6/10, cloneapart 5/10 , green helmeted fett 6/10.

...I live by one rule and it is this: Freedom. Enslave no one and be no ones slave. No more no less. I am a hunter and no one rules me. - Alo Fett
January 9, 2008 12:34 am #
Alo Fett wrote:

Wow. I feel bad, I never give people a high rating unless I feel they have really earned it.

And you SHOULD feel bad, VERY bad!  *kidding,  :P   Wasn't going to rate high either, but get carried away in all the high scores.  And besides, I really do like most all the user names here*

I usually don't rate 'Fett' names high, as I feel they take down the originallity, but the Alo part if different and I sort of like it.  7.3/10

I really like cloneapart!  8.4/10 !

Maltese Kentaiba, now that's different *and just like the name 'Maltese'  :)  9/10

Devil Girl:  name is all right; but seems out of place to me;  7/10  *even though your av is VERY hot!*

Terron: no CLUE what you're av is all about  :P  but the name is different; I like it.  Where's it come from?   8.4/10

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
January 9, 2008 1:01 am #

I like everything & everybody on this site, and I would give all of you 10/10!!!
You  are so creative and interesting, people! That's wonderfull, honestly!!!  :cool:

January 9, 2008 2:07 am #
BobaFett243 wrote:

YAH adeptus go Space Marines WHOOT!!!! 10/10 and if i could change my display name now it would be Commander Ret or The Otter so judge those

The Otter??  Won't rate that as I'm not 100% sure where that's coming from

But Commander Ret is good!  8.5/10 !

And since nobody seems to know *and I've already got some sweet ratings for it  :D, * I'll tell where I got my name. 

Comes from. . . . . . . .  *static* . . . . . . . . .  :P

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."

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