HEy everybody!!
THis was just a quick post i made so that everyone could post their New Years resolutions on here!
One of my resolutions is to keep my room clean!! LOL!! :P
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
HEy everybody!!
THis was just a quick post i made so that everyone could post their New Years resolutions on here!
One of my resolutions is to keep my room clean!! LOL!! :P
Try not to get angry at spammers who want me to join and RPG that I've already told them I'm not going to join.
Try not to get angry at spammers who want me to join and RPG that I've already told them I'm not going to join.
LOL...poor spammers...
ummm...i resolve to...ummmm...spend only just enough time on BFFC so that my girl's not ready to hunt you all down one by one and reclaim my lost soul...LOL
Save Yourselves.
Adeptus_Astartes wrote:Try not to get angry at spammers who want me to join and RPG that I've already told them I'm not going to join.
LOL...poor spammers...
ummm...i resolve to...ummmm...spend only just enough time on BFFC so that my girl's not ready to hunt you all down one by one and reclaim my lost soul...LOL
Save Yourselves.
Oh my. Uh, VM, would I need to lock all the doors and windows and baricade myself in my room with a shotgun?
lol yeah thats very funny but i resolve tthat ummmmmmmmmmmmm...... to get new games for 360 and to stop hitting my little bro lol im so sorry bro......... (laughing.....laughing.....laughing awww im crying can't breath)
virulent_messiah wrote:Adeptus_Astartes wrote:Try not to get angry at spammers who want me to join and RPG that I've already told them I'm not going to join.
LOL...poor spammers...
ummm...i resolve to...ummmm...spend only just enough time on BFFC so that my girl's not ready to hunt you all down one by one and reclaim my lost soul...LOL
Save Yourselves.
Oh my. Uh, VM, would I need to lock all the doors and windows and baricade myself in my room with a shotgun?
I think I'm with you on this one, Adeptus. I don't know how vicious this woman is, but I'm not taking any chances.
Adeptus_Astartes wrote:virulent_messiah wrote:LOL...poor spammers...
ummm...i resolve to...ummmm...spend only just enough time on BFFC so that my girl's not ready to hunt you all down one by one and reclaim my lost soul...LOL
Save Yourselves.
Oh my. Uh, VM, would I need to lock all the doors and windows and baricade myself in my room with a shotgun?
I think I'm with you on this one, Adeptus. I don't know how vicious this woman is, but I'm not taking any chances.
ok, ok...she's not THAT violent...ummmm...i hope...
Ok, well just to be safe i'm keeping my kinves under my pillow.....*looks over shoulder frequently*
Nope, what if she has reinforcements?
Well it's 2008 in Australia. My New Year Resolution is to eat better and lose 10kg... fingers crossed :D
I have no resolutins realy, just to be myself and try to make freinds.
learn Spanish.
but that was last years as well.
Moving this to the FANS thread
My new years resolution is also to keep my room clean, lol! My mum keeps having to clean it. I'm going to try.
Also i want to learn german, since my stepdad is german. :)
I need to lose a little weight and make sure that I not only declutter the flat but also keep it clean.
I am also hoping to go back to college as well to study either Scottish Gaelic, creative writing or art :D
Edited to add: I really must get to bed earlier. Getting to bed at gone 4am was a wee bit too late :D
To see at least one metal concert a year.
i am going to learn german too because my stepdad is german , so he'll teach me hopefully, lol :P
I dont need a resolution.....I'm happy the way I am. :D
So you dont have any negatives to this year? :O
I dont need a resolution.....I'm happy the way I am. :D
I would say lose a few pounds but that's a bit generic. So instead I'd say get my finannces under control and get a descent job.
I never do resolutions, cause I always forget them...
My New Years resolution is to live one more year. If I don't who cares? I'll be in Heaven.
No resolutions... I like me, and there's nothing I really feel like changing. Survival is of some importance...so maybe i'll keep an eye on that. a he he he
My resolutions...hmmm...I think I'll stop procrastinating someday, if I get to it. lol :D
Do all my homework, get better at driving, and make it to my next birthday i hope :D
My resolutions...hmmm...I think I'll stop procrastinating someday,
lol. nice. i'm supposed to be reading and taking notes on tale of troy....but obviously I'm not.
Yo Werda Verd, sweet avatar!
cloneapart wrote:My resolutions...hmmm...I think I'll stop procrastinating someday,
UNITE WE WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks you, thank you......i have a better one, believe it or not--a sweet view of a mando visor, with lightening flashing. or something. heres a link.
probably won't work--heres the page i found it on--
sorry if it doens't show.....but it won't let me change it. :(
Sweetness.....oooops, I think we've wandered from the subject a bit.
Here, my new years resolution this year will be......ummmmmm.....i know, GET MORE SLEEP!!!!
BB* :cool:
GAH!!!*returns to topic*
I dont realy have any
AA :P (Had to BB just had to)
oh....it changed now!! i was going to be highly annoyed....oh well.
ON TOPIC: probably get more sleep too. that's a good one.